MAIA bb96820c
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FvStructuredSolver3D Class Reference

3D structured solver class More...

#include <fvstructuredsolver3d.h>

Inheritance diagram for FvStructuredSolver3D:
Collaboration diagram for FvStructuredSolver3D:

Public Types

typedef void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* fluxmethod) (MFloat *, MFloat *, MInt, MInt)
- Public Types inherited from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >
using Timers = maia::structured::Timers_

Public Member Functions

 FvStructuredSolver3D (MInt, StructuredGrid< 3 > *, MBool *, const MPI_Comm comm)
 ~FvStructuredSolver3D ()
void addGhostPointCoordinateValues ()
 Extrapolates and exchanges ghost point coordinates. More...
void extrapolateGhostPointCoordinatesBC ()
void initSolutionStep (MInt mode)
void initialCondition () override
 Computation of infinity values for the conservative and primitive variables. More...
void assignBndryCells ()
void nonReflectingBC ()
void applyBoundaryCondition () override
void calcSurfaceMetrics ()
void initBndryCnds ()
void allocateSingularities ()
void applySandpaperTrip ()
void applySandpaperTripAirfoil ()
void initSandpaperTrip ()
void tripForceCoefficients (MFloat *, MFloat *, MFloat *, MInt, MInt)
void tripFourierCoefficients (MFloat *, MInt, MFloat, MFloat)
void computeDomainWidth () override
void computeZonalConnections ()
void zonalExchange () override
void zonalAllreduce ()
void zonalRealInterpolation ()
void zonalGather ()
void zonalSend ()
void zonalReceive ()
void zonalCheck ()
void zonalBufferAverage ()
void zonalScatter ()
void spanwiseAvgZonal (std::vector< MFloat * > &) override
void distributeFluxToCells ()
void computeTimeStep () override
void computeVorticity () override
void computeLambda2Criterion () override
 Function to compute the lambda_2 criterion. More...
MFloat computeTotalKineticEngergy ()
MFloat computeTotalPressure ()
void initializeNeighbourCellIds ()
void initFluxMethod ()
void computePrimitiveVariables () override
template<MFloat(FvStructuredSolver::*)(MInt) const = &FvStructuredSolver::dummy>
void computePrimitiveVariables_ ()
MFloat pressure (MInt)
MFloat getPSI (MInt, MInt)
void Ausm ()
void AusmLES (MFloat *QLeft, MFloat *QRight, const MInt dim, const MInt cellId)
 AUSM central. More...
void AusmLES_PTHRC (MFloat *QLeft, MFloat *QRight, MInt dim, MInt cellId)
 AUSM PTHRC. More...
void AusmDV (MFloat *QLeft, MFloat *QRight, MInt dim, MInt cellId)
template<MInt noVars>
void Muscl_AusmLES ()
template<MInt noVars>
void Muscl_AusmLES_PTHRC ()
template<MInt noVars>
void Muscl_AusmDV ()
template<fluxmethod ausm, MInt noVars>
void MusclStretched_ ()
void Muscl (MInt timerId=-1) override
void MusclRANS ()
void MusclVenkatakrishnan3D ()
 MUSCL with Venkatakrishan limiter. More...
void MusclAlbada ()
void MusclMinModLimiter ()
void computeCellLength ()
void computeReconstructionConstantsSVD ()
void VENKATAKRISHNAN_MOD_FCT (MFloat effNghbrDelta, MFloat srfcDelta, MFloat dxEpsSqr, MInt cellPos, MInt var, MFloatScratchSpace &minPhi)
 Venkatakrishnan limiter, modified for better results. More...
void VENKATAKRISHNAN_FCT (MFloat effNghbrDelta, MFloat srfcDelta, MFloat dxEpsSqr, MInt cellPos, MInt var, MFloatScratchSpace &minPhi)
 Standard Venkatakrishnan limiter. More...
void BARTH_JESPERSON_FCT (MFloat effNghbrDelta, MFloat srfcDelta, MFloat dxEpsSqr, MInt cellPos, MInt var, MFloatScratchSpace &minPhi)
 Barth-Jesperson Limiter. More...
MBool maxResidual ()
 Computation of the maximum residual. More...
MBool rungeKuttaStep ()
void updateSpongeLayer ()
void addDisturbance ()
void viscousFlux ()
void viscousFluxRANS ()
template<MBool twoEqRans = false>
void viscousFluxLES ()
 Viscous flux computation. More...
void moveGrid (const MBool isRestart, const MBool zeroPos) override
void applyBodyForce (const MBool isRestart, const MBool zeroPos) override
void initMovingGrid () override
void initBodyForce () override
void applyViscousBoundaryCondition ()
void applyInviscidBoundaryCondition ()
virtual void computeFrictionPressureCoef (MBool computePower) override
void initFFTW (fftw_complex *uPhysField, fftw_complex *vPhysField, fftw_complex *wPhysField, MInt lx, MInt ly, MInt lz, MInt noPeakModes)
void getFourierCoefficients (MFloat *k, MFloat k0, std::complex< MFloat > *fourierCoefficient)
 Generates a single complex coefficient of Fourier series. More...
MFloat randnormal (MFloat mu, MFloat sigma)
 Returns a normal distributed random-number with mu=mean and sigma=standard deviation. More...
void loadRestartBC2600 ()
void loadRestartBC2601 ()
void loadRestartSTG (MBool)
void gather (const MBool, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< 3 > > > &) override
void scatter (const MBool, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< 3 > > > &) override
void waveGather ()
void waveScatter ()
void waveSend (std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
void waveReceive (std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
void waveExchange () override
void spanwiseWaveReorder () override
void gcFillGhostCells (std::vector< MFloat * > &)
void gcExtrapolate (std::vector< MFloat * > &)
void viscousFluxCorrection ()
void computeCumulativeAverage (MBool forceReset) override
void initInterpolatedPoints ()
 Compute all the interpolation coefficients necessary for the interpolation output. More...
void saveInterpolatedPoints () override
void saveNodalBoxes () override
void savePointsToAsciiFile (MBool) override
 Saves variables of given cells to ASCII file. More...
void initPointsToAsciiFile () override
virtual void computePorousRHS (MBool) override
void exchange6002 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >
 FvStructuredSolver (MInt solverId, StructuredGrid< nDim > *, MBool *propertiesGroups, const MPI_Comm comm)
 Constructor of the structured solver. More...
MBool isActive () const
void initializeFQField ()
 Counts the number of necessary FQ fields, allocates them and corrects the indexes of the FQ variable pointers. More...
MInt timer (const MInt timerId) const
MInt noSolverTimers (const MBool allTimings) override
virtual void writeHeaderAttributes (ParallelIoHdf5 *pio, MString fileType)
 Overloaded version of writeHeaderAttributes that receives ParallelIoHdf5 object pointer instead of 'fileId'. More...
virtual void writePropertiesAsAttributes (ParallelIoHdf5 *pio, MString path)
 Overloaded version of writePropertiesAsAttributes that receives ParallelIoHdf5 object pointer instead of 'fileId'. More...
void saveSolverSolution (MBool=false, const MBool=false) override
void saveSolution (MBool)
 Saves the soution to hdf5 file. More...
void savePartitions ()
 Saves the partitioned grid into an HDF5 file. Not used in production use but useful for debugging. More...
void saveBoxes ()
virtual void savePointsToAsciiFile (MBool)
virtual void initPointsToAsciiFile ()
virtual void saveInterpolatedPoints ()
virtual void saveNodalBoxes ()
virtual void reIntAfterRestart (MBool)
MBool prepareRestart (MBool, MBool &) override
 Prepare the solvers for a grid-restart. More...
void writeRestartFile (MBool) override
void writeRestartFile (const MBool, const MBool, const MString, MInt *) override
void shiftCellValuesRestart (MBool)
void loadRestartFile ()
 Load Restart File (primitive and conservative output) general formulation. More...
MBool loadBoxFile (MString, MString, MInt, MInt)
 Load Box file general formulation. More...
virtual void loadRestartBC2600 ()
virtual void loadRestartBC2601 ()
virtual void loadRestartSTG (MBool)
void saveForcesToAsciiFile (MBool)
 Function to save the force coefficients and power to an ASCII file. More...
void saveAveragedVariables (MString, MInt, MFloat **)
 Saves the averaged (mean) variables from postprocessing to an HDF5 file. More...
void saveProductionTerms (MString, MFloat **)
 Writes the production terms into a given file. More...
void saveDissipation (MString, MFloat *)
 Writes the dissipation into a given file. More...
void saveGradients (MString, MFloat **, MString *)
 Writes the gradients into a given file. More...
void saveAverageRestart (MString, MInt, MFloat **, MFloat **, MFloat **, MFloat **)
 Writes an restart file for postprocessing. More...
void getSolverTimings (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MFloat > > &solverTimings, const MBool allTimings) override
 Get solver timings. More...
void getDomainDecompositionInformation (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MInt > > &domainInfo) override
 Return decomposition information, i.e. number of local elements,... More...
virtual MFloat getCellLengthY (MInt, MInt, MInt)
virtual MFloat getCellCoordinate (MInt, MInt)
MInt noInternalCells () const override
 Return the number of internal cells within this solver. More...
void saveAuxData ()
void saveForceCoefficient (ParallelIoHdf5 *parallelIoHdf5)
 Saves force coefficients to an HDF5 file. More...
void computeAuxData ()
void computeAuxDataRoot ()
virtual void computeDomainWidth ()
void computeForceCoef ()
 Function to compute the force coefficient cl, split split into the viscous part cLv and the pressure part cLp. More...
void computeForceCoefRoot ()
 Function to compute the coefficient, split split into the viscous part cLv and the pressure part cLp The ROOT version is faster due to an MPI_Reduce instead of an MPI_Allreduce, but only root rank has data. More...
virtual void computeFrictionPressureCoef (MBool)=0
virtual ~FvStructuredSolver ()
MFloat computeRecConstSVD (const MInt ijk, const MInt noNghbrIds, MInt *nghbr, MInt ID, MInt sID, MFloatScratchSpace &tmpA, MFloatScratchSpace &tmpC, MFloatScratchSpace &weights, const MInt recDim)
 AUX DATA ENDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. More...
void initializeFvStructuredSolver (MBool *propertiesGroups)
 Structured Solver Constructor reads and allocate properties/variables. More...
void allocateAndInitBlockMemory ()
void allocateAuxDataMaps ()
 AUX DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. More...
void setRungeKuttaProperties ()
 This function reads the properties required for Runge Kutta time stepping. More...
void setSamplingProperties ()
void setNumericalProperties ()
 Reads and initializes properties associated with the numerical method. More...
void setInputOutputProperties ()
 Reads properties and initializes variables associated with input/output. More...
void setZonalProperties ()
 Set which zones are RANS and which are LES or if full LES or full RANS. More...
void allocateVariables ()
void setTestcaseProperties ()
 Reads and initializes properties associated with the Testcase. More...
void setMovingGridProperties ()
 Reads and initializes properties associated with the Moving Grid Methods. More...
void setBodyForceProperties ()
 Reads and initializes properties associated with the Moving Grid Methods. More...
void setPorousProperties ()
 Set properties for porous blocks. More...
void readAndSetSpongeLayerProperties ()
void setSTGProperties ()
void setProfileBCProperties ()
void createMPIGroups ()
void readAndSetAuxDataMap ()
void computePV ()
MFloat dummy (MInt) const
MFloat pressure_twoEqRans (MInt cellId) const
MFloat totalEnergy_twoEqRans (MInt cellId) const
void partitionGrid ()
virtual void computePrimitiveVariables ()
virtual void computeConservativeVariables ()
void computeConservativeVariables_ ()
void saveVarToPrimitive (MInt, MInt, MFloat)
virtual void gcFillGhostCells (std::vector< MFloat * > &)
void computeSamplingInterval ()
void checkNans ()
 Checks whole domain for NaNs and adds the number of NaNs globally. More...
void setVolumeForce ()
void computeVolumeForces ()
virtual void computePorousRHS (MBool)
void initPorous ()
virtual void applyBoundaryCondtition ()
virtual void moveGrid (MInt)
virtual void moveGrid (MBool, MBool)
virtual void initMovingGrid ()
virtual void initBodyForce ()
virtual void applyBodyForce (MBool, MBool)
virtual void computeLambda2Criterion ()
virtual void computeVorticity ()
void exchange ()
 SVD STUFF ENDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. More...
void exchange (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &)
 Parallel exchange of primitive variables between partitions with MPI. More...
void send (const MBool, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
void receive (const MBool, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
virtual void gather (const MBool, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &)
virtual void scatter (const MBool, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &)
MBool isPeriodicComm (std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > &)
MBool skipPeriodicDirection (std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > &)
virtual void zonalExchange ()
virtual void spanwiseAvgZonal (std::vector< MFloat * > &)
virtual void waveExchange ()
virtual void spanwiseWaveReorder ()
void setTimeStep ()
void setLimiterVisc ()
void fixTimeStepTravelingWave ()
void exchangeTimeStep ()
void initializeRungeKutta ()
virtual void computeTimeStep ()
MBool isInInterval (MInt)
MInt getNoCells ()
MInt noVariables () const override
 Return the number of variables. More...
MInt getNoActiveCells ()
MIntgetActiveCells ()
MIntgetOffsetCells ()
MInt getNoGhostLayers ()
MInt getWaveAvrgInterval ()
MInt getWaveStepOffset ()
MIntgetCellGrid ()
MBool isMovingGrid ()
MInt getGridMovingMethod ()
MInt getBodyForceMethod ()
MBool isStreamwiseTravelingWave ()
MBool isTravelingWave ()
StructuredGrid< nDim > * getGrid ()
MFloat getGamma ()
MFloat getSutherlandConstant ()
MFloat getRe0 ()
MFloat getMa ()
MPI_Comm getCommunicator ()
virtual void computeCumulativeAverage (MBool)
virtual void loadSampleFile (MString)
virtual void getSampleVariables (MInt, MFloat *)
MFloat getPV (MInt var, MInt cellId)
void setPV (MInt var, MInt cellId, MFloat value)
virtual MFloat getSampleVorticity (MInt, MInt)
virtual MFloat dvardxyz (MInt, MInt, MFloat *)
virtual MFloat dvardx (MInt, MFloat *)
virtual void loadAverageRestartFile (const char *, MFloat **, MFloat **, MFloat **, MFloat **)
virtual void loadAveragedVariables (const char *)
void convertRestartVariables (MFloat oldMa)
virtual void convertRestartVariablesSTG (MFloat oldMa)
virtual bool rungeKuttaStep ()=0
virtual void viscousFlux ()=0
virtual void Muscl (MInt=-1)=0
virtual void applyBoundaryCondition ()=0
virtual void initSolutionStep (MInt)=0
virtual void initialCondition ()=0
void tred2 (MFloatScratchSpace &A, MInt dim, MFloat *diag, MFloat *offdiag)
 Householder Reduction according to Numercial Recipies in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. More...
void tqli2 (MFloat *diag, MFloat *offdiag, MInt dim)
 Compute Eigenvalues with implicit shift according to Numercial Recipies in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. More...
void insertSort (MInt dim, MFloat *list)
 Sorting function to sort list in ascending order. More...
MFloat pythag (MFloat a, MFloat b)
void resetRHS ()
 Reset the right hand side to zero. More...
void rhs ()
void rhsBnd ()
void lhsBnd ()
void initSolver () override
virtual MBool maxResidual ()
MBool solutionStep () override
void preTimeStep () override
void postTimeStep () override
 : Performs the post time step More...
void finalizeInitSolver () override
void cleanUp () override
virtual void updateSpongeLayer ()=0
MFloat time () const override
 Return the time. More...
MInt determineRestartTimeStep () const override
 Load the restart time step from the restart file (useNonSpecifiedRestartFile enabled) More...
MBool hasRestartTimeStep () const override
void init ()
std::array< MInt, nDim > beginP0 ()
std::array< MInt, nDim > beginP1 ()
std::array< MInt, nDim > beginP2 ()
std::array< MInt, nDim > endM2 ()
std::array< MInt, nDim > endM1 ()
std::array< MInt, nDim > endM0 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Solver
MString getIdentifier (const MBool useSolverId=false, const MString preString="", const MString postString="_")
virtual ~Solver ()=default
virtual MInt noInternalCells () const =0
 Return the number of internal cells within this solver. More...
virtual MFloat time () const =0
 Return the time. More...
virtual MInt noVariables () const
 Return the number of variables. More...
virtual void getDimensionalizationParams (std::vector< std::pair< MFloat, MString > > &) const
 Return the dimensionalization parameters of this solver. More...
void updateDomainInfo (const MInt domainId, const MInt noDomains, const MPI_Comm mpiComm, const MString &loc)
 Set new domain information. More...
virtual MFloata_slope (const MInt, MInt const, const MInt)
virtual MBool a_isBndryCell (const MInt) const
virtual MFloata_FcellVolume (MInt)
virtual MInt getCurrentTimeStep () const
virtual void accessSampleVariables (MInt, MFloat *&)
virtual void getSampleVariableNames (std::vector< MString > &NotUsed(varNames))
virtual MBool a_isBndryGhostCell (MInt) const
virtual void saveCoarseSolution ()
virtual void getSolverSamplingProperties (std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(samplingVarIds), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(noSamplingVars), std::vector< std::vector< MString > > &NotUsed(samplingVarNames), const MString NotUsed(featureName)="")
virtual void initSolverSamplingVariables (const std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(varIds), const std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(noSamplingVars))
virtual void calcSamplingVariables (const std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(varIds), const MBool NotUsed(exchange))
virtual void calcSamplingVarAtPoint (const MFloat *NotUsed(point), const MInt NotUsed(id), const MInt NotUsed(sampleVarId), MFloat *NotUsed(state), const MBool NotUsed(interpolate)=false)
virtual void balance (const MInt *const NotUsed(noCellsToReceiveByDomain), const MInt *const NotUsed(noCellsToSendByDomain), const MInt *const NotUsed(targetDomainsByCell), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells))
 Perform load balancing. More...
virtual MBool hasSplitBalancing () const
 Return if load balancing for solver is split into multiple methods or implemented in balance() More...
virtual void balancePre ()
virtual void balancePost ()
virtual void finalizeBalance ()
virtual void resetSolver ()
 Reset the solver/solver for load balancing. More...
virtual void cancelMpiRequests ()
 Cancel open mpi (receive) requests in the solver (e.g. due to interleaved execution) More...
virtual void setCellWeights (MFloat *)
 Set cell weights. More...
virtual MInt noLoadTypes () const
virtual void getDefaultWeights (MFloat *NotUsed(weights), std::vector< MString > &NotUsed(names)) const
virtual void getLoadQuantities (MInt *const NotUsed(loadQuantities)) const
virtual MFloat getCellLoad (const MInt NotUsed(cellId), const MFloat *const NotUsed(weights)) const
virtual void limitWeights (MFloat *NotUsed(weights))
virtual void localToGlobalIds ()
virtual void globalToLocalIds ()
virtual MInt noCellDataDlb () const
 Methods to inquire solver data information. More...
virtual MInt cellDataTypeDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId)) const
virtual MInt cellDataSizeDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(cellId))
virtual void getCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MInt *const NotUsed(data))
virtual void getCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MLong *const NotUsed(data))
virtual void getCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MFloat *const NotUsed(data))
virtual void setCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt *const NotUsed(data))
virtual void setCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MLong *const NotUsed(data))
virtual void setCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MFloat *const NotUsed(data))
virtual void getGlobalSolverVars (std::vector< MFloat > &NotUsed(globalFloatVars), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(globalIntVars))
virtual void setGlobalSolverVars (std::vector< MFloat > &NotUsed(globalFloatVars), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(globalIdVars))
void enableDlbTimers ()
void reEnableDlbTimers ()
void disableDlbTimers ()
MBool dlbTimersEnabled ()
void startLoadTimer (const MString name)
void stopLoadTimer (const MString &name)
void stopIdleTimer (const MString &name)
void startIdleTimer (const MString &name)
MBool isLoadTimerRunning ()
virtual MInt noSolverTimers (const MBool NotUsed(allTimings))
virtual void getSolverTimings (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MFloat > > &NotUsed(solverTimings), const MBool NotUsed(allTimings))
virtual void getDomainDecompositionInformation (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MInt > > &NotUsed(domainInfo))
void setDlbTimer (const MInt timerId)
virtual void prepareAdaptation (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MInt > &)
virtual void reinitAfterAdaptation ()
virtual void prepareAdaptation ()
 prepare adaptation for split adaptation before the adaptation loop More...
virtual void setSensors (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MInt > &)
 set solver sensors for split adaptation within the adaptation loop More...
virtual void saveSensorData (const std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, const MInt &, const MString &, const MInt *const)
virtual void postAdaptation ()
 post adaptation for split adaptation within the adaptation loop More...
virtual void finalizeAdaptation ()
 finalize adaptation for split sadptation after the adaptation loop More...
virtual void refineCell (const MInt)
 Refine the given cell. More...
virtual void removeChilds (const MInt)
 Coarsen the given cell. More...
virtual void removeCell (const MInt)
 Remove the given cell. More...
virtual void swapCells (const MInt, const MInt)
 Swap the given cells. More...
virtual void swapProxy (const MInt, const MInt)
 Swap the given cells. More...
virtual MInt cellOutside (const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt)
 Check whether cell is outside the fluid domain. More...
virtual void resizeGridMap ()
 Swap the given cells. More...
virtual MBool prepareRestart (MBool, MBool &)
 Prepare the solvers for a grid-restart. More...
virtual void reIntAfterRestart (MBool)
MPI_Comm mpiComm () const
 Return the MPI communicator used by this solver. More...
virtual MInt domainId () const
 Return the domainId (rank) More...
virtual MInt noDomains () const
virtual MBool isActive () const
void setSolverStatus (const MBool status)
MBool getSolverStatus ()
 Get the solver status indicating if the solver is currently active in the execution recipe. More...
MString testcaseDir () const
 Return the testcase directory. More...
MString outputDir () const
 Return the directory for output files. More...
MString restartDir () const
 Return the directory for restart files. More...
MString solverMethod () const
 Return the solverMethod of this solver. More...
MString solverType () const
 Return the solverType of this solver. More...
MInt restartInterval () const
 Return the restart interval of this solver. More...
MInt restartTimeStep () const
 Return the restart interval of this solver. More...
MInt solverId () const
 Return the solverId. More...
MBool restartFile ()
MInt readSolverSamplingVarNames (std::vector< MString > &varNames, const MString featureName="") const
 Read sampling variables names, store in vector and return the number of sampling variables. More...
virtual MBool hasRestartTimeStep () const
virtual MBool forceAdaptation ()
virtual void preTimeStep ()=0
virtual void postTimeStep ()=0
virtual void initSolver ()=0
virtual void finalizeInitSolver ()=0
virtual void saveSolverSolution (const MBool NotUsed(forceOutput)=false, const MBool NotUsed(finalTimeStep)=false)=0
virtual void cleanUp ()=0
virtual MBool solutionStep ()
virtual void preSolutionStep (MInt)
virtual MBool postSolutionStep ()
virtual MBool solverConverged ()
virtual void getInterpolatedVariables (MInt, const MFloat *, MFloat *)
virtual void loadRestartFile ()
virtual MInt determineRestartTimeStep () const
virtual void writeRestartFile (MBool)
virtual void writeRestartFile (const MBool, const MBool, const MString, MInt *)
virtual void setTimeStep ()
virtual void implicitTimeStep ()
virtual void prepareNextTimeStep ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from StructuredPostprocessing< nDim, FvStructuredSolver< nDim > >
 StructuredPostprocessing ()
 Constructor for the postprocessing solver. More...
 ~StructuredPostprocessing ()
 Destructor for the postprocessing solver. More...
void postprocessPreInit ()
void postprocessPreSolve ()
void postprocessPostSolve ()
void postprocessInSolve ()

Public Attributes

std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredZonalBC > > m_zonalBC
void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* reconstructSurfaceData )()
void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* Venkatakrishnan_function )(MFloat, MFloat, MFloat, MInt, MInt, MFloatScratchSpace &)
void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* viscFluxMethod )()
- Public Attributes inherited from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >
StructuredGrid< nDim > * m_grid
MPI_Comm m_StructuredComm
MInt m_restartTimeStep
MString m_outputFormat
MInt m_lastOutputTimeStep
- Public Attributes inherited from Solver
std::set< MIntm_freeIndices
MBool m_singleAdaptation = false
MBool m_splitAdaptation = true
MBool m_saveSensorData = false
- Public Attributes inherited from StructuredPostprocessing< nDim, FvStructuredSolver< nDim > >
MInt m_restartTimeStep

Protected Member Functions

void crossProduct (MFloat *, const MFloat *, const MFloat *)
MInt cellIndex (const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
MInt pointIndex (const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
MFloat dist (MFloat *a, MFloat *b)
MInt getPointIdFromCell (const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
MInt getPointIdfromPoint (const MInt, const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
MInt getCellIdfromCell (const MInt, const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
MInt surfId (MInt point, MInt isd, MInt dim)
void manualInterpolationCorrection ()
 Manually correct errors made by the restart interpolation. More...
void interpolateFromDonor ()
 Interpolates the flow field from a given donor file. More...
void loadSampleFile (MString) override
 Loads primitive variables from an HDF5 file. More...
void getSampleVariables (MInt, MFloat *) override
MFloat getSampleVorticity (MInt, MInt) override
void loadAverageRestartFile (const MChar *, MFloat **, MFloat **, MFloat **, MFloat **) override
 Loads the postprocessing restart file to continue the postprocessing. More...
void loadAveragedVariables (const MChar *) override
 Loads the averaged variables again to do further postprocessing. More...
void shiftAverageCellValuesRestart ()
void shiftAverageCellValues ()
 Shifts the averaged variables. More...
MFloat dvardxyz (MInt, MInt, MFloat *) override
MFloat dvardx (MInt, MFloat *) override
MFloat getCellLengthY (MInt, MInt, MInt) override
MFloat getCellCoordinate (MInt, MInt) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >
void initTimers ()
virtual void initFsc ()
 Init for Falkner-Skan-Cooke flow. More...
virtual MFloat getFscPressure (MInt cellId)
virtual MFloat getFscPressure (MFloat coordX)
virtual MFloat getFscEta (MFloat coordX, MFloat coordY)
virtual void getFscVelocity (MInt cellId, MFloat *const vel)
 Load variables for the specified timeStep. More...
virtual void getFscVelocity (MFloat coordX, MFloat coordY, MFloat *const vel)
virtual void initBlasius ()
 Init for Blasius boundary layer. More...
virtual MFloat getBlasiusEta (MFloat coordX, MFloat coordY)
virtual void getBlasiusVelocity (MInt cellId, MFloat *const vel)
 Load variables for the specified timeStep. More...
virtual void getBlasiusVelocity (MFloat coordX, MFloat coordY, MFloat *const vel)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Solver
 Solver (const MInt solverId, const MPI_Comm comm, const MBool isActive=true)
MFloat returnLoadRecord () const
MFloat returnIdleRecord () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StructuredPostprocessing< nDim, FvStructuredSolver< nDim > >
void initStructuredPostprocessing ()
void initAverageIn ()
 Initializes properties for averaging during solver run. More...
void initAverageVariables ()
 allocates memory for averageSolutions() and averageSolutionsInSolve() More...
void initTimeStepProperties ()
 Initializes timestep properties for postprocessing. More...
void initMovingAverage ()
void initProductionVariables ()
void initDissipationVariables ()
void averageSolutionsInSolve ()
void averageSolutions ()
void addAveragingSample ()
 Adds one sample to the summedVars. More...
void addTempWaveSample ()
 Adds for the travelling wave setups. More...
void saveAveragedSolution (MInt)
void computeAveragedSolution ()
 Computes the mean variables from summed vars. More...
void computeAverageSkinFriction ()
 Computes skin friction of an averaged field. More...
void subtractPeriodicFluctuations ()
void subtractMean ()
void movingAverage ()
void movingAveragePost ()
void computeProductionTerms ()
 Computes the production terms from an averaged field. More...
void computeDissipationTerms ()
 Computes the production terms from an averaged field. More...
void decomposeCf ()
void decomposeCfDouble ()
void writeGradients ()
void loadAveragedSolution ()
 Loads an averaged file again. More...
void saveAverageRestart ()
void loadMeanFile (const MChar *fileName)
void getSampleVariables (MInt cellId, const MFloat *&vars)
MInt getNoPPVars ()
 Returns number of postprocessing variables. More...
MInt getNoVars ()
MInt getNoPPSquareVars ()
 Returns number of pp Square variables. More...

Protected Attributes

std::unique_ptr< StructuredBndryCnd< 3 > > m_structuredBndryCnd
MFloat m_kineticEOld
std::unique_ptr< FvStructuredSolver3DRansm_ransSolver
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< 3 > > m_structuredInterpolation
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< 3 > > m_pointInterpolation
- Protected Attributes inherited from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >
std::unique_ptr< MConservativeVariables< nDim > > CV
std::unique_ptr< MPrimitiveVariables< nDim > > PV
MFloat m_eps
MBool m_movingGrid
MBool m_mgExchangeCoordinates
MInt m_gridMovingMethod
MInt m_movingGridStepOffset
MBool m_synchronizedMGOutput
MInt m_waveNoStepsPerCell
MFloat m_wallVel
MFloat m_movingGridTimeOffset
MBool m_movingGridSaveGrid
MBool m_travelingWave
MBool m_streamwiseTravelingWave
MFloat m_waveLengthPlus
MFloat m_waveAmplitudePlus
MFloat m_waveTimePlus
MFloat m_waveTime
MFloat m_waveLength
MFloat m_waveAmplitude
MFloat m_waveAmplitudeSuction
MFloat m_waveAmplitudePressure
MFloat m_waveGradientSuction
MFloat m_waveGradientPressure
MFloat m_waveSpeed
MFloat m_waveSpeedPlus
MFloat m_waveBeginTransition
MFloat m_waveEndTransition
MFloat m_waveOutBeginTransition
MFloat m_waveOutEndTransition
MFloat m_wavePressureBeginTransition
MFloat m_wavePressureEndTransition
MFloat m_wavePressureOutBeginTransition
MFloat m_wavePressureOutEndTransition
MFloat m_waveYBeginTransition
MFloat m_waveYEndTransition
MFloat m_waveAngle
MFloat m_waveTemporalTransition
MBool m_movingGridInitialStart
MBool m_waveRestartFadeIn
MInt m_waveTimeStepComputed
MInt m_waveCellsPerWaveLength
MFloat m_wavePenetrationHeight
MInt m_bodyForceMethod
MBool m_bodyForce
MString m_waveForceFieldFile
MFloat m_waveDomainWidth
MFloat m_oscAmplitude
MFloat m_oscSr
MFloat m_oscFreq
MBool m_dsIsComputed
MBool m_useNonSpecifiedRestartFile
MInt m_outputOffset
MBool m_vorticityOutput
MBool m_debugOutput
MInt m_outputIterationNumber
MBool m_sampleSolutionFiles
MFloat ** pointProperties
MBool m_ignoreUID
std::unique_ptr< FvStructuredSolverWindowInfo< nDim > > m_windowInfo
MInt m_noGhostLayers
MInt m_noCells
MInt m_noActiveCells
MInt m_noPoints
MInt m_noSurfaces
MFloat m_referenceLength
MFloat m_physicalReferenceLength
MFloat m_Pr
MFloat m_rPr
MFloat m_cfl
MInt m_orderOfReconstruction
MFloat m_inflowTemperatureRatio
MBool m_considerVolumeForces
MBool m_euler
MInt m_volumeForceMethod
MInt m_volumeForceUpdateInterval
MFloat m_gamma
MFloat m_gammaMinusOne
MFloat m_fgammaMinusOne
MFloat m_Re0
MFloat m_ReTau
MInt m_periodicConnection
MInt m_channelFlow
MFloat m_sutherlandConstant
MFloat m_sutherlandPlusOne
MFloat m_TinfS
MBool m_computeLambda2
MFloat m_hInfinity
MFloat m_referenceEnthalpy
MString m_rans2eq_mode
MBool m_keps_nonDimType
MBool m_solutionAnomaly
MFloat m_I
MFloat m_epsScale
MInt m_kepsICMethod
std::unique_ptr< StructuredFQVariablesFQ
MInt m_maxNoVariables
MBool m_bForce
MBool m_bPower
MBool m_detailAuxData
MBool m_bForceLineAverage
std::vector< MStringm_forceHeaderNames
MInt m_forceAveragingDir
MInt m_forceOutputInterval
MInt m_forceAsciiOutputInterval
MInt m_forceAsciiComputeInterval
MFloat ** m_forceData
MInt m_forceCounter
MInt m_lastForceOutputTimeStep
MInt m_lastForceComputationTimeStep
MInt m_noForceDataFields
MBool m_forceSecondOrder
MFloat m_globalDomainWidth
MBool m_auxDataCoordinateLimits
MBool m_setLocalWallDistance
MInt m_intpPointsOutputInterval
MInt m_intpPointsNoLines
MInt m_intpPointsNoLines2D
MInt m_intpPointsNoPointsTotal
MFloat ** m_intpPointsStart
MFloat ** m_intpPointsDelta
MFloat ** m_intpPointsDelta2D
MFloat ** m_intpPointsCoordinates
MFloat ** m_intpPointsVarsGlobal
MFloat ** m_intpPointsVarsLocal
MBool m_intpPoints
MInt m_boxNoBoxes
MInt m_boxOutputInterval
MInt ** m_boxOffset
MInt ** m_boxSize
MBool m_boxWriteCoordinates
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< nDim > > m_nodalBoxInterpolation
MInt m_nodalBoxNoBoxes
MString m_nodalBoxOutputDir
MInt m_nodalBoxOutputInterval
MInt ** m_nodalBoxOffset
MInt ** m_nodalBoxPoints
MInt ** m_nodalBoxLocalOffset
MInt ** m_nodalBoxLocalPoints
MInt ** m_nodalBoxLocalDomainOffset
MFloat ** m_nodalBoxCoordinates
MFloat ** m_nodalBoxVariables
MBool m_nodalBoxWriteCoordinates
MInt m_nodalBoxTotalLocalSize
MBool m_nodalBoxInitialized
MInt m_pointsToAsciiComputeInterval
MInt m_pointsToAsciiOutputInterval
MInt m_pointsToAsciiNoPoints
MInt m_pointsToAsciiLastOutputStep
MInt m_pointsToAsciiLastComputationStep
MFloat ** m_pointsToAsciiCoordinates
MFloat ** m_pointsToAsciiVars
MInt m_pointsToAsciiVarId
MInt m_pointsToAsciiCounter
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< nDim > > m_pointsToAsciiInterpolation
MFloat m_referenceTemperature
MInt m_noSpecies
MInt m_noRKSteps
MFloat m_time
MInt m_RKStep
MFloat m_timeStep
MBool m_localTimeStep
MInt m_rungeKuttaOrder
MInt m_timeStepMethod
MInt m_timeStepComputationInterval
MFloat m_timeRef
MInt m_dualTimeStepping
MFloat m_physicalTimeStep
MFloat m_physicalTime
MInt m_timerGroup
std::array< MInt, Timers::_countm_timers
MBool m_constantTimeStep
MInt m_rescalingCommGrRoot
MInt m_rescalingCommGrRootGlobal
MPI_Comm m_rescalingCommGrComm
MPI_Comm m_commStg
MInt m_commStgRoot
MInt m_commStgRootGlobal
MInt m_commStgMyRank
MBool m_stgIsActive
MFloat m_stgBLT1
MFloat m_stgBLT2
MFloat m_stgBLT3
MFloat m_stgDelta99Inflow
MBool m_stgInitialStartup
MInt m_stgNoEddieProperties
MFloat ** m_stgEddies
MInt m_stgNoEddies
MInt m_stgMaxNoEddies
MFloat m_stgExple
MFloat m_stgEddieDistribution
MInt m_stgBoxSize [3]
MBool m_stgLocal
MBool m_stgCreateNewEddies
MBool m_stgRootRank
MInt m_stgNoVariables
MInt m_stgShapeFunction
MBool m_stgEddieLengthScales
MBool m_stgSubSup
MBool m_stgSupersonic
MInt m_stgFace
MInt m_stgMyRank
MFloat m_chi
MInt m_noSpongeDomainInfos
MBool m_useSponge
MInt m_spongeLayerType
MFloat m_targetDensityFactor
MBool m_computeSpongeFactor
MFloat m_workload
MFloat m_workloadIncrement
MRes * m_residualSnd
MRes m_residualRcv
MInt m_residualOutputInterval
MFloat m_avrgResidual
MFloat m_firstMaxResidual
MFloat m_firstAvrgResidual
MLong m_totalNoCells
MBool m_residualFileExist
MPI_Op m_resOp
MPI_Datatype m_mpiStruct
FILE * m_resFile
MBool m_convergence
MFloat m_convergenceCriterion
MBool m_restart
MInt m_initialCondition
MFloat m_deltaP
MBool m_restartInterpolation
MString m_solutionFileName
MString m_boxOutputDir
MString m_intpPointsOutputDir
MString m_auxOutputDir
MBool m_savePartitionOutput
MInt m_blockId
MInt m_noBlocks
MInt ** m_bndryCndInfo
MInt ** m_bndryCnd
MBool m_limiter
MString m_limiterMethod
MFloat m_venkFactor
MBool m_limiterVisc
MString m_musclScheme
MString m_ausmScheme
MBool m_viscCompact
MBool m_zonal
MInt m_rans
RansMethod m_ransMethod
MInt m_noRansEquations
MString m_zoneType
MFloat m_ransTransPos
MBool m_hasSTG
MInt m_zonalExchangeInterval
std::vector< MFloat * > m_zonalSpanwiseAvgVars
MPI_Comm m_commBC2600
MInt m_commBC2600Root
MInt m_commBC2600RootGlobal
MInt m_commBC2600MyRank
MPI_Comm * m_commZonal
MInt m_commZonalMyRank
MBool m_zonalRootRank
MBool m_zonalExponentialAveraging
MInt m_zonalStartAvgTime
MFloat m_zonalAveragingFactor
MFloat m_rhoNuTildeInfinty
MFloat m_nutInfinity
MFloat m_mutInfinity
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_sndComm
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_rcvComm
MInt m_currentPeriodicDirection
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_waveSndComm
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_waveRcvComm
MInt m_noNghbrDomains
MFloat ** m_bufferCellsSndRcv
MFloat ** m_bufferPointsSendRcv
MInt ** m_nghbrFaceInfo
MPI_Request * mpi_sndRequest
MPI_Request * mpi_rcvRequest
MPI_Status * mpi_sndRcvStatus
MPI_Comm m_plenumComm
MInt m_plenumRoot
MPI_Comm m_commChannelIn
MPI_Comm m_commChannelOut
MPI_Comm m_commChannelWorld
MFloat m_channelPresInlet
MFloat m_channelPresOutlet
MFloat m_channelLength
MFloat m_channelHeight
MFloat m_channelWidth
MFloat m_channelInflowPlaneCoordinate
MFloat m_channelC1
MFloat m_channelC2
MFloat m_channelC3
MFloat m_channelC4
MBool m_channelFullyPeriodic
MFloat m_inflowVelAvg
MPI_Comm m_commPerRotOne
MPI_Comm m_commPerRotTwo
MPI_Comm m_commPerRotWorld
MInt m_commPerRotGroup
MBool m_bc2600IsActive
MBool m_bc2600InitialStartup
MFloat ** m_bc2600Variables
MBool m_bc2600
MInt m_bc2600RootRank
MInt m_bc2600Face
MBool m_bc2601IsActive
MBool m_bc2601InitialStartup
MFloat ** m_bc2601Variables
MFloat ** m_bc2601ZerothOrderSolution
MBool m_bc2601
MFloat m_bc2601GammaEpsilon
MBool m_useConvectiveUnitWrite
MFloat m_convectiveUnitInterval
MInt m_noConvectiveOutputs
MBool m_isInitTimers
MFloat m_UInfinity
MFloat m_VInfinity
MFloat m_WInfinity
MFloat m_PInfinity
MFloat m_TInfinity
MFloat m_DthInfinity
MFloat m_muInfinity
MFloat m_DInfinity
MFloat m_VVInfinity [3]
MFloat m_rhoUInfinity
MFloat m_rhoVInfinity
MFloat m_rhoWInfinity
MFloat m_rhoEInfinity
MFloat m_rhoInfinity
MFloat m_rhoVVInfinity [3]
MBool m_changeMa
MInt m_restartBc2800
MFloat m_restartTimeBc2800
MInt m_useAdiabaticRestartTemperature
MInt m_hasSingularity
MBool m_useSandpaperTrip
MInt m_tripNoTrips
MInt m_tripNoModes
MInt m_tripSeed
MInt m_tripNoCells
MFloat m_tripDomainWidth
MBool m_tripUseRestart
MBool m_tripAirfoil
MInt m_airfoilNoWallPoints
MBool m_porous
MString m_blockType
std::vector< MIntm_porousBlockIds
MFloat m_c_Dp
MFloat m_c_Dp_eps
MFloat m_c_wd
MFloat m_c_t
MFloat m_c_eps
MInt m_fsc
MInt m_fsc_noPoints
MFloat m_fsc_x0
MFloat m_fsc_y0
MFloat m_fsc_dx0
MFloat m_fsc_m
MFloat m_fsc_Re
MBool m_useBlasius
MInt m_blasius_noPoints
MFloat m_blasius_x0
MFloat m_blasius_y0
MFloat m_blasius_dx0
- Protected Attributes inherited from Solver
MFloat m_Re {}
 the Reynolds number More...
MFloat m_Ma {}
 the Mach number More...
MInt m_solutionInterval
 The number of timesteps before writing the next solution file. More...
MInt m_solutionOffset {}
std::set< MIntm_solutionTimeSteps
MInt m_restartInterval
 The number of timesteps before writing the next restart file. More...
MInt m_restartTimeStep
MInt m_restartOffset
MString m_solutionOutput
MBool m_useNonSpecifiedRestartFile = false
MBool m_initFromRestartFile
MInt m_residualInterval
 The number of timesteps before writing the next residual. More...
const MInt m_solverId
 a unique solver identifier More...
MFloatm_outerBandWidth = nullptr
MFloatm_innerBandWidth = nullptr
MIntm_bandWidth = nullptr
MBool m_restart = false
MBool m_restartFile = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from StructuredPostprocessing< nDim, FvStructuredSolver< nDim > >
MBool m_postprocessing
MInt m_noPostprocessingOps
MInt m_dissFileStart
MInt m_dissFileEnd
MInt m_dissFileStep
MString m_dissFileDir
MString m_dissFilePrefix
MInt m_dissFileBoxNr
std::vector< tvecpostm_postprocessingMethods
std::vector< std::vector< MString > > m_postprocessingMethodsDesc
MInt m_noVariables
MFloat ** m_summedVars
MFloat ** m_square
MFloat ** m_cube
MFloat ** m_fourth
MFloat ** m_tempWaveSample
MFloat ** m_favre
MBool m_useKahan
MFloat ** m_cSum
MFloat ** m_ySum
MFloat ** m_tSum
MFloat ** m_cSquare
MFloat ** m_ySquare
MFloat ** m_tSquare
MFloat ** m_cCube
MFloat ** m_yCube
MFloat ** m_tCube
MFloat ** m_cFourth
MFloat ** m_yFourth
MFloat ** m_tFourth
MBool m_twoPass
MBool m_skewness
MBool m_kurtosis
MBool m_averageVorticity
MBool m_averagingFavre
MFloat ** m_production
MFloat ** m_gradients
MInt m_movingAvgInterval
MInt m_movingAvgDataPoints
MInt m_movingAvgCounter
MInt m_movAvgNoVariables
MFloat ** m_movAvgVariables
MFloat ** m_spanAvg
MInt m_averageInterval
MInt m_averageStartTimestep
MInt m_averageStopTimestep
MInt m_averageRestartInterval
MInt m_averageRestart
MInt m_noSamples
MBool m_movingGrid
MBool m_computeProductionTerms
MBool m_computeDissipationTerms
MString m_postprocessFileName
MFloat m_sutherlandConstant
MFloat m_sutherlandPlusOne

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr MInt xsd = 0
static constexpr MInt ysd = 1
static constexpr MInt zsd = 2
static constexpr const MInt nDim = 3
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from StructuredPostprocessing< nDim, FvStructuredSolver< nDim > >
static const MInt xsd
static const MInt ysd
static const MInt zsd


template<MBool isRans>
class StructuredBndryCnd3D
class FvStructuredSolver3DRans

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from StructuredPostprocessing< nDim, FvStructuredSolver< nDim > >
typedef void(StructuredPostprocessing::* tpost) ()
typedef std::vector< tposttvecpost

Detailed Description

Definition at line 32 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ fluxmethod

typedef void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* FvStructuredSolver3D::fluxmethod) (MFloat *, MFloat *, MInt, MInt)

Definition at line 91 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FvStructuredSolver3D()

FvStructuredSolver3D::FvStructuredSolver3D ( MInt  solverId,
StructuredGrid< 3 > *  grid_,
MBool propertiesGroups,
const MPI_Comm  comm 

Definition at line 17 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

19 : FvStructuredSolver<3>(solverId, grid_, propertiesGroups, comm) {
20 TRACE();
21 const MLong oldAllocatedBytes = allocatedBytes();
23 // count the no of necessary FQ fields and allocate
26 // compute the cell center coordinates from point coordinates
27 m_grid->computeCellCenterCoordinates();
29 if(m_rans) {
30 m_structuredBndryCnd = make_unique<StructuredBndryCnd3D<true>>(this, m_grid);
31 } else {
32 m_structuredBndryCnd = make_unique<StructuredBndryCnd3D<false>>(this, m_grid);
33 }
37 // allocate memory for aux data maps (cf,cp)
40 // assign coordinates to all ghost points
43 // if we are RANS we should allocate a new RANS solver
44 if(m_rans == true) {
45 m_ransSolver = make_unique<FvStructuredSolver3DRans>(this);
46 }
50 m_grid->computeCellCenterCoordinates();
51 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::ComputeMetrics]);
52 m_grid->computeMetrics();
53 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::ComputeMetrics]);
54 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::ComputeJacobian]);
55 m_grid->computeJacobian();
56 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::ComputeJacobian]);
58 // TODO_SS labels:FV,totest By now I am not sure if Code performs correctly for wrongly oriented meshes
59 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
60 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
61 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
62 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
63 if(m_cells->cellJac[cellId] < 0.0) mTerm(1, "Negative Jacobian found! Check first if code can cope this!");
64 }
65 }
66 }
68 m_convergence = false;
70 if(m_zonal) {
72 }
74 // Assign handlers to the correct boundary conditions
77 // Computation of modified wall distance in porous computation requires to set the porosity,
78 // Da-number etc. first; on the other hand we need to wait for initializeFQField to be called
79 if(m_porous) {
80 initPorous();
81 // exchange6002();
82 }
84 if(m_zonal || m_rans) {
86 m_structuredBndryCnd->computeWallDistances();
87 }
88 }
92 }
96 }
98 printAllocatedMemory(oldAllocatedBytes, "FvStructuredSolver3D", m_StructuredComm);
100 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::Constructor]);
MLong allocatedBytes()
Return the number of allocated bytes.
Definition: alloc.cpp:121
void initInterpolatedPoints()
Compute all the interpolation coefficients necessary for the interpolation output.
void initPointsToAsciiFile() override
MInt cellIndex(const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
void addGhostPointCoordinateValues()
Extrapolates and exchanges ghost point coordinates.
std::unique_ptr< FvStructuredSolver3DRans > m_ransSolver
std::unique_ptr< StructuredBndryCnd< 3 > > m_structuredBndryCnd
Base class of the structured solver.
std::array< MInt, Timers::_count > m_timers
StructuredGrid< nDim > * m_grid
void initializeFQField()
Counts the number of necessary FQ fields, allocates them and corrects the indexes of the FQ variable ...
void allocateAuxDataMaps()
AUX DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
MInt solverId() const
Return the solverId.
Definition: solver.h:425
Definition: enums.h:54
void mTerm(const MInt errorCode, const MString &location, const MString &message)
Definition: functions.cpp:29
void printAllocatedMemory(const MLong oldAllocatedBytes, const MString &solverName, const MPI_Comm comm)
Prints currently allocated memory.
int32_t MInt
Definition: maiatypes.h:62
int64_t MLong
Definition: maiatypes.h:64
void const MInt cellId
Definition: collector.h:239

◆ ~FvStructuredSolver3D()

FvStructuredSolver3D::~FvStructuredSolver3D ( )

Definition at line 103 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

103{ TRACE(); }

Member Function Documentation

◆ addDisturbance()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::addDisturbance ( )

Definition at line 4524 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4524 {
4525 TRACE();
4526 cout << "enterin addDisturbance " << endl;
4527 cout << " m_time = " << m_time << endl;
4528 cout << "m_timeStep = " << m_timeStep << endl;
4529 cout << " global t= " << globalTimeStep << endl;
4530 if(m_time >= 0) {
4531 MFloat pi2 = 8.0 * atan(1);
4532 MFloat period = 0.1;
4533 MFloat amp1 = 0.00001 * sin((pi2 / period) * m_time);
4535 // MFloat T=(m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_E][364])*(m_gamma-F1)/287.1500;
4536 // MFloat fluc_p = rhsdist*287.15000*T;
4537 // MFloat fluc_rhoE= (F1/(m_gamma-1))*fluc_p;
4538 // rhsdist=fluc_rhoE;
4539 MInt cellId = 0;
4540 cout << "sin " << amp1 << endl;
4541 MFloat centerloc = 3.1415;
4542 // go through all cells and adopt disturbance smoothly!!
4543 // m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][2191941]+=rhsdist;
4544 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
4545 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
4546 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
4547 cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4551 MFloat r = 0.025;
4552 MFloat a1 = POW2(x - centerloc);
4553 MFloat a2 = POW2(y - centerloc);
4554 MFloat a3 = POW2(z - centerloc);
4555 MFloat disturb = amp1 * exp(-(a1 + a2 + a3) / POW2(r) / 2.0);
4556 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][cellId] += disturb;
4557 /* MFloat x=m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId]-centreloc;
4558 MFloat y=m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId]-centreloc;
4559 MFloat z=m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId]-centreloc;
4560 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][cellId]+=(F1+tanh(x/0.009))*(F1-tanh(x/0.009))*(F1+tanh(y/0.009))*(F1-tanh(y/0.009))*(F1+tanh(z/0.009))*(F1-tanh(z/0.009))*rhsdist;*/
4561 }
4562 }
4563 }
4564 }
4566 cout << "leaving addDisturbance " << endl;
std::unique_ptr< MConservativeVariables< nDim > > CV
MFloat ** rightHandSide
MFloat ** coordinates
constexpr Real POW2(const Real x)
Definition: functions.h:119
MInt globalTimeStep
double MFloat
Definition: maiatypes.h:52
define array structures

◆ addGhostPointCoordinateValues()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::addGhostPointCoordinateValues ( )
Pascal Meysonnat

Definition at line 4583 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4583 {
4584 TRACE();
4585 // > for debugging only: save cellId/pointId and domainId for all cells and points
4586 if(m_debugOutput) {
4587 for(MInt k = 0; k < (m_nCells[0]); k++) {
4588 for(MInt j = 0; j < (m_nCells[1]); j++) {
4589 for(MInt i = 0; i < (m_nCells[2]); i++) {
4590 MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
4591 m_cells->fq[FQ->CELLID][cellId] = cellId;
4592 m_cells->fq[FQ->BLOCKID][cellId] = domainId();
4593 }
4594 }
4595 }
4596 }
4597 //< end debugging only
4599 m_grid->extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates();
4601 m_grid->exchangePoints(m_sndComm, m_rcvComm, PARTITION_NORMAL);
4602 m_grid->exchangePoints(m_sndComm, m_rcvComm, PERIODIC_BC);
4606 m_grid->computeCellCenterCoordinates();
4608 // MUST be done after cell center computation!!!
4609 m_grid->exchangePoints(m_sndComm, m_rcvComm, SINGULAR);
4612 if(m_hasSingularity > 0) {
4614 }
4617 m_grid->writePartitionedGrid();
4618 }
std::unique_ptr< StructuredFQVariables > FQ
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_sndComm
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_rcvComm
virtual MInt domainId() const
Return the domainId (rank)
Definition: solver.h:383
Definition: enums.h:343
Definition: enums.h:343
Definition: enums.h:343
Definition: enums.h:343

◆ allocateSingularities()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::allocateSingularities ( )

Definition at line 9711 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9711 {
9712 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_hasSingularity; ++i) {
9713 MInt len[nDim];
9717 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
9718 len[j] = m_singularity[i].end[j] - m_singularity[i].start[j];
9719 m_singularity[i].totalPoints *= (len[j] + 1);
9720 m_singularity[i].totalCells *= len[j];
9721 }
9723 // 4 unknowns and 2*Nstar cells
9724 mAlloc(m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants, nDim + 1, m_singularity[i].totalCells * m_singularity[i].Nstar * 2,
9725 "ReconstructionConstants", 0.0, AT_);
9726 }
void mAlloc(T *&a, const MLong N, const MString &objectName, MString function)
allocates memory for one-dimensional array 'a' of size N
Definition: alloc.h:173
static constexpr const MInt nDim
SingularInformation * m_singularity

◆ applyBodyForce()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::applyBodyForce ( const MBool  isRestart,
const MBool  zeroPos 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 7863 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

7863 {
7864 TRACE();
7865 const MFloat pi = 4.0 * atan(1);
7866 const MFloat t = (isRestart) ? m_time : m_time + m_timeStep * m_RKalpha[m_RKStep];
7868 switch(m_bodyForceMethod) {
7869 case 10: {
7870 // traveling wave case
7871 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
7872 if(zeroPos) {
7873 t_offset = F0;
7874 }
7875 const MFloat transitionLength = m_waveEndTransition - m_waveBeginTransition;
7876 const MFloat transitionOutLength = m_waveOutEndTransition - m_waveOutBeginTransition;
7878 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0.0;
7879 if(t_offset < m_waveTemporalTransition) {
7880 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi)) * F1B2;
7881 } else {
7882 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
7883 }
7885 if(zeroPos) {
7886 fadeInFactor = F1;
7887 }
7889 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
7890 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
7891 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
7892 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
7893 const MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId];
7894 const MFloat z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId];
7895 const MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId];
7897 MFloat transitionFactor = F0;
7898 if(x <= m_waveBeginTransition) {
7899 transitionFactor = F0;
7900 } else if(x > m_waveBeginTransition && x < m_waveEndTransition) {
7901 transitionFactor = (1 - cos((x - m_waveBeginTransition) / transitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
7902 } else if(m_waveEndTransition <= x && x <= m_waveOutBeginTransition) {
7903 transitionFactor = F1;
7904 } else if(x > m_waveOutBeginTransition && x < m_waveOutEndTransition) {
7905 transitionFactor = (1 + cos((x - m_waveOutBeginTransition) / transitionOutLength * pi)) * F1B2;
7906 } else {
7907 transitionFactor = F0;
7908 }
7910 const MFloat force = fadeInFactor * transitionFactor
7912 * cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (z - m_waveSpeed * t_offset)));
7914 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_W][cellId] +=
7915 m_cells->variables[CV->RHO][cellId] * force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
7916 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][cellId] +=
7917 m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_W][cellId] * force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
7918 }
7919 }
7920 }
7922 break;
7923 }
7924 case 11: {
7925 // traveling wave case with predefined force field
7926 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
7927 if(zeroPos) {
7928 t_offset = F0;
7929 }
7930 const MFloat transitionLength = m_waveEndTransition - m_waveBeginTransition;
7931 const MFloat transitionOutLength = m_waveOutEndTransition - m_waveOutBeginTransition;
7933 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0.0;
7934 if(t_offset < m_waveTemporalTransition) {
7935 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi)) * F1B2;
7936 } else {
7937 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
7938 }
7940 if(zeroPos) {
7941 fadeInFactor = F1;
7942 }
7944 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
7945 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
7946 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
7947 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
7949 const MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId];
7950 const MFloat z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId];
7952 MFloat transitionFactor = F0;
7953 if(x <= m_waveBeginTransition) {
7954 transitionFactor = F0;
7955 } else if(x > m_waveBeginTransition && x < m_waveEndTransition) {
7956 transitionFactor = (1 - cos((x - m_waveBeginTransition) / transitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
7957 } else if(m_waveEndTransition <= x && x <= m_waveOutBeginTransition) {
7958 transitionFactor = F1;
7959 } else if(x > m_waveOutBeginTransition && x < m_waveOutEndTransition) {
7960 transitionFactor = (1 + cos((x - m_waveOutBeginTransition) / transitionOutLength * pi)) * F1B2;
7961 } else {
7962 transitionFactor = F0;
7963 }
7965 const MFloat pos_abs = z - m_waveSpeed * t_offset;
7966 const MFloat pos = fmod(pos_abs, m_waveDomainWidth);
7968 const MInt jj = m_nOffsetCells[1] + (j - m_noGhostLayers);
7969 MFloat amp = 0.0;
7971 if(pos < m_waveForceZ[jj]) {
7972 const MInt p1 = jj;
7973 const MInt p1end = jj + (m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0) - 1) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1);
7974 const MFloat zz = m_waveForceZ[p1];
7975 const MFloat zzstart = m_waveForceZ[p1end] - m_waveDomainWidth;
7976 const MFloat f = m_waveForceField[p1];
7977 const MFloat fstart = m_waveForceField[p1end];
7978 amp = fstart + (pos - zzstart) / (zz - zzstart) * (f - fstart);
7979 } else if(pos > m_waveForceZ[jj + (m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0) - 1) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1)]) {
7980 const MInt p1 = jj + (m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0) - 1) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1);
7981 const MInt p1start = jj + 0 * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1);
7982 const MFloat zz = m_waveForceZ[p1];
7983 const MFloat zzend = m_waveForceZ[p1start] + m_waveDomainWidth;
7984 const MFloat f = m_waveForceField[p1];
7985 const MFloat fend = m_waveForceField[p1start];
7986 amp = f + (pos - zz) / (zzend - zz) * (fend - f);
7987 } else {
7988 for(MInt kk = 0; kk < m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0) - 1; ++kk) {
7989 const MInt p1 = jj + kk * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1);
7990 const MInt p1p = jj + (kk + 1) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1);
7991 const MFloat zz = m_waveForceZ[p1];
7992 const MFloat zzp = m_waveForceZ[p1p];
7993 const MFloat f = m_waveForceField[p1];
7994 const MFloat fp = m_waveForceField[p1p];
7995 if(zz <= pos && pos < zzp) {
7996 amp = f + (pos - zz) / (zzp - zz) * (fp - f);
7997 break;
7998 }
7999 }
8000 }
8002 const MFloat force = fadeInFactor * transitionFactor * amp * m_waveAmplitude;
8004 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_W][cellId] +=
8005 m_cells->variables[CV->RHO][cellId] * force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
8006 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][cellId] +=
8007 m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_W][cellId] * force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
8008 }
8009 }
8010 }
8012 break;
8013 }
8014 default: {
8015 mTerm(1, AT_, "Body Force Method not implemented!");
8016 }
8017 }
MFloat ** variables
T cos(const T a, const T b, const T x)
Cosine slope filter.
Definition: filter.h:125

◆ applyBoundaryCondition()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::applyBoundaryCondition ( )

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 2274 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2274 {
2275 TRACE();
2276 // treat Dirichlet and Neumann BC in one go!!!
2277 m_structuredBndryCnd->applyDirichletNeumannBC();

◆ applyInviscidBoundaryCondition()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::applyInviscidBoundaryCondition ( )

Definition at line 9369 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9369{ TRACE(); }

◆ applySandpaperTrip()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::applySandpaperTrip ( )

Definition at line 4077 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4077 {
4078 TRACE();
4080 for(MInt ii = 0; ii < m_tripNoTrips; ++ii) {
4081 const MFloat t = m_time + m_timeStep * m_RKalpha[m_RKStep];
4082 const MInt tripTime = (MInt)(t / m_tripDeltaTime[ii]);
4083 const MFloat p = t / m_tripDeltaTime[ii] - tripTime;
4084 const MFloat b = 3 * pow(p, 2) - 2 * pow(p, 3);
4085 const MInt offset = ii * m_tripNoCells;
4086 const MInt offsetModes = ii * 2 * m_tripNoModes;
4088 if(tripTime > m_tripTimeStep[ii]) {
4089 m_tripTimeStep[ii] = tripTime;
4091 // copy old values from H2 to H1
4092 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_tripNoCells; k++) {
4093 m_tripH1[offset + k] = m_tripH2[offset + k];
4094 }
4096 // also copy the old mode coefficients
4097 for(MInt n = 0; n < 2 * m_tripNoModes; n++) {
4098 m_tripModesH1[offsetModes + n] = m_tripModesH2[offsetModes + n];
4099 }
4101 // compute new fourier coefficients
4104 }
4106 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
4107 const MFloat forceStrength =
4108 (m_tripMaxAmpSteady[ii] * m_tripG[offset + k]
4109 + m_tripMaxAmpFluc[ii] * ((1.0 - b) * m_tripH1[offset + k] + b * m_tripH2[offset + k]));
4111 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
4112 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
4113 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
4114 const MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId];
4115 const MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId];
4117 MFloat force = 0.0;
4118 if(x > m_tripXOrigin[ii] - 2 * m_tripXLength[ii] && x < m_tripXOrigin[ii] + 2 * m_tripXLength[ii]
4119 && y > m_tripYOrigin[ii] - 2 * m_tripYHeight[ii] && y < m_tripYOrigin[ii] + 2 * m_tripYHeight[ii]) {
4120 force = exp(-POW2((x - m_tripXOrigin[ii]) / m_tripXLength[ii])
4121 - POW2((y - m_tripYOrigin[ii]) / m_tripYHeight[ii]))
4122 * forceStrength;
4123 }
4125 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_V][cellId] +=
4126 m_cells->variables[CV->RHO][cellId] * force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4127 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][cellId] +=
4128 m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_V][cellId] * force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4129 }
4130 }
4131 }
4132 }
void tripForceCoefficients(MFloat *, MFloat *, MFloat *, MInt, MInt)
void tripFourierCoefficients(MFloat *, MInt, MFloat, MFloat)
constexpr std::underlying_type< FcCell >::type p(const FcCell property)
Converts property name to underlying integer value.

◆ applySandpaperTripAirfoil()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::applySandpaperTripAirfoil ( )

Definition at line 4135 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4135 {
4136 TRACE();
4138 for(MInt ii = 0; ii < m_tripNoTrips; ++ii) {
4139 const MFloat t = m_time + m_timeStep * m_RKalpha[m_RKStep];
4140 const MInt tripTime = (MInt)(t / m_tripDeltaTime[ii]);
4141 const MFloat p = t / m_tripDeltaTime[ii] - tripTime;
4142 const MFloat b = 3 * pow(p, 2) - 2 * pow(p, 3);
4143 const MInt offset = ii * m_tripNoCells;
4144 const MInt offsetModes = ii * 2 * m_tripNoModes;
4146 if(tripTime > m_tripTimeStep[ii]) {
4147 m_tripTimeStep[ii] = tripTime;
4149 // copy old values from H2 to H1
4150 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_tripNoCells; k++) {
4151 m_tripH1[offset + k] = m_tripH2[offset + k];
4152 }
4154 // also copy the old mode coefficients
4155 for(MInt n = 0; n < 2 * m_tripNoModes; n++) {
4156 m_tripModesH1[offsetModes + n] = m_tripModesH2[offsetModes + n];
4157 }
4159 // compute new fourier coefficients
4162 }
4164 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
4165 const MFloat forceStrength =
4166 (m_tripMaxAmpSteady[ii] * m_tripG[offset + k]
4167 + m_tripMaxAmpFluc[ii] * ((1.0 - b) * m_tripH1[offset + k] + b * m_tripH2[offset + k]));
4169 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
4170 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
4171 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
4172 const MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId];
4173 const MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId];
4174 const MFloat wallDist = m_airfoilWallDist[cellId];
4176 MFloat force = 0.0;
4177 if(x > m_tripXOrigin[ii] - 2 * m_tripXLength[ii] && x < m_tripXOrigin[ii] + 2 * m_tripXLength[ii]
4178 && wallDist < 2 * m_tripYHeight[ii]) {
4179 MFloat factor = 0.0;
4180 if(ii == 0 && y > 0.0) {
4181 factor = exp(-POW2((x - m_tripXOrigin[ii]) / m_tripXLength[ii]) - POW2(wallDist / m_tripYHeight[ii]));
4182 } else if(ii == 1 && y < 0.0) {
4183 factor = exp(-POW2((x - m_tripXOrigin[ii]) / m_tripXLength[ii]) - POW2(wallDist / m_tripYHeight[ii]));
4184 }
4186 force = forceStrength * factor;
4187 }
4189 const MInt offsetPoints = m_nOffsetCells[2];
4190 const MInt globalPointId = offsetPoints + i;
4191 const MFloat wallNormalVec[3] = {m_airfoilNormalVec[0 + globalPointId],
4193 m_airfoilNormalVec[2 * m_airfoilNoWallPoints + globalPointId]};
4195 const MFloat density = m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId];
4196 const MFloat u = m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
4197 const MFloat u_force = wallNormalVec[0] * force;
4199 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_U][cellId] += density * u_force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4200 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][cellId] += density * u * u_force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4202 const MFloat v = m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId];
4203 const MFloat v_force = wallNormalVec[1] * force;
4205 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_V][cellId] += density * v_force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4206 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_E][cellId] += density * v * v_force * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4207 }
4208 }
4209 }
4210 }
std::unique_ptr< MPrimitiveVariables< nDim > > PV
MFloat ** pvariables

◆ applyViscousBoundaryCondition()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::applyViscousBoundaryCondition ( )

Definition at line 9371 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9371{ TRACE(); }

◆ assignBndryCells()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::assignBndryCells ( )

Definition at line 4569 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4569 {
4570 TRACE();
4571 m_structuredBndryCnd->assignBndryCnds();

◆ Ausm()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::Ausm ( )

Definition at line 3689 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

3689 {
3690 // Ausm routines have been moved and are called from inside Muscl (better performance)

◆ AusmDV()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::AusmDV ( MFloat QLeft,
MFloat QRight,
MInt  dim,
MInt  cellId 

Definition at line 2863 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2863 {
2864 const MFloat gamma = m_gamma;
2865 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = gamma - 1.0;
2866 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = F1 / gammaMinusOne;
2868 const MFloat surf0 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 0][I];
2869 const MFloat surf1 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 1][I];
2870 const MFloat surf2 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 2][I];
2872 const MFloat dxdtau = m_cells->dxt[dim][I];
2874 // left side
2875 const MFloat RHOL = QLeft[PV->RHO];
2876 const MFloat FRHOL = F1 / RHOL;
2877 MFloat UL = QLeft[PV->U];
2878 MFloat VL = QLeft[PV->V];
2879 MFloat WL = QLeft[PV->W];
2880 const MFloat PL = QLeft[PV->P];
2882 // right side
2883 const MFloat RHOR = QRight[PV->RHO];
2884 const MFloat FRHOR = F1 / RHOR;
2885 MFloat UR = QRight[PV->U];
2886 MFloat VR = QRight[PV->V];
2887 MFloat WR = QRight[PV->W];
2888 const MFloat PR = QRight[PV->P];
2890 const MFloat PLfRHOL = PL / RHOL;
2891 const MFloat PRfRHOR = PR / RHOR;
2892 const MFloat e0 = PLfRHOL * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UL) + POW2(VL) + POW2(WL)) + PLfRHOL;
2893 const MFloat e1 = PRfRHOR * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UR) + POW2(VR) + POW2(WR)) + PRfRHOR;
2896 // compute lenght of metric vector for normalization
2897 const MFloat DGRAD = sqrt(POW2(surf0) + POW2(surf1) + POW2(surf2));
2898 const MFloat FDGRAD = F1 / DGRAD;
2900 // scale by metric length to get velocity in the new basis (get normalized basis vectors)
2901 const MFloat UUL = ((UL * surf0 + VL * surf1 + WL * surf2) - dxdtau) * FDGRAD;
2904 const MFloat UUR = ((UR * surf0 + VR * surf1 + WR * surf2) - dxdtau) * FDGRAD;
2906 MFloat AL = FRHOL * PL;
2907 MFloat AR = FRHOR * PR;
2909 const MFloat FALR = 2.0 / (AL + AR);
2910 const MFloat ALPHAL = AL * FALR;
2911 const MFloat ALPHAR = AR * FALR;
2913 AL = sqrt(gamma * AL);
2914 AR = sqrt(gamma * AR);
2915 AL = mMax(AL, AR);
2916 AR = AL;
2918 const MFloat XMAL = UUL / AL;
2919 const MFloat XMAR = UUR / AR;
2921 AL = AL * DGRAD;
2922 AR = AR * DGRAD;
2924 const MFloat RHOAL = AL * RHOL;
2925 const MFloat RHOAR = AR * RHOR;
2927 const MInt IJK[2] = {1, m_nCells[1]};
2928 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
2930 const MFloat FDV = 0.3;
2931 const MFloat DXDXEZ = m_cells->coordinates[0][IP1] - m_cells->coordinates[0][I];
2932 const MFloat DYDXEZ = m_cells->coordinates[1][IP1] - m_cells->coordinates[1][I];
2933 const MFloat DZDXEZ = m_cells->coordinates[2][IP1] - m_cells->coordinates[2][I];
2934 MFloat SV = 2.0 * DGRAD / (m_cells->cellJac[I] + m_cells->cellJac[IP1]) * (FDV + (F1 - FDV) * getPSI(I, dim));
2935 const MFloat SV1 = F0 * SV * DXDXEZ;
2936 const MFloat SV2 = F0 * SV * DYDXEZ;
2937 const MFloat SV3 = F0 * SV * DZDXEZ;
2939 const MFloat XMAL1 = mMin(F1, mMax(-F1, XMAL));
2940 const MFloat XMAR1 = mMin(F1, mMax(-F1, XMAR));
2942 MFloat FXMA = F1B2 * (XMAL1 + fabs(XMAL1));
2943 const MFloat XMALP = ALPHAL * (F1B4 * POW2(XMAL1 + F1) - FXMA) + FXMA + (mMax(F1, XMAL) - F1);
2944 FXMA = F1B2 * (XMAR1 - fabs(XMAR1));
2945 const MFloat XMARM = ALPHAR * (-F1B4 * POW2(XMAR1 - F1) - FXMA) + FXMA + (mMin(-F1, XMAR) + F1);
2947 const MFloat FLP = PL * ((F2 - XMAL1) * POW2(F1 + XMAL1));
2948 const MFloat FRP = PR * ((F2 + XMAR1) * POW2(F1 - XMAR1));
2949 const MFloat PLR = F1B4 * (FLP + FRP);
2951 const MFloat RHOUL = XMALP * RHOAL;
2952 const MFloat RHOUR = XMARM * RHOAR;
2953 const MFloat RHOU = RHOUL + RHOUR;
2954 const MFloat RHOU2 = F1B2 * RHOU;
2955 const MFloat ARHOU2 = fabs(RHOU2);
2957 const MFloat UUL2 = SV1 * UUL;
2958 const MFloat UUR2 = SV1 * UUR;
2959 UL = UL - UUL2;
2960 UR = UR - UUR2;
2961 const MFloat UUL3 = SV2 * UUL;
2962 const MFloat UUR3 = SV2 * UUR;
2963 VL = VL - UUL3;
2964 VR = VR - UUR3;
2965 const MFloat UUL4 = SV3 * UUL;
2966 const MFloat UUR4 = SV3 * UUR;
2967 WL = WL - UUL4;
2968 WR = WR - UUR4;
2970 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
2972 flux[CV->RHO_U][I] = RHOU2 * (UL + UR) + ARHOU2 * (UL - UR) + PLR * surf0 + RHOUL * UUL2 + RHOUR * UUR2;
2973 flux[CV->RHO_V][I] = RHOU2 * (VL + VR) + ARHOU2 * (VL - VR) + PLR * surf1 + RHOUL * UUL3 + RHOUR * UUR3;
2974 flux[CV->RHO_W][I] = RHOU2 * (WL + WR) + ARHOU2 * (WL - WR) + PLR * surf2 + RHOUL * UUL4 + RHOUR * UUR4;
2975 flux[CV->RHO_E][I] = RHOU2 * (e0 + e1) + ARHOU2 * (e0 - e1) + PLR * dxdtau;
2976 flux[CV->RHO][I] = RHOU;
MFloat ** surfaceMetrics
constexpr T mMin(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: functions.h:90
constexpr T mMax(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: functions.h:94

◆ AusmLES()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::AusmLES ( MFloat QLeft,
MFloat QRight,
const MInt  dim,
const MInt  cellId 

Can be used for moving grids, dxt term is included

Definition at line 2692 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2693 {
2694 // MFloat pFactor[3]={F0,F0,F0};
2695 const MFloat gamma = m_gamma;
2696 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = gamma - 1.0;
2697 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = F1 / gammaMinusOne;
2699 const MFloat surf0 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 0][I];
2700 const MFloat surf1 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 1][I];
2701 const MFloat surf2 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 2][I];
2703 const MFloat dxdtau = m_cells->dxt[dim][I];
2705 // calculate pressure
2706 const MFloat PL = QLeft[PV->P];
2707 const MFloat UL = QLeft[PV->U];
2708 const MFloat VL = QLeft[PV->V];
2709 const MFloat WL = QLeft[PV->W];
2710 const MFloat RHOL = QLeft[PV->RHO];
2712 const MFloat PR = QRight[PV->P];
2713 const MFloat UR = QRight[PV->U];
2714 const MFloat VR = QRight[PV->V];
2715 const MFloat WR = QRight[PV->W];
2716 const MFloat RHOR = QRight[PV->RHO];
2718 // compute lenght of metric vector for normalization
2719 const MFloat metricLength = sqrt(POW2(surf0) + POW2(surf1) + POW2(surf2));
2720 const MFloat fMetricLength = F1 / metricLength;
2722 // scale by metric length to get velocity in the new basis (get normalized basis vectors)
2723 const MFloat UUL = ((UL * surf0 + VL * surf1 + WL * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
2726 const MFloat UUR = ((UR * surf0 + VR * surf1 + WR * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
2729 // speed of sound
2730 const MFloat AL = sqrt(gamma * mMax(m_eps, PL / mMax(m_eps, RHOL)));
2731 const MFloat AR = sqrt(gamma * mMax(m_eps, PR / mMax(m_eps, RHOR)));
2733 const MFloat MAL = UUL / AL;
2734 const MFloat MAR = UUR / AR;
2736 const MFloat MALR = F1B2 * (MAL + MAR);
2737 const MFloat PLR = PL * (F1B2 + m_chi * MAL) + PR * (F1B2 - m_chi * MAR);
2739 const MFloat RHO_AL = RHOL * AL;
2740 const MFloat RHO_AR = RHOR * AR;
2742 const MFloat PLfRHOL = PL / RHOL;
2743 const MFloat PRfRHOR = PR / RHOR;
2745 const MFloat e0 = PLfRHOL * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UL) + POW2(VL) + POW2(WL)) + PLfRHOL;
2746 const MFloat e1 = PRfRHOR * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UR) + POW2(VR) + POW2(WR)) + PRfRHOR;
2748 const MFloat RHOU = F1B2 * (MALR * (RHO_AL + RHO_AR) + fabs(MALR) * (RHO_AL - RHO_AR)) * metricLength;
2749 const MFloat RHOU2 = F1B2 * RHOU;
2750 // multiply by metric length to take surface area into account
2751 const MFloat AbsRHO_U2 = fabs(RHOU2);
2753 //==>fluxes:
2754 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
2755 flux[CV->RHO_U][I] = RHOU2 * (UL + UR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (UL - UR) + PLR * surf0;
2756 flux[CV->RHO_V][I] = RHOU2 * (VL + VR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (VL - VR) + PLR * surf1;
2757 flux[CV->RHO_W][I] = RHOU2 * (WL + WR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (WL - WR) + PLR * surf2;
2758 flux[CV->RHO_E][I] = RHOU2 * (e0 + e1) + AbsRHO_U2 * (e0 - e1) + PLR * dxdtau;
2759 flux[CV->RHO][I] = RHOU;


void FvStructuredSolver3D::AusmLES_PTHRC ( MFloat QLeft,
MFloat QRight,
MInt  dim,
MInt  I 

Same AUSM scheme as AusmLES with additional damping controlled by the 4th order pressure derivative. Pressure needs to computed beforehand.

Definition at line 2771 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2771 {
2772 const MFloat gamma = m_gamma;
2773 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = m_fgammaMinusOne;
2775 const MFloat surf0 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 0][I];
2776 const MFloat surf1 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 1][I];
2777 const MFloat surf2 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 2][I];
2779 const MFloat* const RESTRICT p = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables[PV->P]);
2781 const MFloat dxdtau = m_cells->dxt[dim][I];
2783 // calculate pressure
2784 const MFloat PL = QLeft[PV->P];
2785 const MFloat UL = QLeft[PV->U];
2786 const MFloat VL = QLeft[PV->V];
2787 const MFloat WL = QLeft[PV->W];
2788 const MFloat RHOL = QLeft[PV->RHO];
2790 const MFloat PR = QRight[PV->P];
2791 const MFloat UR = QRight[PV->U];
2792 const MFloat VR = QRight[PV->V];
2793 const MFloat WR = QRight[PV->W];
2794 const MFloat RHOR = QRight[PV->RHO];
2796 // compute lenght of metric vector for normalization
2797 const MFloat metricLength = sqrt(POW2(surf0) + POW2(surf1) + POW2(surf2));
2798 const MFloat fMetricLength = F1 / metricLength;
2800 // scale by metric length to get velocity in the new basis (get normalized basis vectors)
2801 const MFloat UUL = ((UL * surf0 + VL * surf1 + WL * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
2804 const MFloat UUR = ((UR * surf0 + VR * surf1 + WR * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
2806 // speed of sound
2807 const MFloat AL = sqrt(gamma * mMax(m_eps, PL / mMax(m_eps, RHOL)));
2808 const MFloat AR = sqrt(gamma * mMax(m_eps, PR / mMax(m_eps, RHOR)));
2810 const MFloat MAL = UUL / AL;
2811 const MFloat MAR = UUR / AR;
2813 const MFloat MALR = F1B2 * (MAL + MAR);
2815 // 4th order pressure damping
2816 const MInt IPJK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 1, 0, 0);
2817 const MInt IMJK = getCellIdfromCell(I, -1, 0, 0);
2818 const MInt IP2JK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 2, 0, 0);
2819 const MInt IM2JK = getCellIdfromCell(I, -2, 0, 0);
2821 const MInt IJPK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 1, 0);
2822 const MInt IJMK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, -1, 0);
2823 const MInt IJP2K = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 2, 0);
2824 const MInt IJM2K = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, -2, 0);
2826 const MInt IJKP = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, 1);
2827 const MInt IJKM = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, -1);
2828 const MInt IJKP2 = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, 2);
2829 const MInt IJKM2 = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, -2);
2831 const MFloat p4I4 = F4 * (p[IPJK] + p[IMJK]) - F6 * (p[I]) - p[IP2JK] - p[IM2JK];
2832 const MFloat p4J4 = F4 * (p[IJPK] + p[IJMK]) - F6 * (p[I]) - p[IJP2K] - p[IJM2K];
2833 const MFloat p4K4 = F4 * (p[IJKP] + p[IJKM]) - F6 * (p[I]) - p[IJKP2] - p[IJKM2];
2835 const MFloat pfac = fabs(p4I4) + fabs(p4J4) + fabs(p4K4);
2836 const MFloat facl = 1.0 / 1.3 * pfac;
2837 const MFloat fac = min(1 / 128.0, facl);
2839 const MFloat PLR = PL * (F1B2 + fac * MAL) + PR * (F1B2 - fac * MAR);
2841 const MFloat RHO_AL = RHOL * AL;
2842 const MFloat RHO_AR = RHOR * AR;
2844 const MFloat PLfRHOL = PL / RHOL;
2845 const MFloat PRfRHOR = PR / RHOR;
2847 const MFloat e0 = PLfRHOL * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UL) + POW2(VL) + POW2(WL)) + PLfRHOL;
2848 const MFloat e1 = PRfRHOR * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UR) + POW2(VR) + POW2(WR)) + PRfRHOR;
2850 const MFloat RHOU = F1B2 * (MALR * (RHO_AL + RHO_AR) + fabs(MALR) * (RHO_AL - RHO_AR)) * metricLength;
2851 const MFloat RHOU2 = F1B2 * RHOU;
2852 // multiply by metric length to take surface area into account
2853 const MFloat AbsRHO_U2 = fabs(RHOU2);
2855 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
2856 flux[CV->RHO_U][I] = RHOU2 * (UL + UR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (UL - UR) + PLR * surf0;
2857 flux[CV->RHO_V][I] = RHOU2 * (VL + VR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (VL - VR) + PLR * surf1;
2858 flux[CV->RHO_W][I] = RHOU2 * (WL + WR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (WL - WR) + PLR * surf2;
2859 flux[CV->RHO_E][I] = RHOU2 * (e0 + e1) + AbsRHO_U2 * (e0 - e1) + PLR * dxdtau;
2860 flux[CV->RHO][I] = RHOU;
MInt getCellIdfromCell(const MInt, const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)


void FvStructuredSolver3D::BARTH_JESPERSON_FCT ( MFloat  effNghbrDelta,
MFloat  srfcDelta,
MFloat  dxEpsSqr,
MInt  cellPos,
MInt  var,
MFloatScratchSpace minPhi 
Leo Hoening

Definition at line 2677 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2678 {
2679 (void)dxEpsSqr;
2680 const MFloat eps = 1e-12;
2681 MFloat phi_max = effNghbrDelta / (srfcDelta + eps);
2682 minPhi(var, cellPos) = mMin(phi_max, F1);

◆ calcSurfaceMetrics()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::calcSurfaceMetrics ( )

◆ cellIndex()

MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::cellIndex ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j,
const MInt  k 

Definition at line 4998 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4998 {
4999 return i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];

◆ computeCellLength()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeCellLength ( )

Definition at line 866 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

866 {
867 // this function can be moved into the MusclSchemeStreched later but for testing it is easier
870 MInt P1 = -1, P2 = -1, P3 = -1, P4 = -1, P5 = -1, P6 = -1, P7 = -1, P8 = -1;
871 MFloat f1x = F0, f1y = F0, f1z = F0, f2x = F0, f2y = F0, f2z = F0;
872 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
873 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
874 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
875 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
876 P1 = getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k);
877 P2 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 0, 0);
878 P3 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 1, 0);
879 P4 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 0, 1);
880 P5 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 1, 1);
881 P6 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 0, 1, 0);
882 P7 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 0, 1, 1);
883 P8 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 0, 0, 1);
884 //----------Idirection
885 // face 1
886 f1x = F1B4
887 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P6] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P7]
888 + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P8]);
889 f1y = F1B4
890 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P6] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P7]
891 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P8]);
892 f1z = F1B4
893 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P6] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P7]
894 + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P8]);
895 // face 2
896 f2x = F1B4
897 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P3] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P4]
898 + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P5]);
899 f2y = F1B4
900 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P3] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P4]
901 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P5]);
902 f2z = F1B4
903 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P3] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P4]
904 + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P5]);
905 m_cells->cellLength[0][cellId] = sqrt(POW2(f2x - f1x) + POW2(f2y - f1y) + POW2(f2z - f1z));
906 //----------Jdirection
907 // face 1
908 f1x = F1B4
909 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P4]
910 + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P8]);
911 f1y = F1B4
912 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P4]
913 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P8]);
914 f1z = F1B4
915 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P4]
916 + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P8]);
917 // face 2
918 f2x = F1B4
919 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P3] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P6]
920 + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P7]);
921 f2y = F1B4
922 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P3] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P6]
923 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P7]);
924 f2z = F1B4
925 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P3] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P6]
926 + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P7]);
927 m_cells->cellLength[1][cellId] = sqrt(POW2(f2x - f1x) + POW2(f2y - f1y) + POW2(f2z - f1z));
928 //----------Kdirection
929 // face 1
930 f1x = F1B4
931 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P3]
932 + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P6]);
933 f1y = F1B4
934 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P3]
935 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P6]);
936 f1z = F1B4
937 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P3]
938 + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P6]);
939 // face 2
940 f2x = F1B4
941 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P4] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P7]
942 + m_grid->m_coordinates[0][P8]);
943 f2y = F1B4
944 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P4] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P7]
945 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P8]);
946 f2z = F1B4
947 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P7]
948 + m_grid->m_coordinates[2][P8]);
949 m_cells->cellLength[2][cellId] = sqrt(POW2(f2x - f1x) + POW2(f2y - f1y) + POW2(f2z - f1z));
950 }
951 }
952 }
MInt getPointIdFromCell(const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
MInt getPointIdfromPoint(const MInt, const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
MFloat ** cellLength

◆ computeCumulativeAverage()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeCumulativeAverage ( MBool  forceReset)

do the time average of the flow variables for LES and store them.

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4267 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4267 {
4268 TRACE();
4269 if(m_RKStep == 0 && m_zoneType == "LES") {
4270 if(globalTimeStep == 0 || forceReset) {
4271 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noCells; cellId++) {
4272 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_RHO][cellId] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId];
4273 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_U][cellId] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
4274 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_V][cellId] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId];
4275 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_W][cellId] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId];
4276 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_P][cellId] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId];
4277 }
4278 } else {
4279 const MFloat timeFacRho = m_Ma * (1.0 / m_zonalAveragingFactor) * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) * m_physicalTimeStep;
4280 const MFloat timeFacU = m_Ma * (1.0 / m_zonalAveragingFactor) * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) * m_physicalTimeStep;
4281 const MFloat timeFacV = m_Ma * (1.0 / m_zonalAveragingFactor) * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) * m_physicalTimeStep;
4282 const MFloat timeFacW = m_Ma * (1.0 / m_zonalAveragingFactor) * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) * m_physicalTimeStep;
4283 const MFloat timeFacE = m_Ma * (1.0 / m_zonalAveragingFactor) * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) * m_physicalTimeStep;
4286 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noCells; cellId++) {
4287 // Exponential averaging
4288 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_RHO][cellId] =
4289 timeFacRho * m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] + (1.0 - timeFacRho) * m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_RHO][cellId];
4290 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_U][cellId] =
4291 timeFacU * m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] + (1.0 - timeFacU) * m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_U][cellId];
4292 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_V][cellId] =
4293 timeFacV * m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] + (1.0 - timeFacV) * m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_V][cellId];
4294 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_W][cellId] =
4295 timeFacW * m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] + (1.0 - timeFacW) * m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_W][cellId];
4296 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_P][cellId] =
4297 timeFacE * m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] + (1.0 - timeFacE) * m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_P][cellId];
4298 }
4299 }
4300 }
MFloat m_Ma
the Mach number
Definition: solver.h:71

◆ computeDomainWidth()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeDomainWidth ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 3693 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

3693 {
3694 // if we only compute cd,cl for a part of the domain (m_auxDataCoordinateLimits == true)
3695 // only compute the average with the width of this section
3698 } else {
3699 MFloat minCoordinate = F0, maxCoordinate = F0, minCoordinateGlobal = F0, maxCoordinateGlobal = F0;
3700 MInt lowPoint = -1, highPoint = -1;
3702 if(m_forceAveragingDir == 0) {
3703 highPoint = getPointIdFromCell(m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers, 0, 0);
3704 lowPoint = getPointIdFromCell(m_noGhostLayers, 0, 0);
3705 } else if(m_forceAveragingDir == 1) {
3706 highPoint = getPointIdFromCell(0, m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers, 0);
3707 lowPoint = getPointIdFromCell(0, m_noGhostLayers, 0);
3708 } else {
3711 }
3713 minCoordinate = m_grid->m_coordinates[m_forceAveragingDir][lowPoint];
3714 maxCoordinate = m_grid->m_coordinates[m_forceAveragingDir][highPoint];
3715 MPI_Allreduce(&minCoordinate, &minCoordinateGlobal, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "minCoordinate",
3716 "minCoordinateGlobal");
3717 MPI_Allreduce(&maxCoordinate, &maxCoordinateGlobal, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "maxCoordinate",
3718 "maxCoordinateGlobal");
3719 m_globalDomainWidth = fabs(maxCoordinateGlobal - minCoordinateGlobal);
3720 m_log << "Global domain width: " << m_globalDomainWidth << endl;
3721 }
InfoOutFile m_log
int MPI_Allreduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allreduce

◆ computeFrictionPressureCoef()

virtual void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeFrictionPressureCoef ( MBool  computePower)

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 138 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

138 {
139 m_structuredBndryCnd->computeFrictionPressureCoef(computePower);
140 }

◆ computeLambda2Criterion()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeLambda2Criterion ( )
Pascal Meysonnat

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9162 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9162 {
9163 TRACE();
9164 MFloatScratchSpace J(nDim, nDim, AT_, "J");
9165 MFloat d[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
9166 MFloat e[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
9167 J.fill(F0);
9170 MFloat* const RESTRICT u = &m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][0];
9171 MFloat* const RESTRICT v = &m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][0];
9172 MFloat* const RESTRICT w = &m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][0];
9173 MFloat* const RESTRICT lambda2 = &m_cells->fq[FQ->LAMBDA2][0];
9175 // compute the lambda2 criterion.
9176 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers + 1; k++) {
9177 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers + 1; j++) {
9178 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers + 1; i++) {
9179 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
9180 const MInt IMJK = cellIndex(i - 1, j, k);
9181 const MInt IPJK = cellIndex(i + 1, j, k);
9182 const MInt IJMK = cellIndex(i, j - 1, k);
9183 const MInt IJPK = cellIndex(i, j + 1, k);
9184 const MInt IJKM = cellIndex(i, j, k - 1);
9185 const MInt IJKP = cellIndex(i, j, k + 1);
9186 const MFloat FcellJac = F1 / m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
9188 const MFloat dudx = FcellJac
9189 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[0][cellId] * (u[IPJK] - u[IMJK])
9190 + m_cells->cellMetrics[3][cellId] * (u[IJPK] - u[IJMK])
9191 + m_cells->cellMetrics[6][cellId] * (u[IJKP] - u[IJKM]));
9192 const MFloat dudy = FcellJac
9193 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[1][cellId] * (u[IPJK] - u[IMJK])
9194 + m_cells->cellMetrics[4][cellId] * (u[IJPK] - u[IJMK])
9195 + m_cells->cellMetrics[7][cellId] * (u[IJKP] - u[IJKM]));
9196 const MFloat dudz = FcellJac
9197 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[2][cellId] * (u[IPJK] - u[IMJK])
9198 + m_cells->cellMetrics[5][cellId] * (u[IJPK] - u[IJMK])
9199 + m_cells->cellMetrics[8][cellId] * (u[IJKP] - u[IJKM]));
9201 const MFloat dvdx = FcellJac
9202 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[0][cellId] * (v[IPJK] - v[IMJK])
9203 + m_cells->cellMetrics[3][cellId] * (v[IJPK] - v[IJMK])
9204 + m_cells->cellMetrics[6][cellId] * (v[IJKP] - v[IJKM]));
9205 const MFloat dvdy = FcellJac
9206 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[1][cellId] * (v[IPJK] - v[IMJK])
9207 + m_cells->cellMetrics[4][cellId] * (v[IJPK] - v[IJMK])
9208 + m_cells->cellMetrics[7][cellId] * (v[IJKP] - v[IJKM]));
9209 const MFloat dvdz = FcellJac
9210 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[2][cellId] * (v[IPJK] - v[IMJK])
9211 + m_cells->cellMetrics[5][cellId] * (v[IJPK] - v[IJMK])
9212 + m_cells->cellMetrics[8][cellId] * (v[IJKP] - v[IJKM]));
9214 const MFloat dwdx = FcellJac
9215 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[0][cellId] * (w[IPJK] - w[IMJK])
9216 + m_cells->cellMetrics[3][cellId] * (w[IJPK] - w[IJMK])
9217 + m_cells->cellMetrics[6][cellId] * (w[IJKP] - w[IJKM]));
9218 const MFloat dwdy = FcellJac
9219 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[1][cellId] * (w[IPJK] - w[IMJK])
9220 + m_cells->cellMetrics[4][cellId] * (w[IJPK] - w[IJMK])
9221 + m_cells->cellMetrics[7][cellId] * (w[IJKP] - w[IJKM]));
9222 const MFloat dwdz = FcellJac
9223 * (m_cells->cellMetrics[2][cellId] * (w[IPJK] - w[IMJK])
9224 + m_cells->cellMetrics[5][cellId] * (w[IJPK] - w[IJMK])
9225 + m_cells->cellMetrics[8][cellId] * (w[IJKP] - w[IJKM]));
9227 // Compute the matrix (S^2+Omega^2)/2
9228 J(0, 0) = POW2(dudx) + dvdx * dudy + dwdx * dudz;
9229 J(0, 1) = F1B2 * (dudx * dudy + dudx * dvdx + dvdy * dudy + dvdy * dvdx + dwdy * dudz + dvdz * dwdx);
9230 J(0, 2) = F1B2 * (dudx * dudz + dudx * dwdx + dudy * dvdz + dvdx * dwdy + dwdz * dudz + dwdz * dwdx);
9231 J(1, 0) = J(0, 1);
9232 J(1, 1) = POW2(dvdy) + dvdx * dudy + dvdz * dwdy;
9233 J(1, 2) = F1B2 * (dudz * dvdx + dwdx * dudy + dvdy * dvdz + dvdy * dwdy + dwdz * dvdz + dwdz * dwdy);
9234 J(2, 0) = J(0, 2);
9235 J(2, 1) = J(1, 2);
9236 J(2, 2) = POW2(dwdz) + dwdx * dudz + dvdz * dwdy;
9238 // perform householder tridiagonalization of
9239 // symmetric real matrix
9240 tred2(J, nDim, d, e);
9241 // compute eigenvalues
9242 tqli2(d, e, nDim);
9243 // sort eigenvalues
9244 insertSort(nDim, d);
9246 lambda2[cellId] = d[1];
9247 }
9248 }
9249 }
void tred2(MFloatScratchSpace &A, MInt dim, MFloat *diag, MFloat *offdiag)
Householder Reduction according to Numercial Recipies in C: The Art of Scientific Computing.
void tqli2(MFloat *diag, MFloat *offdiag, MInt dim)
Compute Eigenvalues with implicit shift according to Numercial Recipies in C: The Art of Scientific C...
void insertSort(MInt dim, MFloat *list)
Sorting function to sort list in ascending order.
This class is a ScratchSpace.
Definition: scratch.h:758
MFloat ** cellMetrics

◆ computePorousRHS()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computePorousRHS ( MBool  isRans)

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 5501 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5501 {
5502 TRACE();
5504 const MFloat rRe0 = 1.0 / m_Re0;
5506 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT pvars = m_cells->pvariables;
5507 const MFloat* const RESTRICT muLam = &m_cells->fq[FQ->MU_L][0];
5508 const MFloat* const RESTRICT por = &m_cells->fq[FQ->POROSITY][0];
5509 const MFloat* const RESTRICT Da = &m_cells->fq[FQ->DARCY][0];
5510 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cf = &m_cells->fq[FQ->FORCH][0];
5512 if(isRans) {
5513 mTerm(1, "Porous stuff for 3D RANS not implemented yet!");
5514 } else { // LES
5515 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; ++k) {
5516 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
5517 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
5518 const MInt IJK = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5519 MFloat velAbs = F0;
5520 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
5521 velAbs += POW2(pvars[PV->VV[dim]][IJK]);
5522 }
5523 velAbs = sqrt(velAbs);
5524 const MFloat rDa = 1.0 / Da[IJK];
5525 const MFloat porPOW2 = POW2(por[IJK]);
5526 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
5527 m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO_VV[dim]][IJK] +=
5528 -(rRe0 * rDa * por[IJK] * muLam[IJK] + porPOW2 * sqrt(rDa) * cf[IJK] * velAbs * pvars[PV->RHO][IJK])
5529 * pvars[dim /*PV->VV[dim] <-- why is this giving linking error???*/][IJK] * m_cells->cellJac[IJK];
5530 }
5531 }
5532 }
5533 }
5534 }

◆ computePrimitiveVariables()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computePrimitiveVariables ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9703 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9703 {
9705 computePrimitiveVariables_<&FvStructuredSolver::pressure_twoEqRans>();
9706 else
MInt noRansEquations(RansMethod ransMethod)

◆ computePrimitiveVariables_()

template<MFloat(FvStructuredSolver< 3 >::*)(MInt) const pressure_func>
void FvStructuredSolver3D::computePrimitiveVariables_

Definition at line 9669 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9669 {
9670 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = m_gamma - 1.0;
9672 MFloat** const RESTRICT cvars = m_cells->variables;
9673 MFloat** const RESTRICT pvars = m_cells->pvariables;
9675 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; ++k) {
9676 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
9677 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
9678 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
9679 const MFloat fRho = F1 / cvars[CV->RHO][cellId];
9680 MFloat velPOW2 = F0;
9681 for(MInt vel = 0; vel < nDim; ++vel) { // compute velocity
9682 pvars[vel][cellId] = cvars[vel][cellId] * fRho;
9683 velPOW2 += POW2(pvars[vel][cellId]);
9684 }
9686 // density and pressure:
9687 pvars[PV->RHO][cellId] = cvars[CV->RHO][cellId]; // density
9688 pvars[PV->P][cellId] =
9689 gammaMinusOne
9690 * (cvars[CV->RHO_E][cellId] - F1B2 * pvars[PV->RHO][cellId] * velPOW2 + (this->*pressure_func)(cellId));
9692 for(MInt ransVar = 0; ransVar < m_noRansEquations; ransVar++) {
9693 // TODO_SS labels:FV,totest Does it make sense to forbid negative values. BCs sometimes negate the neighbor
9694 // value
9695 cvars[CV->RANS_VAR[ransVar]][cellId] = mMax(cvars[CV->RANS_VAR[ransVar]][cellId], F0);
9696 pvars[PV->RANS_VAR[ransVar]][cellId] = cvars[CV->RANS_VAR[ransVar]][cellId] * fRho;
9697 }
9698 }
9699 }
9700 }

◆ computeReconstructionConstantsSVD()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeReconstructionConstantsSVD ( )

Definition at line 9941 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9941 {
9942 MInt nghbr[30], dim = 0;
9943 MInt start[nDim], end[nDim];
9945 const MInt recDim = (m_orderOfReconstruction == 2) ? (IPOW2(nDim) + 1) : nDim + 1;
9946 MInt maxNoSingularityRecNghbrIds = 14;
9947 MFloatScratchSpace tmpA(maxNoSingularityRecNghbrIds, recDim, AT_, "tmpA");
9948 MFloatScratchSpace tmpC(recDim, maxNoSingularityRecNghbrIds, AT_, "tmpC");
9949 MFloatScratchSpace weights(maxNoSingularityRecNghbrIds, AT_, "weights");
9950 MFloat counter = F0;
9951 MFloat avg = F0;
9952 MFloat maxc = F0;
9954 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_hasSingularity; ++i) {
9955 if(m_singularity[i].BC == -6000) {
9956 MInt totalCells = 1;
9957 MInt len1[nDim];
9959 //(p)reset the reconstruction constants
9960 for(MInt n = 0; n < nDim + 1; ++n) {
9961 for(MInt m = 0; m < m_singularity[i].totalCells * m_singularity[i].Nstar * 2; ++m) {
9962 m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[n][m] = -999;
9963 }
9964 }
9966 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
9967 len1[j] = m_singularity[i].end[j] - m_singularity[i].start[j];
9968 if(len1[j] != 0) totalCells *= len1[j];
9969 }
9971 for(MInt n = 0; n < nDim; ++n) {
9972 if(m_singularity[i].end[n] - m_singularity[i].start[n] > 1) {
9973 dim = n;
9974 start[n] = m_singularity[i].start[n] + 1;
9975 end[n] = m_singularity[i].end[n] - 1;
9976 } else {
9977 start[n] = m_singularity[i].start[n];
9978 end[n] = m_singularity[i].end[n];
9979 }
9980 }
9982 for(MInt kk = start[2]; kk < end[2]; ++kk) {
9983 for(MInt jj = start[1]; jj < end[1]; ++jj) {
9984 for(MInt ii = start[0]; ii < end[0]; ++ii) {
9985 MInt count = 0;
9986 MInt temp[nDim]{};
9987 temp[dim] = 1;
9989 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii, jj, kk);
9990 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii + temp[0], jj + temp[1], kk + temp[2]);
9992 // the coordinates of the corner where the viscousflux should be corrected.
9993 MInt ijk = getPointIdFromCell(ii + m_singularity[i].Viscous[0], jj + m_singularity[i].Viscous[1],
9994 kk + m_singularity[i].Viscous[2]);
9995 ijk = getPointIdfromPoint(ijk, 1, 1, 1);
9997 for(MInt m = 0; m < m_singularity[i].Nstar - 1; ++m) {
9998 MInt* change = m_singularity[i].displacement[m];
9999 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii + change[0], jj + change[1], kk + change[2]);
10000 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii + temp[0] + change[0], jj + temp[1] + change[1], kk + temp[2] + change[2]);
10001 }
10003 if(count != m_singularity[i].Nstar * 2) {
10004 cerr << "Something wrong with the singularities in the LS coeffiecient computation" << endl;
10005 }
10007 // weighted Least square
10008 weights.fill(F0);
10010 // Compute weights with RBF (take mean distance as R0)
10011 for(MInt n = 0; n < count; n++) {
10012 MInt nghbrId = nghbr[n];
10013 MFloat dxdx = F0;
10014 for(MInt m = 0; m < nDim; ++m) {
10015 dxdx += POW2(m_cells->coordinates[m][nghbrId] - m_grid->m_coordinates[m][ijk]);
10016 }
10018 weights[n] = 1 / dxdx; // RBF( dxdx, POW2( dist) );
10019 }
10021 MInt id2 = ii - start[0] + ((jj - start[1]) + (kk - start[2]) * len1[1]) * len1[0];
10022 MInt ID = id2 * m_singularity[i].Nstar * 2;
10024 MFloat condNum = computeRecConstSVD(ijk, count, nghbr, ID, i, tmpA, tmpC, weights, recDim);
10025 avg += condNum;
10026 maxc = mMax(maxc, condNum);
10027 counter += F1;
10028 if(condNum < F0 || condNum > 1e7 || std::isnan(condNum)) {
10029 cerr << domainId() << " SVD decomposition for pointId " << ijk
10030 << " with large condition number: " << condNum << " num of neighbor" << count << "x" << recDim << " "
10031 << " coords " << m_grid->m_coordinates[0][ijk] << ", " << m_grid->m_coordinates[1][ijk] << ", "
10032 << m_grid->m_coordinates[2][ijk] << endl;
10033 }
10034 }
10035 }
10036 }
10037 }
10038 }
MFloat computeRecConstSVD(const MInt ijk, const MInt noNghbrIds, MInt *nghbr, MInt ID, MInt sID, MFloatScratchSpace &tmpA, MFloatScratchSpace &tmpC, MFloatScratchSpace &weights, const MInt recDim)
AUX DATA ENDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
constexpr MLong IPOW2(MInt x)
MFloat ** ReconstructionConstants
MInt displacement[5][3]

◆ computeTimeStep()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeTimeStep ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4348 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4348 {
4349 TRACE();
4351 m_timeStep = 1000.0;
4352 const MFloat* const RESTRICT dxtx = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->dxt[0]);
4353 const MFloat* const RESTRICT dxty = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->dxt[1]);
4354 const MFloat* const RESTRICT dxtz = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->dxt[2]);
4355 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT metric = m_cells->cellMetrics;
4357 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
4358 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
4359 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
4360 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
4362 const MFloat Frho = F1 / m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId];
4364 // compute the speed of sound
4365 const MFloat speedOfSound = sqrt(m_gamma * m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] * Frho);
4367 // no need for simplified metrics, since information is already contained
4368 // in cell metrics
4369 const MFloat lenXi = sqrt(POW2(metric[0][cellId]) + POW2(metric[1][cellId]) + POW2(metric[2][cellId]));
4370 const MFloat lenEt = sqrt(POW2(metric[3][cellId]) + POW2(metric[4][cellId]) + POW2(metric[5][cellId]));
4371 const MFloat lenZe = sqrt(POW2(metric[6][cellId]) + POW2(metric[7][cellId]) + POW2(metric[8][cellId]));
4373 // contravariant velocities
4374 MFloat U_c = F0;
4375 MFloat V_c = F0;
4376 MFloat W_c = F0;
4378 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
4379 U_c += m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[isd]][cellId] * metric[xsd * nDim + isd][cellId];
4380 V_c += m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[isd]][cellId] * metric[ysd * nDim + isd][cellId];
4381 W_c += m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[isd]][cellId] * metric[zsd * nDim + isd][cellId];
4382 }
4384 // subtract grid velocity
4385 U_c -= dxtx[cellId];
4386 V_c -= dxty[cellId];
4387 W_c -= dxtz[cellId];
4389 U_c = fabs(U_c);
4390 V_c = fabs(V_c);
4391 W_c = fabs(W_c);
4393 // has area information in it due to metric terms
4394 const MFloat eigenvalue = U_c + V_c + W_c + speedOfSound * (lenXi + lenEt + lenZe);
4396 // divide volume information (jacobian) through area to get characteristic length for CFL
4397 const MFloat deltaT = m_cfl * m_cells->cellJac[cellId] / eigenvalue;
4399 if(m_localTimeStep) {
4400 m_cells->localTimeStep[cellId] = deltaT;
4401 m_timeStep = F1;
4402 m_timeRef = F1;
4403 } else {
4404 m_timeStep = mMin(m_timeStep, deltaT);
4405 }
4406 }
4407 }
4408 }
static constexpr MInt xsd
static constexpr MInt zsd
static constexpr MInt ysd
MFloat * localTimeStep

◆ computeTotalKineticEngergy()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::computeTotalKineticEngergy ( )

Definition at line 5749 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5749 {
5750 TRACE();
5751 MFloat localEnergy = F0;
5752 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
5753 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
5754 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
5755 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5756 localEnergy += (POW2(m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId]) + POW2(m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId])
5757 + POW2(m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId]))
5758 * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
5759 }
5760 }
5761 }
5762 return localEnergy;

◆ computeTotalPressure()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::computeTotalPressure ( )

Definition at line 5765 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5765 {
5766 TRACE();
5767 MFloat localPressure = F0;
5768 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
5769 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
5770 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
5771 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5772 localPressure += m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] * m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
5773 }
5774 }
5775 }
5776 return localPressure;

◆ computeVorticity()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeVorticity ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9093 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9093 {
9094 TRACE();
9095 MFloat* const RESTRICT u = &m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][0];
9096 MFloat* const RESTRICT v = &m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][0];
9097 MFloat* const RESTRICT w = &m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][0];
9098 MFloat* const RESTRICT vortx = &m_cells->fq[FQ->VORTX][0];
9099 MFloat* const RESTRICT vorty = &m_cells->fq[FQ->VORTY][0];
9100 MFloat* const RESTRICT vortz = &m_cells->fq[FQ->VORTZ][0];
9101 MFloat* const RESTRICT jac = &m_cells->cellJac[0];
9104 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
9105 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
9106 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
9107 const MInt IJK = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9108 const MInt IPJK = (i + 1) + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9109 const MInt IMJK = (i - 1) + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9110 const MInt IJPK = i + ((j + 1) + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9111 const MInt IJMK = i + ((j - 1) + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9112 const MInt IJKP = i + (j + (k + 1) * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9113 const MInt IJKM = i + (j + (k - 1) * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9115 const MFloat dudxi = u[IPJK] - u[IMJK];
9116 const MFloat dudet = u[IJPK] - u[IJMK];
9117 const MFloat dudze = u[IJKP] - u[IJKM];
9119 const MFloat dvdxi = v[IPJK] - v[IMJK];
9120 const MFloat dvdet = v[IJPK] - v[IJMK];
9121 const MFloat dvdze = v[IJKP] - v[IJKM];
9123 const MFloat dwdxi = w[IPJK] - w[IMJK];
9124 const MFloat dwdet = w[IJPK] - w[IJMK];
9125 const MFloat dwdze = w[IJKP] - w[IJKM];
9127 const MFloat dvdz = dvdxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd][IJK]
9128 + dvdet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd][IJK]
9129 + dvdze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd][IJK];
9130 const MFloat dwdy = dwdxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd][IJK]
9131 + dwdet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd][IJK]
9132 + dwdze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd][IJK];
9134 const MFloat dudz = dudxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd][IJK]
9135 + dudet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd][IJK]
9136 + dudze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd][IJK];
9137 const MFloat dwdx = dwdxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd][IJK]
9138 + dwdet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd][IJK]
9139 + dwdze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd][IJK];
9141 const MFloat dvdx = dvdxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd][IJK]
9142 + dvdet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd][IJK]
9143 + dvdze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd][IJK];
9144 const MFloat dudy = dudxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd][IJK]
9145 + dudet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd][IJK]
9146 + dudze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd][IJK];
9148 vortx[IJK] = F1B2 * (dwdy - dvdz) / jac[IJK];
9149 vorty[IJK] = F1B2 * (dudz - dwdx) / jac[IJK];
9150 vortz[IJK] = F1B2 * (dvdx - dudy) / jac[IJK];
9151 }
9152 }
9153 }

◆ computeZonalConnections()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::computeZonalConnections ( )

Definition at line 105 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

105 {
106 if(!m_rans) {
107 // do a spanwise average of the pressure in
108 // all LES zones
109 m_zonalSpanwiseAvgVars.push_back(m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_P]);
110 }
115 const MInt noZonalBCMaps = m_windowInfo->m_zonalBCMaps.size();
116 m_zonalBC.resize(noZonalBCMaps);
121 if(domainId() == 0) {
122 cout << "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl
123 << "Starting zonal bc creation for " << noZonalBCMaps << " zonal bc maps" << endl;
124 }
126 for(MInt id = 0; id < noZonalBCMaps; id++) {
127 if(domainId() == 0) {
128 cout << "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
129 cout << "//////////// ZONAL BC " << id << " ///////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
130 cout << "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
131 }
133 m_zonalBC[id] = make_unique<StructuredZonalBC>();
134 m_zonalBC[id]->receiverBlockId = m_windowInfo->m_zonalBCMaps[id]->Id1;
136 if(domainId() == 0) {
137 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Initialization ..." << endl;
138 }
140 // set up the data of the zonal domain and noCellsBC
141 MIntScratchSpace noZonalCells(noDomains(), AT_, "noZonalCells");
142 MInt hasRcvDomain = 0;
143 m_zonalBC[id]->noZonalVariables = 6;
144 m_zonalBC[id]->hasSTG = false;
145 m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC = 0;
146 m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC = 0;
147 m_zonalBC[id]->hasLocalBCMap = false;
149 for(MInt bcId = 0; bcId < abs((MInt)m_windowInfo->physicalBCMap.size()); ++bcId) {
150 m_zonalBC[id]->hasLocalBCMap =
151 m_windowInfo->checkZonalBCMaps(m_windowInfo->m_zonalBCMaps[id], m_windowInfo->physicalBCMap[bcId]);
153 MInt stgIP = 0;
154 if(m_zonalBC[id]->hasLocalBCMap) {
155 if(m_windowInfo->physicalBCMap[bcId]->BC == 2221) {
156 stgIP = 1; // in this case use one more cell, required for STG
157 m_zonalBC[id]->hasSTG = true;
158 }
160 MInt* start = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->start1;
161 MInt* end = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->end1;
162 m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC += (end[0] + stgIP - start[0]) * (end[1] - start[1]) * (end[2] - start[2]);
163 m_zonalBC[id]->start[0] = start[0];
164 m_zonalBC[id]->start[1] = start[1];
165 m_zonalBC[id]->start[2] = start[2];
166 m_zonalBC[id]->end[0] = end[0] + stgIP;
167 m_zonalBC[id]->end[1] = end[1];
168 m_zonalBC[id]->end[2] = end[2];
169 hasRcvDomain = 1;
170 break;
171 }
172 }
174 if(domainId() == 0) {
175 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Initialization ... Finished!" << endl;
176 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Collecting local coordinates ... " << endl;
177 }
179 MFloatScratchSpace localCoordinatesBC(nDim, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC), AT_, "localCoordinatesBC");
180 MIntScratchSpace localReceiverIds(std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC), AT_, "localReceiverIds");
181 MIntScratchSpace localMapCellIds(std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC), AT_, "m_localMapCellIds");
183 if(m_zonalBC[id]->hasLocalBCMap) {
184 MInt bcCellId = 0;
185 for(MInt k = m_zonalBC[id]->start[2]; k < m_zonalBC[id]->end[2]; k++) {
186 for(MInt j = m_zonalBC[id]->start[1]; j < m_zonalBC[id]->end[1]; j++) {
187 for(MInt i = m_zonalBC[id]->start[0]; i < m_zonalBC[id]->end[0]; i++) {
188 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
190 if(m_zonalBC[id]->hasSTG) {
191 localMapCellIds[bcCellId] = bcCellId;
192 } else {
193 localMapCellIds[bcCellId] = cellId;
194 }
196 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
197 localCoordinatesBC(dim, bcCellId) = m_cells->coordinates[dim][cellId];
198 }
200 localReceiverIds[bcCellId] = domainId();
201 ++bcCellId;
202 }
203 }
204 }
205 }
207 if(domainId() == 0) {
208 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Collecting local coordinates ... Finished!" << endl;
209 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Exchanging information about local coordinates ..." << endl;
210 }
212 MPI_Allreduce(&m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC, &m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,
213 m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC", "m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC");
214 MPI_Allgather(&m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC, 1, MPI_INT, &noZonalCells[0], 1, MPI_INT, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
215 "m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsLocalBC", "noZonalCells[0]");
217 if(domainId() == 0) {
218 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Exchanging information about local coordinates ... Finished!" << endl;
219 }
224 if(domainId() == 0) {
225 MInt noCells = 0;
226 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
227 noCells += noZonalCells[i];
228 }
229 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Gathering coordinates for " << noCells << " cells on all partitions..." << endl;
230 }
232 MIntScratchSpace noCellsBCOffsets(noDomains(), AT_, "noCellsBCOffsets");
233 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->coordinatesGlobalBC, 3, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC), "coordinatesGlobalBC",
234 0.0, AT_);
235 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->globalLocalMapCellIds, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC), "globalLocalMapCellIds",
236 -1, AT_);
237 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->globalReceiverIds, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC), "globalReceiverIds", -1, AT_);
239 noCellsBCOffsets[0] = 0;
240 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains(); i++) {
241 noCellsBCOffsets[i] = noCellsBCOffsets[i - 1] + noZonalCells[i - 1];
242 }
245 // Distribute all zonal cell information (all coordinates, cellIds, domainIds) to all domains
246 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
247 MPI_Allgatherv(&localCoordinatesBC(dim, 0), noZonalCells[domainId()], MPI_DOUBLE,
248 &m_zonalBC[id]->coordinatesGlobalBC[dim][0], &noZonalCells[0], &noCellsBCOffsets[0], MPI_DOUBLE,
249 m_StructuredComm, AT_, "localCoordinatesBC(0,0)", "coordinatesGlobalBC[0][0]");
250 }
251 MPI_Allgatherv(&localReceiverIds[0], noZonalCells[domainId()], MPI_INT, &m_zonalBC[id]->globalReceiverIds[0],
252 &noZonalCells[0], &noCellsBCOffsets[0], MPI_INT, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "localReceiverIds[0]",
253 "m_zonalBC[id]->globalReceiverIds[0]");
254 MPI_Allgatherv(&localMapCellIds[0], noZonalCells[domainId()], MPI_INT, &m_zonalBC[id]->globalLocalMapCellIds[0],
255 &noZonalCells[0], &noCellsBCOffsets[0], MPI_INT, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "localMapCellIds[0]",
256 "m_zonalBC[id]->globalLocalMapCellIds[0]");
258 if(domainId() == 0) {
259 MInt noCells = 0;
260 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
261 noCells += noZonalCells[i];
262 }
263 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Gathering coordinates for " << noCells << " cells on all partitions... Finished!"
264 << endl;
265 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Searching for suitable interpolation partners..." << endl;
266 }
270 MIntScratchSpace hasPartnerLocalBC(m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC, AT_, "hasPartnerLocalBC");
271 MBool hasInterpolationPartnerDomain = true;
273 if(m_blockId == m_zonalBC[id]->receiverBlockId) {
274 hasInterpolationPartnerDomain = false;
275 }
277 m_zonalBC[id]->interpolation =
278 make_unique<StructuredInterpolation<nDim>>(m_nCells, m_cells->coordinates, m_StructuredComm);
280 m_zonalBC[id]->interpolation->prepareZonalInterpolation(m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC,
281 m_zonalBC[id]->coordinatesGlobalBC,
282 hasPartnerLocalBC.begin(),
283 hasInterpolationPartnerDomain);
285 if(domainId() == 0) {
286 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Searching for suitable interpolation partners... Finished!" << endl;
287 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Creating sending and receiving information..." << endl;
288 }
293 // to find out which domains will be rcvDomains
295 m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalRcvDomains = 0;
296 MPI_Allreduce(&hasRcvDomain, &m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalRcvDomains, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
297 "hasRcvDomain", "m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalRcvDomains");
299 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->globalRcvDomainIds, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalRcvDomains), "m_globalRcvDomainIds",
300 -1, AT_);
302 MInt pos = 0;
303 for(MInt j = 0; j < noDomains(); j++) {
304 if(noZonalCells[j] > 0) {
305 m_zonalBC[id]->globalRcvDomainIds[pos] = j;
306 ++pos;
307 }
308 }
310 // to find out which domains will be sndDomains
311 MInt hasSndDomain = false;
312 for(MInt cellIdBC = 0; cellIdBC < m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC; cellIdBC++) {
313 if(hasPartnerLocalBC[cellIdBC]) {
314 hasSndDomain = true;
315 break;
316 }
317 }
319 m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalSndDomains = 0;
320 MPI_Allreduce(&hasSndDomain, &m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalSndDomains, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
321 "hasSndDomain", "m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalSndDomains");
324 MIntScratchSpace hasSndDomainInfo(noDomains(), AT_, "hasSndDomainInfo");
325 MPI_Allgather(&hasSndDomain, 1, MPI_INT, &hasSndDomainInfo[0], 1, MPI_INT, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "hasSndDomain",
326 "hasSndDomainInfo[0]");
328 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->globalSndDomainIds, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalSndDomains), "m_globalSndDomainIds",
329 -1, AT_);
331 pos = 0;
332 for(MInt j = 0; j < noDomains(); j++) {
333 if(hasSndDomainInfo[j] > 0) {
334 m_zonalBC[id]->globalSndDomainIds[pos] = j;
335 pos++;
336 }
337 }
341 // compute no of cells which our domain can interpolate and has to send
342 m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize = 0;
343 for(MInt cellIdBC = 0; cellIdBC < m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC; cellIdBC++) {
344 if(hasPartnerLocalBC[cellIdBC]) {
345 m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize++;
346 }
347 }
349 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->localCommReceiverIds, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize), "localCommReceiverIds",
350 AT_);
351 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->localBufferMapCellIds, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize), "localCommReceiverIds",
352 AT_);
353 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->localBufferIndexCellIds, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize), "localCommReceiverIds",
354 AT_);
356 // collect the receiver domainIds for each cell that our domain can interpolate
357 pos = 0;
358 for(MInt cellIdBC = 0; cellIdBC < m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC; cellIdBC++) {
359 if(hasPartnerLocalBC[cellIdBC]) {
360 m_zonalBC[id]->localCommReceiverIds[pos] = m_zonalBC[id]->globalReceiverIds[cellIdBC];
361 pos++;
362 }
363 }
365 // count to how many different domains our domain needs to send data
366 m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains = 0;
367 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalSndDomains; i++) {
368 if(m_zonalBC[id]->globalSndDomainIds[i] == domainId()) {
369 for(MInt d = 0; d < noDomains(); d++) {
370 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize; j++) {
371 if(m_zonalBC[id]->localCommReceiverIds[j] == d) {
372 m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains++;
373 break;
374 }
375 }
376 }
377 }
378 }
380 MIntScratchSpace localRcvId(std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains), AT_, "localRcvId");
381 MIntScratchSpace localBufferSndSize(std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains), AT_, "localBufferSndSize");
383 // save each receiving domainId in localRcvId
384 pos = 0;
385 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalSndDomains; i++) {
386 if(m_zonalBC[id]->globalSndDomainIds[i] == domainId()) {
387 for(MInt d = 0; d < noDomains(); d++) {
388 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize; j++) {
389 if(m_zonalBC[id]->localCommReceiverIds[j] == d) {
390 localRcvId[pos] = d;
391 pos++;
392 break;
393 }
394 }
395 }
396 }
397 }
400 // save the cellId and mapCellId (the cellId of the receiving cell on the nghbr Domain)
401 pos = 0;
402 for(MInt cellIdBC = 0; cellIdBC < m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC; cellIdBC++) {
403 if(hasPartnerLocalBC[cellIdBC]) {
404 const MInt mapCellId = m_zonalBC[id]->globalLocalMapCellIds[cellIdBC];
405 m_zonalBC[id]->localBufferMapCellIds[pos] = mapCellId;
406 m_zonalBC[id]->localBufferIndexCellIds[pos] = cellIdBC; // this is needed to get InterpolatedVars in zonalGather
407 pos++;
408 }
409 }
411 // compute the buffer size for each domain our domain needs to send data to
412 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains; i++) {
413 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize; j++) {
414 if(localRcvId[i] == m_zonalBC[id]->localCommReceiverIds[j]) {
415 localBufferSndSize[i]++;
416 }
417 }
418 }
420 // get m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains and SndId
421 MIntScratchSpace sndBufferRcvSize(noDomains(), AT_, "sndBufferRcvSize");
423 for(MInt noRcv = 0; noRcv < m_zonalBC[id]->noGlobalRcvDomains; noRcv++) {
424 MInt bufferRcvSize = 0;
425 for(MInt cellIdBC = 0; cellIdBC < m_zonalBC[id]->noCellsGlobalBC; cellIdBC++) {
426 if(m_zonalBC[id]->globalRcvDomainIds[noRcv] == m_zonalBC[id]->globalReceiverIds[cellIdBC]) {
427 if(hasPartnerLocalBC[cellIdBC]) {
428 bufferRcvSize++;
429 }
430 }
431 }
433 // get the bufferSndSize
434 sndBufferRcvSize[m_zonalBC[id]->globalRcvDomainIds[noRcv]] = bufferRcvSize;
435 }
437 MIntScratchSpace rcvBufferRcvSize(noDomains(), AT_, "rcvBufferRcvSize");
438 MPI_Alltoall(&sndBufferRcvSize[0], 1, MPI_INT, &rcvBufferRcvSize[0], 1, MPI_INT, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
439 "sndBufferRcvSize[0]", "rcvBufferRcvSize[0]");
441 // get m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains, localSndId, localbufferRcvSize.
442 // These are from which domains each rcvDoamin will receive
443 // and how much size it is.
444 m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains = 0;
445 if(m_zonalBC[id]->hasLocalBCMap) {
446 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
447 if(rcvBufferRcvSize[i] > 0) { // get noRcvNghbrDoamins
448 m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains++;
449 }
450 }
451 }
453 MIntScratchSpace localSndId(std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains), AT_, "localSndId");
454 MIntScratchSpace localBufferRcvSize(std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains), AT_, "localBufferRcvSize");
456 // get localSndId from which domains each rcvDoamin will receive data
457 pos = 0;
458 if(m_zonalBC[id]->hasLocalBCMap) {
459 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
460 if(rcvBufferRcvSize[i] > 0) { // sndId is the info the receiver Domains have from which domains I will receive
461 localSndId[pos] = i;
462 pos++;
463 }
464 }
465 }
466 // get localbufferRcvSize
467 pos = 0;
468 if(m_zonalBC[id]->hasLocalBCMap) {
469 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
470 if(rcvBufferRcvSize[i] > 0) {
471 localBufferRcvSize[pos] = rcvBufferRcvSize[i];
472 pos++;
473 }
474 }
475 }
481 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->sndRequest, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains), "sndRequest", AT_);
482 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->sndStatus, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains), "sndStatus", AT_);
483 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->rcvRequest, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains), "rcvRequest", AT_);
484 mAlloc(m_zonalBC[id]->rcvStatus, std::max(1, m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains), "rcvStatus", AT_);
487 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains; i++) {
488 unique_ptr<StructuredZonalComm> sndCommPtr =
489 make_unique<StructuredZonalComm>(localBufferSndSize[i], localRcvId[i], m_zonalBC[id]->noZonalVariables);
490 m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm.push_back(std::move(sndCommPtr));
491 m_zonalBC[id]->sndRequest[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
492 }
494 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains; i++) {
495 unique_ptr<StructuredZonalComm> rcvCommPtr =
496 make_unique<StructuredZonalComm>(localBufferRcvSize[i], localSndId[i], m_zonalBC[id]->noZonalVariables);
497 m_zonalBC[id]->rcvComm.push_back(std::move(rcvCommPtr));
498 m_zonalBC[id]->rcvRequest[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
499 }
506 for(MInt noSnd = 0; noSnd < m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains; noSnd++) {
507 pos = 0;
509 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_zonalBC[id]->noBufferSndSize; cellId++) {
510 if(m_zonalBC[id]->localCommReceiverIds[cellId] == m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noSnd]->localId) {
511 m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noSnd]->mapCellId[pos] = m_zonalBC[id]->localBufferMapCellIds[cellId];
512 pos++;
513 }
514 }
516 MInt err = MPI_Isend((void*)m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noSnd]->mapCellId, m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noSnd]->bufferSize,
517 MPI_INT, m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noSnd]->localId, 0, m_StructuredComm,
518 &m_zonalBC[id]->sndRequest[noSnd], AT_, "m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noSnd]->intBbuffer");
519 if(err)
520 cout << "rank " << domainId() << " zonal sending to " << m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noSnd]->localId
521 << " throws error " << endl;
522 }
524 for(MInt noRcv = 0; noRcv < m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains; noRcv++) {
525 MInt err =
526 MPI_Irecv((void*)&m_zonalBC[id]->rcvComm[noRcv]->mapCellId[0], m_zonalBC[id]->rcvComm[noRcv]->bufferSize,
527 MPI_INT, m_zonalBC[id]->rcvComm[noRcv]->localId, 0, m_StructuredComm,
528 &m_zonalBC[id]->rcvRequest[noRcv], AT_, "(void*)&m_zonalBC[id]->rcvComm[noRcv]->mapCellId");
529 if(err)
530 cout << "rank " << domainId() << " zonal sending to " << m_zonalBC[id]->sndComm[noRcv]->localId
531 << " throws error " << endl;
532 }
534 MPI_Waitall(m_zonalBC[id]->noSndNghbrDomains, m_zonalBC[id]->sndRequest, m_zonalBC[id]->sndStatus, AT_);
535 MPI_Waitall(m_zonalBC[id]->noRcvNghbrDomains, m_zonalBC[id]->rcvRequest, m_zonalBC[id]->rcvStatus, AT_);
539 if(domainId() == 0) {
540 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Creating sending and receiving information... Finished!" << endl;
541 cout << "Zonal BC" << id << ": Completed!" << endl;
542 }
543 }
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredZonalBC > > m_zonalBC
std::unique_ptr< FvStructuredSolverWindowInfo< nDim > > m_windowInfo
std::vector< MFloat * > m_zonalSpanwiseAvgVars
virtual MInt noDomains() const
Definition: solver.h:387
bool MBool
Definition: maiatypes.h:58
MInt id
Definition: maiatypes.h:71
int MPI_Isend(const void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Isend
int MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name)
same as MPI_Barrier
int MPI_Allgatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[], const int displs[], MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allgatherv
int MPI_Irecv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Irecv
int MPI_Waitall(int count, MPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status, const MString &name)
same as MPI_Waitall
int MPI_Alltoall(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Alltoall
int MPI_Allgather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allgather

◆ crossProduct()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::crossProduct ( MFloat result,
const MFloat vec1,
const MFloat vec2 

Definition at line 5782 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5782 {
5783 result[xsd] = vec1[ysd] * vec2[zsd] - vec1[zsd] * vec2[ysd];
5784 result[ysd] = vec1[zsd] * vec2[xsd] - vec1[xsd] * vec2[zsd];
5785 result[zsd] = vec1[xsd] * vec2[ysd] - vec1[ysd] * vec2[xsd];

◆ dist()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::dist ( MFloat a,
MFloat b 

Definition at line 4990 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4990 {
4991 MFloat dist1 = F0;
4992 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) {
4993 dist1 += POW2(a[dim * m_noCells] - b[dim * m_noCells]);
4994 }
4995 return sqrt(dist1);
Definition: contexttypes.h:19

◆ distributeFluxToCells()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::distributeFluxToCells ( )

Definition at line 4265 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4265{ TRACE(); }

◆ dvardx()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::dvardx ( MInt  IJK,
MFloat var 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9435 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9435 {
9436 const MInt INC[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
9438 const MInt IPJK = IJK + INC[0];
9439 const MInt IMJK = IJK - INC[0];
9440 const MInt IJPK = IJK + INC[1];
9441 const MInt IJMK = IJK - INC[1];
9442 const MInt IJKP = IJK + INC[2];
9443 const MInt IJKM = IJK - INC[2];
9445 const MFloat dvardxi = var[IPJK] - var[IMJK];
9446 const MFloat dvardet = var[IJPK] - var[IJMK];
9447 const MFloat dvardze = var[IJKP] - var[IJKM];
9449 const MFloat ddx =
9450 (dvardxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd][IJK] + dvardet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd][IJK]
9451 + dvardze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd][IJK]);
9453 return ddx / m_cells->cellJac[IJK];

◆ dvardxyz()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::dvardxyz ( MInt  IJK,
MInt  dir,
MFloat var 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9414 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9414 {
9415 const MInt INC[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
9417 const MInt IPJK = IJK + INC[0];
9418 const MInt IMJK = IJK - INC[0];
9419 const MInt IJPK = IJK + INC[1];
9420 const MInt IJMK = IJK - INC[1];
9421 const MInt IJKP = IJK + INC[2];
9422 const MInt IJKM = IJK - INC[2];
9424 const MFloat dvardxi = F1B2 * (var[IPJK] - var[IMJK]);
9425 const MFloat dvardet = F1B2 * (var[IJPK] - var[IJMK]);
9426 const MFloat dvardze = F1B2 * (var[IJKP] - var[IJKM]);
9428 const MFloat ddxyz =
9429 (dvardxi * m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * 3 + dir][IJK] + dvardet * m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * 3 + dir][IJK]
9430 + dvardze * m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * 3 + dir][IJK]);
9432 return ddxyz / m_cells->cellJac[IJK];

◆ exchange6002()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::exchange6002 ( )





Definition at line 10043 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

10043 {
10044 mTerm(1, "This 3D version is not tested yet!");
10045 // if (m_rans && m_ransMethod!=RANS_KEPSILON)
10046 // mTerm(1, "Porous RANS computation is only supported by k-epsilon model!");
10047 // if (!m_porous)
10048 // mTerm(1, "bc6002 requires the property porous to be set to true!");
10050 // 0) Check if initBc6002 is called for the first time
10051 // for(MInt bcId_=0; bcId_ < bcId; ++bcId_) {
10052 // if (m_physicalBCMap[bcId_]->BC==6002) return;
10053 // }
10055 // Determine normal vectors and save for later use
10056 for(MInt bcId_ = 0; bcId_ < (MInt)m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap.size(); ++bcId_) {
10057 if(m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId_]->BC == 6002
10058 && m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId_]->Nstar == -1) {
10059 MInt* start = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId_]->start1;
10060 MInt* end = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId_]->end1;
10062 const MInt IJKP[nDim] = {1, m_nPoints[2], m_nPoints[1] * m_nPoints[2]};
10063 const MInt IJ[nDim] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
10065 const MInt pp[3][12] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
10066 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1},
10067 {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0}};
10069 const MInt face = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId_]->face;
10071 const MInt normalDir = face / 2;
10072 const MInt firstTangentialDir = (normalDir + 1) % nDim;
10073 const MInt secondTangentialDir = (normalDir + 2) % nDim;
10074 const MInt normalDirStart = start[normalDir];
10075 const MInt firstTangentialStart = start[firstTangentialDir];
10076 const MInt firstTangentialEnd = end[firstTangentialDir];
10077 const MInt secondTangentialStart = start[secondTangentialDir];
10078 const MInt secondTangentialEnd = end[secondTangentialDir];
10079 const MInt incp[nDim] = {IJKP[normalDir], IJKP[firstTangentialDir], IJKP[secondTangentialDir]};
10080 const MInt inc[nDim] = {IJ[normalDir], IJ[firstTangentialDir], IJ[secondTangentialDir]};
10082 const MInt n = (face % 2) * 2 - 1; //-1,+1
10083 const MInt g1p = normalDirStart + 2 * ((MInt)(0.5 - (0.5 * (MFloat)n))); //+2,0
10084 const MInt g1 = normalDirStart + (MInt)(0.5 - (0.5 * (MFloat)n)); //+1,0
10086 for(MInt t1 = firstTangentialStart; t1 < firstTangentialEnd; t1++) {
10087 for(MInt t2 = secondTangentialStart; t2 < secondTangentialEnd; t2++) {
10088 const MInt cellIdG1 = g1 * inc[0] + t1 * inc[1] + t2 * inc[2];
10090 // compute four surrounding points of surface centroid
10091 const MInt ijk = g1p * incp[0] + t1 * incp[1] + t2 * incp[2];
10092 const MInt pp1 = getPointIdfromPoint(ijk, pp[normalDir][0], pp[normalDir][1], pp[normalDir][2]);
10093 const MInt pp2 = getPointIdfromPoint(ijk, pp[normalDir][3], pp[normalDir][4], pp[normalDir][5]);
10094 const MInt pp3 = getPointIdfromPoint(ijk, pp[normalDir][6], pp[normalDir][7], pp[normalDir][8]);
10095 MInt helper[nDim] = {0, 0, 0};
10096 helper[normalDir] = 1;
10097 const MInt pp3_ =
10098 getPointIdfromPoint(ijk, n * helper[0], n * helper[1], n * helper[2]); // point lying outside domain
10100 // compute the velocity of the surface centroid
10101 MFloat firstVec[nDim] = {F0, F0, F0};
10102 MFloat secondVec[nDim] = {F0, F0, F0};
10103 MFloat normalVec[nDim] = {F0, F0, F0};
10104 MFloat normalVec_[nDim]{};
10105 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
10106 firstVec[dim] = m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pp2] - m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pp1];
10107 secondVec[dim] = m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pp3] - m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pp1];
10108 normalVec_[dim] = m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pp3_] - m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pp1];
10109 }
10111 // compute normal vector of surface
10112 crossProduct(normalVec, firstVec, secondVec);
10113 const MFloat normalLength = sqrt(POW2(normalVec[0]) + POW2(normalVec[1]) + POW2(normalVec[2]));
10115 MFloat sgn = (std::inner_product(&normalVec[0], &normalVec[0] + nDim, &normalVec_[0], 0.0) < 0.0) ? -1 : 1;
10116 if(m_blockType == "fluid") sgn *= -1;
10118 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
10119 normalVec[dim] /= normalLength;
10120 m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[dim]][cellIdG1] = sgn * normalVec[dim];
10121 }
10122 }
10123 }
10124 }
10125 }
10127 // Determine normal vector at singularities
10128 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_hasSingularity; ++i) {
10129 mTerm(1, "Not tested yet!");
10130 const auto& singularity = m_singularity[i];
10131 // only correct for bc 6000 not for bc 4000-5000
10132 if(singularity.BC == -6000) {
10133 MBool takeIt = false;
10134 for(MInt n = 0; n < singularity.Nstar; ++n) {
10135 if(singularity.BCsingular[n] == -6002) takeIt = true;
10136 }
10138 if(takeIt) {
10139 MInt start[nDim], end[nDim];
10140 for(MInt n = 0; n < nDim; ++n) {
10141 if(singularity.end[n] - singularity.start[n] > 1) {
10142 // dim=n;
10143 // start[n]=singularity.start[n]+1;
10144 start[n] = singularity.start[n] + 1;
10145 end[n] = singularity.end[n] - 1;
10146 } else {
10147 start[n] = singularity.start[n];
10148 end[n] = singularity.end[n];
10149 }
10150 }
10152 for(MInt kk = start[2]; kk < end[2]; ++kk) {
10153 for(MInt jj = start[1]; jj < end[1]; ++jj) {
10154 for(MInt ii = start[0]; ii < end[0]; ++ii) {
10155 const MInt IJ = cellIndex(ii, jj, kk);
10156 if(abs(m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[0]][IJ]) > 1e-8) mTerm(1, "");
10157 for(MInt m = 0; m < 2; ++m) {
10158 const MInt* change = singularity.displacement[m];
10159 const MInt nghbr = cellIndex(ii + change[0], jj + change[1], kk + change[2]);
10160 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d)
10161 m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][IJ] += m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][nghbr];
10162 }
10163 }
10164 }
10165 }
10166 }
10167 }
10168 }
10170 // TODO_SS labels:FV,toenhance The exchange of all the normals is an overhead, because it is only needed at
10171 // singularity points
10175 // MInt sendSizeTotal = 0;
10176 std::vector<MInt> receiveSizes;
10177 for(auto& snd : m_sndComm) {
10178 // TODO_SS labels:FV right now exchange at all 6000er not only 6002 because of singularities
10179 if(snd->bcId == -6000 || snd->bcId == -6002) {
10180 // Gather
10182 MInt size = 1;
10183 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim)
10184 size *= snd->endInfoCells[dim] - snd->startInfoCells[dim];
10185 // std::vector<MFloat> snd->cellBuffer(size*(1+nDim));
10186 // sendSizeTotal += size;
10188 MInt pos = 0;
10189 for(MInt k = snd->startInfoCells[2]; k < snd->endInfoCells[2]; k++) {
10190 for(MInt j = snd->startInfoCells[1]; j < snd->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
10191 for(MInt i = snd->startInfoCells[0]; i < snd->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
10192 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
10193 // TODO_SS labels:FV Latter only allocate FQ->POROSITY for m_blockType==porous
10194 // if (m_blockType=="fluid")
10195 // snd->cellBuffer[pos++] = 1;
10196 // else
10197 snd->cellBuffer[pos] = m_cells->fq[FQ->POROSITY][cellId];
10198 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d) {
10199 snd->cellBuffer[(1 + d) * size + pos] = m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][cellId];
10200 }
10201 ++pos;
10202 }
10203 }
10204 }
10206 // Send
10207 MInt tag = domainId() + (snd->tagHelper) * noDomains();
10208 MInt err = MPI_Isend((void*)&snd->cellBuffer[0], size * (nDim + 1), MPI_DOUBLE, snd->nghbrId, tag,
10209 m_StructuredComm, &snd->mpi_request, AT_, "(void*)&snd->cellBuffer[0]");
10210 if(err) cout << "rank " << domainId() << " sending throws error " << endl;
10213 // Determine size of receive buffer
10214 // TODO_SS labels:FV right now exchange at all 6000er not only 6002 because of singularities
10215 size = 1;
10216 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim)
10217 size *= snd->endInfoCells[dim] - snd->startInfoCells[dim];
10218 receiveSizes.push_back(size);
10219 }
10220 }
10225 std::vector<MFloat> bufferRcv(std::accumulate(receiveSizes.begin(), receiveSizes.end(), 0) * (nDim + 1));
10226 MInt offset = 0;
10227 MInt cnt = 0;
10228 for(auto& rcv : m_rcvComm) {
10229 // TODO_SS labels:FV right now exchange at all 6000er not only 6002 because of singularities
10230 if(rcv->bcId == -6002 || rcv->bcId == -6000) {
10231 const MInt rcvSize = receiveSizes[cnt];
10232 MInt tag = rcv->nghbrId + (rcv->tagHelper) * noDomains();
10233 MInt err = MPI_Irecv(&bufferRcv[offset], rcvSize * (1 + nDim), MPI_DOUBLE, rcv->nghbrId, tag, m_StructuredComm,
10234 &rcv->mpi_request, AT_, "(void*)&rcvSize");
10235 if(err) cout << "rank " << domainId() << " sending throws error " << endl;
10237 offset += rcvSize * (1 + nDim);
10238 ++cnt;
10239 }
10240 }
10245 for(auto& snd : m_sndComm) {
10246 if(snd->bcId == -6002 || snd->bcId == -6000) {
10247 MPI_Wait(&(snd->mpi_request), &(snd->mpi_status), AT_);
10248 }
10249 }
10252 for(auto& rcv : m_rcvComm) {
10253 if(rcv->bcId == -6002 || rcv->bcId == -6000) {
10254 MPI_Wait(&(rcv->mpi_request), &(rcv->mpi_status), AT_);
10255 }
10256 }
10262 ScratchSpace<MFloat> normals_temp(m_noCells * nDim, AT_, "normal_temp");
10263 offset = 0;
10264 cnt = 0;
10265 for(auto& rcv : m_rcvComm) {
10266 if(rcv->bcId == -6002 || rcv->bcId == -6000) {
10267 // TODO_SS labels:FV right now exchange at all 6000er not only 6002 because of singularities
10269 MInt k2, j2, i2, id2;
10270 MInt step2[nDim];
10271 MInt start1[nDim];
10272 MInt start2[nDim];
10273 MInt end2[nDim];
10274 MInt len2[nDim];
10275 MInt totalCells = 1;
10276 MInt len1[nDim];
10278 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
10279 len1[j] = rcv->endInfoCells[j] - rcv->startInfoCells[j];
10280 if(len1[j] != 0) totalCells *= len1[j];
10281 // added check the step for RCV part !!!!!!!!important
10282 step2[rcv->orderInfo[j]] = rcv->stepInfo[j];
10283 }
10285 // Sanity check
10286 ASSERT(totalCells == receiveSizes[cnt], "");
10288 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
10289 start2[j] = 0;
10290 end2[j] = len1[j] - 1;
10291 len2[rcv->orderInfo[j]] = len1[j];
10292 if(step2[j] < 0) {
10293 MInt dummy = start2[j];
10294 start2[j] = end2[j];
10295 end2[j] = dummy;
10296 }
10297 }
10299 MInt pos = 0;
10300 k2 = start2[2];
10301 for(MInt k = rcv->startInfoCells[2]; k < rcv->endInfoCells[2]; k++) {
10302 j2 = start2[1];
10303 for(MInt j = rcv->startInfoCells[1]; j < rcv->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
10304 i2 = start2[0];
10305 for(MInt i = rcv->startInfoCells[0]; i < rcv->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
10306 start1[rcv->orderInfo[0]] = i2;
10307 start1[rcv->orderInfo[1]] = j2;
10308 start1[rcv->orderInfo[2]] = k2;
10310 id2 = start1[0] + (start1[1] + start1[2] * len2[1]) * len2[0];
10311 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
10312 m_cells->fq[FQ->POROSITY][cellId] = bufferRcv[offset * (nDim + 1) + id2];
10313 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d) {
10314 normals_temp[m_noCells * d + cellId] = bufferRcv[offset * (nDim + 1) + (d + 1) * totalCells + id2];
10315 // m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][cellId] = bufferRcv[offset*(nDim+1)+(d+1)*totalCells+id2];
10316 }
10318 i2 += step2[0];
10319 pos++;
10320 }
10321 j2 += step2[1];
10322 }
10323 k2 += step2[2];
10324 }
10326 offset += totalCells;
10327 ++cnt;
10328 }
10329 }
10331 // Determine normal vector at singularities
10332 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_hasSingularity; ++i) {
10333 const auto& singularity = m_singularity[i];
10334 // only correct for bc 6000 not for bc 4000-5000
10335 if(singularity.BC == -6000) {
10336 MBool takeIt = false;
10337 for(MInt n = 0; n < singularity.Nstar; ++n) {
10338 if(singularity.BCsingular[n] == -6002) takeIt = true;
10339 }
10341 if(takeIt) {
10342 MInt start[nDim], end[nDim];
10343 for(MInt n = 0; n < nDim; ++n) {
10344 if(singularity.end[n] - singularity.start[n] > 1) {
10345 // dim=n;
10346 // start[n]=singularity.start[n]+1;
10347 start[n] = singularity.start[n] + 1;
10348 end[n] = singularity.end[n] - 1;
10349 } else {
10350 start[n] = singularity.start[n];
10351 end[n] = singularity.end[n];
10352 }
10353 }
10355 const MInt nstar = singularity.Nstar;
10357 for(MInt kk = start[2]; kk < end[2]; ++kk) {
10358 for(MInt jj = start[1]; jj < end[1]; ++jj) {
10359 for(MInt ii = start[0]; ii < end[0]; ++ii) {
10360 const MInt IJ = cellIndex(ii, jj, kk);
10361 MFloat temp[nDim];
10362 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d) {
10363 temp[d] = m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][IJ];
10364 }
10365 for(MInt m = 0; m < nstar - 1; ++m) {
10366 const MInt* change = singularity.displacement[m];
10367 const MInt nghbr = cellIndex(ii + change[0], jj + change[1], kk + change[2]);
10368 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d)
10369 temp[d] += normals_temp[m_noCells * d + nghbr];
10370 }
10372 MFloat l = 0;
10373 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d) {
10374 m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][IJ] = temp[d] / (2 * nstar);
10375 l += POW2(m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][IJ]);
10376 }
10377 l = sqrt(l);
10378 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d) {
10379 m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][IJ] /= l;
10380 }
10382 for(MInt m = 0; m < nstar - 1; ++m) {
10383 const MInt* change = singularity.displacement[m];
10384 const MInt nghbr = cellIndex(ii + change[0], jj + change[1], kk + change[2]);
10385 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; ++d)
10386 m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][nghbr] = m_cells->fq[FQ->NORMAL[d]][IJ];
10387 }
10388 }
10389 }
10390 }
10391 }
10392 }
10393 }
10396#if 0
10397 // 1) Gather
10398 std::vector<MFloat> sendBuffer;
10399 std::vector<MInt> sendcounts;
10400 std::vector<MInt> snghbrs;
10401 std::vector<MInt> tags;
10402 for(auto& snd: m_sndComm) {
10403 if (snd->bcId==-6002) {
10404 snghbrs.push_back(snd->nghbrId);
10405 tags.push_back(domainId()+(snd->tagHelper)*m_solver->noDomains());
10407 MInt size = 1;
10408 for (MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim)
10409 size *= snd->endInfoCells[dim] - snd->startInfoCells[dim];
10410 sendcounts.push_back(size);
10412 sendBuffer.resize(pos+size);
10413 for(MInt j=snd->startInfoCells[1]; j<snd->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
10414 for(MInt i=snd->startInfoCells[0]; i<snd->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
10415 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i,j);
10416 // TODO_SS labels:FV Latter only allocate FQ->POROSITY for m_blockType==porous
10417// if (m_blockType=="fluid")
10418// sendBuffer[pos++] = 1;
10419// else
10420 sendBuffer[pos++] = m_cells->fq[FQ->POROSITY][cellId];
10421 }
10422 }
10423 }
10424 }
10426 const MInt noNeighborDomains = snghbrs.size();
10428 // 2) Send & receive
10429 std::vector<MInt> recvcounts(noNeighborDomains);
10430 std::vector<MInt> rdispls(noNeighborDomains);
10431 std::vector<MFloat> recvBuffer = maia::mpi::mpiExchangePointToPoint(&sendBuffer[0],
10432 &snghbrs[0],
10433 noNeighborDomains,
10434 &sendcounts[0],
10435 &snghbrs[0],
10436 noNeighborDomains,
10438 m_solver->domainId(),
10439 1,
10442 // 2.5) Send & receive the tags
10443 std::vector<MInt> sendcounts2(noNeighborDomains, 1);
10444 std::vector<MInt> recvTags = maia::mpi::mpiExchangePointToPoint(&tags[0],
10445 &snghbrs[0],
10446 noNeighborDomains,
10447 &sendcounts2[0],
10448 &snghbrs[0],
10449 noNeighborDomains,
10451 m_solver->domainId(),
10452 1);
10454 // 3) Scatter
10455 for(auto& rcv: m_rcvComm) {
10456 if (rcv->bcId==-6002) {
10457 const MInt tag = rcv->nghbrId+rcv->tagHelper*m_solver->noDomains();
10458 MInt n;
10459 for (n = 0; n < noNeighborDomains; ++n) {
10460 if (tag==recvTags[n])
10461 break;
10462 }
10463 if (n==noNeighborDomains) mTerm(1, "n == noNeighborDomains");
10465 const MFloat* const recvBuffer_ = &recvBuffer[rdispls[n]];
10466 const MInt noReceivedElements = recvcounts[n];
10469 MInt j2, i2, id2;
10470 MInt step2[nDim];
10471 MInt start1[nDim];
10472 MInt start2[nDim];
10473 MInt end2[nDim];
10474 MInt len2[nDim];
10475 MInt totalCells=1;
10476 MInt len1[nDim];
10478 for(MInt j=0; j<nDim; j++) {
10479 len1[j]=rcv->endInfoCells[j] - rcv->startInfoCells[j];
10480 if(len1[j]!=0) totalCells*=len1[j];
10481 //added check the step for RCV part !!!!!!!!important
10482 step2[rcv->orderInfo[j]]=rcv->stepInfo[j];
10483 }
10485 //TODO_SS labels:FV,totest check if this assert makes sense
10486 ASSERT(noReceivedElements==totalCells, "noReceivedElements == totalCells");
10488 for(MInt j=0; j<nDim; j++) {
10489 start2[j]=0;
10490 end2[j]=len1[j]-1;
10491 len2[rcv->orderInfo[j]]=len1[j];
10492 if(step2[j]<0) {
10493 MInt dummy=start2[j];
10494 start2[j]=end2[j];
10495 end2[j]=dummy;
10496 }
10497 }
10500 MInt pos=0;
10501 j2=start2[1];
10502 for(MInt j=rcv->startInfoCells[1]; j<rcv->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
10503 i2=start2[0];
10504 for(MInt i=rcv->startInfoCells[0]; i<rcv->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
10505 start1[rcv->orderInfo[0]]=i2;
10506 start1[rcv->orderInfo[1]]=j2;
10508 id2=start1[0]+start1[1]*len2[0];
10509 const MInt cellId = i +(j*m_nCells[1]);
10510 m_cells->fq[FQ->POROSITY][cellId]= recvBuffer_[id2];
10512 i2+=step2[0];
10513 pos++;
10514 }
10515 j2+=step2[1];
10516 }
10517 }
10518 }
void crossProduct(MFloat *, const MFloat *, const MFloat *)
MFloat dummy(MInt) const
int MPI_Wait(MPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status, const MString &name)
same as MPI_Wait
MInt sgn(T val)
Definition: maiamath.h:495
std::vector< T > mpiExchangePointToPoint(const T *const sendBuffer, const MInt *const snghbrs, const MInt nosnghbrs, const MInt *const sendcounts, const MInt *const rnghbrs, const MInt nornghbrs, const MPI_Comm &mpi_comm, const MInt domainId, const MInt dataBlockSize, MInt *const recvcounts_=nullptr, MInt *const rdispls_=nullptr)
Definition: mpiexchange.h:1057

◆ extrapolateGhostPointCoordinatesBC()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::extrapolateGhostPointCoordinatesBC ( )

Definition at line 4621 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4621 {
4622 for(MInt bcId = 0; bcId < (MInt)m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap.size(); ++bcId) {
4623 // all the periodic BCs are NOT included.
4624 // also skip the channel bc
4625 if(m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->BC == 2401
4626 || m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->BC == 2402
4627 || (m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->BC >= 6000
4628 && m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->BC < 6010)) {
4629 continue;
4630 }
4632 MInt* start = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->start1;
4633 MInt* end = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->end1;
4634 MInt index = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->face / 2;
4635 MInt step = m_structuredBndryCnd->m_physicalBCMap[bcId]->face % 2;
4636 MInt pos[3], fix[3], mirror[3], ijk[3], extendijk[3];
4637 MInt pointId, FixPointId, MirrorPointId;
4639 extendijk[0] = 1;
4640 extendijk[1] = 1;
4641 extendijk[2] = 1;
4642 extendijk[index] = 0;
4644 for(ijk[2] = start[2]; ijk[2] < end[2] + extendijk[2]; ++ijk[2]) {
4645 for(ijk[1] = start[1]; ijk[1] < end[1] + extendijk[1]; ++ijk[1]) {
4646 for(ijk[0] = start[0]; ijk[0] < end[0] + extendijk[0]; ++ijk[0]) {
4647 for(MInt m = 0; m < 3; ++m) {
4648 if(index == m) {
4649 if(step == 1) {
4650 pos[m] = ijk[m] + 1;
4651 fix[m] = start[m];
4652 mirror[m] = 2 * fix[m] - pos[m];
4653 } else {
4654 pos[m] = ijk[m];
4655 fix[m] = end[m];
4656 mirror[m] = 2 * fix[m] - pos[m];
4657 }
4658 } else {
4659 pos[m] = ijk[m];
4660 fix[m] = ijk[m];
4661 mirror[m] = ijk[m];
4662 }
4663 } // m
4665 pointId = pointIndex(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
4666 FixPointId = pointIndex(fix[0], fix[1], fix[2]);
4667 MirrorPointId = pointIndex(mirror[0], mirror[1], mirror[2]);
4669 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
4670 m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pointId] =
4671 (2 * m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
4672 }
4673 } // ijk
4674 }
4675 }
4676 } // bcid
MInt pointIndex(const MInt, const MInt, const MInt)
IdType index(const FloatType *const x, const IdType level)
Return Hilbert index for given location and level in 2D or 3D.
Definition: hilbert.h:165

◆ gather()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::gather ( const  MBool,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< 3 > > > &   

Definition at line 4684 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4685 {
4686 for(auto& snd : sndComm) {
4687 if(isPeriodicComm(snd) && !periodicExchange) continue;
4688 if(periodicExchange && skipPeriodicDirection(snd)) continue;
4690 std::array<MInt, nDim> begin{snd->startInfoCells[0], snd->startInfoCells[1], snd->startInfoCells[2]};
4691 std::array<MInt, nDim> end{snd->endInfoCells[0], snd->endInfoCells[1], snd->endInfoCells[2]};
4692 std::array<MInt, nDim> size{snd->endInfoCells[0] - snd->startInfoCells[0],
4693 snd->endInfoCells[1] - snd->startInfoCells[1],
4694 snd->endInfoCells[2] - snd->startInfoCells[2]};
4695 const MInt totalSize = size[0] * size[1] * size[2];
4697 // Aliasing the unique_pointer in snd to a raw point is needed for PSTL on NVHPC
4698 auto* cellBuffer = snd->cellBuffer.get();
4699 auto* variables = &(snd->variables[0]);
4700 for(MInt var = 0; var < snd->noVars; var++) {
4701 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
4702 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4703 const MInt bufferId = totalSize * var + (i - begin[0]) + ((j - begin[1]) + (k - begin[2]) * size[1]) * size[0];
4704 cellBuffer[bufferId] = variables[var][cellId];
4705 });
4706 }
4707 }
MBool isPeriodicComm(std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > &)
MBool skipPeriodicDirection(std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > &)

◆ gcExtrapolate()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::gcExtrapolate ( std::vector< MFloat * > &  variables)

Definition at line 4910 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4910 {
4911 TRACE();
4912 // i-direction
4913 MInt cellId, cellIdAdj1, cellIdAdj2;
4914 const MInt noVars = variables.size();
4915 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
4916 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
4917 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
4918 cellId = cellIndex(m_noGhostLayers - 1 - i, j, k);
4919 cellIdAdj1 = cellIndex(m_noGhostLayers - i, j, k);
4920 cellIdAdj2 = cellIndex(m_noGhostLayers + 1 - i, j, k);
4922 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4923 variables[varPos][cellId] = (F2 * variables[varPos][cellIdAdj1] - variables[varPos][cellIdAdj2]);
4924 }
4926 cellId = cellIndex(m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers + i, j, k);
4927 cellIdAdj1 = cellIndex(m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers - 1 + i, j, k);
4928 cellIdAdj2 = cellIndex(m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers - 2 + i, j, k);
4930 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4931 variables[varPos][cellId] = (F2 * variables[varPos][cellIdAdj1] - variables[varPos][cellIdAdj2]);
4932 }
4933 }
4934 }
4935 }
4937 // j-direction
4938 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
4939 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
4940 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
4941 cellId = cellIndex(i, m_noGhostLayers - 1 - j, k);
4942 cellIdAdj1 = cellIndex(i, m_noGhostLayers - j, k);
4943 cellIdAdj2 = cellIndex(i, m_noGhostLayers + 1 - j, k);
4945 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4946 variables[varPos][cellId] = (F2 * variables[varPos][cellIdAdj1] - variables[varPos][cellIdAdj2]);
4947 }
4949 cellId = cellIndex(i, m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers + j, k); // pointId in Array
4950 cellIdAdj1 = cellIndex(i, m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers - 1 + j, k);
4951 cellIdAdj2 = cellIndex(i, m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers - 2 + j, k);
4953 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4954 variables[varPos][cellId] = (F2 * variables[varPos][cellIdAdj1] - variables[varPos][cellIdAdj2]);
4955 }
4956 }
4957 }
4958 }
4960 // k-direction
4961 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
4962 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
4963 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
4964 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, m_noGhostLayers - 1 - k);
4965 cellIdAdj1 = cellIndex(i, j, m_noGhostLayers - k);
4966 cellIdAdj2 = cellIndex(i, j, m_noGhostLayers + 1 - k);
4968 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4969 variables[varPos][cellId] = (F2 * variables[varPos][cellIdAdj1] - variables[varPos][cellIdAdj2]);
4970 }
4972 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers + k);
4973 cellIdAdj1 = cellIndex(i, j, m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers - 1 + k);
4974 cellIdAdj2 = cellIndex(i, j, m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers - 2 + k);
4976 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4977 variables[varPos][cellId] = (F2 * variables[varPos][cellIdAdj1] - variables[varPos][cellIdAdj2]);
4978 }
4979 }
4980 }
4981 }

◆ gcFillGhostCells()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::gcFillGhostCells ( std::vector< MFloat * > &  variables)

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4898 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4898 {
4899 gcExtrapolate(variables);
4901 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StructuredComm<nDim>>> gcSndComm;
4902 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StructuredComm<nDim>>> gcRcvComm;
4904 MFloat* const* const varPtr = &variables[0];
4906 m_windowInfo->createCommunicationExchangeFlags(gcSndComm, gcRcvComm, (MInt)variables.size(), varPtr);
4907 exchange(gcSndComm, gcRcvComm);
void gcExtrapolate(std::vector< MFloat * > &)
void exchange()
SVD STUFF ENDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.

◆ getCellCoordinate()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::getCellCoordinate ( MInt  cellId,
MInt  dim 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 975 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

975{ return m_cells->coordinates[dim][cellId]; }

◆ getCellIdfromCell()

MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::getCellIdfromCell ( const MInt  origin,
const MInt  incI,
const MInt  incJ,
const MInt  incK 

Definition at line 5002 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5003 {
5004 return origin + incI + incJ * m_nCells[2] + incK * m_nCells[2] * m_nCells[1];

◆ getCellLengthY()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::getCellLengthY ( MInt  i,
MInt  j,
MInt  k 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 955 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

955 {
956 const MInt P1 = getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k);
957 const MInt P2 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 0, 0);
958 const MInt P3 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 1, 0);
959 const MInt P4 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 0, 1);
960 const MInt P5 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 1, 1, 1);
961 const MInt P6 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 0, 1, 0);
962 const MInt P7 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 0, 1, 1);
963 const MInt P8 = getPointIdfromPoint(P1, 0, 0, 1);
965 const MFloat lowerY = F1B4
966 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P1] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P2] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P4]
967 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P8]);
968 const MFloat upperY = F1B4
969 * (m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P3] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P5] + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P6]
970 + m_grid->m_coordinates[1][P7]);
972 return upperY - lowerY;

◆ getFourierCoefficients()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::getFourierCoefficients ( MFloat k,
MFloat  k0,
std::complex< MFloat > *  fourierCoefficient 

Original Implementation by Georg Eitel Amor for a given wavenumber k, and a certain energy spectrum (see Appendix of Orszag, 1969)

Definition at line 9880 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9880 {
9881 TRACE();
9882 MFloat r[6], s[6], kAbs, energy;
9883 complex<MFloat> uHat, vHat, wHat;
9884 // complex<MFloat>* fourierCoefficient;
9886 kAbs = sqrt(k[0] * k[0] + k[1] * k[1] + k[2] * k[2]);
9888 // the zero-frequency component is always set to zero, so there is no offset
9889 if(approx(kAbs, F0, m_eps)) {
9890 // fourierCoefficient = new complex<MFloat>[3];
9892 fourierCoefficient[0] = complex<MFloat>(0, 0);
9893 fourierCoefficient[1] = complex<MFloat>(0, 0);
9894 fourierCoefficient[2] = complex<MFloat>(0, 0);
9895 } else {
9896 // energy = (kAbs/k0)*(kAbs/k0)*(kAbs/k0)*(kAbs/k0) * exp(-2.0*(kAbs/k0)*(kAbs/k0));
9897 // energy = pow(kAbs/k0,8.0) * exp(-4.0*(kAbs/k0)*(kAbs/k0)); // set spectral distribution
9898 energy = pow(kAbs / k0, 4.0) * exp(-2.0 * (kAbs / k0) * (kAbs / k0)); // set spectral distribution
9899 energy *= exp(2.0) * 0.499 * (m_Ma * LBCS)
9900 * (m_Ma * LBCS); // set maximal fluctuation amplitude to 20% of the freestream velocity (for 128^3: 0.88)
9902 // determine Fourier coefficients:
9903 // r and s are Independant random vector fields with independant
9904 // components (zero mean and rms according to energy spectrum).
9905 // Each vector has three components for k and another three for -k.
9907 for(MInt i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
9908 r[i] = randnormal(0.0, PI * sqrt(energy) / (SQRT2 * kAbs));
9909 // r[i] = randNumGen.randNorm(0.0, PI*sqrt(energy)/(SQRT2*kAbs));
9910 s[i] = randnormal(0.0, PI * sqrt(energy) / (SQRT2 * kAbs));
9911 // s[i] = randNumGen.randNorm(0.0, PI*sqrt(energy)/(SQRT2*kAbs));
9912 }
9914 uHat = (1.0 - k[0] * k[0] / (kAbs * kAbs)) * complex<MFloat>(r[0] + r[3], s[0] - s[3])
9915 - k[0] * k[1] / (kAbs * kAbs) * complex<MFloat>(r[1] + r[4], s[1] - s[4])
9916 - k[0] * k[2] / (kAbs * kAbs) * complex<MFloat>(r[2] + r[5], s[2] - s[5]);
9919 vHat = -k[1] * k[0] / (kAbs * kAbs) * complex<MFloat>(r[0] + r[3], s[0] - s[3])
9920 + (1.0 - k[1] * k[1] / (kAbs * kAbs)) * complex<MFloat>(r[1] + r[4], s[1] - s[4])
9921 - k[1] * k[2] / (kAbs * kAbs) * complex<MFloat>(r[2] + r[5], s[2] - s[5]);
9924 wHat = -k[2] * k[0] / (kAbs * kAbs) * complex<MFloat>(r[0] + r[3], s[0] - s[3])
9925 - k[2] * k[1] / (kAbs * kAbs) * complex<MFloat>(r[1] + r[4], s[1] - s[4])
9926 + (1.0 - k[2] * k[2] / (kAbs * kAbs)) * complex<MFloat>(r[2] + r[5], s[2] - s[5]);
9928 // fourierCoefficient = new complex<MFloat>[3];
9930 // fourierCoefficient[0] = complex<MFloat>(sqrt(2*energy)/SQRT2,sqrt(2*energy)/SQRT2);// uHat;
9931 // fourierCoefficient[1] = complex<MFloat>(sqrt(2*energy)/SQRT2,sqrt(2*energy)/SQRT2);//vHat;
9932 // fourierCoefficient[2] = complex<MFloat>(sqrt(2*energy)/SQRT2,sqrt(2*energy)/SQRT2);//wHat;
9934 fourierCoefficient[0] = uHat;
9935 fourierCoefficient[1] = vHat;
9936 fourierCoefficient[2] = wHat;
9937 // return fourierCoefficient;
9938 }
MFloat randnormal(MFloat mu, MFloat sigma)
Returns a normal distributed random-number with mu=mean and sigma=standard deviation.
MBool approx(const T &, const U &, const T)
Definition: functions.h:272

◆ getPointIdFromCell()

MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::getPointIdFromCell ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j,
const MInt  k 

Definition at line 5788 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5788 {
5789 return i + (k * (m_nCells[1] + 1) + j) * (m_nCells[2] + 1);

◆ getPointIdfromPoint()

MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::getPointIdfromPoint ( const MInt  origin,
const MInt  incI,
const MInt  incJ,
const MInt  incK 

Definition at line 5792 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5793 {
5794 return origin + incI + incJ * m_nPoints[2] + incK * m_nPoints[2] * m_nPoints[1];

◆ getPSI()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::getPSI ( MInt  I,
MInt  dim 

Definition at line 10524 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

10524 {
10525 const MFloat FK = 18.0;
10526 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
10527 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
10528 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
10529 const MInt IP2 = I + 2 * IJK[dim];
10531 const MFloat PIM2 = m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][IM1];
10532 const MFloat PIM1 = m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][I];
10533 const MFloat PIP2 = m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][IP2];
10534 const MFloat PIP1 = m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][IP1];
10536 const MFloat PSI =
10537 mMin(F1, FK
10538 * mMax(mMax(fabs((PIM2 - PIM1) / mMin(PIM2, PIM1)), fabs((PIM1 - PIP1) / mMin(PIM1, PIP1))),
10539 fabs((PIP1 - PIP2) / mMin(PIP1, PIP2))));
10540 return PSI;

◆ getSampleVariables()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::getSampleVariables ( MInt  cellId,
MFloat cellVars 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9373 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9373 {
9374 cellVars[PV->U] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
9375 cellVars[PV->V] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId];
9376 cellVars[PV->W] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId];
9377 cellVars[PV->RHO] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId];
9378 cellVars[PV->P] = m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId];

◆ getSampleVorticity()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::getSampleVorticity ( MInt  cellId,
MInt  dim 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9381 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9381 {
9382 return m_cells->fq[FQ->VORTICITY[dim]][cellId];

◆ initBndryCnds()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initBndryCnds ( )

Definition at line 4574 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4574 {
4575 TRACE();
4576 m_structuredBndryCnd->correctBndryCndIndices();

◆ initBodyForce()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initBodyForce ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 8044 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

◆ initFFTW()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initFFTW ( fftw_complex *  uPhysField,
fftw_complex *  vPhysField,
fftw_complex *  wPhysField,
MInt  lx,
MInt  ly,
MInt  lz,
MInt  noPeakModes 

Definition at line 9732 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9733 {
9734 TRACE();
9735 // first check for odd numbers of cells in each direction
9736 if(lx % 2 != 0 || ly % 2 != 0 || lz % 2 != 0) {
9737 stringstream errorMessage;
9738 errorMessage << " FFTInit: Domain size must NOT be an odd number!: (lx)x(ly)x(lz)-> " << lx << "x" << ly << "x"
9739 << lz << endl;
9740 mTerm(1, AT_, errorMessage.str());
9741 }
9743 m_log << " --- initializing FFTW --- " << endl;
9744 m_log << " domain size = " << lx << "x" << ly << "x" << lz << endl;
9746 MFloat waveVector[3], k0;
9748 complex<MFloat>* fourierCoefficient = new complex<MFloat>[3];
9750 fftw_complex *uHatField, *vHatField, *wHatField;
9752 fftw_plan planU, planV, planW;
9754 // 1) Allocation of Fourier coefficients
9755 uHatField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
9756 vHatField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
9757 wHatField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
9759 // 2) Creation of the plans for the FFTW
9760 planU = fftw_plan_dft_3d(lx, ly, lz, uHatField, uPhysField, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);
9761 planV = fftw_plan_dft_3d(lx, ly, lz, vHatField, vPhysField, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);
9762 planW = fftw_plan_dft_3d(lx, ly, lz, wHatField, wPhysField, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);
9764 for(MInt p = 0; p < lx; p++) {
9765 for(MInt q = 0; q < ly; q++) {
9766 for(MInt r = 0; r < lz; r++) {
9767 MInt cellId = r + lz * (q + ly * p);
9768 // u-component
9769 uHatField[cellId][0] = 0.0;
9770 uHatField[cellId][1] = 0.0;
9771 uPhysField[cellId][0] = 0.0;
9772 uPhysField[cellId][1] = 0.0;
9774 // v-component
9775 vHatField[cellId][0] = 0.0;
9776 vHatField[cellId][1] = 0.0;
9777 vPhysField[cellId][0] = 0.0;
9778 vPhysField[cellId][1] = 0.0;
9780 // w-component
9781 wHatField[cellId][0] = 0.0;
9782 wHatField[cellId][1] = 0.0;
9783 wPhysField[cellId][0] = 0.0;
9784 wPhysField[cellId][1] = 0.0;
9785 }
9786 }
9787 }
9790 // comment from Georg Eitel Amor:
9791 // FFTW stores the coefficients for positive wavenumbers in the first half of the array,
9792 // and those for negative wavenumbers in reverse order in the second half.
9793 // [0, 1, ... , N/2-1, N/2, ... , N-1]
9794 // - the entry for zero-wavenumber is at position 0
9795 // - the k-th entry and the (N-k)th entry correspond to wavenumbers with opposite sign
9796 // - the entry at position N/2 corresponds to the Nyquist wavenumber and appears only once
9798 // peak wave number of energy spectrum
9799 k0 = 2.0 * PI / (lx / noPeakModes);
9801 for(MInt p = 0; p <= lx / 2; p++) {
9802 for(MInt q = 0; q <= ly / 2; q++) {
9803 for(MInt r = 0; r <= lz / 2; r++) {
9804 // wave-vector: k(p,q,r) = (2 \pi p / lx, 2 \pi q / ly, 2 \pi r / lz)
9805 waveVector[0] = (p)*2.0 * PI / lx;
9806 waveVector[1] = (q)*2.0 * PI / ly;
9807 waveVector[2] = (r)*2.0 * PI / lz;
9809 getFourierCoefficients(waveVector, k0, fourierCoefficient);
9811 // 1. Positive frequencies:
9812 uHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0] = real(fourierCoefficient[0]);
9813 uHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1] = imag(fourierCoefficient[0]);
9815 vHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0] = real(fourierCoefficient[1]);
9816 vHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1] = imag(fourierCoefficient[1]);
9818 wHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0] = real(fourierCoefficient[2]);
9819 wHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1] = imag(fourierCoefficient[2]);
9821 // 2. Negative frequencies:
9822 if(p > 1 && q > 1 && r > 1) {
9823 if(p < lx / 2 && q < ly / 2 && r < lz / 2) {
9824 // since the physical velocity field is real, the coefficients for negative frequencies
9825 // are the complex conjugate of those for positive frequencies
9826 uHatField[(lz - r) + lz * ((ly - q) + ly * (lx - p))][0] = uHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0];
9827 uHatField[(lz - r) + lz * ((ly - q) + ly * (lx - p))][1] = -uHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1];
9829 vHatField[(lz - r) + lz * ((ly - q) + ly * (lx - p))][0] = vHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0];
9830 vHatField[(lz - r) + lz * ((ly - q) + ly * (lx - p))][1] = -vHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1];
9832 wHatField[(lz - r) + lz * ((ly - q) + ly * (lx - p))][0] = wHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0];
9833 wHatField[(lz - r) + lz * ((ly - q) + ly * (lx - p))][1] = -wHatField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1];
9834 }
9835 }
9836 }
9837 }
9838 }
9840 // Do Fourier transform (backward, see plan definition)
9841 // Definition in one dimension:
9842 // u(x) = \sum_{j=0}^{lx-1} \hat{u}_j exp(i 2 \pi j x / lx)
9844 fftw_execute(planU);
9845 fftw_execute(planV);
9846 fftw_execute(planW);
9849 // normalize (this preserves the norm of the basis functions)
9850 for(MInt p = 0; p < lx; p++) {
9851 for(MInt q = 0; q < ly; q++) {
9852 for(MInt r = 0; r < lz; r++) {
9853 uPhysField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0] /= sqrt(MFloat(lx * ly * lz));
9854 vPhysField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0] /= sqrt(MFloat(lx * ly * lz));
9855 wPhysField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][0] /= sqrt(MFloat(lx * ly * lz));
9857 uPhysField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1] /= sqrt(MFloat(lx * ly * lz));
9858 vPhysField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1] /= sqrt(MFloat(lx * ly * lz));
9859 wPhysField[r + lz * (q + ly * p)][1] /= sqrt(MFloat(lx * ly * lz));
9860 }
9861 }
9862 }
9864 fftw_destroy_plan(planU);
9865 fftw_destroy_plan(planV);
9866 fftw_destroy_plan(planW);
9867 fftw_free(uHatField);
9868 fftw_free(vHatField);
9869 fftw_free(wHatField);
void getFourierCoefficients(MFloat *k, MFloat k0, std::complex< MFloat > *fourierCoefficient)
Generates a single complex coefficient of Fourier series.

◆ initFluxMethod()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initFluxMethod ( )

Definition at line 674 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

◆ initialCondition()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initialCondition ( )

Initialization ot the entire flow field

Pascal S. Meysonnat

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 1112 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

1112 {
1113 TRACE();
1114 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = m_gamma - 1.0;
1115 MFloat UT;
1116 MFloat pressureCH = F0;
1118 PV->TInfinity = 1.0 / (1.0 + F1B2 * gammaMinusOne * POW2(m_Ma));
1119 UT = m_Ma * sqrt(PV->TInfinity);
1120 PV->UInfinity = UT * cos(m_angle[0]) * cos(m_angle[1]);
1121 PV->VInfinity = UT * sin(m_angle[0]) * cos(m_angle[1]);
1122 PV->WInfinity = UT * sin(m_angle[1]);
1123 PV->VVInfinity[0] = PV->UInfinity;
1124 PV->VVInfinity[1] = PV->VInfinity;
1125 PV->VVInfinity[2] = PV->WInfinity;
1126 PV->PInfinity = pow(PV->TInfinity, (m_gamma / gammaMinusOne)) / m_gamma;
1128 // compute conservative variables
1129 CV->rhoInfinity = pow(PV->TInfinity, (1.0 / gammaMinusOne));
1130 CV->rhoUInfinity = CV->rhoInfinity * PV->UInfinity;
1131 CV->rhoVInfinity = CV->rhoInfinity * PV->VInfinity;
1132 CV->rhoWInfinity = CV->rhoInfinity * PV->WInfinity;
1133 CV->rhoVVInfinity[0] = CV->rhoUInfinity;
1134 CV->rhoVVInfinity[1] = CV->rhoVInfinity;
1135 CV->rhoVVInfinity[2] = CV->rhoWInfinity;
1136 CV->rhoEInfinity = PV->PInfinity / gammaMinusOne + CV->rhoInfinity * (F1B2 * POW2(UT));
1138 // internal Reynolds number Re0 = Re / ( rho8*M*sqrt(T8)/T8^F072)
1139 m_Re0 = m_Re * SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity) / (CV->rhoInfinity * m_Ma * sqrt(PV->TInfinity));
1141 // reference enthalpies (needed for combustion computations)
1142 m_hInfinity = PV->PInfinity / CV->rhoInfinity * m_gamma / gammaMinusOne;
1144 // reference time (convection time)
1147 m_deltaP = F0;
1148 // pressure loss per unit length dp = rho_00 u_tau^2 L / D ) here: D=1.0, L=1;
1149 // channel: dp = rho_00 u_tau^2 L / D )
1150 // m_deltaP = POW2( m_Ma * m_ReTau * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) / m_Re ) * CV->rhoInfinity / m_referenceLength;x
1151 // result is obtained by making deltap dimensionless with a_0^2 and rho_0
1152 // pipe: dp = lambda * L/D * rho/2 * u^2, lambda = 0.3164 Re^(-1/4) (Blasius)
1154 if(m_rans) {
1155 const MFloat lamVisc = SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity);
1156 const MFloat chi = 0.1;
1157 CV->ransInfinity[0] = chi * (lamVisc);
1158 PV->ransInfinity[0] = chi * (lamVisc / CV->rhoInfinity);
1159 }
1161 m_log << "=================================================" << endl;
1162 m_log << " INITIAL CONDITION SUMMARY" << endl;
1163 m_log << "=================================================" << endl;
1164 m_log << "Re = " << m_Re << endl;
1165 m_log << "Re0 = " << m_Re0 << endl;
1166 m_log << "Ma = " << m_Ma << endl;
1167 m_log << "TInfinity = " << PV->TInfinity << endl;
1168 m_log << "UInfinity = " << PV->UInfinity << endl;
1169 m_log << "VInfinity = " << PV->VInfinity << endl;
1170 m_log << "WInfinity = " << PV->WInfinity << endl;
1171 m_log << "PInfinity = " << PV->PInfinity << endl;
1172 m_log << "rhoInfinity = " << CV->rhoInfinity << endl;
1173 m_log << "rhoEInfinity = " << CV->rhoEInfinity << endl;
1174 m_log << "referenceTime = " << m_timeRef << endl;
1176 if(domainId() == 0) {
1177 cout << "////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
1178 cout << "////////// Initial Condition summary ///////////" << endl;
1179 cout << "////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl;
1180 cout << "Re = " << m_Re << endl;
1181 cout << "Re0 = " << m_Re0 << endl;
1182 cout << "Ma = " << m_Ma << endl;
1183 cout << "TInfinity = " << PV->TInfinity << endl;
1184 cout << "UInfinity = " << PV->UInfinity << endl;
1185 cout << "VInfinity = " << PV->VInfinity << endl;
1186 cout << "WInfinity = " << PV->WInfinity << endl;
1187 cout << "Angle = " << m_angle[0] << " " << m_angle[1] << endl;
1188 cout << "PInfinity = " << PV->PInfinity << endl;
1189 cout << "rhoInfinity = " << CV->rhoInfinity << endl;
1190 cout << "rhoEInfinity = " << CV->rhoEInfinity << endl;
1191 cout << "referenceTime = " << m_timeRef << endl;
1192 cout << " zonal = " << m_zonal << endl;
1193 }
1195 if(!m_restart) {
1196 // inflow condition
1197 // ----------------
1198 switch(m_initialCondition) {
1199 case 0: {
1200 // parallel inflow field
1201 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1202 // go through every cell
1203 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1204 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1205 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = PV->VVInfinity[i];
1206 }
1208 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = PV->PInfinity;
1210 if(m_rans) {
1211 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RANS_VAR[0]][cellid] = PV->ransInfinity[0];
1212 }
1213 }
1215 break;
1216 }
1217 case 43: {
1218 // parallel inflow field with pressure peak in the middle of the domain
1219 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1220 // go through every cell
1221 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1222 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1223 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = F0;
1224 }
1226 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = PV->PInfinity;
1228 MFloat radius =
1229 sqrt(POW2(m_cells->coordinates[0][cellid] - 0.5) + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[1][cellid] - 0.5));
1231 // impose pressure peak in the middle of the domain
1232 if(radius <= 0.05) {
1233 MFloat pAmp = 0.005;
1234 MFloat pressureSignal = sin(radius / 0.05 * PI) * pAmp + PV->PInfinity;
1235 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = pressureSignal;
1236 }
1237 }
1238 break;
1239 }
1240 case 333: {
1241 // parallel inflow field
1242 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1243 // go through every cell
1244 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1245 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1246 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = PV->VVInfinity[i];
1247 }
1249 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = PV->PInfinity;
1251 // impose pressure peak in the middle of the domain
1252 if(m_cells->coordinates[0][cellid] > 0.4 && m_cells->coordinates[0][cellid] < 0.5) {
1253 MFloat pAmp = 0.005;
1254 MFloat xCoordinate = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellid] - 0.4;
1255 MFloat pressureSignal = sin(xCoordinate / 0.1 * PI) * pAmp + PV->PInfinity;
1256 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = pressureSignal;
1257 }
1258 }
1259 break;
1260 }
1261 case 314: // stagnating flow field
1262 {
1263 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1264 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1265 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1266 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = F0;
1267 }
1269 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = PV->PInfinity;
1270 }
1271 cout << "I.C. stagnating flow field was applied! " << endl;
1272 break;
1273 }
1274 case 315: // Poiseuille flow
1275 {
1276 MFloat x = F0, y = F0; // p=F0, T=F0, T0=F0;
1277 MFloat y_max = F1; // channel height
1279 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1280 x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellid];
1281 y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellid];
1283 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1284 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = F0;
1285 }
1286 // all velocity components are 0 except u, Poiseuille distribution:
1287 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[0]][cellid] =
1288 -(F3 / F2) * PV->UInfinity * (POW2(y - y_max / F2) - POW2(y_max / F2)) / POW2(y_max / F2);
1290 // the pressure is defined through the axial pressure gradient:
1291 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] =
1292 PV->PInfinity - F3 * (x + 15.0) * SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity) * PV->UInfinity * POW2(F2 / y_max) / m_Re0;
1294 // compressible Poiseuille Temperature distribution
1295 // T = T0 - (m_gamma-F1)*m_Pr * POW2(PV->UInfinity*F3/F2) * (F1B2*(F1+ pow( (y-y_max/F2)/(y_max/F2), F4 )
1296 // )-POW2((y-y_max/F2)/(y_max/F2)));
1297 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity; // m_gamma * m_cells->variables[ PV->P ][cellid] /
1298 // T;//
1299 }
1301 break;
1302 }
1303 case 101: // TAYLOR_GREEN_VORTEX
1304 {
1305 // domain boundaries are all 2*pi
1306 // rho=1.0;
1307 // u=A*SIN(x)*COS(y)*COS(z)
1308 // v=- A*COS(x)*SIN(y)*COS(z)
1309 // w=0.0
1310 // p=A*A*rho*( 1./(Ms*Ms*kappa) + 1./16.*(COS(2*x)*COS(2.*z)+ 2.*COS(2.*y) +2.*COS(2.*x) +COS(2*y)*COS(2.*z)))
1311 // Ms =0.1 maximum Mach number
1312 // A= speed magnitude set to 1.0
1313 MInt cellId = 0;
1314 MFloat A = PV->UInfinity;
1315 MFloat x = F0;
1316 MFloat y = F0;
1317 MFloat z = F0;
1318 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
1319 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
1320 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
1321 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1322 x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId];
1323 y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId];
1324 z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId];
1325 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1326 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[0]][cellId] = A * sin(x) * cos(y) * cos(z);
1327 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[1]][cellId] = -A * cos(x) * sin(y) * cos(z);
1328 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[2]][cellId] = 0.0;
1329 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] =
1330 PV->PInfinity
1331 + F1B16 * (POW2(A) * CV->rhoInfinity) * (cos(2.0 * x) + cos(2.0 * y)) * (2.0 + cos(2.0 * z));
1332 }
1333 }
1334 }
1335 break;
1336 }
1337 case 1234: {
1338 // laminar channel flow
1339 MInt cellId = 0;
1340 m_channelHeight = 2.0;
1341 m_channelLength = 6.2831;
1342 // m_deltaP=32.0*SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity)*m_Ma*sqrt(PV->TInfinity)*m_channelLength/(m_Re0*m_channelHeight);
1343 m_deltaP =
1344 -12.0 * PV->UInfinity * SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity) * m_channelLength / (POW2(m_channelHeight) * m_Re0);
1346 m_channelPresInlet = PV->PInfinity;
1347 m_channelPresOutlet = PV->PInfinity + m_deltaP;
1348 MFloat u =
1349 PV->UInfinity; // POW2(m_channelHeight)*m_deltaP*m_Re0*m_referenceLength*m_referenceLength/m_channelLength;
1350 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
1351 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
1352 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
1353 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1355 // channel height is in j direction
1356 // so prescribe a mean profile in u(y)
1359 // density:
1360 MFloat rho = pressureCH * m_gamma / PV->TInfinity;
1361 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = rho;
1362 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = u;
1363 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = F0;
1364 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = F0;
1365 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = pressureCH;
1366 }
1367 }
1368 }
1370 break;
1371 }
1372 case 1233: {
1373 // turbulent channel with perturbations
1374 // calculate the Pressure loss;
1376 // for the law of the wall
1377 const MFloat C1 = m_channelC1;
1378 const MFloat C2 = m_channelC2;
1379 const MFloat C3 = m_channelC3;
1380 const MFloat C4 = m_channelC4;
1382 MInt cellId = 0;
1383 MFloat yplus = F0;
1384 MFloat uTau = m_ReTau * m_Ma * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) / m_Re;
1385 MFloat prefactor = m_ReTau; // uTau*m_Re0/SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity);
1387 m_deltaP = -CV->rhoInfinity * POW2(uTau) * F2 * (m_channelLength) / m_channelHeight;
1389 m_log << "uTau: " << uTau << " channelLength: " << m_channelLength << endl;
1390 // mean velocity profile
1391 m_channelPresInlet = PV->PInfinity;
1393 PV->PInfinity - CV->rhoInfinity * POW2(uTau) * F2 * (xINIT + m_channelLength) / m_channelHeight;
1395 MFloat cfTheo = 2 * POW2(uTau / PV->UInfinity);
1396 MFloat cdTheo = cfTheo * 2.0 * m_channelWidth * m_channelLength;
1397 m_log << "deltaP: " << deltaP << " cfTheoretisch: " << cfTheo << " cdTheo: " << cdTheo << endl;
1400 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
1401 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
1402 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
1403 // channel height is in j direction
1404 // so prescribe a mean profile in u(y)
1405 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1406 // channel starts at x=0 or we need to prescribe an offset
1409 pressureCH =
1412 MFloat rho = pressureCH * m_gamma / PV->TInfinity;
1413 MFloat velFactor = 2.0;
1414 if(y < m_channelHeight / 2) {
1415 yplus = prefactor * y;
1416 } else {
1417 yplus = prefactor * (m_channelHeight - y);
1418 }
1420 // C1 etc are defined in maiaconstants.h
1421 if(yplus <= 5.0) {
1422 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = 0.5 * uTau * yplus * velFactor;
1423 } else if(yplus <= 30 && yplus > 5.0) {
1424 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = 0.5 * uTau * (C1 * log(yplus) + C2) * velFactor;
1425 } else if(yplus > 30) {
1426 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = 0.5 * uTau * (C3 * log(yplus) + C4) * velFactor;
1427 }
1429 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = rho;
1430 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = F0;
1431 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = F0;
1432 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = pressureCH;
1433 }
1434 }
1435 }
1436 // create the fluctuations:
1439 // this way of creating the
1440 // fluctuations is only possible for
1441 // quite small mounts of cells
1442 // if too large this approach will not work anymore
1443 // 125000000 is a random integer number which has to be tested
1444 // else the approach with white noise will be employed
1445 const MInt totalBlockCells =
1446 (m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2));
1448 if(totalBlockCells <= 12500000) {
1449 fftw_complex *uPhysField, *vPhysField, *wPhysField;
1451 // we need the total number of points
1452 MInt lx = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2), ly = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1), lz = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0);
1454 // field of velocities from positve frequencies
1455 uPhysField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
1456 vPhysField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
1457 wPhysField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
1459 // no real parallel computation is done
1460 // should be implemented later !!!!
1462 if(noDomains() > 1) {
1463 MFloatScratchSpace sendRecvBufferU(lx * ly * lz, AT_, "sendRecvBufferU");
1464 MFloatScratchSpace sendRecvBufferV(lx * ly * lz, AT_, "sendRecvBufferV");
1465 MFloatScratchSpace sendRecvBufferW(lx * ly * lz, AT_, "sendRecvBufferW");
1466 if(domainId() == 0) {
1467 MInt m_noPeakModes = 100;
1468 initFFTW(uPhysField, vPhysField, wPhysField, lx, ly, lz, m_noPeakModes);
1469 // copy values into the sendRCVbuffer
1471 for(MInt id = 0; id < lz * ly * lz; id++) {
1472 sendRecvBufferU[id] = uPhysField[id][0];
1473 sendRecvBufferV[id] = vPhysField[id][0];
1474 sendRecvBufferW[id] = wPhysField[id][0];
1475 }
1476 }
1477 MPI_Bcast(&sendRecvBufferU[0], lx * ly * lz, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "sendRecvBufferU[0]");
1478 MPI_Bcast(&sendRecvBufferV[0], lx * ly * lz, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "sendRecvBufferV[0]");
1479 MPI_Bcast(&sendRecvBufferW[0], lx * ly * lz, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "sendRecvBufferW[0]");
1481 if(domainId() != 0) {
1482 for(MInt id = 0; id < lz * ly * lz; id++) {
1483 uPhysField[id][0] = sendRecvBufferU[id];
1484 vPhysField[id][0] = sendRecvBufferV[id];
1485 wPhysField[id][0] = sendRecvBufferW[id];
1486 }
1487 }
1488 } else {
1489 // create velocity field
1490 MInt m_noPeakModes = 100;
1491 initFFTW(uPhysField, vPhysField, wPhysField, lx, ly, lz, m_noPeakModes);
1492 }
1493 // now we need to distribute the
1494 } else {
1495 MFloat amp = 0.15;
1496 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
1497 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
1498 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
1499 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1500 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] +=
1501 amp * 2.0 * (0.5 - (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) * m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
1502 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] +=
1503 amp * 2.0 * (0.5 - (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) * m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
1504 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] +=
1505 amp * 2.0 * (0.5 - (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) * m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
1506 }
1507 }
1508 }
1509 }
1511 break;
1512 }
1513 case 1236: {
1514 // pipe with perturbations
1515 // calculate the Pressure loss;
1516 // for the law of the wall
1517 // const MFloat C1 = m_channelC1;
1518 // const MFloat C2 = m_channelC2;
1519 const MFloat C3 = m_channelC3;
1520 const MFloat C4 = m_channelC4;
1521 MInt cellId = 0;
1522 MFloat uTau = m_ReTau * m_Ma * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) / m_Re;
1523 // MFloat prefactor=m_ReTau;//uTau*m_Re0/SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity);
1525 m_deltaP = -4.0 * CV->rhoInfinity * POW2(uTau) * (m_channelLength) / m_channelHeight;
1526 m_channelPresInlet = PV->PInfinity;
1527 m_channelPresOutlet = PV->PInfinity + m_deltaP;
1528 const MFloat bulkVel = uTau * (C3 * log(m_ReTau / 2) + C4);
1530 m_log << "=========== Turb. Pipe Flow Inital Condition Summary =========== " << endl;
1531 m_log << "-->Turbulent pipe flow deltaP: " << m_deltaP << endl;
1532 m_log << "-->pipe friciton velocity: " << uTau << endl;
1533 m_log << "-->pipe pressure inflow: " << m_channelPresInlet << endl;
1534 m_log << "-->pipe pressure outflow: " << m_channelPresOutlet << endl;
1535 m_log << "--> bulk velocity (u_max)" << bulkVel << endl;
1536 m_log << "=========== Turb. Pipe Flow Initial Condition Summary Finished =========== " << endl;
1538 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
1539 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
1540 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
1542 // so prescribe a mean profile in u(r)
1543 // centerline is assumed at y=0.0,z=0.0
1545 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1546 // determine the radius
1547 MFloat r = sqrt(POW2(m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId]) + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId]));
1550 // determine the pressure drop
1551 pressureCH = m_deltaP / m_channelLength * (x - m_channelInflowPlaneCoordinate) + PV->PInfinity;
1552 MFloat rho = pressureCH * m_gamma / PV->TInfinity;
1553 // important: viscous sublayer is not build explicitly. The flow has to build it by itself
1554 MFloat vel = bulkVel + C3 * log(F1 - min(((F2 * r) / m_channelHeight), 0.999999999)) * uTau;
1555 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = rho;
1556 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = vel;
1557 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = F0;
1558 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = F0;
1559 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = pressureCH;
1560 }
1561 }
1562 }
1564 // create the fluctuations:
1565 // this way of creating the
1566 // fluctuations is only possible for
1567 // quite small mounts of cells
1568 // if too large this approach will not work anymore
1569 // 125000000 is a random integer number which has to be tested
1570 // else the approach with white noise will be employed
1571 const MInt totalBlockCells =
1572 (m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2));
1574 if(totalBlockCells <= 12500000) {
1575 fftw_complex *uPhysField, *vPhysField, *wPhysField;
1577 // we need the total number of points
1578 MInt lx = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2), ly = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1), lz = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0);
1580 // field of velocities from positve frequencies
1581 uPhysField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
1582 vPhysField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
1583 wPhysField = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(lx * ly * lz * sizeof(fftw_complex));
1585 // no real parallel computation is done
1586 // should be implemented later !!!!
1588 if(noDomains() > 1) {
1589 MFloatScratchSpace sendRecvBufferU(lx * ly * lz, AT_, "sendRecvBufferU");
1590 MFloatScratchSpace sendRecvBufferV(lx * ly * lz, AT_, "sendRecvBufferV");
1591 MFloatScratchSpace sendRecvBufferW(lx * ly * lz, AT_, "sendRecvBufferW");
1592 if(domainId() == 0) {
1593 MInt m_noPeakModes = 100;
1594 initFFTW(uPhysField, vPhysField, wPhysField, lx, ly, lz, m_noPeakModes);
1595 // copy values into the sendRCVbuffer
1597 for(MInt id = 0; id < lz * ly * lz; id++) {
1598 sendRecvBufferU[id] = uPhysField[id][0];
1599 sendRecvBufferV[id] = vPhysField[id][0];
1600 sendRecvBufferW[id] = wPhysField[id][0];
1601 }
1602 }
1603 MPI_Bcast(&sendRecvBufferU[0], lx * ly * lz, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "sendRecvBufferU[0]");
1604 MPI_Bcast(&sendRecvBufferV[0], lx * ly * lz, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "sendRecvBufferV[0]");
1605 MPI_Bcast(&sendRecvBufferW[0], lx * ly * lz, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "sendRecvBufferW[0]");
1607 if(domainId() != 0) {
1608 for(MInt id = 0; id < lz * ly * lz; id++) {
1609 uPhysField[id][0] = sendRecvBufferU[id];
1610 vPhysField[id][0] = sendRecvBufferV[id];
1611 wPhysField[id][0] = sendRecvBufferW[id];
1612 }
1613 }
1614 } else {
1615 // create velocity field
1616 MInt m_noPeakModes = 100;
1617 initFFTW(uPhysField, vPhysField, wPhysField, lx, ly, lz, m_noPeakModes);
1618 }
1619 // now we need to distribute the
1620 } else {
1621 MFloat amp = 0.15;
1622 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
1623 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
1624 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
1625 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1626 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] +=
1627 amp * 2.0 * (0.5 - (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) * m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
1628 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] +=
1629 amp * 2.0 * (0.5 - (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) * m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
1630 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] +=
1631 amp * 2.0 * (0.5 - (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) * m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId];
1632 }
1633 }
1634 }
1635 }
1637 break;
1638 }
1639 case 79092: {
1640 // approximate mean turbulent boundary layer profile
1641 const MFloat epss = 1e-10;
1642 const MFloat reTheta = 1000.000;
1643 const MFloat theta = 1.0;
1644 const MFloat delta0 = 72.0 / 7.0 * theta;
1645 const MFloat kappa = 0.4;
1646 const MFloat C1 = 3.573244189003983;
1647 const MFloat PI1 = 0.55;
1648 const MFloat cf = 0.024 / pow(reTheta, 0.25);
1649 const MFloat uTau = sqrt(cf / 2.0) * PV->UInfinity;
1650 const MFloat nu = SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity);
1651 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
1652 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
1653 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
1654 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1655 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1656 const MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId];
1657 MFloat yPlus = mMax(uTau * y * m_Re0 / nu, F0);
1659 if(y > delta0) {
1660 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = PV->UInfinity;
1661 } else if(yPlus <= 10.0) {
1662 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = yPlus * uTau;
1663 } else if(yPlus <= 30 && yPlus > 10.0) {
1664 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = uTau * ((F1 / kappa) * log(max(yPlus, epss)) + C1);
1665 } else if(yPlus > 30.0 && y <= delta0) {
1666 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] =
1667 uTau
1668 * ((F1 / kappa) * log(max(yPlus, epss)) + C1 + 2 * (PI1 / kappa) * (3 * y * y - 2 * y * y * y));
1669 }
1671 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = PV->VInfinity;
1672 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = PV->WInfinity;
1673 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1674 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1676 if(m_rans) {
1677 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RANS_VAR[0]][cellId] = PV->ransInfinity[0];
1678 }
1679 }
1680 }
1681 }
1683 break;
1684 }
1686 case 79091: // Turbulent plate
1687 {
1688 const MFloat epss = 1e-10;
1689 const MFloat reTheta = 1000.0;
1690 const MFloat theta = 1.0;
1691 const MFloat delta0 = 72.0 / 7.0 * theta;
1692 const MFloat K = 0.4;
1693 const MFloat C1 = 3.573244189003983; // With coles
1694 const MFloat PI1 = 0.55;
1695 const MFloat cf = 0.024 / pow(reTheta, 0.25);
1697 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
1698 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
1699 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
1700 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1701 const MFloat mu = SUTHERLANDLAW(PV->TInfinity);
1702 const MFloat utau = sqrt(cf / 2.0) * m_Ma * sqrt(PV->TInfinity);
1703 const MFloat yplus = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId] * sqrt(cf / 2.) * CV->rhoUInfinity / mu * m_Re0;
1704 const MFloat eta = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId] / delta0; // y/delta
1706 // 1-7th profile
1707 // log-law + wake
1708 if(m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId] > delta0) {
1709 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = PV->UInfinity; // Outside BL
1710 } else if(yplus < 10) {
1711 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = utau * yplus;
1712 } else {
1714 utau
1715 * ((1. / K) * log(max(yplus, epss)) + C1 + 2 * PI1 / K * (3 * eta * eta - 2 * eta * eta * eta)),
1716 PV->UInfinity);
1717 }
1719 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = PV->VInfinity;
1720 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = PV->WInfinity;
1721 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1722 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1724 if(m_rans) {
1725 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RANS_VAR[0]][cellId] = PV->ransInfinity[0];
1726 }
1727 }
1728 }
1729 }
1731 break;
1732 }
1733 case 11: // point source in the middle
1734 {
1735 // contain an initial perturbation in the middle
1736 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1737 // go through every cell
1738 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1739 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1740 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = PV->VVInfinity[i];
1741 }
1743 MFloat amp = 0.0001;
1744 MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellid];
1745 MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellid];
1746 MFloat z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellid];
1747 MFloat r = 0.025;
1748 MFloat a1 = POW2(x - 0.5);
1749 MFloat a2 = POW2(y - 0.5);
1750 MFloat a3 = POW2(z - 0.5);
1751 MFloat disturb = amp * exp(-(a1 + a2 + a3) / POW2(r) / 2.0);
1752 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = PV->PInfinity + disturb;
1753 }
1754 break;
1755 }
1756 /* TESTCASE from C. Bogey, C. Bailly, Three-dimensional non-reflective boundary conditions
1757 * for acoustic simulations: far field formulation and validation test cases
1758 * Acta acustica united with acustica Volume 88 (2002), 463-471
1759 */
1760 case 111: {
1761 MFloat amp = 0.01;
1762 MFloat alpha = log(2) / 9;
1763 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1764 // go through every cell
1765 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1766 MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellid];
1767 MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellid];
1768 MFloat z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellid];
1769 MFloat fluc = amp * exp(-alpha * (POW2(x) + POW2(y) + POW2(z)));
1770 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity + fluc;
1771 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = (PV->PInfinity + fluc);
1772 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1773 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = PV->VVInfinity[i];
1774 }
1775 }
1776 break;
1777 }
1778 /* TESTCASE from C. Bogey, C. Bailly, Three-dimensional non-reflective boundary conditions
1779 * for acoustic simulations: far field formulation and validation test cases
1780 * Acta acustica united with acustica Volume 88 (2002), 463-471 the vortex
1781 */
1782 case 112: {
1783 MFloat amp = 0.003;
1784 MFloat b = 0.025;
1785 MFloat alpha = log(2) / POW2(b);
1786 MFloat r0 = 0.1; // changed!!!
1787 MFloat r = F0;
1788 MFloat phi = F0;
1789 MFloat v = F0;
1790 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noCells; cellId++) {
1791 // go through every cell
1792 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1793 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1794 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = PV->UInfinity;
1795 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = PV->VInfinity;
1796 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = PV->WInfinity;
1797 MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId] - 0.5;
1798 MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId] - 0.5;
1799 MFloat z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId] - 0.25;
1800 r = sqrt(POW2(y) + POW2(z));
1801 phi = atan(z / y);
1802 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] +=
1803 amp * (r0 / r) * (r - r0) * exp(-1.0 * alpha * (POW2(x) + POW2(r - r0)));
1804 v = -1.0 * amp * (r0 / r) * x * exp(-1.0 * alpha * (POW2(x) + POW2(r - r0)));
1805 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] += v * r * sin(phi);
1806 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] += v * r * cos(phi);
1807 }
1808 break;
1809 }
1810 case 113: {
1811 MFloat amp = 0.003;
1812 MFloat b = 0.25 / 4;
1813 MFloat alpha = log(2) / POW2(b);
1814 MFloat r0 = 0.25; // changed!!!
1815 MFloat r = F0;
1816 MFloat phi = F0;
1817 MFloat v = F0;
1818 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noCells; cellId++) {
1819 // go through every cell
1820 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1821 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1822 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = PV->UInfinity;
1823 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = PV->VInfinity;
1824 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = PV->WInfinity;
1825 MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId] + 0.5;
1827 MFloat z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId] - 0.25;
1828 r = sqrt(POW2(y) + POW2(z));
1829 phi = atan(z / y);
1830 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] +=
1831 amp * (r0 / r) * (r - r0) * exp(-1.0 * alpha * (POW2(x) + POW2(r - r0)));
1832 v = -1.0 * amp * (r0 / r) * x * exp(-1.0 * alpha * (POW2(x) + POW2(r - r0)));
1833 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] += v * r * sin(phi);
1834 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] += v * r * cos(phi);
1835 }
1836 break;
1837 }
1838 case 2: // shear flow is prescribed
1839 {
1840 MInt cellId = 0;
1841 MFloat x = F0;
1842 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
1843 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
1844 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
1845 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1846 x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId];
1847 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1848 if(x < 0.5) {
1849 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = F0;
1850 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = 0.5 * PV->UInfinity;
1851 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = F0;
1852 } else {
1853 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = F0;
1854 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = PV->UInfinity;
1855 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = F0;
1856 }
1857 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1858 }
1859 }
1860 }
1861 break;
1862 }
1863 case 900: { // jet Freund
1864 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
1865 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
1866 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nCells[2]; i++) {
1867 MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1868 MFloat r = sqrt(POW2(m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId]) + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId])
1869 + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId]));
1870 MFloat u = F1B2 * (F1 - tanh(12.5 * (fabs(r / 0.5) - fabs(0.5 / r)))) * PV->VVInfinity[0];
1871 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1872 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = u;
1873 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = PV->VInfinity;
1874 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = PV->WInfinity;
1875 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1876 }
1877 }
1878 }
1879 break;
1880 }
1881 case 4001: { // test periodic rotation boundary conditions
1882 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; ++k) {
1883 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
1884 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
1885 MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1886 // MFloat x= m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId];
1889 MFloat phi = atan2(y, z);
1890 MFloat r = sqrt(POW2(y) + POW2(z));
1891 MFloat rmax = 10.0;
1892 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1893 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = PV->UInfinity;
1894 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = -(r / rmax) * cos(phi) * 0.1 * PV->UInfinity;
1895 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = (r / rmax) * sin(phi) * 0.1 * PV->UInfinity;
1896 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1897 }
1898 }
1899 }
1900 break;
1901 }
1902 case 42: {
1903 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noCells; cellId++) {
1904 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1905 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = F0;
1906 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = F0;
1908 if(m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId] < 0.5) {
1909 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = 1.001 * PV->UInfinity;
1910 } else {
1911 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = 0.999 * PV->UInfinity;
1912 }
1914 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1915 }
1916 break;
1917 }
1918 case 44: {
1919 MFloat amp = 0.003;
1920 MFloat b = 0.25 / 4;
1921 MFloat alpha = log(2) / POW2(b);
1922 MFloat r0 = 0.25; // changed!!!
1923 MFloat r = F0;
1924 MFloat phi = F0;
1925 MFloat v = F0;
1926 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noCells; cellId++) {
1927 // go through every cell
1928 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1929 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = PV->PInfinity;
1930 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = PV->UInfinity;
1931 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = PV->VInfinity;
1932 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = PV->WInfinity;
1933 MFloat x = m_cells->coordinates[0][cellId] - 0.61;
1934 MFloat y = m_cells->coordinates[1][cellId] - 0.55;
1935 MFloat z = m_cells->coordinates[2][cellId] - 0.43;
1936 r = sqrt(POW2(y) + POW2(z));
1937 phi = atan(z / y);
1938 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] +=
1939 amp * (r0 / mMax(r, 0.00001)) * (r - r0) * exp(-1.0 * alpha * (POW2(x) + POW2(r - r0)));
1940 v = -1.0 * amp * (r0 / mMax(r, 0.00001)) * x * exp(-1.0 * alpha * (POW2(x) + POW2(r - r0)));
1941 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] += v * r * sin(phi);
1942 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] += v * r * cos(phi);
1943 }
1944 break;
1945 }
1946 case 777: {
1947 // fsc
1948 m_log << "falkner skan cooke initial condition (incompressible)" << endl;
1949 if(!m_fsc) mTerm(1, "property fsc not set. Refer to the description of the property");
1950 if(true && !domainId()) {
1951 ofstream fscf;
1952 // write pressure to file
1953"pressure.dat", ios::trunc);
1954 if(fscf) {
1955 fscf << "#x_maia x_fsc p" << endl;
1956 for(MInt i = 0; i < 95; i++) {
1957 const MFloat x = i * F1;
1958 fscf << x << " " << m_fsc_x0 + x << " " << getFscPressure(x) / PV->PInfinity << endl;
1959 }
1960 fscf.close();
1961 }
1962 // write velocity to file
1963"velocity_x0.dat", ios::trunc);
1964 if(fscf) {
1965 fscf << "#y eta u v w" << endl;
1966 for(MInt i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
1967 // coord
1968 const MFloat y = i * 0.05;
1969 fscf << y << " " << getFscEta(F0, y);
1970 // velocity
1971 MFloat vel[nDim];
1972 getFscVelocity(F0, y, vel);
1973 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++)
1974 fscf << " " << vel[dim] / PV->UInfinity;
1975 fscf << endl;
1976 }
1978 fscf.close();
1979 }
1980 }
1982 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
1983 MFloat vel[nDim];
1984 getFscVelocity(cellid, vel);
1985 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
1986 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = vel[i];
1987 }
1988 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = getFscPressure(cellid);
1989 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
1990 }
1992 break;
1993 }
1994 case 999: {
1995 // blasius laminar bl
1996 m_log << "Blasius initial condition (incompressible)" << endl;
1997 if(!m_useBlasius) mTerm(1, "property Blasius not set. Refer to the description of the property");
1998 if(domainId() == 0) {
1999 ofstream blasiusf;
2000 // write velocity to file
2001"velocity_x0.dat", ios::trunc);
2002 if(blasiusf) {
2003 blasiusf << "#y eta u v" << endl;
2004 MFloat d0 = 0.0;
2005 MFloat d1 = 0.0;
2006 MFloat d2 = 0.0;
2007 MBool d0Set = false;
2009 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_blasius_noPoints; i++) {
2010 // coord
2011 const MFloat y = i * 0.05;
2012 blasiusf << y << " " << getBlasiusEta(F0, y);
2013 // velocity
2014 MFloat vel[nDim];
2015 getBlasiusVelocity(F0, y, vel);
2016 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++)
2017 blasiusf << " " << vel[dim] / PV->UInfinity;
2018 blasiusf << endl;
2020 if(!d0Set && vel[0] >= 0.99 * PV->UInfinity) {
2021 d0 = y;
2022 d0Set = true;
2023 }
2025 if(y < 10.0) {
2026 d1 += (1 - vel[0] / PV->UInfinity) * 0.05;
2027 d2 += vel[0] / PV->UInfinity * (1 - vel[0] / PV->UInfinity) * 0.05;
2028 }
2029 }
2030 blasiusf.close();
2032 cout << "x0: " << m_blasius_x0 << endl;
2033 cout << "d0: " << d0 << " d1: " << d1 << " d2: " << d2 << endl;
2034 }
2035 }
2037 for(MInt cellid = 0; cellid < m_noCells; cellid++) {
2038 MFloat vel[nDim];
2039 getBlasiusVelocity(cellid, vel);
2040 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
2041 m_cells->pvariables[PV->VV[i]][cellid] = vel[i];
2042 }
2043 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellid] = PV->PInfinity;
2044 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellid] = CV->rhoInfinity;
2045 }
2047 break;
2048 }
2049 default: {
2050 // put the parallel flow field input in here
2051 // force output that no specific initial condition was chosen
2052 mTerm(1, AT_, "No (correct) initial Condition is given!");
2053 break;
2054 }
2055 }
2056 }
void initFFTW(fftw_complex *uPhysField, fftw_complex *vPhysField, fftw_complex *wPhysField, MInt lx, MInt ly, MInt lz, MInt noPeakModes)
virtual MFloat getBlasiusEta(MFloat coordX, MFloat coordY)
virtual void getBlasiusVelocity(MInt cellId, MFloat *const vel)
Load variables for the specified timeStep.
virtual MFloat getFscEta(MFloat coordX, MFloat coordY)
virtual MFloat getFscPressure(MInt cellId)
virtual void getFscVelocity(MInt cellId, MFloat *const vel)
Load variables for the specified timeStep.
MFloat m_Re
the Reynolds number
Definition: solver.h:68
int MPI_Bcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Bcast

◆ initializeNeighbourCellIds()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initializeNeighbourCellIds ( )

◆ initInterpolatedPoints()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initInterpolatedPoints ( )

Definition at line 2063 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2063 {
2064 TRACE();
2065 if(!m_movingGrid) {
2067 make_unique<StructuredInterpolation<3>>(m_nCells, m_cells->coordinates, m_cells->pvariables, m_StructuredComm);
2068 // allocate domains points of the lines
2072 MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_intpPointsHasPartnerLocal", "m_intpPointsHasPartnerGlobal");
2073 }
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< 3 > > m_pointInterpolation

◆ initMovingGrid()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initMovingGrid ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 6492 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

◆ initPointsToAsciiFile()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initPointsToAsciiFile ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 2077 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2077 {
2078 TRACE();
2079 if(!m_movingGrid) {
2081 make_unique<StructuredInterpolation<3>>(m_nCells, m_cells->coordinates, m_cells->pvariables, m_StructuredComm);
2083 // allocate domains points of the lines
2087 MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerLocal", "m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerGlobal");
2089 for(MInt pointId = 0; pointId < m_pointsToAsciiNoPoints; pointId++) {
2090 cout << "domainId: " << domainId() << " pointId: " << pointId
2091 << " hasPartnerLocal: " << m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerLocal[pointId]
2092 << " hasPartnerGlobal: " << m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerGlobal[pointId]
2093 << " x: " << m_pointsToAsciiCoordinates[0][pointId] << " y: " << m_pointsToAsciiCoordinates[1][pointId]
2094 << " z: " << m_pointsToAsciiCoordinates[2][pointId] << endl;
2095 }
2096 }
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< nDim > > m_pointsToAsciiInterpolation

◆ initSandpaperTrip()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initSandpaperTrip ( )

Definition at line 3741 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

◆ initSolutionStep()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::initSolutionStep ( MInt  mode)

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 978 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

978 {
979 TRACE();
981 std::ignore = mode;
983 // Compute infinity values from property file
984 // and (if no restart) fill cells according
985 // to the initialCondition property
990 } else if(m_restart) {
992 }
994 // timestep will be computed and
995 // set if globalTimeStep == 0 or
996 // constantTimeStep = 0
997 setTimeStep();
999 // initialize moving grid
1000 // functions and move grid
1001 // to correct position
1002 if(m_movingGrid) {
1003 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MovingGrid]);
1004 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGMoveGrid]);
1006 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGMoveGrid]);
1007 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MovingGrid]);
1008 }
1010 if(m_bodyForce) {
1011 initBodyForce();
1012 }
1014 if(m_useSandpaperTrip) {
1016 }
1018 // Get the correct values
1019 // in the exchange ghostcells
1020 exchange();
1022 if(m_rans) {
1023 m_ransSolver->computeTurbViscosity();
1024 }
1026 if(m_zonal) {
1029 zonalExchange();
1030 }
1032 // Call the init function of each BC
1033 initBndryCnds();
1035 // Apply boundary conditions
1036 // and fill the non-exchange ghostcells
1039 if(m_rans) {
1040 m_ransSolver->computeTurbViscosity();
1041 }
1043 // Check for NaNs
1044 checkNans();
void spanwiseAvgZonal(std::vector< MFloat * > &) override
void applyBoundaryCondition() override
void interpolateFromDonor()
Interpolates the flow field from a given donor file.
void initialCondition() override
Computation of infinity values for the conservative and primitive variables.
void computeCumulativeAverage(MBool forceReset) override
void checkNans()
Checks whole domain for NaNs and adds the number of NaNs globally.
void loadRestartFile()
Load Restart File (primitive and conservative output) general formulation.
virtual void computeConservativeVariables()

◆ interpolateFromDonor()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::interpolateFromDonor ( )

Instead of a restart from a restart file this method will interpolate from a donor solution onto the flow field

Marian Albers

Definition at line 1058 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

1058 {
1059 m_structuredInterpolation = make_unique<StructuredInterpolation<3>>(m_StructuredComm);
1060 m_structuredInterpolation->prepareInterpolationField(m_nCells, m_cells->coordinates);
1062 if(m_zonal) {
1063 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_maxNoVariables; var++) {
1064 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField(m_pvariableNames[var], m_cells->pvariables[var]);
1065 }
1067 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField(FQ->fqNames[FQ->NU_T], m_cells->fq[FQ->NU_T]);
1068 } else {
1069 MBool donorConservative = false;
1070 if(Context::propertyExists("donorConservative", m_solverId)) {
1071 donorConservative = Context::getSolverProperty<MBool>("donorConservative", false, AT_);
1072 }
1074 if(donorConservative) {
1075 for(MInt var = 0; var < CV->noVariables; var++) {
1076 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField(m_variableNames[var], m_cells->variables[var]);
1077 }
1079 } else {
1080 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
1081 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField(m_pvariableNames[var], m_cells->pvariables[var]);
1082 }
1083 }
1085 // interpolate NU_T for STG if this is an initial start (otherwise not needed)
1087 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField(FQ->fqNames[FQ->NU_T], m_cells->fq[FQ->NU_T]);
1088 }
1089 }
1091 if(m_useSponge && m_spongeLayerType == 2) {
1092 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField("rho", m_cells->fq[FQ->SPONGE_RHO]);
1093 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField("rhoE", m_cells->fq[FQ->SPONGE_RHO_E]);
1094 }
1096 if(m_useSponge && m_spongeLayerType == 4) {
1097 m_structuredInterpolation->interpolateField("rho", m_cells->fq[FQ->SPONGE_RHO]);
1098 }
static MBool propertyExists(const MString &name, MInt solver=m_noSolvers)
This function checks if a property exists in general.
Definition: context.cpp:494
void computePrimitiveVariables() override
void manualInterpolationCorrection()
Manually correct errors made by the restart interpolation.
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< 3 > > m_structuredInterpolation
const MInt m_solverId
a unique solver identifier
Definition: solver.h:90

◆ loadAveragedVariables()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::loadAveragedVariables ( const MChar fileName)
Marian Albers

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9546 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9546 {
9547 TRACE();
9548 m_log << "loading averaged variables file ... " << endl;
9550 // open the file
9551 MString fileNameStr = fileName;
9554 stringstream blockNumber;
9555 blockNumber << m_blockId;
9556 MString blockPathStr = "/block";
9557 blockPathStr += blockNumber.str();
9558 ParallelIo::size_type ioOffset[3] = {m_nOffsetCells[0], m_nOffsetCells[1], m_nOffsetCells[2]};
9559 ParallelIo::size_type ioSize[3] = {m_nActiveCells[0], m_nActiveCells[1], m_nActiveCells[2]};
9561 for(MInt var = 0; var < getNoPPVars(); var++) {
9562 pio.readArray(m_summedVars[var], blockPathStr, m_avgVariableNames[var], nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9563 }
9565 if(m_averagingFavre) {
9566 for(MInt var = 0; var < getNoVars(); var++) {
9567 pio.readArray(m_favre[var], blockPathStr, m_avgFavreNames[var], nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9568 }
9569 }
9571 m_log << "loading Restart file ... SUCCESSFUL " << endl;
void shiftAverageCellValues()
Shifts the averaged variables.
MInt getNoPPVars()
Returns number of postprocessing variables.
std::basic_string< char > MString
Definition: maiatypes.h:55
const MInt PIO_READ
Definition: parallelio.h:40

◆ loadAverageRestartFile()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::loadAverageRestartFile ( const MChar fileName,
MFloat **  sum,
MFloat **  square,
MFloat **  cube,
MFloat **  fourth 
Frederik Temme

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9464 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9465 {
9466 TRACE();
9467 m_log << "loading average restart file ... " << endl;
9468 if(domainId() == 0) {
9469 cout << "Opening file: " << fileName << endl;
9470 }
9472 // open the file
9473 MString fileNameStr = fileName;
9476 // now read in the data!
9477 m_log << "-> reading in the data ... " << endl;
9478 pio.getAttribute(&m_noSamples, "noSamples", "");
9479 m_log << "Current number of postprocessing samples: " << m_noSamples << endl;
9480 stringstream blockNumber;
9481 blockNumber << m_blockId;
9482 MString blockPathStr = "/block";
9483 blockPathStr += blockNumber.str();
9484 MInt offset = 0;
9485 ParallelIo::size_type ioOffset[3] = {m_nOffsetCells[0], m_nOffsetCells[1], m_nOffsetCells[2]};
9486 ParallelIo::size_type ioSize[3] = {m_nActiveCells[0], m_nActiveCells[1], m_nActiveCells[2]};
9489 pio.readArray(sum[0], blockPathStr, "u", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9490 pio.readArray(sum[1], blockPathStr, "v", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9491 pio.readArray(sum[2], blockPathStr, "w", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9492 pio.readArray(sum[3], blockPathStr, "rho", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9493 pio.readArray(sum[4], blockPathStr, "p", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9494 offset = noVariables();
9496 if(m_averagingFavre) {
9497 pio.readArray(m_favre[0], blockPathStr, "um_favre", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9498 pio.readArray(m_favre[1], blockPathStr, "vm_favre", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9499 pio.readArray(m_favre[2], blockPathStr, "wm_favre", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9500 pio.readArray(m_favre[3], blockPathStr, "rhom_favre", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9501 pio.readArray(m_favre[4], blockPathStr, "pm_favre", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9502 }
9504 if(m_averageVorticity) {
9505 pio.readArray(sum[offset + 0], blockPathStr, "vortx", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9506 pio.readArray(sum[offset + 1], blockPathStr, "vorty", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9507 pio.readArray(sum[offset + 2], blockPathStr, "vortz", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9508 }
9510 pio.readArray(square[0], blockPathStr, "uu", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9511 pio.readArray(square[1], blockPathStr, "vv", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9512 pio.readArray(square[2], blockPathStr, "ww", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9513 pio.readArray(square[3], blockPathStr, "uv", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9514 pio.readArray(square[4], blockPathStr, "vw", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9515 pio.readArray(square[5], blockPathStr, "uw", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9517 pio.readArray(square[6], blockPathStr, "pp", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9519 if(m_averageVorticity) {
9520 pio.readArray(square[7], blockPathStr, "vortxvortx", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9521 pio.readArray(square[8], blockPathStr, "vortyvorty", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9522 pio.readArray(square[9], blockPathStr, "vortzvortz", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9523 }
9525 if(m_kurtosis || m_skewness) {
9526 pio.readArray(cube[0], blockPathStr, "uuu", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9527 pio.readArray(cube[1], blockPathStr, "vvv", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9528 pio.readArray(cube[2], blockPathStr, "www", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9529 }
9531 if(m_kurtosis) {
9532 pio.readArray(fourth[0], blockPathStr, "uuuu", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9533 pio.readArray(fourth[1], blockPathStr, "vvvv", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9534 pio.readArray(fourth[2], blockPathStr, "wwww", nDim, ioOffset, ioSize);
9535 }
9537 m_log << "loading Restart file ... SUCCESSFUL " << endl;
MInt noVariables() const override

◆ loadRestartBC2600()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::loadRestartBC2600 ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 8617 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

8617 {
8619 if(domainId() == 0) {
8620 cout << "Loading BC2600 values..." << endl;
8621 }
8622 if(m_bc2600) {
8623 ParallelIo::size_type bcCells[3] = {m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0), m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1), m_noGhostLayers};
8624 MInt noCellsBC = bcCells[0] * bcCells[1] * bcCells[2];
8625 ParallelIo::size_type bcOffset[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8626 MFloatScratchSpace tmpRestartVars(noCellsBC * m_maxNoVariables, AT_, "m_tmpRestartVars2600");
8627 if(m_commBC2600MyRank == 0) {
8628 stringstream restartFileName;
8629 MString restartFile = Context::getSolverProperty<MString>("restartVariablesFileName", m_solverId, AT_);
8630 restartFileName << outputDir() << restartFile;
8632 ParallelIoHdf5 pio(restartFileName.str(), maia::parallel_io::PIO_READ, MPI_COMM_SELF);
8633 stringstream pathStr;
8634 pathStr << "/block" << m_blockId << "/bc2600";
8635 std::string path = pathStr.str();
8637 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_maxNoVariables; var++) {
8638 pio.readArray(&tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC], path, m_pvariableNames[var], nDim, bcOffset, bcCells);
8639 }
8640 }
8642 MPI_Bcast(&tmpRestartVars(0, 0), noCellsBC * m_maxNoVariables, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_commBC2600, AT_,
8643 "tmpRestartVars(0");
8645 MInt startGC[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8646 MInt endGC[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8648 if(m_bc2600noOffsetCells[1] == 0) {
8649 startGC[1] = m_noGhostLayers;
8650 }
8651 if(m_bc2600noOffsetCells[0] == 0) {
8652 startGC[0] = m_noGhostLayers;
8653 }
8654 if(m_bc2600noOffsetCells[1] + m_bc2600noActiveCells[1] == bcCells[1]) {
8655 endGC[1] = m_noGhostLayers;
8656 }
8657 if(m_bc2600noOffsetCells[0] + m_bc2600noActiveCells[0] == bcCells[0]) {
8658 endGC[0] = m_noGhostLayers;
8659 }
8661 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
8662 for(MInt j = startGC[1]; j < m_bc2600noCells[1] - endGC[1]; j++) {
8663 for(MInt k = startGC[0]; k < m_bc2600noCells[0] - endGC[0]; k++) {
8664 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_bc2600noCells[1]) * m_bc2600noCells[2];
8665 MInt globalI = i;
8666 MInt globalJ = m_bc2600noOffsetCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers + j;
8667 MInt globalK = m_bc2600noOffsetCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers + k;
8668 MInt cellIdBC = globalI + (globalJ + globalK * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8670 // load values from restart field
8671 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_maxNoVariables; var++) {
8672 m_bc2600Variables[var][cellId] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + cellIdBC];
8673 }
8674 }
8675 }
8676 }
8679 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_bc2600noCells[2]; i++) {
8680 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_bc2600noCells[1]; j++) {
8681 MInt cellIdA1 = i + (j + 2 * m_bc2600noCells[1]) * m_bc2600noCells[2];
8682 MInt cellIdG1 = i + (j + 0 * m_bc2600noCells[1]) * m_bc2600noCells[2];
8683 MInt cellIdG2 = i + (j + 1 * m_bc2600noCells[1]) * m_bc2600noCells[2];
8685 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_maxNoVariables; var++) {
8686 m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdG1] = m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdA1];
8687 m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdG2] = m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdA1];
8688 }
8690 cellIdA1 = i + (j + (m_bc2600noCells[0] - 3) * m_bc2600noCells[1]) * m_bc2600noCells[2];
8691 cellIdG1 = i + (j + (m_bc2600noCells[0] - 2) * m_bc2600noCells[1]) * m_bc2600noCells[2];
8692 cellIdG2 = i + (j + (m_bc2600noCells[0] - 1) * m_bc2600noCells[1]) * m_bc2600noCells[2];
8694 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_maxNoVariables; var++) {
8695 m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdG1] = m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdA1];
8696 m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdG2] = m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdA1];
8697 }
8698 }
8699 }
8702 // Fix diagonal cells at end of domain
8703 if(m_bc2600noOffsetCells[1] + m_bc2600noActiveCells[1] == m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1)) {
8704 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_bc2600noCells[2]; i++) {
8705 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_bc2600noCells[0]; k++) {
8706 const MInt cellIdA2 =
8708 const MInt cellIdA1 =
8710 const MInt cellIdG1 =
8712 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_maxNoVariables; var++) {
8713 const MFloat distA1A2 =
8714 sqrt(POW2(m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA1] - m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA2])
8715 + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[1][cellIdA1] - m_cells->coordinates[1][cellIdA2])
8716 + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[2][cellIdA1] - m_cells->coordinates[2][cellIdA2]));
8718 const MFloat slope = (m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdA1] - m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdA2]) / distA1A2;
8719 const MFloat distG1A1 =
8720 sqrt(POW2(m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdG1] - m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA1])
8721 + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[1][cellIdG1] - m_cells->coordinates[1][cellIdA1])
8722 + POW2(m_cells->coordinates[2][cellIdG1] - m_cells->coordinates[2][cellIdA1]));
8723 m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdG1] = m_bc2600Variables[var][cellIdA1] + distG1A1 * slope;
8724 }
8725 }
8726 }
8727 }
8728 }
8730 if(m_commBC2600MyRank == 0) {
8731 cout << "Loading BC2600 values... SUCCESSFUL!" << endl;
8732 }
8733 }
MString outputDir() const
Return the directory for output files.
Definition: solver.h:407
MBool restartFile()
Definition: solver.h:427

◆ loadRestartBC2601()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::loadRestartBC2601 ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 8737 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

8737 {
8738 // if we have the prescribing boundary,
8739 // put the values from the restart file into the ghostcells
8741 if(domainId() == 0) {
8742 cout << "Loading restart values 2601" << endl;
8743 }
8744 ParallelIo::size_type bcCells[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8745 ParallelIo::size_type bcOffset[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8747 bcCells[0] = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0);
8748 bcCells[1] = m_noGhostLayers;
8749 bcCells[2] = m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2);
8751 MInt noCellsBC = bcCells[0] * bcCells[1] * bcCells[2];
8752 MFloatScratchSpace tmpRestartVars(noCellsBC * PV->noVariables, AT_, "m_tmpRestartVars2600");
8754 if(domainId() == 0) {
8755 stringstream restartFileName;
8756 MString restartFile = Context::getSolverProperty<MString>("restartVariablesFileName", m_solverId, AT_);
8757 restartFileName << outputDir() << restartFile;
8759 ParallelIoHdf5 pio(restartFileName.str(), maia::parallel_io::PIO_READ, MPI_COMM_SELF);
8760 stringstream pathStr;
8761 pathStr << "/block" << m_blockId << "/bc2601" << endl;
8762 std::string path = pathStr.str();
8764 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
8765 pio.readArray(&tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC], path, m_pvariableNames[var].c_str(), nDim, bcOffset, bcCells);
8766 }
8767 }
8769 MPI_Bcast(&tmpRestartVars[0], noCellsBC * PV->noVariables, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
8770 "tmpRestartVars[0]");
8772 if(m_bc2601) {
8773 MInt startGC[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8774 MInt endGC[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8776 if(m_nOffsetCells[2] == 0) {
8777 startGC[2] = m_noGhostLayers;
8778 }
8779 if(m_nOffsetCells[0] == 0) {
8780 startGC[0] = m_noGhostLayers;
8781 }
8782 if(m_nOffsetCells[2] + m_nActiveCells[2] == m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2)) {
8783 endGC[2] = m_noGhostLayers;
8784 }
8785 if(m_nOffsetCells[0] + m_nActiveCells[0] == m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0)) {
8786 endGC[0] = m_noGhostLayers;
8787 }
8789 for(MInt i = startGC[2]; i < m_nCells[2] - endGC[2]; i++) {
8790 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
8791 for(MInt k = startGC[0]; k < m_nCells[0] - endGC[0]; k++) {
8792 MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
8793 MInt globalI = m_nOffsetCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers + i;
8794 MInt globalJ = j;
8795 MInt globalK = m_nOffsetCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers + k;
8796 MInt cellIdBC = globalI + (globalJ + globalK * m_noGhostLayers) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2);
8798 // load values from restart field
8799 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
8800 m_cells->pvariables[var][cellId] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + cellIdBC];
8801 }
8802 }
8803 }
8804 }
8806 // Fix diagonal cells at start of domain
8807 if(m_nOffsetCells[2] == 0) {
8808 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
8809 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
8810 const MInt cellIdA2 = cellIndex(3, j, k);
8811 const MInt cellIdA1 = cellIndex(2, j, k);
8812 const MInt cellIdG1 = cellIndex(1, j, k);
8813 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
8814 const MFloat slope = (m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdA2] - m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdA1])
8815 / (m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA2] - m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA1]);
8816 m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdG1] =
8817 m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdA1]
8818 + (m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdG1] - m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA1]) * slope;
8819 }
8820 }
8821 }
8822 }
8824 // Fix diagonal cells at end of domain
8825 if(m_nOffsetCells[2] + m_nActiveCells[2] == m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2)) {
8826 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
8827 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
8828 const MInt cellIdA2 = cellIndex(m_noGhostLayers + m_nActiveCells[2] - 2, j, k);
8829 const MInt cellIdA1 = cellIndex(m_noGhostLayers + m_nActiveCells[2] - 1, j, k);
8830 const MInt cellIdG1 = cellIndex(m_noGhostLayers + m_nActiveCells[2], j, k);
8831 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
8832 const MFloat slope = (m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdA1] - m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdA2])
8833 / (m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA1] - m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA2]);
8834 m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdG1] =
8835 m_cells->pvariables[var][cellIdA1]
8836 + (m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdG1] - m_cells->coordinates[0][cellIdA1]) * slope;
8837 }
8838 }
8839 }
8840 }
8841 }
8842 }

◆ loadRestartSTG()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::loadRestartSTG ( MBool  isPrimitiveOutput)

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 8845 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

8845 {
8846 if(m_stgIsActive) {
8847 if(!isPrimitiveOutput && domainId() == 0) {
8848 cout << "Restart file has conservative variables, converting STG variables to primitive!" << endl;
8849 }
8851 stringstream restartFileName;
8852 MString restartFile = Context::getSolverProperty<MString>("restartVariablesFileName", m_solverId, AT_);
8853 restartFileName << outputDir() << restartFile;
8854 ParallelIoHdf5 pio(restartFileName.str(), maia::parallel_io::PIO_READ, m_StructuredComm);
8856 stringstream blockNumber;
8857 blockNumber << m_blockId;
8858 MString blockPathStr = "/block";
8859 blockPathStr += blockNumber.str();
8861 MInt restartNoEddies = 0;
8862 pio.getAttribute(&restartNoEddies, "stgNRAN", "");
8864 if(restartNoEddies != m_stgMaxNoEddies) {
8865 m_log << "STG: NRAN in restart file (" << restartNoEddies << ") not the same as given in property file ("
8866 << m_stgMaxNoEddies << "), creating new random distribution of eddies!" << endl;
8867 m_stgCreateNewEddies = true;
8868 } else {
8869 m_log << "STG: Reading in " << restartNoEddies << " eddies from restart file" << endl;
8870 }
8872 // if this is an initialStartup the new
8873 // eddies need to be created in any case
8875 m_stgCreateNewEddies = true;
8876 ParallelIo::size_type offset[3] = {m_nOffsetCells[0], m_nOffsetCells[1], m_nOffsetCells[2]};
8877 ParallelIo::size_type size[3] = {m_nActiveCells[0], m_nActiveCells[1], m_nActiveCells[2]};
8878 // also load nu_t into fq field
8879 pio.readArray(m_cells->fq[FQ->NU_T], blockPathStr, FQ->fqNames[FQ->NU_T].c_str(), nDim, offset, size);
8880 FQ->loadedFromRestartFile[FQ->NU_T] = true;
8881 } else {
8882 // has to be set manually for restart from RANS profile
8883 ParallelIo::size_type ninmax = m_stgNoEddieProperties * m_stgMaxNoEddies;
8884 ParallelIo::size_type VBStart = 0;
8891 if(domainId() == 0) {
8892 cout << "NRAN in property differs from NRAN in restart file"
8894 }
8895 } else {
8896 MString stgGlobalPathStr = "stgGlobal";
8898 if(pio.hasDataset("FQeddies", stgGlobalPathStr)) {
8899 if(domainId() == 0) {
8900 cout << "FQeddies field is at new position /stgGlobal/FQeddies" << endl;
8901 }
8902 } else {
8903 if(domainId() == 0) {
8904 cout << "FQeddies field is NOT at new position! Using old path within solver..." << endl;
8905 }
8906 stgGlobalPathStr = blockPathStr;
8907 if(domainId() == 0) {
8908 cout << "Loading FQeddies from path " << stgGlobalPathStr << endl;
8909 }
8910 }
8912 // do this only serially
8913 if(globalDomainId() == 0) {
8914 cout << "Loading STG Eddies..." << endl;
8915 }
8916 if(globalDomainId() == 0) {
8917 ParallelIoHdf5 pioLocal(restartFileName.str(), maia::parallel_io::PIO_READ, MPI_COMM_SELF);
8918 pioLocal.readArray(m_stgEddies[0], stgGlobalPathStr, "FQeddies", 1, &VBStart, &ninmax);
8919 }
8921 MPI_Bcast(m_stgEddies[0], ninmax, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_stgEddies[0]");
8922 if(globalDomainId() == 0) {
8923 cout << "Loading STG Eddies... SUCCESSFUL!" << endl;
8924 }
8925 }
8932 if(m_stgLocal) {
8933 ParallelIo::size_type bcActiveCells[3] = {m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0), m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1), 3};
8934 ParallelIo::size_type bcCells[3] = {m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0) + m_noGhostLayers * 2,
8935 m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1) + m_noGhostLayers * 2, 3};
8936 ParallelIo::size_type bcOffset[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8937 const MInt noCellsBC = bcCells[0] * bcCells[1] * bcCells[2];
8938 MFloatScratchSpace tmpRestartVars(noCellsBC * m_stgNoVariables, AT_, "tmpRestartVars");
8940 if(m_commStgMyRank == 0) {
8941 cout << "Loading STG Datasets..." << endl;
8942 }
8943 if(m_commStgMyRank == 0) {
8944 ParallelIoHdf5 pioLocal(restartFileName.str(), maia::parallel_io::PIO_READ, MPI_COMM_SELF);
8945 cout << "stg_myRankdomainId:" << domainId() << " m_commStgMyRank:" << m_commStgMyRank << endl;
8946 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_stgNoVariables; var++) {
8947 stringstream fieldName;
8948 stringstream stgPath;
8949 stgPath << blockPathStr << "/stg";
8950 fieldName << "stgFQ" << var;
8951 pioLocal.readArray(&tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC], stgPath.str(), fieldName.str(), nDim, bcOffset,
8952 bcActiveCells);
8953 }
8955 // reorder the cells in the global array
8956 for(MInt k = (bcActiveCells[0] - 1); k >= 0; k--) {
8957 for(MInt j = (bcActiveCells[1] - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
8958 for(MInt i = (bcActiveCells[2] - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
8959 const MInt cellId_org = i + (j + k * bcActiveCells[1]) * bcActiveCells[2];
8960 const MInt i_new = i;
8961 const MInt j_new = j + m_noGhostLayers;
8962 const MInt k_new = k + m_noGhostLayers;
8963 const MInt cellId = i_new + (j_new + k_new * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8965 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_stgNoVariables; var++) {
8966 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + cellId] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + cellId_org];
8967 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + cellId_org] = F0;
8968 }
8969 }
8970 }
8971 }
8973 // apply periodic bc
8974 for(MInt j = 0; j < bcCells[1]; j++) {
8975 for(MInt i = 0; i < bcCells[2]; i++) {
8976 const MInt gcId0 = i + (j + (0) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8977 const MInt acId0 = i + (j + (bcCells[0] - 4) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8978 const MInt gcId1 = i + (j + (1) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8979 const MInt acId1 = i + (j + (bcCells[0] - 3) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8981 const MInt gcId2 = i + (j + (bcCells[0] - 2) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8982 const MInt acId2 = i + (j + (2) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8983 const MInt gcId3 = i + (j + (bcCells[0] - 1) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8984 const MInt acId3 = i + (j + (3) * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8986 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_stgNoVariables; var++) {
8987 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gcId0] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + acId0];
8988 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gcId1] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + acId1];
8989 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gcId2] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + acId2];
8990 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gcId3] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + acId3];
8991 }
8992 }
8993 }
8995 // extrapolation at the bottoms
8996 for(MInt k = 0; k < bcCells[0]; k++) {
8997 for(MInt i = 0; i < bcCells[2]; i++) {
8998 const MInt gc1 = i + (1 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
8999 const MInt gc2 = i + (0 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9000 const MInt ac1 = i + (2 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9001 const MInt ac2 = i + (3 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9003 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_stgNoVariables; var++) {
9004 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gc1] =
9005 2 * tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + ac1] - tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + ac2];
9006 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gc2] =
9007 2 * tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gc1] - tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + ac1];
9008 }
9009 }
9010 }
9012 // extrapolation at the top
9013 for(MInt k = 0; k < bcCells[0]; k++) {
9014 for(MInt i = 0; i < bcCells[2]; i++) {
9015 const MInt gc1 = i + (bcCells[1] - 2 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9016 const MInt gc2 = i + (bcCells[1] - 1 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9017 const MInt ac1 = i + (bcCells[1] - 3 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9018 const MInt ac2 = i + (bcCells[1] - 4 + k * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9021 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_stgNoVariables; var++) {
9022 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gc1] =
9023 2 * tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + ac1] - tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + ac2];
9024 tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gc2] =
9025 2 * tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + gc1] - tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + ac1];
9026 }
9027 }
9028 }
9029 }
9032 // now broadcast to everyone
9033 MPI_Bcast(&tmpRestartVars[0], noCellsBC * m_stgNoVariables, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_commStg, AT_, "tmpRestartVars[0]");
9034 if(m_commStgMyRank == 0) {
9035 cout << "Loading STG Datasets... SUCCESSFUL!" << endl;
9036 }
9041 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nCells[0]; k++) {
9042 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nCells[1]; j++) {
9043 for(MInt i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
9044 MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
9045 MInt globalI = i;
9046 MInt globalJ = m_nOffsetCells[1] + j;
9047 MInt globalK = m_nOffsetCells[0] + k;
9048 MInt cellIdBCGlobal = globalI + (globalJ + globalK * bcCells[1]) * bcCells[2];
9049 MInt cellIdBC = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * 3;
9051 // load values from restart field
9052 for(MInt var = 0; var < m_stgNoVariables; var++) {
9053 m_cells->stg_fq[var][cellIdBC] = tmpRestartVars[var * noCellsBC + cellIdBCGlobal];
9054 }
9056 if(!isPrimitiveOutput) {
9057 const MFloat rho = m_cells->stg_fq[0][cellIdBC];
9058 const MFloat rhoU = m_cells->stg_fq[1][cellIdBC];
9059 const MFloat rhoV = m_cells->stg_fq[2][cellIdBC];
9060 const MFloat rhoW = m_cells->stg_fq[3][cellIdBC];
9061 const MFloat rhoE = m_cells->stg_fq[4][cellIdBC];
9063 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = m_gamma - 1.0;
9064 const MFloat u = rhoU / rho;
9065 const MFloat v = rhoV / rho;
9066 const MFloat w = rhoW / rho;
9067 const MFloat p = gammaMinusOne * (rhoE - F1B2 * rho * (POW2(u) + POW2(v) + POW2(w)));
9069 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->RHO][cellIdBC] = rho;
9070 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->U][cellIdBC] = u;
9071 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->V][cellIdBC] = v;
9072 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->W][cellIdBC] = w;
9073 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->P][cellIdBC] = p;
9074 }
9076 if(i < 2) {
9077 m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][cellId] = m_cells->stg_fq[PV->RHO][cellIdBC];
9078 m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][cellId] = m_cells->stg_fq[PV->U][cellIdBC];
9079 m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][cellId] = m_cells->stg_fq[PV->V][cellIdBC];
9080 m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][cellId] = m_cells->stg_fq[PV->W][cellIdBC];
9081 m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId] = m_cells->stg_fq[PV->P][cellIdBC];
9082 }
9083 }
9084 }
9085 }
9086 }
9087 }
9089 }
MInt globalDomainId()
Return global domain id.

◆ loadSampleFile()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::loadSampleFile ( MString  fileName)
Frederik Temme

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9393 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9393 { // loading files for averaging (pre- and postsolve)
9394 TRACE();
9396 // open the file
9399 stringstream blockNumber;
9400 blockNumber << m_blockId;
9401 MString blockPathStr = "/block";
9402 blockPathStr += blockNumber.str();
9403 ParallelIo::size_type offset[3] = {m_nOffsetCells[0], m_nOffsetCells[1], m_nOffsetCells[2]};
9404 ParallelIo::size_type size[3] = {m_nActiveCells[0], m_nActiveCells[1], m_nActiveCells[2]};
9406 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
9407 pio.readArray(m_cells->pvariables[var], blockPathStr, m_pvariableNames[var], nDim, offset, size);
9408 }
void shiftCellValuesRestart(MBool)

◆ manualInterpolationCorrection()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::manualInterpolationCorrection ( )

In case some cells did not get correct values in the interpolation process (due to no matching donor cells) Put your routines that will correct these cells here.

Definition at line 2190 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

◆ maxResidual()

MBool FvStructuredSolver3D::maxResidual ( )

This function computes the maxResidual using Res = deltaT/(CFL*VolOfCell) * |RHS|

with deltaT depending on local or global time stepping is used. checks if the computed max density residual is below the convergence criterion and returns boolean variable

Pascal Meysonnat

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 5554 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5554 {
5555 TRACE();
5557 if(globalTimeStep % m_residualInterval != 0) return true;
5558 MFloat epsilon = pow(10.0, -10.0);
5559 m_avrgResidual = F0;
5560 MInt cellId = F0;
5561 MFloat tmpResidual = F0;
5562 MFloat maxResidual1 = F0;
5563 MInt maxResIndex[3];
5564 // MInt localCounter=F0;
5565 MFloat maxResidualOrg = F0;
5566 MFloat localMaxResidual = F0;
5567 MFloat localAvrgResidual = F0;
5568 MFloat accumAvrgResidual = F0;
5569 MFloat globalMaxResidual = F0;
5570 m_workload = F0;
5571 // MInt accumCounter=0;
5572 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
5573 maxResIndex[dim] = F0;
5574 }
5576 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
5577 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
5578 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
5579 cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5580 // cerr << cellId << endl;
5581 tmpResidual = m_timeStep / (m_cfl * m_cells->cellJac[cellId]) * fabs(m_cells->rightHandSide[CV->RHO][cellId]);
5582 m_avrgResidual += tmpResidual;
5584 if(tmpResidual > maxResidual1) {
5585 maxResIndex[0] = i - m_noGhostLayers;
5586 maxResIndex[1] = j - m_noGhostLayers;
5587 maxResIndex[2] = k - m_noGhostLayers;
5588 maxResidual1 = tmpResidual;
5589 }
5590 }
5591 }
5592 }
5594 // localCounter = counter;
5595 localMaxResidual = maxResidual1;
5596 localAvrgResidual = m_avrgResidual;
5597 // reset average Residual
5598 m_avrgResidual = F0;
5600 MFloat localTotalEnergy = F0;
5601 MFloat globalTotalEnergy = F0;
5602 MFloat globalPressure = F0;
5603 MFloat localPressure = F0;
5604 if(m_initialCondition == 101) {
5605 localTotalEnergy = computeTotalKineticEngergy();
5606 MPI_Allreduce(&localTotalEnergy, &globalTotalEnergy, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
5607 "localTotalEnergy", "globalTotalEnergy");
5608 globalTotalEnergy /= ((16.0 * pow(4 * atan(1), 3.0))); // divided by the overall volume
5609 localPressure = computeTotalPressure();
5610 MPI_Allreduce(&localPressure, &globalPressure, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "localPressure",
5611 "globalPressure");
5612 globalPressure /= ((16.0 * pow(4 * atan(1), 3.0))); // divided by the overall volume
5613 }
5615 // if( noDomains()>1 )
5616 // {
5617 // MPI_Allreduce(m_residualSnd, &m_residualRcv, 1, m_mpiStruct, m_resOp, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_residualSnd",
5618 // "m_residualRcv" );
5619 MPI_Allreduce(&localAvrgResidual, &accumAvrgResidual, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
5620 "localAvrgResidual", "accumAvrgResidual");
5621 MPI_Allreduce(&localMaxResidual, &globalMaxResidual, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
5622 "localMaxResidual", "globalMaxResidual");
5624 m_avrgResidual = accumAvrgResidual; // m_residualRcv.avrgRes;
5625 maxResidualOrg = globalMaxResidual;
5626 // globalMaxResidual=globalMaxResidual;//m_residualRcv.maxRes;
5627 // for(MInt i=0; i<3; i++)
5628 //{
5629 // maxResIndex[i]=m_residualRcv.maxCellIndex[i];
5630 //}
5632 // }
5634 // cout << "m_avrgResidual = " << m_avrgResidual<< " | totalCells " << m_totalGridCells <<endl;
5636 // write first residuals;
5637 if(ABS(m_firstMaxResidual) < epsilon) {
5638 m_firstMaxResidual = mMax(epsilon, globalMaxResidual);
5640 if(m_initialCondition != 101) { // we need an extra treatment of TGV because of symmetie
5641 if(approx(localMaxResidual, maxResidualOrg,
5642 m_eps)) { // so only domainId with the max writes out ==> no need to communicate the max index[i]
5644 // write out values into residual file
5645 FILE* f_residual;
5646 f_residual = fopen("./Residual", "a+");
5647 fprintf(f_residual, "#MaxRes_1: %1.10e \n", m_firstMaxResidual);
5648 fprintf(f_residual, "#MaxAvgRes_1: %1.10e \n", m_firstAvrgResidual);
5649 fprintf(f_residual, "#iter, physTime, time, dT, wLoad, avrgRes, maxRes, blockId, i, j, k ");
5650 fclose(f_residual);
5651 }
5652 } else {
5653 if(domainId() == 0) {
5654 // write out values into residual file
5655 FILE* f_residual;
5656 f_residual = fopen("./Residual", "a+");
5657 fprintf(f_residual, "#MaxRes_1: %1.10e \n", m_firstMaxResidual);
5658 fprintf(f_residual, "#MaxAvgRes_1: %1.10e \n", m_firstAvrgResidual);
5659 fprintf(f_residual,
5660 "#iter, physTime, time, dT, wLoad, avrgRes, maxRes, blockId, i, j, k, k_mean, p_mean, pProbe ");
5661 }
5662 }
5663 }
5665 // normalize residuals
5666 globalMaxResidual = globalMaxResidual / m_firstMaxResidual;
5669 // question if "( m_avrgResidual >= F0 || m_avrgResidual < F0 ) {} else {"
5670 // is better to capture the also inf???
5672 if(std::isnan(m_avrgResidual)) {
5673 cerr << "Solution diverged, average residual is nan " << endl;
5674 m_log << "Solution diverged, average residual is nan " << endl;
5675 saveSolverSolution(true);
5676 mTerm(1, AT_, "Solution diverged, average residual is nan ");
5677 }
5679 // convergence Check
5681 m_convergence = false;
5682 if(maxResidual1 < m_convergenceCriterion) {
5683 m_convergence = true;
5684 }
5686 // need again special treatment for TGV due to symmetrie many processors would write out (!!!!IMPORTANT NO CORRECT
5688 if(m_initialCondition != 101) {
5689 // processor with the highest Residual writes out!!! saves communication;
5690 if(approx(localMaxResidual, maxResidualOrg,
5691 m_eps)) { // so only domainId with the max writes out ==> no need to communicate the max index[i]
5692 // write out values into residual file
5693 FILE* f_residual;
5694 f_residual = fopen("./Residual", "a+");
5695 fprintf(f_residual, "%d", globalTimeStep);
5696 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_physicalTime);
5697 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_time);
5698 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_timeStep);
5699 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_workload);
5700 fprintf(f_residual, " %1.10e", m_avrgResidual);
5701 fprintf(f_residual, " %1.10e", globalMaxResidual);
5702 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_blockId);
5703 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_nOffsetCells[2] + maxResIndex[0]); // i
5704 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_nOffsetCells[1] + maxResIndex[1]); // j
5705 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_nOffsetCells[0] + maxResIndex[2]); // k
5706 fprintf(f_residual, "\n");
5707 fclose(f_residual);
5708 }
5709 } else {
5710 if(domainId() == 0) {
5711 MFloat dissip = F0;
5712 if(globalTimeStep == 1) {
5713 m_kineticEOld = 1.2474901617e-03;
5714 } else {
5715 dissip = (globalTotalEnergy - m_kineticEOld) / m_timeStep;
5716 m_kineticEOld = globalTotalEnergy;
5717 }
5718 // write out values into residual file
5719 // compute the dissipation rate
5721 FILE* f_residual;
5722 f_residual = fopen("./Residual", "a+");
5723 fprintf(f_residual, "%d", globalTimeStep);
5724 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_physicalTime);
5725 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_time);
5726 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_timeStep);
5727 fprintf(f_residual, " %f", m_workload);
5728 fprintf(f_residual, " %1.10e", m_avrgResidual);
5729 fprintf(f_residual, " %1.10e", globalMaxResidual);
5730 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_blockId);
5731 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_nOffsetCells[2] + maxResIndex[0]); // i Will be wrong
5732 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_nOffsetCells[1] + maxResIndex[1]); // j Will be wrong
5733 fprintf(f_residual, " %d", m_nOffsetCells[0] + maxResIndex[2]); // k Will be wrong
5734 fprintf(f_residual, " %1.10e", globalTotalEnergy); // kinetic Energy
5735 fprintf(f_residual, " %1.10e", globalPressure); // averaged pressure
5736 fprintf(f_residual, " %1.10e", dissip); // dissipation rate
5737 fprintf(f_residual, "\n");
5738 fclose(f_residual);
5739 }
5740 }
5742 if(maxResidual1 < m_convergenceCriterion) {
5743 return true;
5744 } else {
5745 return false;
5746 }
void saveSolverSolution(MBool=false, const MBool=false) override
MInt m_residualInterval
The number of timesteps before writing the next residual.
Definition: solver.h:87
Real ABS(const Real x)
Definition: functions.h:85

◆ moveGrid()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::moveGrid ( const MBool  isRestart,
const MBool  zeroPos 

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 5798 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5798 {
5799 TRACE();
5800 const MFloat pi = 4.0 * atan(1);
5801 const MFloat t = (isRestart) ? m_time : m_time + m_timeStep * m_RKalpha[m_RKStep];
5803 switch(m_gridMovingMethod) {
5804 case 1: // oscillating grid in x-direction
5805 {
5806 // we need some relaxation function in wall-normal direction
5807 // here we take a linear function: ( y_max - y ) / y_max
5808 const MFloat y_max = 10.0; // y of upper domain boundary
5809 const MFloat frequency = F1 / (F2 * m_timeStep * 1000.0);
5810 const MFloat amp = PV->UInfinity / (F2 * pi * frequency);
5812 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
5813 for(MInt j = 0; j < (m_nPoints[1]); j++) {
5814 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
5815 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
5816 const MFloat x = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pointId];
5818 m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] =
5819 x + (1 - m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] / y_max) * amp * sin(2 * pi * t * frequency);
5820 m_grid->m_velocity[0][pointId] = (1 - m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] / y_max) * amp * 2 * pi * frequency
5821 * cos(2 * pi * t * frequency);
5822 }
5823 }
5824 }
5826 break;
5827 }
5828 case 2: // channel with moving indentation
5829 {
5830 const MFloat beta = 4.14l;
5831 const MFloat StrNum = m_wallVel; // Strouhal Number, set by wallVel
5832 const MFloat ver = F0; // ver can be used to translate x coordinate
5833 const MFloat y_max = F1; // can be used to scale (old mesh had y_max = m_mgOrgCoordinates[0][32] = 1/30)
5835 // values from Ralph and Pedley:
5836 const MFloat x2 = y_max * (ver - 11.75l);
5837 const MFloat x3 = y_max * (ver - 9.25l);
5838 const MFloat x4 = y_max * (ver - 1.25);
5839 const MFloat x5 = y_max * (ver + 1.25);
5840 const MFloat omega = PV->UInfinity * StrNum * F2 * pi / y_max;
5841 const MFloat h = F1B2 * 0.38l * (F1 - cos(omega * t));
5842 const MFloat hvel = F1B2 * 0.38l * omega * sin(omega * t);
5844 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
5845 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1]; j++) {
5846 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
5847 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
5848 const MFloat y = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pointId];
5850 MFloat g = F0;
5852 if(m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] > x2 && m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] < x3) {
5853 g = (1.0 + tanhl(beta * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] - (x2 + x3) / 2.0l) / y_max)) / 2.0;
5854 } else if(m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] >= x3 && m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] < x4) {
5855 g = F1;
5856 } else if(m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] >= x4 && m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] < x5) {
5857 g = (1.0 - tanhl(beta * (m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] - (x4 + x5) / 2.0l) / y_max)) / 2.0;
5858 }
5860 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] = y * (F1 - h * g);
5861 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pointId] = -y * hvel * g;
5862 }
5863 }
5864 }
5866 break;
5867 }
5868 case 3: // piston moving in x-direction
5869 {
5870 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
5871 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1]; j++) {
5872 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
5873 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
5874 const MFloat x = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pointId];
5876 m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] = x * (1 + t * m_wallVel);
5877 m_grid->m_velocity[0][pointId] = x * m_wallVel;
5878 m_grid->m_acceleration[0][pointId] = F0;
5879 }
5880 }
5881 }
5883 break;
5884 }
5885 case 4: // inner grid movement
5886 {
5887 const MFloat beta = 16.0l;
5888 const MFloat StrNum = m_wallVel; // Strouhal Number, set by wallVel
5889 const MFloat ver = 0.0l; // ver can be used to translate x coordinate
5890 const MFloat y_max = 1.0l; // can be used to scale
5892 // for Square:
5893 const MFloat x2 = y_max * (ver + 0.1l);
5894 const MFloat x3 = y_max * (ver + 0.5l);
5895 const MFloat x4 = y_max * (ver + 0.5l);
5896 const MFloat x5 = y_max * (ver + 0.9l);
5898 const MFloat omega = m_Ma * sqrt(PV->TInfinity) * StrNum * 2.0l * pi / y_max;
5899 const MFloat h = F1B2 * 0.35l * (F1 - cos(omega * t));
5900 const MFloat hvel = F1B2 * 0.35l * (omega * sin(omega * t));
5902 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
5903 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1]; j++) {
5904 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
5905 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
5907 const MFloat x = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pointId];
5908 const MFloat y = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pointId];
5910 MFloat g = F0;
5911 if(y > x2 && y < x5 && x > x2 && x < x5) {
5912 g = ((y < x3) ? (1.0l + tanhl(beta * (y - (x2 + x3) / 2.0l) / y_max)) / 2.0l
5913 : ((y < x4) ? 1.0l : (1.0l - tanhl(beta * (y - (x4 + x5) / 2.0l) / y_max)) / 2.0l));
5914 }
5915 m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pointId] = x * (F1 - h * g * (F1 - x));
5916 m_grid->m_velocity[0][pointId] = x * (-hvel * g * (F1 - x));
5918 g = F0;
5919 if(x > x2 && x < x5 && y > x2 && y < x5) {
5920 g = ((x < x3) ? (1.0l + tanhl(beta * (x - (x2 + x3) / 2.0l) / y_max)) / 2.0l
5921 : ((x < x4) ? 1.0l : (1.0l - tanhl(beta * (x - (x4 + x5) / 2.0l) / y_max)) / 2.0l));
5922 }
5923 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] = y * (F1 - h * g * (F1 - y));
5924 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pointId] = y * (-hvel * g * (F1 - y));
5925 }
5926 }
5927 }
5929 break;
5930 }
5931 case 9:
5932 case 10: {
5933 // traveling wave case
5934 const MFloat angle = m_waveAngle;
5935 const MFloat rotSin = sin(angle);
5936 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
5937 if(zeroPos) {
5938 t_offset = F0;
5939 }
5940 const MFloat transitionLength = m_waveEndTransition - m_waveBeginTransition;
5941 const MFloat transitionOutLength = m_waveOutEndTransition - m_waveOutBeginTransition;
5942 const MFloat yTransitionLength = m_waveYEndTransition - m_waveYBeginTransition;
5944 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0.0;
5945 MFloat fadeInFactorPrime = 0.0;
5946 MFloat fadeInFactorPrimePrime = 0.0;
5947 if(t_offset < m_waveTemporalTransition) {
5948 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi)) * F1B2;
5949 fadeInFactorPrime = (pi / m_waveTemporalTransition) * sin(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi) * F1B2;
5950 fadeInFactorPrimePrime =
5951 POW2(pi / m_waveTemporalTransition) * cos(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi) * F1B2;
5952 } else {
5953 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
5954 fadeInFactorPrime = 0.0;
5955 fadeInFactorPrimePrime = 0.0;
5956 }
5958 if(zeroPos) {
5959 fadeInFactor = F1;
5960 }
5963 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
5964 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1]; j++) {
5965 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
5966 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
5967 const MFloat xInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pointId];
5968 const MFloat zInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[2][pointId];
5969 const MFloat yInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pointId];
5971 MFloat transitionFactor = F0;
5972 if(xInit <= m_waveBeginTransition) {
5973 transitionFactor = F0;
5974 } else if(xInit > m_waveBeginTransition && xInit < m_waveEndTransition) {
5975 transitionFactor = (1 - cos((xInit - m_waveBeginTransition) / transitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
5976 } else if(m_waveEndTransition <= xInit && xInit <= m_waveOutBeginTransition) {
5977 transitionFactor = F1;
5978 } else if(xInit > m_waveOutBeginTransition && xInit < m_waveOutEndTransition) {
5979 transitionFactor = (1 + cos((xInit - m_waveOutBeginTransition) / transitionOutLength * pi)) * F1B2;
5980 } else {
5981 transitionFactor = F0;
5982 }
5984 MFloat yTransitionFactor = F1;
5985 if(yInit <= m_waveYBeginTransition) {
5986 yTransitionFactor = F1;
5987 } else if(yInit > m_waveYBeginTransition && yInit < m_waveYEndTransition) {
5988 yTransitionFactor = (1 + cos((yInit - m_waveYBeginTransition) / yTransitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
5989 } else {
5990 yTransitionFactor = F0;
5991 }
5993 const MFloat zPrime = zInit - rotSin * (xInit - m_waveBeginTransition);
5995 const MFloat func = transitionFactor * yTransitionFactor
5996 * (m_waveAmplitude * cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zPrime - m_waveSpeed * t_offset)));
5997 const MFloat funcPrime = transitionFactor * yTransitionFactor * (2 * PI * m_waveSpeed / m_waveLength)
5999 * sin((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zPrime - m_waveSpeed * t_offset));
6000 const MFloat funcPrimePrime = -transitionFactor * yTransitionFactor
6002 * cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zPrime - m_waveSpeed * t_offset));
6004 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] = func * fadeInFactor + yInit;
6005 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pointId] = func * fadeInFactorPrime + funcPrime * fadeInFactor;
6006 m_grid->m_acceleration[1][pointId] =
6007 funcPrimePrime * fadeInFactor + 2 * funcPrime * fadeInFactorPrime + func * fadeInFactorPrimePrime;
6008 }
6009 }
6010 }
6012 break;
6013 }
6014 case 11: {
6015 // traveling wave channel (Tomiyama & Fukagata 2013)
6016 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
6017 if(zeroPos) {
6018 t_offset = F0;
6019 }
6021 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0;
6022 const MFloat timeRelaxation = 50.0;
6024 if(t_offset < timeRelaxation) {
6025 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / timeRelaxation * pi)) * F1B2;
6026 } else {
6027 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
6028 }
6030 if(zeroPos) {
6031 fadeInFactor = F1;
6032 }
6034 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
6035 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1]; j++) {
6036 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
6037 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
6038 const MFloat yInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pointId];
6039 const MFloat zInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[2][pointId];
6040 MFloat yRelaxation = F0;
6042 if(yInit <= F0) {
6043 yRelaxation = F1;
6044 } else if(yInit > F0 && yInit < F1) {
6045 yRelaxation = F1 - yInit;
6046 } else if(yInit > F1 && yInit < F2) {
6047 yRelaxation = yInit - F1;
6048 } else {
6049 yRelaxation = F1;
6050 }
6052 if(yInit <= F1) {
6053 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] =
6054 yInit
6055 + fadeInFactor
6056 * (m_waveAmplitude * yRelaxation
6057 * cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset)));
6058 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pointId] = fadeInFactor
6059 * (m_waveAmplitude * yRelaxation * F2 * pi / m_waveLength * m_waveSpeed
6060 * sin((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset)));
6061 } else {
6062 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] =
6063 yInit
6064 - fadeInFactor
6065 * (m_waveAmplitude * yRelaxation
6066 * cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset)));
6067 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pointId] = -fadeInFactor
6068 * (m_waveAmplitude * yRelaxation * F2 * pi / m_waveLength * m_waveSpeed
6069 * sin((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset)));
6070 }
6071 }
6072 }
6073 }
6075 break;
6076 }
6077 case 12: {
6078 // streamwise traveling wave case
6079 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
6080 if(zeroPos) {
6081 t_offset = F0;
6082 }
6083 const MFloat transitionLength = m_waveEndTransition - m_waveBeginTransition;
6084 const MFloat transitionOutLength = m_waveOutEndTransition - m_waveOutBeginTransition;
6085 const MFloat yTransitionLength = m_waveYEndTransition - m_waveYBeginTransition;
6087 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0.0;
6088 MFloat fadeInFactorPrime = 0.0;
6089 MFloat fadeInFactorPrimePrime = 0.0;
6090 if(t_offset < m_waveTemporalTransition) {
6091 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi)) * F1B2;
6092 fadeInFactorPrime = (pi / m_waveTemporalTransition) * sin(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi) * F1B2;
6093 fadeInFactorPrimePrime =
6094 POW2(pi / m_waveTemporalTransition) * cos(t_offset / m_waveTemporalTransition * pi) * F1B2;
6095 } else {
6096 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
6097 fadeInFactorPrime = 0.0;
6098 fadeInFactorPrimePrime = 0.0;
6099 }
6101 if(zeroPos) {
6102 fadeInFactor = F1;
6103 }
6106 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
6107 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1]; j++) {
6108 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
6109 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
6110 const MFloat xInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pointId];
6111 const MFloat yInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pointId];
6113 MFloat transitionFactor = F0;
6114 if(xInit <= m_waveBeginTransition) {
6115 transitionFactor = F0;
6116 } else if(xInit > m_waveBeginTransition && xInit < m_waveEndTransition) {
6117 transitionFactor = (1 - cos((xInit - m_waveBeginTransition) / transitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6118 } else if(m_waveEndTransition <= xInit && xInit <= m_waveOutBeginTransition) {
6119 transitionFactor = F1;
6120 } else if(xInit > m_waveOutBeginTransition && xInit < m_waveOutEndTransition) {
6121 transitionFactor = (1 + cos((xInit - m_waveOutBeginTransition) / transitionOutLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6122 } else {
6123 transitionFactor = F0;
6124 }
6126 MFloat yTransitionFactor = F1;
6127 if(yInit <= m_waveYBeginTransition) {
6128 yTransitionFactor = F1;
6129 } else if(yInit > m_waveYBeginTransition && yInit < m_waveYEndTransition) {
6130 yTransitionFactor = (1 + cos((yInit - m_waveYBeginTransition) / yTransitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6131 } else {
6132 yTransitionFactor = F0;
6133 }
6135 const MFloat func = transitionFactor * yTransitionFactor
6136 * (m_waveAmplitude * cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (xInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset)));
6137 const MFloat funcPrime = transitionFactor * yTransitionFactor * (2 * PI * m_waveSpeed / m_waveLength)
6139 * sin((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (xInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset));
6140 const MFloat funcPrimePrime = -transitionFactor * yTransitionFactor
6142 * cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (xInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset));
6144 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pointId] = func * fadeInFactor + yInit;
6145 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pointId] = func * fadeInFactorPrime + funcPrime * fadeInFactor;
6146 m_grid->m_acceleration[1][pointId] =
6147 funcPrimePrime * fadeInFactor + 2 * funcPrime * fadeInFactorPrime + func * fadeInFactorPrimePrime;
6148 }
6149 }
6150 }
6152 break;
6153 }
6154 case 13: {
6155 // traveling wave on airfoil
6156 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
6157 if(zeroPos) {
6158 t_offset = F0;
6159 }
6160 const MFloat transitionLength = m_waveEndTransition - m_waveBeginTransition;
6161 const MFloat transitionOutLength = m_waveOutEndTransition - m_waveOutBeginTransition;
6162 const MFloat yTransitionLength = m_waveYEndTransition - m_waveYBeginTransition;
6164 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0;
6165 const MFloat timeRelaxation = 1.0; // 80.0
6167 if(t_offset < timeRelaxation) {
6168 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / timeRelaxation * pi)) * F1B2;
6169 } else {
6170 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
6171 }
6173 if(zeroPos) {
6174 fadeInFactor = F1;
6175 }
6177 const MInt myBlockId = m_grid->getMyBlockId();
6179 if(myBlockId == 0) {
6180 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
6181 MFloat transitionFactor = F0;
6182 const MInt offset = m_nOffsetCells[2];
6183 const MInt globalPointId = offset + i;
6184 const MFloat xWall = m_airfoilCoords[0 + globalPointId];
6185 const MFloat yWall = m_airfoilCoords[m_airfoilNoWallPoints + globalPointId];
6187 const MFloat wallNormalVec[3] = {m_airfoilNormalVec[0 + globalPointId],
6189 m_airfoilNormalVec[2 * m_airfoilNoWallPoints + globalPointId]};
6191 if(xWall <= m_waveBeginTransition) {
6192 transitionFactor = F0;
6193 } else if(xWall > m_waveBeginTransition && xWall < m_waveEndTransition) {
6194 transitionFactor = (1 - cos((xWall - m_waveBeginTransition) / transitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6195 } else if(m_waveEndTransition <= xWall && xWall <= m_waveOutBeginTransition) {
6196 transitionFactor = F1;
6197 } else if(xWall > m_waveOutBeginTransition && xWall < m_waveOutEndTransition) {
6198 transitionFactor = (1 + cos((xWall - m_waveOutBeginTransition) / transitionOutLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6199 } else {
6200 transitionFactor = F0;
6201 }
6203 // linear increase of amplitude
6205 MFloat inc = 1.0 + heightGrad * (xWall - m_waveEndTransition);
6208 if(wallNormalVec[1] < 0.0) {
6210 inc = 1.0 + heightGrad * (xWall - m_waveEndTransition);
6212 }
6214 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
6215 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1] - 1; j++) {
6216 const MInt pIJK = pointIndex(i, j, k);
6217 const MFloat xInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pIJK];
6218 const MFloat yInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pIJK];
6219 const MFloat zInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[2][pIJK];
6222 MFloat yTransitionFactor = F1;
6223 const MFloat normalDist = sqrt(POW2(xInit - xWall) + POW2(yInit - yWall));
6224 if(normalDist <= m_waveYBeginTransition) {
6225 yTransitionFactor = F1;
6226 } else if(normalDist > m_waveYBeginTransition && normalDist < m_waveYEndTransition) {
6227 yTransitionFactor = (1 + cos((normalDist - m_waveYBeginTransition) / yTransitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6228 } else {
6229 yTransitionFactor = F0;
6230 }
6232 const MFloat normalDisplacement =
6233 inc * fadeInFactor
6234 * (amp0 * yTransitionFactor * transitionFactor
6235 * (cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset))));
6236 const MFloat normalVel =
6237 inc * fadeInFactor
6238 * (amp0 * yTransitionFactor * transitionFactor * F2 * pi / m_waveLength * m_waveSpeed
6239 * (sin((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (zInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset))));
6241 m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pIJK] = xInit + normalDisplacement * wallNormalVec[0];
6242 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pIJK] = yInit + normalDisplacement * wallNormalVec[1];
6244 m_grid->m_velocity[0][pIJK] = normalVel * wallNormalVec[0];
6245 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pIJK] = normalVel * wallNormalVec[1];
6246 }
6247 }
6248 }
6249 }
6250 break;
6251 }
6252 case 14: {
6253 // oscillating cylinder
6254 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
6255 if(zeroPos) {
6256 t_offset = F0;
6257 }
6259 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0;
6260 const MFloat timeRelaxation = 1.0;
6262 if(t_offset < timeRelaxation) {
6263 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / timeRelaxation * pi)) * F1B2;
6264 } else {
6265 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
6266 }
6268 if(zeroPos) {
6269 fadeInFactor = F1;
6270 }
6272 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
6273 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
6274 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1] - 1; j++) {
6275 const MInt pIJK = pointIndex(i, j, k);
6276 const MFloat x = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pIJK];
6277 const MFloat y = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pIJK];
6278 // const MFloat z = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[2][pIJK];
6280 const MFloat r = sqrt(POW2(x) + POW2(y));
6282 MFloat spaceTransition = F1;
6284 if(r < 1.0) {
6285 spaceTransition = F0;
6286 } else if(r >= 1.0 && r <= 41.0) {
6287 spaceTransition = fabs(r - 1.0) / 40.0;
6288 } else {
6289 spaceTransition = F1;
6290 }
6292 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pIJK] =
6293 y * spaceTransition
6294 + (1.0 - spaceTransition) * (y + fadeInFactor * m_oscAmplitude * sin(2 * PI * m_oscFreq * t_offset));
6295 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pIJK] =
6296 (1.0 - spaceTransition)
6297 * (fadeInFactor * m_oscAmplitude * 2 * PI * m_oscFreq * cos(2 * PI * m_oscFreq * t_offset));
6298 m_grid->m_acceleration[1][pIJK] =
6299 (1.0 - spaceTransition)
6300 * (-fadeInFactor * m_oscAmplitude * POW2(2 * PI * m_oscFreq) * sin(2 * PI * m_oscFreq * t_offset));
6301 }
6302 }
6303 }
6305 break;
6306 }
6307 case 15: {
6308 // streamwise traveling wave on airfoil
6309 MFloat t_offset = t - m_movingGridTimeOffset;
6310 if(zeroPos) {
6311 t_offset = F0;
6312 }
6313 const MFloat transitionLength = m_waveEndTransition - m_waveBeginTransition;
6314 const MFloat transitionOutLength = m_waveOutEndTransition - m_waveOutBeginTransition;
6315 const MFloat pressureTransitionLength = m_wavePressureEndTransition - m_wavePressureBeginTransition;
6316 const MFloat pressureTransitionOutLength = m_wavePressureOutEndTransition - m_wavePressureOutBeginTransition;
6317 const MFloat yTransitionLength = m_waveYEndTransition - m_waveYBeginTransition;
6319 MFloat fadeInFactor = 0;
6320 const MFloat timeRelaxation = 1.0; // 80.0
6322 if(t_offset < timeRelaxation) {
6323 fadeInFactor = (1.0 - cos(t_offset / timeRelaxation * pi)) * F1B2;
6324 } else {
6325 fadeInFactor = 1.0;
6326 }
6328 if(zeroPos) {
6329 fadeInFactor = F1;
6330 }
6332 const MInt myBlockId = m_grid->getMyBlockId();
6334 if(myBlockId == 0) {
6335 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; i++) {
6336 MFloat transitionFactor = F0;
6337 const MInt offset = m_nOffsetCells[2];
6338 const MInt globalPointId = offset + i;
6339 const MFloat xWall = m_airfoilCoords[0 + globalPointId];
6340 const MFloat yWall = m_airfoilCoords[m_airfoilNoWallPoints + globalPointId];
6342 const MFloat wallNormalVec[3] = {m_airfoilNormalVec[0 + globalPointId],
6344 m_airfoilNormalVec[2 * m_airfoilNoWallPoints + globalPointId]};
6346 // upper surface
6348 if(xWall <= m_waveBeginTransition) {
6349 transitionFactor = F0;
6350 } else if(xWall > m_waveBeginTransition && xWall < m_waveEndTransition) {
6351 transitionFactor = (1 - cos((xWall - m_waveBeginTransition) / transitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6352 } else if(m_waveEndTransition <= xWall && xWall <= m_waveOutBeginTransition) {
6353 transitionFactor = F1;
6354 } else if(xWall > m_waveOutBeginTransition && xWall < m_waveOutEndTransition) {
6355 transitionFactor = (1 + cos((xWall - m_waveOutBeginTransition) / transitionOutLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6356 } else {
6357 transitionFactor = F0;
6358 }
6360 // lower surface
6361 if(wallNormalVec[1] < 0.0) {
6363 if(xWall <= m_wavePressureBeginTransition) {
6364 transitionFactor = F0;
6365 } else if(xWall > m_wavePressureBeginTransition && xWall < m_wavePressureEndTransition) {
6366 transitionFactor =
6367 (1 - cos((xWall - m_wavePressureBeginTransition) / pressureTransitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6368 } else if(m_wavePressureEndTransition <= xWall && xWall <= m_wavePressureOutBeginTransition) {
6369 transitionFactor = F1;
6371 transitionFactor =
6372 (1 + cos((xWall - m_wavePressureOutBeginTransition) / pressureTransitionOutLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6373 } else {
6374 transitionFactor = F0;
6375 }
6376 }
6378 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; k++) {
6379 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1] - 1; j++) {
6380 const MInt pIJK = pointIndex(i, j, k);
6381 const MFloat xInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[0][pIJK];
6382 const MFloat yInit = m_grid->m_initCoordinates[1][pIJK];
6384 MFloat yTransitionFactor = F1;
6385 const MFloat normalDist = sqrt(POW2(xInit - xWall) + POW2(yInit - yWall));
6386 if(normalDist <= m_waveYBeginTransition) {
6387 yTransitionFactor = F1;
6388 } else if(normalDist > m_waveYBeginTransition && normalDist < m_waveYEndTransition) {
6389 yTransitionFactor = (1 + cos((normalDist - m_waveYBeginTransition) / yTransitionLength * pi)) * F1B2;
6390 } else {
6391 yTransitionFactor = F0;
6392 }
6394 const MFloat normalDisplacement =
6395 fadeInFactor
6396 * (amp0 * yTransitionFactor * transitionFactor
6397 * (cos((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (xInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset))));
6398 const MFloat normalVel =
6399 fadeInFactor
6400 * (amp0 * yTransitionFactor * transitionFactor * F2 * pi / m_waveLength * m_waveSpeed
6401 * (sin((F2 * pi) / m_waveLength * (xInit - m_waveSpeed * t_offset))));
6403 m_grid->m_coordinates[0][pIJK] = xInit + normalDisplacement * wallNormalVec[0];
6404 m_grid->m_coordinates[1][pIJK] = yInit + normalDisplacement * wallNormalVec[1];
6406 m_grid->m_velocity[0][pIJK] = normalVel * wallNormalVec[0];
6407 m_grid->m_velocity[1][pIJK] = normalVel * wallNormalVec[1];
6408 }
6409 }
6410 }
6411 }
6412 break;
6413 }
6414 default: {
6415 mTerm(1, AT_, "Grid Moving Method not implemented!");
6416 }
6417 }
6419 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGExchange]);
6421 if(m_gridMovingMethod != 1) {
6423 m_grid->extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates();
6424 }
6426 }
6428 if(noDomains() > 1) {
6430 m_grid->exchangePoints(m_sndComm, m_rcvComm, PARTITION_NORMAL);
6431 }
6432 }
6433 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGExchange]);
6435 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGCellCenterCoordinates]);
6436 m_grid->computeCellCenterCoordinates();
6437 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGCellCenterCoordinates]);
6439 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGMetrics]);
6440 m_grid->computeMetrics();
6441 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGMetrics]);
6443 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGJacobian]);
6444 m_grid->computeJacobian();
6446 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGJacobian]);

◆ Muscl()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::Muscl ( MInt  timerId = -1)

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 3646 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

3646 {
3647 TRACE();
3650 if(m_movingGrid) {
3651 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MovingGrid]);
3652 if(m_RKStep == 0) {
3653 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGSaveGrid]);
3654 m_grid->saveGrid();
3655 m_grid->saveCellJacobian();
3656 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGSaveGrid]);
3657 }
3659 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGMoveGrid]);
3660 moveGrid(false, false);
3661 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGMoveGrid]);
3663 // compute the volume fluxes
3664 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MGVolumeFlux]);
3665 m_grid->computeDxt(m_timeStep, m_RKalpha, m_RKStep);
3666 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MGVolumeFlux]);
3667 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MovingGrid]);
3668 }
3670 if(m_bodyForce) {
3671 applyBodyForce(false, false);
3672 }
3674 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::ConvectiveFlux]);
3675 (this->*reconstructSurfaceData)();
3676 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::ConvectiveFlux]);
3678 if(m_useSandpaperTrip) {
3679 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::SandpaperTrip]);
3680 if(m_tripAirfoil) {
3682 } else {
3684 }
3685 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::SandpaperTrip]);
3686 }
void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* reconstructSurfaceData)()
void applyBodyForce(const MBool isRestart, const MBool zeroPos) override
void moveGrid(const MBool isRestart, const MBool zeroPos) override

◆ Muscl_AusmDV()

template<MInt noVars>
template void FvStructuredSolver3D::Muscl_AusmDV< 7 > ( )

Definition at line 3330 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

3330 {
3331 TRACE();
3333 // stencil identifier
3334 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
3336 const MFloat* const RESTRICT x = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[0]);
3337 const MFloat* const RESTRICT y = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[1]);
3338 const MFloat* const RESTRICT z = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[2]);
3339 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT vars = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables);
3340 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT dss = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->dss);
3341 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
3342 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->rightHandSide[0]);
3344 const MUint noCells = m_noCells;
3345 const MFloat gamma = m_gamma;
3346 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = gamma - 1.0;
3347 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = F1 / gammaMinusOne;
3349 const MInt noCellsI = m_nCells[2] - 2;
3350 const MInt noCellsJ = m_nCells[1] - 2;
3351 const MInt noCellsK = m_nCells[0] - 2;
3353 const MInt noCellsIP1 = m_nCells[2] - 1;
3354 const MInt noCellsJP1 = m_nCells[1] - 1;
3355 const MInt noCellsKP1 = m_nCells[0] - 1;
3358 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
3359#ifdef _OPENMP
3360#pragma omp parallel for
3362 for(MInt k = 0; k < noCellsKP1; k++) {
3363 for(MInt j = 0; j < noCellsJP1; j++) {
3364 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCellsIP1; i++) {
3365 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3366 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
3367 dss[dim][I] = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[I]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[I]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[I]));
3368 }
3369 }
3370 }
3371 }
3373 m_dsIsComputed = true;
3374 }
3377 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
3378#ifdef _OPENMP
3379#pragma omp parallel for
3381 for(MInt k = 1; k < noCellsK; k++) {
3382 for(MInt j = 1; j < noCellsJ; j++) {
3383#if defined(MAIA_INTEL_COMPILER)
3384#pragma ivdep
3385#pragma vector always
3387 for(MInt i = 1; i < noCellsI; i++) {
3388 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3389 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
3390 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3391 const MInt IP2 = I + 2 * IJK[dim];
3393 const MFloat DS = dss[dim][I];
3394 const MFloat DSM1 = dss[dim][IM1];
3395 const MFloat DSP1 = dss[dim][IP1];
3397 const MFloat DSP = DS / POW2(DSP1 + DS);
3398 const MFloat DSM = DS / POW2(DSM1 + DS);
3400 // unrolled the loop so the compiler
3401 // can optimize better
3402 const MFloat DQU = vars[PV->U][IP1] - vars[PV->U][I];
3403 const MFloat DQPU = vars[PV->U][IP2] - vars[PV->U][IP1];
3404 const MFloat DQMU = vars[PV->U][I] - vars[PV->U][IM1];
3405 MFloat UL = vars[PV->U][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQU + DS * DQMU);
3406 MFloat UR = vars[PV->U][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPU + DSP1 * DQU);
3408 const MFloat DQV = vars[PV->V][IP1] - vars[PV->V][I];
3409 const MFloat DQPV = vars[PV->V][IP2] - vars[PV->V][IP1];
3410 const MFloat DQMV = vars[PV->V][I] - vars[PV->V][IM1];
3411 MFloat VL = vars[PV->V][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQV + DS * DQMV);
3412 MFloat VR = vars[PV->V][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPV + DSP1 * DQV);
3414 const MFloat DQW = vars[PV->W][IP1] - vars[PV->W][I];
3415 const MFloat DQPW = vars[PV->W][IP2] - vars[PV->W][IP1];
3416 const MFloat DQMW = vars[PV->W][I] - vars[PV->W][IM1];
3417 MFloat WL = vars[PV->W][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQW + DS * DQMW);
3418 MFloat WR = vars[PV->W][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPW + DSP1 * DQW);
3420 const MFloat DQP = vars[PV->P][IP1] - vars[PV->P][I];
3421 const MFloat DQPP = vars[PV->P][IP2] - vars[PV->P][IP1];
3422 const MFloat DQMP = vars[PV->P][I] - vars[PV->P][IM1];
3423 const MFloat PL = vars[PV->P][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQP + DS * DQMP);
3424 const MFloat PR = vars[PV->P][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPP + DSP1 * DQP);
3426 const MFloat DQRHO = vars[PV->RHO][IP1] - vars[PV->RHO][I];
3427 const MFloat DQPRHO = vars[PV->RHO][IP2] - vars[PV->RHO][IP1];
3428 const MFloat DQMRHO = vars[PV->RHO][I] - vars[PV->RHO][IM1];
3429 const MFloat RHOL = vars[PV->RHO][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQRHO + DS * DQMRHO);
3430 const MFloat RHOR = vars[PV->RHO][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPRHO + DSP1 * DQRHO);
3432 const MFloat surf0 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 0][I];
3433 const MFloat surf1 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 1][I];
3434 const MFloat surf2 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 2][I];
3435 const MFloat dxdtau = m_cells->dxt[dim][I];
3437 const MFloat FRHOL = F1 / RHOL;
3438 const MFloat FRHOR = F1 / RHOR;
3440 const MFloat PLfRHOL = PL / RHOL;
3441 const MFloat PRfRHOR = PR / RHOR;
3442 const MFloat e0 = PLfRHOL * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UL) + POW2(VL) + POW2(WL)) + PLfRHOL;
3443 const MFloat e1 = PRfRHOR * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UR) + POW2(VR) + POW2(WR)) + PRfRHOR;
3446 // compute lenght of metric vector for normalization
3447 const MFloat DGRAD = sqrt(POW2(surf0) + POW2(surf1) + POW2(surf2));
3448 const MFloat FDGRAD = F1 / DGRAD;
3450 // scale by metric length to get velocity in the new basis (get normalized basis vectors)
3451 const MFloat UUL = ((UL * surf0 + VL * surf1 + WL * surf2) - dxdtau) * FDGRAD;
3454 const MFloat UUR = ((UR * surf0 + VR * surf1 + WR * surf2) - dxdtau) * FDGRAD;
3456 MFloat AL = FRHOL * PL;
3457 MFloat AR = FRHOR * PR;
3459 const MFloat FALR = 2.0 / (AL + AR);
3460 const MFloat ALPHAL = AL * FALR;
3461 const MFloat ALPHAR = AR * FALR;
3463 AL = sqrt(gamma * AL);
3464 AR = sqrt(gamma * AR);
3465 AL = mMax(AL, AR);
3466 AR = AL;
3468 const MFloat XMAL = UUL / AL;
3469 const MFloat XMAR = UUR / AR;
3471 AL = AL * DGRAD;
3472 AR = AR * DGRAD;
3474 const MFloat RHOAL = AL * RHOL;
3475 const MFloat RHOAR = AR * RHOR;
3477 const MFloat FDV = 0.3;
3478 const MFloat DXDXEZ = m_cells->coordinates[0][IP1] - m_cells->coordinates[0][I];
3479 const MFloat DYDXEZ = m_cells->coordinates[1][IP1] - m_cells->coordinates[1][I];
3480 const MFloat DZDXEZ = m_cells->coordinates[2][IP1] - m_cells->coordinates[2][I];
3481 MFloat SV = 2.0 * DGRAD / (m_cells->cellJac[I] + m_cells->cellJac[IP1]) * (FDV + (F1 - FDV) * getPSI(I, dim));
3482 const MFloat SV1 = F0 * SV * DXDXEZ;
3483 const MFloat SV2 = F0 * SV * DYDXEZ;
3484 const MFloat SV3 = F0 * SV * DZDXEZ;
3486 const MFloat XMAL1 = mMin(F1, mMax(-F1, XMAL));
3487 const MFloat XMAR1 = mMin(F1, mMax(-F1, XMAR));
3489 MFloat FXMA = F1B2 * (XMAL1 + fabs(XMAL1));
3490 const MFloat XMALP = ALPHAL * (F1B4 * POW2(XMAL1 + F1) - FXMA) + FXMA + (mMax(F1, XMAL) - F1);
3491 FXMA = F1B2 * (XMAR1 - fabs(XMAR1));
3492 const MFloat XMARM = ALPHAR * (-F1B4 * POW2(XMAR1 - F1) - FXMA) + FXMA + (mMin(-F1, XMAR) + F1);
3494 const MFloat FLP = PL * ((F2 - XMAL1) * POW2(F1 + XMAL1));
3495 const MFloat FRP = PR * ((F2 + XMAR1) * POW2(F1 - XMAR1));
3496 const MFloat PLR = F1B4 * (FLP + FRP);
3498 const MFloat RHOUL = XMALP * RHOAL;
3499 const MFloat RHOUR = XMARM * RHOAR;
3500 const MFloat RHOU = RHOUL + RHOUR;
3501 const MFloat RHOU2 = F1B2 * RHOU;
3502 const MFloat ARHOU2 = fabs(RHOU2);
3504 const MFloat UUL2 = SV1 * UUL;
3505 const MFloat UUR2 = SV1 * UUR;
3506 UL = UL - UUL2;
3507 UR = UR - UUR2;
3508 const MFloat UUL3 = SV2 * UUL;
3509 const MFloat UUR3 = SV2 * UUR;
3510 VL = VL - UUL3;
3511 VR = VR - UUR3;
3512 const MFloat UUL4 = SV3 * UUL;
3513 const MFloat UUR4 = SV3 * UUR;
3514 WL = WL - UUL4;
3515 WR = WR - UUR4;
3517 flux[CV->RHO_U][I] = RHOU2 * (UL + UR) + ARHOU2 * (UL - UR) + PLR * surf0 + RHOUL * UUL2 + RHOUR * UUR2;
3518 flux[CV->RHO_V][I] = RHOU2 * (VL + VR) + ARHOU2 * (VL - VR) + PLR * surf1 + RHOUL * UUL3 + RHOUR * UUR3;
3519 flux[CV->RHO_W][I] = RHOU2 * (WL + WR) + ARHOU2 * (WL - WR) + PLR * surf2 + RHOUL * UUL4 + RHOUR * UUR4;
3520 flux[CV->RHO_E][I] = RHOU2 * (e0 + e1) + ARHOU2 * (e0 - e1) + PLR * dxdtau;
3521 flux[CV->RHO][I] = RHOU;
3522 }
3523 }
3524 }
3527 for(MUint v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
3528#ifdef _OPENMP
3529#pragma omp parallel for
3531 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
3532 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
3533#if defined(MAIA_INTEL_COMPILER)
3534#pragma ivdep
3535#pragma vector always
3537 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
3538 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3539 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3540 const MUint offset = v * noCells;
3541 MFloat* const RESTRICT rhs = ALIGNED_F(cellRhs + offset);
3542 rhs[I] += flux[v][IM1] - flux[v][I];
3543 }
3544 }
3545 }
3546 }
3547 }
uint32_t MUint
Definition: maiatypes.h:63

◆ Muscl_AusmLES()

template<MInt noVars>
template void FvStructuredSolver3D::Muscl_AusmLES< 7 > ( )

Definition at line 2980 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2980 {
2981 TRACE();
2983 const MUint noCells = m_noCells;
2984 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
2986 const MFloat* const RESTRICT x = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[0]);
2987 const MFloat* const RESTRICT y = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[1]);
2988 const MFloat* const RESTRICT z = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[2]);
2989 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT vars = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables);
2990 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT dss = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->dss);
2991 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->rightHandSide[0]);
2992 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
2994 const MFloat gamma = m_gamma;
2995 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = gamma - 1.0;
2996 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = F1 / gammaMinusOne;
3001 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
3002 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP0(), endM1(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
3003 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3004 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
3005 dss[dim][I] = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[I]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[I]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[I]));
3006 });
3007 }
3009 m_dsIsComputed = true;
3010 }
3013 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
3014 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP1(), endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
3015 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3016 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
3017 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3018 const MInt IP2 = I + 2 * IJK[dim];
3020 const MFloat DS = dss[dim][I];
3021 const MFloat DSM1 = dss[dim][IM1];
3022 const MFloat DSP1 = dss[dim][IP1];
3024 const MFloat DSP = DS / POW2(DSP1 + DS);
3025 const MFloat DSM = DS / POW2(DSM1 + DS);
3027 // unrolled the loop so the compiler
3028 // can optimize better
3029 const MFloat DQU = vars[PV->U][IP1] - vars[PV->U][I];
3030 const MFloat DQPU = vars[PV->U][IP2] - vars[PV->U][IP1];
3031 const MFloat DQMU = vars[PV->U][I] - vars[PV->U][IM1];
3032 const MFloat UL = vars[PV->U][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQU + DS * DQMU);
3033 const MFloat UR = vars[PV->U][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPU + DSP1 * DQU);
3035 const MFloat DQV = vars[PV->V][IP1] - vars[PV->V][I];
3036 const MFloat DQPV = vars[PV->V][IP2] - vars[PV->V][IP1];
3037 const MFloat DQMV = vars[PV->V][I] - vars[PV->V][IM1];
3038 const MFloat VL = vars[PV->V][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQV + DS * DQMV);
3039 const MFloat VR = vars[PV->V][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPV + DSP1 * DQV);
3041 const MFloat DQW = vars[PV->W][IP1] - vars[PV->W][I];
3042 const MFloat DQPW = vars[PV->W][IP2] - vars[PV->W][IP1];
3043 const MFloat DQMW = vars[PV->W][I] - vars[PV->W][IM1];
3044 const MFloat WL = vars[PV->W][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQW + DS * DQMW);
3045 const MFloat WR = vars[PV->W][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPW + DSP1 * DQW);
3047 const MFloat DQP = vars[PV->P][IP1] - vars[PV->P][I];
3048 const MFloat DQPP = vars[PV->P][IP2] - vars[PV->P][IP1];
3049 const MFloat DQMP = vars[PV->P][I] - vars[PV->P][IM1];
3050 const MFloat PL = vars[PV->P][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQP + DS * DQMP);
3051 const MFloat PR = vars[PV->P][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPP + DSP1 * DQP);
3053 const MFloat DQRHO = vars[PV->RHO][IP1] - vars[PV->RHO][I];
3054 const MFloat DQPRHO = vars[PV->RHO][IP2] - vars[PV->RHO][IP1];
3055 const MFloat DQMRHO = vars[PV->RHO][I] - vars[PV->RHO][IM1];
3056 const MFloat RHOL = vars[PV->RHO][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQRHO + DS * DQMRHO);
3057 const MFloat RHOR = vars[PV->RHO][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPRHO + DSP1 * DQRHO);
3059 const MFloat surf0 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 0][I];
3060 const MFloat surf1 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 1][I];
3061 const MFloat surf2 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 2][I];
3062 const MFloat dxdtau = m_cells->dxt[dim][I];
3064 // compute length of metric vector for normalization
3065 const MFloat metricLength = sqrt(POW2(surf0) + POW2(surf1) + POW2(surf2));
3066 const MFloat fMetricLength = F1 / metricLength;
3068 // scale by metric length to get velocity in the new basis (get normalized basis vectors)
3069 const MFloat UUL = ((UL * surf0 + VL * surf1 + WL * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
3072 const MFloat UUR = ((UR * surf0 + VR * surf1 + WR * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
3075 // speed of sound
3076 const MFloat AL = sqrt(gamma * max(m_eps, (PL / max(m_eps, RHOL))));
3077 const MFloat AR = sqrt(gamma * max(m_eps, (PR / max(m_eps, RHOR))));
3079 const MFloat MAL = UUL / AL;
3080 const MFloat MAR = UUR / AR;
3082 const MFloat MALR = F1B2 * (MAL + MAR);
3083 const MFloat PLR = PL * (F1B2 + m_chi * MAL) + PR * (F1B2 - m_chi * MAR);
3085 const MFloat RHO_AL = RHOL * AL;
3086 const MFloat RHO_AR = RHOR * AR;
3088 const MFloat PLfRHOL = PL / RHOL;
3089 const MFloat PRfRHOR = PR / RHOR;
3091 const MFloat e0 = PLfRHOL * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UL) + POW2(VL) + POW2(WL)) + PLfRHOL;
3092 const MFloat e1 = PRfRHOR * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UR) + POW2(VR) + POW2(WR)) + PRfRHOR;
3094 const MFloat RHOU = F1B2 * (MALR * (RHO_AL + RHO_AR) + fabs(MALR) * (RHO_AL - RHO_AR)) * metricLength;
3095 const MFloat RHOU2 = F1B2 * RHOU;
3096 // multiply by metric length to take surface area into account
3097 const MFloat AbsRHO_U2 = fabs(RHOU2);
3099 flux[CV->RHO_U][I] = RHOU2 * (UL + UR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (UL - UR) + PLR * surf0;
3100 flux[CV->RHO_V][I] = RHOU2 * (VL + VR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (VL - VR) + PLR * surf1;
3101 flux[CV->RHO_W][I] = RHOU2 * (WL + WR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (WL - WR) + PLR * surf2;
3102 flux[CV->RHO_E][I] = RHOU2 * (e0 + e1) + AbsRHO_U2 * (e0 - e1) + PLR * dxdtau;
3103 flux[CV->RHO][I] = RHOU;
3104 });
3107 for(MUint v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
3108 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP2(), endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
3109 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3110 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3111 const MUint offset = v * noCells;
3112 MFloat* const RESTRICT rhs = ALIGNED_F(cellRhs + offset);
3113 rhs[I] += flux[v][IM1] - flux[v][I];
3114 });
3115 }
3116 }
std::array< MInt, nDim > beginP0()
std::array< MInt, nDim > beginP2()
std::array< MInt, nDim > endM1()
std::array< MInt, nDim > beginP1()
std::array< MInt, nDim > endM2()

◆ Muscl_AusmLES_PTHRC()

template<MInt noVars>
template void FvStructuredSolver3D::Muscl_AusmLES_PTHRC< 7 > ( )

Definition at line 3124 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

3124 {
3125 TRACE();
3127 // stencil identifier
3128 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
3130 const MFloat* const RESTRICT x = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[0]);
3131 const MFloat* const RESTRICT y = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[1]);
3132 const MFloat* const RESTRICT z = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[2]);
3133 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT vars = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables);
3134 const MFloat* const RESTRICT p = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables[PV->P]);
3135 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT dss = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->dss);
3136 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->rightHandSide[0]);
3137 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
3139 const MUint noCells = m_noCells;
3140 const MFloat gamma = m_gamma;
3141 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = gamma - 1.0;
3142 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = F1 / gammaMinusOne;
3144 const MInt noCellsI = m_nCells[2] - 2;
3145 const MInt noCellsJ = m_nCells[1] - 2;
3146 const MInt noCellsK = m_nCells[0] - 2;
3148 const MInt noCellsIP1 = m_nCells[2] - 1;
3149 const MInt noCellsJP1 = m_nCells[1] - 1;
3150 const MInt noCellsKP1 = m_nCells[0] - 1;
3153 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
3154#ifdef _OPENMP
3155#pragma omp parallel for
3157 for(MInt k = 0; k < noCellsKP1; k++) {
3158 for(MInt j = 0; j < noCellsJP1; j++) {
3159 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCellsIP1; i++) {
3160 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3161 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
3162 dss[dim][I] = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[I]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[I]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[I]));
3163 }
3164 }
3165 }
3166 }
3168 m_dsIsComputed = true;
3169 }
3171 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
3172#ifdef _OPENMP
3173#pragma omp parallel for
3175 for(MInt k = 1; k < noCellsK; k++) {
3176 for(MInt j = 1; j < noCellsJ; j++) {
3177#if defined(MAIA_INTEL_COMPILER)
3178#pragma ivdep
3179#pragma vector always
3181 for(MInt i = 1; i < noCellsI; i++) {
3182 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3183 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
3184 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3185 const MInt IP2 = I + 2 * IJK[dim];
3187 const MFloat DS = dss[dim][I];
3188 const MFloat DSM1 = dss[dim][IM1];
3189 const MFloat DSP1 = dss[dim][IP1];
3191 const MFloat DSP = DS / POW2(DSP1 + DS);
3192 const MFloat DSM = DS / POW2(DSM1 + DS);
3194 // unrolled the loop so the compiler
3195 // can optimize better
3196 const MFloat DQU = vars[PV->U][IP1] - vars[PV->U][I];
3197 const MFloat DQPU = vars[PV->U][IP2] - vars[PV->U][IP1];
3198 const MFloat DQMU = vars[PV->U][I] - vars[PV->U][IM1];
3199 const MFloat UL = vars[PV->U][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQU + DS * DQMU);
3200 const MFloat UR = vars[PV->U][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPU + DSP1 * DQU);
3202 const MFloat DQV = vars[PV->V][IP1] - vars[PV->V][I];
3203 const MFloat DQPV = vars[PV->V][IP2] - vars[PV->V][IP1];
3204 const MFloat DQMV = vars[PV->V][I] - vars[PV->V][IM1];
3205 const MFloat VL = vars[PV->V][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQV + DS * DQMV);
3206 const MFloat VR = vars[PV->V][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPV + DSP1 * DQV);
3208 const MFloat DQW = vars[PV->W][IP1] - vars[PV->W][I];
3209 const MFloat DQPW = vars[PV->W][IP2] - vars[PV->W][IP1];
3210 const MFloat DQMW = vars[PV->W][I] - vars[PV->W][IM1];
3211 const MFloat WL = vars[PV->W][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQW + DS * DQMW);
3212 const MFloat WR = vars[PV->W][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPW + DSP1 * DQW);
3214 const MFloat DQP = vars[PV->P][IP1] - vars[PV->P][I];
3215 const MFloat DQPP = vars[PV->P][IP2] - vars[PV->P][IP1];
3216 const MFloat DQMP = vars[PV->P][I] - vars[PV->P][IM1];
3217 const MFloat PL = vars[PV->P][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQP + DS * DQMP);
3218 const MFloat PR = vars[PV->P][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPP + DSP1 * DQP);
3220 const MFloat DQRHO = vars[PV->RHO][IP1] - vars[PV->RHO][I];
3221 const MFloat DQPRHO = vars[PV->RHO][IP2] - vars[PV->RHO][IP1];
3222 const MFloat DQMRHO = vars[PV->RHO][I] - vars[PV->RHO][IM1];
3223 const MFloat RHOL = vars[PV->RHO][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQRHO + DS * DQMRHO);
3224 const MFloat RHOR = vars[PV->RHO][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQPRHO + DSP1 * DQRHO);
3226 const MFloat surf0 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 0][I];
3227 const MFloat surf1 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 1][I];
3228 const MFloat surf2 = m_cells->surfaceMetrics[dim * 3 + 2][I];
3229 const MFloat dxdtau = m_cells->dxt[dim][I];
3231 // compute lenght of metric vector for normalization
3232 const MFloat metricLength = sqrt(POW2(surf0) + POW2(surf1) + POW2(surf2));
3233 const MFloat fMetricLength = F1 / metricLength;
3235 // scale by metric length to get velocity in the new basis (get normalized basis vectors)
3236 const MFloat UUL = ((UL * surf0 + VL * surf1 + WL * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
3239 const MFloat UUR = ((UR * surf0 + VR * surf1 + WR * surf2) - dxdtau) * fMetricLength;
3242 // speed of sound
3243 const MFloat AL = sqrt(gamma * max(m_eps, (PL / max(m_eps, RHOL))));
3244 const MFloat AR = sqrt(gamma * max(m_eps, (PR / max(m_eps, RHOR))));
3246 const MFloat MAL = UUL / AL;
3247 const MFloat MAR = UUR / AR;
3249 const MFloat MALR = F1B2 * (MAL + MAR);
3251 // 4th order pressure damping
3252 const MInt IPJK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 1, 0, 0);
3253 const MInt IMJK = getCellIdfromCell(I, -1, 0, 0);
3254 const MInt IP2JK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 2, 0, 0);
3255 const MInt IM2JK = getCellIdfromCell(I, -2, 0, 0);
3257 const MInt IJPK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 1, 0);
3258 const MInt IJMK = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, -1, 0);
3259 const MInt IJP2K = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 2, 0);
3260 const MInt IJM2K = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, -2, 0);
3262 const MInt IJKP = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, 1);
3263 const MInt IJKM = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, -1);
3264 const MInt IJKP2 = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, 2);
3265 const MInt IJKM2 = getCellIdfromCell(I, 0, 0, -2);
3267 const MFloat p4I4 = F4 * (p[IPJK] + p[IMJK]) - F6 * (p[I]) - p[IP2JK] - p[IM2JK];
3268 const MFloat p4J4 = F4 * (p[IJPK] + p[IJMK]) - F6 * (p[I]) - p[IJP2K] - p[IJM2K];
3269 const MFloat p4K4 = F4 * (p[IJKP] + p[IJKM]) - F6 * (p[I]) - p[IJKP2] - p[IJKM2];
3271 const MFloat pfac = fabs(p4I4) + fabs(p4J4) + fabs(p4K4);
3272 const MFloat facl = 1.0 / 1.3 * pfac;
3273 const MFloat fac = min(1.0 / 128.0, facl);
3275 const MFloat PLR = PL * (F1B2 + fac * MAL) + PR * (F1B2 - fac * MAR);
3277 const MFloat RHO_AL = RHOL * AL;
3278 const MFloat RHO_AR = RHOR * AR;
3280 const MFloat PLfRHOL = PL / RHOL;
3281 const MFloat PRfRHOR = PR / RHOR;
3283 const MFloat e0 = PLfRHOL * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UL) + POW2(VL) + POW2(WL)) + PLfRHOL;
3284 const MFloat e1 = PRfRHOR * FgammaMinusOne + 0.5 * (POW2(UR) + POW2(VR) + POW2(WR)) + PRfRHOR;
3286 const MFloat RHOU = F1B2 * (MALR * (RHO_AL + RHO_AR) + fabs(MALR) * (RHO_AL - RHO_AR)) * metricLength;
3287 const MFloat RHOU2 = F1B2 * RHOU;
3288 // multiply by metric length to take surface area into account
3289 const MFloat AbsRHO_U2 = fabs(RHOU2);
3291 flux[CV->RHO_U][I] = RHOU2 * (UL + UR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (UL - UR) + PLR * surf0;
3292 flux[CV->RHO_V][I] = RHOU2 * (VL + VR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (VL - VR) + PLR * surf1;
3293 flux[CV->RHO_W][I] = RHOU2 * (WL + WR) + AbsRHO_U2 * (WL - WR) + PLR * surf2;
3294 flux[CV->RHO_E][I] = RHOU2 * (e0 + e1) + AbsRHO_U2 * (e0 - e1) + PLR * dxdtau;
3295 flux[CV->RHO][I] = RHOU;
3296 }
3297 }
3298 }
3301 for(MUint v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
3302#ifdef _OPENMP
3303#pragma omp parallel for
3305 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
3306 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
3307#if defined(MAIA_INTEL_COMPILER)
3308#pragma ivdep
3309#pragma vector always
3311 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
3312 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3313 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3314 const MUint offset = v * noCells;
3315 MFloat* const RESTRICT rhs = ALIGNED_F(cellRhs + offset);
3316 rhs[I] += flux[v][IM1] - flux[v][I];
3317 }
3318 }
3319 }
3320 }
3321 }

◆ MusclAlbada()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::MusclAlbada ( )

Definition at line 2360 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2360 {
2361 TRACE();
2362 // stencil identifier
2363 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
2365 // reduce to onedimensional arrays
2366 MFloat* RESTRICT x = &m_cells->coordinates[0][0];
2367 MFloat* RESTRICT y = &m_cells->coordinates[1][0];
2368 MFloat* RESTRICT z = &m_cells->coordinates[2][0];
2369 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
2370 MFloat** RESTRICT pvars = m_cells->pvariables;
2373 // MFloat epsi=F1;
2374 // MFloat kappa=F1B3;
2376 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2377 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
2378 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
2379 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
2380 // cell ids
2381 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2382 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
2383 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
2384 const MInt IP2 = I + 2 * IJK[dim];
2386 // distances q_i+1 - q_i
2387 const MFloat DS = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[I]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[I]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[I]));
2388 // distances q_i - q_i-1
2389 const MFloat DSM1 = sqrt(POW2(x[I] - x[IM1]) + POW2(y[I] - y[IM1]) + POW2(z[I] - z[IM1]));
2390 const MFloat DSP1 = sqrt(POW2(x[IP2] - x[IP1]) + POW2(y[IP2] - y[IP1]) + POW2(z[IP2] - z[IP1]));
2391 const MFloat DSP = DS / POW2(DSP1 + DS);
2392 const MFloat DSM = DS / POW2(DSM1 + DS);
2394 const MFloat pIM2 = pvars[PV->P][IM1];
2395 const MFloat pIM1 = pvars[PV->P][I];
2396 const MFloat pIP2 = pvars[PV->P][IP2];
2397 const MFloat pIP1 = pvars[PV->P][IP1];
2399 const MFloat smps = DS * DSP1;
2400 const MFloat dummy = fabs(pIM2 - F2 * pIM1 + pIP1) / (pIM2 + F2 * pIM1 + pIP1);
2401 const MFloat dummy1 = fabs(pIM1 - F2 * pIP1 + pIP2) / (pIM1 + F2 * pIP1 + pIP2);
2402 const MFloat psi = mMin(F1, F6 * mMax(dummy, dummy1));
2403 const MFloat epsLim = mMax(m_eps, pow(F1B2 * smps, F5));
2405 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; ++var) {
2406 const MFloat DQ = pvars[var][IP1] - pvars[var][I];
2407 const MFloat DQP1 = pvars[var][IP2] - pvars[var][IP1];
2408 const MFloat DQM1 = pvars[var][I] - pvars[var][IM1];
2409 const MFloat phi =
2410 F1B2
2411 - (F1B2
2412 - mMax(F0, (DQP1 * DQM1 * smps + F1B2 * epsLim) / (POW2(DQP1 * DS) + POW2(DQM1 * DSP1) + epsLim)))
2413 * psi;
2415 m_QLeft[var] = pvars[var][I] + DSM * (DSM1 * DQ + DS * DQM1) * phi;
2416 m_QRight[var] = pvars[var][IP1] - DSP * (DS * DQP1 + DSP1 * DQ) * phi;
2417 }
2419 AusmLES(m_QLeft, m_QRight, dim, I); // Flux balance in AUSM
2420 }
2421 }
2422 }
2425 for(MInt v = 0; v < CV->noVariables; v++) {
2426 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
2427 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
2428 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
2429 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2430 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
2431 m_cells->rightHandSide[v][I] += flux[v][IM1] - flux[v][I];
2432 }
2433 }
2434 }
2435 }
2436 }
void AusmLES(MFloat *QLeft, MFloat *QRight, const MInt dim, const MInt cellId)
AUSM central.

◆ MusclMinModLimiter()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::MusclMinModLimiter ( )

Definition at line 2284 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2284 {
2285 TRACE();
2286 // stencil identifier
2287 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
2288 // switch for order
2289 const MInt sword = 2;
2291 // reduce to onedimensional arrays
2292 MFloat* __restrict x = &m_cells->coordinates[0][0];
2293 MFloat* __restrict y = &m_cells->coordinates[1][0];
2294 MFloat* __restrict z = &m_cells->coordinates[2][0];
2295 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
2297 const MUint noCells = m_noCells;
2298 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVariables = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables[0]);
2300 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2301 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; ++k) {
2302 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
2303 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
2304 // cell ids
2305 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2306 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
2307 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
2308 const MInt IP2 = I + 2 * IJK[dim];
2310 // distances q_i+1 - q_i
2311 const MFloat DS = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[I]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[I]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[I]));
2312 // distances q_i - q_i-1
2313 const MFloat DSM1 = sqrt(POW2(x[I] - x[IM1]) + POW2(y[I] - y[IM1]) + POW2(z[I] - z[IM1]));
2314 const MFloat DSP1 = sqrt(POW2(x[IP2] - x[IP1]) + POW2(y[IP2] - y[IP1]) + POW2(z[IP2] - z[IP1]));
2315 const MFloat DSP = DS / POW2(DSP1 + DS);
2316 const MFloat DSM = DS / POW2(DSM1 + DS);
2318 if(sword == 2) {
2319 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; ++var) {
2320 const MUint offset = var * noCells;
2321 const MFloat* const RESTRICT vars = ALIGNED_F(cellVariables + offset);
2323 const MFloat DQ = vars[IP1] - vars[I];
2324 const MFloat DQP1 = vars[IP2] - vars[IP1];
2325 const MFloat DQM1 = vars[I] - vars[IM1];
2327 const MFloat ri = DQM1 / DQ;
2328 const MFloat rip = DQ / DQP1;
2330 const MFloat phii = mMax(F0, mMin(F1, ri));
2331 const MFloat phiip = mMax(F0, mMin(F1, rip));
2333 m_QLeft[var] = vars[I] + (DQ * DSM1 + DQM1 * DS) * DSM * phii;
2334 m_QRight[var] = vars[IP1] - (DQP1 * DS + DQ * DSP1) * DSP * phiip;
2335 }
2336 }
2338 AusmLES(m_QLeft, m_QRight, dim, I);
2339 }
2340 }
2341 }
2344 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; ++k) {
2345 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
2346 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
2347 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2348 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
2350 for(MInt v = 0; v < CV->noVariables; ++v) {
2351 m_cells->rightHandSide[v][I] += flux[v][IM1] - flux[v][I];
2352 }
2353 }
2354 }
2355 }
2356 }

◆ MusclRANS()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::MusclRANS ( )

Definition at line 2281 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2281{ m_ransSolver->Muscl(); }

◆ MusclStretched_()

template<FvStructuredSolver3D::fluxmethod ausm, MInt noVars>
void FvStructuredSolver3D::MusclStretched_

Definition at line 3556 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

3556 {
3557 TRACE();
3559 // stencil identifier
3560 const MUint noCells = m_noCells;
3561 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
3562 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVariables = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables[0]);
3563 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellLength = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->cellLength[0]);
3564 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->rightHandSide[0]);
3565 MFloat* const RESTRICT qleft = ALIGNED_MF(m_QLeft);
3566 MFloat* const RESTRICT qright = ALIGNED_MF(m_QRight);
3567 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
3569 // MFloat epsi=F1;
3570 const MFloat phi = F1;
3571 const MFloat kappa = F0; // F1B3;
3573 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
3574 const MUint dimOffset = dim * m_noCells;
3575 const MFloat* const RESTRICT length = ALIGNED_F(cellLength + dimOffset);
3577 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
3578 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
3579 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
3580 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3581 const MInt IP1 = I + IJK[dim];
3582 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3583 const MInt IP2 = I + 2 * IJK[dim];
3585 const MFloat rp = (length[I] + length[IP1]) / (F2 * length[I]);
3586 const MFloat rm = (length[I] + length[IM1]) / (F2 * length[I]);
3587 const MFloat f = phi / (F2 * (rp + rm));
3588 const MFloat f1 = (rm + kappa * phi) / rp;
3589 const MFloat f2 = (rp - kappa * phi) / rm;
3591 const MFloat rp1 = (length[IP1] + length[IP2]) / (F2 * length[IP1]);
3592 const MFloat rm1 = (length[IP1] + length[I]) / (F2 * length[IP1]);
3593 const MFloat fa = phi / (F2 * (rp1 + rm1));
3594 const MFloat fb = (rm1 - kappa * phi) / rp1;
3595 const MFloat fc = (rp1 + kappa * phi) / rm1;
3597 for(MUint v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
3598 const MUint offset = v * m_noCells;
3599 const MFloat* const RESTRICT vars = ALIGNED_F(cellVariables + offset);
3600 // left variables
3601 const MFloat DQ = (vars[IP1] - vars[I]);
3602 const MFloat DQM1 = (vars[I] - vars[IM1]);
3603 qleft[v] = vars[I] + f * (f1 * DQ + f2 * DQM1);
3605 // right variables
3606 const MFloat DQP1 = (vars[IP2] - vars[IP1]);
3607 const MFloat DQ1 = (vars[IP1] - vars[I]);
3608 qright[v] = vars[IP1] - fa * (fb * DQP1 + fc * DQ1);
3609 }
3611 (this->*ausm)(m_QLeft, m_QRight, dim, I);
3612 }
3613 }
3614 }
3617 for(MUint v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
3618 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
3619 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
3620 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
3621 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
3622 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
3623 const MUint offset = v * noCells;
3624 MFloat* const RESTRICT rhs = ALIGNED_F(cellRhs + offset);
3625 rhs[I] += flux[v][IM1] - flux[v][I];
3626 }
3627 }
3628 }
3629 }
3630 }

◆ MusclVenkatakrishnan3D()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::MusclVenkatakrishnan3D ( )

Here, MUSCL and AUSM are run through separately The values of QLeft and QRight (of every cell) from the MUSCL are stored in the scratchspace before passing it to the AUSM scheme. Pros: the limiter can include the values of the neighbouring cells, better results for waves Cons: higher computational effort

Leo Hoening

Definition at line 2452 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2452 {
2453 TRACE();
2454 const MUint noCells = m_noCells;
2455 const MInt IJK[3] = {1, m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1] * m_nCells[2]};
2456 // reduce to onedimensional arrays
2457 const MFloat* const RESTRICT x = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[0]);
2458 const MFloat* const RESTRICT y = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[1]);
2459 const MFloat* const RESTRICT z = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->coordinates[2]);
2460 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVariables = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables[0]);
2461 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT flux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->flux);
2463 MFloatScratchSpace QLeft(m_noCells, PV->noVariables, 3, AT_, "QLeft");
2464 MFloatScratchSpace QRight(m_noCells, PV->noVariables, 3, AT_, "QRight");
2465 MFloatScratchSpace minPhi(PV->noVariables, 2, AT_, "minPhi");
2467 QLeft.fill(F0);
2468 QRight.fill(F0);
2470 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
2471 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
2472 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
2473 for(MInt var = 0; var < nDim + 2; var++) {
2474 const MUint offset = var * noCells;
2475 const MFloat* const RESTRICT pvars = ALIGNED_F(cellVariables + offset);
2477 MFloat minNghbrDelta = F0;
2478 MFloat maxNghbrDelta = F0;
2479 MFloat effNghbrDelta = F0;
2481 // 1. get the abs min value of the max and min value from the reconstruction neighbours
2482 for(MInt dim1 = 0; dim1 < nDim; dim1++) {
2483 for(MInt rcnstructnNghbr = 0; rcnstructnNghbr < 2; rcnstructnNghbr++) {
2484 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2485 const MInt IP1 = cellId + IJK[dim1];
2486 const MInt IM1 = cellId - IJK[dim1];
2488 MFloat rcnstrctnNghbrValue = F0;
2489 if(rcnstructnNghbr == 0) {
2490 rcnstrctnNghbrValue = pvars[IP1]; //(i/j/k)+1
2491 } else {
2492 rcnstrctnNghbrValue = pvars[IM1]; //(i/j/k)-1
2493 }
2495 const MFloat tmpDelta = rcnstrctnNghbrValue - pvars[cellId]; // i
2496 maxNghbrDelta = mMax(maxNghbrDelta, tmpDelta);
2497 minNghbrDelta = mMin(minNghbrDelta, tmpDelta);
2498 }
2499 }
2501 effNghbrDelta = mMin(maxNghbrDelta, abs(minNghbrDelta));
2503 MFloat srfcDelta = F0;
2504 MFloat dxEpsSqr = F1;
2505 for(MInt dim1 = 0; dim1 < nDim; dim1++) {
2506 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2507 const MInt IP1 = cellId + IJK[dim1];
2508 const MInt IM1 = cellId - IJK[dim1];
2510 const MFloat DS = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[cellId]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[cellId]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[cellId]));
2511 // distances q_i - q_i-1
2512 const MFloat DSM1 = sqrt(POW2(x[cellId] - x[IM1]) + POW2(y[cellId] - y[IM1]) + POW2(z[cellId] - z[IM1]));
2513 const MFloat DSM = DS / POW2(DSM1 + DS);
2515 // 2. get srfcDelta and compute the minimum phi
2516 const MFloat dx1 =
2517 DSM
2518 * (DSM1 * sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[cellId]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[cellId]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[cellId]))
2519 + DS * sqrt(POW2(x[cellId] - x[IM1]) + POW2(y[cellId] - y[IM1]) + POW2(z[cellId] - z[IM1])));
2520 const MFloat DQ =
2521 (pvars[IP1] - pvars[IM1]) / sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[IM1]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[IM1]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[IM1]));
2522 srfcDelta += abs(DQ * dx1);
2523 dxEpsSqr *= dx1;
2524 }
2526 MInt cellPos = 0;
2528 // calling limiter function
2529 (this->*Venkatakrishnan_function)(effNghbrDelta, srfcDelta, dxEpsSqr, cellPos, var, minPhi);
2531 minNghbrDelta = F0;
2532 maxNghbrDelta = F0;
2533 effNghbrDelta = F0;
2535 // 1. get the abs min value of the max and min value from the reconstruction neighbours
2536 for(MInt dim1 = 0; dim1 < nDim; dim1++) {
2537 for(MInt rcnstructnNghbr = 0; rcnstructnNghbr < 2; rcnstructnNghbr++) {
2538 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2539 const MInt IP1 = cellId + IJK[dim1];
2540 const MInt IP2 = cellId + 2 * IJK[dim1];
2542 MFloat rcnstrctnNghbrValue = F0;
2543 if(rcnstructnNghbr == 0) {
2544 rcnstrctnNghbrValue = pvars[IP2]; //(i/j/k)+2
2545 } else {
2546 rcnstrctnNghbrValue = pvars[cellId]; //(i/j/k)
2547 }
2549 const MFloat tmpDelta = rcnstrctnNghbrValue - pvars[IP1]; //(i/j/k)+1
2551 maxNghbrDelta = mMax(maxNghbrDelta, tmpDelta);
2552 minNghbrDelta = mMin(minNghbrDelta, tmpDelta);
2553 }
2554 }
2556 effNghbrDelta = mMin(maxNghbrDelta, abs(minNghbrDelta));
2558 srfcDelta = F0;
2559 dxEpsSqr = F1;
2560 for(MInt dim1 = 0; dim1 < nDim; dim1++) {
2561 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2562 const MInt IP1 = cellId + IJK[dim1];
2563 const MInt IP2 = cellId + 2 * IJK[dim1];
2565 const MFloat DS = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[cellId]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[cellId]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[cellId]));
2566 // distances q_i - q_i-1
2567 const MFloat DSP1 = sqrt(POW2(x[IP2] - x[IP1]) + POW2(y[IP2] - y[IP1]) + POW2(z[IP2] - z[IP1]));
2568 const MFloat DSP = DS / POW2(DSP1 + DS);
2570 // 2. get srfcDelta and compute the minimum phi
2572 const MFloat dx2 =
2573 DSP
2574 * (DS * sqrt(POW2(x[IP2] - x[IP1]) + POW2(y[IP2] - y[IP1]) + POW2(z[IP2] - z[IP1]))
2575 + DSP1 * sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[cellId]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[cellId]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[cellId])));
2576 const MFloat DQ = (pvars[IP2] - pvars[cellId])
2577 / sqrt(POW2(x[IP2] - x[cellId]) + POW2(y[IP2] - y[cellId]) + POW2(z[IP2] - z[cellId]));
2579 srfcDelta += abs(DQ * dx2);
2580 dxEpsSqr *= dx2;
2581 }
2583 cellPos = 1;
2584 (this->*Venkatakrishnan_function)(effNghbrDelta, srfcDelta, dxEpsSqr, cellPos, var, minPhi); // calling Venk
2586 for(MInt dim1 = 0; dim1 < nDim; dim1++) {
2587 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2588 const MInt IP1 = cellId + IJK[dim1];
2589 const MInt IM1 = cellId - IJK[dim1];
2590 const MInt IP2 = cellId + 2 * IJK[dim1];
2592 const MFloat DS = sqrt(POW2(x[IP1] - x[cellId]) + POW2(y[IP1] - y[cellId]) + POW2(z[IP1] - z[cellId]));
2593 // distances q_i - q_i-1
2594 const MFloat DSM1 = sqrt(POW2(x[cellId] - x[IM1]) + POW2(y[cellId] - y[IM1]) + POW2(z[cellId] - z[IM1]));
2595 const MFloat DSP1 = sqrt(POW2(x[IP2] - x[IP1]) + POW2(y[IP2] - y[IP1]) + POW2(z[IP2] - z[IP1]));
2596 const MFloat DSP = DS / POW2(DSP1 + DS);
2597 const MFloat DSM = DS / POW2(DSM1 + DS);
2599 QLeft(cellId, var, dim1) =
2600 pvars[cellId]
2601 + DSM * (DSM1 * (pvars[IP1] - pvars[cellId]) + DS * (pvars[cellId] - pvars[IM1])) * minPhi(var, 0);
2602 QRight(cellId, var, dim1) =
2603 pvars[IP1]
2604 - DSP * (DS * (pvars[IP2] - pvars[IP1]) + DSP1 * (pvars[IP1] - pvars[cellId])) * minPhi(var, 1);
2605 }
2606 }
2607 }
2608 }
2609 }
2612 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2613 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
2614 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
2615 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
2616 // cell ids
2617 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2619 for(MInt v = 0; v < PV->noVariables; v++) {
2620 m_QLeft[v] = QLeft(cellId, v, dim);
2621 m_QRight[v] = QRight(cellId, v, dim);
2622 }
2624 AusmLES(m_QLeft, m_QRight, dim, cellId);
2625 }
2626 }
2627 }
2631 for(MInt v = 0; v < CV->noVariables; v++) {
2632 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
2633 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
2634 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
2635 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2636 const MInt IM1 = I - IJK[dim];
2637 m_cells->rightHandSide[v][I] += flux[v][IM1] - flux[v][I];
2638 }
2639 }
2640 }
2641 }
2642 }
void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* Venkatakrishnan_function)(MFloat, MFloat, MFloat, MInt, MInt, MFloatScratchSpace &)

◆ nonReflectingBC()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::nonReflectingBC ( )

Definition at line 2269 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2269 {
2270 TRACE();
2271 m_structuredBndryCnd->applyNonReflectingBC();

◆ pointIndex()

MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::pointIndex ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j,
const MInt  k 

Definition at line 5007 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5007 {
5008 return i + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];

◆ pressure()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::pressure ( MInt  cellId)

Definition at line 5779 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5779{ return m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][cellId]; }

◆ randnormal()

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::randnormal ( MFloat  mu,
MFloat  sigma 

Definition at line 2233 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2233 {
2234 TRACE();
2235 static MBool deviateAvailable = false; // flag
2236 static float storedDeviate; // deviate from previous calculation
2237 MFloat polar, rsquared, var1, var2;
2239 // If no deviate has been stored, the polar Box-Muller transformation is
2240 // performed, producing two independent normally-distributed random
2241 // deviates. One is stored for the next round, and one is returned.
2242 if(!deviateAvailable) {
2243 // choose pairs of uniformly distributed deviates, discarding those
2244 // that don't fall within the unit circle
2245 do {
2246 var1 = 2.0 * (MFloat(rand()) / MFloat(RAND_MAX)) - 1.0;
2247 var2 = 2.0 * (MFloat(rand()) / MFloat(RAND_MAX)) - 1.0;
2248 rsquared = var1 * var1 + var2 * var2;
2249 } while(rsquared >= 1.0 || approx(rsquared, F0, m_eps));
2251 // calculate polar tranformation for each deviate
2252 polar = sqrt(-2.0 * log(rsquared) / rsquared);
2254 // store first deviate and set flag
2255 storedDeviate = var1 * polar;
2256 deviateAvailable = true;
2258 // return second deviate
2259 return var2 * polar * sigma + mu;
2261 // If a deviate is available from a previous call to this function, it is
2262 // eturned, and the flag is set to false.
2263 } else {
2264 deviateAvailable = false;
2265 return storedDeviate * sigma + mu;
2266 }

◆ rungeKuttaStep()

MBool FvStructuredSolver3D::rungeKuttaStep ( )

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4418 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4418 {
4419 TRACE();
4420 const MInt noVars = CV->noVariables;
4421 const MUint noCells = m_noCells;
4422 const MFloat rkAlpha = m_RKalpha[m_RKStep];
4423 const MFloat rkFactor = rkAlpha * m_timeStep;
4425 MFloat* const RESTRICT oldVars = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->oldVariables[0]);
4426 MFloat* const RESTRICT vars = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->variables[0]);
4427 MFloat* const RESTRICT oldCellJac = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->oldCellJac);
4428 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellJac = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->cellJac);
4429 const MFloat* const RESTRICT rhs = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->rightHandSide[0]);
4431 // set old variables
4432 if(m_RKStep == 0) {
4433 for(MInt v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
4434 const MUint offset = v * noCells;
4435 MFloat* const RESTRICT oldCellVars = ALIGNED_F(oldVars + offset);
4436 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVars = ALIGNED_F(vars + offset);
4437 maia::parallelFor<true>(0, m_noCells, [=](MInt cellId) { oldCellVars[cellId] = cellVars[cellId]; });
4438 }
4439 }
4441 switch(m_rungeKuttaOrder) {
4442 case 2: {
4443 // for moving grids we take the old Jacobian into account
4444 if(m_localTimeStep) {
4445 for(MInt v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
4446 const MUint cellOffset = v * noCells;
4447 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVars = vars + cellOffset;
4448 const MFloat* const RESTRICT oldCellVars = oldVars + cellOffset;
4449 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = rhs + cellOffset;
4451 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP2(), endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
4452 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4453 const MFloat localRkFactor = rkAlpha * m_cells->localTimeStep[cellId];
4454 const MFloat factor = localRkFactor / m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4455 cellVars[cellId] = oldCellVars[cellId] + factor * cellRhs[cellId];
4456 });
4457 }
4458 } else if(m_movingGrid) {
4459 for(MInt v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
4460 const MUint cellOffset = v * noCells;
4461 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVars = vars + cellOffset;
4462 const MFloat* const RESTRICT oldCellVars = oldVars + cellOffset;
4463 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = rhs + cellOffset;
4465 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP2(), endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
4466 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4467 cellVars[cellId] =
4468 (oldCellVars[cellId] * oldCellJac[cellId] + rkFactor * cellRhs[cellId]) / cellJac[cellId];
4469 });
4470 }
4471 } else {
4472 for(MInt v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
4473 const MUint cellOffset = v * noCells;
4474 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVars = vars + cellOffset;
4475 const MFloat* const RESTRICT oldCellVars = oldVars + cellOffset;
4476 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = rhs + cellOffset;
4478 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP2(), endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
4479 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4480 const MFloat factor = rkFactor / m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4481 cellVars[cellId] = oldCellVars[cellId] + factor * cellRhs[cellId];
4482 });
4483 }
4484 }
4485 break;
4486 }
4487 case 3: {
4488 for(MInt v = 0; v < noVars; v++) {
4489 const MUint cellOffset = v * noCells;
4490 MFloat* const RESTRICT cellVars = vars + cellOffset;
4491 const MFloat* const RESTRICT oldCellVars = oldVars + cellOffset;
4492 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellRhs = rhs + cellOffset;
4494 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP2(), endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
4495 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4496 const MFloat factor = rkFactor / m_cells->cellJac[cellId];
4497 cellVars[cellId] =
4498 rkAlpha * cellVars[cellId] + (F1 - rkAlpha) * oldCellVars[cellId] - factor * cellRhs[cellId];
4499 });
4500 }
4501 break;
4502 }
4503 default: {
4504 stringstream errorMessage;
4505 errorMessage << "Given RungeKutta Order " << m_rungeKuttaOrder << " not implemented! " << endl;
4506 mTerm(1, AT_, errorMessage.str());
4507 }
4508 }
4510 ++m_RKStep;
4512 if(m_RKStep == m_noRKSteps) {
4514 m_time += m_timeStep;
4516 m_RKStep = 0;
4518 return true;
4519 } else {
4520 return false;
4521 }
MFloat ** oldVariables

◆ saveInterpolatedPoints()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::saveInterpolatedPoints ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 9253 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9253 {
9254 TRACE();
9259 // if it a moving grid the interpolation
9260 // coefficients need to be computed every time
9261 if(m_movingGrid) {
9262 for(MInt pointId = 0; pointId < m_intpPointsNoPointsTotal; pointId++) {
9263 m_intpPointsHasPartnerLocal[pointId] = 0;
9264 m_intpPointsHasPartnerGlobal[pointId] = 0;
9265 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
9266 m_intpPointsVarsLocal[var][pointId] = F0;
9267 m_intpPointsVarsGlobal[var][pointId] = F0;
9268 }
9269 }
9272 make_unique<StructuredInterpolation<3>>(m_nCells, m_cells->coordinates, m_cells->pvariables, m_StructuredComm);
9273 // allocate domains points of the lines
9277 MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_intpPointsHasPartnerLocal", "m_intpPointsHasPartnerGlobal");
9278 }
9280 // calculation of interpolated variables only for the points in domain
9281 for(MInt pointId = 0; pointId < m_intpPointsNoPointsTotal; pointId++) {
9282 if(m_intpPointsHasPartnerLocal[pointId]) {
9283 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
9284 m_intpPointsVarsLocal[var][pointId] = m_pointInterpolation->getInterpolatedVariable(pointId, var);
9285 }
9286 }
9287 }
9290 m_intpPointsNoPointsTotal * PV->noVariables, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_,
9291 "m_intpPointsVarsLocal[0][0]", "m_intpPointsVarsGlobal[0][0]");
9293 // calculation of right value, if a point is assigned to more than one domain
9294 for(MInt pointId = 0; pointId < m_intpPointsNoPointsTotal; pointId++) {
9295 if(m_intpPointsHasPartnerGlobal[pointId] > 1) {
9296 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
9297 m_intpPointsVarsGlobal[var][pointId] =
9299 }
9300 }
9301 }
9303 if(m_movingGrid) {
9304 m_pointInterpolation.reset();
9305 }
9310 stringstream fileName;
9311 fileName << m_intpPointsOutputDir << "interpolatedPoints" << globalTimeStep << m_outputFormat;
9315 writeHeaderAttributes(&pio, "field");
9318 pio.setAttribute(m_intpPointsNoLines, "noFields", "");
9320 for(MInt lineId = 0; lineId < m_intpPointsNoLines; lineId++) {
9321 ParallelIo::size_type dataOffset[2] = {0, 0};
9322 ParallelIo::size_type dataSize[2] = {m_intpPointsNoPoints2D[lineId], m_intpPointsNoPoints[lineId]};
9323 MInt fieldOffset = m_intpPointsOffsets[lineId];
9325 ParallelIo::size_type noDims = 1;
9326 dataSize[0] = dataSize[1];
9327 if(m_intpPoints) {
9328 noDims = 2;
9329 }
9331 stringstream path;
9332 path << lineId;
9333 MString solutionpath = "field";
9334 solutionpath += path.str();
9335 const char* dsetname = solutionpath.c_str();
9337 for(MInt v = 0; v < PV->noVariables; v++) {
9338 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, dsetname, m_pvariableNames[v], noDims, dataSize);
9339 }
9341 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, dsetname, "x", noDims, dataSize);
9342 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, dsetname, "y", noDims, dataSize);
9343 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, dsetname, "z", noDims, dataSize);
9345 if(domainId() == 0) {
9346 for(MInt v = 0; v < PV->noVariables; v++) {
9347 pio.writeArray(&m_intpPointsVarsGlobal[v][fieldOffset], dsetname, m_pvariableNames[v], noDims, dataOffset,
9348 dataSize);
9349 }
9351 pio.writeArray(&m_intpPointsCoordinates[0][fieldOffset], dsetname, "x", noDims, dataOffset, dataSize);
9352 pio.writeArray(&m_intpPointsCoordinates[1][fieldOffset], dsetname, "y", noDims, dataOffset, dataSize);
9353 pio.writeArray(&m_intpPointsCoordinates[2][fieldOffset], dsetname, "z", noDims, dataOffset, dataSize);
9354 } else {
9355 dataSize[0] = 0;
9356 dataSize[1] = 0;
9357 MFloat empty = 0;
9358 for(MInt v = 0; v < PV->noVariables; v++) {
9359 pio.writeArray(&empty, dsetname, m_pvariableNames[v], 1, dataOffset, dataSize);
9360 }
9362 pio.writeArray(&empty, dsetname, "x", noDims, dataOffset, dataSize);
9363 pio.writeArray(&empty, dsetname, "y", noDims, dataOffset, dataSize);
9364 pio.writeArray(&empty, dsetname, "z", noDims, dataOffset, dataSize);
9365 }
9366 }
virtual void writePropertiesAsAttributes(ParallelIoHdf5 *pio, MString path)
Overloaded version of writePropertiesAsAttributes that receives ParallelIoHdf5 object pointer instead...
virtual void writeHeaderAttributes(ParallelIoHdf5 *pio, MString fileType)
Overloaded version of writeHeaderAttributes that receives ParallelIoHdf5 object pointer instead of 'f...
Definition: parallelio.h:36
const MInt PIO_FLOAT
Definition: parallelio.h:46

◆ saveNodalBoxes()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::saveNodalBoxes ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 8424 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

8424 {
8425 stringstream filename;
8427 filename << m_nodalBoxOutputDir << "nodalBoxOutput" << m_outputIterationNumber << m_outputFormat;
8431 writeHeaderAttributes(&pio, "boxes");
8433 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxNoBoxes, "noBoxes", "");
8436 m_nodalBoxInterpolation = make_unique<StructuredInterpolation<nDim>>(m_nCells, m_cells->coordinates,
8439 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxLocalPoints, m_nodalBoxNoBoxes, nDim, "m_nodalBoxLocalPoints", 0, AT_);
8440 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxLocalOffset, m_nodalBoxNoBoxes, nDim, "m_nodalBoxLocalOffset", 0, AT_);
8441 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxLocalDomainOffset, m_nodalBoxNoBoxes, nDim, "m_nodalBoxLocalDomainOffset", 0, AT_);
8442 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxLocalSize, m_nodalBoxNoBoxes, "m_nodalBoxLocalSize", 0, AT_);
8443 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxTotalLocalOffset, m_nodalBoxNoBoxes, "m_nodalBoxLocalSize", 0, AT_);
8446 for(MInt b = 0; b < m_nodalBoxNoBoxes; ++b) {
8448 && ((m_nOffsetPoints[2] <= m_nodalBoxOffset[b][2]
8450 || (m_nodalBoxOffset[b][2] <= m_nOffsetPoints[2]
8452 && ((m_nOffsetPoints[1] <= m_nodalBoxOffset[b][1]
8454 || (m_nodalBoxOffset[b][1] <= m_nOffsetPoints[1]
8456 && ((m_nOffsetPoints[0] <= m_nodalBoxOffset[b][0]
8458 || (m_nodalBoxOffset[b][0] <= m_nOffsetPoints[0]
8459 && m_nOffsetPoints[0]
8460 < m_nodalBoxOffset[b][0] + m_nodalBoxPoints[b][0]))) { // the nodalBox is contained
8462 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
8463 if(m_nOffsetPoints[dim] <= m_nodalBoxOffset[b][dim]
8464 && m_nodalBoxOffset[b][dim] + m_nodalBoxPoints[b][dim] < m_nOffsetPoints[dim] + m_nActivePoints[dim]) {
8466 m_nodalBoxLocalOffset[b][dim] = 0;
8468 } else if(m_nOffsetPoints[dim] <= m_nodalBoxOffset[b][dim]) {
8470 m_nodalBoxLocalOffset[b][dim] = 0;
8472 } else if(m_nodalBoxOffset[b][dim] <= m_nOffsetPoints[dim]
8473 && m_nOffsetPoints[dim] + m_nActivePoints[dim]
8474 < m_nodalBoxOffset[b][dim] + m_nodalBoxPoints[b][dim]) {
8478 } else {
8479 m_nodalBoxLocalPoints[b][dim] =
8480 (m_nodalBoxOffset[b][dim] + m_nodalBoxPoints[b][dim]) - m_nOffsetPoints[dim];
8483 }
8484 }
8487 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
8489 }
8492 }
8494 if(b < m_nodalBoxNoBoxes - 1) {
8496 }
8497 }
8499 if(m_nodalBoxTotalLocalSize > 0) {
8500 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxCoordinates, nDim, m_nodalBoxTotalLocalSize, "m_nodalBoxCoordinates", 0.0, AT_);
8501 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxVariables, m_maxNoVariables, m_nodalBoxTotalLocalSize, "m_nodalBoxVariables", 0.0, AT_);
8502 mAlloc(m_nodalBoxPartnerLocal, m_nodalBoxTotalLocalSize, "m_nodalBoxPartnerLocal", 0, AT_);
8503 }
8505 for(MInt b = 0; b < m_nodalBoxNoBoxes; ++b) {
8508 ++k) {
8511 ++j) {
8514 ++i) {
8515 const MInt pointId = i + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
8516 const MInt nodalBoxI = i - m_noGhostLayers - m_nodalBoxLocalDomainOffset[b][2];
8517 const MInt nodalBoxJ = j - m_noGhostLayers - m_nodalBoxLocalDomainOffset[b][1];
8518 const MInt nodalBoxK = k - m_noGhostLayers - m_nodalBoxLocalDomainOffset[b][0];
8519 const MInt localTotalId =
8521 + (nodalBoxI + (nodalBoxJ + nodalBoxK * m_nodalBoxLocalPoints[b][1]) * m_nodalBoxLocalPoints[b][2]);
8523 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
8524 m_nodalBoxCoordinates[dim][localTotalId] = m_grid->m_coordinates[dim][pointId];
8525 }
8526 }
8527 }
8528 }
8529 }
8533 m_nodalBoxInitialized = true;
8534 }
8537 for(MInt b = 0; b < m_nodalBoxNoBoxes; ++b) {
8538 stringstream pathName;
8539 pathName << "box" << b;
8541 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxOffset[b][2], "offseti", pathName.str());
8542 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxOffset[b][1], "offsetj", pathName.str());
8543 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxOffset[b][0], "offsetk", pathName.str());
8545 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxPoints[b][2], "sizei", pathName.str());
8546 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxPoints[b][1], "sizej", pathName.str());
8547 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxPoints[b][0], "sizek", pathName.str());
8549 pio.setAttribute(m_nodalBoxBlock[b], "blockId", pathName.str());
8551 MInt hasCoordinates = 0;
8553 ParallelIo::size_type size[3] = {m_nodalBoxPoints[b][0], m_nodalBoxPoints[b][1], m_nodalBoxPoints[b][2]};
8554 for(MInt v = 0; v < m_maxNoVariables; v++) {
8555 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, pathName.str(), m_pvariableNames[v], 3, size);
8556 }
8558 // create datasets for the variables
8560 hasCoordinates = 1;
8561 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, pathName.str(), "x", 3, size);
8562 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, pathName.str(), "y", 3, size);
8563 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, pathName.str(), "z", 3, size);
8564 }
8565 // write output to check if coordinates are contained within the variable list
8566 pio.setAttribute(hasCoordinates, "hasCoordinates", pathName.str());
8567 }
8570 if(m_nodalBoxTotalLocalSize > 0) {
8571 // interpolate primitive variables to nodal grid points
8572 m_nodalBoxInterpolation->interpolateVariables(m_nodalBoxVariables);
8573 }
8576 for(MInt b = 0; b < m_nodalBoxNoBoxes; ++b) {
8577 // check if the box is contained your inputsolverId
8578 ParallelIo::size_type localOffset[3] = {m_nodalBoxLocalOffset[b][0], m_nodalBoxLocalOffset[b][1],
8580 ParallelIo::size_type localSize[3] = {m_nodalBoxLocalPoints[b][0], m_nodalBoxLocalPoints[b][1],
8582 stringstream pathName;
8583 pathName << "box" << b;
8584 if(m_nodalBoxLocalSize[b] > 0) {
8585 for(MInt v = 0; v < m_maxNoVariables; v++) {
8586 pio.writeArray(&m_nodalBoxVariables[v][m_nodalBoxTotalLocalOffset[b]], pathName.str(), m_pvariableNames[v],
8587 nDim, localOffset, localSize);
8588 }
8591 pio.writeArray(&m_nodalBoxCoordinates[0][m_nodalBoxTotalLocalOffset[b]], pathName.str(), "x", nDim, localOffset,
8592 localSize);
8593 pio.writeArray(&m_nodalBoxCoordinates[1][m_nodalBoxTotalLocalOffset[b]], pathName.str(), "y", nDim, localOffset,
8594 localSize);
8595 pio.writeArray(&m_nodalBoxCoordinates[2][m_nodalBoxTotalLocalOffset[b]], pathName.str(), "z", nDim, localOffset,
8596 localSize);
8597 }
8598 } else { // write out nothing as box is not contained
8599 ParallelIo::size_type localBoxPoints[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8600 ParallelIo::size_type localBoxOffset[3] = {0, 0, 0};
8601 MFloat empty = 0;
8603 for(MInt v = 0; v < m_maxNoVariables; ++v) {
8604 pio.writeArray(&empty, pathName.str(), m_pvariableNames[v], nDim, localBoxOffset, localBoxPoints);
8605 }
8608 pio.writeArray(&empty, pathName.str(), "x", nDim, localBoxOffset, localBoxPoints);
8609 pio.writeArray(&empty, pathName.str(), "y", nDim, localBoxOffset, localBoxPoints);
8610 pio.writeArray(&empty, pathName.str(), "z", nDim, localBoxOffset, localBoxPoints);
8611 }
8612 }
8613 }
std::unique_ptr< StructuredInterpolation< nDim > > m_nodalBoxInterpolation

◆ savePointsToAsciiFile()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::savePointsToAsciiFile ( MBool  forceWrite)
Marian Albers

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 2107 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2107 {
2109 if(m_movingGrid) {
2110 for(MInt pointId = 0; pointId < m_pointsToAsciiNoPoints; pointId++) {
2111 m_intpPointsHasPartnerLocal[pointId] = 0;
2112 m_intpPointsHasPartnerGlobal[pointId] = 0;
2113 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
2114 m_intpPointsVarsLocal[var][pointId] = F0;
2115 m_intpPointsVarsGlobal[var][pointId] = F0;
2116 }
2117 }
2119 m_pointsToAsciiInterpolation = make_unique<StructuredInterpolation<3>>(m_nCells, m_cells->coordinates,
2121 // allocate domains points of the lines
2125 MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerLocal",
2126 "m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerGlobal");
2127 }
2129 // calculation of interpolated variables only for the points in domain
2130 for(MInt pointId = 0; pointId < m_pointsToAsciiNoPoints; pointId++) {
2132 if(m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerLocal[pointId]) {
2134 m_pointsToAsciiInterpolation->getInterpolatedVariable(pointId, m_pointsToAsciiVarId);
2135 }
2136 }
2139 MPI_SUM, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "m_pointsToAsciiVars[0][0]", "m_pointsToAsciiVars[0][0]");
2141 for(MInt pointId = 0; pointId < m_pointsToAsciiNoPoints; pointId++) {
2142 if(m_pointsToAsciiHasPartnerGlobal[pointId] > 1) {
2144 }
2145 }
2153 }
2158 if(domainId() == 0) {
2159 cout << "globalTimeStep: " << globalTimeStep << " writing point data out to ascii file" << endl;
2160 MString filename = "./pointVars.dat";
2161 FILE* f_forces;
2162 f_forces = fopen(filename.c_str(), "a+");
2164 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_pointsToAsciiCounter; j++) {
2165 fprintf(f_forces, "%d", (MInt)m_pointsToAsciiVars[j][0]);
2166 fprintf(f_forces, " %.8f", m_pointsToAsciiVars[j][1]);
2167 fprintf(f_forces, " %.8f", m_pointsToAsciiVars[j][2]);
2168 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_pointsToAsciiNoPoints; i++) {
2169 fprintf(f_forces, " %.8f", m_pointsToAsciiVars[j][3 + i]);
2170 }
2171 fprintf(f_forces, "\n");
2172 }
2173 fclose(f_forces);
2174 }
2178 }

◆ scatter()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::scatter ( const  MBool,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< 3 > > > &   

Definition at line 4711 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4712 {
4713 // the ordering of the grid points can be different from
4714 // sending instance ==> reorder it and copy it to the
4715 // right place
4717 for(auto& rcv : rcvComm) {
4718 if(isPeriodicComm(rcv) && !periodicExchange) continue;
4719 if(periodicExchange && skipPeriodicDirection(rcv)) continue;
4721 std::array<MInt, nDim> begin{rcv->startInfoCells[0], rcv->startInfoCells[1], rcv->startInfoCells[2]};
4722 std::array<MInt, nDim> end{rcv->endInfoCells[0], rcv->endInfoCells[1], rcv->endInfoCells[2]};
4723 std::array<MInt, nDim> size{rcv->endInfoCells[0] - rcv->startInfoCells[0],
4724 rcv->endInfoCells[1] - rcv->startInfoCells[1],
4725 rcv->endInfoCells[2] - rcv->startInfoCells[2]};
4726 const MInt totalSize = size[0] * size[1] * size[2];
4728 std::array<MInt, nDim> stepBuffer{0};
4729 std::array<MInt, nDim> startBuffer{0};
4730 std::array<MInt, nDim> endBuffer{0};
4731 std::array<MInt, nDim> sizeBuffer{0};
4733 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
4734 stepBuffer[rcv->orderInfo[j]] = rcv->stepInfo[j];
4735 }
4737 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
4738 endBuffer[j] = size[j] - 1;
4739 sizeBuffer[rcv->orderInfo[j]] = size[j];
4740 if(stepBuffer[j] < 0) {
4741 std::swap(startBuffer[j], endBuffer[j]);
4742 }
4743 }
4745 // Aliasing the unique_pointer in rcv to a raw point is needed for PSTL on NVHPC
4746 auto* orderInfo = rcv->;
4747 auto* startInfoCells = rcv->;
4748 auto* cellBuffer = rcv->cellBuffer.get();
4749 auto* variables = &(rcv->variables[0]);
4750 for(MInt var = 0; var < rcv->noVars; var++) {
4751 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
4752 std::array<MInt, nDim> start{};
4753 start[orderInfo[0]] = startBuffer[0] + (i - startInfoCells[0]) * stepBuffer[0];
4754 start[orderInfo[1]] = startBuffer[1] + (j - startInfoCells[1]) * stepBuffer[1];
4755 start[orderInfo[2]] = startBuffer[2] + (k - startInfoCells[2]) * stepBuffer[2];
4757 const MInt bufferId = var * totalSize + start[0] + (start[1] + start[2] * sizeBuffer[1]) * sizeBuffer[0];
4758 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4759 variables[var][cellId] = cellBuffer[bufferId];
4760 });
4761 }
4762 }

◆ shiftAverageCellValues()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::shiftAverageCellValues ( )
Marian Albers

Definition at line 9636 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9636 {
9637 TRACE();
9638 MInt cellId_org = 0;
9639 MInt cellId = 0;
9640 MInt i_new, j_new, k_new;
9642 // accounting for the ghost layers and shift the values to the right place
9643 for(MInt k = (m_nActiveCells[0] - 1); k >= 0; k--) {
9644 for(MInt j = (m_nActiveCells[1] - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
9645 for(MInt i = (m_nActiveCells[2] - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
9646 cellId_org = i + (j + k * m_nActiveCells[1]) * m_nActiveCells[2];
9647 i_new = i + m_noGhostLayers;
9648 j_new = j + m_noGhostLayers;
9649 k_new = k + m_noGhostLayers;
9650 cellId = i_new + (j_new + k_new * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9652 for(MInt var = 0; var < getNoPPVars(); var++) {
9653 m_summedVars[var][cellId] = m_summedVars[var][cellId_org];
9654 m_summedVars[var][cellId_org] = F0;
9655 }
9657 if(m_averagingFavre) {
9658 for(MInt var = 0; var < getNoVars(); var++) {
9659 m_favre[var][cellId] = m_favre[var][cellId_org];
9660 m_favre[var][cellId_org] = F0;
9661 }
9662 }
9663 }
9664 }
9665 }

◆ shiftAverageCellValuesRestart()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::shiftAverageCellValuesRestart ( )
Frederik Temme

Definition at line 9580 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

9580 {
9581 TRACE();
9582 MInt cellId_org = 0;
9583 MInt cellId = 0;
9584 MInt i_new, j_new, k_new;
9586 // accounting for the ghost layers and shift the values to the right place
9587 for(MInt k = (m_nActiveCells[0] - 1); k >= 0; k--) {
9588 for(MInt j = (m_nActiveCells[1] - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
9589 for(MInt i = (m_nActiveCells[2] - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
9590 cellId_org = i + (j + k * m_nActiveCells[1]) * m_nActiveCells[2];
9591 i_new = i + m_noGhostLayers;
9592 j_new = j + m_noGhostLayers;
9593 k_new = k + m_noGhostLayers;
9594 cellId = i_new + (j_new + k_new * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
9596 for(MInt var = 0; var < getNoPPVars(); var++) {
9597 m_summedVars[var][cellId] = m_summedVars[var][cellId_org];
9598 m_summedVars[var][cellId_org] = F0;
9599 }
9601 if(m_averagingFavre) {
9602 for(MInt var = 0; var < getNoVars(); var++) {
9603 m_favre[var][cellId] = m_favre[var][cellId_org];
9604 m_favre[var][cellId_org] = F0;
9605 }
9606 }
9608 for(MInt var = 0; var < getNoPPSquareVars(); var++) {
9609 m_square[var][cellId] = m_square[var][cellId_org];
9610 m_square[var][cellId_org] = F0;
9611 }
9613 if(m_kurtosis || m_skewness) {
9614 for(MInt var = 0; var < nDim; var++) {
9615 m_cube[var][cellId] = m_cube[var][cellId_org];
9616 m_cube[var][cellId_org] = F0;
9617 }
9618 }
9620 if(m_kurtosis) {
9621 for(MInt var = 0; var < nDim; var++) {
9622 m_fourth[var][cellId] = m_fourth[var][cellId_org];
9623 m_fourth[var][cellId_org] = F0;
9624 }
9625 }
9626 }
9627 }
9628 }

◆ spanwiseAvgZonal()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::spanwiseAvgZonal ( std::vector< MFloat * > &  variables)

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4303 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4303 {
4304 if(!variables.empty()) {
4305 MInt totalNoCellsIJ = (m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(1));
4306 const MInt noVars = variables.size();
4307 MFloatScratchSpace localSpannwiseVars(totalNoCellsIJ, noVars, AT_, "localSpannwiseVars");
4308 MFloatScratchSpace globalSpannwiseVars(totalNoCellsIJ, noVars, AT_, "globalSpannwiseVars");
4310 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4311 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nActiveCells[0]; k++) {
4312 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nActiveCells[1]; j++) {
4313 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nActiveCells[2]; i++) {
4314 MInt localCellId3D =
4315 i + m_noGhostLayers + ((j + m_noGhostLayers) + (k + m_noGhostLayers) * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4316 MInt globalCellId2D = (i + m_nOffsetCells[2]) + (j + m_nOffsetCells[1]) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2);
4317 localSpannwiseVars(globalCellId2D, varPos) += variables[varPos][localCellId3D];
4318 }
4319 }
4320 }
4321 }
4323 MPI_Allreduce(&localSpannwiseVars(0, 0), &globalSpannwiseVars(0, 0), totalNoCellsIJ * noVars, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM,
4324 m_commZonal[m_blockId], AT_, "localSpannwiseVars(0", "0)");
4326 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4327 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < totalNoCellsIJ; cellId++) {
4328 globalSpannwiseVars(cellId, varPos) /= m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(0);
4329 }
4330 }
4332 for(MInt varPos = 0; varPos < noVars; varPos++) {
4333 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nActiveCells[0]; k++) {
4334 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nActiveCells[1]; j++) {
4335 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nActiveCells[2]; i++) {
4336 MInt localCellId3D =
4337 i + m_noGhostLayers + ((j + m_noGhostLayers) + (k + m_noGhostLayers) * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4338 MInt globalCellId2D = (i + m_nOffsetCells[2]) + (j + m_nOffsetCells[1]) * m_grid->getMyBlockNoCells(2);
4339 variables[varPos][localCellId3D] = globalSpannwiseVars(globalCellId2D, varPos);
4340 }
4341 }
4342 }
4343 }
4344 }

◆ spanwiseWaveReorder()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::spanwiseWaveReorder ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4872 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4872 {
4873 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::WaveSpanwiseReordering]);
4875 MInt allCellsK = m_grid->getBlockNoCells(0, 0);
4876 MInt waveZeroPos = ((MInt)round((globalTimeStep - m_movingGridStepOffset) / m_waveNoStepsPerCell)) % allCellsK;
4878 if(m_waveSpeed < 0.0) {
4879 waveZeroPos =
4880 allCellsK - ((MInt)round((globalTimeStep - m_movingGridStepOffset) / m_waveNoStepsPerCell)) % allCellsK;
4881 }
4883 m_windowInfo->createWaveWindowMapping(waveZeroPos);
4885 MInt noVars = PV->noVariables;
4886 if(m_averageVorticity) {
4887 noVars += (2 * nDim - 3);
4889 }
4891 m_windowInfo->createWaveCommunicationExchangeFlags(m_waveSndComm, m_waveRcvComm, noVars);
4892 waveExchange();
4894 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::WaveSpanwiseReordering]);
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_waveRcvComm
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > m_waveSndComm

◆ surfId()

MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::surfId ( MInt  point,
MInt  isd,
MInt  dim 

◆ tripForceCoefficients()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::tripForceCoefficients ( MFloat modes,
MFloat forceCoef,
MFloat coords,
MInt  noCells,
MInt  noModes 

Definition at line 4214 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4215 {
4216 MFloat maxLocalValue = -999999.0;
4217 MFloat minLocalValue = 999999.0;
4218 MFloat* ak = &modes[0];
4219 MFloat* phik = &modes[noModes];
4221 for(MInt k = 0; k < noCells; k++) {
4222 const MFloat z = coords[k];
4223 for(MInt n = 0; n < noModes; n++) {
4224 forceCoef[k] += sin(z * ak[n] + phik[n]);
4225 }
4227 maxLocalValue = mMax(maxLocalValue, forceCoef[k]);
4228 minLocalValue = mMin(minLocalValue, forceCoef[k]);
4229 }
4231 // find out min and max to normalize coefficients to interval [-1,1]
4232 MFloat maxGlobalValue = 0.0;
4233 MFloat minGlobalValue = 0.0;
4234 MPI_Allreduce(&maxLocalValue, &maxGlobalValue, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "maxLocalValue",
4235 "maxGlobalValue");
4236 MPI_Allreduce(&minLocalValue, &minGlobalValue, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "minLocalValue",
4237 "minGlobalValue");
4239 // normalize the series
4240 for(MInt k = 0; k < noCells; k++) {
4241 forceCoef[k] = 2 * (forceCoef[k] - minGlobalValue) / (maxGlobalValue - minGlobalValue) - 1.0;
4242 }

◆ tripFourierCoefficients()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::tripFourierCoefficients ( MFloat modes,
MInt  noModes,
MFloat  maxWaveLength,
MFloat  minWaveLength 

Definition at line 4246 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4247 {
4248 const MFloat minWavenumber = 2 * PI / maxWaveLength;
4249 const MFloat maxWavenumber = 2 * PI / minWaveLength;
4251 MFloat* ak = &modes[0];
4252 MFloat* phik = &modes[noModes];
4253 if(domainId() == 0) {
4254 for(MInt n = 0; n < noModes; n++) {
4255 ak[n] = (maxWavenumber - minWavenumber) * (rand() / MFloat(RAND_MAX)) + minWavenumber;
4256 phik[n] = 2 * PI * rand() / MFloat(RAND_MAX);
4257 }
4258 }
4260 MPI_Bcast(&ak[0], noModes, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "ak[0]");
4261 MPI_Bcast(&phik[0], noModes, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, m_StructuredComm, AT_, "phik[0]");

◆ updateSpongeLayer()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::updateSpongeLayer ( )

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4412 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4412 {
4413 TRACE();
4414 if(m_useSponge) m_structuredBndryCnd->updateSpongeLayer();


void FvStructuredSolver3D::VENKATAKRISHNAN_FCT ( MFloat  effNghbrDelta,
MFloat  srfcDelta,
MFloat  dxEpsSqr,
MInt  cellPos,
MInt  var,
MFloatScratchSpace minPhi 
Leo Hoening

Definition at line 2664 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2665 {
2666 (void)dxEpsSqr;
2667 const MFloat eps = 1e-12;
2668 MFloat yps1 = effNghbrDelta / (srfcDelta + eps);
2669 minPhi(var, cellPos) = mMin((yps1 * yps1 + F2 * yps1) / (yps1 * yps1 + yps1 + F2), F1);


void FvStructuredSolver3D::VENKATAKRISHNAN_MOD_FCT ( MFloat  effNghbrDelta,
MFloat  srfcDelta,
MFloat  dxEpsSqr,
MInt  cellPos,
MInt  var,
MFloatScratchSpace minPhi 
Leo Hoening

Definition at line 2652 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

2653 {
2654 MFloat epsSqr = pow(m_venkFactor, F3) * dxEpsSqr;
2655 minPhi(var, cellPos) = (pow(effNghbrDelta, F2) + epsSqr + F2 * effNghbrDelta * srfcDelta)
2656 / (pow(effNghbrDelta, F2) + F2 * pow(srfcDelta, F2) + effNghbrDelta * srfcDelta + epsSqr);

◆ viscousFlux()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::viscousFlux ( )

Implements FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 5012 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5012{ (this->*viscFluxMethod)(); }
void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* viscFluxMethod)()

◆ viscousFluxCorrection()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::viscousFluxCorrection ( )

Definition at line 5308 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5308 {
5309 const MFloat rPr = F1 / m_Pr;
5310 const MFloat rRe = F1 / m_Re0;
5311 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = m_gamma - 1.0;
5312 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = F1 / gammaMinusOne;
5314 MFloat* RESTRICT rhou = &m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_U][0];
5315 MFloat* RESTRICT rhov = &m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_V][0];
5316 MFloat* RESTRICT rhow = &m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_W][0];
5317 MFloat* RESTRICT rhoE = &m_cells->variables[CV->RHO_E][0];
5318 MFloat* RESTRICT rho = &m_cells->variables[CV->RHO][0];
5320 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT eflux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->eFlux);
5321 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT fflux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->fFlux);
5322 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT gflux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->gFlux);
5324 MInt dim = 0;
5325 MInt start[3], end[3], nghbr[20];
5326 MInt len1[3];
5327 MInt totalCells;
5329 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_hasSingularity; ++i) {
5330 // only correct for bc 6000 not for bc 4000-5000
5331 if(m_singularity[i].BC == -6000) {
5332 totalCells = 1;
5333 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
5334 len1[j] = m_singularity[i].end[j] - m_singularity[i].start[j];
5335 if(len1[j] != 0) totalCells *= len1[j];
5336 }
5338 for(MInt n = 0; n < 3; ++n) {
5339 if(m_singularity[i].end[n] - m_singularity[i].start[n] > 1) {
5340 dim = n;
5341 // start[n]=m_singularity[i].start[n]+1;
5342 start[n] = m_singularity[i].start[n] + 1;
5343 end[n] = m_singularity[i].end[n] - 1;
5344 } else {
5345 start[n] = m_singularity[i].start[n];
5346 end[n] = m_singularity[i].end[n];
5347 }
5348 }
5350 MFloat u[20], v[20], w[20], T[20];
5351 MFloat U, V, W, t, dudx, dudy, dudz, dvdx, dvdy, dvdz, dwdx, dwdy, dwdz, dTdx, dTdy, dTdz;
5352 MFloat qx, qy, qz;
5353 MFloat tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6;
5354 MFloat mueOverRe, mue, mueH;
5355 for(MInt kk = start[2]; kk < end[2]; ++kk) {
5356 for(MInt jj = start[1]; jj < end[1]; ++jj) {
5357 for(MInt ii = start[0]; ii < end[0]; ++ii) {
5358 MInt count = 0;
5359 MInt temp[3] = {0, 0, 0};
5360 MInt IJK = cellIndex(ii + m_singularity[i].Viscous[0], jj + m_singularity[i].Viscous[1],
5361 kk + m_singularity[i].Viscous[2]);
5363 const MFloat cornerMetrics[9] = {
5364 m_cells->cornerMetrics[0][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[1][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[2][IJK],
5365 m_cells->cornerMetrics[3][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[4][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[5][IJK],
5366 m_cells->cornerMetrics[6][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[7][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[8][IJK]};
5368 temp[dim] = 1;
5369 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii, jj, kk);
5370 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii + temp[0], jj + temp[1], kk + temp[2]);
5372 for(MInt m = 0; m < m_singularity[i].Nstar - 1; ++m) {
5373 MInt* change = m_singularity[i].displacement[m];
5374 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii + change[0], jj + change[1], kk + change[2]);
5375 nghbr[count++] = cellIndex(ii + temp[0] + change[0], jj + temp[1] + change[1], kk + temp[2] + change[2]);
5376 }
5378 if(count != m_singularity[i].Nstar * 2) {
5379 cout << "what the hell! it is wrong!!!" << endl;
5380 }
5382 for(MInt m = 0; m < m_singularity[i].Nstar * 2; ++m) {
5383 u[m] = rhou[nghbr[m]] / rho[nghbr[m]];
5384 v[m] = rhov[nghbr[m]] / rho[nghbr[m]];
5385 w[m] = rhow[nghbr[m]] / rho[nghbr[m]];
5386 T[m] = (m_gamma * gammaMinusOne
5387 * (rhoE[nghbr[m]] - F1B2 * rho[nghbr[m]] * (POW2(u[m]) + POW2(v[m]) + POW2(w[m]))))
5388 / rho[nghbr[m]];
5389 }
5391 U = F0;
5392 V = F0;
5393 W = F0;
5394 t = F0;
5395 dudx = F0;
5396 dudy = F0;
5397 dudz = F0;
5398 dvdx = F0;
5399 dvdy = F0;
5400 dvdz = F0;
5401 dwdx = F0;
5402 dwdy = F0;
5403 dwdz = F0;
5404 dTdx = F0;
5405 dTdy = F0;
5406 dTdz = F0;
5408 MInt id2 = ii - start[0] + ((jj - start[1]) + (kk - start[2]) * len1[1]) * len1[0];
5410 for(MInt n = 0; n < count; n++) {
5411 MInt ID = id2 * count + n;
5412 U += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[0][ID] * u[n];
5413 dudx += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[1][ID] * u[n];
5414 dudy += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[2][ID] * u[n];
5415 dudz += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[3][ID] * u[n];
5417 V += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[0][ID] * v[n];
5418 dvdx += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[1][ID] * v[n];
5419 dvdy += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[2][ID] * v[n];
5420 dvdz += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[3][ID] * v[n];
5422 W += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[0][ID] * w[n];
5423 dwdx += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[1][ID] * w[n];
5424 dwdy += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[2][ID] * w[n];
5425 dwdz += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[3][ID] * w[n];
5427 t += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[0][ID] * T[n];
5428 dTdx += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[1][ID] * T[n];
5429 dTdy += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[2][ID] * T[n];
5430 dTdz += m_singularity[i].ReconstructionConstants[3][ID] * T[n];
5431 }
5433 tau1 = 2 * dudx - 2 / 3 * (dudx + dvdy + dwdz);
5434 tau2 = dudy + dvdx;
5435 tau3 = dudz + dwdx;
5436 tau4 = 2 * dvdy - 2 / 3 * (dudx + dvdy + dwdz);
5437 tau5 = dvdz + dwdy;
5438 tau6 = 2 * dwdz - 2 / 3 * (dudx + dvdy + dwdz);
5440 mue = SUTHERLANDLAW(t);
5441 mueOverRe = mue * rRe;
5442 tau1 *= mueOverRe;
5443 tau2 *= mueOverRe;
5444 tau3 *= mueOverRe;
5445 tau4 *= mueOverRe;
5446 tau5 *= mueOverRe;
5447 tau6 *= mueOverRe;
5448 mueH = FgammaMinusOne * mueOverRe * rPr;
5450 qx = mueH * dTdx + U * tau1 + V * tau2 + W * tau3;
5451 qy = mueH * dTdy + U * tau2 + V * tau4 + W * tau5;
5452 qz = mueH * dTdz + U * tau3 + V * tau5 + W * tau6;
5455 // efluxes
5456 eflux[0][IJK] = tau1 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + tau2 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd]
5457 + tau3 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5459 eflux[1][IJK] = tau2 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + tau4 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd]
5460 + tau5 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5462 eflux[2][IJK] = tau3 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd]
5463 + tau6 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5465 eflux[3][IJK] = qx * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + qy * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd]
5466 + qz * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5468 // ffluxes
5469 fflux[0][IJK] = tau1 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + tau2 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5470 + tau3 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5472 fflux[1][IJK] = tau2 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + tau4 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5473 + tau5 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5475 fflux[2][IJK] = tau3 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5476 + tau6 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5478 fflux[3][IJK] = qx * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + qy * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5479 + qz * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5481 // gfluxes
5482 gflux[0][IJK] = tau1 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + tau2 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd]
5483 + tau3 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5485 gflux[1][IJK] = tau2 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + tau4 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd]
5486 + tau5 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5488 gflux[2][IJK] = tau3 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd]
5489 + tau6 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5491 gflux[3][IJK] = qx * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + qy * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd]
5492 + qz * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5493 }
5494 }
5495 }
5496 }
5497 }
MFloat ** cornerMetrics

◆ viscousFluxLES()

template<MBool twoEqRans>
void FvStructuredSolver3D::viscousFluxLES

Definition at line 5020 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5020 {
5021 TRACE();
5022 const MFloat rPrLam = F1 / m_Pr;
5023 constexpr MFloat rPrTurb = F1 / 0.9;
5024 const MFloat rRe = F1 / m_Re0;
5025 const MFloat gammaMinusOne = m_gamma - 1.0;
5026 const MFloat FgammaMinusOne = F1 / gammaMinusOne;
5028 const MFloat* const RESTRICT u = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->pvariables[PV->U][0]);
5029 const MFloat* const RESTRICT v = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->pvariables[PV->V][0]);
5030 const MFloat* const RESTRICT w = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->pvariables[PV->W][0]);
5031 const MFloat* const RESTRICT p = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->pvariables[PV->P][0]);
5032 const MFloat* const RESTRICT rho = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO][0]);
5033 MFloat* const RESTRICT T = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->temperature[0]);
5034 MFloat* const RESTRICT muLam = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->fq[FQ->MU_L][0]);
5035 MFloat* const RESTRICT muTurb = ALIGNED_F(&m_cells->fq[FQ->MU_T][0]); // this is zero for LES
5037 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT eflux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->eFlux);
5038 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT fflux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->fFlux);
5039 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT gflux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->gFlux);
5040 MFloat* const* const RESTRICT vflux = ALIGNED_F(m_cells->viscousFlux);
5042 // only relevant for 2-eq Rans model (Waiting for if constexpr)
5043 const MFloat* const RESTRICT TKE = (twoEqRans) ? ALIGNED_F(m_cells->pvariables[PV->RANS_VAR[0]]) : nullptr;
5045 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP1(), endM1(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
5046 const MInt I = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5047 T[I] = m_gamma * p[I] / rho[I];
5048 muLam[I] = SUTHERLANDLAW(T[I]);
5049 });
5051 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP1(), endM1(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
5052 // get the adjacent cells;
5053 const MInt IJK = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5054 const MInt IPJK = cellIndex((i + 1), j, k);
5055 const MInt IPJPK = cellIndex((i + 1), (j + 1), k);
5056 const MInt IJPK = cellIndex(i, (j + 1), k);
5057 const MInt IJKP = cellIndex(i, j, (k + 1));
5058 const MInt IPJKP = cellIndex((i + 1), j, (k + 1));
5059 const MInt IPJPKP = cellIndex((i + 1), (j + 1), (k + 1));
5060 const MInt IJPKP = cellIndex(i, (j + 1), (k + 1));
5062 const MFloat cornerMetrics[9] = {
5063 m_cells->cornerMetrics[0][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[1][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[2][IJK],
5064 m_cells->cornerMetrics[3][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[4][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[5][IJK],
5065 m_cells->cornerMetrics[6][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[7][IJK], m_cells->cornerMetrics[8][IJK]};
5068 const MFloat dudxi = F1B4 * (u[IPJPKP] + u[IPJPK] + u[IPJKP] + u[IPJK] - u[IJPKP] - u[IJPK] - u[IJKP] - u[IJK]);
5069 const MFloat dudet = F1B4 * (u[IPJPKP] + u[IJPKP] + u[IPJPK] + u[IJPK] - u[IPJKP] - u[IJKP] - u[IPJK] - u[IJK]);
5070 const MFloat dudze = F1B4 * (u[IPJPKP] + u[IJPKP] + u[IPJKP] + u[IJKP] - u[IPJPK] - u[IJPK] - u[IPJK] - u[IJK]);
5072 const MFloat dvdxi = F1B4 * (v[IPJPKP] + v[IPJPK] + v[IPJKP] + v[IPJK] - v[IJPKP] - v[IJPK] - v[IJKP] - v[IJK]);
5073 const MFloat dvdet = F1B4 * (v[IPJPKP] + v[IJPKP] + v[IPJPK] + v[IJPK] - v[IPJKP] - v[IJKP] - v[IPJK] - v[IJK]);
5074 const MFloat dvdze = F1B4 * (v[IPJPKP] + v[IJPKP] + v[IPJKP] + v[IJKP] - v[IPJPK] - v[IJPK] - v[IPJK] - v[IJK]);
5076 const MFloat dwdxi = F1B4 * (w[IPJPKP] + w[IPJPK] + w[IPJKP] + w[IPJK] - w[IJPKP] - w[IJPK] - w[IJKP] - w[IJK]);
5077 const MFloat dwdet = F1B4 * (w[IPJPKP] + w[IJPKP] + w[IPJPK] + w[IJPK] - w[IPJKP] - w[IJKP] - w[IPJK] - w[IJK]);
5078 const MFloat dwdze = F1B4 * (w[IPJPKP] + w[IJPKP] + w[IPJKP] + w[IJKP] - w[IPJPK] - w[IJPK] - w[IPJK] - w[IJK]);
5080 const MFloat dTdxi = F1B4 * (T[IPJPKP] + T[IPJPK] + T[IPJKP] + T[IPJK] - T[IJPKP] - T[IJPK] - T[IJKP] - T[IJK]);
5081 const MFloat dTdet = F1B4 * (T[IPJPKP] + T[IJPKP] + T[IPJPK] + T[IJPK] - T[IPJKP] - T[IJKP] - T[IPJK] - T[IJK]);
5082 const MFloat dTdze = F1B4 * (T[IPJPKP] + T[IJPKP] + T[IPJKP] + T[IJKP] - T[IPJPK] - T[IJPK] - T[IPJK] - T[IJK]);
5084 const MFloat uAvg = F1B8 * (u[IPJPKP] + u[IJPKP] + u[IJPK] + u[IPJPK] + u[IPJKP] + u[IJKP] + u[IJK] + u[IPJK]);
5085 const MFloat vAvg = F1B8 * (v[IPJPKP] + v[IJPKP] + v[IJPK] + v[IPJPK] + v[IPJKP] + v[IJKP] + v[IJK] + v[IPJK]);
5086 const MFloat wAvg = F1B8 * (w[IPJPKP] + w[IJPKP] + w[IJPK] + w[IPJPK] + w[IPJKP] + w[IJKP] + w[IJK] + w[IPJK]);
5088 const MFloat muLamAvg = F1B8
5089 * (muLam[IPJPKP] + muLam[IJPKP] + muLam[IJPK] + muLam[IPJPK] + muLam[IPJKP] + muLam[IJKP]
5090 + muLam[IJK] + muLam[IPJK]);
5092 // turbulent viscosity is set to zero for LES
5093 // and is only non-zero for RANS
5094 const MFloat muTurbAvg = F1B8
5095 * (muTurb[IPJPKP] + muTurb[IJPKP] + muTurb[IJPK] + muTurb[IPJPK] + muTurb[IPJKP]
5096 + muTurb[IJKP] + muTurb[IJK] + muTurb[IPJK]);
5098 MFloat TKEcorner = F0;
5099 if(twoEqRans)
5100 TKEcorner =
5101 -2 / 3 * F1B8
5102 * (rho[IPJPKP] * TKE[IPJPKP] + rho[IJPKP] * TKE[IJPKP] + rho[IJPK] * TKE[IJPK] + rho[IPJPK] * TKE[IPJPK]
5103 + rho[IPJKP] * TKE[IPJKP] + rho[IJKP] * TKE[IJKP] + rho[IJK] * TKE[IJK] + rho[IPJK] * TKE[IPJK]);
5105 // compute tau1 = 2 du/dx - 2/3 ( du/dx + dv/dy + dw/dz )
5107 // tau_xx = 4/3*( du/dxi * dxi/dx + du/deta * deta/dx + du/dzeta * dzeta/dx )
5108 // - 2/3*( dv/dxi * dxi/dy + dv/deta * deta/dy + dv/dzeta * dzeta/dy)
5109 // - 2/3*( dw/dxi * dxi/dz + dw/deta * deta/dz + dw/dzeta * dzeta/dz )
5110 MFloat tau1 = F4B3
5111 * (dudxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + dudet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd]
5112 + dudze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd])
5113 -
5115 F2B3
5116 * (dvdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + dvdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5117 + dvdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd])
5118 -
5120 F2B3
5121 * (dwdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd] + dwdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd]
5122 + dwdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd]);
5124 // compute tau2 = du/dy + dv/dx
5126 // tau_xy = du/dxi * dxi/dy + du/deta * deta/dy + du/dzeta * dzeta/dy
5127 // + dv/dxi * dxi/dx + dv/deta * deta/dx + dv/dzeta * dzeta/dx
5128 MFloat tau2 = dudxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + dudet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5129 + dudze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd] +
5131 dvdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + dvdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd]
5132 + dvdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd];
5134 // compute tau3 = du/dz + dw/dx
5136 // tau_xz = du/dxi * dxi/dz + du/deta * deta/dz + du/dzeta * dzeta/dz
5137 // + dw/dxi * dxi/dx + dw/deta * deta/dx + dw/dzeta * dzeta/dx
5138 MFloat tau3 = dudxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd] + dudet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd]
5139 + dudze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd] +
5141 dwdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + dwdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd]
5142 + dwdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd];
5144 // compute tau4 = 2 dv/dy - 2/3 ( du/dx + dv/dy + dw/dz )
5146 // tau_yy = 4/3*( dv/dxi * dxi/dy + dv/deta * deta/dy + dv/dzeta * dzeta/dy )
5147 // - 2/3*( du/dxi * dxi/dx + du/deta * deta/dx + du/dzeta * dzeta/dx)
5148 // - 2/3*( dw/dxi * dxi/dz + dw/deta * deta/dz + dw/dzeta * dzeta/dz )
5149 MFloat tau4 = F4B3
5150 * (dvdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + dvdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5151 + dvdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd])
5152 -
5154 F2B3
5155 * (dudxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + dudet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd]
5156 + dudze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd])
5157 -
5159 F2B3
5160 * (dwdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd] + dwdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd]
5161 + dwdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd]);
5163 // compute tau5 = dv/dz + dw/dy
5165 // tau_yz = dv/dxi * dxi/dz + dv/deta * deta/dz + dv/dzeta * dzeta/dz
5166 // + dw/dxi * dxi/dy + dw/deta * deta/dy + dw/dzeta * dzeta/dy
5167 MFloat tau5 = dvdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd] + dvdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd]
5168 + dvdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd] +
5170 dwdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + dwdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5171 + dwdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd];
5173 // compute tau6 = 2 dw/dz - 2/3 ( du/dx + dv/dy + dw/dz )
5175 // tau_zz = 4/3*( dw/dxi * dxi/dz + dw/deta * deta/dz + dw/dzeta * dzeta/dz )
5176 // - 2/3*( du/dxi * dxi/dx + du/deta * deta/dx + du/dzeta * dzeta/dx)
5177 // - 2/3*( dv/dxi * dxi/dy + dv/deta * deta/dy + dv/dzeta * dzeta/dy)
5178 MFloat tau6 = F4B3
5179 * (dwdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd] + dwdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd]
5180 + dwdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd])
5181 -
5183 F2B3
5184 * (dudxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + dudet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd]
5185 + dudze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd])
5186 -
5188 F2B3
5189 * (dvdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + dvdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5190 + dvdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd]);
5193 const MFloat dTdx = dTdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + dTdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd]
5194 + dTdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd];
5196 const MFloat dTdy = dTdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + dTdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd]
5197 + dTdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd];
5199 const MFloat dTdz = dTdxi * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd] + dTdet * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd]
5200 + dTdze * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5202 const MFloat fJac = 1.0 / m_cells->cornerJac[IJK];
5203 const MFloat mueOverRe = rRe * fJac * (muLamAvg + muTurbAvg);
5204 tau1 = mueOverRe * tau1 + TKEcorner;
5205 tau2 *= mueOverRe;
5206 tau3 *= mueOverRe;
5207 tau4 = mueOverRe * tau4 + TKEcorner;
5208 tau5 *= mueOverRe;
5209 tau6 = mueOverRe * tau6 + TKEcorner;
5211 const MFloat muCombined = FgammaMinusOne * rRe * fJac * (rPrLam * muLamAvg + rPrTurb * muTurbAvg);
5213 const MFloat qx = muCombined * dTdx + uAvg * tau1 + vAvg * tau2 + wAvg * tau3;
5214 const MFloat qy = muCombined * dTdy + uAvg * tau2 + vAvg * tau4 + wAvg * tau5;
5215 const MFloat qz = muCombined * dTdz + uAvg * tau3 + vAvg * tau5 + wAvg * tau6;
5217 // efluxes
5218 eflux[0][IJK] =
5219 tau1 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + tau2 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + tau3 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5221 eflux[1][IJK] =
5222 tau2 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + tau4 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5224 eflux[2][IJK] =
5225 tau3 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + tau6 * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5227 eflux[3][IJK] =
5228 qx * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + xsd] + qy * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + ysd] + qz * cornerMetrics[xsd * 3 + zsd];
5230 // ffluxes
5231 fflux[0][IJK] =
5232 tau1 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + tau2 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd] + tau3 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5234 fflux[1][IJK] =
5235 tau2 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + tau4 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5237 fflux[2][IJK] =
5238 tau3 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd] + tau6 * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5240 fflux[3][IJK] =
5241 qx * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + xsd] + qy * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + ysd] + qz * cornerMetrics[ysd * 3 + zsd];
5243 // gfluxes
5244 gflux[0][IJK] =
5245 tau1 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + tau2 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd] + tau3 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5247 gflux[1][IJK] =
5248 tau2 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + tau4 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5250 gflux[2][IJK] =
5251 tau3 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + tau5 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd] + tau6 * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5253 gflux[3][IJK] =
5254 qx * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + xsd] + qy * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + ysd] + qz * cornerMetrics[zsd * 3 + zsd];
5255 });
5258 // viscous flux correction for the singular points
5259 // m_hasSingularity=0 means no singular points in this block, otherwise do flux correction
5260 if(m_hasSingularity > 0) {
5262 }
5264 for(MInt var = 0; var < 4; var++) {
5265 const std::array<MInt, nDim> beginIM1{m_noGhostLayers - 1, m_noGhostLayers, m_noGhostLayers};
5266 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginIM1, endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
5267 const MInt IJK = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5268 const MInt IJMK = cellIndex(i, (j - 1), k);
5269 const MInt IJKM = cellIndex(i, j, (k - 1));
5270 const MInt IJMKM = cellIndex(i, (j - 1), (k - 1));
5272 vflux[0][IJK] = F1B4 * (eflux[var][IJK] + eflux[var][IJKM] + eflux[var][IJMK] + eflux[var][IJMKM]);
5273 });
5276 const std::array<MInt, nDim> beginJM1{m_noGhostLayers, m_noGhostLayers - 1, m_noGhostLayers};
5277 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginJM1, endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
5278 const MInt IJK = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5279 const MInt IMJK = cellIndex((i - 1), j, k);
5280 const MInt IJKM = cellIndex(i, j, (k - 1));
5281 const MInt IMJKM = cellIndex((i - 1), j, (k - 1));
5283 vflux[1][IJK] = F1B4 * (fflux[var][IJK] + fflux[var][IJKM] + fflux[var][IMJK] + fflux[var][IMJKM]);
5284 });
5286 const std::array<MInt, nDim> beginKM1{m_noGhostLayers, m_noGhostLayers, m_noGhostLayers - 1};
5287 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginKM1, endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
5288 const MInt IJK = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5289 const MInt IMJK = cellIndex((i - 1), j, k);
5290 const MInt IJMK = cellIndex(i, (j - 1), k);
5291 const MInt IMJMK = cellIndex((i - 1), (j - 1), k);
5293 vflux[2][IJK] = F1B4 * (gflux[var][IJK] + gflux[var][IMJK] + gflux[var][IJMK] + gflux[var][IMJMK]);
5294 });
5296 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(beginP2(), endM2(), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
5297 const MInt IJK = cellIndex(i, j, k);
5298 const MInt IMJK = cellIndex(i - 1, j, k);
5299 const MInt IJMK = cellIndex(i, j - 1, k);
5300 const MInt IJKM = cellIndex(i, j, k - 1);
5301 m_cells->rightHandSide[var][IJK] +=
5302 vflux[0][IJK] - vflux[0][IMJK] + vflux[1][IJK] - vflux[1][IJMK] + vflux[2][IJK] - vflux[2][IJKM];
5303 });
5304 }
MFloat * temperature
MFloat ** viscousFlux

◆ viscousFluxRANS()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::viscousFluxRANS ( )

Definition at line 5014 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

5014{ m_ransSolver->viscousFluxRANS(); }

◆ waveExchange()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::waveExchange ( )

Reimplemented from FvStructuredSolver< 3 >.

Definition at line 4765 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4765 {
4766 std::vector<MPI_Request> sndRequests;
4767 std::vector<MPI_Request> rcvRequests;
4768 std::vector<MPI_Status> sndStatus;
4769 std::vector<MPI_Status> rcvStatus;
4770 sndRequests.reserve(m_waveSndComm.size());
4771 rcvRequests.reserve(m_waveRcvComm.size());
4773 waveGather();
4774 waveSend(sndRequests);
4775 waveReceive(rcvRequests);
4777 sndStatus.resize(sndRequests.size());
4778 MPI_Waitall(sndRequests.size(), &sndRequests[0], &sndStatus[0], AT_);
4779 rcvStatus.resize(rcvRequests.size());
4780 MPI_Waitall(rcvRequests.size(), &rcvRequests[0], &rcvStatus[0], AT_);
4782 waveScatter();
void waveSend(std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
void waveReceive(std::vector< MPI_Request > &)

◆ waveGather()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::waveGather ( )

Definition at line 4786 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4786 {
4787 for(auto& snd : m_waveSndComm) {
4788 MInt pos = 0;
4790 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
4791 for(MInt k = snd->startInfoCells[2]; k < snd->endInfoCells[2]; k++) {
4792 for(MInt j = snd->startInfoCells[1]; j < snd->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
4793 for(MInt i = snd->startInfoCells[0]; i < snd->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
4794 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4795 snd->cellBuffer[pos] = m_cells->pvariables[var][cellId];
4796 pos++;
4797 }
4798 }
4799 }
4800 }
4802 if(m_averageVorticity) {
4803 for(MInt var = 0; var < nDim; var++) {
4804 for(MInt k = snd->startInfoCells[2]; k < snd->endInfoCells[2]; k++) {
4805 for(MInt j = snd->startInfoCells[1]; j < snd->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
4806 for(MInt i = snd->startInfoCells[0]; i < snd->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
4807 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4808 snd->cellBuffer[pos] = m_cells->fq[FQ->VORTICITY[var]][cellId];
4809 pos++;
4810 }
4811 }
4812 }
4813 }
4814 }
4815 }

◆ waveReceive()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::waveReceive ( std::vector< MPI_Request > &  rcvRequests)

Definition at line 4829 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4829 {
4830 for(auto& rcv : m_waveRcvComm) {
4831 MPI_Request request{};
4832 const MInt tag = rcv->nghbrId + (rcv->tagHelper) * noDomains();
4833 const MInt err = MPI_Irecv((void*)&rcv->cellBuffer[0], rcv->cellBufferSize, MPI_DOUBLE, rcv->nghbrId, tag,
4834 m_StructuredComm, &request, AT_, "rcv->cellBuffer");
4835 rcvRequests.push_back(request);
4836 if(err) cout << "rank " << domainId() << " sending throws error " << endl;
4837 }

◆ waveScatter()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::waveScatter ( )

Definition at line 4840 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4840 {
4841 for(auto& rcv : m_waveRcvComm) {
4842 MInt pos = 0;
4844 for(MInt var = 0; var < PV->noVariables; var++) {
4845 for(MInt k = rcv->startInfoCells[2]; k < rcv->endInfoCells[2]; k++) {
4846 for(MInt j = rcv->startInfoCells[1]; j < rcv->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
4847 for(MInt i = rcv->startInfoCells[0]; i < rcv->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
4848 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4849 m_tempWaveSample[var][cellId] = rcv->cellBuffer[pos];
4850 pos++;
4851 }
4852 }
4853 }
4854 }
4856 if(m_averageVorticity) {
4857 for(MInt var = 0; var < (2 * nDim - 3); var++) {
4858 for(MInt k = rcv->startInfoCells[2]; k < rcv->endInfoCells[2]; k++) {
4859 for(MInt j = rcv->startInfoCells[1]; j < rcv->endInfoCells[1]; j++) {
4860 for(MInt i = rcv->startInfoCells[0]; i < rcv->endInfoCells[0]; i++) {
4861 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
4862 m_tempWaveSample[PV->noVariables + var][cellId] = rcv->cellBuffer[pos];
4863 pos++;
4864 }
4865 }
4866 }
4867 }
4868 }
4869 }

◆ waveSend()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::waveSend ( std::vector< MPI_Request > &  sndRequests)

Definition at line 4818 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

4818 {
4819 for(auto& snd : m_waveSndComm) {
4820 MPI_Request request{};
4821 const MInt tag = domainId() + (snd->tagHelper) * noDomains();
4822 const MInt err = MPI_Isend((void*)&snd->cellBuffer[0], snd->cellBufferSize, MPI_DOUBLE, snd->nghbrId, tag,
4823 m_StructuredComm, &request, AT_, "snd->cellBuffer");
4824 sndRequests.push_back(request);
4825 if(err) cout << "rank " << domainId() << " sending throws error " << endl;
4826 }

◆ zonalAllreduce()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalAllreduce ( )

◆ zonalBufferAverage()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalBufferAverage ( )

◆ zonalCheck()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalCheck ( )

◆ zonalExchange()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalExchange ( )

◆ zonalGather()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalGather ( )

Definition at line 554 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

554 {
555 // gather sending variables in buffer
556 for(auto const& zBC : m_zonalBC) {
557 for(MInt noSnd = 0; noSnd < zBC->noSndNghbrDomains; noSnd++) {
558 const MInt noCells = zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->bufferSize;
559 MInt pos = 0;
560 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < zBC->noBufferSndSize; cellId++) {
561 if(zBC->localCommReceiverIds[cellId] == zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->localId) {
562 const MInt cellIdBC = zBC->localBufferIndexCellIds[cellId];
563 if(m_rans) {
564 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 0 * noCells] =
565 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->pvariables[PV->U], cellIdBC);
566 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 1 * noCells] =
567 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->pvariables[PV->V], cellIdBC);
568 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 2 * noCells] =
569 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->pvariables[PV->W], cellIdBC);
570 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 3 * noCells] =
571 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->pvariables[PV->RHO], cellIdBC);
572 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 4 * noCells] =
573 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->pvariables[PV->P], cellIdBC);
574 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 5 * noCells] =
575 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->fq[FQ->NU_T], cellIdBC);
576 } else {
577 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 0 * noCells] =
578 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_U], cellIdBC);
579 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 1 * noCells] =
580 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_V], cellIdBC);
581 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 2 * noCells] =
582 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_W], cellIdBC);
583 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 3 * noCells] =
584 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_RHO], cellIdBC);
585 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 4 * noCells] =
586 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_P], cellIdBC);
587 zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[pos + 5 * noCells] =
588 zBC->interpolation->interpolateVariableZonal(m_cells->fq[FQ->NU_T], cellIdBC);
589 }
590 pos++;
591 }
592 }
593 }
594 }

◆ zonalRealInterpolation()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalRealInterpolation ( )

◆ zonalReceive()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalReceive ( )

Definition at line 613 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

613 {
614 for(auto const& zBC : m_zonalBC) {
615 for(MInt i = 0; i < zBC->noGlobalRcvDomains; i++) {
616 // access only rcvDomains
617 if(zBC->globalRcvDomainIds[i] == domainId()) {
618 for(MInt noRcv = 0; noRcv < zBC->noRcvNghbrDomains; noRcv++) {
619 MInt err = MPI_Irecv(&zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[0], zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->bufferSize * zBC->noZonalVariables,
620 MPI_DOUBLE, zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->localId, 0, m_StructuredComm, &zBC->rcvRequest[noRcv],
621 AT_, "&zBC->bufferRcvZonal[noRcv][0]");
622 if(err) cout << "rank " << domainId() << " zonal receiving throws error " << endl;
623 }
624 }
625 }
626 MPI_Waitall(zBC->noSndNghbrDomains, zBC->sndRequest, zBC->sndStatus, AT_);
627 MPI_Waitall(zBC->noRcvNghbrDomains, zBC->rcvRequest, zBC->rcvStatus, AT_);
628 }

◆ zonalScatter()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalScatter ( )

Definition at line 632 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

632 {
633 for(auto const& zBC : m_zonalBC) {
634 for(MInt noRcv = 0; noRcv < zBC->noRcvNghbrDomains; noRcv++) {
635 const MInt noCells = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->bufferSize;
636 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCells; i++) {
637 const MInt localMapCellIds = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->mapCellId[i];
638 if(zBC->hasSTG) {
639 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->U][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[0 * noCells + i];
640 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->V][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[1 * noCells + i];
641 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->W][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[2 * noCells + i];
642 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->RHO][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[3 * noCells + i];
643 m_cells->stg_fq[PV->P][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[4 * noCells + i];
644 m_cells->stg_fq[FQ->NU_T][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[5 * noCells + i];
645 } else {
646 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_U][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[0 * noCells + i];
647 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_V][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[1 * noCells + i];
648 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_W][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[2 * noCells + i];
649 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_RHO][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[3 * noCells + i];
650 m_cells->fq[FQ->AVG_P][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[4 * noCells + i];
651 m_cells->fq[FQ->NU_T][localMapCellIds] = zBC->rcvComm[noRcv]->buffer[5 * noCells + i];
652 }
653 }
654 }
655 }

◆ zonalSend()

void FvStructuredSolver3D::zonalSend ( )

Definition at line 597 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.cpp.

597 {
598 for(auto const& zBC : m_zonalBC) {
599 // access only sndDomains
600 for(MInt i = 0; i < zBC->noGlobalSndDomains; i++) {
601 if(zBC->globalSndDomainIds[i] == domainId()) {
602 for(MInt noSnd = 0; noSnd < zBC->noSndNghbrDomains; noSnd++) {
603 MInt err = MPI_Isend(&zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->buffer[0], zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->bufferSize * zBC->noZonalVariables,
604 MPI_DOUBLE, zBC->sndComm[noSnd]->localId, 0, m_StructuredComm, &zBC->sndRequest[noSnd],
605 AT_, "zBC->buffer[noSnd][0]");
606 if(err) cout << "rank " << domainId() << " zonal sending throws error " << endl;
607 }
608 }
609 }
610 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ FvStructuredSolver3DRans

friend class FvStructuredSolver3DRans

Definition at line 35 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ StructuredBndryCnd3D

template<MBool isRans>
friend class StructuredBndryCnd3D

Definition at line 34 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_kineticEOld

MFloat FvStructuredSolver3D::m_kineticEOld

Definition at line 190 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ m_pointInterpolation

std::unique_ptr<StructuredInterpolation<3> > FvStructuredSolver3D::m_pointInterpolation

Definition at line 208 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ m_ransSolver

std::unique_ptr<FvStructuredSolver3DRans> FvStructuredSolver3D::m_ransSolver

Definition at line 203 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ m_structuredBndryCnd

std::unique_ptr<StructuredBndryCnd<3> > FvStructuredSolver3D::m_structuredBndryCnd

Definition at line 183 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ m_structuredInterpolation

std::unique_ptr<StructuredInterpolation<3> > FvStructuredSolver3D::m_structuredInterpolation

Definition at line 207 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ m_zonalBC

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StructuredZonalBC> > FvStructuredSolver3D::m_zonalBC

Definition at line 69 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ nDim

constexpr const MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::nDim = 3

Definition at line 227 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ reconstructSurfaceData

void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* FvStructuredSolver3D::reconstructSurfaceData) ()

Definition at line 103 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ Venkatakrishnan_function

void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* FvStructuredSolver3D::Venkatakrishnan_function) (MFloat, MFloat, MFloat, MInt, MInt, MFloatScratchSpace &)

Definition at line 119 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ viscFluxMethod

void(FvStructuredSolver3D::* FvStructuredSolver3D::viscFluxMethod) ()

Definition at line 129 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ xsd

constexpr MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::xsd = 0

Definition at line 186 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ ysd

constexpr MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::ysd = 1

Definition at line 187 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

◆ zsd

constexpr MInt FvStructuredSolver3D::zsd = 2

Definition at line 188 of file fvstructuredsolver3d.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: