MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
No Matches
maia::grid::IO< Grid > Class Template Reference

#include <cartesiangridio.h>

Collaboration diagram for maia::grid::IO< Grid >:

Static Public Member Functions

static void load (Grid &g, MString const &fileName)
template<class CELLTYPE >
static void save (Grid &g, const MChar *fileName, Collector< CELLTYPE > *cpu_cells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_haloCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_windowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_azimuthalHaloCells, const std::vector< MInt > &cpu_azimuthalUnmappedHaloCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_azimuthalWindowCells, MInt *const recalcIdTree)
template<class CELLTYPE >
static void calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload (Grid &g, Collector< CELLTYPE > *cpu_cells, MInt cpu_noCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_haloCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_windowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells)
static void partitionParallel (Grid &g, const MInt tmpCount, const MLong tmpOffset, const MFloat *const partitionCellsWorkload, const MLong *const partitionCellsGlobalId, const MFloat totalWorkload, MLong *const partitionCellOffsets, MLong *const globalIdOffsets, const MBool computeOnlyPartition=false)
static void communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData (Grid &g, const MInt noLocalMinLevelCells, const MInt *const localMinLevelCells, const MInt *const localMinLevelId, const MLong *const minLevelCellsTreeId, const MUchar *const cellInfo)
static void propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel (Grid &g)

Private Types

using MInt_dyn_array = typename Grid::MInt_dyn_array
using Tree = typename Grid::Tree
using Cell = typename Tree::Cell

Private Member Functions

MInt noDomains () const
MInt noNeighborDomains () const
MInt noAzimuthalNeighborDomains () const
MPI_Comm mpiComm () const
MInt domainId () const
MInt solverId () const
void loadDonorGridPartition (const MLong *const partitionCellsId, const MInt noPartitionCells)
MLong generateHilbertIndex (const MInt cellId, const MInt minLevel)
void resetCell (const MInt &cellId)
MLonga_globalId (const MInt cellId)
MLonga_parentId (const MInt cellId)
MInta_level (const MInt cellId)
MInt a_hasNeighbor (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const
MLonga_neighborId (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir)
MFloata_coordinate (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir)
maia::grid::cell::BitsetType::reference a_hasProperty (const MInt cellId, const Cell p)
MLonga_childId (const MInt cellId, const MInt pos)
MFloat cellLengthAtLevel (const MInt level) const
MFloat cellLengthAtCell (const MInt cellId) const
MInt a_noChildren (const MInt cellId)
MInta_noOffsprings (const MInt cellId)
template<class U >
maia::grid::cell::BitsetType::reference a_hasProperty (Collector< U > *NotUsed(cells_), const MInt cellId, const Cell p)
template<class U >
MInta_noOffsprings (Collector< U > *NotUsed(cells_), const MInt cellId)
template<class U >
MFloata_workload (Collector< U > *NotUsed(cells_), const MInt cellId)
MFloat a_weight (const MInt cellId)
template<class U >
MInt a_noCells (Collector< U > *NotUsed(cells_))
 IO (Grid &g)
void domainPartitioningParallel (const MInt tmpCount, const MLong tmpOffset, const MFloat *const partitionCellsWorkload, const MLong *const partitionCellsGlobalId, const MFloat totalWorkload, MLong *const partitionCellOffsets, MLong *const globalIdOffsets, const MBool computeOnlyPartition=false)
 Parallel domain partitioning. More...
void loadGrid (const MString &fileName)
 Load a grid file. More...
void propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel ()
 Given neighbor information on the minLevel, create neighbor information on all higher levels. More...
MInt globalIdToLocalId (const MLong globalId)
MInt findNeighborDomainId (MLong globalId)
template<class ITERATOR , typename U >
MInt findIndex (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last, const U &val)
void collectDistributedGroupData (const MInt noLocalData, const MLong localDataOffset, const MLong *const intData, const MFloat *const fltData, const MInt noGroups, const MLong *const groupOffsets, const MInt noRanksPerGroup, const MLong noGlobalData, const MInt noRecvData, MLong *const recvInt, MFloat *const recvFlt, MPI_Comm comm, MInt rank)
 Collect distributed data located in intData and fltData on the master rank (0) of each communicator/group. More...
MInt correctDomainOffsetsAtPartitionLevelShifts (std::vector< MUchar > &cellInfo)
 Check for partition level shifts and in this case make sure the first partition level ancestors are on the domain with the first corresponding partition cell. More...
void communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData (const MInt noLocalMinLevelCells, const MInt *const localMinLevelCells, const MInt *const localMinLevelId, const MLong *const minLevelCellsTreeId, const MUchar *const cellInfo)
 The subtrees between the local minLevel and the partitionLevel is gathered on the domain which holds the corresponding minLevel cell. This domains reconstructs the subtree connectivity, given the collected data and sends the connectivity informaton back to the various domains. More...
void queryGlobalData (const MInt noCellsToQuery, const MLong *const queryGlobalIds, MLong *const receiveData, const MLong *const dataSource, const MInt dataWidth)
 Generic communication of data given by dataSource, matched by queryGlobalIds, stored in receiveData. More...
void traverseAndSetupSubtree (const MInt &cellId, const MUchar *const cellInfo)
 Recursively setup subtree connection from partition level to the leaf level. More...
MInt traverseAndFlagSubtree (const MUint &cellId, const MUchar *const cellInfo, const MInt N, MInt *const flag)
 Recursively flag subtree cells from partition level to the leaf level. More...
void traverseAndSetupTruncatedSubtree (MInt &counter, const std::vector< std::tuple< MLong, MUchar, MInt > > &collectData, MLong *const collectParentId, MInt *const collectLevel, MInt *const collectNoChildren, MLong *const collectChildIds, MInt *const collectNoOffspring)
 Recursively setup truncated subtree between minLevel and partitionLevel (used to setup partition level ancestors) More...
template<class CELLTYPE >
void saveGrid (const MChar *fileName, Collector< CELLTYPE > *cpu_cells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_haloCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_windowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_azimuthalHaloCells, const std::vector< MInt > &cpu_azimuthalUnmappedHaloCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_azimuthalWindowCells, MInt *const recalcIdTree)
 Save the grid. More...
void sortAfterHilbertIds (MLong *array2Sort, MInt *followUp1, MInt cell2SortCnt)
 Sorting after hilbert id. More...
template<typename CELLTYPE >
void calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload (Collector< CELLTYPE > *input_cells, MInt input_noCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_haloCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_windowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells)
 Caluclate the number of offsprings and the workload for each cell. More...
template<typename CELLTYPE >
MInt createTreeOrderingOfIds (Collector< CELLTYPE > *input_cells, MInt noInternalCells, MInt *oldId, MLong *newId, MInt *minLevelCells_id, MLong *minLevelCells_newId, MInt minLevelCellsCnt, MLong *tmp_id, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells)
 Create a tree ordering of Ids. More...
template<typename CELLTYPE >
void writeParallelGridFile (const MChar *fileName, Collector< CELLTYPE > *input_cells, MInt *partitionCellsFilteredSizePar, MInt *noCellsPar, MInt *oldId, MLong *changeId, const std::vector< MLong > &partitionCellsFiltered, MInt *partitionCellLevelDiff, MInt *changeId2)
 Save a grid file. More...

Private Attributes

Grid & grid_
MLong(& m_localPartitionCellOffsets )[3]
MLong *& m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds
MInt *& m_localPartitionCellLocalIds
std::vector< MInt > & m_nghbrDomains
MLong *& m_domainOffsets
MFloat(& m_boundingBox )[6]
MFloat(& m_centerOfGravity )[3]
std::map< MLong, MInt > & m_globalToLocalId
std::vector< MInt > & m_partitionLevelAncestorIds
std::vector< MLong > & m_partitionLevelAncestorChildIds
std::vector< MInt > & m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > & m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > & m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr MInt nDim = Grid::nDim_()
static constexpr MInt m_noDirs = 2 * nDim
static constexpr MInt m_maxNoChilds = IPOW2(nDim)

Detailed Description

template<typename Grid>
class maia::grid::IO< Grid >

Definition at line 28 of file cartesiangridio.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Cell

template<typename Grid >
using maia::grid::IO< Grid >::Cell = typename Tree::Cell

Definition at line 33 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ MInt_dyn_array

template<typename Grid >
using maia::grid::IO< Grid >::MInt_dyn_array = typename Grid::MInt_dyn_array

Definition at line 31 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ Tree

template<typename Grid >
using maia::grid::IO< Grid >::Tree = typename Grid::Tree

Definition at line 32 of file cartesiangridio.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IO()

template<typename Grid >
maia::grid::IO< Grid >::IO ( Grid &  g)

Definition at line 127 of file cartesiangridio.h.

128 : grid_(g),
129 m_noPartitionCellsGlobal(grid_.m_noPartitionCellsGlobal),
130 m_localPartitionCellOffsets(grid_.m_localPartitionCellOffsets),
131 m_noPartitionCells(grid_.m_noPartitionCells),
132 m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds(grid_.m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds),
133 m_localPartitionCellLocalIds(grid_.m_localPartitionCellLocalIds),
134 m_noMinLevelCellsGlobal(grid_.m_noMinLevelCellsGlobal),
135 m_noCellsGlobal(grid_.m_noCellsGlobal),
136 m_noInternalCells(grid_.m_noInternalCells),
137 m_nghbrDomains(grid_.m_nghbrDomains),
138 m_domainOffsets(grid_.m_domainOffsets),
139 m_maxLevel(grid_.m_maxLevel),
140 m_minLevel(grid_.m_minLevel),
141 m_maxRfnmntLvl(grid_.m_maxRfnmntLvl),
142 m_lengthLevel0(grid_.m_lengthLevel0),
143 m_reductionFactor(grid_.m_reductionFactor),
144 m_boundingBox(grid_.m_boundingBox),
145 m_centerOfGravity(grid_.m_centerOfGravity),
146 m_maxUniformRefinementLevel(grid_.m_maxUniformRefinementLevel),
147 m_decisiveDirection(grid_.m_decisiveDirection),
148 m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold(grid_.m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold),
149 m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold(grid_.m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold),
150 m_tree(grid_.m_tree),
151 m_globalToLocalId(grid_.m_globalToLocalId),
152 m_noPartitionLevelAncestors(grid_.m_noPartitionLevelAncestors),
153 m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal(grid_.m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal),
154 m_noHaloPartitionLevelAncestors(grid_.m_noHaloPartitionLevelAncestors),
155 m_maxPartitionLevelShift(grid_.m_maxPartitionLevelShift),
156 m_loadGridPartition(grid_.m_loadGridPartition),
157 m_restart(grid_.m_restart),
158 m_32BitOffset(grid_.m_32BitOffset),
159 m_partitionLevelAncestorIds(grid_.m_partitionLevelAncestorIds),
160 m_partitionLevelAncestorChildIds(grid_.m_partitionLevelAncestorChildIds),
161 m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains(grid_.m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains),
162 m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells(grid_.m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells),
163 m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells(grid_.m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells) {}
MInt & m_maxUniformRefinementLevel
std::vector< MLong > & m_partitionLevelAncestorChildIds
MLong & m_noPartitionCellsGlobal
MLong & m_noCellsGlobal
std::vector< MInt > & m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains
MLong(& m_localPartitionCellOffsets)[3]
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > & m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells
MLong & m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal
MFloat(& m_centerOfGravity)[3]
MFloat(& m_boundingBox)[6]
std::map< MLong, MInt > & m_globalToLocalId
MBool & m_loadGridPartition
MInt & m_noMinLevelCellsGlobal
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > & m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells
MInt & m_noHaloPartitionLevelAncestors
MInt & m_maxPartitionLevelShift
MLong *& m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds
MFloat & m_lengthLevel0
std::vector< MInt > & m_partitionLevelAncestorIds
MInt & m_decisiveDirection
MLong & m_32BitOffset
MLong *& m_domainOffsets
MInt *& m_localPartitionCellLocalIds
MInt & m_noInternalCells
MInt & m_noPartitionCells
std::vector< MInt > & m_nghbrDomains
MInt & m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold
MInt & m_noPartitionLevelAncestors
MFloat & m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold
MFloat & m_reductionFactor

Member Function Documentation

◆ a_childId()

template<typename Grid >
MLong & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_childId ( const MInt  cellId,
const MInt  pos 

Definition at line 101 of file cartesiangridio.h.

101{ return grid_.a_childId(cellId, pos); }

◆ a_coordinate()

template<typename Grid >
MFloat & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_coordinate ( const MInt  cellId,
const MInt  dir 

Definition at line 97 of file cartesiangridio.h.

97{ return grid_.a_coordinate(cellId, dir); }

◆ a_globalId()

template<typename Grid >
MLong & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_globalId ( const MInt  cellId)

Definition at line 91 of file cartesiangridio.h.

91{ return grid_.a_globalId(cellId); }

◆ a_hasNeighbor()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_hasNeighbor ( const MInt  cellId,
const MInt  dir 
) const

Definition at line 95 of file cartesiangridio.h.

95{ return grid_.a_hasNeighbor(cellId, dir); }

◆ a_hasProperty() [1/2]

template<typename Grid >
template<class U >
maia::grid::cell::BitsetType::reference maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_hasProperty ( Collector< U > *  NotUsedcells_,
const MInt  cellId,
const Cell  p 

Definition at line 107 of file cartesiangridio.h.

108 {
109 return grid_.a_hasProperty(cellId, p);
110 }

◆ a_hasProperty() [2/2]

template<typename Grid >
maia::grid::cell::BitsetType::reference maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_hasProperty ( const MInt  cellId,
const Cell  p 

Definition at line 98 of file cartesiangridio.h.

98 {
99 return grid_.a_hasProperty(cellId, p);
100 }

◆ a_level()

template<typename Grid >
MInt & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_level ( const MInt  cellId)

Definition at line 93 of file cartesiangridio.h.

93{ return grid_.a_level(cellId); }

◆ a_neighborId()

template<typename Grid >
MLong & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_neighborId ( const MInt  cellId,
const MInt  dir 

Definition at line 96 of file cartesiangridio.h.

96{ return grid_.a_neighborId(cellId, dir); }

◆ a_noCells()

template<typename Grid >
template<class U >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_noCells ( Collector< U > *  NotUsedcells_)

Definition at line 122 of file cartesiangridio.h.

122 {
123 return m_tree.size();
124 }

◆ a_noChildren()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_noChildren ( const MInt  cellId)

Definition at line 104 of file cartesiangridio.h.

104{ return grid_.a_noChildren(cellId); }

◆ a_noOffsprings() [1/2]

template<typename Grid >
template<class U >
MInt & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_noOffsprings ( Collector< U > *  NotUsedcells_,
const MInt  cellId 

Definition at line 113 of file cartesiangridio.h.

113 {
114 return grid_.a_noOffsprings(cellId);
115 }

◆ a_noOffsprings() [2/2]

template<typename Grid >
MInt & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_noOffsprings ( const MInt  cellId)

Definition at line 105 of file cartesiangridio.h.

105{ return grid_.a_noOffsprings(cellId); }

◆ a_parentId()

template<typename Grid >
MLong & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_parentId ( const MInt  cellId)

Definition at line 92 of file cartesiangridio.h.

92{ return grid_.a_parentId(cellId); }

◆ a_weight()

template<typename Grid >
MFloat maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_weight ( const MInt  cellId)

Definition at line 120 of file cartesiangridio.h.

120{ return grid_.a_weight(cellId); }

◆ a_workload()

template<typename Grid >
template<class U >
MFloat & maia::grid::IO< Grid >::a_workload ( Collector< U > *  NotUsedcells_,
const MInt  cellId 

Definition at line 117 of file cartesiangridio.h.

117 {
118 return grid_.a_workload(cellId);
119 }

◆ calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload() [1/2]

template<typename Grid >
template<typename CELLTYPE >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload ( Collector< CELLTYPE > *  input_cells,
MInt  input_noCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_haloCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_windowCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017
  1. Assign each cell with the max possible level (as those can't have childs) the value 1 as offSprings and the value m_weight as workload.
  2. Assign each cell with one level up (the parents of the cells of the previous step) the value 1 + value of each child if it has any (offSprings) and the value m_weight + workload of each child if it has any (workload).
  3. Repeat step 2 for each level until ones reachs the minimum level.
Template Parameters

in] T Cell type

Definition at line 2600 of file cartesiangridio.h.

2604 {
2605 TRACE();
2607 MInt recvSize = 0;
2608 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2609 recvSize += (signed)partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d].size();
2610 }
2611 MIntScratchSpace recvBuffer(mMax(1, recvSize), AT_, "recvBuffer");
2612 MFloatScratchSpace recvBuffer2(mMax(1, recvSize), AT_, "recvBuffer2");
2613 MIntScratchSpace tmpNoOffs(input_noCells, AT_, "tmpNoOffs");
2614 MFloatScratchSpace tmpWorkload(input_noCells, AT_, "tmpWorkload");
2616 MInt noChilds = IPOW2(nDim);
2618 for(MInt i = 0; i < input_noCells; ++i) {
2619 if(a_level(i) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) {
2620 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, i) = 0;
2621 a_workload(input_cells, i) = 0.0;
2622 continue;
2623 }
2624 if(!a_hasProperty(input_cells, i, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2625 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, i) = 1;
2626 a_workload(input_cells, i) = a_weight(i);
2627 ASSERT(!std::isnan(a_weight(i)), "cellId " + std::to_string(i) + " g" + std::to_string(a_globalId(i)));
2628 } else {
2629 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, i) = 0;
2630 a_workload(input_cells, i) = 0.0;
2631 }
2632 }
2634 const MInt minLevel = (grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) ? grid_.m_newMinLevel : m_minLevel;
2636 for(MInt level_ = m_maxLevel; level_ >= minLevel; --level_) {
2637 for(MInt i = 0; i < input_noCells; ++i) {
2638 if(level_ == a_level(i)) {
2639 if(0 != a_noChildren(i)) {
2640 for(MInt j = 0; j < noChilds; ++j) {
2641 if(-1 != a_childId(i, j)) {
2642 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, i) += a_noOffsprings(input_cells, a_childId(i, j));
2643 a_workload(input_cells, i) += a_workload(input_cells, a_childId(i, j));
2644 }
2645 }
2646 }
2647 }
2648 }
2649 }
2653 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2654 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d].size(); j++) {
2655 tmpNoOffs[partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]] =
2656 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]);
2657 tmpWorkload[partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]] =
2658 a_workload(input_cells, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]);
2659 }
2660 }
2661 maia::mpi::reverseExchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
2662 mpiComm(), &tmpNoOffs[0], &recvBuffer[0]);
2663 maia::mpi::reverseExchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
2664 mpiComm(), &tmpWorkload[0], &recvBuffer2[0]);
2665 MInt cnt = 0;
2666 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2667 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d].size(); j++) {
2668 MInt cellId = partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d][j];
2669 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, cellId) += recvBuffer[cnt];
2670 a_workload(input_cells, cellId) += recvBuffer2[cnt];
2671 cnt++;
2672 }
2673 }
2675 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2676 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d].size(); j++) {
2677 tmpNoOffs[partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d][j]] =
2678 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d][j]);
2679 tmpWorkload[partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d][j]] =
2680 a_workload(input_cells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d][j]);
2681 }
2682 }
2683 maia::mpi::exchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
2684 mpiComm(), &tmpNoOffs[0]);
2685 maia::mpi::exchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
2686 mpiComm(), &tmpWorkload[0]);
2687 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2688 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d].size(); j++) {
2689 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]) =
2690 tmpNoOffs[partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]];
2691 a_workload(input_cells, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]) =
2692 tmpWorkload[partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j]];
2693 }
2694 }
2695 }
2697 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); i++) {
2698 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)cpu_windowCells[i].size(); j++) {
2699 tmpNoOffs[cpu_windowCells[i][j]] = a_noOffsprings(input_cells, cpu_windowCells[i][j]);
2700 tmpWorkload[cpu_windowCells[i][j]] = a_workload(input_cells, cpu_windowCells[i][j]);
2701 }
2702 }
2703 if(noNeighborDomains() > 0) {
2704 maia::mpi::exchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, cpu_haloCells, cpu_windowCells, mpiComm(), &tmpNoOffs[0]);
2705 maia::mpi::exchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, cpu_haloCells, cpu_windowCells, mpiComm(), &tmpWorkload[0]);
2706 }
2707 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); i++) {
2708 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)cpu_haloCells[i].size(); j++) {
2709 a_noOffsprings(input_cells, cpu_haloCells[i][j]) = tmpNoOffs[cpu_haloCells[i][j]];
2710 a_workload(input_cells, cpu_haloCells[i][j]) = tmpWorkload[cpu_haloCells[i][j]];
2711 }
2712 }
2713 }
This class is a ScratchSpace.
Definition: scratch.h:758
maia::grid::cell::BitsetType::reference a_hasProperty(const MInt cellId, const Cell p)
MInt a_noChildren(const MInt cellId)
MFloat a_weight(const MInt cellId)
MPI_Comm mpiComm() const
MInt & a_level(const MInt cellId)
MLong & a_childId(const MInt cellId, const MInt pos)
static constexpr MInt nDim
MInt & a_noOffsprings(const MInt cellId)
MLong & a_globalId(const MInt cellId)
MInt noNeighborDomains() const
MFloat & a_workload(Collector< U > *NotUsed(cells_), const MInt cellId)
constexpr T mMax(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: functions.h:94
constexpr MLong IPOW2(MInt x)
int32_t MInt
Definition: maiatypes.h:62
void const MInt cellId
Definition: collector.h:239
void exchangeData(const MInt noNghbrDomains, const MInt *const nghbrDomains, const MInt *const noHaloCells, const MInt **const, const MInt *const noWindowCells, const MInt **const windowCells, const MPI_Comm comm, const U *const data, U *const haloBuffer, const MInt noDat=1)
Generic exchange of data.
Definition: mpiexchange.h:295
void reverseExchangeData(const MInt noNghbrDomains, const MInt *const nghbrDomains, const MInt *const noHaloCells, const MInt **const haloCells, const MInt *const noWindowCells, const MInt **const, const MPI_Comm comm, const U *const data, U *const windowBuffer, const MInt noDat=1)
Generic reverse exchange of data.
Definition: mpiexchange.h:400

◆ calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload() [2/2]

template<typename Grid >
template<class CELLTYPE >
static void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload ( Grid &  g,
Collector< CELLTYPE > *  cpu_cells,
MInt  cpu_noCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_haloCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_windowCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells 

Definition at line 178 of file cartesiangridio.h.

182 {
183 IO(g).calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload(cpu_cells, cpu_noCells, cpu_haloCells, cpu_windowCells,
184 partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells);
185 }

◆ cellLengthAtCell()

template<typename Grid >
MFloat maia::grid::IO< Grid >::cellLengthAtCell ( const MInt  cellId) const

Definition at line 103 of file cartesiangridio.h.

103{ return grid_.cellLengthAtCell(cellId); }

◆ cellLengthAtLevel()

template<typename Grid >
MFloat maia::grid::IO< Grid >::cellLengthAtLevel ( const MInt  level) const

Definition at line 102 of file cartesiangridio.h.

102{ return grid_.cellLengthAtLevel(level); }

◆ collectDistributedGroupData()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::collectDistributedGroupData ( const MInt  noLocalData,
const MLong  localDataOffset,
const MLong *const  intData,
const MFloat *const  fltData,
const MInt  noGroups,
const MLong *const  groupOffsets,
const MInt  noRanksPerGroup,
const MLong  noGlobalData,
const MInt  noRecvData,
MLong *const  recvInt,
MFloat *const  recvFlt,
MPI_Comm  comm,
MInt  rank 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 1089 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1092 {
1093 MInt recvCount = 0;
1094 MInt locCnt = 0;
1095 MInt noReqs = 0;
1096 ScratchSpace<MPI_Request> requests(2 * mMin(noRecvData, noGroups * noRanksPerGroup) + 3 * noGroups, AT_,
1097 "requests");
1098 MLongScratchSpace sendBuf(noGroups, 2, AT_, "sendBuf");
1099 requests.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1101 // 1. all ranks send their local data to the corresponding group masters as determined by the groupOffsets
1102 while(locCnt < noLocalData) {
1103 MInt sendCnt = 0;
1104 MInt group = 0;
1105 while(!(localDataOffset + locCnt >= groupOffsets[group] && localDataOffset + locCnt < groupOffsets[group + 1]))
1106 group++;
1107 ASSERT(group < noGroups, "");
1108 while(locCnt + sendCnt < noLocalData && localDataOffset + locCnt + sendCnt >= groupOffsets[group]
1109 && localDataOffset + locCnt + sendCnt < groupOffsets[group + 1])
1110 sendCnt++;
1111 MInt locOffset = localDataOffset + locCnt - groupOffsets[group];
1112 MInt ndom = group * noRanksPerGroup;
1113 if(ndom == rank) {
1114 ASSERT(locOffset + sendCnt <= noRecvData, "");
1115 std::copy(&fltData[locCnt], &fltData[locCnt] + sendCnt, &recvFlt[locOffset]);
1116 std::copy(&intData[locCnt], &intData[locCnt] + sendCnt, &recvInt[locOffset]);
1117 recvCount += sendCnt;
1118 } else {
1119 ASSERT(groupOffsets[group] + locOffset + sendCnt <= noGlobalData, "");
1120 sendBuf(group, 0) = sendCnt;
1121 sendBuf(group, 1) = locOffset;
1122 MPI_Isend(&sendBuf(group, 0), 2, MPI_LONG, ndom, 0, comm, &requests[noReqs++], AT_,
1123 "sendBuf(group"); // send data count and offset in local group array
1124#if defined(HOST_Klogin)
1125 MPI_Isend(const_cast<MLong*>(&intData[locCnt]), sendCnt, MPI_LONG, ndom, 1, comm, &requests[noReqs++], AT_,
1126 "const_cast<MLong*>(&intData[locCnt])"); // send partition cell ids
1127 MPI_Isend(const_cast<MFloat*>(&fltData[locCnt]), sendCnt, MPI_DOUBLE, ndom, 2, comm, &requests[noReqs++], AT_,
1128 "const_cast<MFloat*>(&fltData[locCnt])"); // send partition cell workloads
1130 MPI_Isend(&intData[locCnt], sendCnt, MPI_LONG, ndom, 1, comm, &requests[noReqs++], AT_,
1131 "intData[locCnt]"); // send partition cell ids
1132 MPI_Isend(&fltData[locCnt], sendCnt, MPI_DOUBLE, ndom, 2, comm, &requests[noReqs++], AT_,
1133 "fltData[locCnt]"); // send partition cell workloads
1135 }
1136 locCnt += sendCnt;
1137 }
1139 // 2. the group masters receive all partition data residing in their group
1140 const MFloat time0 = MPI_Wtime();
1141 MFloat time1 = MPI_Wtime();
1142 while(recvCount < noRecvData) {
1143 MPI_Status status;
1144 MInt flag;
1145 MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, comm, &flag, &status); // wait for messages (asynchronously)
1146 if(flag) {
1147 MInt source = status.MPI_SOURCE;
1148 MLong recvBuf[2];
1149 MPI_Recv(recvBuf, 2, MPI_LONG, source, 0, comm, &status, AT_,
1150 "recvBuf"); // receive data count and offset in local group array
1151 MInt recvSize = recvBuf[0];
1152 MLong locOffset = recvBuf[1];
1153 ASSERT(locOffset + recvSize <= noRecvData, "");
1154 MPI_Irecv(&recvInt[locOffset], recvSize, MPI_LONG, source, 1, comm, &requests[noReqs++], AT_,
1155 "recvInt[locOffset]"); // receive partition cell ids
1156 MPI_Irecv(&recvFlt[locOffset], recvSize, MPI_DOUBLE, source, 2, comm, &requests[noReqs++], AT_,
1157 "recvFlt[locOffset]"); // receive partition cell workloads
1158 recvCount += recvSize;
1159 }
1160 if((MInt)((MPI_Wtime() - time0) / 10) > (MInt)((time1 - time0) / 10)) {
1161 std::cerr << "Rank " << rank << " already waiting " << MPI_Wtime() - time0
1162 << " seconds for incoming partition data..." << std::endl;
1163 }
1164 time1 = MPI_Wtime();
1165 }
1167 if(noReqs) MPI_Waitall(noReqs, &requests[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_); // finish asynchronous communication
1168 }
constexpr T mMin(const T &x, const T &y)
Definition: functions.h:90
double MFloat
Definition: maiatypes.h:52
int64_t MLong
Definition: maiatypes.h:64
int MPI_Recv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Recv
int MPI_Isend(const void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Isend
int MPI_Irecv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Irecv
int MPI_Waitall(int count, MPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status, const MString &name)
same as MPI_Waitall
int MPI_Iprobe(int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, int *flag, MPI_Status *status, const MString &name)
Iprobe MPI to get status without actually receiving the message.

◆ communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData() [1/2]

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData ( const MInt  noLocalMinLevelCells,
const MInt *const  localMinLevelCells,
const MInt *const  localMinLevelId,
const MLong *const  minLevelCellsTreeId,
const MUchar *const  cellInfo 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 1262 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1264 {
1265 TRACE();
1267 using namespace std;
1277 return;
1278 }
1280 // Mark partiton cells
1281 MIntScratchSpace isPartitionCell(m_noInternalCells, AT_, "isPartitionCell");
1282 isPartitionCell.fill(0);
1283 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
1285 isPartitionCell(cellId) = 1;
1286 }
1288 // Determine global id of first min level cell on this domain
1289 MLong firstMinLevelCell = std::numeric_limits<MLong>::max();
1290 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLocalMinLevelCells; i++) {
1291 firstMinLevelCell = mMin(firstMinLevelCell, a_globalId(localMinLevelCells[i]));
1292 }
1294 // Gather first min level cell ids of all domains
1295 MLongScratchSpace minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets");
1296 MPI_Allgather(&firstMinLevelCell, 1, MPI_LONG,, 1, MPI_LONG, mpiComm(), AT_,
1297 "firstMinLevelCell", "");
1298 minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets[noDomains()] = m_noCellsGlobal + m_32BitOffset;
1300 for(MInt cpu = noDomains() - 1; cpu >= 0; cpu--) { // some domains may not have any min level cells at all
1301 if(minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets[cpu] > m_noCellsGlobal + m_32BitOffset) {
1302 minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets[cpu] = minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets[cpu + 1];
1303 }
1304 }
1306 std::vector<std::tuple<MLong, MInt, MInt>> partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel;
1307 std::vector<std::tuple<MLong, MInt, MInt>> partitionLevelAncestorsOther;
1308 MIntScratchSpace isPartitionLevelAncestor(m_noInternalCells, AT_, "isPartitionLevelAncestor");
1309 isPartitionLevelAncestor.fill(1);
1311 MInt noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal = 0;
1312 MInt noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal = m_noInternalCells;
1313 TERMM_IF_NOT_COND(m_noInternalCells == m_tree.size(),
1314 "Error: tree should only contain internal cells at this moment.");
1316 // Determine partition level ancestor cells and set the corresponding cell property
1317 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
1319 noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal -=
1320 traverseAndFlagSubtree(cellId, cellInfo, m_tree.size(),
1321 &isPartitionLevelAncestor[0]); // flag all parent cells of partition level
1322 }
1324 m_noPartitionLevelAncestors = noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal;
1325 // Determine global number of partition level ancestor cells
1326 MPI_Allreduce(&noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal, &noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpiComm(),
1327 AT_, "noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal", "noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal");
1328 m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal = noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal;
1330 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noInternalCells; i++) {
1331 a_hasProperty(i, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor) = isPartitionLevelAncestor(i);
1332 }
1334 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
1336 if(localMinLevelId[cellId] < 0) {
1337 isPartitionLevelAncestor[cellId] = 1; // also flag partition cells which are not on min level
1338 }
1339 }
1341 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noInternalCells; cellId++) {
1342 const MLong globalId = a_globalId(cellId);
1343 if(isPartitionLevelAncestor(cellId)) {
1344 if(localMinLevelId[cellId] > -1) {
1345 // Partition level ancestor is a min cell
1346 partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel.push_back(std::make_tuple(globalId, cellId, domainId()));
1347 } else {
1348 // Partition level ancestor is not a min-cell, find the domain which has the corresponding
1349 // parent min-cell
1350 MInt ndom = -1;
1351 for(MInt cpu = 0; cpu < noDomains(); cpu++) {
1352 if(globalId >= minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets[cpu] && globalId < minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets[cpu + 1]) {
1353 ndom = cpu;
1354 break;
1355 }
1356 }
1357 TERMM_IF_COND(ndom < 0 || ndom >= noDomains(), "domain for globalId not found " + std::to_string(ndom));
1358 partitionLevelAncestorsOther.push_back(std::make_tuple(globalId, cellId, ndom));
1359 }
1360 }
1361 }
1363 MIntScratchSpace noQuery(noDomains(), AT_, "noQuery");
1364 MIntScratchSpace queryOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "queryOffsets");
1365 noQuery.fill(0);
1367 // Count the number of queries per domain
1368 for(MUint i = 0; i < partitionLevelAncestorsOther.size(); i++) {
1369 noQuery[get<2>(partitionLevelAncestorsOther[i])]++;
1370 }
1371 queryOffsets(0) = 0;
1372 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1373 queryOffsets(c + 1) = queryOffsets(c) + noQuery[c];
1374 }
1376 MLongScratchSpace queryGlobalId(queryOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "queryGlobalId");
1377 ScratchSpace<MUchar> queryCellInfo(queryOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "queryCellInfo");
1378 MIntScratchSpace queryIsPartitionCell(queryOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "queryIsPartitionCell");
1379 noQuery.fill(0);
1381 // Gather the local partition level ancestor data that needs to be communicated
1382 for(MUint i = 0; i < partitionLevelAncestorsOther.size(); i++) {
1383 MLong globalId = get<0>(partitionLevelAncestorsOther[i]);
1384 MInt cellId = get<1>(partitionLevelAncestorsOther[i]);
1385 MInt cpu = get<2>(partitionLevelAncestorsOther[i]);
1386 queryGlobalId(queryOffsets(cpu) + noQuery(cpu)) = globalId;
1387 queryCellInfo(queryOffsets(cpu) + noQuery(cpu)) = cellInfo[cellId];
1388 queryIsPartitionCell(queryOffsets(cpu) + noQuery(cpu)) = isPartitionCell[cellId];
1389 // it->second = queryOffsets(cpu) + noQuery(cpu);
1390 noQuery[cpu]++;
1391 }
1393 MIntScratchSpace noCollect(noDomains(), AT_, "noCollect");
1394 MIntScratchSpace collectOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "collectOffsets");
1396 // Communicate the number of queries of all domains with each other
1397 MPI_Alltoall(&noQuery[0], 1, MPI_INT, &noCollect[0], 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_, "noQuery[0]", "noCollect[0]");
1398 // Compute offsets
1399 collectOffsets(0) = 0;
1400 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1401 collectOffsets(c + 1) = collectOffsets(c) + noCollect[c];
1402 }
1404 // Buffers for received data
1405 MLongScratchSpace collectGlobalId(collectOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "collectGlobalId");
1406 ScratchSpace<MUchar> collectCellInfo(collectOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "collectCellInfo");
1407 MIntScratchSpace collectIsPartitionCell(collectOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "collectIsPartitionCell");
1408 ScratchSpace<MPI_Request> queryReq(3 * noDomains(), AT_, "queryReq");
1409 queryReq.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1411 // Send the local partition level ancestor data to the domain with the corresponding min-cells
1412 MInt queryCnt = 0;
1413 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1414 if(noQuery[c] == 0) continue;
1415 MPI_Issend(&queryGlobalId[queryOffsets[c]], noQuery[c], MPI_LONG, c, 456, mpiComm(), &queryReq[queryCnt++], AT_,
1416 "queryGlobalId[queryOffsets[c]]");
1417 MPI_Issend(&queryCellInfo[queryOffsets[c]], noQuery[c], MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, c, 457, mpiComm(),
1418 &queryReq[queryCnt++], AT_, "queryCellInfo[queryOffsets[c]]");
1419 MPI_Issend(&queryIsPartitionCell[queryOffsets[c]], noQuery[c], MPI_INT, c, 458, mpiComm(), &queryReq[queryCnt++],
1420 AT_, "queryIsPartitionCell[queryOffsets[c]]");
1421 }
1423 // Receive the data if there is any
1424 MInt collectCnt = 0;
1425 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1426 if(noCollect[c] == 0) continue;
1427 MPI_Recv(&collectGlobalId[collectOffsets[c]], noCollect[c], MPI_LONG, c, 456, mpiComm(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_,
1428 "collectGlobalId[collectOffsets[c]]");
1429 MPI_Recv(&collectCellInfo[collectOffsets[c]], noCollect[c], MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, c, 457, mpiComm(),
1430 MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_, "collectCellInfo[collectOffsets[c]]");
1431 MPI_Recv(&collectIsPartitionCell[collectOffsets[c]], noCollect[c], MPI_INT, c, 458, mpiComm(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,
1432 AT_, "collectIsPartitionCell[collectOffsets[c]]");
1433 collectCnt++;
1434 }
1436 if(queryCnt > 0) MPI_Waitall(queryCnt, &queryReq[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_);
1438 // Collect the local min-level partition level ancestor data
1439 std::vector<std::tuple<MLong, MUchar, MInt>> collectData;
1440 for(MUint i = 0; i < partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel.size(); i++) {
1441 MLong globalId = get<0>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i]);
1442 MInt localId = get<1>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i]);
1443 ASSERT(domainId() == get<2>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i]), "");
1444 collectData.push_back(std::make_tuple(globalId, cellInfo[localId], isPartitionCell[localId]));
1445 }
1447 // ... and that of all descendent partition level ancestors (local and on other domains)
1448 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1449 for(MInt d = 0; d < noCollect[c]; d++) {
1450 MInt id = collectOffsets[c] + d;
1451 collectData.push_back(std::make_tuple(collectGlobalId[id], collectCellInfo[id], collectIsPartitionCell[id]));
1452 }
1453 }
1455 sort(collectData.begin(), collectData.end()); // sort by globalId to retain depth-first ordering starting from min
1456 // level, truncated at partition level
1458 constexpr MInt noData = 5 + m_maxNoChilds + m_noDirs;
1459 MLongScratchSpace collectMinLevelTreeId(collectData.size(), AT_, "collectMinLevelTreeId");
1460 MLongScratchSpace collectParentId(collectData.size(), AT_, "collectParentId");
1461 MIntScratchSpace collectLevel(collectData.size(), AT_, "collectLevel");
1462 MIntScratchSpace collectNoChildren(collectData.size(), AT_, "collectNoChildren");
1463 MIntScratchSpace collectNoOffspring(collectData.size(), AT_, "collectNoOffspring");
1464 MLongScratchSpace collectChildIds(collectData.size(), m_maxNoChilds, AT_, "collectChildIds");
1465 MLongScratchSpace collectNghbrIds(collectData.size(), m_noDirs, AT_, "collectNghbrIds");
1466 std::vector<MInt> newCells;
1467 MInt newCellsMaxLevel = m_minLevel;
1468 std::map<MLong, MInt> collectMap;
1469 collectMinLevelTreeId.fill(-1);
1470 collectParentId.fill(-1);
1471 collectLevel.fill(-1);
1472 collectNoChildren.fill(-1);
1473 collectNoOffspring.fill(-1);
1474 collectChildIds.fill(-1);
1475 collectNghbrIds.fill(-1);
1477 // Create mapping: part. lvl ancestor globalId -> local position in collectData
1478 for(MUint i = 0; i < collectData.size(); i++) {
1479 collectMap[get<0>(collectData[i])] = i;
1480 }
1482 // Collect data of min-level partition level ancestors
1483 for(MUint i = 0; i < partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel.size(); i++) {
1484 MLong globalId = get<0>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i]);
1485 MInt localId = get<1>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i]);
1486 MInt id = collectMap[globalId];
1487 collectLevel(id) = m_minLevel;
1488 collectParentId(id) = -1;
1489 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noDirs; j++) {
1490 collectNghbrIds(id, j) = a_neighborId(localId, j);
1491 }
1492 MInt minId = localMinLevelId[localId];
1493 ASSERT(minId > -1, "");
1494 collectMinLevelTreeId(id) = minLevelCellsTreeId[minId];
1495 collectNoOffspring(id) = (minId == noLocalMinLevelCells - 1)
1496 ? minLevelCellGlobalIdOffsets[domainId() + 1] - globalId
1497 : a_globalId(localMinLevelCells[minId + 1]) - globalId;
1498 }
1500 // Setup the truncated subtrees between the min-level partition level ancestors and the
1501 // partition cells (i.e. fill the collect* data buffers)
1502 for(MUint i = 0; i < partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel.size(); i++) {
1503 MInt counter = collectMap[get<0>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i])];
1504 traverseAndSetupTruncatedSubtree(counter, collectData, &collectParentId[0], &collectLevel[0],
1505 &collectNoChildren[0], &collectChildIds[0], &collectNoOffspring[0]);
1506 }
1508 // Set the child ids and the number of offsprings for the min-level partition level ancestors
1509 for(MUint i = 0; i < partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel.size(); i++) {
1510 MLong globalId = get<0>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i]);
1511 MInt localId = get<1>(partitionLevelAncestorsOnMinLevel[i]);
1512 MInt id = collectMap[globalId];
1513 a_noOffsprings(localId) = collectNoOffspring(id);
1514 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_maxNoChilds; j++) {
1515 a_childId(localId, j) = collectChildIds(id, j);
1516 }
1517 }
1520 MIntScratchSpace returnOffsets(collectCnt + 1, AT_, "returnOffsets");
1521 std::vector<MLong> returnData;
1523 if(collectCnt > 0) {
1524 returnOffsets(0) = 0;
1525 collectCnt = 0;
1526 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1527 if(noCollect[c] > 0) {
1528 // Create map of cells to return to this domain
1529 std::map<MLong, MInt> returnChain;
1531 for(MInt d = 0; d < noCollect[c]; d++) {
1532 const MInt id0 = collectOffsets[c] + d; // position in collected data buffers
1533 MLong globalId = collectGlobalId[id0];
1534 MInt id1 = collectMap[globalId]; // local position in collectData
1535 if(collectIsPartitionCell[id0]) { // do not send back partition cells to save some communicaton overhead
1536 id1 = collectMap[collectParentId[id1]];
1537 globalId = get<0>(collectData[id1]);
1538 }
1539 while(globalId > -1) {
1540 if(returnChain.count(globalId) == 0) { // cell is not already flagged for return
1541 returnChain[globalId] = id1; // add to map and continue with parent cell if existing
1542 if(collectParentId[id1] > -1) {
1543 id1 = collectMap[collectParentId[id1]];
1544 globalId = get<0>(collectData[id1]);
1545 } else {
1546 globalId = -1;
1547 }
1548 } else {
1549 globalId = -1;
1550 }
1551 }
1552 }
1554 for(auto it = returnChain.begin(); it != returnChain.end(); it++) {
1555 MLong globalId = it->first;
1556 MInt id1 = it->second;
1558 // Setup the (missing) cells on the current domain
1559 if(c == domainId()) {
1560 MInt localId = -1;
1561 auto it1 = m_globalToLocalId.find(globalId);
1562 if(it1 == m_globalToLocalId.end()) {
1563 // Cell is not an internal cells (not existing), append to tree
1564 localId = m_tree.size();
1565 m_tree.append();
1566 resetCell(localId);
1567 a_globalId(localId) = globalId;
1568 a_hasProperty(localId, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor) = true;
1569 m_globalToLocalId[globalId] = localId;
1570 } else {
1571 // Cell is an internal cells and exists, perform sanity checks
1572 localId = it1->second;
1573 ASSERT(a_globalId(localId) == globalId, "");
1574 ASSERT(a_hasProperty(localId, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor), "");
1575 }
1576 a_parentId(localId) = collectParentId(id1);
1577 a_noOffsprings(localId) = collectNoOffspring(id1);
1578 a_level(localId) = collectLevel(id1);
1580 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_maxNoChilds; i++) {
1581 a_childId(localId, i) = collectChildIds(id1, i);
1582 auto it2 = m_globalToLocalId.find(a_childId(localId, i));
1583 // Set the parent id if the child cell exists
1584 if(it2 != m_globalToLocalId.end()) {
1585 a_parentId(it2->second) = globalId;
1586 }
1587 }
1589 newCells.push_back(localId);
1590 newCellsMaxLevel = mMax(newCellsMaxLevel, a_level(localId));
1591 } else {
1592 // Assemble the cell information to return to another domain
1593 MInt offs = returnData.size();
1594 returnData.resize(offs + noData);
1595 returnData[offs++] = globalId;
1596 returnData[offs++] = collectMinLevelTreeId(id1);
1597 returnData[offs++] = collectLevel(id1);
1598 returnData[offs++] = collectParentId(id1);
1599 returnData[offs++] = collectNoOffspring(id1);
1600 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_maxNoChilds; i++) {
1601 returnData[offs++] = collectChildIds(id1, i);
1602 }
1603 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noDirs; i++) {
1604 returnData[offs++] = collectNghbrIds(id1, i);
1605 }
1606 }
1607 }
1608 if(c != domainId()) {
1609 returnOffsets(collectCnt + 1) = returnData.size();
1610 collectCnt++;
1611 }
1612 }
1613 }
1614 }
1616 ScratchSpace<MPI_Request> returnReq(collectCnt, AT_, "returnReq");
1617 ScratchSpace<MInt> noReturnDataBuffer(collectCnt, AT_, "noReturnDataBuffer");
1618 returnReq.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1619 MInt returnCnt = 0;
1621 // Send the amount of cell information which will be transfered back to the other domains
1622 if(collectCnt > 0) {
1623 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1624 if(c == domainId()) continue;
1625 if(noCollect[c] == 0) continue;
1626 // Note: use persistent buffer which does not go out of scope until the send is finished
1627 noReturnDataBuffer[returnCnt] = returnOffsets(returnCnt + 1) - returnOffsets(returnCnt);
1628 MPI_Issend(&noReturnDataBuffer[returnCnt], 1, MPI_INT, c, 459, mpiComm(), &returnReq[returnCnt], AT_,
1629 "&noReturnDataBuffer[returnCnt]");
1630 returnCnt++;
1631 }
1632 }
1634 MIntScratchSpace noReceiveData(std::max(queryCnt, 1), AT_, "noReceiveData");
1635 MIntScratchSpace receiveOffs(queryCnt + 1, AT_, "receiveOffs");
1636 queryCnt = 0;
1637 receiveOffs(0) = 0;
1638 // Receive the cell information counts
1639 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1640 if(c == domainId()) continue;
1641 if(noQuery[c] == 0) continue;
1642 MPI_Recv(&noReceiveData[queryCnt], 1, MPI_INT, c, 459, mpiComm(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_,
1643 "noReceiveData[queryCnt]");
1644 receiveOffs(queryCnt + 1) = receiveOffs(queryCnt) + noReceiveData[queryCnt];
1645 queryCnt++;
1646 }
1648 if(returnCnt > 0) MPI_Waitall(returnCnt, &returnReq[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_);
1650 MLongScratchSpace receiveData(std::max(receiveOffs(queryCnt), 1), AT_, "receiveData");
1652 returnReq.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1653 returnCnt = 0;
1654 // Send the cell information and receive on corresponding domains
1655 if(collectCnt > 0) {
1656 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1657 if(c == domainId()) continue;
1658 if(noCollect[c] == 0) continue;
1659 MInt noReturnData = returnOffsets(returnCnt + 1) - returnOffsets(returnCnt);
1660 MInt offs = returnOffsets(returnCnt);
1661 MPI_Issend(&returnData[offs], noReturnData, MPI_LONG, c, 460, mpiComm(), &returnReq[returnCnt++], AT_,
1662 "returnData[offs]");
1663 }
1664 }
1665 queryCnt = 0;
1666 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1667 if(c == domainId()) continue;
1668 if(noQuery[c] == 0) continue;
1669 MPI_Recv(&receiveData(receiveOffs(queryCnt)), noReceiveData(queryCnt), MPI_LONG, c, 460, mpiComm(),
1670 MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_, "receiveData(receiveOffs(queryCnt))");
1671 queryCnt++;
1672 }
1674 if(returnCnt > 0) MPI_Waitall(returnCnt, &returnReq[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_);
1676 queryCnt = 0;
1677 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1678 if(c == domainId()) continue;
1679 if(noQuery[c] == 0) continue;
1680 MInt offs = receiveOffs(queryCnt);
1681 // Loop over all received cells from this domain and add to tree or just set its information
1682 while(offs < receiveOffs(queryCnt + 1)) {
1683 MLong globalId = receiveData(offs++);
1684 MInt localId = -1;
1685 auto it = m_globalToLocalId.find(globalId);
1686 if(it == m_globalToLocalId.end()) {
1687 // Cell is not already existing, append to tree
1688 localId = m_tree.size();
1689 m_tree.append();
1690 resetCell(localId);
1691 a_globalId(localId) = globalId;
1692 a_hasProperty(localId, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor) = true;
1693 m_globalToLocalId[globalId] = localId;
1694 } else {
1695 // Cell exists
1696 localId = it->second;
1697 ASSERT(a_globalId(localId) == globalId, "");
1698 ASSERT(a_hasProperty(localId, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor), "");
1699 }
1700 MLong treeId = receiveData(offs++);
1701 a_level(localId) = receiveData(offs++);
1702 a_parentId(localId) = receiveData(offs++);
1703 a_noOffsprings(localId) = receiveData(offs++);
1705 newCells.push_back(localId);
1706 newCellsMaxLevel = mMax(newCellsMaxLevel, a_level(localId));
1708 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_maxNoChilds; i++) {
1709 a_childId(localId, i) = receiveData(offs++);
1710 auto it1 = m_globalToLocalId.find(a_childId(localId, i));
1711 // Set the parent id if the child cell exists
1712 if(it1 != m_globalToLocalId.end()) {
1713 a_parentId(it1->second) = globalId;
1714 }
1715 }
1716 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noDirs; i++) {
1717 a_neighborId(localId, i) = receiveData(offs++);
1718 }
1719 // Compute the cell coordinates of the min-level cells
1720 if(a_level(localId) == m_minLevel) {
1721 maia::grid::hilbert::treeIdToCoordinates<nDim>(
1722 &a_coordinate(localId, 0), treeId, (MLong)grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel,
1723 &grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[0], grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0);
1724 }
1725 }
1726 queryCnt++;
1727 }
1731 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
1733 MInt cellId = globalId - m_domainOffsets[domainId()];
1734 if(localMinLevelId[cellId] < 0) { // partition cell is not on min-level
1735 MInt parentId = m_globalToLocalId[a_parentId(cellId)];
1736 a_level(cellId) = a_level(parentId) + 1; // set the level of the partition cell
1737 }
1738 }
1740 static const MFloat childStencil[8][3] = {{-F1, -F1, -F1}, {F1, -F1, -F1}, {-F1, F1, -F1}, {F1, F1, -F1},
1741 {-F1, -F1, F1}, {F1, -F1, F1}, {-F1, F1, F1}, {F1, F1, F1}};
1742 // Loop up starting from the min-level and compute the cell coordinates of the child cells
1743 for(MInt lvl = m_minLevel; lvl <= newCellsMaxLevel; lvl++) {
1744 for(MUint i = 0; i < newCells.size(); i++) {
1745 if(a_level(newCells[i]) == lvl) {
1746 for(MInt child = 0; child < m_maxNoChilds; child++) {
1747 if(a_childId(newCells[i], child) > -1) {
1748 auto it = m_globalToLocalId.find(a_childId(newCells[i], child));
1749 if(it != m_globalToLocalId.end()) {
1750 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; ++j) {
1751 a_coordinate(it->second, j) =
1752 a_coordinate(newCells[i], j) + childStencil[child][j] * F1B2 * cellLengthAtLevel(lvl + 1);
1753 }
1754 }
1755 }
1756 }
1757 }
1758 }
1759 }
1761 for(MInt cellId = m_noInternalCells; cellId < m_tree.size(); cellId++) {
1762 a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsHalo) = true;
1763 }
1765 for(MUint i = 0; i < newCells.size(); i++) {
1766 MInt cellId = newCells[i];
1767 ASSERT(a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor), "");
1768 // Store partition level ancestor cell ids and their child ids
1769 m_partitionLevelAncestorIds.push_back(cellId);
1770 for(MInt child = 0; child < m_maxNoChilds; child++) {
1771 m_partitionLevelAncestorChildIds.push_back(a_childId(cellId, child));
1772 }
1774 MInt ndom = findNeighborDomainId(a_globalId(cellId));
1775 if(ndom == domainId()) {
1776 MLong lastId = a_globalId(cellId) + a_noOffsprings(cellId) - 1;
1777 MInt firstDom = domainId() + 1;
1778 MInt lastDom = findNeighborDomainId(lastId);
1779 for(MInt d = firstDom; d <= lastDom; d++) {
1780 MInt idx =
1782 if(idx < 0) {
1785 m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells.push_back(std::vector<MInt>());
1786 m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells.push_back(std::vector<MInt>());
1787 }
1788 }
1789 } else {
1790 MInt idx =
1792 if(idx < 0) {
1795 m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells.push_back(std::vector<MInt>());
1796 m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells.push_back(std::vector<MInt>());
1797 }
1798 }
1799 }
1803 .end()); // sort by ascending neighbor domain id to avoid send/recv deadlocks
1805 for(MUint i = 0; i < newCells.size(); i++) {
1806 MInt cellId = newCells[i];
1807 ASSERT(a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor), "");
1808 MInt ndom = findNeighborDomainId(a_globalId(cellId));
1809 if(ndom == domainId()) {
1810 MLong lastId = a_globalId(cellId) + a_noOffsprings(cellId) - 1;
1811 MInt firstDom = domainId() + 1;
1812 MInt lastDom = findNeighborDomainId(lastId);
1813 for(MInt d = firstDom; d <= lastDom; d++) {
1814 MInt idx =
1816 ASSERT(idx > -1, "");
1817 m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[idx].push_back(cellId);
1818 }
1819 } else {
1820 MInt idx =
1822 ASSERT(idx > -1, "");
1823 m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[idx].push_back(cellId);
1824 }
1825 }
1827 // note that window/halo cells are already sorted by ascending globalIds and ascending neighborDomainIds!
1828 for(MUint i = 1; i < m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains.size(); i++) {
1830 mTerm(1, AT_, "Invalid sorting of neighbor domains.");
1831 }
1832 }
1833 for(MUint i = 0; i < m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains.size(); i++) {
1834 for(MUint j = 1; j < m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[i].size(); j++) {
1836 mTerm(1, AT_, "Invalid sorting of halo cells.");
1837 }
1838 }
1839 for(MUint j = 1; j < m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[i].size(); j++) {
1841 mTerm(1, AT_, "Invalid sorting of window cells.");
1842 }
1843 }
1844 }
1845 }
static constexpr MInt m_noDirs
MLong & a_neighborId(const MInt cellId, const MInt dir)
MInt traverseAndFlagSubtree(const MUint &cellId, const MUchar *const cellInfo, const MInt N, MInt *const flag)
Recursively flag subtree cells from partition level to the leaf level.
static constexpr MInt m_maxNoChilds
MFloat & a_coordinate(const MInt cellId, const MInt dir)
MFloat cellLengthAtLevel(const MInt level) const
MInt findNeighborDomainId(MLong globalId)
MInt findIndex(ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last, const U &val)
MLong & a_parentId(const MInt cellId)
void resetCell(const MInt &cellId)
MInt noDomains() const
void traverseAndSetupTruncatedSubtree(MInt &counter, const std::vector< std::tuple< MLong, MUchar, MInt > > &collectData, MLong *const collectParentId, MInt *const collectLevel, MInt *const collectNoChildren, MLong *const collectChildIds, MInt *const collectNoOffspring)
Recursively setup truncated subtree between minLevel and partitionLevel (used to setup partition leve...
MInt domainId() const
void mTerm(const MInt errorCode, const MString &location, const MString &message)
Definition: functions.cpp:29
uint32_t MUint
Definition: maiatypes.h:63
int MPI_Issend(const void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Issend
int MPI_Allreduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allreduce
int MPI_Alltoall(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Alltoall
int MPI_Allgather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allgather

◆ communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData() [2/2]

template<typename Grid >
static void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData ( Grid &  g,
const MInt  noLocalMinLevelCells,
const MInt *const  localMinLevelCells,
const MInt *const  localMinLevelId,
const MLong *const  minLevelCellsTreeId,
const MUchar *const  cellInfo 

Definition at line 194 of file cartesiangridio.h.

198 {
199 IO(g).communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData(noLocalMinLevelCells, localMinLevelCells, localMinLevelId,
200 minLevelCellsTreeId, cellInfo);
201 }

◆ correctDomainOffsetsAtPartitionLevelShifts()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::correctDomainOffsetsAtPartitionLevelShifts ( std::vector< MUchar > &  cellInfo)
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 1177 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1177 {
1178 TRACE();
1180 MIntScratchSpace isPartitionLevelAncestor(m_noInternalCells, AT_, "isPartitionLevelAncestor");
1181 isPartitionLevelAncestor.fill(1);
1182 MInt noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal = 0;
1183 MInt noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal = m_noInternalCells;
1185 // Loop over all partition cells and flag all offspring cells (flag 0), only partition level
1186 // ancestor cells will not be traversed (flag 1), the local number of partion level ancestors is
1187 // then the number of internal cells minus the number of traversed cells
1188 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
1190 noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal -=
1191 traverseAndFlagSubtree(cellId,, m_noInternalCells,
1192 &isPartitionLevelAncestor[0]); // flag all parent cells of partition level
1193 }
1195 // Determine global number of partition level ancestor cells
1196 m_noPartitionLevelAncestors = noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal;
1197 MPI_Allreduce(&noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal, &noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpiComm(),
1198 AT_, "noPartitionLevelAncestorsLocal", "noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal");
1200 if(noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal > 0) {
1201 MInt domainShift = 0;
1202 MInt lastId = m_noInternalCells - 1;
1204 // Increase the domain shift as long as the last cell is still a partition level ancestor (no
1205 // descendant partition cell on this domain!)
1206 while(isPartitionLevelAncestor[lastId]) {
1207 domainShift++;
1208 lastId--;
1209 }
1211 if(domainId() == noDomains() - 1 && domainShift) {
1212 TERMM(1, "The last domain cannot have a domain shift since there is no following domain.");
1213 }
1215 // Gather the domain shifts
1216 MIntScratchSpace domainOffsetsDelta(noDomains(), AT_, "domainOffsetsDelta");
1217 MPI_Allgather(&domainShift, 1, MPI_INT,, 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_, "domainShift",
1218 "");
1220 MPI_Request req = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
1221 ScratchSpace<MUchar> sendBuf(domainShift, AT_, "sendBuf");
1223 if(domainShift) {
1224 // Send the partition level ancestors (without a descendant partition cell on this domain)
1225 // to the next domain and delete these cells on this domain
1226 std::copy(&cellInfo[m_noInternalCells - domainShift], &cellInfo[m_noInternalCells - domainShift] + domainShift,
1227 &sendBuf[0]);
1228 MPI_Issend(&sendBuf[0], domainShift, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, domainId() + 1, 657, mpiComm(), &req, AT_,
1229 "sendBuf[0]");
1230 m_noInternalCells -= domainShift;
1231 cellInfo.resize(m_noInternalCells);
1232 }
1233 if(domainId() > 0 && domainOffsetsDelta[domainId() - 1]) {
1234 // Receive the partition level ancestors from the previous domain and store at the beginning
1235 // of the cellInfo array
1236 const MInt delta = domainOffsetsDelta[domainId() - 1];
1237 cellInfo.resize(m_noInternalCells + delta);
1238 memmove(&cellInfo[delta], &cellInfo[0], m_noInternalCells * sizeof(MUchar));
1239 MPI_Recv(&cellInfo[0], delta, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, domainId() - 1, 657, mpiComm(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_,
1240 "cellInfo[0]");
1241 m_noInternalCells += delta;
1242 }
1244 // Correct global domain offsets
1245 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); ++i) {
1246 m_domainOffsets[i + 1] -= domainOffsetsDelta[i];
1247 }
1248 MPI_Wait(&req, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_);
1249 }
1251 return noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal;
1252 }
unsigned char MUchar
Definition: maiatypes.h:57
int MPI_Wait(MPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status, const MString &name)
same as MPI_Wait

◆ createTreeOrderingOfIds()

template<typename Grid >
template<typename CELLTYPE >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::createTreeOrderingOfIds ( Collector< CELLTYPE > *  input_cells,
MInt  noInternalCells,
MInt oldId,
MLong newId,
MInt minLevelCells_id,
MLong minLevelCells_newId,
MInt  minLevelCellsCnt,
MLong tmp_id,
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Choose a minLevelCells then sort her childs so that each cell is followed by her childs:

PartitionCells - Child0 {(Child0 of Child0) [[(Child0 of Child0 of Child0) ... (Child3 of Child0 of Child0)]] (Child1 of Child0) ... (Child3 of Child0)} Child1 ... Child3

Template Parameters

in] T Cell type

[in]input_cellscollector of the cells
[in]oldIdthe array which should hold the tree-like ordering after processing
[in]newIdthe array which should hold the tree-like ordering after processing
[in]minLevelCells_idthe minLevelCells
[in]minLevelCellsCntthe size of the array minLevelCells_id

Definition at line 2736 of file cartesiangridio.h.

2739 {
2740 TRACE();
2742 std::fill(&tmp_id[0], &tmp_id[0] + a_noCells(input_cells), -1);
2743 MIntScratchSpace childOffsprings(a_noCells(input_cells), IPOW2(nDim), AT_, "childOffsprings");
2744 childOffsprings.fill(0);
2745 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < grid_.m_tree.size(); cellId++) {
2746 if(a_level(cellId) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
2747 if(!a_hasProperty(input_cells, cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2748 for(MInt k = 0; k < IPOW2(nDim); ++k) {
2749 if(a_childId(cellId, k) > -1) {
2750 childOffsprings(cellId, k) = a_noOffsprings(input_cells, a_childId(cellId, k));
2751 }
2752 }
2753 }
2754 }
2756 if(m_maxPartitionLevelShift > 0) {
2757 // gather child no offsprings here...
2758 MIntScratchSpace noSend(noNeighborDomains(), AT_, "noSend");
2759 MIntScratchSpace noRecv(noNeighborDomains(), AT_, "noRecv");
2760 noSend.fill(0);
2761 noRecv.fill(0);
2762 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2763 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d].size(); j++) {
2764 MInt haloId = partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j];
2765 for(MUint k = 0; k < IPOW2(nDim); ++k) {
2766 MInt childId = a_childId(haloId, k);
2767 if(childId > -1) {
2768 if(!a_hasProperty(input_cells, childId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2769 noSend(d)++;
2770 }
2771 }
2772 }
2773 }
2774 }
2775 MIntScratchSpace sendOffsets(noNeighborDomains() + 1, AT_, "sendOffsets");
2776 sendOffsets(0) = 0;
2777 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2778 sendOffsets(d + 1) = sendOffsets(d) + noSend(d);
2779 }
2780 MIntScratchSpace sendData(sendOffsets(noNeighborDomains()), 3, AT_, "sendData");
2781 noSend.fill(0);
2782 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2783 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d].size(); j++) {
2784 MInt haloId = partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[d][j];
2785 for(MUint k = 0; k < IPOW2(nDim); ++k) {
2786 MInt childId = a_childId(haloId, k);
2787 if(childId > -1) {
2788 if(!a_hasProperty(input_cells, childId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2789 sendData(sendOffsets(d) + noSend(d), 0) = a_noOffsprings(input_cells, childId);
2790 sendData(sendOffsets(d) + noSend(d), 1) = j;
2791 sendData(sendOffsets(d) + noSend(d), 2) = k;
2792 noSend(d)++;
2793 }
2794 }
2795 }
2796 }
2797 }
2799 ScratchSpace<MPI_Request> sendReq(noNeighborDomains(), AT_, "sendReq");
2800 sendReq.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
2801 MInt sendCnt = 0;
2802 for(MInt c = 0; c < noNeighborDomains(); c++) {
2803 MPI_Issend(&noSend[c], 1, MPI_INT, m_nghbrDomains[c], 12343, mpiComm(), &sendReq[sendCnt], AT_, "noSend[c]");
2804 sendCnt++;
2805 }
2806 for(MInt c = 0; c < noNeighborDomains(); c++) {
2807 MPI_Recv(&noRecv[c], 1, MPI_INT, m_nghbrDomains[c], 12343, mpiComm(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_, "noRecv[c]");
2808 }
2809 if(sendCnt > 0) MPI_Waitall(sendCnt, &sendReq[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_);
2811 MIntScratchSpace recvOffsets(noNeighborDomains() + 1, AT_, "recvOffsets");
2812 recvOffsets(0) = 0;
2813 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2814 recvOffsets(d + 1) = recvOffsets(d) + noRecv(d);
2815 }
2816 MIntScratchSpace recvData(recvOffsets(noNeighborDomains()), 3, AT_, "recvData");
2818 sendReq.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
2819 sendCnt = 0;
2820 for(MInt c = 0; c < noNeighborDomains(); c++) {
2821 if(noSend[c] == 0) continue;
2822 MPI_Issend(&sendData(sendOffsets[c], 0), 3 * noSend[c], MPI_INT, m_nghbrDomains[c], 12344, mpiComm(),
2823 &sendReq[sendCnt], AT_, "sendData(sendOffsets[c]");
2824 sendCnt++;
2825 }
2826 for(MInt c = 0; c < noNeighborDomains(); c++) {
2827 if(noRecv[c] == 0) continue;
2828 MPI_Recv(&recvData(recvOffsets[c], 0), 3 * noRecv[c], MPI_INT, m_nghbrDomains[c], 12344, mpiComm(),
2829 MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_, "recvData(recvOffsets[c]");
2830 }
2831 if(sendCnt > 0) MPI_Waitall(sendCnt, &sendReq[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_);
2833 for(MInt d = 0; d < noNeighborDomains(); d++) {
2834 for(MInt k = 0; k < noRecv[d]; k++) {
2835 MInt idx = recvData(recvOffsets[d] + k, 1);
2836 MInt child = recvData(recvOffsets[d] + k, 2);
2837 ASSERT(child > -1 && child < IPOW2(nDim), "");
2838 MInt windowId = partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[d][idx];
2839 childOffsprings(windowId, child) = recvData(recvOffsets[d] + k, 0);
2840 }
2841 }
2844 if(noNeighborDomains() > 0) {
2845 maia::mpi::exchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
2846 mpiComm(), &childOffsprings[0], IPOW2(nDim));
2847 }
2848 }
2850 for(MInt i = 0; i < minLevelCellsCnt; ++i) {
2851 tmp_id[minLevelCells_id[i]] = minLevelCells_newId[i];
2852 ASSERT(tmp_id[minLevelCells_id[i]] > -1, "");
2853 }
2855 if(m_maxPartitionLevelShift > 0 && noDomains() > 1) {
2856 maia::mpi::exchangeData(m_nghbrDomains, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells, partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
2857 mpiComm(), &tmp_id[0]);
2858 }
2860 const MInt minLevel = (grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) ? grid_.m_newMinLevel : m_minLevel;
2862 for(MInt level = minLevel; level < m_maxLevel; level++) {
2863 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < grid_.m_tree.size(); cellId++) {
2864 if(a_level(cellId) == level) {
2865 // skipping all halo cells except for partition-level-ancestors
2866 if(tmp_id[cellId] < 0) continue;
2867 MLong cntId = tmp_id[cellId] + 1;
2868 for(MInt k = 0; k < IPOW2(nDim); ++k) {
2869 MInt childId = a_childId(cellId, k);
2870 if(childId > -1) {
2871 tmp_id[childId] = cntId;
2872 }
2873 cntId += childOffsprings(cellId, k);
2874 }
2875 }
2876 }
2877 }
2878 std::map<MLong, MInt> cellMap;
2879 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < noInternalCells; cellId++) {
2880 if(a_level(cellId) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
2881 if(!a_hasProperty(input_cells, cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2882 ASSERT(tmp_id[cellId] > -1, "");
2883 cellMap.insert(std::make_pair(tmp_id[cellId], cellId));
2884 }
2885 }
2887 MInt tmpCnt = 0;
2888 for(auto it = cellMap.begin(); it != cellMap.end(); ++it) {
2889 oldId[tmpCnt] = it->second;
2890 newId[tmpCnt] = it->first;
2891 tmpCnt++;
2892 }
2894 return tmpCnt;
2895 }
MInt a_noCells(Collector< U > *NotUsed(cells_))

◆ domainId()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::domainId ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file cartesiangridio.h.

82{ return grid_.domainId(); }

◆ domainPartitioningParallel()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::domainPartitioningParallel ( const MInt  tmpCount,
const MLong  tmpOffset,
const MFloat *const  partitionCellsWorkload,
const MLong *const  partitionCellsGlobalId,
const MFloat  totalWorkload,
MLong *const  partitionCellOffsets,
MLong *const  globalIdOffsets,
const MBool  computeOnlyPartition = false 
Lennart Schneiders
July 2017 Parallel partitioning based on the scheme: 'Scalable high-quality 1D partitioning', by M. Lieber and W.E. Nagel

(HPCS 2014)

The hierarchical algorithm consists of the following steps:

  1. The globalIds and workloads of the partition cells are read in parallel, equally distributed, by all domains
  2. A coarse partitioning into <noGroups> groups is carried out based on a heuristic algorithm (fully parallel) and returns the groupOffsets
  3. The local partition cell data is redistributed from the individual domains to the group masters, as indicated by the groupOffsets
  4. Within each group, the master performs a serial algorithm to find the (locally) optimal partitioning
  5. All masters gather the final domain offsets and compute the global workload imbalance
  6. All masters broadcast the final domain offsets to their group slaves
  7. All masters send the local partition cell global ids to their slaves

Note: with the parameter computeOnlyPartition set to true step 7 will be skipped, which will prevent any grid variables to be changed. Thus, a new partitioning is only stored in the

passed data arrays.

Definition at line 227 of file cartesiangridio.h.

230 {
231 TRACE();
233 using namespace std;
235 const MFloat safetyFac = 1.5;
236 const MInt maxLocalCells =
237 (MInt)(((MFloat)Scratch::getAvailableMemory()) / (safetyFac * ((MFloat)(sizeof(MInt) + sizeof(MFloat)))));
238 const MInt maxNoPartitionCellsPerGroup =
239 mMin(maxLocalCells, (MInt)IPOW2(16)); // this is a rough estimate, due to unbalanced workloads the actual
240 // distribution can vary significantly
241 const MInt intermediateNoGroups_ = 1 + (m_noPartitionCellsGlobal - 1) / maxNoPartitionCellsPerGroup;
242 const MInt noGroups =
243 mMax(1, mMin(noDomains() / 24,
244 intermediateNoGroups_)); // make sure there are at least twentyfour ranks per group
245 const MInt noRanksPerGroup = noDomains() / noGroups;
247 // 1. The partition cell globalIds and workloads are read in parallel, equally distributed, by all domains
248 MLongScratchSpace groupOffsets(noGroups + 1, AT_, "groupOffsets");
249 const MFloat idealWorkload = totalWorkload / ((MFloat)noDomains());
250 MInt groupId = 0;
251 MInt groupLocalId = domainId();
252 groupOffsets(0) = 0;
253 groupOffsets(noGroups) = m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
254 MPI_Comm mpiCommGroup = mpiComm();
255 MPI_Comm mpiCommMasters = MPI_COMM_SELF;
256 if(noGroups > 1) {
257 // 2. A coarse partitioning into noGroups groups is carried out based on a heuristic algorithm (fully parallel)
258 // and returns the groupOffsets
260 &partitionCellsWorkload[0], tmpCount, tmpOffset, m_noPartitionCellsGlobal, totalWorkload, noDomains(),
261 domainId(), noGroups, mpiComm(), mpiCommGroup, mpiCommMasters, groupId, groupLocalId, &groupOffsets[0]);
262 }
263 MLong groupPartitionOffset0 = groupOffsets[groupId];
264 MLong groupPartitionOffset1 = groupOffsets[groupId + 1];
265 MBool isGroupMaster = (groupLocalId == 0);
266 MInt noGroupRanks = 0;
267 MPI_Comm_size(mpiCommGroup, &noGroupRanks);
269 MInt groupPartitionCellsCnt = isGroupMaster ? groupPartitionOffset1 - groupPartitionOffset0 : 0;
270 ASSERT(groupPartitionCellsCnt >= 0, "");
271 MFloatScratchSpace partitionCellsWorkloadLocal(mMax(1, groupPartitionCellsCnt), AT_, "partitionCellsWorkloadLocal");
272 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellsIdLocal(mMax(1, groupPartitionCellsCnt), AT_, "partitionCellsIdLocal");
273 // 3. The local partition cell data is redistributed from the individual domains to the group masters, as indicated
274 // by the groupOffsets
275 collectDistributedGroupData(tmpCount, tmpOffset, &partitionCellsGlobalId[0], &partitionCellsWorkload[0], noGroups,
276 &groupOffsets[0], noRanksPerGroup, m_noPartitionCellsGlobal, groupPartitionCellsCnt,
277 &partitionCellsIdLocal[0], &partitionCellsWorkloadLocal[0], mpiComm(), domainId());
279 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellOffsetsLocal(noGroupRanks + 1, AT_, "partitionCellOffsetsLocal");
280 MLongScratchSpace globalIdOffsetsLocal(noGroupRanks + 1, AT_, "globalIdOffsetsLocal");
281 if(isGroupMaster) {
282 // 4. The master performs a serial algorithm to find the (locally) optimal partitioning
284 &partitionCellsWorkloadLocal[0], static_cast<MLong>(groupPartitionCellsCnt), static_cast<MLong>(noGroupRanks),
285 &partitionCellOffsetsLocal[0]);
286 MFloat maxDeviation = maxWorkloadGroup / idealWorkload;
287 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxDeviation, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, mpiCommMasters, AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
288 "maxDeviation");
289 if(noDomains() > 1 && groupId == 0) {
290 std::cerr << "global workload imbalance is " << (maxDeviation - 1.0) * 100.0 << "% ";
291 m_log << "global workload imbalance is " << (maxDeviation - 1.0) * 100.0 << "% (using " << noGroups
292 << " coarse partition groups, each with at least " << noRanksPerGroup << " ranks);"
293 << " ideal workload is " << idealWorkload << " per rank." << std::endl;
294 }
296 MIntScratchSpace recvCnt(noGroups, AT_, "recvCnt");
297 MIntScratchSpace recvDispl(noGroups, AT_, "recvDispl");
298 for(MLong i = 0; i < noGroupRanks; i++) {
299 globalIdOffsetsLocal[i] = partitionCellsIdLocal[partitionCellOffsetsLocal[i]];
300 partitionCellOffsetsLocal[i] += groupPartitionOffset0;
301 }
302 for(MLong i = 0; i < noGroups; i++) {
303 recvDispl[i] = i * noRanksPerGroup;
304 recvCnt[i] = (i == noGroups - 1) ? noDomains() - i * noRanksPerGroup : noRanksPerGroup;
305 }
306 // 5. Group masters assemble the offsets
307 MPI_Allgatherv(&globalIdOffsetsLocal[0], noGroupRanks, MPI_LONG, &globalIdOffsets[0], &recvCnt[0], &recvDispl[0],
308 MPI_LONG, mpiCommMasters, AT_, "globalIdOffsetsLocal[0]", "globalIdOffsets[0]");
309 MPI_Allgatherv(&partitionCellOffsetsLocal[0], noGroupRanks, MPI_LONG, &partitionCellOffsets[0], &recvCnt[0],
310 &recvDispl[0], MPI_LONG, mpiCommMasters, AT_, "partitionCellOffsetsLocal[0]",
311 "partitionCellOffsets[0]");
312 globalIdOffsets[noDomains()] = m_noCellsGlobal + m_32BitOffset;
313 partitionCellOffsets[noDomains()] = m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
314 for(MInt i = 0; i < noGroupRanks; i++) {
315 partitionCellOffsetsLocal[i] -= groupPartitionOffset0;
316 }
317 }
319 // 6. Group masters send the final offsets to their slaves
320 globalIdOffsets[0] = m_32BitOffset;
321 partitionCellOffsets[0] = 0;
322 MPI_Bcast(&globalIdOffsets[0], noDomains() + 1, MPI_LONG, 0, mpiCommGroup, AT_, "globalIdOffsets[0]");
323 MPI_Bcast(&partitionCellOffsets[0], noDomains() + 1, MPI_LONG, 0, mpiCommGroup, AT_, "partitionCellOffsets[0]");
325 // Grid variables are changes hereafter, skip if enabled and just return a new partitioning in
326 // the passed data arrays to be used e.g. for load balancing without enforcing it directly.
327 if(computeOnlyPartition) {
328 return;
329 }
331 // 7. Group masters send the local partition cell global ids to their slaves
332 m_noPartitionCells = partitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1] - partitionCellOffsets[domainId()];
333 if(m_noPartitionCells <= 0) {
334 mTerm(1, AT_, "Cannot allocate array with " + std::to_string(m_noPartitionCells) + " elements.");
335 }
336 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds", static_cast<MLong>(-1),
337 AT_);
338 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellLocalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellLocalIds", -1, AT_);
340 if(isGroupMaster) {
341 for(MInt i = 1; i < noGroupRanks; i++) {
342 MLong sendOffset = partitionCellOffsetsLocal[i];
343 MLong sendCount = partitionCellOffsetsLocal[i + 1] - partitionCellOffsetsLocal[i];
344 MPI_Send(&partitionCellsIdLocal[sendOffset], sendCount, MPI_LONG, i, 66, mpiCommGroup, AT_,
345 "partitionCellsIdLocal[sendOffset]");
346 }
347 MInt sendCount = partitionCellOffsetsLocal[1] - partitionCellOffsetsLocal[0];
348 std::copy(&partitionCellsIdLocal[0], &partitionCellsIdLocal[0] + sendCount, &m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[0]);
349 } else {
350 MPI_Recv(&m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[0], m_noPartitionCells, MPI_LONG, 0, 66, mpiCommGroup, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,
351 AT_, "m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[0]");
352 }
354 // save the offsets of the local partitionCells
355 m_noPartitionCells = partitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1] - partitionCellOffsets[domainId()];
357 partitionCellOffsets[domainId()]; // begin of the local partitionCells in the gobal partitionCell array
358 m_localPartitionCellOffsets[1] = partitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1]; // end index of the gobal partitionCell array
360 m_noPartitionCellsGlobal; // end of the local partitionCells in the gobal partitionCell array
361 MInt noCells = globalIdOffsets[domainId() + 1] - globalIdOffsets[domainId()];
362 m_noInternalCells = noCells;
364 std::copy(&globalIdOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0] + noDomains() + 1, &m_domainOffsets[0]);
365 for(MInt i = 0; i <= noDomains(); ++i) {
368 mTerm(1, AT_, "Invalid domain offsets A.");
369 if(i < noDomains() && m_domainOffsets[i] >= m_domainOffsets[i + 1]) {
370 cout << "m_domainOffsets[i]: " << m_domainOffsets[i] << std::endl;
371 cout << "m_domainOffsets[i+1]: " << m_domainOffsets[i + 1] << std::endl;
372 mTerm(1, AT_, "Invalid domain offsets B.");
373 }
374 }
375 }
void mAlloc(T *&a, const MLong N, const MString &objectName, MString function)
allocates memory for one-dimensional array 'a' of size N
Definition: alloc.h:173
static size_t getAvailableMemory()
Returns the amount of available memory in scratch.
Definition: scratch.h:148
void collectDistributedGroupData(const MInt noLocalData, const MLong localDataOffset, const MLong *const intData, const MFloat *const fltData, const MInt noGroups, const MLong *const groupOffsets, const MInt noRanksPerGroup, const MLong noGlobalData, const MInt noRecvData, MLong *const recvInt, MFloat *const recvFlt, MPI_Comm comm, MInt rank)
Collect distributed data located in intData and fltData on the master rank (0) of each communicator/g...
InfoOutFile m_log
bool MBool
Definition: maiatypes.h:58
int MPI_Allgatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[], const int displs[], MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allgatherv
int MPI_Bcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Bcast
int MPI_Send(const void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Send
WeightType optimalPartitioningSerial(const WeightType *const weights, const IdType noWeights, const IdType noPartitions, IdType *const offsets)
Serial algorithm to find the optimal (not ideal) partitioning with given workloads based on a probing...
Definition: partition.h:61
void heuristicPartitioningParallel(const WeightType *const localWeights, const IdType noLocalWeights, const MLong localOffset, const MLong noGlobalWeights, const WeightType totalWorkload, const IdType noGlobalPartitions, const IdType globalPartitionId, const IdType noGroups, const MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm &commGroup, MPI_Comm &commMasters, IdType &groupId, IdType &groupLocalId, MLong *const groupOffsets)
Fully parallel partitioning into <noGroups> partitions based on a heuristical approach.
Definition: partition.h:225

◆ findIndex()

template<typename Grid >
template<class ITERATOR , typename U >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::findIndex ( ITERATOR  first,
const U &  val 

Definition at line 1077 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1077 {
1078 return grid_.findIndex(first, last, val);
1079 }

◆ findNeighborDomainId()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::findNeighborDomainId ( MLong  globalId)

Definition at line 1070 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1070{ return grid_.findNeighborDomainId(globalId); }

◆ generateHilbertIndex()

template<typename Grid >
MLong maia::grid::IO< Grid >::generateHilbertIndex ( const MInt  cellId,
const MInt  minLevel 

Definition at line 87 of file cartesiangridio.h.

87 {
88 return grid_.generateHilbertIndex(cellId, minLevel);
89 }

◆ globalIdToLocalId()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::globalIdToLocalId ( const MLong  globalId)

Definition at line 1064 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1064{ return grid_.globalIdToLocalId(globalId); }

◆ load()

template<typename Grid >
static void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::load ( Grid &  g,
MString const &  fileName 

Definition at line 166 of file cartesiangridio.h.

166{ IO(g).loadGrid(fileName); }

◆ loadDonorGridPartition()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::loadDonorGridPartition ( const MLong *const  partitionCellsId,
const MInt  noPartitionCells 

Definition at line 84 of file cartesiangridio.h.

84 {
85 grid_.loadDonorGridPartition(partitionCellsId, noPartitionCells);
86 }

◆ loadGrid()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::loadGrid ( const MString fileName)
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 385 of file cartesiangridio.h.

385 {
386 TRACE();
388 using namespace std;
390 auto logDuration = [this](const MFloat timeStart, const MString comment) {
391 logDuration_(timeStart, "GRID", comment, mpiComm(), domainId(), noDomains());
392 };
393 const MFloat gridTimeStart = wallTime();
395 // Log grid information
396 auto logGridInfo = [](const MInt minLevel, const MFloat lengthLevel0, const MFloat* const boundingBox,
397 const MFloat* const centerOfGravity, const MString message) {
398 stringstream msg;
399 msg << endl
400 << " * " << message << ":" << endl
401 << " - minLevel = " << minLevel << endl
402 << " - boundingBox = ";
403 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
404 msg << setprecision(15) << "[" << boundingBox[i] << ", " << boundingBox[nDim + i] << "]";
405 if(i < nDim - 1) {
406 msg << " x ";
407 }
408 }
409 msg << endl << " - centerOfGravity = [";
410 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
411 msg << setprecision(15) << centerOfGravity[i];
412 if(i < nDim - 1) {
413 msg << ", ";
414 }
415 }
416 msg << "]" << endl << " - lengthLevel0 = " << setprecision(15) << lengthLevel0;
417 m_log << msg.str() << std::endl;
418 };
421 // 0. Open the file.
422 const MFloat openGridTimeStart = wallTime();
423 if(domainId() == 0) std::cerr << "Loading grid file " << fileName << std::endl;
424 m_log << "Loading grid file..." << std::endl;
425 using namespace maia::parallel_io;
426 ParallelIo grid(fileName, PIO_READ, mpiComm());
427 logDuration(openGridTimeStart, "Open grid file");
430 // 1. Read global attributes
431 const MFloat attTimeStart = wallTime();
432 MFloat totalWorkload = F0;
433 MInt gridDim = -1;
434 grid.getAttribute(&gridDim, "nDim");
435 grid.getAttribute(&m_noCellsGlobal, "noCells");
436 grid.getAttribute(&m_noPartitionCellsGlobal, "noPartitionCells");
437 grid.getAttribute(&m_noMinLevelCellsGlobal, "noMinLevelCells");
438 grid.getAttribute(&m_minLevel, "minLevel");
439 grid.getAttribute(&m_maxLevel, "maxLevel");
440 if(grid.hasAttribute("maxUniformRefinementLevel"))
441 grid.getAttribute(&m_maxUniformRefinementLevel, "maxUniformRefinementLevel", 1);
442 grid.getAttribute(&totalWorkload, "totalWorkload");
443 grid.getAttribute(&m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal, "noPartitionLevelAncestors");
444 grid.getAttribute(&m_maxPartitionLevelShift, "maxPartitionLevelShift");
445 grid.getAttribute(&m_lengthLevel0, "lengthLevel0");
446 grid.getAttribute(&m_centerOfGravity[0], "centerOfGravity", nDim);
447 // grid.getAttribute(&m_boundingBox[0], "boundingBox", 2*nDim);
448 // grid.getAttribute(&m_reductionFactor, "reductionFactor", 1);
449 // grid.getAttribute(&m_decisiveDirection, "decisiveDirection", 1);
450 if(grid.hasAttribute("boundingBox")) grid.getAttribute(&m_boundingBox[0], "boundingBox", 2 * nDim);
451 if(grid.hasAttribute("reductionFactor")) grid.getAttribute(&m_reductionFactor, "reductionFactor", 1);
452 if(grid.hasAttribute("decisiveDirection")) grid.getAttribute(&m_decisiveDirection, "decisiveDirection", 1);
453 if(nDim != gridDim) mTerm(1, AT_, "Number of dimensions mismatch with grid file.");
455 if(grid_.paraViewPlugin()) {
456 // No property file read for plugin, thus maxRfnmntLvl is not set
458 } else {
459 TERMM(1, "Error: specified default property maxRfnmntLvl < maxLevel! (" + std::to_string(m_maxRfnmntLvl) + " < "
460 + std::to_string(m_maxLevel) + ")");
461 }
462 }
463 if(m_maxUniformRefinementLevel < m_minLevel || m_maxUniformRefinementLevel > m_maxLevel) {
464 mTerm(1, AT_, "Warning: maxUniformRefinementLevel invalid.");
465 }
467 logGridInfo(m_minLevel, m_lengthLevel0, m_boundingBox, m_centerOfGravity, "grid information read from grid file");
469 grid_.m_hasMultiSolverBoundingBox = grid.hasAttribute("multiSolverBoundingBox");
470 // Read multisolver grid information if given in the grid file
471 if(grid_.m_hasMultiSolverBoundingBox) {
472 std::vector<MFloat> multiSolverBoundingBox(2 * nDim);
473 grid.getAttribute(&multiSolverBoundingBox[0], "multiSolverBoundingBox", 2 * nDim);
474 std::copy_n(&multiSolverBoundingBox[0], 2 * nDim, &(grid_.m_targetGridBoundingBox[0]));
476 std::vector<MFloat> multiSolverCoG(nDim);
477 grid.getAttribute(&multiSolverCoG[0], "multiSolverCenterOfGravity", nDim);
479 MInt multiSolverMinLevel = -1;
480 grid.getAttribute(&multiSolverMinLevel, "multiSolverMinLevel");
481 TERMM_IF_COND(multiSolverMinLevel < 0,
482 "ERROR: invalid multiSolverMinLevel " + std::to_string(multiSolverMinLevel));
484 MFloat multiSolverLength0 = -1.0;
485 grid.getAttribute(&multiSolverLength0, "multiSolverLengthLevel0");
487 // Determine center of gravity and length level-0 from the given multisolver bounding box
488 MFloat lengthLevel0 = 0.0;
489 for(MInt i = 0; i < nDim; i++) {
490 grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[i] = 0.5 * (multiSolverBoundingBox[nDim + i] + multiSolverBoundingBox[i]);
491 TERMM_IF_NOT_COND(approx(grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[i], multiSolverCoG[i], MFloatEps),
492 "center of gravity mismatch");
494 // Note: same as during grid generation
495 const MFloat dist =
496 (F1 + F1 / FPOW2(30)) * std::fabs(multiSolverBoundingBox[nDim + i] - multiSolverBoundingBox[i]);
497 // const MFloat dist = std::fabs(multiSolverBoundingBox[nDim + i] -
498 // multiSolverBoundingBox[i]);
499 lengthLevel0 = std::max(lengthLevel0, dist);
500 }
501 // TODO labels:GRID,IO slice grid multisolver bounding box can be smaller than lengthLevel0!
502 TERMM_IF_NOT_COND(approx(lengthLevel0, multiSolverLength0, MFloatEps),
503 "length level 0 mismatch: " + to_string(lengthLevel0) + " != " + to_string(multiSolverLength0));
505 grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0 = lengthLevel0;
506 grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel = multiSolverMinLevel;
508 // Perform sanity checks to ensure min-level cells match and the same Hilbert order is
509 // obtained
511 &grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[0], grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0,
512 grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel);
514 logGridInfo(grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel, grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0, &multiSolverBoundingBox[0],
515 &(grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[0]), "multisolver grid information from grid file");
516 } else {
517 // Note: for converted old grid files with bad bounding box/center of gravity information, use
518 // the center of gravity read from the grid file for treeIdToCoordinates, it is overwritten
519 // later with the values computed from the geometry bounding box
520 copy(m_centerOfGravity, m_centerOfGravity + nDim, grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity);
522 if(grid.hasAttribute("boundingBox")) {
523 copy_n(&m_boundingBox[0], 2 * nDim, &(grid_.m_targetGridBoundingBox[0]));
524 }
526 grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0 = m_lengthLevel0;
527 grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel = m_minLevel;
528 }
530 // Ensure that number of solver in grid file matches number of solvers in grid class
531 MInt noSolvers = -1;
532 grid.getAttribute(&noSolvers, "noSolvers");
534 if(noSolvers < m_tree.noSolvers()) {
535 ASSERT(grid_.m_addSolverToGrid, "");
536 }
538 MLong _32BitOffsetBuffer = m_32BitOffset;
539 if(grid.hasAttribute("bitOffset")) {
540 grid.getAttribute(&m_32BitOffset, "bitOffset");
541 } else {
542 m_32BitOffset = 0;
543 }
544 // If no restartGrid is loaded, all globalIds in the gridFile start with 0. The offset is therefore introduced in
545 // the solver as soon as the globalIds assigned for the first time. If a restartGird is loaded, all globalIds start
546 // with the 32BitOffset and partitioning takes place with offset.
548 logDuration(attTimeStart, "Read attributes etc");
551 // 2. partition the grid
552 const MFloat partitionTimeStart = wallTime();
553 if(domainId() == 0) std::cerr << " * partition grid on " << noDomains() << " domains... ";
554 m_log << " * partition grid on " << noDomains() << " domains; ";
555 mAlloc(m_domainOffsets, noDomains() + 1, "m_domainOffsets", static_cast<MLong>(0), AT_);
556 if(noDomains() == 1) { // Serial run
558 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds", static_cast<MLong>(-1),
559 AT_);
560 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellLocalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellLocalIds", -1, AT_);
561 grid.setOffset(m_noPartitionCellsGlobal, 0);
562 grid.readArray(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
564 m_domainOffsets[0] = 0;
572 } else if(m_loadGridPartition) { // Partition partition cells according to target grid
573 MLong noDataToRead = (domainId() == 0) ? m_noPartitionCellsGlobal : 0;
574 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellsGlobalId(mMax(1L, noDataToRead), AT_, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
575 grid.setOffset(noDataToRead, 0);
576 grid.readArray(, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
577 loadDonorGridPartition(&partitionCellsGlobalId[0], m_noPartitionCellsGlobal);
578 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds", static_cast<MLong>(-1),
579 AT_);
580 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellLocalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellLocalIds", -1, AT_);
582 grid.readArray(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
583 } else if(grid_.m_loadPartition) {
584 // Load partition from file
585 MString gridPartitionFileName = "";
586 gridPartitionFileName = Context::getBasicProperty<MString>("partitionFileName", AT_);
588 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellOffsets(noDomains() + 1, FUN_, "partitionCellOffsets");
589 grid_.loadPartitionFile(gridPartitionFileName, &partitionCellOffsets[0]);
590 partitionCellOffsets[noDomains()] = m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
592 m_noPartitionCells = partitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1] - partitionCellOffsets[domainId()];
593 ASSERT(m_noPartitionCells > 0, "Number of local partition cells needs to be > 0");
595 m_localPartitionCellOffsets[0] = partitionCellOffsets[domainId()];
596 m_localPartitionCellOffsets[1] = partitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1];
599 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds", static_cast<MLong>(-1),
600 FUN_);
601 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellLocalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellLocalIds", -1, FUN_);
604 grid.readArray(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
606 const MLong globalIdOffsetsLocal = (domainId() > 0) ? m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[0] : 0;
607 MPI_Allgather(&globalIdOffsetsLocal, 1, MPI_LONG, m_domainOffsets, 1, MPI_LONG, mpiComm(), AT_,
608 "globalIdOffsetsLocal", "m_domainOffsets");
612 } else if(grid_.m_partitionParallelSplit) {
613 // Evenly distribute all partition-cells among domains for partitioning the grid
614 MLong noLocalPartitionCells = std::floor(m_noPartitionCellsGlobal / noDomains());
615 MLong offsetPartitionCells = domainId() * noLocalPartitionCells;
616 const MLong missingPartitionCells = m_noPartitionCellsGlobal - noLocalPartitionCells * noDomains();
617 if(domainId() < missingPartitionCells) {
618 noLocalPartitionCells++;
619 offsetPartitionCells += domainId();
620 } else {
621 offsetPartitionCells += missingPartitionCells;
622 }
624 // Storage for local partition-cell workloads
625 MFloatScratchSpace partitionCellsWorkLoad(noLocalPartitionCells, AT_, "partitionCellsWorkload");
627 // Read local part of min-cell workloads from grid
628 grid.setOffset(noLocalPartitionCells, offsetPartitionCells);
629 grid.readArray(&partitionCellsWorkLoad[0], "partitionCellsWorkload");
631 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellOffsets(noDomains() + 1, FUN_, "partitionCellOffsets");
632 // Partition min-cells according to workload -> partition cell offsets
633 maia::grid::partitionParallelSplit(&partitionCellsWorkLoad[0], noLocalPartitionCells, offsetPartitionCells,
634 static_cast<MLong>(noDomains()), static_cast<MLong>(domainId()), mpiComm(),
635 &partitionCellOffsets[0]);
636 partitionCellOffsets[noDomains()] = m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
638 m_noPartitionCells = partitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1] - partitionCellOffsets[domainId()];
640 m_localPartitionCellOffsets[0] = partitionCellOffsets[domainId()];
641 m_localPartitionCellOffsets[1] = partitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1];
644 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds", static_cast<MLong>(-1),
645 FUN_);
646 mAlloc(m_localPartitionCellLocalIds, m_noPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellLocalIds", -1, FUN_);
649 grid.readArray(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
651 const MLong globalIdOffsetsLocal = (domainId() > 0) ? m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[0] : 0;
652 MPI_Allgather(&globalIdOffsetsLocal, 1, MPI_LONG, m_domainOffsets, 1, MPI_LONG, mpiComm(), AT_,
653 "globalIdOffsetsLocal", "m_domainOffsets");
657 } else { // Parallel partitioning
658 const MInt tmpCount =
659 (domainId() == noDomains() - 1)
662 const MLong tmpOffset = domainId() * (m_noPartitionCellsGlobal / noDomains());
663 MFloatScratchSpace partitionCellsWorkload(tmpCount, AT_, "partitionCellsWorkload");
664 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellsGlobalId(tmpCount, AT_, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
665 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "partitionCellOffsets");
666 MLongScratchSpace globalIdOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "globalIdOffsets");
667 grid.setOffset(tmpCount, tmpOffset);
668 grid.readArray(, "partitionCellsWorkload");
669 grid.readArray(, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
670 domainPartitioningParallel(tmpCount, tmpOffset, &partitionCellsWorkload[0], &partitionCellsGlobalId[0],
671 totalWorkload, &partitionCellOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0]);
672 }
674 if(domainId() == 0) std::cerr << std::endl;
675 logDuration(partitionTimeStart, "Partition");
677 if(domainId() == 0) std::cerr << " * create data structure for " << m_noCellsGlobal << " cells" << std::endl;
678 m_log << " * create data structure for " << m_noCellsGlobal << " cells" << std::endl;
680 // 3. Read cellInfo (8bit unsigned integer, bits 0-3: noChildIds, bits 4-6: position in childIds of parent cell, bit
681 // 7: cell is on minLevel)
682 const MFloat readCellInfoTimeStart = wallTime();
683 std::vector<MUchar> cellInfo(m_noInternalCells);
685 grid.readArray(, "cellInfo");
686 logDuration(readCellInfoTimeStart, "Read cell info");
689 // 4. Check cellInfo for a partition level shift and in this case correct the domain offsets
690 const MFloat correctPlsTimeStart = wallTime();
691 const MInt noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal = correctDomainOffsetsAtPartitionLevelShifts(cellInfo);
692 TERMM_IF_COND(noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal != m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal,
693 "Wrong number of partition level ancestors: " + std::to_string(noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal)
694 + " != " + std::to_string(m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal));
695 logDuration(correctPlsTimeStart, "Correct offsets PLS");
698 // 5. Reset data structure
699 m_tree.clear();
701 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noInternalCells; ++i) {
702 resetCell(i);
703 }
705 // Read solver use info from grid
706 const MFloat readSolverInfoTimeStart = wallTime();
707 {
708 MUcharScratchSpace solver(m_noInternalCells, AT_, "solver");
709 if(noSolvers == 1 && !g_multiSolverGrid) {
710 // If number of solvers is one, all cells belong to it
711 std::fill(solver.begin(), solver.end(), 1);
712 } else {
713 // Otherwise read info from grid
714 // Note: the number of internal cells might have changed due to
715 // correctDomainOffsetsAtPartitionLevelShifts() and thus we have to set the offset again for
716 // reading the solver bits!
718 grid.readArray(&solver[0], "solver");
719 }
721 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noInternalCells; cellId++) {
722 m_tree.solverFromBits(cellId, solver[cellId]);
723 }
725 // set new solver flag for all cells belonging to the reference solver!
726 if(grid_.m_addSolverToGrid) {
727 const MInt newSolverId = noSolvers;
728 noSolvers++;
729 // loop over all cells and set flag to cells which also have the referenceSolverId
730 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < m_noInternalCells; cellId++) {
731 if(m_tree.solver(cellId, grid_.m_referenceSolver)) {
732 m_tree.solver(cellId, newSolverId) = true;
733 }
734 }
735 }
736 }
737 logDuration(readSolverInfoTimeStart, "Read solver info");
739 if(domainId() == 0) {
741 std::cerr << " * setup grid connectivity on level " << m_minLevel << std::endl;
742 else
743 std::cerr << " * setup grid connectivity from level " << m_minLevel << " to " << m_maxLevel << std::endl;
744 }
746 m_log << " * setup grid connectivity on level " << m_minLevel << std::endl;
747 else
748 m_log << " * setup grid connectivity from level " << m_minLevel << " to " << m_maxLevel << std::endl;
751 // If no restartGrid is loaded, introduce the offset for the first time. Otherwise no further shift is neccessary.
752 if(m_32BitOffset > 0)
753 m_32BitOffset = 0;
754 else
755 m_32BitOffset = _32BitOffsetBuffer;
757 // 6. Set globalId and mapping
758 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains() + 1; ++i) {
760 }
761 m_globalToLocalId.clear();
762 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noInternalCells; ++i) {
765 }
768 // 7. Determine min level cells on this domain (identified by the last bit of cellInfo)
769 MInt noMinLevelCells = 0;
770 std::vector<MInt> localMinLevelCells;
771 ScratchSpace<MInt> localMinLevelId(m_noInternalCells, AT_, "localMinLevelId");
772 localMinLevelId.fill(-1);
773 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noInternalCells; ++i) {
774 MUint tmpBit = static_cast<MUint>(cellInfo[i]);
775 MUint isMinLevel = (tmpBit >> 7) & 1;
776 if(isMinLevel) {
777 localMinLevelId(i) = noMinLevelCells;
778 a_level(i) = m_minLevel;
779 a_parentId(i) = -1;
780 localMinLevelCells.push_back(i);
781 noMinLevelCells++;
782 }
783 }
786 // 8. Read treeId and nghbrIds of local min level cells
787 const MFloat readMinCellInfoTimeStart = wallTime();
788 MLongScratchSpace minLevelCellsTreeId(mMax(1, noMinLevelCells), AT_, "minLevelCellsTreeId");
789 {
790 MLongScratchSpace minLevelCellsNghbrIds(noMinLevelCells, m_noDirs, AT_, "minLevelCellsNghbrIds");
791 MInt minLevelCellOffset = 0;
792 MPI_Exscan(&noMinLevelCells, &minLevelCellOffset, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpiComm(), AT_, "noMinLevelCells",
793 "minLevelCellOffset");
795 grid.setOffset(noMinLevelCells, minLevelCellOffset);
796 grid.readArray(, "minLevelCellsTreeId");
797 grid.setOffset(m_noDirs * noMinLevelCells, m_noDirs * minLevelCellOffset);
798 grid.readArray(, "minLevelCellsNghbrIds");
800 for(MInt i = 0; i < noMinLevelCells; i++) {
801 MInt cellId = localMinLevelCells[i];
802 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noDirs; j++) {
803 a_neighborId(cellId, j) = (minLevelCellsNghbrIds(i, j) > -1) ? minLevelCellsNghbrIds(i, j) + m_32BitOffset
804 : minLevelCellsNghbrIds(i, j);
805 }
806 }
807 }
808 logDuration(readMinCellInfoTimeStart, "Read min cell info");
811 // 9. Compute coordinates of local min level cells
812 for(MInt i = 0; i < noMinLevelCells; i++) {
813 maia::grid::hilbert::treeIdToCoordinates<nDim>(&a_coordinate(localMinLevelCells[i], 0), minLevelCellsTreeId[i],
814 static_cast<MLong>(grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel),
815 &(grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[0]),
816 grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0);
817 }
818 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
820 }
822 // Reintroduced the offset since it is used in communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData.
823 if(m_restart) m_32BitOffset = _32BitOffsetBuffer;
826 // 10. Exchange partition level ancestors, if any, determine their connectivity, and append them at the back of the
827 // cell collector
828 const MFloat exchangePlaTimeStart = wallTime();
829 {
830 // exchange and assemble data of all partition level ancestors
831 // afterwards, the tree between the minLevel and the partition level is set (level, childId, noChildren, parentId,
832 // coordinate, and noOffsprings)
833 communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData(noMinLevelCells,, &localMinLevelId[0],
834 &minLevelCellsTreeId[0], &cellInfo[0]);
836 for(MInt i = m_noInternalCells; i < m_tree.size(); ++i) {
837 ASSERT(a_hasProperty(i, Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor), "Error: Cell not marked as partition level ancestor.");
838 a_hasProperty(i, Cell::IsHalo) = true;
839 }
840 }
841 logDuration(exchangePlaTimeStart, "Exchange partition level ancestors");
843 // Set the offset to 0 in case a restartGrid is used. traverseAndSetupSubtree has already the offset of the
844 // restartGrid.
845 if(m_restart) m_32BitOffset = 0;
847 // 11. Recursively setup the local subtrees (level, childIds, noChildren, parentId, coordinates, and noOffspring)
848 // starting from each partition cell
849 const MFloat setupSubtreesTimeStart = wallTime();
850 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
852 if(a_level(cellId) < m_minLevel || a_level(cellId) > m_minLevel + m_maxPartitionLevelShift) {
853 TERMM(1, "Wrong level for partition cell: level " + std::to_string(a_level(cellId)) + ", partitionCellGlobalId "
854 + std::to_string(m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[i]) + " i" + std::to_string(i));
855 }
856 traverseAndSetupSubtree(cellId,;
857 a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsPartitionCell) = true;
858 }
859 logDuration(setupSubtreesTimeStart, "Setup local grid subtrees");
861 // Reintroduced the offset since it is used in propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel()
862 if(m_restart) m_32BitOffset = _32BitOffsetBuffer;
864 // 12. Set neighborIds on each level > minLevel
865 const MFloat neighborsTimeStart = wallTime();
867 logDuration(neighborsTimeStart, "Propagate neighbors");
869 // Finally, set the offset to the original value.
870 m_32BitOffset = _32BitOffsetBuffer;
872 // 13. Convert global to local ids
873 if(noDomains() > 1) {
874 grid_.createGlobalToLocalIdMapping();
875 grid_.changeGlobalToLocalIds();
876 }
878 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noPartitionCells; i++) {
880 }
883 // Fix for old converted grids with bad bounding box/center of gravity information
884 if(!grid_.m_hasMultiSolverBoundingBox && !g_multiSolverGrid) {
885 MBool boundingBoxDiff = false;
886 for(MInt i = 0; i < 2 * nDim; i++) {
887 if(!approx(grid_.m_boundingBoxBackup[i], m_boundingBox[i], MFloatEps)) {
888 boundingBoxDiff = true;
889 }
890 }
892 // this part may be removed if transition to new grid format is complete and no grids
893 // written with the grid-converter are used anymore. Remove the following line once
894 // labels:GRID transition to new grid format is complete. This hack is necessary as the grid files
895 // obtained from the converter have a bad bounding box information
896 copy_n(&grid_.m_boundingBoxBackup[0], 2 * nDim, &m_boundingBox[0]);
898 // Recompute center of gravity
899 MBool centerOfGravityDiff = false;
900 for(MInt dir = 0; dir < nDim; dir++) {
901 const MFloat tmpCenter = m_boundingBox[dir] + 0.5 * (m_boundingBox[dir + nDim] - m_boundingBox[dir]);
903 if(!approx(tmpCenter, m_centerOfGravity[dir], MFloatEps)) {
904 centerOfGravityDiff = true;
905 m_centerOfGravity[dir] = tmpCenter;
906 }
907 }
908 copy(m_centerOfGravity, m_centerOfGravity + nDim, grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity);
910 if(boundingBoxDiff || centerOfGravityDiff) {
911 cerr0 << std::endl
912 << "WARNING: the grid information from the grid file have been updated/corrected, "
913 "which should only be necessary in case of a converted old grid file with bad "
914 "bounding box/center of gravity information (see m_log for the changes)."
915 << std::endl
916 << std::endl;
918 "updated/corrected grid information with geometry bounding box");
919 }
920 }
922 if(grid_.m_addSolverToGrid && !g_multiSolverGrid) {
923 g_multiSolverGrid = true;
924 }
926 // done
927 if(domainId() == 0) std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;
928 m_log << "done." << std::endl;
929 logDuration(gridTimeStart, "Load grid total");
930 }
void propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel()
Given neighbor information on the minLevel, create neighbor information on all higher levels.
void loadDonorGridPartition(const MLong *const partitionCellsId, const MInt noPartitionCells)
MInt correctDomainOffsetsAtPartitionLevelShifts(std::vector< MUchar > &cellInfo)
Check for partition level shifts and in this case make sure the first partition level ancestors are o...
static void communicatePartitionLevelAncestorData(Grid &g, const MInt noLocalMinLevelCells, const MInt *const localMinLevelCells, const MInt *const localMinLevelId, const MLong *const minLevelCellsTreeId, const MUchar *const cellInfo)
void traverseAndSetupSubtree(const MInt &cellId, const MUchar *const cellInfo)
Recursively setup subtree connection from partition level to the leaf level.
void domainPartitioningParallel(const MInt tmpCount, const MLong tmpOffset, const MFloat *const partitionCellsWorkload, const MLong *const partitionCellsGlobalId, const MFloat totalWorkload, MLong *const partitionCellOffsets, MLong *const globalIdOffsets, const MBool computeOnlyPartition=false)
Parallel domain partitioning.
MInt globalIdToLocalId(const MLong globalId)
void checkMultiSolverGridExtents(const MInt nDim, const MFloat *centerOfGravity, const MFloat lengthLevel0, const MInt minLevel, const MFloat *targetGridCenterOfGravity, const MFloat targetGridLengthLevel0, const MInt targetGridMinLevel)
Checks if the given grid extents and cell sizes match when creating a multisolver grid and correspond...
Definition: functions.cpp:112
const MString const MString & message
Definition: functions.h:37
MBool approx(const T &, const U &, const T)
Definition: functions.h:272
MFloat wallTime()
Definition: functions.h:80
MBool g_multiSolverGrid
std::ostream cerr0
constexpr MFloat FPOW2(MInt x)
std::basic_string< char > MString
Definition: maiatypes.h:55
MInt noSolvers
Definition: maiatypes.h:73
int MPI_Exscan(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Exscan
void partitionParallelSplit(const WeightType *const localWeights, const IdType noLocalWeights, const IdType localWeightOffset, const IdType noDomains, const IdType domainId, const MPI_Comm mpiComm, IdType *const offsets)
Definition: partition.h:325
Definition: parallelio.h:292
MFloat dist(const Point< DIM > &p, const Point< DIM > &q)
Definition: pointbox.h:54
void logDuration_(const MFloat timeStart, const MString module, const MString comment, const MPI_Comm comm, const MInt domainId, const MInt noDomains)
Output the min/max/average duration of a code section over the ranks in a communicator Note: only use...
Definition: timer.cpp:171

◆ mpiComm()

template<typename Grid >
MPI_Comm maia::grid::IO< Grid >::mpiComm ( ) const

Definition at line 81 of file cartesiangridio.h.

81{ return grid_.mpiComm(); }

◆ noAzimuthalNeighborDomains()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::noAzimuthalNeighborDomains ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file cartesiangridio.h.

80{ return grid_.noAzimuthalNeighborDomains(); }

◆ noDomains()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::noDomains ( ) const

Definition at line 78 of file cartesiangridio.h.

78{ return grid_.noDomains(); }

◆ noNeighborDomains()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::noNeighborDomains ( ) const

Definition at line 79 of file cartesiangridio.h.

79{ return grid_.noNeighborDomains(); }

◆ partitionParallel()

template<typename Grid >
static void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::partitionParallel ( Grid &  g,
const MInt  tmpCount,
const MLong  tmpOffset,
const MFloat *const  partitionCellsWorkload,
const MLong *const  partitionCellsGlobalId,
const MFloat  totalWorkload,
MLong *const  partitionCellOffsets,
MLong *const  globalIdOffsets,
const MBool  computeOnlyPartition = false 

Definition at line 186 of file cartesiangridio.h.

189 {
190 IO(g).domainPartitioningParallel(tmpCount, tmpOffset, partitionCellsWorkload, partitionCellsGlobalId, totalWorkload,
191 partitionCellOffsets, globalIdOffsets, computeOnlyPartition);
192 }

◆ propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel() [1/2]

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel ( )
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 940 of file cartesiangridio.h.

940 {
941 TRACE();
943 constexpr MInt noInternalConnections = (nDim == 2) ? 4 : 12;
944 constexpr MInt connectionDirs[12] = {1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5};
945 constexpr MInt childs0[12] = {0, 2, 0, 1, 4, 6, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3};
946 constexpr MInt childs1[12] = {1, 3, 2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7};
947 constexpr MInt dirStencil[3][8] = {{0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, {2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3}, {4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5}};
948 constexpr MInt sideIds[3][8] = {{0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}};
949 constexpr MInt otherSide[2] = {1, 0};
950 constexpr MInt revDir[6] = {1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4};
952 std::map<MLong, MInt> exchangeCells;
953 for(MInt level = m_minLevel; level < m_maxLevel; ++level) {
954 exchangeCells.clear();
955 MInt noExchangeCells = 0;
956 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_tree.size(); ++i) {
957 if(level == a_level(i)) {
958 for(MInt d = 0; d < m_noDirs; d++) {
959 if(a_hasNeighbor(i, d) > 0 && a_neighborId(i, d) > -1) {
960 MLong nghbrId = a_neighborId(i, d);
961 if(nghbrId < m_domainOffsets[domainId()] || nghbrId >= m_domainOffsets[domainId() + 1]) {
962 if(exchangeCells.count(nghbrId) == 0) {
963 MInt cpu = -1;
964 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
965 if(nghbrId >= m_domainOffsets[c] && nghbrId < m_domainOffsets[c + 1]) {
966 cpu = c;
967 c = noDomains();
968 }
969 }
970 if(cpu < 0 || cpu == domainId()) {
971 mTerm(1, AT_, "Neighbor domain not found " + std::to_string(cpu) + " " + std::to_string(nghbrId));
972 }
973 exchangeCells[nghbrId] = cpu;
974 noExchangeCells++;
975 }
976 }
977 }
978 }
979 }
980 }
981 MInt noCellsToQuery = exchangeCells.size();
982 MLongScratchSpace queryGlobalIds(mMax(1, noCellsToQuery), AT_, "queryGlobalIds");
983 MInt cnt = 0;
984 for(auto it = exchangeCells.begin(); it != exchangeCells.end(); it++) {
985 queryGlobalIds[cnt] = it->first;
986 it->second = cnt;
987 cnt++;
988 }
989 MLongScratchSpace recvChildIds(mMax(1, noCellsToQuery), m_maxNoChilds, AT_, "recvChildIds");
990 queryGlobalData(noCellsToQuery, &queryGlobalIds[0], &recvChildIds[0], &a_childId(0, 0), m_maxNoChilds);
992 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_tree.size(); ++i) {
993 if(level == a_level(i)) {
994 for(MInt child = 0; child < m_maxNoChilds; child++) {
995 if(a_childId(i, child) < 0) continue;
996 MInt childId = globalIdToLocalId(a_childId(i, child));
997 if(childId < 0) continue;
998 ASSERT(a_level(childId) == level + 1,
999 "wrong child level cell" + std::to_string(i) + " child" + std::to_string(childId));
1000 MInt nodeId[3];
1001 MInt revNodeId[3];
1002 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; j++) {
1003 nodeId[j] = sideIds[j][child] * IPOW2(j);
1004 revNodeId[j] = otherSide[sideIds[j][child]] * IPOW2(j);
1005 }
1006 for(MInt d = 0; d < nDim; d++) {
1007 const MInt dir = dirStencil[d][child];
1008 if(a_hasNeighbor(i, dir) == 0) {
1009 a_neighborId(childId, dir) = -1;
1010 } else {
1011 const MInt childNode = child - nodeId[d] + revNodeId[d];
1012 const MLong nghbr0 = a_neighborId(i, dir);
1013 MInt nghbrId = globalIdToLocalId(nghbr0);
1014 MLong childNghbrId = -1;
1015 if(nghbrId > -1) {
1016 childNghbrId = a_childId(nghbrId, childNode);
1017 } else {
1018 if(exchangeCells.count(nghbr0) == 0) {
1019 mTerm(1, AT_, "Exchange cell not found.");
1020 }
1021 MInt idx = exchangeCells[nghbr0];
1022 if(queryGlobalIds[idx] != nghbr0) mTerm(1, AT_, "Cell inconsistency.");
1023 childNghbrId = recvChildIds(idx, childNode);
1024 }
1025 if(childNghbrId < 0) { // may happen due to cells deleted at the boundaries
1026 a_neighborId(childId, dir) = -1;
1027 } else {
1028 a_neighborId(childId, dir) = childNghbrId;
1029 MInt childNghbrLocalId = globalIdToLocalId(childNghbrId);
1030 if(childNghbrLocalId > -1) {
1031 a_neighborId(childNghbrLocalId, revDir[dir]) = a_childId(i, child);
1032 if(a_neighborId(childNghbrLocalId, revDir[dir]) >= m_noCellsGlobal + m_32BitOffset)
1033 mTerm(1, AT_, "Nghbr inconsistency.");
1034 }
1035 }
1036 }
1037 }
1038 }
1039 for(MInt c = 0; c < noInternalConnections; c++) {
1040 MInt dir = connectionDirs[c];
1041 MLong child0 = a_childId(i, childs0[c]);
1042 MLong child1 = a_childId(i, childs1[c]);
1043 MInt localId0 = globalIdToLocalId(child0);
1044 MInt localId1 = globalIdToLocalId(child1);
1045 if(localId0 > -1) {
1046 a_neighborId(localId0, dir) = child1;
1047 if(a_neighborId(localId0, dir) >= m_noCellsGlobal + m_32BitOffset) mTerm(1, AT_, "Nghbr inconsistency.");
1048 }
1049 if(localId1 > -1) {
1050 a_neighborId(localId1, revDir[dir]) = child0;
1051 if(a_neighborId(localId1, revDir[dir]) >= m_noCellsGlobal + m_32BitOffset)
1052 mTerm(1, AT_, "Nghbr inconsistency.");
1053 }
1054 }
1055 }
1056 }
1057 }
1058 }
void queryGlobalData(const MInt noCellsToQuery, const MLong *const queryGlobalIds, MLong *const receiveData, const MLong *const dataSource, const MInt dataWidth)
Generic communication of data given by dataSource, matched by queryGlobalIds, stored in receiveData.
MInt a_hasNeighbor(const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const

◆ propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel() [2/2]

template<typename Grid >
static void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel ( Grid &  g)

Definition at line 202 of file cartesiangridio.h.

202{ IO(g).propagateNeighborsFromMinLevelToMaxLevel(); }

◆ queryGlobalData()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::queryGlobalData ( const MInt  noCellsToQuery,
const MLong *const  queryGlobalIds,
MLong *const  receiveData,
const MLong *const  dataSource,
const MInt  dataWidth 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 1855 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1856 {
1857 TRACE();
1859 MIntScratchSpace noRecv(noDomains(), AT_, "noRecv");
1860 MIntScratchSpace noSend(noDomains(), AT_, "noSend");
1861 MIntScratchSpace recvOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "recvOffsets");
1862 MIntScratchSpace sendOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "sendOffsets");
1863 MIntScratchSpace queryDomains(noCellsToQuery, AT_, "queryDomains");
1864 MIntScratchSpace originalId(noCellsToQuery, AT_, "originalId");
1865 noRecv.fill(0);
1866 queryDomains.fill(-1);
1867 originalId.fill(-1);
1869 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCellsToQuery; i++) {
1870 MLong cellId = queryGlobalIds[i];
1871 MInt cpu = -1;
1872 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1873 if(cellId >= m_domainOffsets[c] && cellId < m_domainOffsets[c + 1]) {
1874 cpu = c;
1875 c = noDomains();
1876 }
1877 }
1878 // if ( cpu < 0 || cpu == domainId() ) {
1879 if(cpu < 0) {
1880 mTerm(1, AT_, "Neighbor domain not found.");
1881 }
1882 queryDomains[i] = cpu;
1883 noRecv[cpu]++;
1884 }
1886 recvOffsets(0) = 0;
1887 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1888 recvOffsets(c + 1) = recvOffsets(c) + noRecv[c];
1889 }
1890 MLongScratchSpace recvIds(recvOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "recvIds");
1891 noRecv.fill(0);
1893 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCellsToQuery; i++) {
1894 MLong cellId = queryGlobalIds[i];
1895 MInt cpu = queryDomains[i];
1896 recvIds(recvOffsets(cpu) + noRecv(cpu)) = cellId;
1897 originalId(recvOffsets(cpu) + noRecv(cpu)) = i;
1898 noRecv[cpu]++;
1899 }
1900 MPI_Alltoall(&noRecv[0], 1, MPI_INT, &noSend[0], 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_, "noRecv[0]", "noSend[0]");
1901 sendOffsets(0) = 0;
1902 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1903 sendOffsets(c + 1) = sendOffsets(c) + noSend[c];
1904 }
1906 MLongScratchSpace recvData(recvOffsets[noDomains()], dataWidth, AT_, "recvChildIds");
1907 MLongScratchSpace sendData(sendOffsets[noDomains()], dataWidth, AT_, "sendChildIds");
1908 MLongScratchSpace sendIds(sendOffsets[noDomains()], AT_, "sendIds");
1909 ScratchSpace<MPI_Request> sendReq(noDomains(), AT_, "sendReq");
1911 sendReq.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1912 MInt recvCnt = 0;
1913 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1914 if(noRecv[c] == 0) continue;
1915 MPI_Issend(&recvIds[recvOffsets[c]], noRecv[c], MPI_LONG, c, 123, mpiComm(), &sendReq[recvCnt], AT_,
1916 "recvIds[recvOffsets[c]]");
1917 recvCnt++;
1918 }
1919 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1920 if(noSend[c] == 0) continue;
1921 MPI_Recv(&sendIds[sendOffsets[c]], noSend[c], MPI_LONG, c, 123, mpiComm(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_,
1922 "sendIds[sendOffsets[c]]");
1923 }
1924 if(recvCnt > 0) MPI_Waitall(recvCnt, &sendReq[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_);
1927 for(MInt k = 0; k < sendOffsets[noDomains()]; k++) {
1928 if(sendIds[k] < m_domainOffsets[domainId()] || sendIds[k] >= m_domainOffsets[domainId() + 1])
1929 mTerm(1, AT_, "Invalid exchange.");
1930 auto it = m_globalToLocalId.find(sendIds[k]);
1931 if(it == m_globalToLocalId.end()) mTerm(1, AT_, "Invalid exchange2.");
1932 MInt cellId = it->second;
1933 for(MInt c = 0; c < dataWidth; c++) {
1934 sendData(k, c) = dataSource[cellId * dataWidth + c];
1935 }
1936 }
1938 sendReq.fill(MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
1939 MInt sendCnt = 0;
1940 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1941 if(noSend[c] == 0) continue;
1942 MPI_Issend(&sendData(sendOffsets[c], 0), noSend[c] * dataWidth, MPI_LONG, c, 124, mpiComm(), &sendReq[sendCnt],
1943 AT_, "sendData(sendOffsets[c]");
1944 sendCnt++;
1945 }
1946 for(MInt c = 0; c < noDomains(); c++) {
1947 if(noRecv[c] == 0) continue;
1948 MPI_Recv(&recvData(recvOffsets[c], 0), noRecv[c] * dataWidth, MPI_LONG, c, 124, mpiComm(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, AT_,
1949 "recvData(recvOffsets[c]");
1950 }
1951 if(sendCnt > 0) MPI_Waitall(sendCnt, &sendReq[0], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, AT_);
1953 for(MInt k = 0; k < recvOffsets[noDomains()]; k++) {
1954 MInt cellId = originalId[k];
1955 for(MInt c = 0; c < dataWidth; c++) {
1956 receiveData[cellId * dataWidth + c] = recvData[k * dataWidth + c];
1957 }
1958 }
1959 }

◆ resetCell()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::resetCell ( const MInt cellId)

Definition at line 90 of file cartesiangridio.h.

90{ grid_.resetCell(cellId); }

◆ save()

template<typename Grid >
template<class CELLTYPE >
static void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::save ( Grid &  g,
const MChar fileName,
Collector< CELLTYPE > *  cpu_cells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_haloCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_windowCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_azimuthalHaloCells,
const std::vector< MInt > &  cpu_azimuthalUnmappedHaloCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_azimuthalWindowCells,
MInt *const  recalcIdTree 

Definition at line 168 of file cartesiangridio.h.

173 {
174 IO(g).saveGrid(fileName, cpu_cells, cpu_haloCells, cpu_windowCells, cpu_azimuthalHaloCells,
175 cpu_azimuthalUnmappedHaloCells, cpu_azimuthalWindowCells, recalcIdTree);
176 }

◆ saveGrid()

template<typename Grid >
template<class CELLTYPE >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::saveGrid ( const MChar fileName,
Collector< CELLTYPE > *  cpu_cells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_haloCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_windowCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_azimuthalHaloCells,
const std::vector< MInt > &  cpu_azimuthalUnmappedHaloCells,
const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  cpu_azimuthalWindowCells,
MInt *const  recalcIdTree 
October 2017

< reset the hilbert ids before calling hilbertIndex !!!

Definition at line 2087 of file cartesiangridio.h.

2092 {
2093 grid_.setLevel();
2095 const MInt cpu_noCells = grid_.m_tree.size();
2097 MLong tmpCnt = 0; // Variable used for various counting activities.
2099 /* Mark all halo cells and communicate the no. of real cells for each domain
2100 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2101 *
2102 * MInt noHaloCellsTotal == The number of halo cells this domain has.
2103 * MIntScratchSpace noCellsPar[cpuCnt] == Contains for each domain the number of cell without halos.
2104 */
2106 std::vector<std::vector<MInt>> partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells;
2107 std::vector<std::vector<MInt>> partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells;
2108 partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells.resize(noNeighborDomains());
2109 partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells.resize(noNeighborDomains());
2111 MIntScratchSpace noCellsPar(noDomains(), AT_, "noCellsPar");
2112 MIntScratchSpace offspringPrefix(noDomains(), AT_, "offspringPrefix");
2113 MInt noHaloCellsTotal = 0;
2114 MInt noWindowCellsTotal = 0;
2115 MInt noHalo0 = cpu_noCells - m_noInternalCells;
2116 if(noNeighborDomains() > 0) {
2117 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); ++i) {
2118 noHaloCellsTotal += (signed)cpu_haloCells[i].size();
2119 noWindowCellsTotal += (signed)cpu_windowCells[i].size();
2120 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)cpu_haloCells[i].size(); ++j) {
2121 if(a_hasProperty(cpu_haloCells[i][j], Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor)) {
2122 partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells[i].push_back(cpu_haloCells[i][j]);
2123 }
2124 }
2125 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)cpu_windowCells[i].size(); ++j) {
2126 if(a_hasProperty(cpu_windowCells[i][j], Cell::IsPartLvlAncestor)) {
2127 partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells[i].push_back(cpu_windowCells[i][j]);
2128 }
2129 }
2130 }
2131 }
2132 // Azimuthal periodicity
2133 if(grid_.m_azimuthalPer) {
2134 if(noAzimuthalNeighborDomains() > 0) {
2135 for(MInt i = 0; i < noAzimuthalNeighborDomains(); ++i) {
2136 noHaloCellsTotal += (signed)cpu_azimuthalHaloCells[i].size();
2137 noWindowCellsTotal += (signed)cpu_azimuthalWindowCells[i].size();
2138 }
2139 noHaloCellsTotal += (signed)cpu_azimuthalUnmappedHaloCells.size();
2140 }
2141 }
2142 ASSERT(noHalo0 == noHaloCellsTotal, std::to_string(noHalo0) + " != " + std::to_string(noHaloCellsTotal));
2144 // Note: the following code was originally used. However, since right now only the FV solver uses
2145 // this method, it was made the default behavior.
2146 // // only valid for gcell collector !!!
2147 // noCellsPar.p[domainId()] = cpu_noCells - noHaloCellsTotal;
2148 // MInt noInternalCells = cpu_noCells;
2150 // if (std::is_same<CELLTYPE, FvCell>::value) {
2151 // noCellsPar.p[domainId()] = m_noInternalCells ;
2152 // noInternalCells = m_noInternalCells;
2153 // }
2155 // NOTE: for minLevelIncrease skip all cells below the m_newMinLevel!
2156 // the default is -1
2157 MInt changeSize = grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0 ? m_noInternalCells : 1;
2158 MIntScratchSpace changeId2(changeSize, AT_, "changeId2");
2159 changeId2.fill(-1);
2161 MInt noInternalCells = m_noInternalCells;
2162 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) { // re-count noInternalCells
2163 noInternalCells = 0;
2164 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < cpu_noCells; cellId++) {
2165 if(a_level(cellId) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
2166 if(a_hasProperty(cpu_cells, cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) continue;
2167 changeId2[cellId] = noInternalCells;
2168 noInternalCells++;
2169 }
2170 }
2171 noCellsPar.p[domainId()] = noInternalCells;
2173 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel < 0) {
2174 ASSERT(!a_hasProperty(cpu_cells, m_noInternalCells - 1, Cell::IsHalo), "");
2175 if(noNeighborDomains() > 0) {
2176 ASSERT(a_hasProperty(cpu_cells, m_noInternalCells, Cell::IsHalo), "");
2177 }
2178 }
2180 if(1 < noDomains()) {
2181 tmpCnt = noCellsPar.p[domainId()];
2182 MInt sndBuf = static_cast<MInt>(tmpCnt);
2183 MInt* rcvBuf = noCellsPar.getPointer();
2184 MPI_Allgather(&sndBuf, 1, MPI_INT, rcvBuf, 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_, "sndBuf", "rcvBuf");
2185 tmpCnt = sndBuf;
2186 }
2188 // Calculate noOffsprings and workload
2189 calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload(cpu_cells, cpu_noCells, cpu_haloCells, cpu_windowCells,
2190 partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells, partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells);
2192 // Create minLevelCells std::vector of all most coarse cells
2193 std::vector<MInt> minLevelCells;
2194 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noInternalCells; ++i) {
2195 if(a_hasProperty(cpu_cells, i, Cell::IsHalo)) { // If we have a halo cell, continue with the next cell.
2196 continue;
2197 }
2198 // increase the minLevel by one when writing the restartGrid
2199 if(a_level(i) == grid_.m_newMinLevel) {
2200 minLevelCells.push_back(i);
2201 }
2202 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) continue;
2204 if(a_parentId(i) == -1) {
2205 ASSERT(a_level(i) == m_minLevel, std::to_string(a_level(i)) + " " + std::to_string(m_minLevel));
2206 minLevelCells.push_back(i);
2207 }
2208 }
2210 // Calculating hilbert id
2211 const MInt minLevelCellsCnt = minLevelCells.size();
2212 const MInt minLevel = grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0 ? grid_.m_newMinLevel : m_minLevel;
2215 MIntScratchSpace minLevelCells_id(mMax(1, minLevelCellsCnt), AT_, "minLevelCells_id");
2216 MLongScratchSpace minLevelCells_hId(mMax(1, minLevelCellsCnt), AT_, "minLevelCells_hId");
2217 minLevelCells_hId.fill(0);
2218 for(MInt i = 0; i < minLevelCellsCnt; ++i) {
2219 minLevelCells_id[i] = minLevelCells[i];
2220 minLevelCells_hId[i] = generateHilbertIndex(minLevelCells[i], minLevel);
2221 }
2223 // sorting minLevel cells after hilbert id
2224 sortAfterHilbertIds(minLevelCells_hId.getPointer(), minLevelCells_id.getPointer(), minLevelCellsCnt);
2226 // count offSprings for minLevel cells!
2227 MInt offspringSum = 0;
2228 for(MInt i = 0; i < minLevelCellsCnt; ++i) {
2229 ASSERT(a_noOffsprings(cpu_cells, minLevelCells_id.p[i]) > -1, "minLevelCells_id.p[i]) " << minLevelCells_id.p[i]);
2230 offspringSum += a_noOffsprings(cpu_cells, minLevelCells_id.p[i]);
2231 }
2232 MPI_Allgather(&offspringSum, 1, MPI_INT, offspringPrefix.getPointer(), 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_, "offspringSum",
2233 "offspringPrefix.getPointer()");
2236 // Calculating Offset
2237 tmpCnt = m_32BitOffset;
2238 for(MInt i = 0; i < domainId(); ++i) {
2239 // tmpCnt += noCellsPar.p[i];
2240 tmpCnt += offspringPrefix.p[i];
2241 }
2244 // Calculating the new id (sorted grid-cellId) for all minCells
2245 MLongScratchSpace minLevelCells_newId(mMax(1, minLevelCellsCnt), AT_, "minLevelCells_newId");
2246 for(MInt i = 0; i < minLevelCellsCnt; ++i) {
2247 minLevelCells_newId.p[i] = tmpCnt;
2248 tmpCnt += a_noOffsprings(cpu_cells, minLevelCells_id.p[i]);
2249 }
2252 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel < 0) {
2253 for(MInt i = 0; i < minLevelCellsCnt; ++i) {
2254 ASSERT(minLevelCells_newId.p[i] == a_globalId(minLevelCells_id.p[i]),
2255 "minLevelCells_newId.p[i] " << minLevelCells_newId.p[i] << "a_globalId(minLevelCells_id.p[i] "
2256 << a_globalId(minLevelCells_id.p[i]));
2257 }
2258 }
2260 // Creating new order of ids for own cells
2262 // changeId from unsorted to sorted grid cells after globalId!
2263 MLongScratchSpace changeId(cpu_noCells, AT_, "changeId");
2264 // old unsorted ordering
2265 MIntScratchSpace oldId(noCellsPar[domainId()], AT_, "oldId");
2266 // new sorted ordering
2267 MLongScratchSpace newId(noCellsPar[domainId()], AT_, "newId");
2269 tmpCnt = -1;
2270 tmpCnt = createTreeOrderingOfIds(cpu_cells, m_noInternalCells, oldId.getPointer(), newId.getPointer(),
2271 minLevelCells_id.getPointer(), minLevelCells_newId.getPointer(), minLevelCellsCnt,
2272 changeId.getPointer(), partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells,
2273 partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells);
2275 ASSERT(tmpCnt == noCellsPar[domainId()], "tmpCnt: " << tmpCnt << " noCellsPar: " << noCellsPar[domainId()]);
2277 // Fill this so that it can be used in the solvers to write their restart-File in the
2278 // same ordering!
2279 if(recalcIdTree) {
2280 for(MInt i = 0; i < tmpCnt; i++) {
2281 ASSERT(i < tmpCnt, "index out of range");
2282 recalcIdTree[i] = oldId[i];
2283 ASSERT(recalcIdTree[i] > -1 && recalcIdTree[i] < m_noInternalCells, "recalcId out of range");
2284 }
2285 }
2287 // Create the changeId array in wich: changeId.p[oldId] = newId.
2288 // changeId is -2 for halo-cells!
2289 for(MInt i = 0; i < cpu_noCells; ++i) {
2290 changeId[i] = -2;
2291 }
2293 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCellsPar[domainId()]; ++i) {
2294 changeId[oldId[i]] = newId[i];
2295 }
2297 // Communicate new id of the halo cells.
2298 if(1 < noDomains() && (noWindowCellsTotal > 0) && (noHaloCellsTotal > 0)) {
2299 // Creating ScratchSpace for the communication
2300 MLongScratchSpace sndBuf(noWindowCellsTotal, AT_, "sndBuf");
2301 MLongScratchSpace rcvBuf(noHaloCellsTotal, AT_, "rcvBuf");
2302 MIntScratchSpace sndDsp(noNeighborDomains(), AT_, "sndDsp");
2303 MIntScratchSpace rcvDsp(noNeighborDomains(), AT_, "rcvDsp");
2304 MIntScratchSpace sndCnt(noNeighborDomains(), AT_, "sndCnt");
2305 MIntScratchSpace rcvCnt(noNeighborDomains(), AT_, "rcvCnt");
2307 tmpCnt = 0;
2308 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); ++i) {
2309 // Fill the send buffer with the new ids of the own window cells.
2310 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)cpu_windowCells[i].size(); ++j) {
2311 sndBuf.p[tmpCnt] = changeId.p[cpu_windowCells[i][j]];
2312 ++tmpCnt;
2313 }
2315 // Calculate the offsets for sending and receiving datas.
2316 if(0 == i) {
2317 sndDsp.p[0] = 0;
2318 rcvDsp.p[0] = 0;
2319 } else {
2320 sndDsp.p[i] = sndDsp.p[i - 1] + ((signed)cpu_windowCells[i - 1].size());
2321 rcvDsp.p[i] = rcvDsp.p[i - 1] + ((signed)cpu_haloCells[i - 1].size());
2322 }
2324 sndCnt.p[i] = (signed)cpu_windowCells[i].size();
2325 rcvCnt.p[i] = (signed)cpu_haloCells[i].size();
2326 }
2328 // Note: it might be required to use a unique mpi-tag for the communication below to avoid any
2329 // conflicting messages and possibly deadlocks in case there are still other open MPI requests
2330 const MInt mpiTag = 0;
2331 if(0 < noNeighborDomains()) {
2332 MPI_Request* mpiReq;
2333 mpiReq = new MPI_Request[noNeighborDomains()];
2334 MInt cntS = 0;
2335 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); i++) {
2336 mpiReq[i] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
2337 MInt bufSize = (signed)cpu_windowCells[i].size();
2338 if(bufSize == 0) continue;
2339 MPI_Issend(&(sndBuf[cntS]), bufSize, MPI_LONG, m_nghbrDomains[i], mpiTag, mpiComm(), &mpiReq[i], AT_,
2340 "(sndBuf[cntS])");
2341 cntS += bufSize;
2342 }
2343 MPI_Status status;
2344 MInt cntR = 0;
2345 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); i++) {
2346 MInt bufSize = (signed)cpu_haloCells[i].size();
2347 if(bufSize == 0) continue;
2348 MPI_Recv(&(rcvBuf[cntR]), bufSize, MPI_LONG, m_nghbrDomains[i], mpiTag, mpiComm(), &status, AT_,
2349 "(rcvBuf[cntR])");
2350 cntR += bufSize;
2351 }
2352 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); i++) {
2353 if((signed)cpu_windowCells[i].size() == 0) continue;
2354 MPI_Wait(&mpiReq[i], &status, AT_);
2355 }
2356 }
2359 // Use the new datas of the receive buffer to complete the missing ids in changeId.
2360 tmpCnt = 0;
2361 for(MInt i = 0; i < noNeighborDomains(); ++i) {
2362 for(MInt j = 0; j < (signed)cpu_haloCells[i].size(); ++j) {
2363 changeId.p[cpu_haloCells[i][j]] = rcvBuf.p[tmpCnt];
2364 ++tmpCnt;
2365 }
2366 }
2367 }
2369 /* Filtering partitionCells using m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold
2370 * ------------------------------------------
2371 * To ensure that later we have an 'optimal' distribution of cells on all domains, we now filters out cells that are
2372 * too big (too many offsprings) or too heavy (too much workload) using a threshold value defined through the
2373 * property partitionCellOffspringThreshold.
2374 *
2375 * Choosing a right number for partitionCellOffspringThreshold is a user choice... the lower the value, the more
2376 * domains can be used for calcution but also more cells gets filtered and the amount of partitionCells used for the
2377 * distribution increases, which can result in increases in time while loading the grid and a bigger grid file.
2378 * Choosing a value too high will reduce the amount of domains usable for calculation on the grid but could increase
2379 * the speed at which the grid gets loaded.
2380 *
2381 * 1. Calculate the maximum number of all cells our grid has and the threshold for workload and noOffsprings.
2382 * 2. Set a vector containing all minLevelCells so far.
2383 * 3. First filter step: noOffsprings
2384 * - If a cell has more offsprings than the offspringsThreshold or a cell has more Offspring than the max number
2385 * of cells allowed on a single domain. Delete it and replace it through her childrens.
2386 * - Re-filter each child.
2387 * - Continue with next cell.
2388 * 4. Second filter step: workload
2389 * - If a cell has more workload than the workload threshold. Delete it and replace it through her childrens.
2390 * - Re-filter each child.
2391 * - Continue with next cell.
2392 * 5. Compute the level difference each cell has to the minLevelCells from the beginning. This value is used in the
2393 * distribution to check if we have a real partitionCell or a splitted one.
2394 * 6. Communicate partitionCellsFiltered.size() to all domains and calculate the number of all filtered cells,
2395 * needed later for offset calculation on file writing.
2396 *
2397 * ZfSInt noCellsParMax == addition of all cells on all domains.
2398 * MInt offSpringThreshold == How much offsprings a cell can have before becoming filtered and splitted into her
2399 * childrens. MFloat workloadThreshold == How much weight a cell can have before becoming filtered and splitted
2400 * into her childrens. MInt maxCells == maximum number of cells a single domains can hold. iNTscratchSpace
2401 * partitionCellLevelDiff == holds the level difference between the cells and the partitionCells. MIntScratchSpace
2402 * partitionCellsFilteredSizePar == holds the amount of filtered cells for each domains. MInt
2403 * partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax == addition of all partitionCellsFilteredSize on all domains.
2404 *
2405 */
2407 // Calculating Offset
2408 tmpCnt = m_32BitOffset;
2409 for(MInt i = 0; i < domainId(); ++i) {
2410 tmpCnt += noCellsPar.p[i];
2411 }
2413 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCellsPar[domainId()]; ++i) {
2414 ASSERT(changeId[oldId[i]] >= tmpCnt && changeId[oldId[i]] < tmpCnt + noCellsPar.p[domainId()], "");
2415 }
2417 // Setting thresholds
2418 const MInt offspringsThreshold = m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold;
2419 const MFloat workloadThreshold = m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold;
2421 std::vector<MLong> partitionCellsFiltered;
2423 if(!grid_.m_updatedPartitionCells && grid_.m_updatePartitionCellsOnRestart) {
2424 std::vector<MInt> partitionCellsGlobalIds;
2426 // 2. Vector containing all minLevelCells
2427 for(MInt i = 0; i < minLevelCellsCnt; ++i) {
2428 ASSERT(minLevelCells_newId.p[i] >= tmpCnt && minLevelCells_newId.p[i] < tmpCnt + noCellsPar.p[domainId()],
2429 "minLevelCells_newId:" << minLevelCells_newId.p[i] << " tmpCnt: " << tmpCnt
2430 << " noCellsPar: " << noCellsPar.p[domainId()]);
2431 ASSERT(minLevelCells_newId.p[i] == changeId[oldId.p[minLevelCells_newId.p[i] - tmpCnt]], "");
2432 }
2434 // 3.Filter steps: noOffsprings/workload
2435 std::vector<MInt> tmpPartitionCells;
2436 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < cpu_noCells; ++cellId) {
2437 // if (a_parentId(cpu_cells, cellId) == -1) {
2438 if(a_level(cellId) == minLevel && !a_hasProperty(cpu_cells, cellId, Cell::IsPeriodic)) {
2439 // ASSERT( a_level(cpu_cells, cellId) == m_minLevel, "" );
2440 if(!grid_.m_newMinLevel) {
2441 ASSERT(a_parentId(cellId) == -1, "");
2442 }
2443 tmpPartitionCells.push_back(cellId);
2444 }
2445 }
2446 // TODO labels:GRID,ADAPTATION @ansgar add multisolver check for leaf cells!
2447 while(!tmpPartitionCells.empty()) {
2448 MInt cellId = tmpPartitionCells.front();
2449 tmpPartitionCells.erase(tmpPartitionCells.begin());
2450 if(a_noOffsprings(cpu_cells, cellId) > offspringsThreshold
2451 || a_workload(cpu_cells, cellId) > workloadThreshold) {
2452 MInt cnt = 0;
2453 for(MUint j = 0; j < IPOW2(nDim); ++j) {
2454 if(a_childId(cellId, j) > -1) {
2455 tmpPartitionCells.insert(tmpPartitionCells.begin() + cnt, a_childId(cellId, j));
2456 cnt++;
2457 }
2458 }
2459 } else if(!a_hasProperty(cpu_cells, cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2460 partitionCellsFiltered.push_back(changeId.p[cellId]);
2461 partitionCellsGlobalIds.push_back(grid_.a_globalId(cellId));
2462 }
2463 }
2465 // update partition cell offsets and partition-cell localIds which are required when writing LPT-restart files!
2466 MLong noPartitionCellsGlobal = partitionCellsFiltered.size();
2467 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &noPartitionCellsGlobal, 1, type_traits<MLong>::mpiType(), MPI_SUM, mpiComm(), AT_,
2468 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "m_noPartitionCellsGlobal");
2469 if(noPartitionCellsGlobal != grid_.m_noPartitionCellsGlobal) {
2470 cerr0 << "Partition cell update in restart-file! " << noPartitionCellsGlobal << " "
2471 << grid_.m_noPartitionCellsGlobal << std::endl;
2472 }
2474 MInt noLocalPartitionCells = partitionCellsFiltered.size();
2476 if(grid_.m_localPartitionCellLocalIdsRestart != nullptr) {
2477 mDeallocate(grid_.m_localPartitionCellLocalIdsRestart);
2478 }
2479 mAlloc(grid_.m_localPartitionCellLocalIdsRestart, noLocalPartitionCells, "m_localPartitionCellLocalIdsRestart",
2480 -1, AT_);
2482 // sort by globalIds
2483 sort(partitionCellsGlobalIds.begin(), partitionCellsGlobalIds.end());
2485 MIntScratchSpace localPartitionCellCounts(noDomains(), AT_, "localPartitionCellCounts");
2486 // determine offset within GLOBAL!!! partition cells
2487 MPI_Allgather(&noLocalPartitionCells, 1, MPI_INT, &localPartitionCellCounts[0], 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_,
2488 "noLocalPartitionCells", "localPartitionCellCounts[0]");
2490 // sum up all previous domains partition cells
2491 MInt offset = 0;
2492 for(MInt dId = 0; dId < domainId(); dId++) {
2493 offset += localPartitionCellCounts[dId];
2494 }
2496 // Set local partition cell offset, the next offset and the number of global partition cells
2497 grid_.m_localPartitionCellOffsetsRestart[0] = offset;
2498 grid_.m_localPartitionCellOffsetsRestart[1] = offset + noLocalPartitionCells;
2499 grid_.m_localPartitionCellOffsetsRestart[2] = noPartitionCellsGlobal;
2501 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLocalPartitionCells; i++) {
2502 grid_.m_localPartitionCellLocalIdsRestart[i] = grid_.globalIdToLocalId(partitionCellsGlobalIds[i]);
2503 }
2505 } else {
2506 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < cpu_noCells; ++cellId) {
2507 if(a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsPeriodic) || a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2508 continue;
2509 }
2510 if(a_level(cellId) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
2512 if(a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsPartitionCell)) {
2513 partitionCellsFiltered.push_back(changeId.p[cellId]);
2514 }
2515 }
2516 }
2518 sort(partitionCellsFiltered.begin(), partitionCellsFiltered.end());
2520 // 5. Compute level difference
2521 MIntScratchSpace partitionCellLevelDiff(partitionCellsFiltered.size(), AT_, "partitionCellLevelDiff");
2522 for(MInt i = 0; i < (signed)partitionCellsFiltered.size(); ++i) {
2523 partitionCellLevelDiff.p[i] = a_level(oldId.p[partitionCellsFiltered[i] - tmpCnt]) - minLevel;
2524 }
2526 // 6. Communicate partitionCellsFiltered.size() into partitionCellsFilteredSizePar
2527 MIntScratchSpace partitionCellsFilteredSizePar(noDomains(), AT_, "partitionCellsFilteredSizePar");
2528 partitionCellsFilteredSizePar.p[domainId()] = partitionCellsFiltered.size();
2530 if(1 < noDomains()) {
2531 tmpCnt = partitionCellsFilteredSizePar.p[domainId()];
2532 MInt sendVar = static_cast<MInt>(tmpCnt);
2533 MInt* rcvBuf = partitionCellsFilteredSizePar.getPointer();
2534 MPI_Allgather(&sendVar, 1, MPI_INT, rcvBuf, 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_, "sendVar", "rcvBuf");
2535 tmpCnt = sendVar;
2536 }
2538 /* Write to parallel file
2539 * ----------------------
2540 */
2542 writeParallelGridFile(fileName, cpu_cells,,,,
2543, partitionCellsFiltered,,;
2544 }
MBool mDeallocate(T *&a)
deallocates the memory previously allocated for element 'a'
Definition: alloc.h:544
MLong generateHilbertIndex(const MInt cellId, const MInt minLevel)
MInt createTreeOrderingOfIds(Collector< CELLTYPE > *input_cells, MInt noInternalCells, MInt *oldId, MLong *newId, MInt *minLevelCells_id, MLong *minLevelCells_newId, MInt minLevelCellsCnt, MLong *tmp_id, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells)
Create a tree ordering of Ids.
void writeParallelGridFile(const MChar *fileName, Collector< CELLTYPE > *input_cells, MInt *partitionCellsFilteredSizePar, MInt *noCellsPar, MInt *oldId, MLong *changeId, const std::vector< MLong > &partitionCellsFiltered, MInt *partitionCellLevelDiff, MInt *changeId2)
Save a grid file.
static void calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload(Grid &g, Collector< CELLTYPE > *cpu_cells, MInt cpu_noCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_haloCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &cpu_windowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells)
void sortAfterHilbertIds(MLong *array2Sort, MInt *followUp1, MInt cell2SortCnt)
Sorting after hilbert id.
MInt noAzimuthalNeighborDomains() const

◆ solverId()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::solverId ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file cartesiangridio.h.

83{ return grid_.solverId(); }

◆ sortAfterHilbertIds()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::sortAfterHilbertIds ( MLong array2Sort,
MInt followUp1,
MInt  cell2SortCnt 
  1. Sort the array minLevelCells_hId using combSort and uses the same sorting on the array minLevelCells_id.
  2. Using the no. of Offsprings, create a new id for all minLevelCells (cell 0 get id 0, cell 1 gets id (id 0 + noOffspring of 0),... )

MIntScratchSpace minLevelCells_newId == array containing the new id of the minLevelCells.

Template Parameters

in] T Cell type

[in]array2Sortthe first array to sort
[in]followUp1the second array to sort in the same order as the first
[in]cell2SortCntthe size of the arrays

Definition at line 2561 of file cartesiangridio.h.

2561 {
2562 TRACE();
2563 // Comb Sort... (perhaps later change to a better sort)
2564 MInt gap = cell2SortCnt;
2565 MBool swapped = true;
2566 while((gap > 1) || swapped) {
2567 gap = MInt(gap / 1.247330950103979);
2568 gap = mMax(gap, 1);
2569 MInt i = 0;
2570 swapped = false;
2571 while(i + gap < cell2SortCnt) {
2572 if(array2Sort[i] > array2Sort[i + gap]) {
2573 std::swap(array2Sort[i], array2Sort[i + gap]);
2574 std::swap(followUp1[i], followUp1[i + gap]);
2575 swapped = true;
2576 }
2577 ++i;
2578 }
2579 }
2580 }

◆ traverseAndFlagSubtree()

template<typename Grid >
MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::traverseAndFlagSubtree ( const MUint cellId,
const MUchar *const  cellInfo,
const MInt  N,
MInt *const  flag 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 2002 of file cartesiangridio.h.

2002 {
2003 const MUint childCnt =
2004 static_cast<MUint>(cellInfo[cellId]) & 15u; // bitwise operations on char evoke integer promotion
2005 flag[cellId] = 0;
2006 MInt noFlagged = 1;
2007 MUint childId = cellId;
2008 MUint totalNoChilds = childCnt;
2009 //---
2010 while(totalNoChilds) {
2011 childId++;
2012 ASSERT((MInt)childId < N, "child out of range: " + std::to_string(childId) + " " + std::to_string(N));
2013 MUint isMinLevel = (static_cast<MUint>(cellInfo[childId]) >> 7) & 1;
2014 ASSERT(!isMinLevel, "");
2015 flag[childId] = 0;
2016 noFlagged++;
2017 totalNoChilds--;
2018 totalNoChilds += static_cast<MUint>(cellInfo[childId]) & 15u;
2019 }
2020 return noFlagged;
2021 }

◆ traverseAndSetupSubtree()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::traverseAndSetupSubtree ( const MInt cellId,
const MUchar *const  cellInfo 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 1969 of file cartesiangridio.h.

1969 {
1970 static constexpr MFloat childStencil[8][3] = {{-F1, -F1, -F1}, {F1, -F1, -F1}, {-F1, F1, -F1}, {F1, F1, -F1},
1971 {-F1, -F1, F1}, {F1, -F1, F1}, {-F1, F1, F1}, {F1, F1, F1}};
1972 const MUint childCnt =
1973 static_cast<MUint>(cellInfo[cellId]) & 15u; // bitwise operations on char evoke integer promotion
1974 a_noOffsprings(cellId) = 1;
1975 std::fill(&a_childId(cellId, 0), &a_childId(cellId, 0) + m_maxNoChilds, -1);
1976 //---
1977 for(MUint child = 0; child < childCnt; child++) {
1978 MInt childId = cellId + a_noOffsprings(cellId);
1979 ASSERT(childId < m_tree.size(),
1980 "child out of range: " + std::to_string(childId) + " " + std::to_string(m_tree.size()));
1981 MUint position = (static_cast<MUint>(cellInfo[childId]) >> 4u) & 7u;
1982 a_level(childId) = a_level(cellId) + 1;
1983 a_childId(cellId, (MInt)position) = a_globalId(cellId) + a_noOffsprings(cellId);
1984 a_parentId(childId) = a_globalId(cellId);
1985 for(MInt j = 0; j < nDim; ++j) {
1986 a_coordinate(childId, j) =
1987 a_coordinate(cellId, j) + childStencil[(MUint)position][j] * F1B2 * cellLengthAtCell(childId);
1988 }
1989 traverseAndSetupSubtree(childId, cellInfo);
1990 a_noOffsprings(cellId) += a_noOffsprings(childId);
1991 }
1992 }
MFloat cellLengthAtCell(const MInt cellId) const

◆ traverseAndSetupTruncatedSubtree()

template<typename Grid >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::traverseAndSetupTruncatedSubtree ( MInt counter,
const std::vector< std::tuple< MLong, MUchar, MInt > > &  collectData,
MLong *const  collectParentId,
MInt *const  collectLevel,
MInt *const  collectNoChildren,
MLong *const  collectChildIds,
MInt *const  collectNoOffspring 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 2030 of file cartesiangridio.h.

2033 {
2034 using namespace std;
2036 ASSERT(counter < (signed)collectData.size(), "");
2037 const MLong globalId = get<0>(collectData[counter]);
2038 const MInt counterParent = counter;
2039 const MInt isPartitionCell = get<2>(collectData[counterParent]);
2040 const MUint childCnt = static_cast<MUint>(get<1>(collectData[counterParent]))
2041 & 15u; // bitwise operations on char evoke integer promotion
2042 if(isPartitionCell) return;
2043 std::fill(&collectChildIds[m_maxNoChilds * counterParent],
2044 &collectChildIds[m_maxNoChilds * counterParent] + m_maxNoChilds, -1);
2045 //---
2046 for(MUint child = 0; child < childCnt; child++) {
2047 counter++;
2048 ASSERT(counter < (signed)collectData.size(), "");
2049 const MLong childId = get<0>(collectData[counter]);
2050 const MUint position = (static_cast<MUint>(get<1>(collectData[counter])) >> 4u) & 7u;
2051 collectLevel[counter] = collectLevel[counterParent] + 1;
2052 collectChildIds[m_maxNoChilds * counterParent + (MInt)position] = childId;
2053 collectParentId[counter] = globalId;
2054 MLong nextId = -1;
2055 if(child < childCnt - 1) {
2056 MUint totalNoChilds = 1;
2057 MInt tmpCnt = 0;
2058 while(totalNoChilds) {
2059 ASSERT(counter + tmpCnt < (signed)collectData.size(), "");
2060 if(!get<2>(collectData[counter + tmpCnt])) {
2061 totalNoChilds += static_cast<MUint>(get<1>(collectData[counter + tmpCnt])) & 15u;
2062 }
2063 tmpCnt++;
2064 totalNoChilds--;
2065 ASSERT(counter + tmpCnt < (signed)collectData.size(), "");
2066 nextId = get<0>(collectData[counter + tmpCnt]);
2067 }
2068 } else {
2069 nextId = globalId + collectNoOffspring[counterParent];
2070 }
2071 collectNoOffspring[counter] = nextId - childId;
2072 traverseAndSetupTruncatedSubtree(counter, collectData, collectParentId, collectLevel, collectNoChildren,
2073 collectChildIds, collectNoOffspring);
2074 }
2075 collectNoChildren[counterParent] = childCnt;
2076 }

◆ writeParallelGridFile()

template<typename Grid >
template<typename CELLTYPE >
void maia::grid::IO< Grid >::writeParallelGridFile ( const MChar fileName,
Collector< CELLTYPE > *  input_cells,
MInt partitionCellsFilteredSizePar,
MInt noCellsPar,
MInt oldId,
MLong changeId,
const std::vector< MLong > &  partitionCellsFiltered,
MInt partitionCellLevelDiff,
MInt changeId2 
Lennart Schneiders
October 2017

Definition at line 2906 of file cartesiangridio.h.

2909 {
2910 TRACE();
2912 // Create File.
2913 using namespace maia::parallel_io;
2914 ParallelIo grid(fileName, PIO_REPLACE, mpiComm());
2916 // Calculate Offsets
2917 MLongScratchSpace partitionOffset(noDomains(), AT_, "partitionOffset");
2918 MLongScratchSpace allOffset(noDomains(), AT_, "allOffset");
2920 MLong partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax = 0;
2921 MLong noCellsParMax = 0;
2922 MLong tmp = 0;
2924 partitionOffset[0] = 0;
2925 allOffset[0] = m_32BitOffset;
2927 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains(); ++i) {
2928 partitionOffset[i] = partitionOffset[i - 1] + partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[i - 1];
2929 allOffset[i] = allOffset[i - 1] + noCellsPar[i - 1];
2930 }
2932 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); ++i) {
2933 partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax += (MLong)partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[i];
2934 noCellsParMax += (MLong)noCellsPar[i];
2935 tmp += (MLong)noCellsPar[i];
2936 }
2937 // test whether grid can be written out
2938 m_log << "total number of cells to be written out " << tmp << std::endl;
2940 MInt minLevel = std::numeric_limits<MInt>::max();
2941 MInt maxLevel = -1;
2944 const MInt noCells = grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0 ? m_noInternalCells : noCellsPar[domainId()];
2946 MInt newCellCount = 0;
2947 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCells; ++i) {
2948 MInt cellId = i;
2949 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) cellId = changeId2[i];
2950 if(a_level(oldId[cellId]) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
2951 minLevel = mMin(minLevel, a_level(oldId[cellId]));
2952 maxLevel = mMax(maxLevel, a_level(oldId[cellId]));
2953 newCellCount++;
2954 }
2956 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) {
2957 std::cerr << "new-cout " << newCellCount << " old " << noCellsPar[domainId()] << std::endl;
2958 ASSERT(newCellCount == noCellsPar[domainId()], "");
2959 }
2961 MPI_Allreduce(&m_minLevel, &minLevel, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, mpiComm(), AT_, "m_minLevel", "minLevel");
2962 MPI_Allreduce(&m_maxLevel, &maxLevel, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mpiComm(), AT_, "m_maxLevel", "maxLevel");
2965 MInt noMinLevelCells = 0;
2966 MLong noLeafCells = 0;
2968 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) minLevel = grid_.m_newMinLevel;
2970 std::vector<std::pair<MLong, MInt>> minLevelCells;
2971 MIntScratchSpace isMinLevelCell(noCellsPar[domainId()], AT_, "isMinLevelCell");
2972 isMinLevelCell.fill(0);
2973 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCells; ++i) {
2974 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0 && changeId2[i] < 0) continue;
2975 MInt cellId = i;
2976 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) cellId = changeId2[i];
2978 if(a_level(oldId[cellId]) == minLevel) {
2979 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel < 0) {
2980 ASSERT(a_parentId(oldId[cellId]) == -1, "");
2981 }
2982 minLevelCells.push_back(std::make_pair(changeId[oldId[cellId]], oldId[cellId]));
2983 isMinLevelCell(cellId) = 1;
2984 noMinLevelCells++;
2985 }
2986 if(a_noChildren(oldId[cellId]) == 0) noLeafCells++;
2987 }
2988 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &noLeafCells, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE", "noLeafCells");
2989 // sort( minLevelCells.begin(), minLevelCells.end() );
2991 MIntScratchSpace noMinLevelCellsPerDomain(noDomains(), AT_, "noMinLevelCellsPerDomain");
2992 MPI_Allgather(&noMinLevelCells, 1, MPI_INT, noMinLevelCellsPerDomain.getPointer(), 1, MPI_INT, mpiComm(), AT_,
2993 "noMinLevelCells", "noMinLevelCellsPerDomain.getPointer()");
2994 MLong minLevelCellOffset = 0;
2995 for(MInt d = 0; d < domainId(); d++) {
2996 minLevelCellOffset += (MLong)noMinLevelCellsPerDomain[d];
2997 }
2998 MLong noTotalMinLevelCells = 0;
2999 for(MInt d = 0; d < noDomains(); d++) {
3000 noTotalMinLevelCells += (MLong)noMinLevelCellsPerDomain[d];
3001 }
3003 std::set<MLong> partitionLevelAncestorIds;
3004 MInt partitionLevelShift = 0;
3005 MInt maxPartitionLevelShift = 0;
3006 for(MInt i = 0; i < partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[domainId()]; ++i) {
3007 MInt levelDiff = a_level(oldId[partitionCellsFiltered[i] - allOffset[domainId()]]) - minLevel;
3008 ASSERT(levelDiff == partitionCellLevelDiff[i], "");
3009 partitionLevelShift = mMax(levelDiff, partitionLevelShift);
3010 }
3011 if(partitionLevelShift) {
3012 for(MInt i = 0; i < partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[domainId()]; ++i) {
3013 MInt cellId = oldId[partitionCellsFiltered[i] - allOffset[domainId()]];
3014 MInt parentId = a_parentId(cellId);
3015 while(parentId > -1 && a_level(cellId) >= grid_.m_newMinLevel) {
3016 if(!a_hasProperty(input_cells, parentId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
3017 partitionLevelAncestorIds.insert(changeId[parentId]);
3018 parentId = a_parentId(parentId);
3019 } else {
3020 parentId = -1;
3021 }
3022 }
3023 }
3024 }
3025 MLong totalNoPartitionLevelAncestors = 0;
3026 MLong localPartitionLevelAncestorCount = (signed)partitionLevelAncestorIds.size();
3027 MPI_Allreduce(&localPartitionLevelAncestorCount, &totalNoPartitionLevelAncestors, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, mpiComm(),
3028 AT_, "localPartitionLevelAncestorCount", "totalNoPartitionLevelAncestors");
3029 MPI_Allreduce(&partitionLevelShift, &maxPartitionLevelShift, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mpiComm(), AT_,
3030 "partitionLevelShift", "maxPartitionLevelShift");
3033 MLong maxNoOffsprings = 0;
3034 MFloat maxNoCPUs = F0;
3035 MFloat totalWorkload = F0;
3036 MFloat maxWorkload = F0;
3037 MLong partitionCellOffspringThreshold = (MLong)m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold;
3038 for(MInt i = 0; i < partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[domainId()]; ++i) {
3039 maxNoOffsprings =
3040 mMax((MLong)a_noOffsprings(input_cells, oldId[partitionCellsFiltered[i] - allOffset[domainId()]]),
3041 maxNoOffsprings);
3042 totalWorkload += a_workload(input_cells, oldId[partitionCellsFiltered[i] - allOffset[domainId()]]);
3043 maxWorkload =
3044 mMax(maxWorkload, a_workload(input_cells, oldId[partitionCellsFiltered[i] - allOffset[domainId()]]));
3045 }
3046 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxNoOffsprings, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_MAX, mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
3047 "maxNoOffsprings");
3048 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxWorkload, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE", "maxWorkload");
3049 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &totalWorkload, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
3050 "totalWorkload");
3051 // maxNoCPUs = noCellsParMax / maxNoOffsprings;
3052 maxNoCPUs = totalWorkload / maxWorkload;
3053 MFloat avgWorkload = totalWorkload / ((MFloat)partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax);
3054 MFloat avgOffspring = ((MFloat)noCellsParMax) / ((MFloat)partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax);
3056 MInt noSolvers = m_tree.noSolvers();
3058 if(g_multiSolverGrid) {
3059 MLong solverCount;
3060 for(MInt b = 0; b < noSolvers; b++) {
3061 solverCount = 0;
3062 for(MInt i = 0; i < m_noInternalCells; i++) {
3063 if(a_level(i) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
3064 if(m_tree.solver(i, b) == true) {
3065 solverCount++;
3066 }
3067 }
3068 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &solverCount, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE", "solverCount");
3069 grid.setAttributes(&solverCount, "noCells_" + std::to_string(b), 1);
3070 }
3071 }
3073 MInt nodims = nDim;
3074 grid.setAttributes(&nodims, "nDim", 1);
3075 grid.setAttributes(&noSolvers, "noSolvers", 1);
3076 grid.setAttributes(&globalTimeStep, "globalTimeStep", 1);
3077 grid.setAttributes(&noCellsParMax, "noCells", 1);
3078 grid.setAttributes(&noLeafCells, "noLeafCells", 1);
3079 grid.setAttributes(&noTotalMinLevelCells, "noMinLevelCells", 1);
3080 grid.setAttributes(&partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax, "noPartitionCells", 1);
3081 grid.setAttributes(&totalNoPartitionLevelAncestors, "noPartitionLevelAncestors", 1);
3082 grid.setAttributes(&minLevel, "minLevel", 1);
3083 grid.setAttributes(&maxLevel, "maxLevel", 1);
3084 grid.setAttributes(&m_maxUniformRefinementLevel, "maxUniformRefinementLevel", 1);
3085 grid.setAttributes(&maxPartitionLevelShift, "maxPartitionLevelShift", 1);
3086 grid.setAttributes(&m_lengthLevel0, "lengthLevel0", 1);
3087 grid.setAttributes(&m_centerOfGravity[0], "centerOfGravity", nDim);
3088 grid.setAttributes(&m_boundingBox[0], "boundingBox", 2 * nDim);
3090 // Add additional multisolver information if grid is reordered by a different Hilbert curve
3091 if(grid_.m_hasMultiSolverBoundingBox) {
3092 grid.setAttributes(&grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0, "multiSolverLengthLevel0", 1);
3093 grid.setAttributes(&grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel, "multiSolverMinLevel", 1);
3094 grid.setAttributes(&(grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[0]), "multiSolverCenterOfGravity", nDim);
3095 grid.setAttributes(&(grid_.m_targetGridBoundingBox[0]), "multiSolverBoundingBox", 2 * nDim);
3096 }
3098 grid.setAttributes(&m_reductionFactor, "reductionFactor", 1);
3099 grid.setAttributes(&m_decisiveDirection, "decisiveDirection", 1);
3100 grid.setAttributes(&totalWorkload, "totalWorkload", 1);
3101 grid.setAttributes(&maxWorkload, "partitionCellMaxWorkload", 1);
3102 grid.setAttributes(&avgWorkload, "partitionCellAverageWorkload", 1);
3103 grid.setAttributes(&maxNoOffsprings, "partitionCellMaxNoOffspring", 1);
3104 grid.setAttributes(&avgOffspring, "partitionCellAverageNoOffspring", 1);
3105 grid.setAttributes(&m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold, "partitionCellWorkloadThreshold", 1);
3106 grid.setAttributes(&partitionCellOffspringThreshold, "partitionCellOffspringThreshold", 1);
3107 grid.setAttributes(&maxNoCPUs, "maxNoBalancedCPUs", 1);
3108 if(m_32BitOffset > 0) {
3109 grid.setAttributes(&m_32BitOffset, "bitOffset", 1);
3110 }
3112 grid.defineArray(PIO_LONG, "partitionCellsGlobalId", partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax);
3113 grid.defineArray(PIO_FLOAT, "partitionCellsWorkload", partitionCellsFilteredSizeParMax);
3115 grid.defineArray(PIO_LONG, "minLevelCellsTreeId", noTotalMinLevelCells);
3116 grid.defineArray(PIO_LONG, "minLevelCellsNghbrIds", 2 * nDim * noTotalMinLevelCells);
3118 grid.defineArray(PIO_UCHAR, "cellInfo", noCellsParMax);
3119 if(m_tree.noSolvers() > 1 || g_multiSolverGrid) {
3120 grid.defineArray(PIO_UCHAR, "solver", noCellsParMax);
3121 }
3123 m_log << "header definition finished" << std::endl;
3125 // Writing Data.
3127 // settings Offset to write partitionCells data.
3128 grid.setOffset(partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[domainId()], partitionOffset[domainId()]);
3130 // partitionCellsId
3131 grid.writeArray(&partitionCellsFiltered[0], "partitionCellsGlobalId");
3133 // partitionCellsWorkLoad.
3134 {
3135 MFloatScratchSpace tmp_partitionCellsWorkLoad(partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[domainId()], AT_,
3136 "tmp_partitionCellsWorkLoad");
3137 for(MInt i = 0; i < partitionCellsFilteredSizePar[domainId()]; ++i) {
3138 tmp_partitionCellsWorkLoad[i] =
3139 a_workload(input_cells, oldId[partitionCellsFiltered[i] - allOffset[domainId()]]);
3140 }
3141 grid.writeArray(, "partitionCellsWorkload");
3142 }
3145 // partitionCellsNghbrIds.
3146 {
3147 grid.setOffset(m_noDirs * noMinLevelCells, m_noDirs * minLevelCellOffset);
3148 MLongScratchSpace tmp_nghbrIds(noMinLevelCells, m_noDirs, AT_, "tmp_nghbrIds");
3149 for(MInt i = 0; i < (signed)minLevelCells.size(); i++) {
3150 for(MInt j = 0; j < m_noDirs; j++) {
3151 if(a_neighborId(minLevelCells[i].second, j) > -1) {
3152 tmp_nghbrIds(i, j) = changeId[a_neighborId(minLevelCells[i].second, j)];
3153 } else {
3154 tmp_nghbrIds(i, j) = -1;
3155 }
3156 }
3157 }
3158 grid.writeArray(, "minLevelCellsNghbrIds");
3159 }
3161 // partitionCellsCoordinates.
3162 {
3163 grid.setOffset(noMinLevelCells, minLevelCellOffset);
3164 MLongScratchSpace tmp_treeId(noMinLevelCells, AT_, "tmp_treeId");
3165 for(MUint i = 0; i < minLevelCells.size(); i++) {
3166 maia::grid::hilbert::coordinatesToTreeId<nDim>(
3167 tmp_treeId[i], &a_coordinate(minLevelCells[i].second, 0), (MLong)grid_.m_targetGridMinLevel,
3168 &(grid_.m_targetGridCenterOfGravity[0]), grid_.m_targetGridLengthLevel0);
3169 }
3170 grid.writeArray(, "minLevelCellsTreeId");
3171 }
3173 // cellInfo
3174 {
3175 ScratchSpace<MUchar> tmp_cellInfo(noCellsPar[domainId()], AT_, "tmp_cellInfo");
3176 MInt cellCount = 0;
3177 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCells; ++i) {
3178 MInt cellId = i;
3179 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) cellId = changeId2[i];
3180 if(a_level(oldId[cellId]) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
3181 MUint noChilds = (MUint)a_noChildren(oldId[cellId]);
3182 MUint isMinLevel = (MUint)isMinLevelCell(cellId);
3183 MUint position = 0;
3184 MInt parentId = a_parentId(oldId[cellId]);
3185 if(parentId > -1 && a_level(oldId[cellId]) > grid_.m_newMinLevel) {
3186 for(MUint j = 0; j < (unsigned)m_maxNoChilds; j++) {
3187 if(a_childId(parentId, j) == oldId[cellId]) position = j;
3188 }
3189 }
3190 MUint tmpBit = noChilds | (position << 4) | (isMinLevel << 7);
3191 tmp_cellInfo[cellCount] = static_cast<MUchar>(tmpBit);
3192 cellCount++;
3193 }
3194 grid.setOffset(noCellsPar[domainId()], allOffset[domainId()] - m_32BitOffset);
3195 grid.writeArray(, "cellInfo");
3196 }
3199 // solver
3200 if(m_tree.noSolvers() > 1 || g_multiSolverGrid) {
3201 ScratchSpace<MUchar> tmptmp(m_tree.size(), AT_, "tmptmp");
3202 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCells; ++i) {
3203 MInt cellId = i;
3204 if(grid_.m_newMinLevel > 0) cellId = changeId2[i];
3205 if(a_level(oldId[cellId]) < grid_.m_newMinLevel) continue;
3206 MUint tmpBit = 0;
3207 for(MInt solver = 0; solver < m_tree.noSolvers(); solver++) {
3208 if(m_tree.solver(oldId[cellId], solver)) {
3209 tmpBit |= (1 << solver);
3210 }
3211 }
3212 tmptmp[cellId] = static_cast<MUchar>(tmpBit);
3213 }
3214 grid.setOffset(noCellsPar[domainId()], allOffset[domainId()] - m_32BitOffset);
3215 grid.writeArray(, "solver");
3216 }
3217 }
MInt globalTimeStep

Member Data Documentation

◆ grid_

template<typename Grid >
Grid& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::grid_

Definition at line 29 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_32BitOffset

template<typename Grid >
MLong& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_32BitOffset

Definition at line 70 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_boundingBox

template<typename Grid >
MFloat(& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_boundingBox)[6]

Definition at line 56 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_centerOfGravity

template<typename Grid >
MFloat(& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_centerOfGravity)[3]

Definition at line 57 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_decisiveDirection

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_decisiveDirection

Definition at line 59 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_domainOffsets

template<typename Grid >
MLong*& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_domainOffsets

Definition at line 50 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_globalToLocalId

template<typename Grid >
std::map<MLong, MInt>& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_globalToLocalId

Definition at line 63 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_lengthLevel0

template<typename Grid >
MFloat& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_lengthLevel0

Definition at line 54 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_loadGridPartition

template<typename Grid >
MBool& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_loadGridPartition

Definition at line 68 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds

template<typename Grid >
MLong*& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds

Definition at line 44 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_localPartitionCellLocalIds

template<typename Grid >
MInt*& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_localPartitionCellLocalIds

Definition at line 45 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_localPartitionCellOffsets

template<typename Grid >
MLong(& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_localPartitionCellOffsets)[3]

Definition at line 42 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_maxLevel

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_maxLevel

Definition at line 51 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_maxNoChilds

template<typename Grid >
constexpr MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_maxNoChilds = IPOW2(nDim)

Definition at line 38 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_maxPartitionLevelShift

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_maxPartitionLevelShift

Definition at line 67 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_maxRfnmntLvl

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_maxRfnmntLvl

Definition at line 53 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_maxUniformRefinementLevel

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_maxUniformRefinementLevel

Definition at line 58 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_minLevel

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_minLevel

Definition at line 52 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_nghbrDomains

template<typename Grid >
std::vector<MInt>& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_nghbrDomains

Definition at line 49 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noCellsGlobal

template<typename Grid >
MLong& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noCellsGlobal

Definition at line 47 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noDirs

template<typename Grid >
constexpr MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noDirs = 2 * nDim

Definition at line 37 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noHaloPartitionLevelAncestors

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noHaloPartitionLevelAncestors

Definition at line 66 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noInternalCells

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noInternalCells

Definition at line 48 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noMinLevelCellsGlobal

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noMinLevelCellsGlobal

Definition at line 46 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noPartitionCells

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noPartitionCells

Definition at line 43 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noPartitionCellsGlobal

template<typename Grid >
MLong& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noPartitionCellsGlobal

Definition at line 41 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noPartitionLevelAncestors

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noPartitionLevelAncestors

Definition at line 64 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal

template<typename Grid >
MLong& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_noPartitionLevelAncestorsGlobal

Definition at line 65 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold

template<typename Grid >
MInt& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold

Definition at line 60 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold

template<typename Grid >
MFloat& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold

Definition at line 61 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_partitionLevelAncestorChildIds

template<typename Grid >
std::vector<MLong>& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_partitionLevelAncestorChildIds

Definition at line 72 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells

template<typename Grid >
std::vector<std::vector<MInt> >& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_partitionLevelAncestorHaloCells

Definition at line 74 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_partitionLevelAncestorIds

template<typename Grid >
std::vector<MInt>& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_partitionLevelAncestorIds

Definition at line 71 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains

template<typename Grid >
std::vector<MInt>& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_partitionLevelAncestorNghbrDomains

Definition at line 73 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells

template<typename Grid >
std::vector<std::vector<MInt> >& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_partitionLevelAncestorWindowCells

Definition at line 75 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_reductionFactor

template<typename Grid >
MFloat& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_reductionFactor

Definition at line 55 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_restart

template<typename Grid >
MBool& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_restart

Definition at line 69 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ m_tree

template<typename Grid >
Tree& maia::grid::IO< Grid >::m_tree

Definition at line 62 of file cartesiangridio.h.

◆ nDim

template<typename Grid >
constexpr MInt maia::grid::IO< Grid >::nDim = Grid::nDim_()

Definition at line 36 of file cartesiangridio.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: