MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
No Matches
List of Sponge layer types for solvertype MAIA_FINITE_VOLUME

The change in Primitive variables are calculated as follows:
\( \Delta \rho = \rho - \rho_{t} \) ; \( \Delta \bar{V} = (\bar{V} - \bar{V}_{t})*\rho_{t} \) ; \( \Delta P = \dfrac{P - P_{t}}{\gamma - 1} \)
Thus, only one of \( \Delta PV \) or \( PV_t \) needs to be prescribed.

0: Pressure and Density sponge to infinity values
\( \rho_t = \rho_{\infty} \)
\( \Delta \bar{V} = 0 \)
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
1: Pressure and Density sponge
\( \Delta \rho = \rho \dfrac{\Delta P}{P} \)
\( \Delta \bar{V} = 0 \)
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
3: Pressure Velocity and Density sponge
\( \rho_t = \rho_{\infty} * f_{\rho} \), where \( f_{\rho} \) is the targetDensityFactor
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
5: Channel Flow
6: Pressure and Density sponge to infinity values
\( \rho_t = \rho_{\infty} \)
\( \Delta \bar{V} = 0 \)
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
77: Sponge layer for STG forcing
41: FAN -> Alexej Pogorelov
47: Hardcoded
The coordinate values are hardcoded in the implementation. Please see the code for detailed implementation.
446: Pressure sponge
\( \Delta \rho = 0 \)
\( \Delta \bar{V} = 0 \)
\( \Delta P = \rho E - \dfrac{P_\infty}{\gamma-1}+\dfrac{1}{2} \rho {||\bar{V}||}^2 \)
11212: Pressure sponge to infinity
\( \Delta \rho = 0 \)
\( \Delta \bar{V} = 0 \)
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
11213: Flame
11214: Flame
51: General Sponge with Average
100: Jet
333: Velocity sponge to infinity
\( \Delta \rho = 0 \)
\( \bar{V}_t = \bar{V}_{\infty} \)
\( \Delta P = 0 \)
2014: Pressure Velocity and Density sponge to infinity
\( \rho_t = \rho_{\infty} \)
\( \bar{V}_t = \bar{V}_{\infty} \)
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
91900: Flame
919001: Flame Hardcoded
The coordinate values are hardcoded in the implementation. Please see the code for detailed implementation.
919002: Flame Hardcoded
The coordinate values are hardcoded in the implementation. Please see the code for detailed implementation.
40: Pressure and Density sponge
\( \rho_t = \rho_{\infty} * f_{\rho} \), where \( f_{\rho} \) is the targetDensityFactor
\( \Delta \bar{V} = 0 \)
\( \Delta P = P_\infty + \Delta P_\tau (\text{DomainBndry[3]} - y_{cell}) \)
1174: Sponge for jet exiting (chevron) nozzle
2: vortex-pair cylinder (quiescent flow prescribed)
\( \rho_t = \rho \dfrac{\Delta P}{P} \)
\( \Delta \bar{V} = \bar{V}*\rho_t \)
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
4: quiescent flow- Pressure and Density Sponged
\( \rho_t = 1.0 \)
\( \Delta \bar{V} = 0 \)
\( P_t = P_{\infty} \)
7: shock
1930: backward-facing step combustor
17511: forced response
1990: DL instability
17512: ...
17514: DL instability
17515: forced response velocity profile- forcing via sponge layer