MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
First, the flow solver has to be turned on, and the grid solver off by selecting following boolean values in the properties file:
gridGenerator = false
flowSolver = true
When starting an FV simulation, the user has to choose the following solver property :
solvertype.0 = "MAIA_FINITE_VOLUME"
Next, an appropriate solver method for the time integration has to be chosen. For the finite volume solver the Runge-Kutta method can be chosen as:
solverMethod = "MAIA_RUNGE_KUTTA"
The dimensionality of the simulation can be chosen by setting the value of nDim
to 2 or 3.
The set of equations to be solved is implemented in the FV-solver through the sysEqn class. It can be set in the properties.toml file through the fvSystemEquations
Following options exist:
Property | Type | Description |
gamma | Float | Ratio of specific heats. Default value of 1.4 for fluid simulations concerning air. |
Infinity values for the primitive variables are defined through the dimensionless numbers and are needed in the B.C. definitions. Depending of the problem at hand, a different amount of them will be necessary, but the Reynolds number and Mach number will always have to be defined. In order to have a proper understanding about the non-dimensionalization procedure used in the code, see (mmNonDim).
Special attention when using the detailed chemistry equation set has to be taken. Since this equation system has not been non-dimensionalized the infinity values are specified directly and not through the dimensionless numbers.
Property | Type | Description |
Re | Float | Reynolds number |
Ma | Float | Mach number |
angle | Array of Floats | Angle of the incoming infinity velocity. For example a value [90, 0] would equal to an infinity velocity defined in Y+ direction. |
Initial conditions describe the starting values of all your variables at the first timestep of your simulation. The closer they are to reality, the faster the convergence and stability of your simulation will be. The initial conditions are implemented in the code, and tend to describe the distribution for a given specific problem. It is assigned by a numerical value to the property initialCondition
in fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
If the case to simulate has not been performed to date, it may be necessary to specify a new initial condition in the code.
The surface value reconstruction is given by the property surfaceValueReconstruction
. As the name implies, this property controls what type of algorithm is used to reconstruct the primitive variables at the surfaces from the values at the cell centroids.
Depending on your problem at hand, for example for supersonic simulations where shock-capturing is required, it may be important to switch from the default "HOCD"
. In this situation, a limited approach may be beneficial to avoid spurious oscillations across the shock.
Property | Type | Description |
surfaceValueReconstruction | String | Selects the reconstruction method. Possible values are:
A five-step Runge-Kutta Scheme of second-order accuracy is commonly applied to the temporal integration of the conservative variables. The number of coefficients of the RK method have to be equal to the number of steps specified. An example of the properties is given in the following, where the chosen RK order is set to two, a total of five iteration steps is conducted and the coefficients are chosen in such a way to maximize numerical stability.
Property | Type | Description |
noRKSteps | Int | Number of steps in the Runge-Kutta time-stepping method. |
rkalpha-step | Coefficients of the Runge-Kutta time-stepping method. Possible values are:
| |
rungeKuttaOrder | Int | Defines the runge kutta method (order). Possible values are:
The chosen time step has a great influence on the numerical stability of the employed methods. It is chosen by assigning a non-negative, non-zero value to the CFL-number cfl
(Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy number). This number governs the necessary condition for convergence when solving partial differential equations with explicit time integration schemes. Usual values in the theoretical sense range from 0 to 1 for a stable computation, however depending on the method used to compute the time step from the CFL number bigger numbers than 1 can also produce stable solutions. It is encouraged to try different values and find the highest value that still produces stable solutions, since this will speed up the convergence of the simulation while not negatively affecting the accuracy of the simulation if performed properly.
The exact method used to compute the time step from the given CFL number can be defined by the property timeStepMethod
by assigning an integer value to it. For exact details about how each of the methods works, refer to the code found in fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
Property | Type | Description |
cfl | Float | CFL number |
timeStepComputationInterval | Int | Specifies on which interval the time-step will be recomputed.
timeStepMethod | Int | Time step computation method.
Numerical diffusion can be fine tuned through the property globalUpwindCoefficient
, which sets the upwind coefficient for the pressure splitting
This property is normally used with values close to zero (around 0.01), meaning vanishing numerical diffusion and could lead to non-physical, high-frequent pressure oscillations for certain simulations. A case by case study may be necessary.
The numerical method for the computation of the viscous flux can impact numerical stability of the problem. By default, the five point discretization scheme is used.
Property | Type | Description |
viscousFluxScheme | String | Scheme for the calculation of the viscous flux Possible values are:
These settings control the memory allocation of the solver for each computational rank. These values can heavily impact code performance if not chosen appropiately. Trial and error may be required for fine-tuning memory allocation for a given case. A detailed explanation on these settings can be found in (@ugGeneralApplication).
Boundary conditions govern the behaviour of the solution in the boundary regions. A distinction is made in the solver between:
Common boundary conditions used in CFD, such as inlet, outlet, wall and symetry are present in the code. More exotic B.C., such as the Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Condition (NSCBC) can also be used. This type of B.C. allows outgoing pressure waves to pass through the boundary without reflecting them, and are useful for acoustic applications or pressure-sensitive simulations.
A list of the available boundary conditions is generated here: List of FV Boundary Conditions.
The regular boundary conditions are specified in the geometry file by assigning a numerical value (corresponding to the dessired B.C.) to the desired surface. Cut-off B.C. are specified in the properties file (after cut-off treatment) by the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
cutOff | Boolean | Flag to switch the cut-off treatment |
cutOffMethod | String | Method to define the cut-off. Accepted values are: |
cutOffCoordinates | Array of Floats | Coordinates to define the cut-off positions. Definition depends on the chosen method. |
Property | Type | Description |
createBoundaryAtCutoff | Boolean | Switch to turn the creation of cut-off B.C. on and off |
cutOffDirections | Array of Ints | Defines the cartesian direction of the cut-off surfaces away from the domain. This means in which direction the cut-off can be found. Following convention is held:
cutOffBndryIds | Array of Ints | The cut-off B.C. associated with the directions given in cutOffDirections . |
A sponge layer is an artificial modification of the RHS of the discretized conservation equation, such that the difference between the current value of a variable and a given value is dampened. There exists the possibility to define sponge layers around existing, already defined B.C. or to define them on the general boundaries of the domain. Depending on the used sponge layer type, one or more of the variables are dampened.
For setting the boundaries on the general boundaries of the domain, a spongeLayerThickness
> 0 has to be defined. The spongeLayerThickness
is given as a factor of \(L_{ref}\) and controls the thickness of the sponge layer in which the sponge layer forcing is applied. The spongeLayerType
gives the type of sponge chosen for the forcing. A comprehensive list of sponge layer types can be found here.
The property sigmaSponge
controls the amplitude of the forcing term. Bigger numbers should lead a stronger dampening of the difference. The spongeFactor
is an array and consists of a total of 2 * nDim floating point numbers. It controls on which domain boundaries a sponge layer is active. Each entry corresponds to the respecive direction (0: -x, 1: +x, 2: -y, ...) and controls the specific sponge layer thickness on this domain boundary. If a factor is zero, no sponge layer is generated in this direction.
A RANS simulation is started by setting
fvSystemEquations = FV_SYSEQN_RANS
RANS-specific settings:
Property | Type | Description |
ransMethod | String | Chooses the RANS equations to be solved. |
fullRANS | Boolean | Triggers a full RANS simulation. |
noRansEquations | Integer |
A mathematical description of the turbulence modeling is given here. Currently, the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is implemented. To use it set ransMethod = "RANS_SA"
and noRansEquations = 1
If you want to learn how to enable AMR for you simulation, read here. The list of all available sensors for the FV solver can be found here.