MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
MFloat pInftyDim
default = 101325
Used to calculate non-dimensional reference pressure. Is given in [Pa] by the expression (rho_infty * a_infty^2)/gamma. This is needed, as p_ref is defined to be 2e-5 Pa for air.
Keywords: ACA, post
MString AcaSolver::m_inputDir
Input directory for reading surface data.
Keywords: ACA, input
MString AcaSolver::m_observerFileName
default = ""
File name which specify observer location in a space separator ed ASCII file. Keywords: ACA, observer
MBool AcaSolver::m_generateObservers
default = false
Flag whether observer location are generated or read from oberverFileName.
Keywords: ACA, observer
MString AcaSolver::m_outputFilePrefix
default = ""
Prefix for output data.
Keywords: ACA, output
MInt AcaSolver::m_noSurfaces
default = 0
Number of permeable surface data files.
Keywords: ACA, input
MBool AcaSolver::m_surfaceIds
default = [0,1,2,..,n-1]
Surface ids to be used for reading surface data file. Default is a consecutive ordering.
Keywords: ACA, input
MBool AcaSolver::m_useMergedInputFile
default = true
Flag whether input surface data is in a merged file (true) or in the non merged format as written by the post processing class (false).
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt AcaSolver::m_inputFileIndexStart
For useMergedInputFile=true provides the start file index of the surface file to be read.
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt AcaSolver::m_inputFileIndexEnd
For useMergedInputFile=true provides the end file index of the surface file to be read.
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt AcaSolver::m_noSamples
default = -1
User specified number of samples to use for the computation (-1
means all samples in data file).
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt AcaSolver::m_sampleStride
default = 1
Stride used to read samples, i.e., read only every n-th sample.
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt AcaSolver::m_sampleOffset
default = 0
Offset used to read samples.
Keywords: ACA, input
MBool m_allowMultipleSurfacesPerRank
default = false
By default each rank hold data of one surface. This does not make sense if noSurfaces > noRanks, which is the purpose of this property.
Keywords: ACA
MBool AcaSolver::m_generateSurfaceData
default = false
Flag whether surface data is generated from analytical function.
Keywords: ACA, input
MBool AcaSolver::m_acaResultsNondimMode
default = 0
Possible values are:
non-dim ACA 1
non-dim stagnation 2
non-dim LB Keywords: ACA, output
MBool AcaSolver::m_storeSurfaceData
default = false
Check if (generated/loaded) surface should be written to a file (for testcases) .
Keywords: ACA, output
MInt AcaSolver::m_postprocessingOps
default = false
Id of the used post processing operations.
Possible values are:
calculate RMS pressure 1
calculate OASPL 2
calculate SPL 3
calculate absoulute pressure 4
calculate observer pressure Keywords: ACA, postprocessing
MBool AcaSolver::m_acaPostprocessingMode
default = false
Flag if only observer data from a previous run is read instead of performing a new simulation run, i.e., running in a only post processing mode.
Keywords: ACA, postprocessing
MString AcaSolver::m_acaPostprocessingFile
File name where input observer data are given.
Keywords: ACA, postprocessing
This property defines the origins of symmetry planes.
Any float array with length of multiple nDim
Keywords: ACA, BC, symmetry
This property defines the normals of symmetry planes.
Any float array with length of multiple nDim
Keywords: ACA, BC, symmetry
MInt AcaSolver::acousticMethod
Set method to be used for acoustic far-field prediction.
Possible values are:
Input data describes flow field \((\mv{u},\rho,p)\) "FWH_APE_METHOD"
Input data describes acoustic field \((\mv{u}^\prime,p^\prime)\) Keywords: ACA, numerical method
MInt AcaSolver::m_fwhTimeShiftType
Possible values are:
Zero time shift 1
Local time shift for each observer 2
Global time shift for all observers Define the constant time shift between source time and observer time, to make good use of the data. timeObserver = timeSource + delta_t. To plot the p' contour at a certain time, Zero or Global time shift for all observers is required.
Keywords: ACA, time-domain formulation
MInt AcaSolver::m_fwhMeanStateType
Possible values are:
use far-field flow states as mean properties, e.g. uMean = U_inf 1
use local time-averaged flow properties as mean properties, e.g. uMean = Keywords: ACA, numerical method
MInt AcaSolver::m_windowType
default = 0
The windowing function used to weighting the data before applying Fourier transformation. If the input signal is not an exact integer period this helps reducing spectral leakage.
Possible values are:
None 1
Hanning 2
Hamming 3
Modified Hamming Keywords: ACA, numerical method
MInt AcaSolver::m_transformationType
default = 1
Flag if Fast Fourier transformation (FFT) shall be used. Later it will be checked if this possible as FFT is only possible for a number samples being a potency of 2.
Possible values are:
discrete 1
fast Keywords: ACA, numerical method
MFloat weightingFactor
Weight applied to the source terms of the corresponding surface.
Keywords: ACA, numerical method
MFloat AcaSolver::m_MaVec[3]
default = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Free stream Mach number in vector notation.
Keywords: ACA, flow variables
MFloat AcaSolver::m_MaDim
default = Taking absolute value of Ma in vector notation.
Mach number for change of non-dimensionalization (e.g. for a jet).
Keywords: ACA, flow variables
MInt AcaSolver::m_sourceType
default = false
Type of generated source, e.g. Monopole, Dipole and so on. Used in generateSurfaceData()
and calcObsPressAnalytic()
Possible values are:
Analytic Monopole 1
Analytic Dipole 2
Analytic Quadrupole 3
Inviscid vortex convection Keywords: ACA, input
MFloat AcaSolver::m_sourceParameters.rho0
default = 1.0
Ambient density for source parameters.
Keywords: ACA, input
MFloat AcaSolver::m_omega_factor
default = 2D: 4.0, 3D: 4.0/46.0
Omega factor used for source parameters.
Keywords: ACA, input
default = m_omega_factor * PI * c0; Omega for source parameters.
Keywords: ACA, input
MFloat AcaSolver::m_sourceParameters.beta
default = sqrt(1 - Mach * Mach)
Beta factor for source parameters.
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt AcaSolver::m_noSamples
default = false
Set number of samples for generation of surface data.
Keywords: ACA, input
MFloat noPeriods
default = 1.0
Read number of periods.
Keywords: ACA, input
MFloat AcaSolver::m_dt
default = noPeriods * 2.0 * PI / (noSamples *
Computation of timeStep or read in if given.
Keywords: ACA, input
MString fileName
Name of the surface data files to be read in.
Here, surfaceDataFileName_0
is used for the first, surfaceDataFileName_1
for the second, and so on.
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt surfaceType
Type of the generated surfaces.
Here, surfaceType_0
is used for the first, surfaceType_1
for the second, and so on.
Possible values are:
plane 1
circle Keywords: ACA, input
MInt noSegments
Number of surface segments to be generated for a surface file.
Here, noSegments_0
is used for the first, noSegments_1
for the second, and so on.
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt surfaceNormalDir
Get surface outer normal direction (0:-x; 1:x; 2:-y; 3:y; 4:-z; 5:z).
Here, surfaceNormalDir_0
is used for the first, surfaceNormalDir_1
for the second, and so on.
Keywords: ACA, input
std::vector<MFloat> planeCoordinates(2*nDim)
default = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Number of surface segments to be generated for a surface file.
Here, surfaceCoordinates_0
is used for the first, surfaceCoordinates_1
for the second, and so on.
Keywords: ACA, input
MInt noGlobalObservers
default = 100
Number of observer points that are created when generateObservers
is True
Keywords: ACA, observer
MFloat radius
default = 50.0
Radius of t he circle on which observer points are distributed.
Keywords: ACA, observer