MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
No Matches
partition.h File Reference

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namespace  maia
 Namespace for auxiliary functions/classes.
namespace  maia::grid


template<typename IdType >
void maia::grid::partitionCellToGlobalOffsets (const IdType *const partitionCellOffsets, const IdType *const partitionCellToGlobalIds, const IdType noDomains, IdType *const globalIdOffsets)
 Translates a list of partition cell offsets to global offsets. More...
template<typename WeightType , typename IdType >
WeightType maia::grid::optimalPartitioningSerial (const WeightType *const weights, const IdType noWeights, const IdType noPartitions, IdType *const offsets)
 Serial algorithm to find the optimal (not ideal) partitioning with given workloads based on a probing algorithm with bisection. More...
template<typename WeightType , typename IdType >
void maia::grid::heuristicPartitioningParallel (const WeightType *const localWeights, const IdType noLocalWeights, const MLong localOffset, const MLong noGlobalWeights, const WeightType totalWorkload, const IdType noGlobalPartitions, const IdType globalPartitionId, const IdType noGroups, const MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm &commGroup, MPI_Comm &commMasters, IdType &groupId, IdType &groupLocalId, MLong *const groupOffsets)
 Fully parallel partitioning into <noGroups> partitions based on a heuristical approach. More...
template<typename WeightType , typename IdType >
void maia::grid::partitionParallelSplit (const WeightType *const localWeights, const IdType noLocalWeights, const IdType localWeightOffset, const IdType noDomains, const IdType domainId, const MPI_Comm mpiComm, IdType *const offsets)