MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
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StructuredGrid< nDim > Class Template Reference

Structured grid class. More...

#include <structuredgrid.h>

Collaboration diagram for StructuredGrid< nDim >:

Public Member Functions

 StructuredGrid (const MInt, const MPI_Comm)
 Constructor for structured grids. More...
 ~StructuredGrid ()
 Destructor of the structured grid class. More...
MInt getGridMovingMethod ()
MBool isMovingGrid ()
void moveCellPoints ()
void readGrid ()
 Reads in the coordinates (x,y,z) from the grid file. More...
void prepareReadGrid ()
 Prepares the arrays containing the size of the grid (points/cells) before the grid coordinates are actually read in. More...
void allocateMetricsAndJacobians ()
 Allocates memory for the metrics and the Jacobians. More...
void gridDecomposition (MBool)
 Create decomposition of the grid into partitions for MPI parallelization. More...
void writeGrid (MString, MString)
 Writes the current grid (including deformations for moving grids) to a file. More...
void writePartitionedGrid ()
 Saves coordinates for partitioned grid with ghost points. Useful for debugging. More...
void setCells (StructuredCell *cells)
void exchangePoints (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType)
 Exchanges the boundary grid points between MPI partitions. More...
void gatherPoints (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType)
 Gathers the coordinates of the points for all given sending maps and copies them to a sending buffer. More...
void sendPoints (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType, std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
 Send the coordinates between partitions to other partitions. More...
void receivePoints (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType, std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
 Receives the coordinates between partitions to other partitions. More...
void scatterPoints (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType)
 Distributes the exchanged points from the receiving buffers to the actual coordinates of the grid. More...
void periodicPointsChange (MFloat &, const MInt, const MInt)
 Displaces the points on periodic boundaries by the distance between the two periodic boundaries. More...
void setCellReference (StructuredCell *)
 Sets the reference to the cell object. More...
void saveGrid ()
void saveCellJacobian ()
 Copies the current state of the cell Jacobians to m_cells->oldCellJacobian. More...
void computeCellCenterCoordinates ()
void computeMetrics ()
 Computes all metrics by calling the functions for each type of metric computation (cell, corner, surface) More...
void computeJacobian ()
 Computes the Jacobians by calling the functions for each type of Jacobian computation (corner, cell) More...
void computeSurfaceMetrics ()
void computeCornerMetrics ()
void computeModCornerMetrics ()
void computeCellMetrics ()
void computeCellJacobian ()
void computeCornerJacobian ()
void computeModCornerJacobian ()
void computeSurfaceJacobian ()
void computeSurfaceMetricsSingularity ()
 Computes the surface metrics for the cell surfaces at the surface centroids (2D) Special version for cells at grid singularities. More...
void computeDxt (MFloat, MFloat *, MInt)
void extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates ()
MInt getBlockId (MInt domainId_)
 Returns the block id of the block in which the given domain is located. More...
MInt getMyBlockId ()
 Returns the block id of the block in which the own domain. More...
MInt getMyOffset (MInt dim)
 Returns the offset in the given dimension of the own domain inside the block. More...
MInt getOffset (MInt domainId_, MInt dim)
 Returns the offset in the given dimension inside the block of the own domain. More...
MInt getMyActivePoints (MInt dim)
 Returns the number of active points in the given dimension (without ghost-cells) of the own domain. More...
MInt getActivePoints (MInt domainId_, MInt dim)
 Returns the number of active points in the given dimension (without ghost-cells) of the given domain id. More...
MInt getBlockNoCells (MInt blockId_, MInt dim)
 Returns the number of total block cells in the given dimension for the given block id. More...
MInt getBlockNoPoints (MInt blockId_, MInt dim)
 Returns the number of total block points in the given dimension for the given block id. More...
MInt getMyBlockNoCells (MInt dim)
 Returns the number of total block cells in the given dimension for the own block. More...
MInt getMyBlockNoPoints (MInt dim)
 Returns the number of total block points in the given dimension for the own block. More...
MInt getNoBlocks ()
 Returns the total number of blocks. More...
constexpr MPI_Comm mpiComm () const
 Return the MPI communicator used by this grid. More...
constexpr MInt solverId () const
 Return the solver id to which this grid belongs. More...
MInt noDomains () const
 Return the total number of domains (total number of ranks in current MPI communicator) More...
MInt domainId () const
 Return the domainId (rank) More...
void moveCellPoints ()
 Moves the coordinates by the number of ghost-layers (2D version) away from the boundary, this needs to be done once after the coordinates are read in. More...
void moveCellPoints ()
 Moves the coordinates by the number of ghost-layers (3D version) away from the boundary, this needs to be done once after the coordinates are read in. More...
void computeCellCenterCoordinates ()
 Computes the cell center coordinates of each cell from the surrounding grid points (2D) More...
void computeCellCenterCoordinates ()
 Computes the cell center coordinates of each cell from the surrounding grid points (3D) More...
void computeCornerJacobian ()
 Computes the corner Jacobian, i.e., the Jacobian of the volume composed by 4 cell centers (2D) More...
void computeCornerJacobian ()
 Computes the corner Jacobian, i.e., the Jacobian of the volume composed by 8 cell centers (3D) More...
void computeModCornerJacobian ()
 Computes the modified corner Jacobian (3D) - Not required anymore. More...
void computeModCornerJacobian ()
 Computes the modified corner Jacobian (2D) - Not required anymore. More...
void computeCellJacobian ()
 Computes the Jacobians of all cells (3D) More...
void computeCellJacobian ()
 Computes the Jacobians of all cells (2D) More...
void computeSurfaceJacobian ()
 Computes the surface Jacobian (2D) More...
void computeSurfaceJacobian ()
 Computes the surface Jacobian (3D) More...
void computeCellMetrics ()
 Computes the metrics of the cell at the cell center (2D) More...
void computeCellMetrics ()
 Computes the metrics of the cell at the cell center (3D) More...
void computeSurfaceMetrics ()
 Computes the surface metrics for the cell surfaces at the surface centroids (3D) More...
void computeSurfaceMetrics ()
 Computes the surface metrics for the cell surfaces at the surface centroids (2D) More...
void computeCornerMetrics ()
 Computes the corner metrics for the volume composed the surrounding 8 cell centers (3D) More...
void computeCornerMetrics ()
 Computes the corner metrics for the volume composed the surrounding 4 cell centers (2D) More...
void computeModCornerMetrics ()
 Computes the modified corner metrics, call is redirected to the standard corner metrics function (2D) More...
void computeModCornerMetrics ()
 More accurate version of the corner metric computation (3D) More...
void computeDxt (MFloat timeStep, MFloat *RKalpha, MInt RKStep)
 Computes the volume flux for three surfaces (positive i, positive j, positive k) for moving grids (3D) More...
void computeDxt (MFloat timeStep, MFloat *RKalpha, MInt RKStep)
 Computes the volume flux for three surfaces (positive i, positive j) for moving grids (2D) More...
void saveGrid ()
 Copies the current state of the grid coordinates to m_oldCoordinates (3D) More...
void saveGrid ()
 Copies the current state of the grid coordinates to m_oldCoordinates (2D) More...
void extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates ()
 Simple extrapolation of the grid coordinates onto the ghost point coordinates at the grid boundaries (3D) More...
void extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates ()
 Simple extrapolation of the grid coordinates onto the ghost point coordinates at the grid boundaries (2D) More...

Public Attributes

std::unique_ptr< StructuredDecomposition< nDim > > m_partition
SingularInformationm_singularity = nullptr
MInt m_hasSingularity
MString m_uID
MString m_gridInputFileName
MInt m_gridFileId
MInt m_blockId
MIntm_nPoints = nullptr
MIntm_nActivePoints = nullptr
MIntm_nCells = nullptr
MIntm_nActiveCells = nullptr
MIntm_nOffsetCells = nullptr
MIntm_nOffsetPoints = nullptr
MIntm_nBlockCells = nullptr
MFloat ** m_coordinates = nullptr
MFloat ** m_oldCoordinates = nullptr
MFloat ** m_initCoordinates = nullptr
MFloat ** m_velocity = nullptr
MFloat ** m_acceleration = nullptr
MInt m_noBlocks = 1
MInt m_noGhostLayers
MInt m_totalNoCells
MInt m_noPoints
MInt m_noActiveCells
MInt m_noCells
MInt m_hasConnectionInfo
MFloatm_periodicDisplacements = nullptr

Protected Member Functions

void crossProduct (MFloat *result, MFloat *vec1, MFloat *vec2)
 Computes the 3D cross product. More...
MFloat crossProduct (MFloat vec1[2], MFloat vec2[2])
 Computes the 2D cross product. More...
MInt getPointIdFromPoint (const MInt origin, const MInt incI, const MInt incJ, const MInt incK)
 Compute the point id of the point that has the offset (incI, inJ, incK) to the given point origin. More...
MInt getPointIdFromPoint (const MInt origin, const MInt incI, const MInt incJ)
 Compute the point id of the point that has the offset (incI, inJ) to the given point origin. More...
MInt getCellIdFromCell (const MInt origin, const MInt incI, const MInt incJ, const MInt incK)
 Compute the cell id of the cell that has the offset (incI, inJ, incK) to the given cell origin. More...
MInt getCellIdFromCell (MInt origin, MInt incI, MInt incJ)
 Compute the cell id of the cell that has the offset (incI, inJ) to the given cell origin. More...
MInt getPointIdFromCell (const MInt i, const MInt j, const MInt k)
 Compute the lower point id for cell (i,j,k) More...
MInt getPointIdFromCell (const MInt i, const MInt j)
 Compute the lower point id for cell (i,j) More...
MInt cellIndex (const MInt i, const MInt j, const MInt k)
 Compute cell ID for given (i,j,k) More...
MInt cellIndex (const MInt i, const MInt j)
 Compute cell ID for given (i,j) More...
MInt pointIndex (const MInt i, const MInt j, const MInt k)
 Compute point ID for given (i,j,k) More...
MInt pointIndex (const MInt i, const MInt j)
 Compute point ID for given (i,j) More...
MInt surfId (const MInt point, const MInt isd, const MInt dim)

Static Protected Attributes

static const MInt xsd = 0
static const MInt ysd = 1
static const MInt zsd = 2

Private Member Functions

std::array< MInt, nDim > pointBegin (const MInt plus)
std::array< MInt, nDim > cellBegin (const MInt plus)
std::array< MInt, nDim > cellEnd (const MInt minus)
std::array< MInt, nDim > pointEnd (const MInt minus)

Private Attributes

const MInt m_solverId
const MPI_Comm m_mpiComm
MInt m_domainId {}
MInt m_noDomains {}
MBool m_movingGrid
MInt m_gridMovingMethod
MBool m_readDecompositionFromFile

Detailed Description

template<MInt nDim>
class StructuredGrid< nDim >

This class contains the functions for loading the structured grid from the grid file and offers functions for parallel handling of the grid. Furthermore it contains functions to compute grid-dependent quantities (metrics, Jacobians).

Definition at line 42 of file structuredgrid.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StructuredGrid()

template<MInt nDim>
StructuredGrid< nDim >::StructuredGrid ( const MInt  solverId_,
const MPI_Comm  comm 
[in]solverId_id of the solver
[in]commMPI Communicator

Definition at line 33 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

◆ ~StructuredGrid()

template<MInt nDim>
StructuredGrid< nDim >::~StructuredGrid

Definition at line 2486 of file structuredgrid.cpp.


Member Function Documentation

◆ allocateMetricsAndJacobians()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::allocateMetricsAndJacobians

Definition at line 187 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

187 {
188 mAlloc(m_cells->cornerJac, m_noCells, "m_cells->cornerJac", 123.123, AT_);
189 mAlloc(m_cells->cellJac, m_noCells, "m_cells->cellJac", 123.123, AT_);
190 mAlloc(m_cells->oldCellJac, m_noCells, "m_cells->oldCellJac", 123.123, AT_);
191 IF_CONSTEXPR(nDim == 2) mAlloc(m_cells->surfJac, m_noCells * 2, "m_cells->surfJac", AT_);
192 mAlloc(m_cells->cellMetrics, nDim * nDim, m_noCells, "cellMetrics", 123.123, AT_);
193 mAlloc(m_cells->cornerMetrics, nDim * nDim, m_noCells, "cornerMetrics", 123.123, AT_);
194 mAlloc(m_cells->surfaceMetrics, nDim * nDim, m_noCells, "surfaceMetrics", 123.123, AT_);
196 // By now only available in 2D
197 IF_CONSTEXPR(nDim == 2) {
198 if(m_hasSingularity) {
199 MInt no_cells = 0;
200 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_hasSingularity; ++i) {
201 // only correct for bc 6000 not for bc 4000-5000
202 if(m_singularity[i].BC == -6000) {
203 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
204 const MInt len = m_singularity[i].end[j] - m_singularity[i].start[j];
205 ASSERT(len == 1, "");
206 }
207 no_cells += 1;
208 }
209 }
211 const MInt no_metrics = 4;
213 mAlloc(m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity, no_metrics, no_cells, "surfaceMetrics", 123.123, AT_);
214 }
215 }
void mAlloc(T *&a, const MLong N, const MString &objectName, MString function)
allocates memory for one-dimensional array 'a' of size N
Definition: alloc.h:173
MFloat ** surfaceMetricsSingularity
SingularInformation * m_singularity
StructuredCell * m_cells
int32_t MInt
Definition: maiatypes.h:62

◆ cellBegin()

template<MInt nDim>
std::array< MInt, nDim > StructuredGrid< nDim >::cellBegin ( const MInt  plus)

Definition at line 370 of file structuredgrid.h.

370 {
371 std::array<MInt, nDim> result{};
372 std::fill_n(result.begin(), nDim, plus);
373 return result;
374 }

◆ cellEnd()

template<MInt nDim>
std::array< MInt, nDim > StructuredGrid< nDim >::cellEnd ( const MInt  minus)

Definition at line 376 of file structuredgrid.h.

376 {
377 std::array<MInt, nDim> result{};
378 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; ++i) {
379 result[i] = m_nCells[nDim - 1 - i] - minus;
380 }
381 return result;
382 }

◆ cellIndex() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::cellIndex ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j 
[in]iCell i-coordinate
[in]jCell j-coordinate
Cell ID

Definition at line 326 of file structuredgrid.h.

326{ return i + (j * m_nCells[1]); }

◆ cellIndex() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::cellIndex ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j,
const MInt  k 
[in]iCell i-coordinate
[in]jCell j-coordinate
[in]kCell k-coordinate
Cell ID

Definition at line 318 of file structuredgrid.h.

318{ return i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2]; }

◆ computeCellCenterCoordinates() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeCellCenterCoordinates ( )

Definition at line 745 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

745 {
746 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
748 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(0), cellEnd(0), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
749 const MInt IJ = getPointIdFromCell(i, j);
750 const MInt IP1J = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 1, 0);
751 const MInt IJP1 = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 0, 1);
752 const MInt IP1JP1 = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 1, 1);
753 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
755 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
756 // average the coordinates for cell centre data
757 m_cells->coordinates[dim][cellId] =
758 F1B4
759 * (m_coordinates[dim][IJ] + m_coordinates[dim][IP1J] + m_coordinates[dim][IJP1] + m_coordinates[dim][IP1JP1]);
760 }
761 });
MFloat ** coordinates
std::array< MInt, nDim > cellEnd(const MInt minus)
MInt getPointIdFromPoint(const MInt origin, const MInt incI, const MInt incJ, const MInt incK)
Compute the point id of the point that has the offset (incI, inJ, incK) to the given point origin.
MFloat ** m_coordinates
MInt getPointIdFromCell(const MInt i, const MInt j, const MInt k)
Compute the lower point id for cell (i,j,k)
std::array< MInt, nDim > cellBegin(const MInt plus)
MInt cellIndex(const MInt i, const MInt j, const MInt k)
Compute cell ID for given (i,j,k)
void const MInt cellId
Definition: collector.h:239

◆ computeCellCenterCoordinates() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeCellCenterCoordinates ( )

Definition at line 768 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

768 {
769 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
771 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(0), cellEnd(0), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
772 const MInt pointId = i + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
773 const MInt IJK = pointId;
774 const MInt IP1JK = pointId + 1;
775 const MInt IJP1K = pointId + m_nPoints[2];
776 const MInt IP1JP1K = IJP1K + 1;
777 const MInt IJKP1 = pointId + m_nPoints[2] * m_nPoints[1];
778 const MInt IP1JKP1 = IJKP1 + 1;
779 const MInt IJP1KP1 = pointId + m_nPoints[2] + m_nPoints[2] * m_nPoints[1];
780 const MInt IP1JP1KP1 = IJP1KP1 + 1;
781 const MInt cellId = i + (j + k * m_nCells[1]) * m_nCells[2];
783 // average the coordinates for cell centre data
784 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
785 m_cells->coordinates[dim][cellId] =
786 F1B8
787 * (m_coordinates[dim][IJK] + m_coordinates[dim][IP1JK] + m_coordinates[dim][IJP1K]
788 + m_coordinates[dim][IP1JP1K] + m_coordinates[dim][IJKP1] + m_coordinates[dim][IP1JKP1]
789 + m_coordinates[dim][IJP1KP1] + m_coordinates[dim][IP1JP1KP1]);
790 }
791 });

◆ computeCellCenterCoordinates() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeCellCenterCoordinates ( )

◆ computeCellJacobian() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeCellJacobian ( )

Definition at line 1366 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1366 {
1367 TRACE();
1368 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
1369 MFloat** __restrict coords = m_coordinates;
1371 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(
1372 cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(1), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
1373 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1375 const MInt ijk = getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k);
1376 const MInt ijpk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 1, 0);
1377 const MInt ijkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 0, 1);
1378 const MInt ijpkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 1, 1);
1379 const MInt ipjk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 0, 0);
1380 const MInt ipjpk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 1, 0);
1381 const MInt ipjkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 0, 1);
1382 const MInt ipjpkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 1, 1);
1384 MFloat DX1[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1385 MFloat DX2[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1386 MFloat DX3[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1388 MFloat tmpX1[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1389 MFloat tmpX2[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1390 MFloat tmpX3[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1391 MFloat tmpX4[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1392 MFloat tmpX5[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1393 MFloat tmpX6[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1395 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1396 // setting up vectors for new metric terms
1397 tmpX1[isd] = (coords[isd][ijpk] - coords[isd][ijkp]);
1398 tmpX2[isd] = (coords[isd][ijpkp] - coords[isd][ijk]);
1400 tmpX3[isd] = (coords[isd][ijkp] - coords[isd][ipjk]);
1401 tmpX4[isd] = (coords[isd][ipjkp] - coords[isd][ijk]);
1403 tmpX5[isd] = (coords[isd][ipjpk] - coords[isd][ijk]);
1404 tmpX6[isd] = (coords[isd][ijpk] - coords[isd][ipjk]);
1405 }
1407 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1408 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1409 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1411 MFloat jac = F0;
1412 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1413 jac += (coords[isd][ipjpkp] - coords[isd][ijk]) * F1B2 * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1414 }
1417 m_cells->cellJac[cellId] = F1B3 * fabs(jac);
1418 });
static const MInt xsd
void crossProduct(MFloat *result, MFloat *vec1, MFloat *vec2)
Computes the 3D cross product.
double MFloat
Definition: maiatypes.h:52

◆ computeCellJacobian() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeCellJacobian ( )

Definition at line 1425 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1425 {
1426 TRACE();
1427 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
1428 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT coords = m_coordinates;
1430 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(1), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
1431 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
1432 const MInt IJ = getPointIdFromCell(i, j);
1433 const MInt IPJ = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 1, 0);
1434 const MInt IJP = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 0, 1);
1435 const MInt IPJP = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 1, 1);
1437 MFloat diag1[2] = {F0, F0};
1438 MFloat diag2[2] = {F0, F0};
1440 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1441 diag1[isd] = (coords[isd][IPJP] - coords[isd][IJ]);
1442 diag2[isd] = (coords[isd][IJP] - coords[isd][IPJ]);
1443 }
1445 const MFloat area = F1B2 * this->crossProduct(diag1, diag2);
1447 m_cells->cellJac[cellId] = area;
1448 });

◆ computeCellJacobian() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeCellJacobian ( )

◆ computeCellMetrics() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeCellMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1510 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1510 {
1511 TRACE();
1512 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
1513 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(1), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
1514 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
1515 // auxilliary variables
1516 MFloat DcoordDxi[2];
1517 MFloat DcoordDeta[2];
1519 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1520 DcoordDxi[isd] =
1521 (m_cells->coordinates[isd][cellIndex(i + 1, j)] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][cellIndex(i - 1, j)]) * F1B2;
1523 DcoordDeta[isd] =
1524 (m_cells->coordinates[isd][cellIndex(i, j + 1)] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][cellIndex(i, j - 1)]) * F1B2;
1525 }
1527 m_cells->cellMetrics[0][cellId] = DcoordDeta[1]; // DxiDx
1528 m_cells->cellMetrics[1][cellId] = -DcoordDeta[0]; // DxiDy
1529 m_cells->cellMetrics[2][cellId] = -DcoordDxi[1]; // DetaDx
1530 m_cells->cellMetrics[3][cellId] = DcoordDxi[0]; // DetaDy
1531 });
MFloat ** cellMetrics

◆ computeCellMetrics() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeCellMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1538 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1538 {
1539 TRACE();
1540 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
1541 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT coords = m_cells->coordinates;
1543 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(
1544 cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(1), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
1545 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1546 // auxilliary variables
1547 MFloat DcoordDxi[3];
1548 MFloat DcoordDeta[3];
1549 MFloat DcoordDzeta[3];
1551 MFloat metricTmp[3];
1553 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1554 DcoordDxi[isd] = (coords[isd][cellIndex(i + 1, j, k)] - coords[isd][cellIndex(i - 1, j, k)]) * F1B2;
1556 DcoordDeta[isd] = (coords[isd][cellIndex(i, j + 1, k)] - coords[isd][cellIndex(i, j - 1, k)]) * F1B2;
1558 DcoordDzeta[isd] = (coords[isd][cellIndex(i, j, k + 1)] - coords[isd][cellIndex(i, j, k - 1)]) * F1B2;
1559 }
1561 // compute metric terms and store them
1563 // dxi
1564 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDeta, DcoordDzeta);
1565 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1566 m_cells->cellMetrics[xsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1567 }
1568 // deta
1569 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDzeta, DcoordDxi);
1570 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1571 m_cells->cellMetrics[ysd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1572 }
1573 // dzeta
1574 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDxi, DcoordDeta);
1575 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1576 m_cells->cellMetrics[zsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1577 }
1578 });
static const MInt ysd
static const MInt zsd

◆ computeCellMetrics() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeCellMetrics ( )

◆ computeCornerJacobian() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeCornerJacobian ( )

Definition at line 823 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

823 {
824 TRACE();
825 // jacobian in the physical space is the inverse of the jacobian in computational space
826 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
828 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(
829 cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(m_noGhostLayers), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
830 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
831 const MFloat cornerJac =
835 // since metric terms are with omitted jacobian
836 // there is factor of J^3; multiplied with J^-1 (invJac) we get J^2
837 // --> take square root to get J
838 m_cells->cornerJac[cellId] = cornerJac;
839 });
MFloat ** cornerMetrics

◆ computeCornerJacobian() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeCornerJacobian ( )

Definition at line 846 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

846 {
847 TRACE();
848 // jacobian in the physical space is the inverse of the jacobian in computational space
849 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
850 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(
851 cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(m_noGhostLayers), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
852 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
854 const MFloat invJac =
856 * (m_cells->cornerMetrics[ysd * nDim + ysd][cellId] * m_cells->cornerMetrics[zsd * nDim + zsd][cellId]
857 - m_cells->cornerMetrics[ysd * nDim + zsd][cellId]
858 * m_cells->cornerMetrics[zsd * nDim + ysd][cellId])
859 - m_cells->cornerMetrics[ysd * nDim + xsd][cellId]
860 * (m_cells->cornerMetrics[xsd * nDim + ysd][cellId] * m_cells->cornerMetrics[zsd * nDim + zsd][cellId]
861 - m_cells->cornerMetrics[xsd * nDim + zsd][cellId]
862 * m_cells->cornerMetrics[zsd * nDim + ysd][cellId])
863 + m_cells->cornerMetrics[zsd * nDim + xsd][cellId]
864 * (m_cells->cornerMetrics[xsd * nDim + ysd][cellId] * m_cells->cornerMetrics[ysd * nDim + zsd][cellId]
865 - m_cells->cornerMetrics[xsd * nDim + zsd][cellId]
866 * m_cells->cornerMetrics[ysd * nDim + ysd][cellId]);
868 // since metric terms are with omitted jacobian
869 // there is factor of J^3; multiplied with J^-1 (invJac) we get J^2
870 // --> take square root to get J
871 this->m_cells->cornerJac[cellId] = sqrt(invJac);
872 });

◆ computeCornerJacobian() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeCornerJacobian ( )

◆ computeCornerMetrics() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeCornerMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1769 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1769 {
1770 TRACE();
1771 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
1773 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT coords = m_coordinates;
1775 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < this->m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
1776 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < this->m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
1777 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < this->m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
1778 // determine global cell ID
1779 MInt cellId = this->cellIndex(i, j, k); // i + ( k * m_nCells[1] + j ) * m_nCells[2];
1781 // auxilliary variables
1782 MFloat DcoordDxi[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1783 MFloat DcoordDeta[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1784 MFloat DcoordDzeta[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1786 MFloat metricTmp[3];
1788 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1789 // compute d(x,y,z)/dxi
1790 DcoordDxi[isd] = F1B2
1791 * (coords[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 1, 1, 1)]
1792 - coords[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i - 1, j, k), 1, 1, 1)]);
1794 // compute d(x,y,z)/deta
1795 DcoordDeta[isd] = F1B2
1796 * (coords[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 1, 1, 1)]
1797 - coords[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j - 1, k), 1, 1, 1)]);
1799 // compute d(x,y,z)/dzeta
1800 DcoordDzeta[isd] = F1B2
1801 * (coords[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 1, 1, 1)]
1802 - coords[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k - 1), 1, 1, 1)]);
1803 }
1805 // compute metric terms and store them
1807 // dxi
1808 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDeta, DcoordDzeta);
1809 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1810 m_cells->cornerMetrics[xsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1811 }
1812 // deta
1813 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDzeta, DcoordDxi);
1814 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1815 m_cells->cornerMetrics[ysd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1816 }
1817 // dzeta
1818 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDxi, DcoordDeta);
1819 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1820 m_cells->cornerMetrics[zsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1821 }
1822 }
1823 }
1824 }

◆ computeCornerMetrics() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeCornerMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1831 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1831 {
1832 TRACE();
1833 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
1834 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
1835 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
1836 // determine global cell ID
1837 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
1839 // auxilliary variables
1840 MFloat DcoordDxi[2];
1841 MFloat DcoordDeta[2];
1843 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; ++isd) {
1844 // looks complicated, but what happens is that we always catch the point Id of ipjp
1845 // from the neighboring cell and build the centered difference
1847 // compute d(x,y,z)/dxi
1848 DcoordDxi[isd] = F1B2
1849 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j), 1, 1)]
1850 - m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i - 1, j), 1, 1)]);
1852 // compute d(x,y,z)/deta
1853 DcoordDeta[isd] = F1B2
1854 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1), 1, 1)]
1855 - m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j - 1), 1, 1)]);
1856 }
1857 m_cells->cornerMetrics[0][cellId] = DcoordDeta[1]; // DxiDx
1858 m_cells->cornerMetrics[1][cellId] = -DcoordDeta[0]; // DxiDy
1859 m_cells->cornerMetrics[2][cellId] = -DcoordDxi[1]; // DetaDx
1860 m_cells->cornerMetrics[3][cellId] = DcoordDxi[0]; // DetaDy
1861 }
1862 }

◆ computeCornerMetrics() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeCornerMetrics ( )

◆ computeDxt() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeDxt ( MFloat  timeStep,
MFloat RKalpha,
MInt  RKStep 
Marian Albers
[in]timeStepCurrent time step
[in]RKalphaArray with Runge-Kutta alpha coefficients
[in]RKStepCurrent Runge-Kutta substeps

Definition at line 2039 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

2039 {
2040 TRACE();
2041 const MFloat frk = F1 / (timeStep * RKalpha[RKStep]);
2042 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
2044 const MInt IJK[3] = {m_nCells[2], m_nCells[1], m_nCells[0]};
2046 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT coords = m_coordinates;
2047 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT oldCoords = m_oldCoordinates;
2049 const MInt inc[12] = {getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 0, 0), getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 1, 0),
2050 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 0, 1), getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 1, 1),
2052 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 0, 1, 0), getPointIdFromPoint(0, 0, 1, 1),
2053 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 1, 0), getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 1, 1),
2055 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 0, 0, 1), getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 0, 1),
2056 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 0, 1, 1), getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 1, 1)};
2059 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2060 for(MInt k = 0; k < IJK[2]; ++k) {
2061 for(MInt j = 0; j < IJK[1]; ++j) {
2062 for(MInt i = 0; i < IJK[0]; ++i) {
2063 // determine global cell ID
2064 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
2066 // determine global point ID for local cell IDs
2067 const MInt ijk = getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k);
2069 const MInt p0 = ijk + inc[dim * 4 + 0];
2070 const MInt p1 = ijk + inc[dim * 4 + 1];
2071 const MInt p2 = ijk + inc[dim * 4 + 2];
2072 const MInt p3 = ijk + inc[dim * 4 + 3];
2074 // reset the volume flux
2075 m_cells->dxt[dim][cellId] = F0;
2077 MFloat diag1[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
2078 MFloat diag2[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
2079 MFloat oldNormal[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
2080 MFloat newNormal1[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
2081 MFloat newNormal2[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
2083 //(i+1/2,j-1/4,k-1/4)
2085 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
2086 diag1[isd] = (oldCoords[isd][p3] - oldCoords[isd][p0]);
2087 diag2[isd] = (oldCoords[isd][p2] - oldCoords[isd][p1]);
2088 }
2090 this->crossProduct(oldNormal, diag1, diag2);
2092 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
2093 diag1[isd] = (coords[isd][p2] - oldCoords[isd][p0]);
2094 diag2[isd] = (coords[isd][p0] - oldCoords[isd][p2]);
2095 }
2097 this->crossProduct(newNormal1, diag1, diag2);
2099 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
2100 diag1[isd] = (coords[isd][p0] - oldCoords[isd][p1]);
2101 diag2[isd] = (coords[isd][p1] - oldCoords[isd][p0]);
2102 }
2104 this->crossProduct(newNormal2, diag1, diag2);
2106 const MFloat jac =
2107 F1B3
2108 * ((coords[0][p3] - oldCoords[0][p0]) * (oldNormal[0] + newNormal1[0] + newNormal2[0]) * F1B2
2109 + (coords[1][p3] - oldCoords[1][p0]) * (oldNormal[1] + newNormal1[1] + newNormal2[1]) * F1B2
2110 + (coords[2][p3] - oldCoords[2][p0]) * (oldNormal[2] + newNormal1[2] + newNormal2[2]) * F1B2);
2112 m_cells->dxt[dim][cellId] = jac * frk;
2113 }
2114 }
2115 }
2116 }
MFloat ** m_oldCoordinates

◆ computeDxt() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeDxt ( MFloat  timeStep,
MFloat RKalpha,
MInt  RKStep 
Marian Albers
[in]timeStepCurrent time step
[in]RKalphaArray with Runge-Kutta alpha coefficients
[in]RKStepCurrent Runge-Kutta substeps

Definition at line 2130 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

2130 {
2131 const MFloat frk = F1 / (timeStep * RKalpha[RKStep]);
2132 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
2134 const MInt IJ[2] = {m_nCells[0], m_nCells[1]};
2136 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT coords = m_coordinates;
2137 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT oldCoords = m_oldCoordinates;
2139 const MInt inc[4] = {
2140 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 1),
2141 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 0),
2142 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 0, 1),
2143 getPointIdFromPoint(0, 1, 1),
2144 };
2146 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2147 for(MInt j = 0; j < IJ[0]; ++j) {
2148 for(MInt i = 0; i < IJ[1]; ++i) {
2149 // determine global cell ID
2150 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
2152 // determine global point ID for local cell IDs
2153 const MInt ij = getPointIdFromCell(i, j);
2155 const MInt p0 = ij + inc[dim * 2 + 0];
2156 const MInt p1 = ij + inc[dim * 2 + 1];
2158 // reset the volume flux
2159 m_cells->dxt[dim][cellId] = F0;
2161 MFloat diag1[2] = {F0, F0};
2162 MFloat diag2[2] = {F0, F0};
2164 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
2165 diag1[isd] = (oldCoords[isd][p0] - coords[isd][p1]);
2166 diag2[isd] = (oldCoords[isd][p1] - coords[isd][p0]);
2167 }
2169 const MFloat area = F1B2 * (diag1[0] * diag2[1] - diag1[1] * diag2[0]);
2171 m_cells->dxt[dim][cellId] = area * frk;
2172 }
2173 }
2174 }

◆ computeDxt() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeDxt ( MFloat  ,
MFloat ,

◆ computeJacobian()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeJacobian

Definition at line 812 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

812 {
813 TRACE();
816 IF_CONSTEXPR(nDim == 2) computeSurfaceJacobian();
void computeCellJacobian()
void computeCornerJacobian()
void computeSurfaceJacobian()

◆ computeMetrics()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeMetrics

Definition at line 798 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

798 {
799 TRACE();
803 IF_CONSTEXPR(nDim == 2) {
805 }
void computeCornerMetrics()
void computeCellMetrics()
void computeSurfaceMetricsSingularity()
Computes the surface metrics for the cell surfaces at the surface centroids (2D) Special version for ...
void computeSurfaceMetrics()

◆ computeModCornerJacobian() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeModCornerJacobian ( )

Definition at line 880 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

880 {
881 TRACE();
882 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
884 MFloat** __restrict coords = m_coordinates;
886 constexpr MFloat fsqrttwo = F1 / SQRT2;
888 constexpr MInt noSubJ = 8;
889 MFloatScratchSpace subJ_(m_noCells, noSubJ, AT_, "subJ");
890 MFloatScratchSpace subJtmp_(m_noCells, noSubJ, AT_, "subJtmp");
891 // Aliasing the scratch space to a raw point is needed for PSTL on NVHPC
892 MFloat* subJ =;
893 MFloat* subJtmp =;
895 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(
896 cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers), cellEnd(m_noGhostLayers), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
897 // tmp storage for vectors
898 MFloat CP1[3];
899 MFloat CP2[3];
900 MFloat CP3[3];
901 MFloat CP4[3];
902 MFloat CP5[3];
903 MFloat CP6[3];
904 MFloat CP7[3];
905 MFloat CP8[3];
906 MFloat CP9[3];
907 MFloat CP10[3];
908 MFloat CP11[3];
909 MFloat CP12[3];
910 // vectors for metrics
911 MFloat tmpX1[3];
912 MFloat tmpX2[3];
913 MFloat tmpX3[3];
914 MFloat tmpX4[3];
915 MFloat tmpX5[3];
916 MFloat tmpX6[3];
917 // tmp metric storage dxi
918 MFloat DX1[3];
919 // tmp metric storage deta
920 MFloat DX2[3];
921 // tmp metric storage dzeta
922 MFloat DX3[3];
924 // auxilliary variables for surface values
925 MFloat S1[3];
926 MFloat S2[3];
927 MFloat S3[3];
928 MFloat S1P[3];
929 MFloat S2P[3];
930 MFloat S3P[3];
932 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
933 const MInt centCellId = cellIndex(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1);
934 const MInt tmpId = getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k);
936 const MInt ijk = getPointIdFromPoint(tmpId, 1, 1, 1);
937 const MInt ijpk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 1, 0);
938 const MInt ijkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 0, 1);
939 const MInt ijpkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 1, 1);
940 const MInt ipjk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 0, 0);
941 const MInt ipjpk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 1, 0);
942 const MInt ipjkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 0, 1);
943 const MInt ipjpkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 1, 1);
945 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
946 // averaging of the grid points of surface 1 (j+1/2,k+1/2) around corner point
947 S1[isd] = F1B4 * (coords[isd][ijpkp] + coords[isd][ijk] + coords[isd][ijkp] + coords[isd][ijpk]);
948 // averaging of the grid points of surface 2 (i+1/2,k+1/2) around corner point
949 S2[isd] = F1B4 * (coords[isd][ipjk] + coords[isd][ijk] + coords[isd][ipjkp] + coords[isd][ijkp]);
950 // averaging of the grid points of surface 3 (i+1/2,j+1/2) around corner point
951 S3[isd] = F1B4 * (coords[isd][ipjk] + coords[isd][ijk] + coords[isd][ipjpk] + coords[isd][ijpk]);
952 // averaging of the grid points of surface 1p (j+1/2,k+1/2) around corner point
953 S1P[isd] = F1B4 * (coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ipjk] + coords[isd][ipjkp] + coords[isd][ipjpk]);
954 // averaging of the grid points of surface 2p (i+1/2,k+1/2)
955 S2P[isd] = F1B4 * (coords[isd][ipjpk] + coords[isd][ijpk] + coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ijpkp]);
956 // averaging of the grid oints of surface 3p (i+1/2,j+1/2)
957 S3P[isd] = F1B4 * (coords[isd][ipjkp] + coords[isd][ijkp] + coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ijpkp]);
958 }
965 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
966 // averaging corner points
967 CP1[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjk] + coords[isd][ijk]);
968 CP2[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ijpk] + coords[isd][ijk]);
969 CP3[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ijkp] + coords[isd][ijk]);
971 // setting up vectors for new metric terms
972 tmpX1[isd] = (CP2[isd] - CP3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
973 tmpX2[isd] = (S1[isd] - coords[isd][ijk]) * fsqrttwo;
975 tmpX3[isd] = (CP3[isd] - CP1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
976 tmpX4[isd] = (S2[isd] - coords[isd][ijk]) * fsqrttwo;
978 tmpX5[isd] = (S3[isd] - coords[isd][ijk]) * fsqrttwo;
979 tmpX6[isd] = (CP2[isd] - CP1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
980 }
982 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
983 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
984 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
986 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 0] = F0;
987 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
988 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 0] +=
989 (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - coords[isd][ijk]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
990 }
996 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
997 CP4[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjk] + coords[isd][ipjpk]);
998 CP5[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjk] + coords[isd][ipjkp]);
1000 tmpX1[isd] = (S3[isd] - S2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1001 tmpX2[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - CP1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1003 tmpX3[isd] = (S2[isd] - coords[isd][ipjk]) * fsqrttwo;
1004 tmpX4[isd] = (CP5[isd] - CP1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1006 tmpX5[isd] = (CP4[isd] - CP1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1007 tmpX6[isd] = (S3[isd] - coords[isd][ipjk]) * fsqrttwo;
1008 }
1010 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1011 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1012 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1014 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 1] = F0;
1015 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1016 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 1] += (S1P[isd] - CP1[isd]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1017 }
1023 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1024 CP6[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjpk] + coords[isd][ijpk]);
1025 CP7[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ijpkp] + coords[isd][ijpk]);
1027 tmpX1[isd] = (coords[isd][ijpk] - S1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1028 tmpX2[isd] = (CP7[isd] - CP2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1030 tmpX3[isd] = (S1[isd] - S3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1031 tmpX4[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - CP2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1033 tmpX5[isd] = (CP6[isd] - CP2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1034 tmpX6[isd] = (coords[isd][ijpk] - S3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1035 }
1037 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1038 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1039 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1041 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 2] = F0;
1042 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1043 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 2] += (S2P[isd] - CP2[isd]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1044 }
1050 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1051 CP8[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ipjpk]);
1053 tmpX1[isd] = (CP6[isd] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) * fsqrttwo;
1054 tmpX2[isd] = (S2P[isd] - S3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1056 tmpX3[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - CP4[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1057 tmpX4[isd] = (S1P[isd] - S3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1059 tmpX5[isd] = (coords[isd][ipjpk] - S3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1060 tmpX6[isd] = (CP6[isd] - CP4[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1061 }
1063 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1064 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1065 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1067 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 3] = F0;
1068 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1069 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 3] += (CP8[isd] - S3[isd]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1070 }
1076 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1077 CP9[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjkp] + coords[isd][ijkp]);
1078 CP10[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ijpkp] + coords[isd][ijkp]);
1080 tmpX1[isd] = (S1[isd] - coords[isd][ijkp]) * fsqrttwo;
1081 tmpX2[isd] = (CP10[isd] - CP3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1083 tmpX3[isd] = (coords[isd][ijkp] - S2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1084 tmpX4[isd] = (CP9[isd] - CP3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1086 tmpX5[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - CP3[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1087 tmpX6[isd] = (S1[isd] - S2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1088 }
1090 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1091 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1092 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1094 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 4] = F0;
1095 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1096 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 4] += (S3P[isd] - CP3[isd]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1097 }
1103 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1104 CP11[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjkp] + coords[isd][ipjpkp]);
1106 tmpX1[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - CP9[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1107 tmpX2[isd] = (S3P[isd] - S2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1109 tmpX3[isd] = (CP9[isd] - CP5[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1110 tmpX4[isd] = (coords[isd][ipjkp] - S2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1112 tmpX5[isd] = (S1P[isd] - S2[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1113 tmpX6[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - CP5[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1114 }
1116 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1117 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1118 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1120 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 5] = F0;
1121 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1122 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 5] += (CP11[isd] - S2[isd]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1123 }
1129 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1130 CP12[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ijpkp]);
1132 tmpX1[isd] = (CP7[isd] - CP10[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1133 tmpX2[isd] = (coords[isd][ijpkp] - S1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1135 tmpX3[isd] = (CP10[isd] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) * fsqrttwo;
1136 tmpX4[isd] = (S3P[isd] - S1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1138 tmpX5[isd] = (S2P[isd] - S1[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1139 tmpX6[isd] = (CP7[isd] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) * fsqrttwo;
1140 }
1142 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1143 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1144 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1146 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 6] = F0;
1147 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1148 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 6] += (CP12[isd] - S1[isd]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1149 }
1155 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1156 tmpX1[isd] = (S2P[isd] - S3P[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1157 tmpX2[isd] = (CP12[isd] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) * fsqrttwo;
1159 tmpX3[isd] = (S3P[isd] - S1P[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1160 tmpX4[isd] = (CP11[isd] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) * fsqrttwo;
1162 tmpX5[isd] = (CP8[isd] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) * fsqrttwo;
1163 tmpX6[isd] = (S2P[isd] - S1P[isd]) * fsqrttwo;
1164 }
1166 this->crossProduct(DX1, tmpX1, tmpX2);
1167 this->crossProduct(DX2, tmpX3, tmpX4);
1168 this->crossProduct(DX3, tmpX5, tmpX6);
1170 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 7] = F0;
1171 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1172 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 7] +=
1173 (coords[isd][ipjpkp] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) * (DX1[isd] + DX2[isd] + DX3[isd]);
1174 }
1175 });
1181 // copy into dummy array
1182 maia::parallelFor<true>(0, m_noCells, [=](const MInt& cellId) {
1183 for(MInt j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
1184 subJtmp[noSubJ * cellId + j] = subJ[noSubJ * cellId + j];
1185 }
1186 });
1188 // shift subjacobians
1189 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers), cellEnd(m_noGhostLayers),
1190 [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
1191 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1193 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 0] = subJ[noSubJ * cellIndex(i - 1, j - 1, k - 1) + 7];
1194 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 1] = subJ[noSubJ * cellIndex(i, j - 1, k - 1) + 6];
1195 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 2] = subJ[noSubJ * cellIndex(i - 1, j, k - 1) + 5];
1196 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 3] = subJ[noSubJ * cellIndex(i, j, k - 1) + 4];
1197 });
1199 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(m_noGhostLayers),
1200 [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
1201 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1202 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 4] = subJtmp[noSubJ * cellIndex(i - 1, j - 1, k) + 3];
1203 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 5] = subJtmp[noSubJ * cellIndex(i, j - 1, k) + 2];
1204 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 6] = subJtmp[noSubJ * cellIndex(i - 1, j, k) + 1];
1205 subJ[noSubJ * cellId + 7] = subJtmp[noSubJ * cellId + 0];
1206 });
1208 // finally jacobian at corner point!
1209 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(m_noGhostLayers - 1), cellEnd(m_noGhostLayers),
1210 [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
1211 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1213 m_cells->cornerJac[cellId] = F0;
1214 for(MInt jacId = 0; jacId < 8; jacId++) {
1215 m_cells->cornerJac[cellId] += subJ[noSubJ * cellId + jacId];
1216 }
1219 });
This class is a ScratchSpace.
Definition: scratch.h:758

◆ computeModCornerJacobian() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeModCornerJacobian ( )

Definition at line 1226 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1226 {
1227 TRACE();
1228 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
1229 MFloatScratchSpace subJ(this->m_noCells, 4, AT_, "subJ");
1230 MFloatScratchSpace subJtmp(this->m_noCells, 4, AT_, "subJtmp");
1232 MFloat** __restrict coords = m_coordinates;
1234 subJ.fill(1234.56);
1235 subJtmp.fill(5678.9);
1237 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 2; j < this->m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
1238 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 2; i < this->m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
1239 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
1240 const MInt centCellId = cellIndex(i + 1, j + 1);
1241 const MInt tmpId = getPointIdFromCell(i, j);
1243 const MInt ij = getPointIdFromPoint(tmpId, 1, 1);
1244 const MInt ipj = getPointIdFromPoint(ij, 1, 0);
1245 const MInt ijp = getPointIdFromPoint(ij, 0, 1);
1246 const MInt ipjp = getPointIdFromPoint(ij, 1, 1);
1248 // auxilliary variables for surface values
1249 MFloat S1[2];
1250 MFloat S2[2];
1251 MFloat S1P[2];
1252 MFloat S2P[2];
1255 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1256 S1[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ijp] + coords[isd][ij]);
1257 S2[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipj] + coords[isd][ij]);
1258 S1P[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjp] + coords[isd][ipj]);
1259 S2P[isd] = F1B2 * (coords[isd][ipjp] + coords[isd][ijp]);
1260 }
1263 // vectors for metrics
1264 MFloat tmpX1[2];
1265 MFloat tmpX2[2];
1271 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1272 // averaging corner points is in 2D not necessary, cause of calculated surfaces mid points above
1274 // setting up vectors for new metric terms
1275 tmpX1[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - coords[isd][ij]) / sqrt(2);
1276 tmpX2[isd] = (S1[isd] - S2[isd]) / sqrt(2);
1277 }
1279 subJ(cellId, 0) = F0;
1280 subJ(cellId, 0) = crossProduct(tmpX1, tmpX2);
1286 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1287 tmpX1[isd] = (S1P[isd] - S2[isd]) / sqrt(2);
1288 tmpX2[isd] = (m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId] - m_coordinates[isd][ipj]) / sqrt(2);
1289 }
1291 subJ(cellId, 1) = F0;
1292 subJ(cellId, 1) = crossProduct(tmpX1, tmpX2);
1298 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1299 tmpX1[isd] = (S2P[isd] - S1[isd]) / sqrt(2);
1300 tmpX2[isd] = (m_coordinates[isd][ijp] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) / sqrt(2);
1301 }
1303 subJ(cellId, 2) = F0;
1304 subJ(cellId, 2) = crossProduct(tmpX1, tmpX2);
1310 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1311 tmpX1[isd] = (m_coordinates[isd][ipjp] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][centCellId]) / sqrt(2);
1312 tmpX2[isd] = (S2P[isd] - S1P[isd]) / sqrt(2);
1313 }
1315 subJ(cellId, 3) = F0;
1316 subJ(cellId, 3) = crossProduct(tmpX1, tmpX2);
1317 }
1318 }
1325 // copy into dummy array
1326 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noCells; i++) {
1327 for(MInt j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
1328 subJtmp(i, j) = subJ(i, j);
1329 }
1330 }
1332 // shift subjacobians
1334 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < this->m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
1335 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < this->m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
1336 MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
1338 subJ(cellId, 0) = subJtmp(cellIndex(i - 1, j - 1), 3);
1339 subJ(cellId, 1) = subJtmp(cellIndex(i, j - 1), 2);
1340 subJ(cellId, 2) = subJtmp(cellIndex(i - 1, j), 1);
1341 subJ(cellId, 3) = subJtmp(cellIndex(i, j), 0);
1342 }
1343 }
1346 // finally jacobian at corner point!
1347 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < this->m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
1348 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < this->m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
1349 MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j);
1351 m_cells->cornerJac[cellId] = F0;
1352 for(MInt jacId = 0; jacId < 4; jacId++) {
1353 m_cells->cornerJac[cellId] += subJ(cellId, jacId);
1354 }
1358 }
1359 }

◆ computeModCornerJacobian() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeModCornerJacobian ( )

◆ computeModCornerMetrics() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeModCornerMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1869 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1869 {
1870 TRACE();

◆ computeModCornerMetrics() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeModCornerMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1878 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1878 {
1879 TRACE();
1880 m_log << "computing corner metrics ..." << endl;
1881 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
1883 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers - 1; k < this->m_nCells[0] - m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
1884 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers - 1; j < this->m_nCells[1] - m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
1885 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers - 1; i < this->m_nCells[2] - m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
1886 // determine global cell ID
1887 MInt cellId = this->cellIndex(i, j, k); // i + ( k * m_nCells[1] + j ) * m_nCells[2];
1888 MFloat metricTmp[3];
1890 MFloat p1[3];
1891 MFloat p2[3];
1892 MFloat p3[3];
1893 MFloat p4[3];
1895 MFloat diag1[3];
1896 MFloat diag2[3];
1903 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1904 // looks complicated, but what happens is that we always catch the point Id of ipjpkp
1905 // from the neighboring cell and build the centered difference
1907 p1[isd] = F1B4
1908 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k + 1), 1, 0, 0)]
1909 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k + 1), 1, 0, 1)]
1910 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k + 1), 1, 1, 0)]
1911 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k + 1), 1, 1, 1)]);
1914 p2[isd] = F1B4
1915 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 0, 0)]
1916 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 0, 1)]
1917 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 1, 0)]
1918 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 1, 1)]);
1921 p3[isd] = F1B4
1922 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 1, 0, 0)]
1923 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 1, 0, 1)]
1924 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 1, 1, 0)]
1925 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 1, 1, 1)]);
1927 p4[isd] = F1B4
1928 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 1, 0, 0)]
1929 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 1, 0, 1)]
1930 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 1, 1, 0)]
1931 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 1, 1, 1)]);
1933 diag1[isd] = p1[isd] - p2[isd];
1934 diag2[isd] = p3[isd] - p4[isd];
1935 }
1937 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, diag1, diag2);
1938 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1939 m_cells->cornerMetrics[xsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = F1B2 * metricTmp[isd];
1940 }
1947 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1948 // looks complicated, but what happens is that we always catch the point Id of ipjpkp
1949 // from the neighboring cell and build the centered difference
1951 p1[isd] = F1B4
1952 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k + 1), 0, 1, 0)]
1953 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k + 1), 1, 1, 0)]
1954 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k + 1), 0, 1, 1)]
1955 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k + 1), 1, 1, 1)]);
1958 p2[isd] = F1B4
1959 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 0, 1, 0)]
1960 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 1, 0)]
1961 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 0, 1, 1)]
1962 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 1, 1)]);
1964 p3[isd] = F1B4
1965 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 0, 1, 0)]
1966 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 1, 1, 0)]
1967 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 0, 1, 1)]
1968 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 1, 1, 1)]);
1970 p4[isd] = F1B4
1971 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 0, 1, 0)]
1972 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 1, 1, 0)]
1973 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 0, 1, 1)]
1974 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k + 1), 1, 1, 1)]);
1976 diag1[isd] = p1[isd] - p2[isd];
1977 diag2[isd] = p3[isd] - p4[isd];
1978 }
1980 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, diag1, diag2);
1981 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1982 m_cells->cornerMetrics[ysd * nDim + isd][cellId] = F1B2 * metricTmp[isd];
1983 }
1989 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1990 p1[isd] = F1B4
1991 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j + 1, k), 1, 1, 1)]
1992 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j + 1, k), 0, 1, 1)]
1993 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j + 1, k), 1, 0, 1)]
1994 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j + 1, k), 0, 0, 1)]);
1997 p2[isd] = F1B4
1998 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 1, 1)]
1999 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 0, 1, 1)]
2000 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 1, 0, 1)]
2001 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k), 0, 0, 1)]);
2003 p3[isd] = F1B4
2004 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 1, 1, 1)]
2005 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 0, 1, 1)]
2006 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 1, 0, 1)]
2007 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j + 1, k), 0, 0, 1)]);
2009 p4[isd] = F1B4
2010 * (m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 1, 1, 1)]
2011 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 0, 1, 1)]
2012 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 1, 0, 1)]
2013 + m_coordinates[isd][getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i + 1, j, k), 0, 0, 1)]);
2015 diag1[isd] = p1[isd] - p2[isd];
2016 diag2[isd] = p3[isd] - p4[isd];
2017 }
2019 this->crossProduct(metricTmp, diag1, diag2);
2020 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
2021 m_cells->cornerMetrics[zsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = F1B2 * metricTmp[isd];
2022 }
2023 }
2024 }
2025 }
InfoOutFile m_log

◆ computeModCornerMetrics() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeModCornerMetrics ( )

◆ computeSurfaceJacobian() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeSurfaceJacobian ( )

Definition at line 1457 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1457 {
1458 TRACE();
1460 // Jacobian: Dxi/Dx * Deta/Dy - Deta/Dx * Dxi/Dy
1461 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
1462 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(0), cellEnd(1), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
1463 const MInt IJ = cellIndex(i, j);
1464 const MInt IPJ = cellIndex(i + 1, j);
1465 const MInt IJP = cellIndex(i, j + 1);
1466 const MInt ipjp = getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j), 1, 1);
1467 const MInt ipj = getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j), 1, 0);
1468 const MInt ijp = getPointIdFromPoint(getPointIdFromCell(i, j), 0, 1);
1470 MFloat DcoordDxi[nDim];
1471 MFloat DcoordDeta[nDim];
1473 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
1474 // compute d(x,y,z)/dxi
1475 DcoordDxi[dim] = m_cells->coordinates[dim][IPJ] - m_cells->coordinates[dim][IJ];
1477 // compute d(x,y,z)/deta
1478 DcoordDeta[dim] = m_coordinates[dim][ipjp] - m_coordinates[dim][ipj];
1479 }
1481 this->m_cells->surfJac[IJ] = DcoordDeta[1] * DcoordDxi[0] - DcoordDxi[1] * DcoordDeta[0];
1483 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
1484 // compute d(x,y,z)/dxi
1485 DcoordDxi[dim] = m_coordinates[dim][ipjp] - m_coordinates[dim][ijp];
1487 // compute d(x,y,z)/deta
1488 DcoordDeta[dim] = m_cells->coordinates[dim][IJP] - m_cells->coordinates[dim][IJ];
1489 }
1491 this->m_cells->surfJac[m_noCells + IJ] = DcoordDeta[1] * DcoordDxi[0] - DcoordDxi[1] * DcoordDeta[0];
1492 });

◆ computeSurfaceJacobian() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeSurfaceJacobian ( )

Definition at line 1501 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1501 {
1502 TRACE();
1503 mTerm(1, AT_, "Not implemented for 3D");
void mTerm(const MInt errorCode, const MString &location, const MString &message)
Definition: functions.cpp:29

◆ computeSurfaceJacobian() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeSurfaceJacobian ( )

◆ computeSurfaceMetrics() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::computeSurfaceMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1585 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1585 {
1586 TRACE();
1587 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
1588 const MFloat* const* const RESTRICT coords = m_coordinates;
1590 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(0), cellEnd(0), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
1591 // determine global cell ID
1592 const MInt cellId = cellIndex(i, j, k);
1593 // determine global point ID for local cell IDs
1594 const MInt ijk = getPointIdFromCell(i, j, k);
1595 const MInt ipjk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 0, 0);
1596 const MInt ipjpk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 1, 0);
1597 const MInt ipjkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 0, 1);
1598 const MInt ipjpkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 1, 1, 1);
1599 const MInt ijpk = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 1, 0);
1600 const MInt ijpkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 1, 1);
1601 const MInt ijkp = getPointIdFromPoint(ijk, 0, 0, 1);
1603 // auxilliary variables
1604 MFloat DcoordDxi[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1605 MFloat DcoordDeta[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1606 MFloat DcoordDzeta[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1608 MFloat metricTmp[3] = {F0, F0, F0};
1614 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1615 DcoordDeta[isd] = ((coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ipjpk]) - (coords[isd][ipjkp] + coords[isd][ipjk])) * F1B2;
1616 DcoordDzeta[isd] = ((coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ipjkp]) - (coords[isd][ipjpk] + coords[isd][ipjk])) * F1B2;
1617 }
1619 // compute Dxi and store
1620 crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDeta, DcoordDzeta);
1622 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1623 m_cells->surfaceMetrics[xsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1624 }
1630 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1631 DcoordDxi[isd] = ((coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ipjpk]) - (coords[isd][ijpkp] + coords[isd][ijpk])) * F1B2;
1633 DcoordDzeta[isd] = ((coords[isd][ijpkp] + coords[isd][ipjpkp]) - (coords[isd][ipjpk] + coords[isd][ijpk])) * F1B2;
1634 }
1636 // compute Deta and store
1637 crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDzeta, DcoordDxi);
1639 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1640 m_cells->surfaceMetrics[ysd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1641 }
1647 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1648 DcoordDxi[isd] = ((coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ipjkp]) - (coords[isd][ijpkp] + coords[isd][ijkp])) * F1B2;
1650 DcoordDeta[isd] = ((coords[isd][ipjpkp] + coords[isd][ijpkp]) - (coords[isd][ipjkp] + coords[isd][ijkp])) * F1B2;
1651 }
1653 // compute Dzeta and store
1654 crossProduct(metricTmp, DcoordDxi, DcoordDeta);
1656 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; isd++) {
1657 m_cells->surfaceMetrics[zsd * nDim + isd][cellId] = metricTmp[isd];
1658 }
1659 });
MFloat ** surfaceMetrics

◆ computeSurfaceMetrics() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::computeSurfaceMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1666 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1666 {
1667 TRACE();
1668 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
1669 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(cellBegin(0), cellEnd(1), [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
1670 // determine global cellID
1671 const MInt cellId = this->cellIndex(i, j);
1672 // determine global point ID for local cell IDs
1673 const MInt IJ = getPointIdFromCell(i, j);
1674 const MInt IPJ = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 1, 0);
1675 const MInt IPJP = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 1, 1);
1676 const MInt IJP = getPointIdFromPoint(IJ, 0, 1);
1678 // auxiliary variables
1679 MFloat DcoordDxi[2];
1681 // Face I //
1682 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; ++isd) {
1683 DcoordDxi[isd] = m_coordinates[isd][IPJP] - m_coordinates[isd][IPJ];
1684 }
1686 // compute Dxi
1687 m_cells->surfaceMetrics[0][cellId] = DcoordDxi[1];
1688 m_cells->surfaceMetrics[1][cellId] = -DcoordDxi[0];
1689 // store Dxi
1691 // Face I //
1692 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; ++isd) {
1693 DcoordDxi[isd] = m_coordinates[isd][IPJP] - m_coordinates[isd][IJP];
1694 }
1696 m_cells->surfaceMetrics[2][cellId] = -DcoordDxi[1];
1697 m_cells->surfaceMetrics[3][cellId] = DcoordDxi[0];
1698 });

◆ computeSurfaceMetrics() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeSurfaceMetrics ( )

◆ computeSurfaceMetricsSingularity()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::computeSurfaceMetricsSingularity

Definition at line 1706 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

1706 {
1707 TRACE();
1709 IF_CONSTEXPR(nDim == 3) TERMM(1, "Not implemented in 3D!");
1711 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_hasSingularity; ++i) {
1712 // only correct for bc 6000 not for bc 4000-5000
1713 if(m_singularity[i].BC == -6000) {
1714 // Sanity check
1715 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
1716 ASSERT(m_singularity[i].end[j] - m_singularity[i].start[j] == 1, "");
1717 }
1719 for(MInt jj = m_singularity[i].start[1]; jj < m_singularity[i].end[1]; ++jj) {
1720 for(MInt ii = m_singularity[i].start[0]; ii < m_singularity[i].end[0]; ++ii) {
1721 // Cell Id of singularity cell
1722 const MInt IJ = cellIndex(ii, jj);
1724 const MInt sign_xi = 2 * m_singularity[i].Viscous[0] + 1;
1725 const MInt sign_eta = 2 * m_singularity[i].Viscous[1] + 1;
1727 const MInt IPMJ = getCellIdFromCell(IJ, sign_xi, 0);
1728 const MInt IJPM = getCellIdFromCell(IJ, 0, sign_eta);
1730 // auxiliary variables
1731 MFloat DcoordD[2];
1733 // Face I //
1734 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; ++isd) {
1735 DcoordD[isd] = sign_xi * (m_cells->coordinates[isd][IPMJ] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][IJ]);
1736 }
1738 // compute Deta
1739 m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[2][i] = -DcoordD[1];
1740 m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[3][i] = DcoordD[0];
1741 // store Deta
1743 // Face I //
1744 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; ++isd) {
1745 DcoordD[isd] = sign_eta * (m_cells->coordinates[isd][IJPM] - m_cells->coordinates[isd][IJ]);
1746 }
1748 m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[0][i] = DcoordD[1];
1749 m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[1][i] = -DcoordD[0];
1751 // cout << "dom=" << domainId() << " x|y=" << setprecision(10) << m_cells->coordinates[0][IJ] << "|"
1752 // << m_cells->coordinates[1][IJ]
1753 // << " " << m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[i][0] << "|" <<
1754 // m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[i][1]
1755 // << " " << m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[i][2] << "|" <<
1756 // m_cells->surfaceMetricsSingularity[i][3]
1757 // << " IPMJ=" << m_cells->coordinates[0][IPMJ] << "|" << m_cells->coordinates[1][IPMJ]
1758 // << " IJPM=" << m_cells->coordinates[0][IJPM] << "|" << m_cells->coordinates[1][IJPM] << endl;
1759 }
1760 }
1761 }
1762 }
MInt getCellIdFromCell(const MInt origin, const MInt incI, const MInt incJ, const MInt incK)
Compute the cell id of the cell that has the offset (incI, inJ, incK) to the given cell origin.

◆ crossProduct() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::crossProduct ( MFloat result,
MFloat vec1,
MFloat vec2 
[in]resultPointer to result array
[in]resultPointer to first input array
[in]resultPointer to second input array

Definition at line 231 of file structuredgrid.h.

231 {
232 result[xsd] = vec1[ysd] * vec2[zsd] - vec1[zsd] * vec2[ysd];
233 result[ysd] = vec1[zsd] * vec2[xsd] - vec1[xsd] * vec2[zsd];
234 result[zsd] = vec1[xsd] * vec2[ysd] - vec1[ysd] * vec2[xsd];
235 }

◆ crossProduct() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat StructuredGrid< nDim >::crossProduct ( MFloat  vec1[2],
MFloat  vec2[2] 
[in]resultPointer to result array
[in]resultPointer to first input array
[in]resultPointer to second input array

Definition at line 243 of file structuredgrid.h.

243 {
244 MFloat result = vec1[xsd] * vec2[ysd] - vec1[ysd] * vec2[xsd];
245 return result;
246 }

◆ domainId()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::domainId ( ) const

Definition at line 222 of file structuredgrid.h.

222{ return m_domainId; }

◆ exchangePoints()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::exchangePoints ( std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &  sndComm,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &  rcvComm,
StructuredCommType  commType 
Marian Albers
[in]sndCommMPI sending maps
[in]rcvCommMPI receiving maps
[in]commTypeType of the exchange boundary (block boundary, periodic boundary, etc.)

Definition at line 409 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

411 {
412 std::vector<MPI_Request> sndRequests;
413 std::vector<MPI_Request> rcvRequests;
414 std::vector<MPI_Status> sndStatus;
415 std::vector<MPI_Status> rcvStatus;
416 sndRequests.reserve(sndComm.size());
417 rcvRequests.reserve(rcvComm.size());
419 gatherPoints(sndComm, commType);
420 sendPoints(sndComm, commType, sndRequests);
421 receivePoints(rcvComm, commType, rcvRequests);
423 sndStatus.resize(sndRequests.size());
424 MPI_Waitall(sndRequests.size(), &sndRequests[0], &sndStatus[0], AT_);
426 rcvStatus.resize(rcvRequests.size());
427 MPI_Waitall(rcvRequests.size(), &rcvRequests[0], &rcvStatus[0], AT_);
429 scatterPoints(rcvComm, commType);
void sendPoints(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType, std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
Send the coordinates between partitions to other partitions.
void scatterPoints(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType)
Distributes the exchanged points from the receiving buffers to the actual coordinates of the grid.
void gatherPoints(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType)
Gathers the coordinates of the points for all given sending maps and copies them to a sending buffer.
void receivePoints(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &, StructuredCommType, std::vector< MPI_Request > &)
Receives the coordinates between partitions to other partitions.
int MPI_Waitall(int count, MPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status, const MString &name)
same as MPI_Waitall

◆ extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates ( )

Definition at line 2231 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

2231 {
2232 TRACE();
2233 // This function mirrors the grid points on the faces
2234 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
2235 // i-direction
2236 MInt pointId, FixPointId, MirrorPointId;
2238 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < (m_nPoints[0] - m_noGhostLayers); k++) {
2239 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < (m_nPoints[1] - m_noGhostLayers); j++) {
2240 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
2241 pointId = (m_noGhostLayers - 1 - i) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // pointId in Array
2242 FixPointId =
2243 (m_noGhostLayers - i) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2244 MirrorPointId = (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - i) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2245 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2246 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2247 }
2248 // coordinates at the other end!!
2250 pointId = (m_nPoints[2] - i - 1) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2251 FixPointId = (m_nPoints[2] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2252 MirrorPointId = (m_nPoints[2] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - i)) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2253 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2254 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2255 }
2256 }
2257 }
2258 }
2260 // j-direction
2262 for(MInt k = m_noGhostLayers; k < (m_nPoints[0] - m_noGhostLayers); k++) {
2263 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
2264 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < (m_nPoints[2] - m_noGhostLayers); i++) {
2265 pointId = i + ((m_noGhostLayers - j - 1) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // pointId in Array
2266 FixPointId =
2267 i + ((m_noGhostLayers - j) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2268 MirrorPointId = i + ((m_noGhostLayers + 1 - j) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2269 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2270 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2271 }
2272 // coordinates at the other end!!
2273 pointId = i + ((m_nPoints[1] - j - 1) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2274 FixPointId = i + ((m_nPoints[1] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2275 MirrorPointId = i + ((m_nPoints[1] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - j)) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2276 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2277 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2278 }
2279 }
2280 }
2281 }
2283 // k-direction
2284 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
2285 for(MInt j = 0; j < (m_nPoints[1] - m_noGhostLayers); j++) {
2286 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < (m_nPoints[2] - m_noGhostLayers); i++) {
2287 pointId = i + (j + (m_noGhostLayers - 1 - k) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // pointId in Array
2288 FixPointId =
2289 i + (j + (m_noGhostLayers - k) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2290 MirrorPointId =
2291 i + (j + (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - k) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // m_noGhostLayers+(m_noGhostLayers-i)
2292 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2293 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2294 }
2297 // coordinates at the other end!!
2298 pointId = i + (j + (m_nPoints[0] - k - 1) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2299 FixPointId = i + (j + (m_nPoints[0] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2300 MirrorPointId = i + (j + (m_nPoints[0] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - k)) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2301 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2302 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2303 }
2304 }
2305 }
2306 }
2308 // corner points missing yet!! They only need to be calculated if a Visualisation tool is used to
2309 // show the ghost points and the grid
2312 // in i-direction
2314 for(MInt k = 0; k < (m_nPoints[0]); k++) {
2315 for(MInt j = 0; j < (m_nPoints[1]); j++) {
2316 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noGhostLayers; i++) {
2317 pointId = (m_noGhostLayers - 1 - i) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // pointId in Array
2318 FixPointId =
2319 (m_noGhostLayers - i) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2320 MirrorPointId =
2321 (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - i) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // m_noGhostLayers+(m_noGhostLayers-i)
2322 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2323 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2324 }
2325 // coordinates at the other end!!
2327 pointId = (m_nPoints[2] - i - 1) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2328 FixPointId = (m_nPoints[2] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2329 MirrorPointId = (m_nPoints[2] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - i)) + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2330 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2331 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2332 }
2333 }
2334 }
2335 }
2337 for(MInt k = 0; k < (m_nPoints[0]); k++) {
2338 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; j++) {
2339 for(MInt i = 0; i < (m_nPoints[2]); i++) {
2340 pointId = i + ((m_noGhostLayers - j - 1) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // pointId in Array
2341 FixPointId =
2342 i + ((m_noGhostLayers - j) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2343 MirrorPointId = i + ((m_noGhostLayers + 1 - j) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2344 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2345 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2346 }
2347 // coordinates at the other end!!
2348 pointId = i + ((m_nPoints[1] - j - 1) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2349 FixPointId = i + ((m_nPoints[1] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2350 MirrorPointId = i + ((m_nPoints[1] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - j)) + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2351 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2352 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2353 }
2354 }
2355 }
2356 }
2358 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_noGhostLayers; k++) {
2359 for(MInt j = 0; j < (m_nPoints[1]); j++) {
2360 for(MInt i = 0; i < (m_nPoints[2]); i++) {
2361 pointId = i + (j + (m_noGhostLayers - 1 - k) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // pointId in Array
2362 FixPointId =
2363 i + (j + (m_noGhostLayers - k) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2364 MirrorPointId = i + (j + (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - k) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2365 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2366 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2367 }
2369 // coordinates at the other end!!
2370 pointId = i + (j + (m_nPoints[0] - k - 1) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2371 FixPointId = i + (j + (m_nPoints[0] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2372 MirrorPointId = i + (j + (m_nPoints[0] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - k)) * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
2373 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
2374 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2375 }
2376 }
2377 }
2378 }

◆ extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates ( )

Definition at line 2385 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

2385 {
2386 TRACE();
2387 // This function mirrors the grid points on the faces
2388 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
2390 // i-direction
2391 MInt pointId, FixPointId, MirrorPointId;
2393 for(MInt j = m_noGhostLayers; j < (m_nPoints[0] - m_noGhostLayers); ++j) {
2394 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
2395 pointId = (m_noGhostLayers - 1 - i) + (j * m_nPoints[1]); // pointId in Array
2396 FixPointId = (m_noGhostLayers - i) + (j * m_nPoints[1]); // point about which everything is mirrored
2397 MirrorPointId = (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - i) + (j * m_nPoints[1]);
2399 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2400 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2401 }
2403 // coordinates at the other end!!
2404 pointId = (m_nPoints[1] - i - 1) + (j * m_nPoints[1]);
2405 FixPointId = (m_nPoints[1] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) + (j * m_nPoints[1]);
2406 MirrorPointId = (m_nPoints[1] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - i)) + (j * m_nPoints[1]);
2407 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2408 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2409 }
2410 }
2411 }
2413 // j-direction
2415 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
2416 for(MInt i = m_noGhostLayers; i < (m_nPoints[1] - m_noGhostLayers); ++i) {
2417 pointId = i + (m_noGhostLayers - j - 1) * m_nPoints[1]; // pointId in Array
2418 FixPointId = i + (m_noGhostLayers - j) * m_nPoints[1]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2419 MirrorPointId = i + (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - j) * m_nPoints[1];
2420 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2421 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2422 }
2424 // coordinates at the other end!!
2425 pointId = i + (m_nPoints[0] - j - 1) * m_nPoints[1];
2426 FixPointId = i + (m_nPoints[0] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) * m_nPoints[1];
2427 MirrorPointId = i + (m_nPoints[0] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - j)) * m_nPoints[1];
2428 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2429 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2430 }
2431 }
2432 }
2435 // corner points missing yet!! They only need to be calculated if a Visualisation tool is used to
2436 // show the ghost points and the grid
2439 // in i-direction
2440 for(MInt j = 0; j < (m_nPoints[0]); ++j) {
2441 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noGhostLayers; ++i) {
2442 pointId = (m_noGhostLayers - 1 - i) + (j * m_nPoints[1]); // pointId in Array
2443 FixPointId = (m_noGhostLayers - i) + (j * m_nPoints[1]); // point about which everything is mirrored
2444 MirrorPointId = (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - i) + (j * m_nPoints[1]); // m_noGhostLayers+(m_noGhostLayers-i)
2445 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2446 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2447 }
2448 // coordinates at the other end!!
2450 pointId = (m_nPoints[1] - i - 1) + (j * m_nPoints[1]);
2451 FixPointId = (m_nPoints[1] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) + (j * m_nPoints[1]);
2452 MirrorPointId = (m_nPoints[1] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - i)) + (j * m_nPoints[1]);
2453 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2454 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2455 }
2456 }
2457 }
2459 // in j-direction
2461 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noGhostLayers; ++j) {
2462 for(MInt i = 0; i < (m_nPoints[1]); ++i) {
2463 pointId = i + (m_noGhostLayers - j - 1) * m_nPoints[1]; // pointId in Array
2464 FixPointId = i + (m_noGhostLayers - j) * m_nPoints[1]; // point about which everything is mirrored
2465 MirrorPointId = i + (m_noGhostLayers + 1 - j) * m_nPoints[1];
2466 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2467 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2468 }
2470 // coordinates at the other end!!
2471 pointId = i + (m_nPoints[0] - j - 1) * m_nPoints[1];
2472 FixPointId = i + (m_nPoints[0] - m_noGhostLayers - 1) * m_nPoints[1];
2473 MirrorPointId = i + (m_nPoints[0] - 1 - (2 * m_noGhostLayers - j)) * m_nPoints[1];
2474 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
2475 m_coordinates[dim][pointId] = (2 * m_coordinates[dim][FixPointId] - m_coordinates[dim][MirrorPointId]);
2476 }
2477 }
2478 }

◆ extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::extrapolateGhostPointCoordinates ( )

◆ gatherPoints()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::gatherPoints ( std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &  sndComm,
StructuredCommType  commType 
Marian Albers
[in]sndCommMPI sending maps
[in]commTypeType of the exchange boundary (block boundary, periodic boundary, etc.)

Definition at line 443 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

444 {
445 TRACE();
446 for(auto& snd : sndComm) {
447 if(commType != snd->commType) continue;
450 MFloat** coordinates = m_coordinates;
451 std::array<MInt, nDim> INC{};
452 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
453 INC[dim] = m_nPoints[dim];
454 }
456 MInt plusOne = 1;
457 if(snd->commType == SINGULAR || snd->commType == PERIODIC_BC_SINGULAR) {
458 coordinates = m_cells->coordinates;
459 plusOne = 0;
461 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
462 INC[dim] = m_nCells[dim];
463 }
464 }
466 MBool isPeriodic = false;
467 if(snd->commType == PERIODIC_BC || snd->commType == PERIODIC_BC_SINGULAR) {
468 isPeriodic = true;
469 }
471 std::array<MInt, nDim> begin{};
472 std::array<MInt, nDim> end{};
473 std::array<MInt, nDim> size{};
475 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
476 begin[dim] = snd->startInfoPoints[dim];
477 end[dim] = snd->endInfoPoints[dim] + plusOne;
478 size[dim] = end[dim] - begin[dim];
479 }
480 const MInt totalSize = std::accumulate(size.begin(), size.end(), 1, std::multiplies<double>());
482 // Aliasing the unique_pointer in snd to a raw point is needed for PSTL on NVHPC
483 const MInt bcId = snd->bcId;
484 auto* pointBuffer = snd->pointBuffer.get();
485 if constexpr(nDim == 3) {
486 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
487 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
488 const MInt pointId = i + (j + k * INC[1]) * INC[2];
489 const MInt bufferId =
490 totalSize * dim + (i - begin[0]) + ((j - begin[1]) + (k - begin[2]) * size[1]) * size[0];
492 if(isPeriodic) {
493 MFloat tmppoint = coordinates[dim][pointId];
494 periodicPointsChange(tmppoint, bcId, dim);
495 pointBuffer[bufferId] = tmppoint;
496 } else {
497 pointBuffer[bufferId] = coordinates[dim][pointId];
498 }
499 });
500 }
501 } else if constexpr(nDim == 2) {
502 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
503 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
504 const MInt pointId = i + j * INC[1];
505 const MInt bufferId = totalSize * dim + (i - begin[0]) + (j - begin[1]) * size[0];
507 if(isPeriodic) {
508 MFloat tmppoint = coordinates[dim][pointId];
509 periodicPointsChange(tmppoint, bcId, dim);
510 pointBuffer[bufferId] = tmppoint;
511 } else {
512 pointBuffer[bufferId] = coordinates[dim][pointId];
513 }
514 });
515 }
516 }
517 }
void periodicPointsChange(MFloat &, const MInt, const MInt)
Displaces the points on periodic boundaries by the distance between the two periodic boundaries.
Definition: enums.h:343
Definition: enums.h:343
Definition: enums.h:343
bool MBool
Definition: maiatypes.h:58

◆ getActivePoints()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getActivePoints ( MInt  domainId_,
MInt  dim 
[in]domainIdDomain ID
number of active points

Definition at line 166 of file structuredgrid.h.

166{ return m_partition->getPartitionSize(domainId_, dim); };
std::unique_ptr< StructuredDecomposition< nDim > > m_partition

◆ getBlockId()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getBlockId ( MInt  domainId_)
[in]domainIdDomain ID
Block ID

Definition at line 130 of file structuredgrid.h.

130{ return m_partition->getBlockIdFromPartition(domainId_); };

◆ getBlockNoCells()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getBlockNoCells ( MInt  blockId_,
MInt  dim 
[in]blockIdBlock ID
number of block cells

Definition at line 174 of file structuredgrid.h.

174{ return m_partition->getBlockSize(blockId_, dim); }

◆ getBlockNoPoints()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getBlockNoPoints ( MInt  blockId_,
MInt  dim 
[in]blockIdBlock ID
number of block points

Definition at line 182 of file structuredgrid.h.

182{ return (m_partition->getBlockSize(blockId_, dim) + 1); }

◆ getCellIdFromCell() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getCellIdFromCell ( const MInt  origin,
const MInt  incI,
const MInt  incJ,
const MInt  incK 
[in]originOrigin point
[in]incIIncrement in i-direction
[in]incJIncrement in j-direction
[in]incKIncrement in k-direction
Cell ID

Definition at line 279 of file structuredgrid.h.

279 {
280 return origin + incI + incJ * m_nCells[2] + incK * m_nCells[2] * m_nCells[1];
281 }

◆ getCellIdFromCell() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getCellIdFromCell ( MInt  origin,
MInt  incI,
MInt  incJ 
[in]originOrigin point
[in]incIIncrement in i-direction
[in]incJIncrement in j-direction
Cell ID

Definition at line 290 of file structuredgrid.h.

290{ return origin + incI + incJ * m_nCells[1]; }

◆ getGridMovingMethod()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getGridMovingMethod ( )

Definition at line 47 of file structuredgrid.h.

47{ return m_gridMovingMethod; };

◆ getMyActivePoints()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getMyActivePoints ( MInt  dim)
number of active points

Definition at line 158 of file structuredgrid.h.

158{ return m_partition->getPartitionSize(domainId(), dim); };
MInt domainId() const
Return the domainId (rank)

◆ getMyBlockId()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getMyBlockId ( )
Block ID

Definition at line 136 of file structuredgrid.h.

136{ return m_partition->getBlockIdFromPartition(domainId()); };

◆ getMyBlockNoCells()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getMyBlockNoCells ( MInt  dim)
number of block cells

Definition at line 189 of file structuredgrid.h.

189{ return m_partition->getBlockSize(getMyBlockId(), dim); }
MInt getMyBlockId()
Returns the block id of the block in which the own domain.

◆ getMyBlockNoPoints()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getMyBlockNoPoints ( MInt  dim)
number of block points

Definition at line 196 of file structuredgrid.h.

196{ return m_partition->getBlockSize(getMyBlockId(), dim) + 1; }

◆ getMyOffset()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getMyOffset ( MInt  dim)

Definition at line 143 of file structuredgrid.h.

143{ return m_partition->getPartitionOffset(domainId(), dim); };

◆ getNoBlocks()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getNoBlocks ( )
number of blocks

Definition at line 202 of file structuredgrid.h.

202{ return m_noBlocks; };

◆ getOffset()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getOffset ( MInt  domainId_,
MInt  dim 
[in]domainId_Domain ID

Definition at line 151 of file structuredgrid.h.

151{ return m_partition->getPartitionOffset(domainId_, dim); };

◆ getPointIdFromCell() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getPointIdFromCell ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j 
[in]iCell i-coordinate
[in]jCell j-coordinate
Point ID

Definition at line 309 of file structuredgrid.h.

309{ return i + (j * (m_nCells[1] + 1)); }

◆ getPointIdFromCell() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getPointIdFromCell ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j,
const MInt  k 
[in]iCell i-coordinate
[in]jCell j-coordinate
[in]kCell k-coordinate
Point ID

Definition at line 299 of file structuredgrid.h.

299 {
300 return i + (k * (m_nCells[1] + 1) + j) * (m_nCells[2] + 1);
301 }

◆ getPointIdFromPoint() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getPointIdFromPoint ( const MInt  origin,
const MInt  incI,
const MInt  incJ 
[in]originOrigin point
[in]incIIncrement in i-direction
[in]incJIncrement in j-direction
Point ID

Definition at line 267 of file structuredgrid.h.

267 {
268 return origin + incI + incJ * m_nPoints[1];
269 }

◆ getPointIdFromPoint() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::getPointIdFromPoint ( const MInt  origin,
const MInt  incI,
const MInt  incJ,
const MInt  incK 
[in]originOrigin point
[in]incIIncrement in i-direction
[in]incJIncrement in j-direction
[in]incKIncrement in k-direction
Point ID

Definition at line 256 of file structuredgrid.h.

256 {
257 return origin + incI + incJ * m_nPoints[2] + incK * m_nPoints[2] * m_nPoints[1];
258 }

◆ gridDecomposition()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::gridDecomposition ( MBool  readFromFile)
[in]readFromFileSet to true if decomposition should be read from external file

Definition at line 72 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

◆ isMovingGrid()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool StructuredGrid< nDim >::isMovingGrid ( )

Definition at line 48 of file structuredgrid.h.

48{ return m_movingGrid; };

◆ moveCellPoints() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::moveCellPoints ( )

Definition at line 300 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

300 {
301 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
303 std::array<MInt, nDim> begin{0, 0};
304 std::array<MInt, nDim> end{m_nActivePoints[1], m_nActivePoints[0]};
306 // two dimensional case
307 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
308 const MInt i_org = end[0] - 1 - i;
309 const MInt j_org = end[1] - 1 - j;
310 const MInt i_new = i_org + m_noGhostLayers;
311 const MInt j_new = j_org + m_noGhostLayers;
312 const MInt pointId_org = i_org + (j_org * m_nActivePoints[1]); // position in Array
313 const MInt pointId_new = i_new + (j_new * m_nPoints[1]); // new position in Array
314 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
315 m_coordinates[dim][pointId_new] = m_coordinates[dim][pointId_org]; // copy value to the right place
316 m_coordinates[dim][pointId_org] = -1000.0; // for test purposes only
317 }
318 });
MInt * m_nActivePoints

◆ moveCellPoints() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::moveCellPoints ( )

Definition at line 327 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

327 {
328 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
330 std::array<MInt, nDim> begin{0, 0};
331 std::array<MInt, nDim> end{m_nActivePoints[2], m_nActivePoints[1], m_nActivePoints[0]};
333 // three dimensional case
334 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
335 const MInt i_org = end[0] - 1 - i;
336 const MInt j_org = end[1] - 1 - j;
337 const MInt k_org = end[2] - 1 - k;
338 const MInt i_new = i_org + m_noGhostLayers;
339 const MInt j_new = j_org + m_noGhostLayers;
340 const MInt k_new = k_org + m_noGhostLayers;
342 const MInt pointId_org = i_org + (j_org + k_org * m_nActivePoints[1]) * m_nActivePoints[2];
343 const MInt pointId_new = i_new + (j_new + k_new * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2];
345 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
346 m_coordinates[dim][pointId_new] = m_coordinates[dim][pointId_org]; // copy value to the right place
347 m_coordinates[dim][pointId_org] = F0;
348 }
349 });

◆ moveCellPoints() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::moveCellPoints ( )

◆ mpiComm()

template<MInt nDim>
constexpr MPI_Comm StructuredGrid< nDim >::mpiComm ( ) const

Definition at line 207 of file structuredgrid.h.

207{ return m_mpiComm; }
const MPI_Comm m_mpiComm

◆ noDomains()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::noDomains ( ) const

Definition at line 217 of file structuredgrid.h.

217{ return m_noDomains; }

◆ periodicPointsChange()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::periodicPointsChange ( MFloat pt,
const MInt  type,
const MInt  dim 
Marian Albers
[in]ptCoordinate point to be displaced
[in]typePeriodic boundary type (4401-4406), depending on the type the displacement is added or subtracted
[in]dimDimension (0->x,1->y,2->z) of the coordinate in which the displacement is effective

Definition at line 531 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

531 {
532 /*
533 case 4401 4402: first periodic direction
534 case 4403 4404: second periodic direction
535 case 4405 4405: third periodic direction
536 */
538 // SND Map BC is reversed, therefore we need
539 // to subtract instead of adding and vice versa compared
540 // to the periodicPointsChange in fvstructuredsolverwindowinfo.cpp
541 switch(type) {
542 case 4401:
543 case 4403:
544 case 4405: {
545 const MInt displacementId = (MFloat)(type - 4400 + 1) / 2.0 - 1;
546 pt = pt - m_periodicDisplacements[dim * nDim + displacementId];
547 break;
548 }
550 case 4402:
551 case 4404:
552 case 4406: {
553 const MInt displacementId = (MFloat)(type - 4400 + 1) / 2.0 - 1;
554 pt = pt + m_periodicDisplacements[dim * nDim + displacementId];
555 break;
556 }
558 default: {
559#ifndef WAR_NVHPC_PSTL
560 std::cout << "ERROR!!! periodic type is wrong!!! in BC call BC: " << type << endl;
562 }
563 }
MFloat * m_periodicDisplacements

◆ pointBegin()

template<MInt nDim>
std::array< MInt, nDim > StructuredGrid< nDim >::pointBegin ( const MInt  plus)

Definition at line 364 of file structuredgrid.h.

364 {
365 std::array<MInt, nDim> result{};
366 std::fill_n(result.begin(), nDim, plus);
367 return result;
368 }

◆ pointEnd()

template<MInt nDim>
std::array< MInt, nDim > StructuredGrid< nDim >::pointEnd ( const MInt  minus)

Definition at line 384 of file structuredgrid.h.

384 {
385 std::array<MInt, nDim> result{};
386 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; ++i) {
387 result[i] = m_nPoints[nDim - 1 - i] - minus;
388 }
389 return result;
390 }

◆ pointIndex() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::pointIndex ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j 
[in]iPoint i-coordinate
[in]jPoint j-coordinate
Point ID

Definition at line 343 of file structuredgrid.h.

343{ return i + (j * m_nPoints[1]); }

◆ pointIndex() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::pointIndex ( const MInt  i,
const MInt  j,
const MInt  k 
[in]iPoint i-coordinate
[in]jPoint j-coordinate
[in]kPoint k-coordinate
Point ID

Definition at line 335 of file structuredgrid.h.

335{ return i + (j + k * m_nPoints[1]) * m_nPoints[2]; }

◆ prepareReadGrid()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::prepareReadGrid

Definition at line 156 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

◆ readGrid()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::readGrid

Definition at line 223 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

223 {
226 // create the string to contain the datasetname in the file
227 MString sBlockName = "/block";
228 stringstream dummy1;
229 dummy1 << m_blockId << "/";
230 sBlockName += dummy1.str();
232 MString varNames[] = {"x", "y", "z"};
233 ParallelIo::size_type offset[3];
234 ParallelIo::size_type size[3];
235 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; ++i) {
236 offset[i] = m_nOffsetCells[i];
237 size[i] = m_nActivePoints[i];
238 }
240 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
241 pio.readArray(m_coordinates[dim], sBlockName, varNames[dim], nDim, offset, size);
242 }
244 moveCellPoints(); // shifts points and cells in the respective array to account for the ghost cells
MString m_gridInputFileName
void moveCellPoints()
std::basic_string< char > MString
Definition: maiatypes.h:55
const MInt PIO_READ
Definition: parallelio.h:40

◆ receivePoints()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::receivePoints ( std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &  rcvComm,
StructuredCommType  commType,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  rcvRequests 
Marian Albers
[in]rcvCommMPI receiving maps
[in]commTypeType of the exchange boundary (block boundary, periodic boundary, etc.)
[in]rcvRequestsStores the receiving requests

Definition at line 608 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

610 {
611 TRACE();
612 for(auto& rcv : rcvComm) {
613 if(commType != rcv->commType) continue;
614 MPI_Request request{};
615 const MInt tag = rcv->nghbrId + (rcv->tagHelper) * m_noDomains;
616 MInt err = MPI_Irecv((void*)&rcv->pointBuffer[0],
617 rcv->pointBufferSize,
619 rcv->nghbrId,
620 tag,
621 m_mpiComm,
622 &request,
623 AT_,
624 "rcv->pointBuffer");
625 rcvRequests.push_back(request);
626 if(err) cout << "rank" << m_domainId << " receiving throws errors" << endl;
627 }
int MPI_Irecv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Irecv

◆ saveCellJacobian()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::saveCellJacobian

Definition at line 2217 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

2219 TRACE();
2220 MFloat* const RESTRICT oldCellJac = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->oldCellJac);
2221 const MFloat* const RESTRICT cellJac = ALIGNED_MF(m_cells->cellJac);
2222 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noCells; cellId++) {
2223 oldCellJac[cellId] = cellJac[cellId];
2224 }

◆ saveGrid() [1/3]

void StructuredGrid< 3 >::saveGrid ( )

Definition at line 2181 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

2181 {
2182 TRACE();
2183 constexpr MInt nDim = 3;
2184 for(MInt k = 0; k < m_nPoints[0]; ++k) {
2185 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[1]; ++j) {
2186 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[2]; ++i) {
2187 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j, k);
2188 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; ++isd) {
2189 m_oldCoordinates[isd][pointId] = m_coordinates[isd][pointId];
2190 }
2191 }
2192 }
2193 }
MInt pointIndex(const MInt i, const MInt j, const MInt k)
Compute point ID for given (i,j,k)

◆ saveGrid() [2/3]

void StructuredGrid< 2 >::saveGrid ( )

Definition at line 2200 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

2200 {
2201 TRACE();
2202 constexpr MInt nDim = 2;
2203 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_nPoints[0]; ++j) {
2204 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_nPoints[1]; ++i) {
2205 const MInt pointId = pointIndex(i, j);
2206 for(MInt isd = xsd; isd < nDim; ++isd) {
2207 m_oldCoordinates[isd][pointId] = m_coordinates[isd][pointId];
2208 }
2209 }
2210 }

◆ saveGrid() [3/3]

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::saveGrid ( )

◆ scatterPoints()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::scatterPoints ( std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &  rcvComm,
StructuredCommType  commType 
Marian Albers
[in]rcvCommMPI receiving maps
[in]commTypeType of the exchange boundary (block boundary, periodic boundary, etc.)

Definition at line 639 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

640 {
641 TRACE();
643 // the ordering of the grid points can be different from
644 // sending instance ==> reorder it and copy it to the
645 // right place
646 for(auto& rcv : rcvComm) {
647 if(commType != rcv->commType) continue;
649 MFloat** coordinates = m_coordinates;
650 std::array<MInt, nDim> INC{};
651 MInt plusOne = 1;
653 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
654 INC[dim] = m_nPoints[dim];
655 }
657 if(rcv->commType == SINGULAR || rcv->commType == PERIODIC_BC_SINGULAR) {
658 coordinates = m_cells->coordinates;
659 plusOne = 0;
660 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
661 INC[dim] = m_nCells[dim];
662 }
663 }
665 std::array<MInt, nDim> begin{};
666 std::array<MInt, nDim> end{};
667 std::array<MInt, nDim> size{};
669 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
670 begin[dim] = rcv->startInfoPoints[dim];
671 end[dim] = rcv->endInfoPoints[dim] + plusOne;
672 size[dim] = end[dim] - begin[dim];
673 }
674 const MInt totalSize = std::accumulate(size.begin(), size.end(), 1, std::multiplies<double>());
676 std::array<MInt, nDim> stepBuffer{};
677 std::array<MInt, nDim> startBuffer{};
678 std::array<MInt, nDim> endBuffer{};
679 std::array<MInt, nDim> sizeBuffer{};
681 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
682 stepBuffer[rcv->orderInfo[j]] = rcv->stepInfo[j];
683 }
685 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
686 endBuffer[j] = size[j] - 1;
687 sizeBuffer[rcv->orderInfo[j]] = size[j];
688 if(stepBuffer[j] < 0) {
689 std::swap(startBuffer[j], endBuffer[j]);
690 }
691 }
693 // Aliasing the unique_pointer in rcv to a raw point is needed for PSTL on NVHPC
694 auto* pointBuffer = rcv->pointBuffer.get();
695 auto* orderInfo = rcv->;
696 auto* startInfoCells = rcv->;
697 if constexpr(nDim == 3) {
698 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
699 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j, const MInt& k) {
700 std::array<MInt, nDim> start{};
701 start[orderInfo[0]] = startBuffer[0] + (i - startInfoCells[0]) * stepBuffer[0];
702 start[orderInfo[1]] = startBuffer[1] + (j - startInfoCells[1]) * stepBuffer[1];
703 start[orderInfo[2]] = startBuffer[2] + (k - startInfoCells[2]) * stepBuffer[2];
705 const MInt bufferId = dim * totalSize + start[0] + (start[1] + start[2] * sizeBuffer[1]) * sizeBuffer[0];
706 const MInt pointId = i + (j + k * INC[1]) * INC[2];
708 coordinates[dim][pointId] = pointBuffer[bufferId];
709 });
710 }
711 } else if constexpr(nDim == 2) {
712 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; dim++) {
713 maia::parallelFor<true, nDim>(begin, end, [=](const MInt& i, const MInt& j) {
714 std::array<MInt, nDim> start{};
715 start[orderInfo[0]] = startBuffer[0] + (i - startInfoCells[0]) * stepBuffer[0];
716 start[orderInfo[1]] = startBuffer[1] + (j - startInfoCells[1]) * stepBuffer[1];
718 const MInt bufferId = dim * totalSize + start[0] + start[1] * sizeBuffer[0];
719 const MInt pointId = i + j * INC[1];
721 coordinates[dim][pointId] = pointBuffer[bufferId];
722 });
723 }
724 }
725 }

◆ sendPoints()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::sendPoints ( std::vector< std::unique_ptr< StructuredComm< nDim > > > &  sndComm,
StructuredCommType  commType,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  sndRequests 
Marian Albers
[in]sndCommMPI sending maps
[in]commTypeType of the exchange boundary (block boundary, periodic boundary, etc.)
[in]sndRequestsStores the sending requests

Definition at line 576 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

578 {
579 TRACE();
580 for(auto& snd : sndComm) {
581 if(commType != snd->commType) continue;
582 MPI_Request request{};
583 const MInt tag = m_domainId + (snd->tagHelper) * m_noDomains;
584 MInt err = MPI_Isend((void*)&snd->pointBuffer[0],
585 snd->pointBufferSize,
587 snd->nghbrId,
588 tag,
589 m_mpiComm,
590 &request,
591 AT_,
592 "snd->pointBuffer");
593 sndRequests.push_back(request);
594 if(err) cout << "rank" << m_domainId << "sending throws errors" << endl;
595 }
int MPI_Isend(const void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Isend

◆ setCellReference()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::setCellReference ( StructuredCell structuredCell)
[in]structuredCellReference to the structured cell object

Definition at line 733 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

733 {
734 m_cells = structuredCell;

◆ setCells()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::setCells ( StructuredCell cells)

Definition at line 56 of file structuredgrid.h.

56{ m_cells = cells; };

◆ solverId()

template<MInt nDim>
constexpr MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::solverId ( ) const

Definition at line 212 of file structuredgrid.h.

212{ return m_solverId; }
const MInt m_solverId

◆ surfId()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::surfId ( const MInt  point,
const MInt  isd,
const MInt  dim 

Definition at line 345 of file structuredgrid.h.

345{ return point + (isd + 3 * dim) * 9; }

◆ writeGrid()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::writeGrid ( MString  solutionOutput,
MString  outputFormat 
[in]solutionOutputDirectory to which the output is written to
[in]outputFormatFile ending

Definition at line 359 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

359 {
360 stringstream fileName;
361 fileName << solutionOutput << "grid" << globalTimeStep << outputFormat;
364 pio.setAttribute(m_noBlocks, "noBlocks", "");
365 MString fileTypeName = "grid";
366 pio.setAttribute(fileTypeName, "filetype", "");
367 MString gridTypeName = "structured";
368 pio.setAttribute(gridTypeName, "gridType", "");
369 pio.setAttribute(m_uID, "UID", "");
370 pio.setAttribute(globalTimeStep, "globalTimeStep", "");
372 ParallelIo::size_type allPoints[3]{-1, -1, -1};
373 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noBlocks; ++i) {
374 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; ++j) {
375 allPoints[j] = getBlockNoPoints(i, j);
376 }
377 MString blockPathStr = "block" + std::to_string(i);
378 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, blockPathStr, "x", nDim, allPoints);
379 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, blockPathStr, "y", nDim, allPoints);
380 IF_CONSTEXPR(nDim == 3) { pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, blockPathStr, "z", nDim, allPoints); }
381 }
383 MString blockPathStr = "block" + std::to_string(m_blockId);
384 ParallelIo::size_type offset[nDim]{};
385 ParallelIo::size_type size[nDim]{};
386 ParallelIo::size_type ghostArray[nDim]{};
387 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
388 offset[dim] = m_nOffsetCells[dim];
389 size[dim] = m_nActivePoints[dim];
390 ghostArray[dim] = m_noGhostLayers;
391 }
393 pio.writeArray(&m_coordinates[0][0], blockPathStr, "x", nDim, offset, size, ghostArray);
394 pio.writeArray(&m_coordinates[1][0], blockPathStr, "y", nDim, offset, size, ghostArray);
395 IF_CONSTEXPR(nDim == 3) { pio.writeArray(&m_coordinates[2][0], blockPathStr, "z", nDim, offset, size, ghostArray); }
MInt getBlockNoPoints(MInt blockId_, MInt dim)
Returns the number of total block points in the given dimension for the given block id.
MInt globalTimeStep
Definition: parallelio.h:36
const MInt PIO_FLOAT
Definition: parallelio.h:46

◆ writePartitionedGrid()

template<MInt nDim>
void StructuredGrid< nDim >::writePartitionedGrid
Pascal Meysonnat

Definition at line 254 of file structuredgrid.cpp.

254 {
255 TRACE();
256 // first every process needs to create the datasets and the structure where the
257 // data will be stored!
258 m_log << "writing the partitionedGrid.hdf5 File" << endl;
259 cout << "writing the partitionedGrid.hdf5 File" << endl;
260 const char* fileName = "partitionedGrid.hdf5";
262 MInt noDomains_ = noDomains();
263 pio.setAttribute(noDomains_, "noBlocks", "");
264 MString gridVarNames[3] = {"x", "y", "z"};
265 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
266 // create datasets for the io library
267 ParallelIo::size_type noPoints[nDim] = {};
268 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
269 noPoints[j] = getActivePoints(i, j) + 2 * m_noGhostLayers;
270 }
272 stringstream path;
273 path << i;
274 MString partitionPathStr = "block";
275 partitionPathStr += path.str();
276 const char* partitionPath = partitionPathStr.c_str();
277 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
278 pio.defineArray(maia::parallel_io::PIO_FLOAT, partitionPath, gridVarNames[dim], nDim, noPoints);
279 }
280 }
282 // write the values into the array so that we can visualize it
283 ParallelIo::size_type offset[3] = {0, 0, 0};
284 ParallelIo::size_type size[3] = {m_nPoints[0], m_nPoints[1], m_nPoints[2]};
285 stringstream path;
286 path << domainId();
287 MString partitionPathStr = "block";
288 partitionPathStr += path.str();
289 for(MInt dim = 0; dim < nDim; ++dim) {
290 pio.writeArray(&m_coordinates[dim][0], partitionPathStr, gridVarNames[dim], nDim, offset, size);
291 }
MInt noDomains() const
Return the total number of domains (total number of ranks in current MPI communicator)
MInt getActivePoints(MInt domainId_, MInt dim)
Returns the number of active points in the given dimension (without ghost-cells) of the given domain ...

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_acceleration

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat** StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_acceleration = nullptr

Definition at line 112 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_blockId

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_blockId

Definition at line 99 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_cells

template<MInt nDim>
StructuredCell* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_cells

Definition at line 88 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_coordinates

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat** StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_coordinates = nullptr

Definition at line 108 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_domainId

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_domainId {}

Definition at line 354 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_gridFileId

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_gridFileId

Definition at line 98 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_gridInputFileName

template<MInt nDim>
MString StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_gridInputFileName

Definition at line 97 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_gridMovingMethod

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_gridMovingMethod

Definition at line 358 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_hasConnectionInfo

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_hasConnectionInfo

Definition at line 121 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_hasSingularity

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_hasSingularity

Definition at line 94 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_initCoordinates

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat** StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_initCoordinates = nullptr

Definition at line 110 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_movingGrid

template<MInt nDim>
MBool StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_movingGrid

Definition at line 357 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_mpiComm

template<MInt nDim>
const MPI_Comm StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_mpiComm

Definition at line 353 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_nActiveCells

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_nActiveCells = nullptr

Definition at line 104 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_nActivePoints

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_nActivePoints = nullptr

Definition at line 102 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_nBlockCells

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_nBlockCells = nullptr

Definition at line 107 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_nCells

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_nCells = nullptr

Definition at line 103 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_noActiveCells

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_noActiveCells

Definition at line 118 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_noBlocks

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_noBlocks = 1

Definition at line 114 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_noCells

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_noCells

Definition at line 119 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_noDomains

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_noDomains {}

Definition at line 355 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_nOffsetCells

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_nOffsetCells = nullptr

Definition at line 105 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_nOffsetPoints

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_nOffsetPoints = nullptr

Definition at line 106 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_noGhostLayers

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_noGhostLayers

Definition at line 115 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_noPoints

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_noPoints

Definition at line 117 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_nPoints

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_nPoints = nullptr

Definition at line 101 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_oldCoordinates

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat** StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_oldCoordinates = nullptr

Definition at line 109 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_partition

template<MInt nDim>
std::unique_ptr<StructuredDecomposition<nDim> > StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_partition

Definition at line 89 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_periodicDisplacements

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_periodicDisplacements = nullptr

Definition at line 123 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_readDecompositionFromFile

template<MInt nDim>
MBool StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_readDecompositionFromFile

Definition at line 361 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_singularity

template<MInt nDim>
SingularInformation* StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_singularity = nullptr

Definition at line 93 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_solverId

template<MInt nDim>
const MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_solverId

Definition at line 352 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_totalNoCells

template<MInt nDim>
MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_totalNoCells

Definition at line 116 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_uID

template<MInt nDim>
MString StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_uID

Definition at line 96 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ m_velocity

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat** StructuredGrid< nDim >::m_velocity = nullptr

Definition at line 111 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ xsd

template<MInt nDim>
const MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::xsd = 0

Definition at line 347 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ ysd

template<MInt nDim>
const MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::ysd = 1

Definition at line 348 of file structuredgrid.h.

◆ zsd

template<MInt nDim>
const MInt StructuredGrid< nDim >::zsd = 2

Definition at line 349 of file structuredgrid.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: