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template<class T , class U > |
U * | maia::collector_memory::align (U *p) |
| Aligns pointer p such that a T stored at its adress is aligned. More...
template<class T > |
void | maia::collector_memory::rowMajor1D (T *&p, void *&base, const MInt cellId, const MInt Nrows, const MInt maxNoCells) |
| Stores 1D variables in row-major order. More...
template<class T > |
| maia::collector_memory::ATTRIBUTES1 (ATTRIBUTE_NO_AUTOVEC) inline void rowMajor2D(T **&p |
| Stores 2D variables in row-major order. More...
| maia::collector_memory::for (MInt i=0;i< Nrows;++i) |
template<class T > |
void | maia::collector_memory::copyElements1D (T *to, T *from, const MInt Nrows) |
| Copies 1D cell elements. More...
template<class T > |
void | maia::collector_memory::copyElements2D (T *to, T *from, const MInt Nrows, const MInt Ncols) |
| Copies 2D cell elements. More...
template<class T > |
void | maia::collector_memory::unaligned_cell_wise::rowMajor1D (T *&p, void *&base, const MInt Nrows) |
| Store 1D variables in row-majow order relative to the start of each cell's memory solver. More...
template<class T > |
| maia::collector_memory::unaligned_cell_wise::ATTRIBUTES1 (ATTRIBUTE_NO_AUTOVEC) inline void rowMajor2D(T **&p |
| maia::collector_memory::unaligned_cell_wise::for (MInt i=0;i< Nrows;++i) |