MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
When using the ACA solver the workflow usually consists of three steps
In the following these three steps are given in details.
A detailed overview of all possible properties is given here.
To generate input data to be solved with the FWH method at first a FWH permeable surface needs to be defined. This is done by providing a triangulated surface geometry written in an ASCII .stl file format. These file may be generated using a python script, paraview, or an external meshing tool. It is possible that the surface is distributed among multiple files. Assuming in the following these files are named fwh0.stl
, fwh1.stl
and so forth.
To sample flow or acoustic field data in the previous solver run the post processing needs to be enabled to activate the surface sampling options
Here, every 9920
time steps for each of the two surfaces a surface sample file is written. Each of these files contains surfaceDataWriteInterval/surfaceDataSampleInterval = 155
temporal samples for each triangle defined in the surfaceDataFileName
geometry. Thus, at the end per each surface data (surfaceDataEndTimeStep-surfaceDataStartTimeStep)/surfaceDataWriteInterval=160
sampled files are located in the directory out_surfaceSampling/
. The first file will be named with the suffix id number surfaceDataStartTimeStep/surfaceDataWriteInterval = 40
, i.e., the number starts from the first time step even if later sampling start time step is chosen.
The generation of analytical input data is done right in advance of a simulation run. This is documented here in the following section.
To predict the acoustic far-field using the ACA solver three steps are relevant for setting up a case
In the following the different parts of a ACA property file are described individually, whereas a merged file is given here in advance:
(Click here to expand complete property file)
More options and details about different types, e.g. for windowType
, are documented here.
The name of the solver is MAIA_ACOUSTIC_ANALOGY
, which features an acousticMethod
in the moment named "FWH"
(see mathematical model and numerical method). As the FWH equation is solved in frequency domain and sampled input data and some of the output data is in time domain a transformation (here Fourier transformation) between these domains is required and set via transformationType
. A Fourier transformation requires an infinite long temporal sample. Hence, spectral leakage may occur when using a restricted input signal length. This is reduced by choosing an appropriate windowing function via windowType
Data can be made non-dimensional in different ways. Therefore, the flag acaResultsNondimMode
is used to specify different modes of assuming input data dimensions and writing output data with a certain dimension. E.g., the mode 2
assumes that the input data is made non-dimensional as done in the LB solver while the output is made non-dimensional by the infinity state as described in the numerical method of the ACA solver.
As already outlined in the generating input section different ways of defining/reading input data are possible.
To read input from sampling files obtained from a previous solver run as described in generating input the following set of properties is relevant
In the case where multiple data on multiple surfaces is sampled, these are selected using noSurfaces
and the corresponding Id via surfaceIds
It is possible to use only a subset of the sampling files controlled via the properties inputFileIndexStart
and inputFileIndexEnd
. Furthermore, the number of temporal samples read from these files is controlled via acaNoSamples
Input from an analytical function is possible by considering two steps. First, a function describing the acoustic sources is to be selected. Second, the shape of the used FWH permeable surface/s needs to be described.
The source term type is choosen via sourceType
, whereas it's frequency, signal length, and units are controlled via the following properties
Multiple number of discrete FWH permeable surface/s might be defined using the following
For certain problems the usage of a symmetry boundary might be useful if the sampled data is not available. Therefore, a symmetry plane is defined by a point (symmetryOrigin
) and a surface normal (symmetryNormal
). For usage of multiple planes these two properties are simply continued
The location of the observer points is described either via a .csv
file or by using an analytical description, flagged by the property generateObservers
The location of the .csv
file is given with
Here, observerLocation.csv
might look as following, defining two arbitrarily located observer points
To generate observer points distributed along a circular path an observerRadius
as well as a noObservers
needs to be given
Different post processing operations are provided by the ACA solver, which might be applied directly after the solver run, or in a post-step on observer data already generated using the post processing mode (acaPostprocessingMode = True
). The number of post processing operations (noPostprocessingOps
) and the type of the postprocessingOps
is given here for an example
all operations available are documented in the ACA property page.