MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
No Matches
Structured Tutorial 1 (Setup)

This tutorial describes the steps to set up the structured solver in MAIA, which is necessary and recommended to run a basic simulation in the following tutorials. For more information on the configuration of the structured solver, please refer to the corresponding user guide section configuration of the structured solver.

Unlike the Cartesian solver part of MAIA, the structured solver cannot generate the grid itself, i.e., no stl folder and no stl-files as for the Cartesian solver part of MAIA, please refer to the Cartesian tutorials). Therefore, the grid must be created beforehand and then provided to the structured solver part of MAIA. For more details on the numerical method, please refer to the following sections on the structured grid and the strcutured finite volume solver.


Refer to the instructions given in the installation section or quickstart and complete the following tasks:

  1. Clone a recent version of MAIA from GIT.
  2. Compile a version of MAIA with production settings using the GNU compiler.

Folders and Files

In the following tutorial you will encounter the following folders and files:

Folder / file name Applications
grid.hdf5 Grid file in HDF5 format to be read in by the solver. The name needs to be specified in the property file (see next row of this table)
properties_???.toml Configuration file used to define properties for the solver setup, restart, output, etc.
/out Output folder which contains the simulation results as HDF5 solution files SomeTimestep.hdf5, where SomeTimestep is the integer number of the time step at which the file was written out
/auxdata Folder for auxdata files, which contain spatially resolved wall properties, e.g., \(c_f \)
/boxes Folder for box output files, i.e., HDF5 files which contain sub-volumes of the primitive (and possibly other) variables

Tutorial Setup

After having downloaded and installed (configured and compiled) MAIA, proceed with the following steps for setting up the tutorials.

  1. Download the files of the tutorials for the strcutured solver part of MAIA from the given link and unzip with the command

    cd /some/folder/
    unzip ~/Downloads/

  2. In the top directory of each tutorial folder, link your MAIA executable to the tutorial directory, so you can save space and easily access it from within the tutorial. Repeat this for every tutorial:
    cd tutorialNo1
    ln -s /home/someuser/Solver/src/maia ./maia
  3. Test if MAIA is correctly linked by opening MAIA's help:
    maia -h
In the beginning you can leave the property files unchanged, as these tutorials are only intended to give an overview of the simulation workflow. Once you have gone through the simulation workflow once, you can play around with the property settings.