MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
No Matches
Tutorial 1 (Setup)

This tutorial details the steps necessary to setup and run a basic simulation using MAIA.


Refer to the instructions given in the installation section and complete the following tasks:

  1. Clone a recent version of MAIA from GIT .
  2. Compile a version of MAIA with production settings using the GNU compiler.

Default File Structure

The default folder structure and used files in the tutorials are:

Folder / file name Applications
/stl Contains the STL data of the geometry
/out Contains the results and the grid file
/reference Contains the reference data for the test case (optional)
geometry.toml Configuration file used to define the geometry and boundary conditions
properties_grid.toml Configuration file used to define properties for the grid generator
properties_run.toml Configuration file used to define properties for the solver run
properties_restart.toml Configuration file used to define properties for the solver restart
*.stl Geometry data file
*.netcdf Result data in NetCDF format
*.vtk/vtu/vtp Result data for visualization

Test Case Setup

  1. Download the test case file for tutorial 1:
  2. In the top directory of WS1, Link your maia executable into the tutorial directory, such you can access it easily from within:
    ln -s <path_to_the_MAIA_directory>/src/maia ./maia
  3. Configure properties in the file geometry.toml, properties_grid.toml and properties_run.toml. Prepare for the simulation.

Note: You can leave the property files as it is, since this first tutorial is aimed to simply illustrate the overview of the simulation workflow. We will play with the property setups in the following tutorials.

Test Simulation

1) Grid Generation

Before running a simulation, the grid file of the test case has to be generated.

  • Run MAIA in the top directory of WS1, while giving properties_grid.toml as a command line argument:
    ./maia properties_grid.toml
  • As a result you should now see the following outputs in the terminal:
Global MPI information
MPI Info: nkeys = 1
MPI Info: [0] key = nc_header_align_size, value = 10240
_____ ______ ________ ___ ________
____|\ _ \ _ \ |\ __ \ |\ \ |\ __ \ ___
___\ \ \\\__\ \ \\ \ \|\ \\ \ \\ \ \|\ \ ___
___\ \ \\|__| \ \\ \ __ \\ \ \\ \ __ \ ___
___\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ ___
___\ \__\ \ \__\\ \__\ \__\\ \__\\ \__\ \__\ ___
___\|__| \|__| \|__|\|__| \|__| \|__|\|__| ____
Start time: 2023-01-23 09:00:00
Number of ranks: **
Number of OMP threads: **
Host (of rank 0): **
Working directory: <path_to_the_test_case_directory>/WS1
User: **
Executable: maia
Command line args: maia properties_grid.toml
m_noSolvers: 1
Parallel grid generator started on process 0
(1) reading properties
(2) initializing member variables
(3) initializing geometry
+ center of gravity: 0 0
+ decisive direction: 0
+ geometry extents: 2 2
+ bounding box: -1 -1 1 1
(4) creating initial grid
+ refining from: 0 to 2
+ initial cube size: 2
+ refining grid on level 0:
100% done.
* finding the neighbors for the new level
* detecting outside cells to delete:
- outside cells deleted: 0
- new offsets: 9996 10000
+ refining grid on level 1:
100% done.
* finding the neighbors for the new level
* detecting outside cells to delete:
- outside cells deleted: 0
- new offsets: 0 16
+ created 16 cells for level 2
+ creating Hilbert curve
* resorting cells after Hilbert id
+ refining grid on level 2:
100% done.
* detecting outside cells to delete:
- outside cells deleted: 0
- new offsets: 16 80
+ refining grid on level 3:
100% done.
* detecting outside cells to delete:
- outside cells deleted: 0
- new offsets: 80 336
+ checking mesh validity for LB
* mesh is OK
+ reordering global ids
* traversing all cells depth-first
* finding partition cells
- found 16
(7) writing grid to file
g_multiSolverGrid: 0
+ grid file written to './out/grid.Netcdf'
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ./out/grid.Netcdf |7.2110e-03 s |
(8) Cleaning up
  • Congratulations ! You just created your first grid file with MAIA.
  • Run ParaView with the command: parav and open the just created ./out/grid.Netcdf.

Note: If you get the message cannot connect to x-server. You need to use the command ssh -X to connect to the server you want to run paraview on.

  • Select globalid (grid) in the property list and you will see the follwing results:

2) Run a Simulation

After the grid generation, we can start the simulation.

  • In the top directory of WS1, run MAIA agian while giving properties_run.toml as a command line argument:
    ./maia properties_run.toml
  • Output in terminal:
Global MPI information
MPI Info: nkeys = 1
MPI Info: [0] key = nc_header_align_size, value = 10240
_____ ______ ________ ___ ________
____|\ _ \ _ \ |\ __ \ |\ \ |\ __ \ ___
___\ \ \\\__\ \ \\ \ \|\ \\ \ \\ \ \|\ \ ___
___\ \ \\|__| \ \\ \ __ \\ \ \\ \ __ \ ___
___\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ ___
___\ \__\ \ \__\\ \__\ \__\\ \__\\ \__\ \__\ ___
___\|__| \|__| \|__|\|__| \|__| \|__|\|__| ____
Start time: 2023-01-23 09:01:00
Number of ranks: **
Number of OMP threads: **
Host (of rank 0): **
Working directory: <path_to_the_test_case_directory>/WS1
User: **
Executable: maia
Command line args: maia properties_run.toml
m_noSolvers: 1
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Create geometries | min: 9.2793e-04 s | avg: 9.2793e-04 s | max: 9.2793e-04 s |
=== Create grid...
=== Create Cartesian grid...
Grid consisting of 1 solvers.
#### WARNING: haloMode==0 is deprecated!!!
Loading grid file ././out/grid.Netcdf
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Open grid file | min: 2.0249e-03 s | avg: 2.0249e-03 s | max: 2.0249e-03 s |
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Read attributes etc | min: 7.0095e-05 s | avg: 7.0095e-05 s | max: 7.0095e-05 s |
* partition grid on 1 domains...
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Partition | min: 9.3222e-05 s | avg: 9.3222e-05 s | max: 9.3222e-05 s |
* create data structure for 336 cells
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Read cell info | min: 1.5020e-05 s | avg: 1.5020e-05 s | max: 1.5020e-05 s |
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Correct offsets PLS | min: 1.2875e-05 s | avg: 1.2875e-05 s | max: 1.2875e-05 s |
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Read solver info | min: 5.9605e-06 s | avg: 5.9605e-06 s | max: 5.9605e-06 s |
* setup grid connectivity from level 2 to 4
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Read min cell info | min: 7.7963e-05 s | avg: 7.7963e-05 s | max: 7.7963e-05 s |
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Exchange partition level ancestors | min: 3.8147e-06 s | avg: 3.8147e-06 s | max: 3.8147e-06 s |
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Setup local grid subtrees | min: 4.0531e-06 s | avg: 4.0531e-06 s | max: 4.0531e-06 s |
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Propagate neighbors | min: 1.6499e-04 s | avg: 1.6499e-04 s | max: 1.6499e-04 s |
=== MAIA GRID DURATION: Load grid total | min: 2.6278e-03 s | avg: 2.6278e-03 s | max: 2.6278e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/grid.Netcdf | 2.9480e-03 s |
=== 0.60 KB globally allocated by CartesianGrid. Total global memory: 0.60 KB. ===
=== 0.60 KB maximum globally allocated by CartesianGrid. ===
=== done.
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Create grid | min: 3.7968e-03 s | avg: 3.7968e-03 s | max: 3.7968e-03 s |
FV-MB is off
FV-LS is off
LB is off
LB LS is off
LS SOLVER is off
DG is off
LS-RANS is off
=== Create solvers...
Solver #0 - maximum number of DG elements among ranks: 256
Solver #0 - minimum number of DG elements among ranks: 256
Solver #0 - maximum number of DG surfaces among ranks: 30000
=== 0.00 KB globally allocated by DgCartesianSolver (solverId = 0). Total
global memory: 0.60 KB. ===
=== 0.00 KB maximum globally allocated by DgCartesianSolver (solverId = 0). ===
=== done.
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Create solver #0 | min: 3.0832e-03 s | avg: 3.0832e-03 s | max: 3.0832e-03 s |
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Create solvers | min: 3.0949e-03 s | avg: 3.0949e-03 s | max: 3.0949e-03 s |
=== Create couplers...
=== done.
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Create couplers | min: 4.0531e-06 s | avg: 4.0531e-06 s | max: 4.0531e-06 s |
=== Create grid controller...
=== done.
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Create grid controller | min: 1.0300e-04 s | avg: 1.0300e-04 s | max: 1.0300e-04 s |
=== Init solvers...
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Init solver #0 | min: 6.5708e-04 s | avg: 6.5708e-04 s | max: 6.5708e-04 s |
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Init solvers | min: 8.2397e-04 s | avg: 8.2397e-04 s | max: 8.2397e-04 s |
=== Init couplers...
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Init couplers | min: 3.0994e-06 s | avg: 3.0994e-06 s | max: 3.0994e-06 s |
=== done.
=== Initial adaptation...
=== done.
=== Finalize initialization of solvers and couplers...
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000000.Netcdf | 5.5048e-03 s
| System of equations | DG_SYSEQN_LINEARSCALARADV |
| Number of dimensions | 2 |
| Number of variables | 1 |
| | Conservative variable name(s) | scalar |
| Restart | no |
| Initial condition | 5 |
| Start time (non-dimensionalized) | 0.000000 |
| Final time (non-dimensionalized) | 3.000000 |
| CFL | 1.000000 |
| Recalculation interval for time step | 0 |
| Time step | 0 |
| Maximum number of time steps | 20000 |
| Initial polynomial degree | 3 |
| Minimum polynomial degree (limit) | 3 |
| Maximum polynomial degree (limit) | 3 |
| Polynomial type | Legendre |
| Integration method | Gauss |
| Time integration scheme | Carpenter 4/5 |
| Domain id | 0 |
| Number of neighbor domains | 0 |
| Number of exchange neighbor domains | -1 |
| Total number of domains | 1 |
| Minimum used polynomial degree | 3 |
| Maximum used polynomial degree | 3 |
| Average used polynomial degree | 3.000000 |
| |
| Minimum grid level | 2 |
| Maximum grid level | 4 |
| | |
| Number of cells | 336 |
| | internal cells | 336 |
| | halo cells | 0 |
| Number of active cells | 256 |
| Number of active DOFs | 4096 |
| Max. number of cells (collector size) | 10001 |
| Memory utilization | 3.359664 |
| |
| Number of elements | 256 |
| Number of helements | 0 |
| | |
| Number of surfaces | 544 |
| | boundary surfaces | 64 |
| | inner surfaces | 480 |
| | MPI surfaces | 0 |
| Max. number of surfaces (collector size)| 30000 |
| Memory utilization | 1.813333 |
| Minimum used polynomial degree | 3 |
| Maximum used polynomial degree | 3 |
| Average used polynomial degree | 3.000000 |
| | |
| Minimum grid level | 2 |
| Maximum grid level | 4 |
| | |
| Number of cells | 336 |
| | internal cells | 336 |
| | halo cells | 0 |
| Number of active cells | 256 |
| Number of active DOFs | 4096 |
| Max. number of cells (collector size) | 10001 |
| Memory utilization | 3.359664 |
| | |
| Number of elements | 256 |
| Number of helements | 0 |
| | |
| Number of surfaces | 544 |
| | boundary surfaces | 64 |
| | inner surfaces | 480 |
| | MPI surfaces | 0 |
| | Surfaces marked for p-ref | 0 |
| | Surfaces marked for h-ref | 0 |
| Max. number of surfaces (collector size)| 30000 |
| Memory utilization | 1.813333 |
| exact | 0 |
| Enabled? | no |
| Enabled? | no |
| Operator | |
Solver 0 running 'DG_SYSEQN_LINEARSCALARADV' with N = 3 and maxLevel = 4
No. timesteps: 0
dt: 0.000000e+00
Run time: 0.000000e+00 s
Time/DOF/step: 0.000000e+00 s
Variable: scalar
L^2 error: 3.105439e-05
L^inf error: 5.146002e-04
Simulation time: 0.000000e+00
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Finalize initialization solver #0 | min: 6.9990e-03 s | avg: 6.9990e-03 s | max: 6.9990e-03 s |
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Finalize initialization | min: 7.0081e-03 s | avg: 7.0081e-03 s | max: 7.0081e-03 s |
=== done.
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Finalize coupler init | min: 9.536Download default case setup archive. It contains all absolutely necessary files and folders with basic default settings. All necessary properties are given in the configuration file7e-07 s | avg: 9.5367e-07 s | max: 9.5367e-07 s |
=== MAIA RUN DURATION: Full initialization | min: 1.6179e-02 s | avg: 1.6179e-02 s | max: 1.6179e-02 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000020.Netcdf | 6.5930e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000040.Netcdf | 5.4438e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000060.Netcdf | 5.2888e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000080.Netcdf | 5.1889e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000100.Netcdf | 5.3329e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000120.Netcdf | 5.4479e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000140.Netcdf | 5.3840e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000160.Netcdf | 5.5170e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000180.Netcdf | 4.8411e-03 s |
Solver 0 running 'DG_SYSEQN_LINEARSCALARADV' with N = 3 and maxLevel = 4
No. timesteps: 193
dt: 1.203231e-02
Run time: 1.481519e-01 s
Time/DOF/step: 1.252514e-07 s
Variable: scalar
L^2 error: 2.408991e-32
L^inf error: 1.210788e-30
Simulation time: 3.000000e+00
MAIA finished. Final time: 3 Time steps: 193
Writing restart files at time step 193 :
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/restart_00000193.Netcdf | 6.8870e-03 s |
=== PARALLELIO FILE LIFETIME: ././out/solution_00000193.Netcdf | 4.6918e-03 s |

Congratulations ! You completed your first simulation with MAIA.

  • Open ./out/solution_00000* files in ParaView.
  • Select scalar in the property list. The results should look like this: