MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
A list of the Finite Volume boundary conditions is generated here:
no-slip adiabatic wall boundary condition
u=v=w=0; drho/dn=dp/dn=0;
no-slip adiabatic wall boundary condition with velocity component in periodic direction
u=v, w=factor*u_in; drho/dn=dp/dn=0;
no-slip adiabatic wall boundary condition
u=v=w=0; drho/dn=dp/dn=0;
no-slip isothermal wall boundary condition
u=v=w=0; drho/dn=dp/dn=0;
slip adiabatic wall boundary condition
u_n=0; du_t/dn=0; drho/dn=dp/dn=0
dp/dn=0 is only valid for walls without streamwise curvature!
Zero boundary condition: ghost cells set to infinity flow conditions (initial condition)
Debug boundary condition
Set of variables: Standard CV
u=v=w=0, rho=1, p=1/gamma
Zero boundary condition: ghost cells set to quiescent flow (initial condition)
Set of variables: Standard CV
u=v=w=0, rho=1, p=1/gamma
Subsonic inflow boundary condition.
Set of variables: Standard CV
u=v=w=IF; rho=rhoIF; dp/dn=0;
Subsonic outflow boundary condition. Set of variables: Standard CV
du/dn=dv/dn=dw/dn=0; drho/dn=0; p=pIF;
3D version
Subsonic inflow boundary condition for cavity flow with different Mach number.
Set of variables: Standard CV
u=v=w=IF; rho=rhoIF; dp/dn=0;
Subsonic laminar tube inflow boundary condition normal to the boundary
Set of variables: Standard PV
prescribes a constant stagnation pressure
density and pressure are computed according to massflux
velocity is computed according to massflux such that a parabolic profile is attained
only valid for circular tubes
multiple ghost cells can be handled but MGC formulation is not used surface ghost cells can not be handled
no 2D version available
Subsonic inflow boundary condition for reactants.
Set of variables: Standard CV
u=v=w=IF; rho=rhoIF; dp/dn=0; Yi=Yi81
Subsonic outflow boundary condition for products.
Set of variables: Standard CV
du/dn=dv/dn=dw/dn=0; drho/dn=0; p=pIF; Yi = Yi82
Coflow bc
Set of variables: Standard CV
u=w=0, v= v_coflow; drho/dn=dp/dn=0;
Moving wall Navier-Stokes boundary condition.
Moving wall Euler boundary condition.
Simple shear flow
Simple and fast fixed adiabatic wall boundary condition for use with the flux-redistribution method
Symmetry boundary condition about x-axis
Subsonic laminar tube inflow boundary condition normal to the boundary - multiple ghost cells
Set of variables: Standard PV
prescribes a constant stagnation pressure
density and pressure are computed according to massflux
velocity is computed according to massflux such that a parabolic profile is attained
only valid for circular tubes
special formulation for complex boundaries with multiple ghost cells
works also for surface ghost cells (m_surfaceGhostCell = true)
no 2D version available
minimum number of time steps is prescribed for different testcases
which is required to obtain a massflux different from zero
Subsonic outflow boundary condition - MGC formulation
Set of variables: Standard PV
static pressure is prescribed with the pressure loss L*m_deltaP (see initialCondition)
density and velocities are assumed not to change in normal direction
multiple ghost cells are handled - MGC formulation is used
surface Ghost cells can be handled
L has to be specified for the respective testcase (approximative length between inflow and outflow) used to compute the pressure loss
no 2D version available