MAIA bb96820c
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maia::grid::Controller< nDim > Class Template Reference

Grid controller manages adaptation and load balancing in multi-solver environment. More...

#include <cartesiangridcontroller.h>

Collaboration diagram for maia::grid::Controller< nDim >:

Public Types

using Grid = CartesianGrid< nDim >
using Cell = typename CartesianGrid< nDim >::Cell
using GridProxy = typename maia::grid::Proxy< nDim >

Public Member Functions

 Controller (Grid *grid_, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Solver > > *solvers, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Coupling > > *couplers)
 ~Controller ()
MBool balance (const MBool force=false, const MBool finalTimeStep=false, const MBool adaptation=false)
MBool adaptation (const MBool force=false)
 performs mesh adaptation More...
void writeRestartFile (const MBool, const MBool)
void printDomainStatistics (const MString &status="")
 Print statistics regarding the cell distribution among domains. More...
void savePartitionFile ()
MBool updateGridPartitionWorkloads ()
 Update the partition cell workloads in the grid file using user specified or default weights for the solver load quantities. More...
void castAdaptationIntervalToMultipleOfCoarsestTimeStep (MInt maxLevel, MInt maxUniformRefinementLevel)
void logTimerStatistics (const MString &)
MBool isDlbTimeStep ()
MBool isAdaptationTimeStep ()

Private Member Functions

Gridgridb ()
const Gridgridb () const
MInt domainId ()
MInt noDomains ()
Solversolver (const MInt solverId)
const Solversolver (const MInt solverId) const
MInt noSolvers () const
MInt solverLocalRootDomain (Solver *const solver)
 Determine the global domain id of the solver local root domain. More...
Couplingcoupler (const MInt couplerId)
const Couplingcoupler (const MInt couplerId) const
MInt noCouplers () const
void initDlbProperties ()
 Read Dynamic Load Balancing properties. More...
void initTimers ()
 Initialize timers. More...
MBool needLoadBalancing (const MFloat localRunTime, MFloat *const loads, MFloat &imbalance)
 Return if dynamic load balancing is needed and compute domain loads. More...
void partition (MLong *partitionCellOffsets, MLong *globalIdOffsets, const MBool onlyPartitionOffsets)
 Compute new domain decomposition. More...
MBool loadBalancingPartition (const MFloat *loads, const MFloat imbalance, MLong *const partitionCellOffsets, MLong *const globalIdOffsets)
 Determine new partitioning for dynamic load balancing. More...
void updateWeightsAndWorkloads (const std::vector< MFloat > &weights, const MBool restoreDefaultWeights)
 Determine the cell weights using the given weighting factors for the different solver load quantities and update the partition cell workloads. More...
void getSpecifiedSolverWeights (std::vector< MFloat > &weights)
 Return the specified (or default) solver weights for all solvers. More...
void accumulateCellWeights ()
 This function handels the setCellWeights-functionality of all solvers and writes the accumulated-cellweight of all solvers into the grid. More...
void storeTimings ()
 Store timings of all timesteps for all domains for performance evaluations (i.e. runtime and idle time). More...
void storeLoadsAndWeights (const MFloat *const loads, const MInt noLoadTypes, const MInt *const loadQuantities, const MFloat domainWeight, const MFloat *const weights)
 Store domain loads and additional information to file. More...
void loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets (const MLong *const oldPartitionCellOffsets, const MLong *const newPartitionCellOffsets, MLong *const globalOffsets)
 Calculate new global domain offsets given the current and new global partition cell offsets. More...
void loadBalancingCalcNoCellsToSend (const MLong *const offsets, MInt *const noCellsToSendByDomain, MInt *const noCellsToReceiveByDomain, MInt *const sortedCellId, MInt *const bufferIdToCellId)
 Based on new domain offsets calculate the number of cells to send/receive to/from each domain. More...
void computeWeights (const MFloat *loads, const MFloat domainWeight, std::vector< MFloat > &weights)
 Compute computational weights for different components in the simulation based on the current distribution and the domain loads. More...
MInt globalNoLoadTypes ()
 Return global number of load types of all solvers. More...
void getLoadQuantities (MInt *const loadQuantities)
 Return load quantities of all solvers on this domain. More...
void estimateParameters (MInt m, MInt n, const MFloat *const A, const MFloat *const b, MFloat *const x)
 Solve the parameter estimation problem A*x=b. More...
void communicateGlobalSolverVars (Solver *const solver)
void determineDataSizesDlb (const MInt solverId, const MInt mode, const MInt *const noCellsToSend, const MInt *const bufferIdToCellId, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &sendSizeVector, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &recvSizeVector)
 Determine the data sizes for a solver/coupler that need to be communicated during load balancing. More...
void redistributeDataDlb (const MInt id, const MInt mode, std::vector< MInt > &sendSizeVector, std::vector< MInt > &recvSizeVector, const MInt *const bufferIdToCellId, const MInt noCells, std::vector< MInt * > &intDataRecv, std::vector< MLong * > &longDataRecv, std::vector< MFloat * > &floatDataRecv, std::vector< MInt > &dataTypes)
 Communicate all solver data for load balancing according to the send/recv sizes. More...
void setDataDlb (const MInt solverId, const MInt mode, std::vector< MInt * > &intDataRecv, std::vector< MLong * > &longDataRecv, std::vector< MFloat * > &floatDataRecv, std::vector< MInt > &dataTypes, const MBool freeMemory)
 Set the solver/coupler data for load balancing. More...
void resetAllTimer ()
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > refineCellVec ()
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > removeChildsVec ()
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt, const MInt)> > swapProxyVec ()
std::vector< std::function< MInt(const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt)> > cellOutsideVec ()
std::vector< std::function< void()> > resizeGridMapVec ()
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > removeCellVec ()

Private Attributes

const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Solver > > * m_solvers
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > m_refineCellSolver
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > m_removeChildsSolver
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt, const MInt)> > m_swapProxySolver
const std::vector< std::function< MInt(const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt)> > m_cellOutside
const std::vector< std::function< void()> > m_resizeGridMapSolver
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > m_removeCellSolver
const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Coupling > > * m_couplers
MBool m_adaptation = false
MInt m_adaptationInterval = 0
MInt m_adaptationStart = -1
MInt m_adaptationStop = -1
MInt m_lastAdaptationTimeStep = 0
MInt m_noAdaptations = 0
MInt m_noMaxAdaptations = -1
MInt m_noSensors {}
MBool m_balance = false
MInt m_forceBalance = 0
MBool m_performanceOutput = false
MBool m_debugBalance = false
MInt m_loadBalancingMode = -1
MInt m_loadBalancingTimerMode = 0
MInt m_loadBalancingInterval = -1
MInt m_loadBalancingOffset = 0
MInt m_loadBalancingStartTimeStep = 0
MInt m_loadBalancingStopTimeStep = -1
MInt m_loadBalancingTimerStartOffset = 0
MBool m_forceLoadBalancing = false
MBool m_testDynamicLoadBalancing = false
MBool m_testUpdatePartitionCells = false
MInt m_testUpdatePartCellsOffspringThreshold = 10
MFloat m_testUpdatePartCellsWorkloadThreshold = 100.0
MInt m_nAdaptationsSinceBalance = 9999999
MBool m_syncTimeSteps = false
MBool m_syncTimerSteps = true
MInt m_dlbStep = 0
MInt m_lastLoadBalancingTimeStep = 0
MInt m_dlbLastResetTimeStep = 0
MFloat m_dlbImbalanceThreshold = 0.05
MFloat m_maxPerformanceVarThreshold = 0.15
MInt m_dlbPartitionMethod = DLB_PARTITION_DEFAULT
MBool m_dlbUpdatePartitionCells = false
MBool m_saveGridNewPartitionCells = false
MBool m_dlbSmoothGlobalShifts = true
MInt m_dlbNoLocalShifts = 0
MInt m_dlbNoFinalLocalShifts = 0
MFloat m_dlbMaxWorkloadLimit = 1.5
MFloat m_dlbPreviousLocalRunTime = 0.0
MFloat m_dlbPreviousLocalIdleTime = 0.0
std::vector< MFloatm_dlbTimings
MBool m_outputDlbTimings = false
std::vector< MIntm_dlbTimeStepsAll
std::vector< MFloatm_dlbRunTimeAll
std::vector< MFloatm_dlbIdleTimeAll
std::vector< MIntm_previousLoadBins {}
std::array< MFloat, 5 > m_previousLoadInfo {}
MInt m_previousLoadInfoStep = -1
std::vector< MFloatm_domainWeights
MBool m_useDomainFactor = false
std::vector< MIntm_lastOffsetShiftDirection {}
MFloat m_timePerStepTotal = std::numeric_limits<MFloat>::max()
MLong m_optPartitionCellOffsetTotal = -1
MFloat m_imbalance = std::numeric_limits<MFloat>::max()
MBool m_balanceAfterAdaptation = false
MInt m_balanceAdaptationInterval = 1
MBool m_dlbRestartWeights = false
MFloatm_dlbLastWeights = nullptr
MFloatm_dlbStaticWeights = nullptr
MInt m_dlbStaticWeightMode = -1
MBool m_timersInitialized = false
MInt m_timerGroup = -1
std::array< MInt, Timers::_countm_timers {}
std::vector< MIntm_solverTimerGroups {}
std::vector< std::array< MInt, SolverTimers::_count > > m_solverTimers {}
MString m_currentGridFileName
MBool m_useNonSpecifiedRestartFile = false
MString m_outputDir

Detailed Description

template<MInt nDim>
class maia::grid::Controller< nDim >

Definition at line 88 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Cell

template<MInt nDim>
using maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::Cell = typename CartesianGrid<nDim>::Cell

Definition at line 91 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ Grid

template<MInt nDim>
using maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::Grid = CartesianGrid<nDim>

Definition at line 90 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ GridProxy

template<MInt nDim>
using maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::GridProxy = typename maia::grid::Proxy<nDim>

Definition at line 92 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Controller()

template<MInt nDim>
maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::Controller ( Grid grid_,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Solver > > *  solvers,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Coupling > > *  couplers 

Definition at line 415 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ ~Controller()

template<MInt nDim>
maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::~Controller ( )

Definition at line 97 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

97 {
98 if(m_timersInitialized) { // Timers are not created if there is no Cartesian grid
99 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::Controller]);
100 }
101 }
std::array< MInt, Timers::_count > m_timers

Member Function Documentation

◆ accumulateCellWeights()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::accumulateCellWeights
Tim Wegmann

Definition at line 2219 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2219 {
2220 TRACE();
2222 const MInt noGridCells = gridb().treeb().size();
2224 // Reset cell weights
2225 for(MInt gridCellId = 0; gridCellId < noGridCells; gridCellId++) {
2226 gridb().treeb().weight(gridCellId) = 0.0;
2227 }
2229 if(!m_dlbRestartWeights || m_dlbLastWeights == nullptr) {
2230 // use static cell weights
2232 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER why not use an array of size noGridCells, set to zero
2233 // and add cell weights of each solver?
2234 const MInt sizeTimesSolver = noGridCells * noSolvers();
2235 MFloatScratchSpace solverweight(sizeTimesSolver, FUN_, "solverweight");
2236 // might be necessary for dimensionless weight-comparison between different-solvers,
2237 // to devide the weight of ech solver-cell by its maximum-possible-value!
2238 // MFloatScratchSpace solvermaxweights(noSolvers(),FUN_, "solvermaxweights");
2239 solverweight.fill(F0);
2241 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2242 if(solver(i).isActive()) { // Only for solvers active on this ranks
2243 solver(i).setCellWeights(&solverweight[0]);
2244 }
2245 }
2247 // Accumulate weights of all solvers
2248 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2249 for(MInt gridCellId = 0; gridCellId < noGridCells; gridCellId++) {
2250 const MInt id = gridCellId + noGridCells * i;
2251 gridb().treeb().weight(gridCellId) += solverweight[id];
2252 }
2253 }
2256 } else {
2257 // use weights from last DLB
2258 MInt weightOffset = 0;
2259 for(MInt solverId = 0; solverId < noSolvers(); solverId++) {
2260 if(solver(solverId).isActive()) {
2261 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < noGridCells; cellId++) {
2262 if(gridb().a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2263 continue;
2264 }
2265 gridb().a_weight(cellId) += solver(solverId).getCellLoad(cellId, &m_dlbLastWeights[weightOffset]);
2266 }
2267 }
2268 weightOffset += solver(solverId).noLoadTypes();
2269 }
2270 }
MFloat & a_weight(const MInt cellId)
Returns the weight of the cell cellId.
maia::grid::cell::BitsetType::reference a_hasProperty(const MInt cellId, const Cell p)
Returns property p of the cell cellId.
Tree & treeb()
Full access to tree (for now)
This class is a ScratchSpace.
Definition: scratch.h:758
virtual MInt noLoadTypes() const
Definition: solver.h:211
virtual MBool isActive() const
Definition: solver.h:391
virtual MFloat getCellLoad(const MInt NotUsed(cellId), const MFloat *const NotUsed(weights)) const
Definition: solver.h:216
virtual void setCellWeights(MFloat *)
Set cell weights.
Definition: solver.h:209
constexpr MInt size() const
Return size (i.e., currently used number of nodes)
Definition: container.h:89
Solver & solver(const MInt solverId)
MFloat & weight(const MInt id)
Accessor for weight.
int32_t MInt
Definition: maiatypes.h:62
MInt id
Definition: maiatypes.h:71
void const MInt cellId
Definition: collector.h:239

◆ adaptation()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::adaptation ( const MBool  force = false)
Lennart Schneiders

Definition at line 1994 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

1994 {
1995 if(m_grid == nullptr) {
1996 return false;
1997 }
1999 // Reset adaptation status
2000 gridb().m_wasAdapted = false;
2002 if(!m_adaptation
2003 || (!force
2006 return false;
2007 }
2009 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::Adaptation]);
2011 cerr0 << "=== Initialising solver-adaptation at time-step " << globalTimeStep << std::endl;
2012 // TODO labels:TIMERS,ADAPTATION adaptation timers for new split version -> initTimers()
2013 logTimerStatistics("before adaptation");
2015 // Disable all DLB timers
2016 const MInt noDlbTimers = maia::dlb::g_dlbTimerController.noDlbTimers();
2017 ScratchSpace<MBool> dlbTimersStatus(std::max(noDlbTimers, 1), AT_, "dlbTimersStatus");
2020 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER remove if all solvers have splitAdaptation
2021 MBool splitAdaptation = true;
2022 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2023 if(!solver(i).m_splitAdaptation) {
2024 std::cerr << "Update Adaptation to splitAdaptation! solver " << i << std::endl;
2025 splitAdaptation = false;
2026 }
2027 }
2029 // Cancel any open MPI requests in the solver since these might conflict with communication
2030 // during adaptation
2031 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2033 }
2035 if(splitAdaptation) { // new split-Adaptation version
2037 // prepare Adaptations
2038 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2039 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
2040 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2042 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2043 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
2044 }
2046 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCouplers(); i++) {
2047 const MInt timerId = noSolvers() + i;
2048 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
2049 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2051 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2052 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
2053 }
2055 // loop over all available levels (and a specified additional number of steps)!
2056 // prefered over while-loop!
2057 MInt addedAdaptationSteps = 0;
2058 addedAdaptationSteps = Context::getBasicProperty<MInt>("addedAdaptationSteps", AT_, &addedAdaptationSteps);
2059 for(MInt level = gridb().maxUniformRefinementLevel(); level < gridb().maxRefinementLevel() + addedAdaptationSteps;
2060 level++) {
2061 const MLong oldLocalCnt = gridb().noInternalCells();
2062 const MLong oldCnt = gridb().noCellsGlobal();
2063 std::vector<std::vector<MFloat>> sensors;
2064 std::vector<std::bitset<CartesianGrid<nDim>::m_maxNoSensors>> sensorCellFlag(gridb().noInternalCells());
2065 std::vector<MFloat> sensorWeight;
2066 std::vector<MInt> sensorSolverId;
2068 // set sensors
2069 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2070 solver(i).setSensors(sensors, sensorWeight, sensorCellFlag, sensorSolverId);
2071 }
2073 ASSERT(sensors.size() < CartesianGrid<nDim>::m_maxNoSensors, "Increase bitsetsize!");
2075 // saveSensorData
2076 // Determine of at least one solver wants to save its sensor data
2077 MBool saveSensorData = false;
2078 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2079 saveSensorData = saveSensorData || solver(i).m_saveSensorData;
2080 }
2081 if(saveSensorData) {
2082 // Write grid file
2083 std::stringstream gridFileName;
2084 gridFileName << "sensorDataGrid_" << std::to_string(level) << "_" << globalTimeStep << ParallelIo::fileExt();
2085 gridb().saveGrid((m_outputDir + gridFileName.str()).c_str(), m_recalcIds);
2086 // Write sensor data
2087 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2088 if(solver(i).m_saveSensorData) {
2089 solver(i).saveSensorData(sensors, level, gridFileName.str(), m_recalcIds);
2090 }
2091 }
2092 }
2094 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::MeshAdaptation]);
2095 gridb().meshAdaptation(sensors, sensorWeight, sensorCellFlag, sensorSolverId, m_refineCellSolver,
2098 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::MeshAdaptation]);
2100 // compacts cells, and emidiate after adaptation
2101 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2102 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
2103 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2105 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2106 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
2107 }
2109 // call couplers only after all solvers have rebild their grid-structure!
2110 for(MInt j = 0; j < noCouplers(); j++) {
2111 const MInt timerId = noSolvers() + j;
2112 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
2113 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2115 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2116 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
2117 }
2119 m_log << "Mesh adaptation: " << gridb().noCellsGlobal() - oldCnt << " cells generated"
2120 << " (before: " << oldCnt << ", now: " << gridb().noCellsGlobal() << ")." << std::endl;
2122 MBool skipLoop = false;
2123 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2124 if(solver(i).m_singleAdaptation) {
2125 skipLoop = true;
2126 }
2127 }
2129 if(skipLoop && globalTimeStep > 0) break;
2131 if(globalTimeStep < 0 && m_loadBalancingInterval > 0) {
2132 MInt balanceTrigger = 0;
2133 MInt deltaCells = gridb().noInternalCells() - oldLocalCnt;
2134 if(gridb().noInternalCells() + deltaCells * gridb().m_maxNoChilds > gridb().maxNoCells()) {
2135 balanceTrigger = 1;
2136 }
2137 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &balanceTrigger, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
2138 "balanceTrigger");
2139 if(balanceTrigger || level == (gridb().maxRefinementLevel() - 1)) {
2140 cerr0 << "Performing intermediate load balancing step." << std::endl;
2145 // preserve loadBalancing mode and
2146 // switch to weight based mode for the balance during initial adaptation!
2147 const MInt backUp = m_loadBalancingMode;
2149 balance(true, false, true);
2150 m_loadBalancingMode = backUp;
2151 }
2152 }
2153 }
2155 // reinit solver after adaptation
2156 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2157 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
2158 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2160 for(MInt j = 0; j < noCouplers(); j++) {
2162 }
2163 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Adaptation]);
2164 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
2165 }
2167 } else { // TODO labels:CONTROLLER delete below
2168 const MLong oldCnt = gridb().noCellsGlobal();
2169 std::vector<std::vector<MFloat>> sensors;
2170 std::vector<std::bitset<CartesianGrid<nDim>::m_maxNoSensors>> sensorCellFlag(gridb().noInternalCells());
2171 std::vector<MFloat> sensorWeight;
2172 std::vector<MInt> sensorSolverId;
2174 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2175 std::cerr << "preparing adaptation for solver " << i << std::endl;
2176 solver(i).prepareAdaptation(sensors, sensorWeight, sensorCellFlag, sensorSolverId);
2177 }
2178 ASSERT(sensors.size() < CartesianGrid<nDim>::m_maxNoSensors, "Increase bitset size!");
2180 gridb().meshAdaptation(sensors, sensorWeight, sensorCellFlag, sensorSolverId, m_refineCellSolver,
2184 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2185 // in multisolver case: translate tree ids back to solver-local ids
2187 }
2189 m_log << "Mesh adaptation: " << gridb().noCellsGlobal() - oldCnt << " cells generated"
2190 << " (before: " << oldCnt << ", now: " << gridb().noCellsGlobal() << ")." << std::endl;
2191 }
2193 // Enable all previously active DLB timers again
2196 // reset all timers after an adaptation:
2197 // Tim version
2198 // resetAllTimer();
2200 // set the last adaptation timeStep
2204 printDomainStatistics("after adaptation");
2206 cerr0 << "=== Finished adaptation" << std::endl;
2207 m_log << "Finished adaptation at time-step " << globalTimeStep << std::endl;
2208 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::Adaptation]);
2210 return true;
void checkWindowHaloConsistency(const MBool fullCheck=false, const MString a="")
Checks consistency of window/halo cells.
void meshAdaptation(std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MInt > &, const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > &, const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > &, const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > &, const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt, const MInt)> > &, const std::vector< std::function< MInt(const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt)> > &, const std::vector< std::function< void()> > &)
void saveGrid(const MChar *, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &, const std::vector< MInt > &, const std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &, MInt *recalcIdTree=nullptr)
MLong noCellsGlobal() const
Return the Global-noCells.
MInt maxRefinementLevel() const
Return maximum possible refinement level.
void gridSanityChecks()
Perform grid sanity checks.
MInt noInternalCells() const
Return number of internal cells (i.e., excluding halo cells)
virtual void finalizeAdaptation(const MInt)
Definition: coupling.h:97
virtual void prepareAdaptation()
Definition: coupling.h:95
virtual void postAdaptation()
Definition: coupling.h:96
MInt noDlbTimers() const
Return the number of DLB timers.
Definition: dlbtimer.h:484
void enableAllDlbTimers(const MBool *const wasEnabled=nullptr)
Enable all DLB timers (or those given by the array wasEnabled)
Definition: dlbtimer.h:265
void disableAllDlbTimers(MBool *const wasEnabled=nullptr)
Disable all (enabled) DLB timers.
Definition: dlbtimer.h:300
MBool m_saveSensorData
Definition: solver.h:109
virtual void prepareAdaptation(std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MInt > &)
Definition: solver.h:325
MBool m_splitAdaptation
Definition: solver.h:106
virtual void finalizeAdaptation()
finalize adaptation for split sadptation after the adaptation loop
Definition: solver.h:350
virtual void postAdaptation()
post adaptation for split adaptation within the adaptation loop
Definition: solver.h:347
virtual void saveSensorData(const std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, const MInt &, const MString &, const MInt *const)
Definition: solver.h:343
virtual void reinitAfterAdaptation()
Definition: solver.h:332
virtual void cancelMpiRequests()
Cancel open mpi (receive) requests in the solver (e.g. due to interleaved execution)
Definition: solver.h:206
MBool m_singleAdaptation
Definition: solver.h:103
virtual void setSensors(std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MInt > &)
set solver sensors for split adaptation within the adaptation loop
Definition: solver.h:338
void printDomainStatistics(const MString &status="")
Print statistics regarding the cell distribution among domains.
void logTimerStatistics(const MString &)
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > m_refineCellSolver
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > m_removeCellSolver
const std::vector< std::function< void()> > m_resizeGridMapSolver
const std::vector< std::function< MInt(const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt)> > m_cellOutside
MBool balance(const MBool force=false, const MBool finalTimeStep=false, const MBool adaptation=false)
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > m_removeChildsSolver
std::vector< std::array< MInt, SolverTimers::_count > > m_solverTimers
Coupling & coupler(const MInt couplerId)
const std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt, const MInt)> > m_swapProxySolver
MInt globalTimeStep
InfoOutFile m_log
std::ostream cerr0
int64_t MLong
Definition: maiatypes.h:64
bool MBool
Definition: maiatypes.h:58
int MPI_Allreduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allreduce
void const MInt const MInt const MInt const MInt maxNoCells
Definition: collector.h:240
DlbTimerController g_dlbTimerController

◆ balance()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::balance ( const MBool  force = false,
const MBool  finalTimeStep = false,
const MBool  adaptation = false 

Check if load balancing is necessary and if yes, call appropriate grid & solver methods.

Return true if actual load balancing took place.

Definition at line 1057 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

1057 {
1058 // Return if not enabled or in serial
1059 if(!m_balance || noDomains() == 1) {
1060 return false;
1061 }
1063 // Reset balance status
1064 gridb().m_wasBalanced = false;
1066 std::vector<std::pair<MFloat, MString>> durations{};
1067 auto logDuration = [&durations](const MFloat time, const MString comment, const MBool fromTimer = false) {
1068 const MFloat duration = (fromTimer) ? time : wallTime() - time;
1069 durations.push_back(std::make_pair(duration, comment));
1070 };
1072 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1074 const MFloat dlbStartTime = wallTime();
1075 const MInt oldAllocatedBytes = allocatedBytes();
1077 const MInt noDlbTimers = maia::dlb::g_dlbTimerController.noDlbTimers();
1078 if(noDlbTimers == 0 && m_loadBalancingMode == 1 && !m_testDynamicLoadBalancing) {
1079 std::cerr << "There are no DLB timers, but loadBalancingMode is 1 and testing is off; "
1080 "switching to loadBalancingMode = 0."
1081 << std::endl;
1083 }
1085 // Accumulate timer records of all dlb timers
1086 MFloat localRunTime = 0.0;
1087 MFloat localIdleTime = 0.0;
1089 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDlbTimers; i++) {
1093 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 1 && !m_testDynamicLoadBalancing && (loadRecord < 0.0 || idleRecord < 0.0)) {
1094 TERMM(1, "Load/Idle record for dlb timer #" + std::to_string(i) + " is less than zero on global domain #"
1095 + std::to_string(domainId()) + ": " + std::to_string(loadRecord) + ", "
1096 + std::to_string(idleRecord));
1097 }
1099 localRunTime += loadRecord;
1100 localIdleTime += idleRecord;
1101 }
1103 const MInt timeStep = globalTimeStep;
1104 if(!adaptation) { // Skip storing timings for call from adaptation
1105 // Runtime and idle-time of last step
1106 const MFloat localRunTimeLastStep = localRunTime - m_dlbPreviousLocalRunTime;
1107 const MFloat localIdleTimeLastStep = localIdleTime - m_dlbPreviousLocalIdleTime;
1109 // Store current timings for next evaluation
1110 m_dlbPreviousLocalRunTime = localRunTime;
1111 m_dlbPreviousLocalIdleTime = localIdleTime;
1113 // Store timing for imbalance evaluation
1114 m_dlbTimings.push_back(localRunTimeLastStep);
1116 // Store runtime and idle time for performance evaluations
1117 if(m_outputDlbTimings) {
1118 m_dlbTimeStepsAll.push_back(timeStep);
1119 m_dlbRunTimeAll.push_back(localRunTimeLastStep);
1120 m_dlbIdleTimeAll.push_back(localIdleTimeLastStep);
1122 // Write timings to disk at final time step
1123 if(finalTimeStep) {
1124 storeTimings();
1125 }
1126 }
1127 }
1129 // Check if this is a timer reset time step
1133 // TODO labels:DLB @ansgar FIXME
1135 // resetTimeStep = ((timeStep - m_loadBalancingTimerStartOffset) % m_loadBalancingInterval == 0
1136 resetTimeStep = resetTimeStep || (timeStep - m_lastAdaptationTimeStep == m_loadBalancingTimerStartOffset);
1137 // Reset timer at adaptation time step (if this is no DLB step, see below)
1138 resetTimeStep = resetTimeStep || (timeStep - m_lastAdaptationTimeStep == 0);
1139 }
1141 MBool dlbTimeStep = ((timeStep - m_loadBalancingOffset) % m_loadBalancingInterval == 0);
1143 dlbTimeStep = dlbTimeStep
1147 }
1149 if(resetTimeStep && !dlbTimeStep) {
1150 // reset all timer
1151 resetAllTimer();
1153 // ... and return
1154 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1155 return false;
1156 }
1158 // Quit early if balancing is not forced and interval does not match
1159 if(!force && !finalTimeStep && (m_loadBalancingInterval <= 0 || !dlbTimeStep)) {
1160 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1161 return false;
1162 }
1164 // const MBool atDlbInterval = (timeStep % m_loadBalancingInterval == 0);
1165 const MBool initialBalance = (timeStep == -1 && force);
1166 const MBool initialAdaptationOnly = (timeStep == -1 && m_performanceOutput);
1167 const MBool afterLastDlbStep = (timeStep > m_loadBalancingStopTimeStep && m_loadBalancingStopTimeStep != -1);
1168 const MBool beforeFirstDlbStep = (timeStep <= m_loadBalancingStartTimeStep);
1169 // Performance output step without load balancing
1170 const MBool performanceOutput =
1171 (m_performanceOutput || finalTimeStep || afterLastDlbStep || beforeFirstDlbStep) && !initialBalance;
1173 // Return if this is not a DLB time step and not the initial balancing
1174 if(!dlbTimeStep && (!initialBalance || initialAdaptationOnly)) {
1175 // Continue if forced or at final time step to determine imbalance before returning
1176 if((!force && !finalTimeStep) || initialAdaptationOnly) {
1177 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1178 return false;
1179 }
1180 }
1182 if(!performanceOutput) {
1183 m_log << "Dynamic load balancing at time step " << timeStep << std::endl;
1184 cerr0 << "=== Dynamic load balancing at time step " << timeStep << std::endl;
1185 }
1187 logTimerStatistics("before balance");
1189 // Determine if this is the last DLB step
1190 const MBool lastDlbStep =
1193 // Determine if this is a DLB step at which the partitioning should be reverted to the best so far
1194 // to improve it by using local shifts only
1195 const MInt isDlbRevertStep =
1196 (m_loadBalancingMode == 1 && !lastDlbStep && m_loadBalancingStopTimeStep != -1 && m_dlbNoFinalLocalShifts > 0
1200 // Determine the number of timesteps that are timed
1201 // MInt noTimeSteps = timeStep - m_lastLoadBalancingTimeStep - m_loadBalancingTimerStartOffset;
1202 MInt noTimeSteps = timeStep - m_dlbLastResetTimeStep;
1203 if(timeStep < 0) noTimeSteps = 0;
1205 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 1) {
1206 ASSERT(noTimeSteps > 0, "ERROR: noTimeSteps = " + std::to_string(noTimeSteps));
1207 }
1209 if(noTimeSteps != (MInt)m_dlbTimings.size()) {
1210 m_log << "DLB: Number of timings does not match: " + std::to_string(m_dlbTimings.size()) + " "
1211 + std::to_string(noTimeSteps) + " (beforeFirstStep = " + std::to_string(beforeFirstDlbStep)
1212 + "; afterLastDlbStep = " + std::to_string(afterLastDlbStep) + ")"
1213 << std::endl;
1214 std::cerr << "WARNING: number of timings mismatch! " << noTimeSteps << " " << m_dlbTimings.size() << std::endl;
1215 noTimeSteps = m_dlbTimings.size();
1216 }
1219 std::vector<MFloat> timings(m_dlbTimings.begin(), m_dlbTimings.end());
1220 // Sort timings for evaluation
1221 std::sort(timings.begin(), timings.end());
1222 const MInt noSamples = timings.size();
1223 if(noSamples < 1 && !initialBalance) {
1224 TERMM(1, "ERROR: number of samples is < 1");
1225 }
1227 const MBool truncatedMean = !m_balanceAfterAdaptation;
1228 // Compute 25% truncated mean for computing loads for static grids
1229 const MFloat trim = 0.25;
1230 const MInt lowerBound = std::floor(trim * noSamples);
1231 const MInt upperBound = std::max(MInt(std::floor((1 - trim) * noSamples)), std::min(noSamples, 1));
1232 const MInt noSamplesTruncated = upperBound - lowerBound;
1234 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 1 && noSamplesTruncated < 1 && !initialBalance) {
1235 std::cerr << "ERROR no samples truncated " << noSamplesTruncated << std::endl;
1236 /* return 0; */
1237 }
1239 const MFloat truncatedMeanRunTime =
1240 std::accumulate(&timings[lowerBound], &timings[upperBound], 0.0) / noSamplesTruncated;
1241 const MFloat meanRunTime = std::accumulate(timings.begin(), timings.end(), 0.0) / noSamples;
1242 const MFloat meanRunTimeTrigger = (truncatedMean) ? truncatedMeanRunTime : meanRunTime;
1244 /* const MFloat maxLocalRunTime = *std::max_element(timings.begin(), timings.end()); */
1245 /* const MFloat minLocalRunTime = *std::min_element(timings.begin(), timings.end()); */
1247 // Compute average time per step (all timings)
1248 MFloat timePerStep = (localRunTime + localIdleTime) / noTimeSteps;
1249 MFloat maxRunTime = localRunTime / noTimeSteps;
1250 const MFloat localTimePerStep = timePerStep;
1251 // Communicate and take maximum value -> assure same value on all domains
1252 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &timePerStep, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1253 "timePerStep");
1254 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxRunTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1255 "maxRunTime");
1257 MFloat maxIdleTime = localIdleTime / noTimeSteps;
1258 MFloat minIdleTime = localIdleTime / noTimeSteps;
1259 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxIdleTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1260 "maxIdleTime");
1261 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &minIdleTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1262 "minIdleTime");
1264 const MFloat minIdleTimeRel = minIdleTime / timePerStep;
1266 m_log << timeStep << " * Average time per step: " << timePerStep << " ; local: " << localTimePerStep
1267 << ", idle/comp = " << localIdleTime / localRunTime
1268 << ", idle/timePerStep = " << localIdleTime / (noTimeSteps * timePerStep) << std::endl;
1269 m_log << timeStep << " * Relative idle time: max = " << maxIdleTime / timePerStep << ", min "
1270 << minIdleTime / timePerStep << std::endl;
1271 m_log << timeStep << " * maxRunTime " << maxRunTime << std::endl;
1273 logDuration(dlbStartTime, "DLB preparation/timers");
1275 const MFloat imbalanceStartTime = wallTime();
1276 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::Trigger]);
1277 MFloat imbalance = -1.0;
1278 ScratchSpace<MFloat> loads(noDomains(), FUN_, "loads");
1279 MBool loadBalance = initialBalance;
1280 if(!loadBalance) { // Skip this for initial balance since there are no timings
1281 loadBalance = needLoadBalancing(meanRunTimeTrigger, &loads[0], imbalance) || force || (m_forceBalance > 0);
1282 }
1283 if(m_forceBalance == 1) {
1284 m_forceBalance = 0;
1285 }
1286 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::Trigger]);
1287 logDuration(imbalanceStartTime, "Imbalance evaluation");
1289 // Determine variance of timings to detect performance variations
1290 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB exclude ranks with low load?
1291 MFloat localRunTimeVariance = 0.0;
1292 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSamples; i++) {
1293 localRunTimeVariance += POW2(timings[i] - meanRunTime);
1294 }
1295 localRunTimeVariance /= noSamples;
1296 const MFloat localRunTimeStdev = std::sqrt(localRunTimeVariance);
1298 const MFloat performanceVariation = localRunTimeStdev / meanRunTime;
1299 MFloat perfVarMax[2];
1300 perfVarMax[0] = performanceVariation;
1301 // Note: use only ranks above a specific load
1302 perfVarMax[1] = (loads[domainId()] > 0.85) ? performanceVariation : 0.0;
1304 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &perfVarMax, 2, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(), MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
1305 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "perfVarMax");
1306 const MFloat maxPerformanceVariation = perfVarMax[1];
1308 const MBool performanceVariationCheck = (maxPerformanceVariation > m_maxPerformanceVarThreshold && !m_adaptation);
1310 m_log << timeStep << " * DLB: Performance variation: load>0.85 " << maxPerformanceVariation << "; all "
1311 << perfVarMax[0] << std::endl;
1313 m_log << timeStep << " * Average timings: avgRunTime = " << localRunTime / noTimeSteps
1314 << ", truncated = " << truncatedMean << " " << truncatedMeanRunTime << ", diff "
1315 << meanRunTime - truncatedMeanRunTime << ", noTimeSteps = " << noTimeSteps << std::endl;
1317 m_log << timeStep << " * timePerStep = " << timePerStep << "; imbalance = " << imbalance
1318 << "; maxRunTime = " << maxRunTime << "; minIdleTimeRel = " << minIdleTimeRel << std::endl;
1320 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 1 && performanceVariationCheck && !lastDlbStep && !performanceOutput
1322 /* std::cerr << domainId() << " performance variation " << minLocalRunTime << " " */
1323 /* << maxLocalRunTime << " " << localRunTimeVariance << " " << localRunTimeStdev */
1324 /* << " " << localRunTimeStdev/meanRunTime << std::endl; */
1326 std::stringstream perfMessage;
1327 perfMessage << "DLB: Performance variation " << maxPerformanceVariation << ", skip DLB step." << std::endl;
1328 m_log << perfMessage.str();
1329 if(domainId() == 0) {
1330 std::cout << perfMessage.str();
1331 }
1333 resetAllTimer();
1335 m_lastLoadBalancingTimeStep = timeStep;
1337 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1338 return false;
1339 }
1341 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 0) {
1342 m_lastLoadBalancingTimeStep = timeStep;
1344 }
1346 // Check if the current time per timestep is the best one so far. If so, store the new best
1347 // time/timestep and the corresponding local domain offset. (Note: includes idle times, also the
1348 // imbalance should not be too large, accept also better imbalance with slightly increased time
1349 // per step as the latter might be due e.g. network latencies and slower communication)
1350 MBool newBestTimePerStep = false;
1351 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 1 && !performanceOutput && !performanceVariationCheck && !m_testDynamicLoadBalancing
1352 && ((timePerStep < m_timePerStepTotal && imbalance < 1.05 * m_imbalance)
1353 || (imbalance < m_imbalance && timePerStep < 1.05 * m_timePerStepTotal))) {
1355 m_timePerStepTotal = -1.0;
1356 m_imbalance = -1.0;
1357 }
1358 m_log << timeStep << " * Storing new best domain partitioning: timePerStep = " << timePerStep << " ("
1359 << m_timePerStepTotal << "); imbalance = " << imbalance << " (" << m_imbalance << "), maxRunTime "
1360 << maxRunTime << " minIdleTimeRel " << minIdleTimeRel << std::endl;
1361 newBestTimePerStep = true;
1362 m_timePerStepTotal = timePerStep;
1363 m_imbalance = imbalance;
1366 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::IO]);
1367 // Store partition file for restarting with the same domain offsets on the
1368 // same number of domains
1369 // This will overwrite the partition_n[noDomains].[ext] file every time a
1370 // better partitioning is found.
1371 std::stringstream partitionFileName;
1372 partitionFileName << "partition_n" << noDomains();
1373 gridb().savePartitionFile(partitionFileName.str(), m_optPartitionCellOffsetTotal);
1374 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::IO]);
1375 } else if(m_testDynamicLoadBalancing && finalTimeStep) {
1376 // Always write partition file at final time step for testing
1377 std::stringstream partitionFileName;
1378 partitionFileName << "partition_n" << noDomains();
1379 gridb().savePartitionFile(partitionFileName.str(), gridb().m_localPartitionCellOffsets[0]);
1380 }
1382 // Return if nothing needs to be done
1383 if(!loadBalance && !m_forceLoadBalancing && (isDlbRevertStep == 0)) {
1384 m_log << " * no load imbalance detected at timestep " << timeStep << "!" << std::endl;
1385 // Continue if this is the last DLB step and the time per step is worse than
1386 // the best one, else return here
1387 if(!(lastDlbStep && !newBestTimePerStep)) {
1388 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1389 return false;
1390 }
1391 } else {
1392 if(!performanceOutput) {
1393 m_log << " * load imbalance detected at timestep " << timeStep << "!" << std::endl;
1394 }
1395 }
1397 // Return here for final time step/or performance output after determining imbalance etc.
1398 if(performanceOutput) {
1399 // clear timings such that only the next x timesteps are used for the following performance
1400 // output
1401 m_log << "Performance evaluation: clear timings at timestep " << timeStep << "!" << std::endl;
1403 resetAllTimer();
1405 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1406 return false;
1407 }
1409 // Determine imbalance statistics *BEFORE* online restart
1410 printDomainStatistics("before load balancing");
1412 // reset newMinLeven for balancing, otherwise cells with zero noOffsprings occour!
1413 MInt backupLevel = -1;
1414 if(gridb().m_newMinLevel > 0) {
1415 backupLevel = gridb().m_newMinLevel;
1416 gridb().m_newMinLevel = -1;
1417 }
1422 // Cancel any open MPI (receive) requests already opened to allow for interleaved execution, since
1423 // these might lead to conflicting messages
1424 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1425 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1426 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1428 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1430 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1432 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1433 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1434 }
1436 MBool partitionCellChange = false;
1437 const MFloat updatePartCellsStartTime = wallTime();
1438 // If enabled: Check if the partition cells need to be updated/changed, i.e., decrease/increase
1439 // the partition level shift
1440 //
1441 // Note: in case of a change in the partition cells the balancing needs to be performed (even if
1442 // the determined new partitioning is the same as after the partition cell update)
1443 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB last DLB or revert step!
1444 if(m_dlbUpdatePartitionCells && !lastDlbStep) {
1445 MInt offspringThreshold = gridb().m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold;
1446 MFloat workloadThreshold = gridb().m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold;
1448 // For testing: set different thresholds to force partition cell changes
1449 if(m_testUpdatePartitionCells && m_dlbStep % 2 == 0) {
1450 offspringThreshold = m_testUpdatePartCellsOffspringThreshold;
1451 workloadThreshold = m_testUpdatePartCellsWorkloadThreshold;
1452 }
1454 // Update partition cells
1455 partitionCellChange = gridb().updatePartitionCells(offspringThreshold, workloadThreshold);
1457 if(partitionCellChange) {
1458 // Grid with new partition cells will be written with next restart files
1461 // Reset best found partitioning since not useful anymore with changed partition cells
1463 }
1464 }
1465 logDuration(updatePartCellsStartTime, "Update partition cells");
1467 // Storage for new partitioning
1468 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "partitionCellOffsets");
1469 MLongScratchSpace globalIdOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "globalIdOffsets");
1471 const MFloat partitionStartTime = wallTime();
1472 // Determine new partitioning based on load balancing mode
1473 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 0 || timeStep == -1) { // Use mode 0 always for initial balance
1474 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::Partition]);
1477 // Compute new domain decomposition
1478 partition(&partitionCellOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0], false);
1480 // Increase DLB step
1481 m_dlbStep++;
1483 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::Partition]);
1484 } else {
1485 // Static mode (i.e. fixed number of DLB steps)
1486 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::Partition]);
1488 MBool newPartition = false;
1489 // Check if this is the last DLB step
1490 if((!lastDlbStep || m_testDynamicLoadBalancing) && ((isDlbRevertStep == 0) || newBestTimePerStep)) {
1491 // Determine new partitioning, i.e. new partition cell offsets and domain offsets
1492 newPartition = loadBalancingPartition(&loads[0], imbalance, &partitionCellOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0]);
1493 } else {
1494 // Check if the current configuration is not the best one (wrt. time per timestep)
1495 if(((!newBestTimePerStep && !m_adaptation) || (isDlbRevertStep != 0)) && m_optPartitionCellOffsetTotal != -1) {
1496 m_log << timeStep << " * DLB reverting to best configuration." << std::endl;
1497 // Last DLB step: since there is still some load imbalance, revert to the best partitioning
1498 // found
1500 // Gather current partition cell offsets
1501 MLongScratchSpace localPartitionCellOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "localPartitionCellOffsets");
1502 MPI_Allgather(&gridb().m_localPartitionCellOffsets[0], 1, type_traits<MLong>::mpiType(),
1503 &localPartitionCellOffsets[0], 1, type_traits<MLong>::mpiType(), gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
1504 "gridb().m_localPartitionCellOffsets[0]", "localPartitionCellOffsets[0]");
1505 localPartitionCellOffsets[noDomains()] = gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
1507 // Gather 'optimal' partition cell offsets
1508 MPI_Allgather(&m_optPartitionCellOffsetTotal, 1, type_traits<MLong>::mpiType(), &partitionCellOffsets[0], 1,
1509 type_traits<MLong>::mpiType(), gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "m_optPartitionCellOffsetTotal",
1510 "partitionCellOffsets[0]");
1511 partitionCellOffsets[noDomains()] = gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
1513 // Check if this is a new partitioning, i.e. different from the old one
1514 newPartition =
1515 (std::mismatch(partitionCellOffsets.begin(), partitionCellOffsets.end(), &localPartitionCellOffsets[0]))
1516 .first
1517 != partitionCellOffsets.end();
1519 loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets(&localPartitionCellOffsets[0], &partitionCellOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0]);
1520 } else {
1521 // Current partitioning is accepted
1522 // Note: this will not work if m_forceLoadBalancing is activated, since
1523 // the number of cells to send, etc. are not determined.
1524 newPartition = false;
1525 }
1526 }
1528 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::Partition]);
1530 // Return here if partitioning did not change
1531 if(!newPartition && !partitionCellChange && !m_forceLoadBalancing) {
1532 m_log << "Dynamic load balancing: load imbalance detected but partition did not change at "
1533 "timestep "
1534 << timeStep << "!" << std::endl;
1535 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1536 return false;
1537 }
1538 }
1539 logDuration(partitionStartTime, "New partitioning");
1541 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::Prepare]);
1542 const MFloat prepareStartTime = wallTime();
1544 // Disable all running DLB timers and store status
1545 ScratchSpace<MBool> dlbTimersStatus(std::max(noDlbTimers, 1), AT_, "dlbTimersStatus");
1548 // Reset solvers before load balancing
1549 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1550 const MFloat resetStartTime = wallTime();
1551 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1552 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1554 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Reset]);
1555 solver(i).resetSolver();
1556 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Reset]);
1559 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1560 // Communicate global solver variables from current local rank 0 to all domains
1562 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1564 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1565 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1566 logDuration(resetStartTime, " Reset solver #" + std::to_string(i));
1567 }
1569 const MFloat prepareGridStartTime = wallTime();
1572 std::vector<MInt>().swap(gridb().m_minLevelCells);
1576 const MInt oldNoCells = gridb().treeb().size();
1578 MIntScratchSpace noCellsToReceiveByDomain(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "noCellsToReceiveByDomain");
1579 MIntScratchSpace noCellsToSendByDomain(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "noCellsToSendByDomain");
1580 // Mapping: gridCellId -> sort index in buffer
1581 MIntScratchSpace sortedCellId(oldNoCells, AT_, "sortedCellId");
1582 // Reverse mapping: sort index in buffer -> gridCellId
1583 MIntScratchSpace bufferIdToCellId(oldNoCells, AT_, "bufferIdToCellId");
1584 bufferIdToCellId.fill(-1);
1586 loadBalancingCalcNoCellsToSend(&globalIdOffsets[0], &noCellsToSendByDomain[0], &noCellsToReceiveByDomain[0],
1587 &sortedCellId[0], &bufferIdToCellId[0]);
1588 logDuration(prepareGridStartTime, " Prepare grid");
1590 std::vector<std::vector<MInt>> dataSendSize{};
1591 std::vector<std::vector<MInt>> dataRecvSize{};
1593 // Determine communication data sizes for each solver
1594 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1595 const MFloat dataStartTime = wallTime();
1596 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1597 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1599 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizes]);
1600 determineDataSizesDlb(i, 0, &noCellsToSendByDomain[0], &bufferIdToCellId[0], dataSendSize, dataRecvSize);
1601 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizes]);
1603 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1604 // Change local to global ids here, since local ids previously needed to determine data sizes
1606 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1608 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1609 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1610 logDuration(dataStartTime, " Data sizes solver #" + std::to_string(i));
1611 }
1614 std::vector<std::vector<MInt>> dataSendSizeCoupler{};
1615 std::vector<std::vector<MInt>> dataRecvSizeCoupler{};
1617 // Determine communication data sizes for each coupler
1618 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCouplers(); i++) {
1619 const MFloat dataStartTime = wallTime();
1620 const MInt timerId = noSolvers() + i;
1621 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
1622 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1624 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizes]);
1625 determineDataSizesDlb(i, 1, &noCellsToSendByDomain[0], &bufferIdToCellId[0], dataSendSizeCoupler,
1626 dataRecvSizeCoupler);
1627 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizes]);
1629 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1630 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
1631 logDuration(dataStartTime, " Data sizes coupler #" + std::to_string(i));
1632 }
1635 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::Prepare]);
1636 logDuration(prepareStartTime, "Prepare balancing");
1638 const MFloat balanceGridStartTime = wallTime();
1639 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::BalanceGrid]);
1640 // Rebalance grid
1641 gridb().balance(&noCellsToReceiveByDomain[0], &noCellsToSendByDomain[0], &sortedCellId[0], &partitionCellOffsets[0],
1642 &globalIdOffsets[0]);
1643 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::BalanceGrid]);
1644 logDuration(balanceGridStartTime, "Balance grid");
1646 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::BalanceSolvers]);
1647 const MFloat balanceSolversStartTime = wallTime();
1648 // Rebalance solvers
1649 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1650 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1651 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1653 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Balance]);
1654 const MFloat balanceSolverStartTime = wallTime();
1656 if(!solver(i).hasSplitBalancing()) {
1657 solver(i).balance(&noCellsToReceiveByDomain[0], &noCellsToSendByDomain[0], &sortedCellId[0], oldNoCells);
1658 } else {
1659 // Variables to store pointers to allocated memory
1660 std::vector<MInt*> intDataRecv{};
1661 std::vector<MLong*> longDataRecv{};
1662 std::vector<MFloat*> floatDataRecv{};
1663 std::vector<MInt> dataTypes{};
1665 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB,TIMERS create shorthand for: timer start, function call, timer stop, logDuration?
1666 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Redistribute]);
1667 // Communicate all solver data
1668 redistributeDataDlb(i, 0, dataSendSize[i], dataRecvSize[i], &bufferIdToCellId[0], oldNoCells, intDataRecv,
1669 longDataRecv, floatDataRecv, dataTypes);
1670 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Redistribute]);
1671 logDuration(RETURN_TIMER(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Redistribute]),
1672 "Redistribute solver #" + std::to_string(i), true);
1674 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::BalancePre]);
1675 // Perform reinitialization steps prior to setting solver data
1676 // i.e. apply balance to the proxy!
1677 solver(i).balancePre();
1678 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::BalancePre]);
1679 logDuration(RETURN_TIMER(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::BalancePre]), "BalancePre solver #" + std::to_string(i),
1680 true);
1682 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1683 setDataDlb(i, 0, intDataRecv, longDataRecv, floatDataRecv, dataTypes, false);
1684 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1685 logDuration(RETURN_TIMER(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::SetData]), "SetData1 solver #" + std::to_string(i),
1686 true);
1688 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1689 // Change global to local ids in the solver
1691 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DlbOther]);
1693 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::BalancePost]);
1694 // Perform reinitialization steps after setting solver data the first time
1695 solver(i).balancePost();
1696 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::BalancePost]);
1697 logDuration(RETURN_TIMER(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::BalancePost]),
1698 "BalancePost solver #" + std::to_string(i), true);
1700 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1701 // Set solver data again (if required by solver) and deallocate buffers
1702 setDataDlb(i, 0, intDataRecv, longDataRecv, floatDataRecv, dataTypes, true);
1703 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1704 logDuration(RETURN_TIMER(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::SetData]), "SetData2 solver #" + std::to_string(i),
1705 true);
1707 intDataRecv.clear();
1708 longDataRecv.clear();
1709 floatDataRecv.clear();
1710 }
1712 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Balance]);
1713 logDuration(balanceSolverStartTime, "Balance solver #" + std::to_string(i));
1715 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1716 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[i][SolverTimers::Total]);
1717 }
1718 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::BalanceSolvers]);
1719 logDuration(balanceSolversStartTime, "Balance solvers");
1721 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::BalanceCouplers]);
1722 const MFloat balanceCouplersStartTime = wallTime();
1723 // Rebalance couplers (if required)
1724 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCouplers(); i++) {
1725 const MInt timerId = noSolvers() + i;
1726 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
1727 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1729 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Balance]);
1731 // Variables to store pointers to allocated memory
1732 std::vector<MInt*> intDataRecv{};
1733 std::vector<MLong*> longDataRecv{};
1734 std::vector<MFloat*> floatDataRecv{};
1735 std::vector<MInt> dataTypes{};
1737 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Redistribute]);
1738 // Communicate all coupler data
1739 redistributeDataDlb(i, 1, dataSendSizeCoupler[i], dataRecvSizeCoupler[i], &bufferIdToCellId[0], oldNoCells,
1740 intDataRecv, longDataRecv, floatDataRecv, dataTypes);
1741 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Redistribute]);
1743 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::BalancePre]);
1744 // Perform reinitialization steps prior to setting solver data
1745 coupler(i).balancePre();
1746 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::BalancePre]);
1748 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1749 setDataDlb(i, 1, intDataRecv, longDataRecv, floatDataRecv, dataTypes, false);
1750 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1752 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::BalancePost]);
1753 // Perform reinitialization steps after setting solver data the first time
1754 coupler(i).balancePost();
1755 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::BalancePost]);
1757 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1758 // Set coupler data again (if required by coupler) and deallocate buffers
1759 setDataDlb(i, 1, intDataRecv, longDataRecv, floatDataRecv, dataTypes, true);
1760 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::SetData]);
1762 intDataRecv.clear();
1763 longDataRecv.clear();
1764 floatDataRecv.clear();
1766 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Balance]);
1768 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::DLB]);
1769 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::Total]);
1770 }
1771 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::BalanceCouplers]);
1772 logDuration(balanceCouplersStartTime, "Balance couplers");
1774 const MFloat finalizeBalanceStartTime = wallTime();
1775 // finalize balance for solvers and couplers
1776 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1777 const MFloat finalizeSolverStartTime = wallTime();
1779 for(MInt j = 0; j < noCouplers(); j++) {
1780 const MFloat finalizeCouplerStartTime = wallTime();
1782 logDuration(finalizeCouplerStartTime,
1783 "Finalize balance #" + std::to_string(i) + " coupler #" + std::to_string(j));
1784 }
1785 logDuration(finalizeSolverStartTime, "Finalize balance solver #" + std::to_string(i));
1786 }
1787 logDuration(finalizeBalanceStartTime, "Finalize balance total");
1789 // Determine imbalance statistics *AFTER* online restart
1790 printDomainStatistics("after load balancing");
1792 // Enable all previously active DLB timers again
1795 // Reset DLB timer records
1801 // ... reset timings ...
1802 resetAllTimer();
1804 m_lastLoadBalancingTimeStep = timeStep;
1807 // Write timings to file
1808 if(m_outputDlbTimings) {
1809 storeTimings();
1810 }
1812 logDuration(dlbStartTime, "Balance total");
1813 logDurations(durations, "DLB", gridb().mpiComm(), globalDomainId(), globalNoDomains());
1815 const MFloat dlbTimeTotal = wallTime() - dlbStartTime;
1816 std::stringstream dlbMessage;
1817 dlbMessage << "=== Dynamic load balancing performed at timestep " << timeStep << "! Duration: " << dlbTimeTotal
1818 << " s" << std::endl;
1819 m_log << dlbMessage.str();
1820 cerr0 << dlbMessage.str();
1822 printAllocatedMemory(oldAllocatedBytes, "gridcontroller::balance()", gridb().mpiComm());
1824 // restore backup value for next restartFile!
1825 if(backupLevel > 0) {
1826 gridb().m_newMinLevel = backupLevel;
1827 }
1829 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
1830 return true;
MLong allocatedBytes()
Return the number of allocated bytes.
Definition: alloc.cpp:121
MFloat m_partitionCellWorkloadThreshold
void computeGlobalIds()
Update number of internal cells, recalculate domain offsets, recalculate global ids for all internal ...
MInt m_partitionCellOffspringThreshold
MLong m_localPartitionCellOffsets[3]
void balance(const MInt *const noCellsToReceiveByDomain, const MInt *const noCellsToSendByDomain, const MInt *const sortedCellId, const MLong *const offset, const MLong *const globalIdOffsets)
Balance the grid according to the given cell send/recv counts.
void savePartitionFile()
Save current grid partitioning to file.
void storeMinLevelCells(const MBool updateMinlevel=false)
Store cell ids of all min-level cells.
MInt m_newMinLevel
The new min Level which has been increased at the restart!
MLong m_noPartitionCellsGlobal
MBool updatePartitionCells(MInt offspringThreshold, MFloat workloadThreshold)
Determine new partition cells (i.e. in/decrease the partition level shifts) and change the grid accor...
void deletePeriodicConnection(const MBool=true)
Delete the Connection of periodic-Halo-Cells at the bounding box.
void localToGlobalIds()
Convert parent ids, neighbor ids, and child ids from local to global cell ids.
virtual void balancePost()
Definition: coupling.h:87
virtual void finalizeBalance(const MInt)
Definition: coupling.h:127
virtual void balancePre()
Load balancing.
Definition: coupling.h:81
MFloat returnLoadRecord(const MInt dlbTimerId, const MInt mode=0)
Return the load record of a DLB timer.
Definition: dlbtimer.h:464
void resetRecords()
Reset the records of all DLB timers.
Definition: dlbtimer.h:453
MFloat returnIdleRecord(const MInt dlbTimerId, const MInt mode=0)
Return the idle record of a DLB timer.
Definition: dlbtimer.h:474
virtual void finalizeBalance()
Definition: solver.h:200
virtual void resetSolver()
Reset the solver/solver for load balancing.
Definition: solver.h:203
virtual void balance(const MInt *const NotUsed(noCellsToReceiveByDomain), const MInt *const NotUsed(noCellsToSendByDomain), const MInt *const NotUsed(targetDomainsByCell), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells))
Perform load balancing.
Definition: solver.h:188
virtual void balancePost()
Definition: solver.h:198
virtual void balancePre()
Definition: solver.h:197
virtual void localToGlobalIds()
Definition: solver.h:219
virtual void globalToLocalIds()
Definition: solver.h:226
void setDataDlb(const MInt solverId, const MInt mode, std::vector< MInt * > &intDataRecv, std::vector< MLong * > &longDataRecv, std::vector< MFloat * > &floatDataRecv, std::vector< MInt > &dataTypes, const MBool freeMemory)
Set the solver/coupler data for load balancing.
void partition(MLong *partitionCellOffsets, MLong *globalIdOffsets, const MBool onlyPartitionOffsets)
Compute new domain decomposition.
MBool adaptation(const MBool force=false)
performs mesh adaptation
void determineDataSizesDlb(const MInt solverId, const MInt mode, const MInt *const noCellsToSend, const MInt *const bufferIdToCellId, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &sendSizeVector, std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &recvSizeVector)
Determine the data sizes for a solver/coupler that need to be communicated during load balancing.
void redistributeDataDlb(const MInt id, const MInt mode, std::vector< MInt > &sendSizeVector, std::vector< MInt > &recvSizeVector, const MInt *const bufferIdToCellId, const MInt noCells, std::vector< MInt * > &intDataRecv, std::vector< MLong * > &longDataRecv, std::vector< MFloat * > &floatDataRecv, std::vector< MInt > &dataTypes)
Communicate all solver data for load balancing according to the send/recv sizes.
std::vector< MFloat > m_dlbRunTimeAll
void communicateGlobalSolverVars(Solver *const solver)
MBool needLoadBalancing(const MFloat localRunTime, MFloat *const loads, MFloat &imbalance)
Return if dynamic load balancing is needed and compute domain loads.
void loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets(const MLong *const oldPartitionCellOffsets, const MLong *const newPartitionCellOffsets, MLong *const globalOffsets)
Calculate new global domain offsets given the current and new global partition cell offsets.
MBool loadBalancingPartition(const MFloat *loads, const MFloat imbalance, MLong *const partitionCellOffsets, MLong *const globalIdOffsets)
Determine new partitioning for dynamic load balancing.
std::vector< MInt > m_dlbTimeStepsAll
std::vector< MFloat > m_dlbIdleTimeAll
void loadBalancingCalcNoCellsToSend(const MLong *const offsets, MInt *const noCellsToSendByDomain, MInt *const noCellsToReceiveByDomain, MInt *const sortedCellId, MInt *const bufferIdToCellId)
Based on new domain offsets calculate the number of cells to send/receive to/from each domain.
void accumulateCellWeights()
This function handels the setCellWeights-functionality of all solvers and writes the accumulated-cell...
void storeTimings()
Store timings of all timesteps for all domains for performance evaluations (i.e. runtime and idle tim...
std::vector< MFloat > m_dlbTimings
constexpr Real POW2(const Real x)
Definition: functions.h:119
MFloat wallTime()
Definition: functions.h:80
void printAllocatedMemory(const MLong oldAllocatedBytes, const MString &solverName, const MPI_Comm comm)
Prints currently allocated memory.
MInt globalNoDomains()
Return global number of domains.
MInt globalDomainId()
Return global domain id.
std::basic_string< char > MString
Definition: maiatypes.h:55
double MFloat
Definition: maiatypes.h:52
int MPI_Allgather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Allgather
void logDurations(std::vector< std::pair< MFloat, MString > > &durations, const MString module, const MPI_Comm comm, const MInt domainId, const MInt noDomains)
Output the min/max/average durations of provided timed code sections over the ranks in a communicator...
Definition: timer.cpp:182

◆ castAdaptationIntervalToMultipleOfCoarsestTimeStep()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::castAdaptationIntervalToMultipleOfCoarsestTimeStep ( MInt  maxLevel,
MInt  maxUniformRefinementLevel 

Definition at line 3302 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3303 {
3304 this->m_adaptationInterval = this->m_adaptationInterval / IPOW2(maxLevel - maxUniformRefinementLevel)
3305 * IPOW2(maxLevel - maxUniformRefinementLevel);
3306 this->m_adaptationStart = this->m_adaptationStart / IPOW2(maxLevel - maxUniformRefinementLevel)
3307 * IPOW2(maxLevel - maxUniformRefinementLevel);
3308 std::cout << "Set adaptationStart to: " << this->m_adaptationStart
3309 << " and adaptationInterval to: " << this->m_adaptationInterval << "\n";
constexpr MLong IPOW2(MInt x)

◆ cellOutsideVec()

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector< std::function< MInt(const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::cellOutsideVec ( )

Definition at line 366 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

366 {
367 std::vector<std::function<MInt(const MFloat*, const MInt, const MInt)>> vec(noSolvers());
368 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
369 vec[i] = std::bind(&Solver::cellOutside, &solver(i), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
370 std::placeholders::_3);
371 }
372 return vec;
373 }
virtual MInt cellOutside(const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt)
Check whether cell is outside the fluid domain.
Definition: solver.h:368

◆ communicateGlobalSolverVars()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::communicateGlobalSolverVars ( Solver *const  solver)

Communicate the solver variables which should be the same on all ranks from the solver local rank 0 to all other domains. This is needed if during load balancing the ranks of a solver change, i.e. ranks becoming active/inactive due to partitioning changes

Definition at line 2854 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2854 {
2855 TRACE();
2857 // Determine solver local root domain
2858 const MInt localRootGlobalDomain = solverLocalRootDomain(solver);
2860 std::vector<MInt> globalIdVars(0);
2861 std::vector<MFloat> globalFloatVars(0);
2863 // Request global solver variables
2864 solver->getGlobalSolverVars(globalFloatVars, globalIdVars);
2866 const MInt noIdVars = globalIdVars.size();
2867 const MInt noFloatVars = globalFloatVars.size();
2869 // Distribute all global variables from local rank 0 to all domains
2870 MPI_Bcast(&globalIdVars[0], noIdVars, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), localRootGlobalDomain, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
2871 "globalIdVars[0]");
2872 MPI_Bcast(&globalFloatVars[0], noFloatVars, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(), localRootGlobalDomain, gridb().mpiComm(),
2873 AT_, "globalFloatVars[0]");
2875 // Set variables in solver
2876 solver->setGlobalSolverVars(globalFloatVars, globalIdVars);
virtual void setGlobalSolverVars(std::vector< MFloat > &NotUsed(globalFloatVars), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(globalIdVars))
Definition: solver.h:272
virtual void getGlobalSolverVars(std::vector< MFloat > &NotUsed(globalFloatVars), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(globalIntVars))
Definition: solver.h:264
MInt solverLocalRootDomain(Solver *const solver)
Determine the global domain id of the solver local root domain.
int MPI_Bcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &varname)
same as MPI_Bcast

◆ computeWeights()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::computeWeights ( const MFloat loads,
const MFloat  domainWeight,
std::vector< MFloat > &  weights 
Ansgar Niemoeller (ansgar)
[in]loadsDomain loads.
[in]domainWeightLocal domain weight or processing capacity.
[out]weightsVector of computed weights.

Definition at line 40 of file cartesiangridcontroller.cpp.

41 {
42 TRACE();
43 using namespace maia;
45 // Number of load quantities (should be the same for every rank)
46 const MInt noLoadTypes = globalNoLoadTypes();
47 if(noLoadTypes < 1) {
48 TERMM(1,
49 "There are no load quantities present in the solver(s), but needed to determine a new "
50 "partition for dynamic load balancing!");
51 }
52 weights.resize(noLoadTypes);
53 std::fill(weights.begin(), weights.end(), 1.0);
55 MIntScratchSpace loadQuantities(noLoadTypes, AT_, "loadQuantities");
56 MFloatScratchSpace loadQuantitiesScaled(noLoadTypes, AT_, "loadQuantitiesScaled");
57 MFloatScratchSpace globalLoadQuantities(noDomains(), noLoadTypes, AT_, "globalLoadQuantities");
59 // Get the solver specific load quantities
60 getLoadQuantities(&loadQuantities[0]);
62 // Scale the load quantities with the domain weight
63 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLoadTypes; i++) {
64 loadQuantitiesScaled[i] = domainWeight * loadQuantities[i];
65 }
67 // Gather (scaled) load quantities on rank 0
68 MPI_Gather(&loadQuantitiesScaled[0], noLoadTypes, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(), &globalLoadQuantities[0],
69 noLoadTypes, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(), 0, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "loadQuantitiesScaled[0]",
70 "globalLoadQuantities[0]");
72 if(domainId() == 0) {
73 // Estimate the parameters, i.e. the new weights
74 estimateParameters(noDomains(), noLoadTypes, &globalLoadQuantities[0], &loads[0], &weights[0]);
75 // limit weights for certain types
77 MInt offset = 0;
78 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
79 solver(i).limitWeights(&weights[offset]);
80 offset += solver(i).noLoadTypes();
81 }
82 // scale weights
83 const MFloat norm = std::accumulate(&weights[0], &weights[0] + noLoadTypes, 0.0);
84 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLoadTypes; i++) {
85 weights[i] /= norm;
86 }
87 }
88 }
90 // Broadcast the estimated parameters/weights
91 MPI_Bcast(&weights[0], noLoadTypes, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(), 0, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "weights[0]");
93 /* storeLoadsAndWeights(&loads[0], noLoadTypes, &loadQuantities[0], domainWeight, &weights[0]); */
95 { // Output to m_log
96 m_log << " * computed weights:";
97 MInt count = 0;
98 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
99 const MInt solverCount = solver(i).noLoadTypes();
100 std::vector<MString> names(solverCount);
101 std::vector<MFloat> weightsTmp(solverCount);
103 solver(i).getDefaultWeights(&weightsTmp[0], names);
104 for(MInt j = 0; j < solverCount; j++) {
105 m_log << " s" << i << "_" << names[j] << ":" << count;
106 count++;
107 }
108 }
110 m_log << std::endl << " * computed weights:";
111 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLoadTypes; i++) {
112 TERMM_IF_COND(std::isnan(weights[i]), "computed weight is NaN");
113 m_log << " " << std::scientific << weights[i];
114 }
115 m_log << std::endl;
116 }
118 // use static pre-defined weights instead
119 if(m_dlbStaticWeights != nullptr && m_dlbStaticWeightMode > -1) {
122 || (m_dlbStaticWeightMode == 98 && m_dlbStep % 2 == 0)) {
123 m_log << "Using static weights at dlb-step " << m_dlbStep << " :" << std::endl;
124 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLoadTypes; i++) {
125 weights[i] = m_dlbStaticWeights[i];
126 m_log << " " << std::scientific << weights[i];
127 }
128 m_log << std::endl;
129 }
132 m_log << "Switching to computed weights from now on!" << std::endl;
133 }
134 }
137 // store weights and use last weights at restart
138 if(m_dlbLastWeights == nullptr) {
139 mAlloc(m_dlbLastWeights, noLoadTypes, "dlbLastWeights", AT_);
140 }
141 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLoadTypes; i++) {
142 m_dlbLastWeights[i] = weights[i];
143 }
void mAlloc(T *&a, const MLong N, const MString &objectName, MString function)
allocates memory for one-dimensional array 'a' of size N
Definition: alloc.h:173
virtual void limitWeights(MFloat *NotUsed(weights))
Definition: solver.h:217
virtual void getDefaultWeights(MFloat *NotUsed(weights), std::vector< MString > &NotUsed(names)) const
Definition: solver.h:212
MInt globalNoLoadTypes()
Return global number of load types of all solvers.
void getLoadQuantities(MInt *const loadQuantities)
Return load quantities of all solvers on this domain.
void estimateParameters(MInt m, MInt n, const MFloat *const A, const MFloat *const b, MFloat *const x)
Solve the parameter estimation problem A*x=b.
int MPI_Gather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Gather
MFloat norm(const std::array< T, N > &u)
Definition: maiamath.h:148
Namespace for auxiliary functions/classes.

◆ coupler() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
Coupling & maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::coupler ( const MInt  couplerId)

Definition at line 144 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

144{ return *m_couplers->at(couplerId); }
const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Coupling > > * m_couplers

◆ coupler() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
const Coupling & maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::coupler ( const MInt  couplerId) const

Definition at line 145 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

145{ return *m_couplers->at(couplerId); }

◆ determineDataSizesDlb()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::determineDataSizesDlb ( const MInt  solverId,
const MInt  mode,
const MInt *const  noCellsToSend,
const MInt *const  bufferIdToCellId,
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  sendSizeVector,
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > &  recvSizeVector 

Definition at line 2882 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2885 {
2886 TRACE();
2888 const MBool isSolver = (mode == 0); // mode 0: solver; mode 1: coupler
2889 const MInt timerId = (isSolver) ? id : noSolvers() + id;
2890 // Get the number of quantities that need to be communicated
2891 MInt dataCount = (isSolver) ? solver(id).noCellDataDlb() : coupler(id).noCellDataDlb();
2893 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizesMpiBlocking]);
2894 // Note: since inactive ranks might not return the correct count, take the max among all domains
2895 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &dataCount, 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
2896 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "dataCount");
2897 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizesMpiBlocking]);
2899 std::vector<MInt> dataSendSize(dataCount * (globalNoDomains() + 1));
2900 std::vector<MInt> dataRecvSize(dataCount * (globalNoDomains() + 1));
2902 // Determine data size to send/receive to/from each domain for all quantities
2903 // last entry holds the sum
2904 for(MInt dataId = 0; dataId < dataCount; dataId++) {
2905 const MInt offset = dataId * (globalNoDomains() + 1);
2906 MInt bufferId = 0;
2908 // Loop over all domains and determine the data send size for this domain
2909 for(MInt domain = 0; domain < globalNoDomains(); domain++) {
2910 MInt domainDataSize = 0;
2912 // Loop over all grid cells that are send to this domain
2913 for(MInt i = 0; i < noCellsToSend[domain]; i++) {
2914 // Inquire the data size for this cell
2915 // TODO labels:DLB @ansgar inquire all data sizes at once?
2916 const MInt cellId = bufferIdToCellId[bufferId];
2917 ASSERT(cellId > -1, "");
2918 const MInt dataSize =
2919 (isSolver) ? solver(id).cellDataSizeDlb(dataId, cellId) : coupler(id).cellDataSizeDlb(dataId, cellId);
2920 domainDataSize += dataSize;
2921 bufferId++;
2922 }
2924 // Store total data size to send to this domain for this quantity
2925 dataSendSize[offset + domain] = domainDataSize;
2926 }
2928 // TODO labels:DLB @ansgar perform just one alltoall for all data ids?
2929 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizesMpi]);
2930 // Exchange data send size with all other domains and store as receive size
2931 MPI_Alltoall(&dataSendSize[offset], 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), &dataRecvSize[offset], 1,
2932 type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "dataSendSize[offset]", "dataRecvSize[offset]");
2933 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizesMpi]);
2935 // Compute the total data send size and store as last entry
2936 dataSendSize[offset + globalNoDomains()] =
2937 std::accumulate(&dataSendSize[offset], &dataSendSize[offset + globalNoDomains()], 0);
2939 // Compute the total data receive size and store as last entry
2940 dataRecvSize[offset + globalNoDomains()] =
2941 std::accumulate(&dataRecvSize[offset], &dataRecvSize[offset + globalNoDomains()], 0);
2942 }
2944 sendSizeVector.push_back(dataSendSize);
2945 recvSizeVector.push_back(dataRecvSize);
virtual MInt cellDataSizeDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(cellId))
Definition: coupling.h:104
virtual MInt noCellDataDlb() const
Methods to inquire coupler data during balancing.
Definition: coupling.h:102
virtual MInt cellDataSizeDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(cellId))
Definition: solver.h:237
virtual MInt noCellDataDlb() const
Methods to inquire solver data information.
Definition: solver.h:235
int MPI_Alltoall(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Alltoall

◆ domainId()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::domainId ( )

Definition at line 134 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

134{ return gridb().domainId(); }
MInt domainId() const
Return the domainId (rank)

◆ estimateParameters()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::estimateParameters ( MInt  m,
MInt  n,
const MFloat *const  A,
const MFloat *const  b,
MFloat *const  x 

The linear least squares problem A*x=b is regularized with a Tikhonov regularization and solved using Eigen. Parameters x are assumed to be positive. The regularization parameter is increased as long as the residual decreases. Estimated parameters are normalized in the 1-norm and any negative parameter is set to zero.

[in]mNumber of rows of the matrix A.
[in]nNumber of columns of the matrix A (x=1 if n==1).
[in]AMatrix (size m x n).
[in]bRight hand side vector (size m).
[out]xEstimated parameter vector (size n).

Definition at line 159 of file cartesiangridcontroller.cpp.

160 {
161 TRACE();
163 // Always return the same parameters for testing
165 // For testing: switch weights in consecutive steps to force a partitioning change
166 std::cerr << "estimateParameters: n = " << n << ", setting weights to 1.0" << std::endl;
167 std::fill_n(x, n, 1.0);
168 if(n > 1 && m_dlbStep % 2 == 0) {
169 if(Context::propertyExists("solverWeights_0")) {
170 std::vector<MFloat> weights;
172 std::copy(weights.begin(), weights.end(), &x[0]);
173 std::cerr << "estimateParameters: using specified solver weights" << std::endl;
174 } else {
175 std::cerr << "estimateParameters: n = " << n << ", setting w[n-1] = 5.0" << std::endl;
176 x[n - 1] = 5.0;
177 }
178 }
179 return;
180 }
182 if(n == 1) {
183 // Single parameter, return 1
184 x[0] = 1.0;
185 } else {
186 // Solve the (overdetermined) system of linear equations (linear least squares)
188 // Regularization parameter
189 MFloat alpha = 0.01;
190 // Maximum number of iterations
191 const MInt maxNoIt = 30;
193 // Determine column sums
194 MFloatScratchSpace sum_j(n, AT_, "sum_j");
195 for(MInt j = 0; j < n; j++) {
196 sum_j[j] = 0.0;
197 for(MInt i = 0; i < m; i++) {
198 sum_j[j] += A[i * n + j];
199 }
200 if(m_debugBalance) {
201 m_log << " * estimateParameters regularize " << j << " proportional to " << sum_j[j] << std::endl;
202 }
203 }
205 MFloat oldResidual = 0.0;
206 MFloatScratchSpace oldParam(n, AT_, "oldParam");
208 MInt it = 0;
209 while(it < maxNoIt) {
210 // Work on copies of A and b since they get overwritten and additional
211 // rows are added to allow a regularization of the overdetermined system
212 MFloatScratchSpace A_work((m + n) * n, AT_, "A_work");
213 MFloatScratchSpace b_work(m + n, AT_, "b_work");
215 // Copy matrix A and fill additional rows with zeros
216 std::copy_n(&A[0], m * n, &A_work[0]);
217 std::fill_n(&A_work[m * n], n * n, 0.0);
219 // Set 'alpha' on diagonal of additional (n x n) solver (Tikhonov regular.)
220 for(MInt i = 0; i < n; i++) {
221 // Set proportional to average column value or to 1 if column sum is zero
222 const MFloat reg = (sum_j[i] > 0) ? alpha * sum_j[i] / noDomains() : 1.0;
223 A_work[m * n + i * (n + 1)] = reg;
224 }
226 // Copy vector b and add zeros for regularization
227 std::copy_n(&b[0], m, &b_work[0]);
228 std::fill_n(&b_work[m], n, 0.0);
230 // Compute the minimum-norm solution to the linear least squares problem:
231 // minimize 2-norm(|b - A*x|) using singular value decomposition (SVD) of
232 // A. A is an M-by-N matrix which can be rank deficient.
234 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,totest check if this works properly!
236 std::vector<MFloat> singularValues = maia::math::svd(,, m + n, n, x);
238 // Compute condition number of A (cond_2-norm = S(0)/S(min(m,n)-1))
239 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER this is not correct it should be max(S)/min(S)
240 const MFloat cond_2 = singularValues[0] / singularValues[std::min(m, n) - 1];
242 // Compute residual
243 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER could be replaced by
244 // maia::math::MFloatVectorXd residual = A_eigen*x_eigen - b_eigen
245 MFloat residual = 0.0;
246 MFloat maxDiff = 0.0;
247 MFloatScratchSpace mxv(m, AT_, "mxv");
248 for(MInt i = 0; i < m; i++) {
249 mxv[i] = 0.0;
250 for(MInt j = 0; j < n; j++) {
251 mxv[i] += A[i * n + j] * x[j];
252 }
253 residual += POW2(mxv[i] - b[i]);
254 maxDiff = std::max(maxDiff, mxv[i] - b[i]);
255 }
257 if(m_debugBalance) {
258 m_log << " * estimateParameters iteration " << it << ":";
259 for(MInt i = 0; i < n; i++) {
260 m_log << std::scientific << " " << x[i];
261 }
262 m_log << "; residual " << residual << "; maxDiff " << maxDiff << std::endl;
263 }
265 /* if (std::any_of(&x[0], &x[0] + n, [](MFloat p) { return p < 0.0; }) || cond_2 > maxCond)
266 * { */
267 /* const MBool hasNegativeParam = std::any_of(&x[0], &x[0] + n, [](MFloat p) { return p <
268 * 0.0; }); */
270 // If the residual decreased increase regularization constant and repeat
271 if(it == 0 || residual <= oldResidual) {
272 alpha *= 1.5;
273 it++;
275 oldResidual = residual;
276 std::copy_n(&x[0], n, &oldParam[0]);
278 if(m_debugBalance) {
279 if(it == maxNoIt) {
280 m_log << " * estimateParameters max iterations reached " << it << ", alpha " << alpha
281 << ", condition number " << cond_2 << std::endl;
282 } else {
283 m_log << " * estimateParameters increase alpha to " << alpha << ", condition number " << cond_2
284 << ", residual " << residual << std::endl;
285 }
286 }
287 } else {
288 // Take values of previous iteration
289 std::copy_n(&oldParam[0], n, &x[0]);
291 if(m_debugBalance) {
292 m_log << " * estimateParameters found solution! iteration " << it << ", condition number " << cond_2
293 << ", residual " << residual << ", previous " << oldResidual << ", maxDiff " << maxDiff;
294 for(MInt i = 0; i < n; i++) {
295 m_log << std::scientific << " " << x[i];
296 }
297 m_log << std::endl;
298 }
299 break;
300 }
301 } // alpha loop
302 }
304 // Prevent negative weights and Nans, i.e. set to zero
305 for(MInt i = 0; i < n; i++) {
306 if(x[i] < 0.0 || std::isnan(x[i])) {
307 x[i] = 0.0;
308 }
309 }
310 // Renormalize parameter vector using 1-norm, such that parameters are better suited for
311 // comparison and will add up to one.
312 const MFloat norm = std::accumulate(&x[0], &x[0] + n, 0.0);
313 for(MInt i = 0; i < n; i++) {
314 x[i] /= norm;
315 }
static MBool propertyExists(const MString &name, MInt solver=m_noSolvers)
This function checks if a property exists in general.
Definition: context.cpp:494
void getSpecifiedSolverWeights(std::vector< MFloat > &weights)
Return the specified (or default) solver weights for all solvers.
std::vector< MFloat > svd(MFloat *const A, MFloat *const b, const MInt m, const MInt n, MFloat *const x)
Definition: maiamath.cpp:514

◆ getLoadQuantities()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::getLoadQuantities ( MInt *const  loadQuantities)

Definition at line 2499 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2499 {
2500 // Fill with zeros since inactive solvers will not write anything
2501 std::fill_n(&loadQuantities[0], globalNoLoadTypes(), 0);
2503 MInt offset = 0;
2504 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2505 solver(i).getLoadQuantities(&loadQuantities[offset]);
2506 offset += solver(i).noLoadTypes();
2507 }
virtual void getLoadQuantities(MInt *const NotUsed(loadQuantities)) const
Definition: solver.h:215

◆ getSpecifiedSolverWeights()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::getSpecifiedSolverWeights ( std::vector< MFloat > &  weights)

Definition at line 2355 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2355 {
2356 TRACE();
2358 // Determine the weights for all solvers
2359 const MInt noLoadTypes = globalNoLoadTypes();
2360 weights.resize(noLoadTypes);
2361 std::fill(weights.begin(), weights.end(), 0.0);
2363 MInt offset = 0;
2364 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2365 const MInt solverCount = solver(i).noLoadTypes();
2366 std::vector<MString> names(solverCount);
2368 // Get default weights (+names) for this solver
2369 solver(i).getDefaultWeights(&weights[offset], names);
2371 // Check for user specified solver weights
2372 const MString propName = "solverWeights_" + std::to_string(i);
2373 if(Context::propertyExists(propName)) {
2374 if(Context::propertyLength(propName) != solverCount) {
2375 TERMM(1, "wrong length of property '" + propName + "', should be of length " + std::to_string(solverCount));
2376 }
2377 for(MInt j = 0; j < solverCount; j++) {
2378 weights[offset + j] = Context::getBasicProperty<MFloat>(propName, AT_, j);
2379 }
2380 }
2382 for(MInt j = 0; j < solverCount; j++) {
2383 m_log << "Solver #" << i << ", weight #" << j << ": " << names[j] << ", " << weights[offset + j] << std::endl;
2384 }
2386 offset += solverCount;
2387 }
static MInt propertyLength(const MString &name, MInt solverId=m_noSolvers)
Returns the number of elements of a property.
Definition: context.cpp:538

◆ globalNoLoadTypes()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::globalNoLoadTypes

Definition at line 2488 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2488 {
2489 MInt noLoadTypes = 0;
2490 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2491 noLoadTypes += solver(i).noLoadTypes();
2492 }
2493 return noLoadTypes;

◆ gridb() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
Grid & maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::gridb ( )

Definition at line 129 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

129{ return *m_grid; }

◆ gridb() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
const Grid & maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::gridb ( ) const

Definition at line 130 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

130{ return *m_grid; }

◆ initDlbProperties()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::initDlbProperties

Definition at line 532 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ initTimers()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::initTimers

Definition at line 977 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

977 {
978 NEW_TIMER_GROUP_NOCREATE(m_timerGroup, "GridController (noSolvers = " + std::to_string(noSolvers()) + ")");
979 m_timers.fill(-1);
980 NEW_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::Controller], "total object lifetime", m_timerGroup);
981 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::Controller]);
983 // Balancing timers
984 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::DLB], "DLB", m_timers[Timers::Controller]);
985 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::Trigger], "Trigger", m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
986 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::Partition], "Partition", m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
987 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::Prepare], "Prepare", m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
988 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::BalanceGrid], "Balance grid", m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
989 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::BalanceSolvers], "Balance solvers", m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
990 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::BalanceCouplers], "Balance couplers", m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
991 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::IO], "I/O", m_timers[Timers::DLB]);
993 // Adaptation timers
994 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::Adaptation], "Adaptation", m_timers[Timers::Controller]);
995 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_timers[Timers::MeshAdaptation], "Mesh Adaptation", m_timers[Timers::Adaptation]);
997 const MInt noSolversAndCouplers = noSolvers() + noCouplers();
998 m_solverTimerGroups.resize(noSolversAndCouplers);
999 m_solverTimers.resize(noSolversAndCouplers);
1001 for(MInt b = 0; b < noSolversAndCouplers; b++) {
1002 m_solverTimerGroups[b] = -1;
1003 m_solverTimers[b].fill(-1);
1005 const MBool isSolver = (b < noSolvers());
1006 const MString groupName = (isSolver) ? "solverId = " + std::to_string(solver(b).solverId())
1007 : "couplerId = " + std::to_string(coupler(b - noSolvers()).couplerId());
1009 NEW_TIMER_GROUP_NOCREATE(m_solverTimerGroups[b], "GridController: " + groupName);
1010 NEW_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Total], "total", m_solverTimerGroups[b]);
1011 const MInt solverTimer = m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Total];
1013 // Balancing timers
1014 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::DLB], "Dynamic load balancing", solverTimer);
1015 const MInt dlbTimer = m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::DLB];
1017 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Reset], "Reset solver", dlbTimer);
1018 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizes], "Determine data sizes", dlbTimer);
1019 const MInt dataSizeTimer = m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizes];
1021 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizesMpiBlocking], "initial blocking MPI",
1022 dataSizeTimer);
1023 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::CalcDataSizesMpi], "remaining MPI", dataSizeTimer);
1025 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Balance], "Balance", dlbTimer);
1026 const MInt balanceTimer = m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Balance];
1028 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Redistribute], "Redistribute data", balanceTimer);
1029 const MInt redistTimer = m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Redistribute];
1031 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpiBlocking], "initial blocking MPI",
1032 redistTimer);
1033 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi], "remaining MPI", redistTimer);
1035 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::BalancePre], "Balance pre", balanceTimer);
1037 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::SetData], "Set data", balanceTimer);
1038 const MInt setDataTimer = m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::SetData];
1040 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::SetDataMpiBlocking], "initial blocking MPI", setDataTimer);
1041 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::SetDataMpi], "remaining MPI", setDataTimer);
1043 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::BalancePost], "Balance post", balanceTimer);
1045 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::DlbOther], "Other", dlbTimer);
1047 // Adaptation timers
1048 NEW_SUB_TIMER_NOCREATE(m_solverTimers[b][SolverTimers::Adaptation], "Adaptation", solverTimer);
1049 }
MInt solverId() const
Return the solverId.
Definition: solver.h:425
std::vector< MInt > m_solverTimerGroups

◆ isAdaptationTimeStep()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::isAdaptationTimeStep

Definition at line 3406 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3406 {
3407 TRACE();

◆ isDlbTimeStep()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::isDlbTimeStep

Definition at line 3381 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3381 {
3382 TRACE();
3386 dlbTimeStep = dlbTimeStep
3392 cerr0 << "Applying Barrier for correct timer!" << std::endl;
3394 solver(0).startLoadTimer(AT_);
3395 }
3396 MPI_Barrier(gridb().mpiComm(), AT_);
3398 solver(0).stopLoadTimer(AT_);
3399 }
3400 }
3401 }
3403 return dlbTimeStep;
void startLoadTimer(const MString name)
Definition: solver.h:293
void stopLoadTimer(const MString &name)
Definition: solver.h:295
int MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name)
same as MPI_Barrier

◆ loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets ( const MLong *const  oldPartitionCellOffsets,
const MLong *const  newPartitionCellOffsets,
MLong *const  globalOffsets 
Ansgar Niemoeller (ansgar)
[in]oldPartitionCellOffsetsThe current (old) partition cell offsets.
[in]newPartitionCellOffsetsThe new partition cell offsets.
[out]globalOffsetsPointer to storage of size noDomains()+1 that will hold the new global domain offsets on exit.

Definition at line 2687 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2689 {
2690 TRACE();
2692 const MInt oldNoPartitionCells = gridb().m_noPartitionCells;
2693 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellsGlobalId(oldNoPartitionCells, AT_, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
2695 for(MInt i = 0; i < oldNoPartitionCells; i++) {
2696 const MLong globalCellId = gridb().m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[i]; // sorted by global id
2698 partitionCellsGlobalId(i) = globalCellId;
2699 ASSERT(i == 0 || partitionCellsGlobalId(i) > partitionCellsGlobalId(i - 1),
2700 "Partition cell global ids not in ascending order.");
2701 }
2703 // Fill with zeros
2704 std::fill_n(&globalOffsets[0], noDomains() + 1, 0);
2706 // Calculate global offsets for the given new partition cell offsets
2707 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains(); i++) {
2708 const MLong partitionCellId = newPartitionCellOffsets[i];
2709 // Determine if this partition cell is currently on this domain
2710 const MBool hasPartitionCell = (oldPartitionCellOffsets[domainId()] <= partitionCellId
2711 && partitionCellId < oldPartitionCellOffsets[domainId() + 1]);
2713 // Set global domain offset if the partition cell is present, else it remains zero
2714 if(hasPartitionCell) {
2715 // Determine local partition cell index and the global cell id
2716 const MLong partitionCellLocalId = partitionCellId - oldPartitionCellOffsets[domainId()];
2717 globalOffsets[i] = partitionCellsGlobalId[partitionCellLocalId];
2719 // Local cell id of the partition cell and its parent
2720 MInt currentId = gridb().m_localPartitionCellLocalIds[partitionCellLocalId];
2721 MInt parentId = gridb().a_parentId(currentId);
2723 MInt shift = 0;
2724 // Partition level shift: if the partition cell is not on the min-level check the global id of
2725 // its parent, if 'globalId(parent) == globalId(partitionCell) - 1' the parent is a partition
2726 // level ancestor that belongs to this domain, i.e., it has no offspring cells on the previous
2727 // domain. Continue to loop up the parent cells and check this condition to find the shift
2728 // that yields the correct domain offset.
2729 while(gridb().a_level(currentId) != gridb().minLevel()
2730 && gridb().a_globalId(parentId) == gridb().a_globalId(currentId) - 1) {
2731 shift++;
2732 currentId = parentId;
2733 parentId = gridb().a_parentId(currentId);
2734 }
2736 TERMM_IF_COND(shift > 0 && gridb().m_maxPartitionLevelShift == 0,
2737 "Error: domain offset has a shift but the maximum partition level shift is 0.");
2739 // Correct global domain offset
2740 globalOffsets[i] -= shift;
2741 }
2742 }
2744 // Set only once since distributed via allreduce with sum to all domains
2745 if(domainId() == 0) {
2746 globalOffsets[noDomains()] = gridb().domainOffset(noDomains());
2747 }
2749 // Combine the new domain offset information of all ranks, i.e. each new
2750 // global domain offset is determined by the domain where the corresponding
2751 // partition cell is present, other domains will add a value of zero to this offset
2752 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &globalOffsets[0], noDomains() + 1, type_traits<MLong>::mpiType(), MPI_SUM,
2753 gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE", "globalOffsets[0]");
MInt m_noPartitionCells
const MLong & domainOffset(const MInt id) const
Return domain offset.
MInt * m_localPartitionCellLocalIds
MLong * m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds
MLong & a_parentId(const MInt cellId)
Returns the parent of the cell cellId.
Definition: cartesiangrid.h:89

◆ loadBalancingCalcNoCellsToSend()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::loadBalancingCalcNoCellsToSend ( const MLong *const  offsets,
MInt *const  noCellsToSendByDomain,
MInt *const  noCellsToReceiveByDomain,
MInt *const  sortedCellId,
MInt *const  bufferIdToCellId 
Ansgar Niemoeller (ansgar)
[in]offsetsNew domain offsets.
[out]noCellsToSendByDomainsHolds the number of cells to send to each domain.
[out]noCellsToRecvByDomainHolds the number of cells to receive from each domain.
[out]sortedCellIdBuffer index for each cell, such that data is sorted by global id.
[out]bufferIdToCellIdReversed map of sortedCellId.

Definition at line 2768 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2772 {
2773 TRACE();
2775 const MInt noCells = gridb().treeb().size();
2777 MIntScratchSpace targetDomainsByCell(noCells, AT_, "targetDomainsByCell");
2778 std::fill_n(&targetDomainsByCell[0], noCells, -1);
2779 std::fill_n(&noCellsToSendByDomain[0], noDomains() + 1, 0);
2781 // Loop over all cells and determine to which domain they belong under the new domain
2782 // decomposition
2783 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < noCells; cellId++) {
2784 // Skip halo cells
2785 if(gridb().a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) {
2786 continue;
2787 }
2789 const MLong globalCellId = gridb().a_globalId(cellId);
2790 // Search for global cell id in domain offsets array
2791 auto lowerBound = std::lower_bound(&offsets[0], &offsets[0] + noDomains(), globalCellId);
2792 const MInt dist = std::distance(&offsets[0], lowerBound);
2793 // Check if this cell is a domain offset (i.e. in the offsets list)
2794 const MBool isDomainOffset = (*lowerBound == globalCellId);
2795 // Determine target domain id
2796 const MInt globalDomain = (isDomainOffset) ? dist : dist - 1;
2798 // Tag cell with target domain
2799 targetDomainsByCell[cellId] = globalDomain;
2800 // Increase number of cells to send to this domain
2801 noCellsToSendByDomain[globalDomain]++;
2802 }
2804 // Use all-to-all communication to determine how many cells to send/receive to/from each domain
2805 MPI_Alltoall(&noCellsToSendByDomain[0], 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), &noCellsToReceiveByDomain[0], 1,
2806 type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "noCellsToSendByDomain[0]",
2807 "noCellsToReceiveByDomain[0]");
2809 // Determine total number of cells to send/recv (store as last entry)
2810 noCellsToSendByDomain[noDomains()] =
2811 std::accumulate(&noCellsToSendByDomain[0], &noCellsToSendByDomain[0] + noDomains(), 0);
2812 noCellsToReceiveByDomain[noDomains()] =
2813 std::accumulate(&noCellsToReceiveByDomain[0], &noCellsToReceiveByDomain[0] + noDomains(), 0);
2815 if(noCellsToSendByDomain[noDomains()] < 1) {
2816 TERMM(1, std::to_string(domainId()) + " noCellsToSend = " + std::to_string(noCellsToSendByDomain[noDomains()]));
2817 }
2818 if(noCellsToReceiveByDomain[noDomains()] < 1) {
2819 TERMM(1, std::to_string(domainId()) + " noCellsToRecv = " + std::to_string(noCellsToReceiveByDomain[noDomains()]));
2820 }
2822 // Sort cells depending on the domain to send to
2823 std::fill_n(&sortedCellId[0], noCells, -1);
2825 // @ansgar TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB this might be very inefficient for large number of cores
2826 MInt currentBufferId = 0;
2827 for(MInt dom = 0; dom < noDomains(); ++dom) {
2828 // Map from global cell id to local cell id for cells that will belong to the current domain
2829 std::map<MLong, MInt> cellMap;
2830 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < noCells; ++cellId) {
2831 // Halo cells are automatically skipped as they have tag[] of -1.
2832 // Halo cells will have a sortedCellId[] of -1.
2833 if(targetDomainsByCell[cellId] == dom) {
2834 cellMap[gridb().a_globalId(cellId)] = cellId;
2835 }
2836 }
2838 // Set buffer location for all cells in global id order -> received data is stored in
2839 // global id order and does not need to be resorted
2840 for(auto&& cell : cellMap) {
2841 const MInt cellId = cell.second;
2842 sortedCellId[cellId] = currentBufferId;
2843 bufferIdToCellId[currentBufferId] = cellId; // map from buffer id to cell id
2844 ++currentBufferId;
2845 }
2846 }
MLong & a_globalId(const MInt cellId)
Returns the globalId of the cell cellId in collector cells_.
MFloat dist(const Point< DIM > &p, const Point< DIM > &q)
Definition: pointbox.h:54

◆ loadBalancingPartition()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::loadBalancingPartition ( const MFloat loads,
const MFloat  imbalance,
MLong *const  partitionCellOffsets,
MLong *const  globalIdOffsets 
Ansgar Niemoeller (ansgar)

Based on the domain loads and current domain decomposition determine a new partitioning that is expected to reduce imbalances among domains.

[in]loadsVector of domain loads.
[in]imbalanceLoad imbalance among domains.
[out]partitionCellOffsetsNew partition-cell offsets (size noDomains()+1).
[out]globalIdOffsetsNew global domain offsets.

Available DLB partition methods:

    • compute new weights for the different load types
    • determine the new workload of all min-cells and solve 1D partitioning problem
    • compute new weights and domain weights (quantifies processing capacities)
    • determine summed load errors for each domain offset and shift offsets until the imbalance is predicted to be counterbalanced
    • combination of methods 1 and 2: 3 steps with pure weighting, the remaining steps use the offset shifting method
    • for testing, use old partitioning to check if solver still works after reinitialization

Definition at line 345 of file cartesiangridcontroller.cpp.

347 {
348 TRACE();
350 using namespace maia;
352 m_log << " * determine new partition" << std::endl;
354 MLongScratchSpace localPartitionCellCounts(noDomains(), AT_, "localPartitionCellCounts");
355 MLongScratchSpace localPartitionCellOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "localPartitionCellOffsets");
356 // Determine the number of partition cells on all domains and the partition cell offsets
357 gridb().determineNoPartitionCellsAndOffsets(&localPartitionCellCounts[0], &localPartitionCellOffsets[0]);
359 const MInt noLocalPartitionCells = localPartitionCellCounts[domainId()];
361 // Set the partition method
362 MInt partitionMethod = m_dlbPartitionMethod;
364 // Change the actual used partition method depending on the DLB step
365 switch(m_dlbPartitionMethod) {
367 // Default partition method: combination of 3 steps with pure weighting,
368 // the remaining steps use the offset shifting method
369 const MInt noWeightPartitionSteps = 3;
370 if(m_dlbStep < noWeightPartitionSteps) {
371 partitionMethod = DLB_PARTITION_WEIGHT;
372 } else {
373 partitionMethod = DLB_PARTITION_SHIFT_OFFSETS;
374 }
375 break;
376 }
377 // Else: dont change the partition method
381 break;
382 default:
383 TERMM(1, "Unknown DLB partition method.");
384 break;
385 }
387 // Initialize domain weights in first DLB step
388 if(m_dlbStep == 0) {
389 m_domainWeights.assign(noDomains(), 1.0);
390 m_lastOffsetShiftDirection.assign(noDomains() + 1, 0);
391 }
393 // Increase DLB step
394 m_dlbStep++;
396 // Compute new partitioning with the activated partition method
397 switch(partitionMethod) {
399 m_log << "Partition method #0 (compute weights, determine min cells workload and use the "
400 "partition() algorithm)"
401 << std::endl;
402 // Use load quantities, i.e. number of DOF or number of active cells, and loads to estimate
403 // new weights. The new domain distribution is then determined by the partition() algorithm.
404 std::vector<MFloat> weights;
405 computeWeights(loads, 1.0, weights);
407 updateWeightsAndWorkloads(weights, false);
409 // Note: in case of a partition level shift the global id offsets might not be correct here,
410 // i.e., they are not corrected. This is done later in loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets().
411 partition(&partitionCellOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0], true);
412 break;
413 }
415 // TESTING: use old offsets to check if solver still works after reinit
416 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains() + 1; i++) {
417 partitionCellOffsets[i] = localPartitionCellOffsets[i];
418 }
419 if(domainId() == 0) {
420 std::cerr << "Using original partition!" << std::endl;
421 }
422 break;
423 }
425 m_log << "Partition method #3 (compute weights and domain weights iteratively, determine "
426 "summed load error at each domain offset and vary min cell offset such that "
427 "predicted error is zero)"
428 << std::endl;
430 std::vector<MFloat> weights;
431 std::vector<MFloat> oldWeights;
432 std::vector<MFloat> oldDomainWeights;
433 oldDomainWeights = m_domainWeights;
434 std::fill(oldDomainWeights.begin(), oldDomainWeights.end(),
435 1.0); // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB reset in each step?
437 MFloatScratchSpace domainWorkLoad(noDomains(), AT_, "domainWorkLoad");
438 MFloat averageWorkLoad = -1.0;
440 MFloatScratchSpace localPartitionCellsWorkload(noLocalPartitionCells, AT_, "localPartitionCellsWorkload");
441 MFloatScratchSpace partitionCellsWorkload(gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal, AT_, "partitionCellsWorkload");
443 const MInt maxNoIt = 20;
444 // Iterate until new weights and domain weights are found, i.e. converged
445 for(MInt it = 0; it < maxNoIt; it++) {
446 // Compute weights
447 computeWeights(loads, m_domainWeights[domainId()], weights);
449 // @ansgar_mb TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB test this
450 updateWeightsAndWorkloads(weights, false);
452 // Assemble local partition-cell workloads
453 for(MInt i = 0; i < noLocalPartitionCells; i++) {
454 const MLong globalPartitionCellId = gridb().m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[i];
455 const MInt partitionCellId = gridb().globalIdToLocalId(globalPartitionCellId, true);
456 TERMM_IF_NOT_COND(gridb().a_hasProperty(partitionCellId, Cell::IsPartitionCell),
457 "Error: cell is not a partition cell.");
459 const MFloat workload = gridb().a_workload(partitionCellId);
460 TERMM_IF_NOT_COND(workload > 0.0, "Error: partition cell workload needs to be > 0.0");
461 localPartitionCellsWorkload[i] = workload;
462 }
464 // @ansgar TODO labels:DLB Temporary fix; use MLong!? only an issue for more than 2billion partition cells...
465 MIntScratchSpace localPartitionCellCounts_(noDomains(), AT_, "localPartitionCellCounts_");
466 MIntScratchSpace localPartitionCellOffsets_(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "localPartitionCellOffsets_");
467 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
468 localPartitionCellCounts_[i] = (MInt)localPartitionCellCounts[i];
469 localPartitionCellOffsets_[i] = (MInt)localPartitionCellOffsets[i];
470 }
471 localPartitionCellOffsets_[noDomains()] = localPartitionCellOffsets[noDomains()];
473 // Gather partition-cell workloads on root
474 MPI_Gatherv(&localPartitionCellsWorkload[0], noLocalPartitionCells, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(),
475 &partitionCellsWorkload[0], &localPartitionCellCounts_[0], &localPartitionCellOffsets_[0],
476 type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(), 0, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "localPartitionCellsWorkload[0]",
477 "partitionCellsWorkload[0]");
478 MInt error = 0;
479 if(domainId() == 0) {
480 // Output some information on partition cell workloads
481 const MFloat maxPartitionWorkload =
482 *std::max_element(partitionCellsWorkload.begin(), partitionCellsWorkload.end());
483 const MFloat minPartitionWorkload =
484 *std::min_element(partitionCellsWorkload.begin(), partitionCellsWorkload.end());
485 const MFloat avgPartitionWorkload =
486 std::accumulate(partitionCellsWorkload.begin(), partitionCellsWorkload.end(), 0.0)
487 / static_cast<MFloat>(gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal);
488 m_log << " * Maximum/minimum/average partition cell workload: " << maxPartitionWorkload << ", "
489 << minPartitionWorkload << ", " << avgPartitionWorkload << std::endl;
490 if(minPartitionWorkload <= 0) {
491 m_log << globalTimeStep << " ERROR: minimum partition cell workload is " << minPartitionWorkload
492 << std::endl;
493 cerr0 << globalTimeStep << " ERROR: minimum partition cell workload is " << minPartitionWorkload
494 << std::endl;
495 error = 1;
496 }
498 // Compute domain workloads
499 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
500 const MInt offset = localPartitionCellOffsets[i];
501 const MInt count = localPartitionCellCounts[i];
502 domainWorkLoad[i] =
503 std::accumulate(&partitionCellsWorkload[offset], &partitionCellsWorkload[offset] + count, 0.0);
504 }
505 // Compute average workload
506 averageWorkLoad = std::accumulate(domainWorkLoad.begin(), domainWorkLoad.end(), 0.0) / noDomains();
508 m_log << " * Average domain workload: " << averageWorkLoad << std::endl;
510 // Update domain weights
511 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
512 m_domainWeights[i] = (m_useDomainFactor) ? loads[i] * averageWorkLoad / domainWorkLoad[i] : 1.0;
513 }
515 const MFloat domainWeightMinLoadThreshold = 0.2;
517 MFloat averageDomainWeight = 0.0;
518 MInt countDomainWeights = 0;
519 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
520 if(loads[i] >= domainWeightMinLoadThreshold) {
521 averageDomainWeight += m_domainWeights[i];
522 countDomainWeights++;
523 }
524 }
525 averageDomainWeight /= (MFloat)countDomainWeights;
527 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
528 // For domains with low load reset domain weight since estimation might fail
529 if(loads[i] < domainWeightMinLoadThreshold) {
530 m_domainWeights[i] = 1.0;
531 } else {
532 // Scale domain weights with average such that the mean domain weight is one
533 m_domainWeights[i] /= averageDomainWeight;
535 // Weighting with previous values
536 m_domainWeights[i] = 0.5 * (m_domainWeights[i] + oldDomainWeights[i]);
537 }
538 }
540 const MFloat maxDomainWeight = *std::max_element(m_domainWeights.begin(), m_domainWeights.end());
541 const MFloat minDomainWeight = *std::min_element(m_domainWeights.begin(), m_domainWeights.end());
542 m_log << " * Domain weights: max = " << maxDomainWeight << ", min = " << minDomainWeight << std::endl;
543 }
545 // Broadcast error flag
546 MPI_Bcast(&error, 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), 0, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "error");
547 if(error > 0) {
548 return false;
549 }
551 // Broadcast new domain weights
553 "m_domainWeights[0]");
555 // Compute residuals and check for convergence
556 if(it > 0) {
557 const MInt noWeights = weights.size();
558 MFloat weightResidual = 0.0;
559 for(MInt i = 0; i < noWeights; i++) {
560 weightResidual += ABS(weights[i] - oldWeights[i]);
561 }
562 weightResidual /= noWeights;
564 MFloat domainWeightResidual = 0.0;
565 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
566 domainWeightResidual += ABS(m_domainWeights[i] - oldDomainWeights[i]);
567 }
568 domainWeightResidual /= noDomains();
570 const MFloat weightResThreshold = 1e-3;
571 const MFloat domainWeightResThreshold = 1e-2;
572 if(weightResidual < weightResThreshold && domainWeightResidual < domainWeightResThreshold) {
573 m_log << " * weights and domain weights converged, residuals: " << weightResidual << ", "
574 << domainWeightResidual << std::endl;
575 break;
576 } else if(it == maxNoIt - 1) {
577 m_log << " * WARNING: Weights and domain weights not converged, but "
578 "maximum number of iterations reached. "
579 << weightResidual << " " << domainWeightResidual << std::endl;
580 } else {
581 m_log << " * Weights and domain weights iteration " << it << " " << weightResidual << " "
582 << domainWeightResidual << std::endl;
583 }
584 }
585 oldWeights = weights;
586 oldDomainWeights = m_domainWeights;
587 }
589 if(m_debugBalance) {
590 const MInt noLoadTypes = globalNoLoadTypes();
591 MIntScratchSpace loadQuantities(noLoadTypes, AT_, "loadQuantities");
592 getLoadQuantities(&loadQuantities[0]);
593 storeLoadsAndWeights(&loads[0], noLoadTypes, &loadQuantities[0], m_domainWeights[domainId()], &weights[0]);
594 }
596 // New Weights and domain weights are computed, rank 0 has already the partition
597 // cell workload information, now determine the new partition cell offsets
598 if(domainId() == 0) {
599 MFloatScratchSpace errors(noDomains(), AT_, "errors");
600 MFloatScratchSpace summedErrors(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "summedErrors");
601 MFloatScratchSpace summedErrAbs(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "summedErrAbs");
602 MIntScratchSpace summedErrDir(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "summedErrDir");
604 // Compute load error for each domain ...
605 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
606 errors[i] = loads[i] - 1.0;
607 }
608 // ... and summed load errors (and their absolut value) at each domain offset
609 summedErrors[0] = 0.0;
610 summedErrAbs[0] = 0.0;
611 summedErrDir[0] = 0;
612 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains() + 1; i++) {
613 summedErrors[i] = summedErrors[i - 1] + errors[i - 1];
614 summedErrAbs[i] = ABS(summedErrors[i]);
615 summedErrDir[i] = -signum(summedErrors[i]);
616 }
618 const MFloat maxSummedErr = *std::max_element(summedErrors.begin(), summedErrors.end());
619 const MFloat minSummedErr = *std::min_element(summedErrors.begin(), summedErrors.end());
620 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * Summed load deviations: max = " << maxSummedErr << ", min = " << minSummedErr
621 << std::endl;
623 // Threshold below which an offset will not be changed
624 const MFloat errorThreshold = m_dlbImbalanceThreshold;
626 // Restrict the amount of imbalance to be shifted in a single step for higher degrees of
627 // parallelism
628 const MFloat restrictionFactor = 1.0 - std::min(0.5, 0.005 * noDomains());
630 MFloat loadVariance = 0.0;
631 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
632 loadVariance += POW2(loads[i] - 1.0);
633 }
634 loadVariance /= noDomains();
635 const MFloat loadStd = std::sqrt(loadVariance);
636 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * load distribution: variance = " << loadVariance << ", stdev = " << loadStd
637 << std::endl;
639 const MFloat imbalancePenaltyThreshold = 2.0 * errorThreshold;
640 const MFloat imbPenaltyFactor =
641 (imbalance < imbalancePenaltyThreshold)
642 ? (1.0 + (imbalancePenaltyThreshold - imbalance) / imbalancePenaltyThreshold)
643 : 1.0;
644 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * Imbalance penalty factor " << imbPenaltyFactor << " (imbalance " << imbalance
645 << "); restriction factor " << restrictionFactor << std::endl;
647 // Final local shift for refining the best found partitioning
648 const MBool finalLocalShift =
651 // Intermediate local shift
652 const MBool intermediateLocalShift =
653 !finalLocalShift && (m_dlbNoLocalShifts > 0 && (m_dlbStep % (1 + m_dlbNoLocalShifts) != 1));
654 // Check for global shift step
655 const MBool globalShiftStep = !finalLocalShift && !intermediateLocalShift;
657 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * Shift step: global " << globalShiftStep << "; intermediate local "
658 << intermediateLocalShift << "; final local " << finalLocalShift << std::endl;
660 // Flag to indicate if a global shift is required for each offset
661 ScratchSpace<MInt> globalShiftFlag(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "globalShiftFlag");
662 globalShiftFlag.fill(0);
663 // Minimum distance of an offset to the next offset with a global shift
664 ScratchSpace<MInt> minGlobalDist(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "minGlobalDist");
665 minGlobalDist.fill(noDomains());
667 { // Determine offsets with a global shift
668 ScratchSpace<MInt> globalShiftFlagTmp(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "globalShiftFlagTmp");
669 globalShiftFlagTmp.fill(0);
671 MInt noGlobalShifts = 0;
672 // 1. Determine offsets which require a global shift, i.e., the load is too imbalanced
673 // among the neighboring domains
674 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains(); i++) {
675 const MInt dist = 4; // consider offsets in this distance to both sides
676 const MInt firstOffset = std::max(0, i - dist);
677 const MInt lastOffset = std::min(noDomains(), i + dist);
678 // Difference in summed imbalance
679 const MFloat summedErrorDiff = ABS(summedErrors[lastOffset] - summedErrors[firstOffset]);
680 const MBool sameSign = (summedErrDir[lastOffset] == summedErrDir[firstOffset]);
681 const MBool absErrCondition = (summedErrAbs[i] > errorThreshold);
683 const MFloat smoothShiftThreshold = (lastOffset - firstOffset) * errorThreshold; // 0.5
684 const MBool smoothShiftCondition =
685 (absErrCondition && (sameSign && summedErrorDiff > smoothShiftThreshold));
686 // Global shift required if the difference in the summed imbalance is too high
687 MBool globalShiftCondition = false;
688 if(globalShiftStep) {
689 globalShiftCondition = (m_dlbSmoothGlobalShifts) ? smoothShiftCondition : absErrCondition;
690 }
692 globalShiftFlagTmp[i] = (globalShiftCondition) ? summedErrDir[i] : 0;
693 if(globalShiftFlagTmp[i] != 0) {
694 noGlobalShifts++;
695 if(m_debugBalance) {
696 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * global shift " << i << " diff=" << summedErrorDiff
697 << " tr=" << smoothShiftThreshold << " s_first=" << summedErrors[firstOffset]
698 << " s_last=" << summedErrors[lastOffset] << " s_abs=" << summedErrAbs[i] << std::endl;
699 }
700 }
701 }
702 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * number of global shifts " << noGlobalShifts << std::endl;
704 // 2. For each offset marked with a global shift, mark also the nearby offsets up to a
705 // certain distance while reducing the size of the shift such that global shifts are
706 // smoothed out over some neighborhood. For this the minimum distance to a global shift is
707 // stored, which later reduces the summed imbalance that needs to be counterbalanced by
708 // the shift.
709 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains(); i++) {
710 // Check for offset with global shift
711 if(globalShiftFlagTmp[i] != 0) {
712 minGlobalDist[i] = 0;
713 globalShiftFlag[i] = globalShiftFlagTmp[i];
715 // Distance over which to smooth out the global shift
716 const MInt dist = std::ceil(summedErrAbs[i] / errorThreshold);
717 if(m_debugBalance) {
718 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * global shift " << i << " marking distance " << dist << " "
719 << summedErrAbs[i] << std::endl;
720 }
722 // Loop over lower offsets
723 for(MInt nId = i - 1; nId >= std::max(i - dist, 1); nId--) {
724 const MInt distance = ABS(nId - i);
726 // Stop marking offsets if shift direction is not the same anymore or if the
727 // summed imbalance is too small for this distance, which would result in a summed
728 // imbalance with opposite sign
729 if(summedErrDir[nId] != summedErrDir[i] || errorThreshold * distance > summedErrAbs[nId]) {
730 break;
731 }
733 minGlobalDist[nId] = std::min(minGlobalDist[nId], distance);
734 globalShiftFlag[nId] = summedErrDir[nId];
735 }
736 // Loop over higher offsets
737 for(MInt nId = i + 1; nId <= std::min(i + dist, noDomains() - 1); nId++) {
738 const MInt distance = ABS(nId - i);
740 if(summedErrDir[nId] != summedErrDir[i] || errorThreshold * distance > summedErrAbs[nId]) {
741 break;
742 }
744 minGlobalDist[nId] = std::min(minGlobalDist[nId], distance);
745 globalShiftFlag[nId] = summedErrDir[nId];
746 }
747 }
748 }
750 MInt noGlobalShiftsTotal = 0;
751 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains(); i++) {
752 if(globalShiftFlag[i] != 0) {
753 noGlobalShiftsTotal++;
754 }
755 }
756 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * number of total global shifts " << noGlobalShiftsTotal << std::endl;
757 }
759 // Variables for some user output about the shifts
760 MInt noShifts = 0;
761 MInt noShiftsWithoutChange = 0;
762 MFloat maxWeight = 0.0;
763 MFloat maxDiff = 0.0;
764 // Storage for shift information that is written to file in debug mode
765 ScratchSpace<MInt> shifts(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "shifts");
766 shifts.fill(0);
767 ScratchSpace<MFloat> shiftedWorkload(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "shiftedWorkload");
768 shiftedWorkload.fill(0.0);
770 partitionCellOffsets[0] = 0;
771 // vary min cell offsets individually
772 for(MInt offsetId = 1; offsetId < noDomains(); offsetId++) {
773 MFloat summedWorkload = 0.0;
774 // Determine current workload of the domain left to this offset (with new previous offset)
775 for(MInt i = partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1]; i < localPartitionCellOffsets[offsetId]; i++) {
776 summedWorkload += (m_useDomainFactor) ? m_domainWeights[offsetId - 1] * partitionCellsWorkload[i]
777 : partitionCellsWorkload[i];
778 }
780 // Check for a global or local shift
781 const MBool globalShiftCondition = (globalShiftFlag[offsetId] != 0);
782 MBool localShiftCondition = false;
783 MInt localShiftDir = 0;
784 MFloat localShiftDiff = 0.0;
786 // No global shift for this offset and the neighboring ones, use a local shift to
787 // distribute load among neighboring domains
788 if(!globalShiftCondition && globalShiftFlag[offsetId - 1] == 0 && globalShiftFlag[offsetId + 1] == 0) {
789 const MFloat errLeft = errors[offsetId - 1];
790 const MFloat errRight = errors[offsetId];
791 localShiftDiff = 0.5 * (errLeft - errRight);
793 if(errLeft > errorThreshold && errRight < errLeft) {
794 // overload left
795 localShiftDir = -1;
796 } else if(errRight > errorThreshold && errRight > errLeft) {
797 // overload right
798 localShiftDir = 1;
799 } else if(errLeft < -errorThreshold && errLeft < errRight) {
800 // underload left (l/r no overload)
801 localShiftDir = 1;
802 } else if(errRight < -errorThreshold && errRight < errLeft) {
803 // underload right (l/r no overload)
804 localShiftDir = -1;
805 }
806 localShiftCondition = (localShiftDir != 0);
807 }
809 const MBool shift = globalShiftCondition || localShiftCondition;
811 if(m_debugBalance) {
812 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * shift conditions " << offsetId << " shift=" << shift
813 << " g=" << globalShiftCondition << " l=" << localShiftCondition << " err=" << summedErrors[offsetId]
814 << " minDist=" << minGlobalDist[offsetId] << " lDir=" << localShiftDir << " diff=" << localShiftDiff
815 << " eL=" << errors[offsetId - 1] << " eR=" << errors[offsetId] << std::endl;
816 }
818 if(shift) {
819 // Set shift direction depending on global or local shift
820 const MInt dir = (globalShiftCondition) ? summedErrDir[offsetId] : localShiftDir;
821 MFloat penaltyFactor = 1.25;
823 const MInt lastDir = (globalShiftCondition) ? m_lastOffsetShiftDirection[offsetId] : 0;
824 // Check for current shift in opposite direction of last shift (only if shift is global)
825 if(lastDir != dir && lastDir != 0) {
826 penaltyFactor = 2.0;
827 if(m_debugBalance) {
828 m_log << "Opposite shift " << offsetId << ", lastDir " << lastDir << ", dir " << dir << std::endl;
829 }
830 }
831 penaltyFactor *= imbPenaltyFactor;
833 // Determine 'new' and 'old' domain id depending on the direction in
834 // which the partition cell offset will be shifted
835 const MInt domainOld = (dir < 0) ? offsetId - 1 : offsetId;
836 const MInt domainNew = (dir < 0) ? offsetId : offsetId - 1;
838 // Initialize estimated summed load error
839 // To smooth out the globally enforced shifts, the error threshold times
840 // the minimum distance to the next domain which requires a global shift is subtracted,
841 // i.e., the shift of an offset further away from a global shift is reduced
842 const MFloat summedErrorTmp =
843 restrictionFactor * (summedErrors[offsetId] + dir * errorThreshold * minGlobalDist[offsetId]);
844 //(dir > 0) ? std::max(-2.0, summedErrorTmp) : std::min(2.0, summedErrorTmp);
845 const MFloat summedError = summedErrorTmp;
846 MFloat oldEstimate = (globalShiftCondition) ? summedError : localShiftDiff;
847 const MFloat initialEstimate = oldEstimate;
849 MFloat penalty = 1.0;
851 // Domain id of the currently considered partition cell
852 MInt partitionCellDomain = domainOld;
854 if(m_debugBalance) {
855 m_log << "DLB_DEBUG: Start offset shift " << offsetId << ", domainOld " << domainOld << ", domainNew "
856 << domainNew << ", oldEstimate " << oldEstimate << ", summedError " << summedErrors[offsetId]
857 << ", penaltyFactor " << penaltyFactor << std::endl;
858 }
860 // Shift the partition cell offset such that the new estimated summed load error is
861 // minimized
862 for(MInt i = 1;; i++) {
863 // TODO labels:DLB check if first/last partition cell is reached and stop!
864 // Currently considered partition cell id
865 const MInt newPartitionCellId = localPartitionCellOffsets[offsetId] + dir * i;
867 // Update domain id on which the current partition cell belongs
868 if(dir > 0 && newPartitionCellId == localPartitionCellOffsets[partitionCellDomain + 1]) {
869 // Next partition cell offsets reached, increase domain id
870 partitionCellDomain++;
871 } else if(dir < 0 && newPartitionCellId == localPartitionCellOffsets[partitionCellDomain] - 1) {
872 // Previous partition cell offset exceeded, decrease domain id
873 partitionCellDomain--;
874 }
876 const MBool domainFactorShift = true; //(oldEstimate < 1.0); // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB
877 // Performance factor of domains
878 const MFloat domainFactor = (m_useDomainFactor && domainFactorShift)
879 ? (m_domainWeights[domainNew] / m_domainWeights[partitionCellDomain])
880 : 1.0;
882 // Compute new estimate of summed load error
883 const MFloat estimate = oldEstimate
884 + dir * penaltyFactor * penalty * domainFactor * loads[partitionCellDomain]
885 * partitionCellsWorkload[newPartitionCellId]
886 / domainWorkLoad[partitionCellDomain];
887 const MFloat diff = estimate - oldEstimate;
889 // Reset summed workload if the previous new offset is still larger than the current
890 // one
891 if(newPartitionCellId <= partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1]) {
892 summedWorkload = 0;
893 }
894 const MFloat workloadIncrement =
895 (m_useDomainFactor) ? m_domainWeights[offsetId - 1] * partitionCellsWorkload[newPartitionCellId]
896 : partitionCellsWorkload[newPartitionCellId];
897 const MFloat summedWorkloadNew = summedWorkload + dir * workloadIncrement;
898 const MFloat summedWorkloadRel = summedWorkload / averageWorkLoad;
900#ifndef NDEBUG
901 // Only useful for debugging small cases
902 if(m_debugBalance) {
903 m_log << "DLB_DEBUG: offset " << offsetId << ", partCellId " << newPartitionCellId
904 << ", partCellDomain " << partitionCellDomain << ", domainFactor " << domainFactor
905 << ", oldEstimate " << oldEstimate << ", estimate " << estimate << ", diff " << diff
906 << ", penalty " << penalty << ", partCellWorkload " << partitionCellsWorkload[newPartitionCellId]
907 << ", domainWorkload " << domainWorkLoad[partitionCellDomain] << ", load "
908 << loads[partitionCellDomain] << std::endl;
909 }
912 // Accept the previous new partition cell offset if the predicted summed load error
913 // reached its minimum or if the previous domain has only a single parititon cell left
914 // (when decreasing the current partition cell offset).
915 const MBool prevOffsetReached = (dir < 0 && newPartitionCellId == partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1]);
916 const MBool lastCellReached = (newPartitionCellId == gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal - 1);
918 // Continue shift if the workload is too large
919 const MBool workloadCheck = (m_dlbMaxWorkloadLimit > 1.0 && globalShiftCondition)
920 ? (summedWorkloadRel < m_dlbMaxWorkloadLimit)
921 : true;
923 if(prevOffsetReached || lastCellReached || (ABS(estimate) >= ABS(oldEstimate) && workloadCheck)
924 || (dir == 1 && !workloadCheck)) {
925 // New domain offset
926 partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] = localPartitionCellOffsets[offsetId] + dir * (i - 1);
928 if(m_debugBalance) {
929 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * shifted offset " << offsetId << " " << dir * (i - 1) << " "
930 << localPartitionCellOffsets[offsetId] << " " << partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] << " "
931 << summedErrors[offsetId] << " " << estimate << " " << oldEstimate << " " << penalty << " "
932 << summedWorkloadRel << std::endl;
933 }
934 shifts[offsetId] = dir * (i - 1);
936 // Set direction of shift (if it was a global shift)
937 m_lastOffsetShiftDirection[offsetId] = (i > 1 && globalShiftCondition) ? dir : 0;
939 // Make sure the current domain has at least a single min cell
940 // TODO labels:DLB handle last domain offset!
941 if(partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] <= partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1]) {
942 partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] = partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1] + 1;
943 shifts[offsetId] = partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] - localPartitionCellOffsets[offsetId];
944 m_log << "WARNING: setting domain offset #" << offsetId
945 << " with just a single partition cell on this domain. " << partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1]
946 << " " << partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] << std::endl;
947 } else if(partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] == partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1] + 1) {
948 m_log << "WARNING: domain #" << offsetId - 1 << " has just a single partition cell. "
949 << partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1] << " " << partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] << std::endl;
950 }
952 if(shifts[offsetId] != 0) {
953 noShifts++;
954 } else {
955 noShiftsWithoutChange++;
956 }
958 // Continue with next domain offset
959 break;
960 } else {
961 // Update estimate and continue with next partition cell
962 oldEstimate = estimate;
963 // Update summed workload for the domain left to the offset
964 summedWorkload = summedWorkloadNew;
966 // Determine max difference and weight for some user output
967 maxDiff = std::max(maxDiff, ABS(diff));
968 maxWeight = std::max(maxWeight, partitionCellsWorkload[newPartitionCellId]);
969 // Increase shifted workload
970 shiftedWorkload[offsetId] += dir * partitionCellsWorkload[newPartitionCellId];
972 // Compute new penalty factor: 1.0/cos(pi/2*((s-e)/s))
973 // Goes to infinity as the estimate goes to zero and is intended to prevent
974 // 'overshooting' of the domain offsets, i.e. shifting the domain offsets too far
975 const MFloat s = initialEstimate;
976 const MFloat x = ABS((ABS(s) - ABS(estimate)) / ABS(s));
977 penalty = 1.0 / cos(M_PI / 2.0 * x);
978 }
979 }
980 } else {
981 // Accept old partition cell offset
982 partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] = localPartitionCellOffsets[offsetId];
983 m_lastOffsetShiftDirection[offsetId] = 0;
984 shifts[offsetId] = 0;
986 if(m_debugBalance) {
987 m_log << globalTimeStep << " * keep offset " << offsetId << " " << summedErrors[offsetId] << std::endl;
988 }
989 }
990 }
992 // Correct offsets which were not shifted to prevent domains with an invalid number of cells!
993 for(MInt offsetId = 1; offsetId < noDomains(); offsetId++) {
994 if(partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] <= partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1]) {
995 partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] = partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1] + 1;
996 shifts[offsetId] = partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] - localPartitionCellOffsets[offsetId];
997 m_log << "WARNING: correcting domain offset #" << offsetId
998 << " with now just a single partition cell on this domain. " << partitionCellOffsets[offsetId - 1]
999 << " " << partitionCellOffsets[offsetId] << std::endl;
1000 }
1001 }
1003 m_log << " * number of shifted offsets: " << noShifts
1004 << "; offsets to shift without change: " << noShiftsWithoutChange << std::endl;
1005 m_log << " * max weight during shifting: " << maxWeight << "; max difference: " << maxDiff << std::endl;
1007 // Debug: store partition offset shifts to file
1008 if(m_debugBalance) {
1009 FILE* shiftsFile = nullptr;
1010 const MString fileName = "shifts_" + std::to_string(globalTimeStep) + ".dat";
1011 shiftsFile = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "w");
1013 fprintf(shiftsFile, "# 1:offsetId 2:partitionCellShift 3:shiftedWorkload "
1014 "4:summedImbalance 5:load 6:domainWorkload 7:domainWeight\n");
1015 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
1016 fprintf(shiftsFile, "%d %d %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e\n", i, shifts[i], shiftedWorkload[i], summedErrors[i],
1017 loads[i], domainWorkLoad[i], m_domainWeights[i]);
1018 }
1019 fclose(shiftsFile);
1020 }
1021 }
1023 // Broadcast new partition cell offsets
1024 MPI_Bcast(&partitionCellOffsets[0], noDomains(), type_traits<MLong>::mpiType(), 0, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
1025 "partitionCellOffsets[0]");
1026 partitionCellOffsets[noDomains()] = gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
1028 break;
1029 }
1030 default: {
1031 TERMM(1, "Partition method not known.");
1032 break;
1033 }
1034 }
1036 // Check if new distribution is different to the old one
1037 const MBool newPartition =
1038 !std::equal(&localPartitionCellOffsets[0], &localPartitionCellOffsets[0] + noDomains(), &partitionCellOffsets[0]);
1040 m_log << " * checking new partition" << std::endl;
1041 MBool validPartition =
1042 (partitionCellOffsets[0] == 0) && (partitionCellOffsets[noDomains() - 1] < gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal);
1043 if(!validPartition) {
1044 m_log << " * invalid first/last domain offset:" << partitionCellOffsets[0] << " "
1045 << partitionCellOffsets[noDomains() - 1] << "; noPartitionCellsGlobal = " << gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal
1046 << std::endl;
1047 }
1048 // Check if new partitioning is valid, i.e. the domain offsets are in ascending order without duplicates
1049 for(MInt i = 1; i < noDomains(); i++) {
1050 if(partitionCellOffsets[i] <= partitionCellOffsets[i - 1]) {
1051 validPartition = false;
1052 m_log << " * invalid offsets " << i - 1 << " " << partitionCellOffsets[i - 1] << " and " << i << " "
1053 << partitionCellOffsets[i] << std::endl;
1054 }
1055 }
1057 // Return if partitioning is not valid
1058 // Note: this may not work if m_forceLoadBalancing is active
1059 if(!validPartition) {
1060 m_log << " * new partition is not valid!" << std::endl;
1061 return false;
1062 }
1064 // Return if partitioning did not change and DLB is not forced
1065 if(!newPartition && !m_forceLoadBalancing) {
1066 m_log << " * partitioning did not change, return." << std::endl;
1067 return false;
1068 } else {
1069 m_log << " * new partition (" << newPartition << "), forced balance (" << m_forceLoadBalancing << ")" << std::endl;
1070 }
1072 // Calculate new global domain offsets from the new partition cell offsets
1073 loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets(&localPartitionCellOffsets[0], &partitionCellOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0]);
1075 return true;
void determineNoPartitionCellsAndOffsets(MLong *const noPartitionCells, MLong *const partitionCellOffsets)
Determine the number of partition cells on each domain and the corresponding offsets.
MInt globalIdToLocalId(const MLong &globalId, const MBool termIfNotExisting=false)
Global to local id mapping.
MFloat a_workload(const MInt cellId) const
Returns the workload of the cell cellId.
std::vector< MFloat > m_domainWeights
std::vector< MInt > m_lastOffsetShiftDirection
void computeWeights(const MFloat *loads, const MFloat domainWeight, std::vector< MFloat > &weights)
Compute computational weights for different components in the simulation based on the current distrib...
void storeLoadsAndWeights(const MFloat *const loads, const MInt noLoadTypes, const MInt *const loadQuantities, const MFloat domainWeight, const MFloat *const weights)
Store domain loads and additional information to file.
void updateWeightsAndWorkloads(const std::vector< MFloat > &weights, const MBool restoreDefaultWeights)
Determine the cell weights using the given weighting factors for the different solver load quantities...
Definition: enums.h:369
Definition: enums.h:370
Definition: enums.h:372
Definition: enums.h:371
std::enable_if< std::is_unsigned< T >::value, int >::type constexpr signum(T x)
Definition: functions.h:151
Real ABS(const Real x)
Definition: functions.h:85
int MPI_Gatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[], const int displs[], MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm, const MString &name, const MString &sndvarname, const MString &rcvvarname)
same as MPI_Gatherv
T cos(const T a, const T b, const T x)
Cosine slope filter.
Definition: filter.h:125
MFloat distance(const MFloat *a, const MFloat *b)
Definition: maiamath.h:249

◆ logTimerStatistics()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::logTimerStatistics ( const MString status)

Definition at line 3330 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3330 {
3331 m_log << "DLB: Timer statistics ";
3332 if(!status.empty()) m_log << status << " ";
3333 m_log << "at global time step " << globalTimeStep << std::endl;
3335 // Accumulate timer records of all dlb timers
3336 MFloat localRunTime = 0.0;
3337 MFloat localIdleTime = 0.0;
3338 const MInt noDlbTimers = maia::dlb::g_dlbTimerController.noDlbTimers();
3339 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDlbTimers; i++) {
3343 if(m_loadBalancingMode == 1 && !m_testDynamicLoadBalancing && (loadRecord < 0.0 || idleRecord < 0.0)) {
3344 TERMM(1, "Load/Idle record for dlb timer #" + std::to_string(i) + " is less than zero on global domain #"
3345 + std::to_string(domainId()));
3346 }
3348 localRunTime += loadRecord;
3349 localIdleTime += idleRecord;
3350 }
3352 const MInt noTimeSteps = globalTimeStep - m_dlbLastResetTimeStep;
3354 MFloat timePerStep = (localRunTime + localIdleTime) / noTimeSteps;
3355 MFloat maxRunTime = localRunTime / noTimeSteps;
3356 const MFloat localTimePerStep = timePerStep;
3358 // Communicate and take maximum value -> assure same value on all domains
3359 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &timePerStep, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
3360 "timePerStep");
3361 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxRunTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
3362 "maxRunTime");
3364 MFloat maxIdleTime = localIdleTime / noTimeSteps;
3365 MFloat minIdleTime = localIdleTime / noTimeSteps;
3366 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxIdleTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
3367 "maxIdleTime");
3368 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &minIdleTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
3369 "minIdleTime");
3372 m_log << globalTimeStep << " Average time per step: " << timePerStep << " ; local: " << localTimePerStep
3373 << ", idle/comp = " << localIdleTime / localRunTime
3374 << ", idle/timePerStep = " << localIdleTime / (noTimeSteps * timePerStep) << std::endl;
3375 m_log << globalTimeStep << " Relative idle time: max = " << maxIdleTime / timePerStep << ", min "
3376 << minIdleTime / timePerStep << std::endl;
3377 m_log << globalTimeStep << " maxRunTime " << maxRunTime << std::endl;

◆ needLoadBalancing()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::needLoadBalancing ( const MFloat  localRunTime,
MFloat *const  loads,
MFloat imbalance 
Ansgar Niemoeller (ansgar)
[in]localRunTimeThe local run time, i.e. computation time.
[out]loadComputed domain loads.
[out]imbalanceComputed imbalance.

Definition at line 2519 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2519 {
2520 TRACE();
2522 // Nothing to do in serial
2523 if(noDomains() == 1) {
2524 return false;
2525 }
2527 MFloatScratchSpace localRunTimes(noDomains(), FUN_, "localRunTimes");
2528 MFloatScratchSpace localIdleTimes(noDomains(), FUN_, "localIdleTimes");
2530 // Gather the local runtimes on all ranks
2531 MPI_Allgather(&localRunTime, 1, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(), &localRunTimes[0], 1, type_traits<MFloat>::mpiType(),
2532 gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "localRunTime", "localRunTimes[0]");
2534 // Calculate average and maximum runtime of all ranks
2535 const MFloat averageRunTime = std::accumulate(localRunTimes.begin(), localRunTimes.end(), 0.0) / noDomains();
2536 const MFloat maxRunTime = *std::max_element(localRunTimes.begin(), localRunTimes.end());
2538 // Imbalance percentage: I_% = (t_max - t_avg)/t_max * N/(N-1)
2539 // (DeRose 2007, Detecting Application Load Imbalance on High End Massively Parallel Systems)
2540 imbalance = (maxRunTime - averageRunTime) / maxRunTime * noDomains() / (noDomains() - 1.0);
2541 const MBool loadBalance = (imbalance > m_dlbImbalanceThreshold);
2543 // Compute domain loads as fraction of local run time to average run time
2544 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
2545 const MFloat load = localRunTimes[i] / averageRunTime;
2546 loads[i] = load;
2547 }
2549 const MFloat maxLoad = *std::max_element(&loads[0], &loads[0] + noDomains());
2550 const MFloat minLoad = *std::min_element(&loads[0], &loads[0] + noDomains());
2552 char imb[10];
2553 std::sprintf(imb, "%.2f", imbalance * 100.0);
2554 std::stringstream message;
2555 message << globalTimeStep << " * Imbalance percentage: " << imb << "%, t_avg = " << averageRunTime
2556 << ", t_max = " << maxRunTime << std::endl;
2557 message << globalTimeStep << " * Loads: max = " << maxLoad << ", min = " << minLoad << std::endl;
2558 m_log << message.str();
2559 cerr0 << message.str();
2561 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB generalize histogram output for other purposes?
2562 const MFloat binWidth = 0.05;
2563 const MInt noBins = std::ceil(maxLoad / binWidth) + 1;
2564 std::vector<MInt> loadBins(noBins);
2565 std::fill(loadBins.begin(), loadBins.end(), 0);
2566 for(MInt i = 0; i < noDomains(); i++) {
2567 const MInt binId = std::floor(loads[i] / binWidth);
2568 loadBins[binId] += 1;
2569 }
2571 const MInt sumBins = std::accumulate(loadBins.begin(), loadBins.end(), 0);
2572 if(sumBins != noDomains()) {
2573 m_log << "ERROR in load bins, count " << sumBins << " != " << noDomains() << std::endl;
2574 }
2576 const MInt noBinsPrev = m_previousLoadBins.size();
2577 const MInt maxNoBins = std::max(noBins, noBinsPrev);
2578 const MInt maxBinCountCurr = *std::max_element(loadBins.begin(), loadBins.end());
2579 const MInt maxBinCountPrev =
2580 (noBinsPrev > 0) ? *std::max_element(m_previousLoadBins.begin(), m_previousLoadBins.end()) : 0;
2581 const MInt maxBinCount = std::max(maxBinCountCurr, maxBinCountPrev);
2583 const MInt firstBin =
2584 (std::find_if(loadBins.begin(), loadBins.end(), [](MInt i) { return i > 0; }) - loadBins.begin()) - 1;
2585 const MInt firstBinPrev =
2586 (std::find_if(m_previousLoadBins.begin(), m_previousLoadBins.end(), [](MInt i) { return i > 0; })
2587 - m_previousLoadBins.begin())
2588 - 1;
2590 const MInt minFirstBin = (noBinsPrev > 0) ? std::max(std::min(firstBin, firstBinPrev), 0) : std::max(firstBin, 0);
2592 // Set maximum line length
2593 const MInt maxLineLength = 256;
2594 const MString dashes(maxLineLength, '-');
2595 // Create sprintf buffer and string stream
2596 MChar b[maxLineLength];
2597 std::stringstream hist;
2599 snprintf(b, maxLineLength, " |%.126s|\n", dashes.c_str());
2600 MString separatorTop(b);
2602 snprintf(b, maxLineLength, " |%.18s|%.42s|%.42s|%.21s|\n", dashes.c_str(), dashes.c_str(), dashes.c_str(),
2603 dashes.c_str());
2604 MString separator(b);
2606 // Create header
2607 snprintf(b, maxLineLength,
2608 " | Load distribution at global timestep %-8d%*s - imbalance %5.2f%% - t_avg %5.3e - t_max %5.3e - loads "
2609 "[%5.3f,%5.3f] |\n",
2610 globalTimeStep, 2, " ", imbalance * 100.0, averageRunTime, maxRunTime, minLoad, maxLoad);
2611 hist << "\n" << separatorTop << b;
2613 if(noBinsPrev > 0) {
2614 snprintf(b, maxLineLength,
2615 " | Load distribution at global timestep %-8d%*s - imbalance %5.2f%% - t_avg %5.3e - t_max %5.3e - loads "
2616 "[%5.3f,%5.3f] |\n",
2619 hist << separatorTop << b;
2620 }
2622 snprintf(b, maxLineLength, " | load bin | %-32s%8d | %-32s%8d | curr/prev count |\n",
2623 "current distribution - timestep", globalTimeStep, "previous distribution - timestep",
2625 hist << separator << b << separator;
2627 MInt checksum = 0, checksumPrev = 0;
2628 // Output horizontal histogram
2629 for(MInt i = maxNoBins - 1; i >= minFirstBin; i--) {
2630 const MInt maxBarWidth = 40;
2631 const MInt count = (i < noBins) ? loadBins[i] : 0;
2632 const MInt countPrev = (i < noBinsPrev) ? m_previousLoadBins[i] : 0;
2633 // Display at least one char if the count is > 0
2634 const MInt width = (count > 0) ? std::max((MInt)(maxBarWidth * (MFloat)count / (MFloat)maxBinCount), 1) : 0;
2635 const MInt widthPrev =
2636 (countPrev > 0) ? std::max((MInt)(maxBarWidth * (MFloat)countPrev / (MFloat)maxBinCount), 1) : 0;
2637 const MString bar(width, '#');
2638 const MString barPrev(widthPrev, '@');
2640 if(approx(i * binWidth, 1.0, 0.0001)) {
2641 // Add horizontal separator marks between overloaded/underloaded ranks
2642 snprintf(b, maxLineLength, " | [%6.3f, %-6.3f) |_%-40s_|_%-40s_| %8d | %8d |\n", i * binWidth, (i + 1) * binWidth,
2643 bar.c_str(), barPrev.c_str(), count, countPrev);
2644 } else {
2645 snprintf(b, maxLineLength, " | [%6.3f, %-6.3f) | %-40s | %-40s | %8d | %8d |\n", i * binWidth, (i + 1) * binWidth,
2646 bar.c_str(), barPrev.c_str(), count, countPrev);
2647 }
2648 hist << b;
2650 // Make sure all ranks appear in the histogram
2651 checksum += count;
2652 checksumPrev += countPrev;
2653 }
2654 hist << separator;
2656 if(checksum != noDomains() || (checksumPrev != noDomains() && noBinsPrev > 0)) {
2657 m_log << "ERROR in load histogram" << std::endl;
2658 cerr0 << "ERROR in load histogram" << std::endl;
2659 } else {
2660 m_log << hist.str() << std::endl;
2661 cerr0 << hist.str() << std::endl;
2662 }
2664 // Store current information for next output
2665 m_previousLoadBins = loadBins;
2667 m_previousLoadInfo[0] = imbalance * 100.0;
2668 m_previousLoadInfo[1] = averageRunTime;
2669 m_previousLoadInfo[2] = maxRunTime;
2670 m_previousLoadInfo[3] = minLoad;
2671 m_previousLoadInfo[4] = maxLoad;
2673 return loadBalance;
std::array< MFloat, 5 > m_previousLoadInfo
std::vector< MInt > m_previousLoadBins
const MString const MString & message
Definition: functions.h:37
MBool approx(const T &, const U &, const T)
Definition: functions.h:272
char MChar
Definition: maiatypes.h:56
const MInt width
Definition: logtable.h:21

◆ noCouplers()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::noCouplers ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

146{ return m_couplers->size(); }

◆ noDomains()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::noDomains ( )

Definition at line 135 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

135{ return gridb().noDomains(); }
MInt noDomains() const

◆ noSolvers()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::noSolvers ( ) const

Definition at line 140 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

140{ return m_solvers->size(); }
const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Solver > > * m_solvers

◆ partition()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::partition ( MLong partitionCellOffsets,
MLong globalIdOffsets,
const MBool  onlyPartitionOffsets 

Definition at line 1836 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

1838 {
1839 TRACE();
1840 if(gridb().m_maxPartitionLevelShift > 0) {
1841 cerr0 << "WARNING: Load balancing with partition level shifts might not fully work!" << std::endl;
1842 }
1844 // Note: noPartitionCells = 0 allowed after updatePartitionCells()!
1845 const MLong noPartitionCells = gridb().m_noPartitionCells;
1847 // Update noOffsprings and workLoad for all cells and calculate accumulated workload
1848 MFloat totalWorkload = 0.0;
1849 MFloatScratchSpace partitionCellsWorkload(std::max(noPartitionCells, 1L), AT_, "partitionCellsWorkload");
1850 MLongScratchSpace partitionCellsGlobalId(std::max(noPartitionCells, 1L), AT_, "partitionCellsGlobalId");
1852 gridb().calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload(static_cast<Collector<void>*>(nullptr), gridb().treeb().size());
1854 for(MUint i = 0; i < noPartitionCells; i++) {
1855 const MLong globalCellId = gridb().m_localPartitionCellGlobalIds[i]; // sorted by global id
1856 const MInt cellId = gridb().globalIdToLocalId(globalCellId, true);
1858 partitionCellsWorkload(i) = gridb().a_workload(cellId);
1859 partitionCellsGlobalId(i) = gridb().a_globalId(cellId);
1860 ASSERT(globalCellId == partitionCellsGlobalId(i),
1861 "global cell id mismatch! " + std::to_string(globalCellId) + " " + std::to_string(partitionCellsGlobalId(i))
1862 + " " + std::to_string(cellId));
1864 ASSERT(i == 0 || partitionCellsGlobalId(i) > partitionCellsGlobalId(i - 1),
1865 "Partition cells not sorted by global id: " + std::to_string(partitionCellsGlobalId(i))
1866 + " <= " + std::to_string(partitionCellsGlobalId(i - 1)));
1867 totalWorkload += gridb().a_workload(cellId);
1868 }
1870 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &totalWorkload, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1871 "totalWorkload");
1873 MBool calcGlobalOffsets = false;
1875 if(gridb().m_partitionParallelSplit) {
1876 maia::grid::partitionParallelSplit(&partitionCellsWorkload[0], noPartitionCells,
1877 gridb().m_localPartitionCellOffsets[0], static_cast<MLong>(noDomains()),
1878 static_cast<MLong>(domainId()), gridb().mpiComm(), &partitionCellOffsets[0]);
1879 partitionCellOffsets[noDomains()] = gridb().m_noPartitionCellsGlobal;
1881 if(!onlyPartitionOffsets) {
1882 // Determine the globalIdOffsets later (required for load balancing mode 0)
1883 calcGlobalOffsets = true;
1884 }
1885 } else {
1886 gridb().partitionParallel(gridb().m_noPartitionCells, gridb().m_localPartitionCellOffsets[0],
1887 &partitionCellsWorkload[0], &partitionCellsGlobalId[0], totalWorkload,
1888 partitionCellOffsets, globalIdOffsets, true);
1890 if(!onlyPartitionOffsets && gridb().m_maxPartitionLevelShift > 0) {
1891 // Redetermine the global offsets below in case of a partition level shift since
1892 // partitionParallel() does not include the correction of the offsets as done in
1893 // correctDomainOffsetsAtPartitionLevelShifts()
1894 calcGlobalOffsets = true;
1895 }
1896 }
1898 // Determine the globalIdOffsets
1899 if(calcGlobalOffsets) {
1900 MLongScratchSpace localPartitionCellCounts(noDomains(), AT_, "localPartitionCellCounts");
1901 MLongScratchSpace localPartitionCellOffsets(noDomains() + 1, AT_, "localPartitionCellOffsets");
1902 // Determine the number of partition cells on all domains and the partition cell offsets
1903 gridb().determineNoPartitionCellsAndOffsets(&localPartitionCellCounts[0], &localPartitionCellOffsets[0]);
1905 // Calculate new global domain offsets from the new partition cell offsets
1906 loadBalancingCalcNewGlobalOffsets(&localPartitionCellOffsets[0], &partitionCellOffsets[0], &globalIdOffsets[0]);
1907 }
1909 if(domainId() == 0) std::cerr << std::endl;
void calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload(Collector< CELLTYPE > *input_cells, MInt input_noCells)
Caluclate the number of offsprings and the workload for each cell.
void partitionParallel(const MInt tmpCount, const MLong tmpOffset, const MFloat *const partitionCellsWorkload, const MLong *const partitionCellsGlobalId, const MFloat totalWorkload, MLong *partitionCellOffsets, MLong *globalIdOffsets, MBool computeOnlyPartition=false)
uint32_t MUint
Definition: maiatypes.h:63
void partitionParallelSplit(const WeightType *const localWeights, const IdType noLocalWeights, const IdType localWeightOffset, const IdType noDomains, const IdType domainId, const MPI_Comm mpiComm, IdType *const offsets)
Definition: partition.h:325

◆ printDomainStatistics()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::printDomainStatistics ( const MString status = "")

Definition at line 1914 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

1914 {
1915 TRACE();
1917 MIntScratchSpace minNoSolverCells(noSolvers(), FUN_, "minNoSolverCells");
1918 MIntScratchSpace maxNoSolverCells(noSolvers(), FUN_, "maxNoSolverCells");
1919 MIntScratchSpace avgNoSolverCells(noSolvers(), FUN_, "avgNoSolverCells");
1920 MLongScratchSpace globalNoSolverCells(noSolvers(), FUN_, "globalNoSolverCells");
1922 MLong noGridLeafCells = 0;
1923 minNoSolverCells.fill(0);
1924 maxNoSolverCells.fill(0);
1925 avgNoSolverCells.fill(0);
1926 globalNoSolverCells.fill(0);
1928 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < gridb().treeb().size(); cellId++) {
1929 if(!gridb().a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsHalo) && gridb().a_noChildren(cellId) == 0) {
1930 noGridLeafCells++;
1931 }
1932 }
1934 MLong globalGridNoLeafCells = noGridLeafCells;
1935 MLong globalGridNoCells = (MLong)gridb().noInternalCells();
1936 MInt maxGridNoCells = gridb().noInternalCells();
1937 MInt minGridNoCells = gridb().noInternalCells();
1939 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1940 minNoSolverCells(i) = solver(i).noInternalCells();
1941 maxNoSolverCells(i) = solver(i).noInternalCells();
1942 globalNoSolverCells(i) = solver(i).noInternalCells();
1943 }
1945 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &globalGridNoLeafCells, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1946 "globalGridNoLeafCells");
1947 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &globalGridNoCells, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1948 "globalGridNoCells");
1949 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxGridNoCells, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1950 "maxGridNoCells");
1951 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &minGridNoCells, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1952 "minGridNoCells");
1953 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &maxNoSolverCells[0], noSolvers(), MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
1954 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "maxNoSolverCells[0]");
1955 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &minNoSolverCells[0], noSolvers(), MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
1956 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "minNoSolverCells[0]");
1957 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &globalNoSolverCells[0], noSolvers(), MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
1958 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "globalNoSolverCells[0]");
1960 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1961 avgNoSolverCells(i) = (MInt)(((MFloat)globalNoSolverCells(i)) / ((MFloat)noDomains()));
1962 }
1964 const MInt avgGridNoLeafCells = (MInt)(((MFloat)globalGridNoLeafCells) / ((MFloat)noDomains()));
1965 const MInt avgGridNoCells = (MInt)(((MFloat)globalGridNoCells) / ((MFloat)noDomains()));
1966 MInt devNoGridCells = std::abs(gridb().noInternalCells() - avgGridNoCells);
1967 MInt devNoGridLeafCells = std::abs(noGridLeafCells - avgGridNoLeafCells);
1970 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &devNoGridCells, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1971 "devNoGridCells");
1972 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &devNoGridLeafCells, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "MPI_IN_PLACE",
1973 "devNoGridLeafCells");
1974 if(domainId() == 0) {
1975 std::cerr << "Domain statistics ";
1976 if(!status.empty()) std::cerr << status << " ";
1977 std::cerr << "at global time step " << globalTimeStep << ": avg no cells=" << avgGridNoCells
1978 << ", min=" << minGridNoCells << ", max=" << maxGridNoCells << ", max deviation=" << devNoGridCells
1979 << ", max deviation leaf=" << devNoGridLeafCells << ", total=" << globalGridNoCells << std::endl;
1980 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
1981 std::cerr << "Solver-statistics for solver " << i << " min= " << minNoSolverCells(i)
1982 << " max= " << maxNoSolverCells(i) << " total= " << globalNoSolverCells(i)
1983 << " avg= " << avgNoSolverCells(i) << std::endl;
1984 }
1985 }
MInt a_noChildren(const MInt cellId) const
Returns the no. of children of the cell cellId.
virtual MInt noInternalCells() const =0
Return the number of internal cells within this solver.

◆ redistributeDataDlb()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::redistributeDataDlb ( const MInt  id,
const MInt  mode,
std::vector< MInt > &  sendSizeVector,
std::vector< MInt > &  recvSizeVector,
const MInt *const  bufferIdToCellId,
const MInt  noCells,
std::vector< MInt * > &  intDataRecv,
std::vector< MLong * > &  longDataRecv,
std::vector< MFloat * > &  floatDataRecv,
std::vector< MInt > &  dataTypes 

Definition at line 2951 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2955 {
2956 TRACE();
2958 const MBool isSolver = (mode == 0); // mode 0: solver; mode 1: coupler
2959 const MInt timerId = (isSolver) ? id : noSolvers() + id;
2960 // Solver pointer for easier access
2961 Solver* const solverP = (isSolver) ? &solver(id) : nullptr;
2962 Coupling* const couplerP = (isSolver) ? nullptr : &coupler(id);
2964 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpiBlocking]);
2966 // Determine solver local root domain
2967 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB @ansgar_coupler check this!
2968 const MInt localRootGlobalDomain = (isSolver) ? solverLocalRootDomain(solverP) : 0;
2970 // Get the number of quantities that need to be communicated
2971 MInt dataCount = (isSolver) ? solverP->noCellDataDlb() : couplerP->noCellDataDlb();
2973 // Note: since inactive ranks might not return the correct count, take the max among all domains
2974 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &dataCount, 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
2975 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "dataCount");
2976 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpiBlocking]);
2978 MInt intDataCount = 0;
2979 MInt longDataCount = 0;
2980 MInt floatDataCount = 0;
2982 // Get solver/solver data and exchange
2983 for(MInt dataId = 0; dataId < dataCount; dataId++) {
2984 const MInt offset = dataId * (globalNoDomains() + 1);
2985 // Inquire data type (communicate from local rank 0 to avoid errors with inactive ranks) and
2986 // total data send size for this quantity
2987 // MInt dataType = (solverP->domainId() == 0) ? solverP->cellDataTypeDlb(dataId) : -1;
2988 MInt dataType = -1;
2989 if(isSolver) {
2990 dataType = (solverP->domainId() == 0) ? solverP->cellDataTypeDlb(dataId) : -1;
2991 } else {
2992 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,DLB @ansgar_coupler
2993 /* dataType = (couplerP->domainId() == 0) ? couplerP->cellDataTypeDlb(dataId) : -1; */
2994 dataType = couplerP->cellDataTypeDlb(dataId);
2995 }
2997 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
2998 MPI_Bcast(&dataType, 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), localRootGlobalDomain, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_, "dataType");
2999 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
3001 const MInt dataSize = dataSendSize[offset + globalNoDomains()];
3002 const MInt recvSize = dataRecvSize[offset + globalNoDomains()];
3004 // Check data type (MInt, MLong or MFloat for now)
3005 switch(dataType) {
3006 case MINT: {
3007 dataTypes.push_back(MINT);
3008 // Allocate (persistent) data receive buffer and store pointer
3009 MInt* newIntData = nullptr;
3010 mAlloc(newIntData, std::max(recvSize, 1), "newIntData", AT_);
3011 intDataRecv.push_back(newIntData);
3013 // Data send buffer, temporary since not needed anymore after exchange
3014 ScratchSpace<MInt> intDataSend(std::max(dataSize, 1), AT_, "intDataSend");
3016 if(dataSize > 0) {
3017 // Get the solver/solver data and store in send buffer (sorted according to buffer mapping)
3018 if(isSolver) {
3019 solverP->getCellDataDlb(dataId, oldNoCells, &bufferIdToCellId[0], &intDataSend[0]);
3020 } else {
3021 couplerP->getCellDataDlb(dataId, oldNoCells, &bufferIdToCellId[0], &intDataSend[0]);
3022 }
3023 }
3025 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
3026 // Exchange
3027 maia::mpi::exchangeData(&intDataSend[0], globalDomainId(), globalNoDomains(), gridb().mpiComm(), 1,
3028 &dataSendSize[offset], &dataRecvSize[offset], &intDataRecv[intDataCount][0]);
3029 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
3031 intDataCount++;
3032 break;
3033 }
3034 case MLONG: {
3035 dataTypes.push_back(MLONG);
3036 // Allocate (persistent) data receive buffer and store pointer
3037 MLong* newLongData = nullptr;
3038 mAlloc(newLongData, std::max(recvSize, 1), "newLongData", AT_);
3039 longDataRecv.push_back(newLongData);
3041 // Data send buffer, temporary since not needed anymore after exchange
3042 ScratchSpace<MLong> longDataSend(std::max(dataSize, 1), AT_, "longDataSend");
3044 if(dataSize > 0) {
3045 // Get the solver/solver data and store in send buffer (sorted according to buffer mapping)
3046 if(isSolver) {
3047 solverP->getCellDataDlb(dataId, oldNoCells, &bufferIdToCellId[0], &longDataSend[0]);
3048 } else {
3049 couplerP->getCellDataDlb(dataId, oldNoCells, &bufferIdToCellId[0], &longDataSend[0]);
3050 }
3051 }
3053 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
3054 // Exchange
3055 maia::mpi::exchangeData(&longDataSend[0], globalDomainId(), globalNoDomains(), gridb().mpiComm(), 1,
3056 &dataSendSize[offset], &dataRecvSize[offset], &longDataRecv[longDataCount][0]);
3057 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
3059 longDataCount++;
3060 break;
3061 }
3062 case MFLOAT: {
3063 dataTypes.push_back(MFLOAT);
3064 // Allocate (persistent) data receive buffer and store pointer
3065 MFloat* newFloatData = nullptr;
3066 mAlloc(newFloatData, std::max(recvSize, 1), "newFloatData", AT_);
3067 floatDataRecv.push_back(newFloatData);
3069 // Data send buffer, temporary since not needed anymore after exchange
3070 ScratchSpace<MFloat> floatDataSend(std::max(dataSize, 1), AT_, "floatDataSend");
3072 if(dataSize > 0) {
3073 // Get the solver/solver data and store in send buffer
3074 if(isSolver) {
3075 solverP->getCellDataDlb(dataId, oldNoCells, &bufferIdToCellId[0], &floatDataSend[0]);
3076 } else {
3077 couplerP->getCellDataDlb(dataId, oldNoCells, &bufferIdToCellId[0], &floatDataSend[0]);
3078 }
3079 }
3081 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
3082 // Exchange
3083 maia::mpi::exchangeData(&floatDataSend[0], globalDomainId(), globalNoDomains(), gridb().mpiComm(), 1,
3084 &dataSendSize[offset], &dataRecvSize[offset], &floatDataRecv[floatDataCount][0]);
3085 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::RedistributeMpi]);
3087 floatDataCount++;
3088 break;
3089 }
3090 default:
3091 TERMM(1, "Unknown data type: " + std::to_string(dataType) + ".");
3092 break;
3093 }
3094 }
virtual MInt cellDataTypeDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId)) const
Definition: coupling.h:103
virtual void getCellDataDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MInt *const NotUsed(data))
Definition: coupling.h:105
Parent class of all solvers This class is the base for all solvers. I.e. all solver class (e....
Definition: solver.h:29
virtual MInt domainId() const
Return the domainId (rank)
Definition: solver.h:383
virtual void getCellDataDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MInt *const NotUsed(data))
Definition: solver.h:241
virtual MInt cellDataTypeDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId)) const
Definition: solver.h:236
Definition: enums.h:269
Definition: enums.h:269
Definition: enums.h:269
void exchangeData(const MInt noNghbrDomains, const MInt *const nghbrDomains, const MInt *const noHaloCells, const MInt **const, const MInt *const noWindowCells, const MInt **const windowCells, const MPI_Comm comm, const U *const data, U *const haloBuffer, const MInt noDat=1)
Generic exchange of data.
Definition: mpiexchange.h:295

◆ refineCellVec()

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::refineCellVec ( )

Definition at line 345 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

345 {
346 std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt)>> vec(noSolvers());
347 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
348 vec[i] = std::bind(&Solver::refineCell, &solver(i), std::placeholders::_1);
349 }
350 return vec;
351 }
virtual void refineCell(const MInt)
Refine the given cell.
Definition: solver.h:353

◆ removeCellVec()

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::removeCellVec ( )

Definition at line 381 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

381 {
382 std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt)>> vec(noSolvers());
383 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
384 vec[i] = std::bind(&Solver::removeCell, &solver(i), std::placeholders::_1);
385 }
386 return vec;
387 }
virtual void removeCell(const MInt)
Remove the given cell.
Definition: solver.h:359

◆ removeChildsVec()

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::removeChildsVec ( )

Definition at line 352 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

352 {
353 std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt)>> vec(noSolvers());
354 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
355 vec[i] = std::bind(&Solver::removeChilds, &solver(i), std::placeholders::_1);
356 }
357 return vec;
358 }
virtual void removeChilds(const MInt)
Coarsen the given cell.
Definition: solver.h:356

◆ resetAllTimer()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::resetAllTimer

Definition at line 3313 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3313 {
3314 // Reset timer records
3320 // ... clear timings ...
3321 std::vector<MFloat>().swap(m_dlbTimings);
3325 m_log << "Resetting DLB timers at timestep " << globalTimeStep << std::endl;
3326 cerr0 << "Resetting DLB timers at timestep " << globalTimeStep << std::endl;

◆ resizeGridMapVec()

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector< std::function< void()> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::resizeGridMapVec ( )

Definition at line 374 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

374 {
375 std::vector<std::function<void()>> vec(noSolvers());
376 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
377 vec[i] = std::bind(&Solver::resizeGridMap, &solver(i));
378 }
379 return vec;
380 }
virtual void resizeGridMap()
Swap the given cells.
Definition: solver.h:371

◆ savePartitionFile()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::savePartitionFile ( )

Definition at line 108 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

108 {
109 if(!m_balance || !gridb().wasBalancedAtLeastOnce()) {
110 return;
111 }
113 }

◆ setDataDlb()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::setDataDlb ( const MInt  solverId,
const MInt  mode,
std::vector< MInt * > &  intDataRecv,
std::vector< MLong * > &  longDataRecv,
std::vector< MFloat * > &  floatDataRecv,
std::vector< MInt > &  dataTypes,
const MBool  freeMemory 

Definition at line 3100 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3102 {
3103 TRACE();
3105 const MBool isSolver = (mode == 0); // mode 0: solver; mode 1: coupler
3106 const MInt timerId = (isSolver) ? id : noSolvers() + id;
3107 // Pointer for easier access
3108 Solver* const solverP = (isSolver) ? &solver(id) : nullptr;
3109 Coupling* const couplerP = (isSolver) ? nullptr : &coupler(id);
3111 // Get the number of quantities that need to be communicated
3112 MInt dataCount = (isSolver) ? solverP->noCellDataDlb() : couplerP->noCellDataDlb();
3114 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::SetDataMpiBlocking]);
3115 // Note: since inactive ranks might return the correct count, take the max among all domains
3116 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &dataCount, 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), MPI_MAX, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
3117 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "dataCount");
3118 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_solverTimers[timerId][SolverTimers::SetDataMpiBlocking]);
3120 MInt intDataCount = 0;
3121 MInt longDataCount = 0;
3122 MInt floatDataCount = 0;
3124 // Set solver/solver data
3125 for(MInt dataId = 0; dataId < dataCount; dataId++) {
3126 const MInt dataType = dataTypes[dataId];
3128 switch(dataType) {
3129 case MINT: {
3130 if(isSolver) {
3131 solverP->setCellDataDlb(dataId, &intDataRecv[intDataCount][0]);
3132 } else {
3133 couplerP->setCellDataDlb(dataId, &intDataRecv[intDataCount][0]);
3134 }
3135 if(freeMemory) {
3136 mDeallocate(intDataRecv[intDataCount]);
3137 }
3138 intDataCount++;
3139 break;
3140 }
3141 case MLONG: {
3142 if(isSolver) {
3143 solverP->setCellDataDlb(dataId, &longDataRecv[longDataCount][0]);
3144 } else {
3145 couplerP->setCellDataDlb(dataId, &longDataRecv[longDataCount][0]);
3146 }
3147 if(freeMemory) {
3148 mDeallocate(longDataRecv[longDataCount]);
3149 }
3150 longDataCount++;
3151 break;
3152 }
3153 case MFLOAT: {
3154 if(isSolver) {
3155 solverP->setCellDataDlb(dataId, &floatDataRecv[floatDataCount][0]);
3156 } else {
3157 couplerP->setCellDataDlb(dataId, &floatDataRecv[floatDataCount][0]);
3158 }
3159 if(freeMemory) {
3160 mDeallocate(floatDataRecv[floatDataCount]);
3161 }
3162 floatDataCount++;
3163 break;
3164 }
3165 default:
3166 TERMM(1, "Unknown data type.");
3167 break;
3168 }
3169 }
MBool mDeallocate(T *&a)
deallocates the memory previously allocated for element 'a'
Definition: alloc.h:544
virtual void setCellDataDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt *const NotUsed(data))
Definition: coupling.h:117
virtual void setCellDataDlb(const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt *const NotUsed(data))
Definition: solver.h:253

◆ solver() [1/2]

template<MInt nDim>
Solver & maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::solver ( const MInt  solverId)

Definition at line 138 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

138{ return *m_solvers->at(solverId); }

◆ solver() [2/2]

template<MInt nDim>
const Solver & maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::solver ( const MInt  solverId) const

Definition at line 139 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

139{ return (const Solver&)m_solvers->at(solverId); }

◆ solverLocalRootDomain()

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::solverLocalRootDomain ( Solver *const  solver)

Definition at line 3289 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3289 {
3290 MInt localRootGlobalDomain = (solver->domainId() == 0) ? globalDomainId() : 0;
3291 MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &localRootGlobalDomain, 1, type_traits<MInt>::mpiType(), MPI_SUM, gridb().mpiComm(), AT_,
3292 "MPI_IN_PLACE", "localRootGlobalDomain");
3293 return localRootGlobalDomain;

◆ storeLoadsAndWeights()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::storeLoadsAndWeights ( const MFloat *const  loads,
const MInt  noLoadTypes,
const MInt *const  loadQuantities,
const MFloat  domainWeight,
const MFloat *const  weights 

Definition at line 3242 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3244 {
3245 TRACE();
3246 using namespace maia::parallel_io;
3248 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::IO]);
3250 if(domainId() == 0) {
3251 std::cerr << "Store loads and weights" << std::endl;
3252 }
3254 std::stringstream fileName;
3255 fileName << m_outputDir << "loads_" << noDomains() << "_" << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << globalTimeStep;
3256 fileName << ParallelIo::fileExt();
3258 ParallelIo file(fileName.str(), PIO_REPLACE, gridb().mpiComm());
3260 file.defineArray(PIO_FLOAT, "weights", noLoadTypes);
3261 file.defineArray(PIO_FLOAT, "loads", noDomains());
3262 file.defineArray(PIO_FLOAT, "domainWeights", noDomains());
3264 // Dimensions of load quantities: noDomains x noLoadTypes
3265 ParallelIo::size_type dimSizes[] = {noDomains(), noLoadTypes};
3266 file.defineArray(PIO_INT, "loadQuantities", 2, &dimSizes[0]);
3268 // root writes estimated weights
3269 if(domainId() == 0) {
3270 file.setOffset(noLoadTypes, 0);
3271 } else {
3272 file.setOffset(0, 0);
3273 }
3274 file.writeArray(&weights[0], "weights");
3276 file.setOffset(1, domainId());
3277 file.writeArray(&loads[domainId()], "loads");
3278 file.writeArray(&domainWeight, "domainWeights");
3280 // Write load quantities of all domains
3281 file.setOffset(1, domainId(), 2);
3282 file.writeArray(&loadQuantities[0], "loadQuantities");
3284 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::IO]);
Definition: parallelio.h:292

◆ storeTimings()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::storeTimings
Ansgar Niemoeller (ansgar)

Definition at line 3178 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

3178 {
3179 TRACE();
3180 using namespace maia::parallel_io;
3182 RECORD_TIMER_START(m_timers[Timers::IO]);
3184 // Number of timings
3185 const MInt noTimings = m_dlbTimeStepsAll.size();
3186 const MInt noValues = 2; // runTime and idleTime
3188 if(noTimings == 0) {
3189 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::IO]);
3190 return;
3191 }
3193 // Timings output file name
3194 std::stringstream fileName;
3195 fileName << m_outputDir << "timings_" << noDomains() << "_" << globalTimeStep << ParallelIo::fileExt();
3197 m_log << "Write timings to file: " << fileName.str() << std::endl;
3199 ParallelIo file(fileName.str(), PIO_REPLACE, gridb().mpiComm());
3201 file.defineArray(PIO_INT, "timeStep", noTimings);
3203 // Dimensions of timings: noDomains x noTimings x noValues
3204 ParallelIo::size_type dimSizes[] = {noDomains(), noTimings, noValues};
3206 file.defineArray(PIO_FLOAT, "timings", 3, &dimSizes[0]);
3208 file.setAttribute("domain index", "dim_0", "timings");
3209 file.setAttribute("time step index", "dim_1", "timings");
3210 file.setAttribute("timings index", "dim_2", "timings");
3212 file.setAttribute("run time", "var_0", "timings");
3213 file.setAttribute("idle time", "var_1", "timings");
3215 // Assemble timesteps and timings
3216 MIntScratchSpace timeSteps(noTimings, AT_, "timeSteps");
3217 MFloatScratchSpace data(noTimings, noValues, AT_, "data");
3218 for(MInt i = 0; i < noTimings; i++) {
3219 timeSteps[i] = m_dlbTimeStepsAll[i];
3220 data(i, 0) = m_dlbRunTimeAll[i];
3221 data(i, 1) = m_dlbIdleTimeAll[i];
3222 }
3224 // root writes timestep data
3225 if(domainId() == 0) {
3226 file.setOffset(noTimings, 0);
3227 } else {
3228 file.setOffset(0, 0);
3229 }
3230 file.writeArray(&timeSteps[0], "timeStep");
3232 // Write timings of all domains
3233 file.setOffset(1, domainId(), 3);
3234 file.writeArray(&data[0], "timings");
3236 RECORD_TIMER_STOP(m_timers[Timers::IO]);

◆ swapProxyVec()

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector< std::function< void(const MInt, const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::swapProxyVec ( )

Definition at line 359 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

359 {
360 std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt, const MInt)>> vec(noSolvers());
361 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
362 vec[i] = std::bind(&Solver::swapProxy, &solver(i), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
363 }
364 return vec;
365 }
virtual void swapProxy(const MInt, const MInt)
Swap the given cells.
Definition: solver.h:365

◆ updateGridPartitionWorkloads()

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::updateGridPartitionWorkloads

Definition at line 2312 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2312 {
2313 TRACE();
2315 // Check if update of partition workloads is enabled
2318 Context::getBasicProperty<MBool>("updateGridPartitionWorkloads", AT_, &updateGridPartitionWorkloads);
2320 return false;
2321 }
2323 m_log << "Updating partition cell workloads and save them to grid... " << std::endl;
2325 MBool restore = false;
2326 restore = Context::getBasicProperty<MBool>("restoreDefaultWorkloads", AT_, &restore);
2328 // Number of load quantities (should be the same for every rank)
2329 const MInt noLoadTypes = globalNoLoadTypes();
2330 std::vector<MFloat> weights{};
2332 if(noLoadTypes < 1 || restore) {
2333 restore = true;
2334 m_log << "Restoring default weights" << std::endl;
2335 } else {
2336 m_log << "Using specified solver weights" << std::endl;
2337 // Get the weights for all solvers
2339 }
2341 // Use the determined weights to update the partition workloads (or restore default weighting)
2342 updateWeightsAndWorkloads(weights, restore);
2343 // Save new partition cell workloads to grid file
2345 m_log << "done" << std::endl;
2347 if(domainId() == 0) {
2348 std::cout << "Updated cell weights. Restart solver with 'updateGridPartitionWorkloads = false'" << std::endl;
2349 }
2350 return true;
void savePartitionCellWorkloadsGridFile()
Update the partition cell workloads in the grid file.
MBool updateGridPartitionWorkloads()
Update the partition cell workloads in the grid file using user specified or default weights for the ...

◆ updateWeightsAndWorkloads()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::updateWeightsAndWorkloads ( const std::vector< MFloat > &  weights,
const MBool  restoreDefaultWeights 

Definition at line 2277 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2278 {
2279 TRACE();
2281 const MInt noGridCells = gridb().treeb().size();
2283 // Restore default cell weights: each cell has weight 1.
2284 // else reset all weights to 0
2285 const MFloat initWeight = (restoreDefaultWeights) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
2286 for(MInt gridCellId = 0; gridCellId < noGridCells; gridCellId++) {
2287 gridb().a_weight(gridCellId) = initWeight;
2288 }
2290 if(!restoreDefaultWeights) {
2291 // Update the cell weights
2292 MInt weightOffset = 0;
2293 for(MInt solverId = 0; solverId < noSolvers(); solverId++) {
2294 if(solver(solverId).isActive()) { // Only add cell loads for active solvers
2295 for(MInt cellId = 0; cellId < noGridCells; cellId++) {
2296 if(gridb().a_hasProperty(cellId, Cell::IsHalo)) continue;
2297 gridb().a_weight(cellId) += solver(solverId).getCellLoad(cellId, &weights[weightOffset]);
2298 }
2299 }
2300 weightOffset += solver(solverId).noLoadTypes();
2301 }
2302 }
2304 // Calculate the partition-cell workloads
2305 gridb().calculateNoOffspringsAndWorkload(static_cast<Collector<void>*>(nullptr), noGridCells);

◆ writeRestartFile()

template<MInt nDim>
void maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::writeRestartFile ( const MBool  forceRestart,
const MBool  writeBackup 

Definition at line 2392 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

2392 {
2393 if(m_grid == nullptr) {
2394 return;
2395 }
2396 MBoolScratchSpace writeRestart(noSolvers(), FUN_, "writeRestart");
2397 MBoolScratchSpace writeGridRestart(noSolvers(), FUN_, "writeGridRestart");
2399 // disable load timers:
2400 std::vector<MInt> dlbTimersStatus(noSolvers());
2402 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2403 dlbTimersStatus[i] = solver(i).dlbTimersEnabled();
2404 if(dlbTimersStatus[i] != 0) {
2405 solver(i).disableDlbTimers(); // Disable DLB timers if active
2406 }
2407 }
2409 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2410 // prepareRestart() and reInitAfterRestart must be called for all ranks!
2411 writeRestart[i] = solver(i).prepareRestart(forceRestart, writeGridRestart[i]);
2412 }
2414 MBool allsolversrestart = false;
2415 MBool gridrestart = false;
2417 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2418 if(writeRestart[i]) allsolversrestart = true;
2419 if(writeRestart[i] && writeGridRestart[i]) gridrestart = true;
2420 }
2424 if(gridrestart || (allsolversrestart && m_saveGridNewPartitionCells)) {
2427 {
2428 std::stringstream s;
2429 s << "restartGrid";
2430 if(writeBackup) s << "Backup";
2431 if(!m_useNonSpecifiedRestartFile || writeBackup) s << "_00" << globalTimeStep;
2432 // TODO labels:CONTROLLER,IO,totest change to the version below, fix testcases
2433 // if (!m_useNonSpecifiedRestartFile || writeBackup) {
2434 // s << "_" << setw(8) << setfill('0') << globalTimeStep;
2435 //}
2436 s << ParallelIo::fileExt();
2437 m_currentGridFileName = s.str();
2439 // Cancel any open MPI requests in the solver since these might conflict with communication
2440 // necessary when writing the grid file
2441 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2443 }
2445 cerr0 << "Saving adapted grid file for all solvers " << s.str() << "... ";
2449 cerr0 << "ok." << std::endl;
2453 }
2454 }
2456 for(MInt c = 0; c < noCouplers(); c++) {
2457 coupler(c).writeRestartFile(allsolversrestart);
2458 }
2460 if(allsolversrestart) {
2461 cerr0 << "Writing restart files at time step " << globalTimeStep << " :" << std::endl;
2463 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2464 if(solver(i).isActive()) {
2465 solver(i).writeRestartFile(writeRestart[i], writeBackup, m_currentGridFileName, m_recalcIds);
2466 }
2467 }
2468 // savePartitionFile();
2469 }
2471 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2472 solver(i).reIntAfterRestart(writeRestart[i]);
2473 }
2477 // reanable all previously running timers:
2478 for(MInt i = 0; i < noSolvers(); i++) {
2479 if(dlbTimersStatus[i] != 0) {
2480 solver(i).enableDlbTimers(); // Reenable previously active DLB timers
2481 }
2482 }
void restorePeriodicConnection()
Delete the Connection of periodic-Halo-Cells at the bounding box.
virtual void writeRestartFile(const MInt)
Definition: coupling.h:99
virtual void reIntAfterRestart(MBool)
Definition: solver.h:377
virtual void writeRestartFile(MBool)
Definition: solver.h:470
virtual MBool prepareRestart(MBool, MBool &)
Prepare the solvers for a grid-restart.
Definition: solver.h:374
void enableDlbTimers()
Definition: solver.h:283
MBool dlbTimersEnabled()
Definition: solver.h:291
void disableDlbTimers()
Definition: solver.h:289

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_adaptation

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_adaptation = false

Definition at line 213 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_adaptationInterval

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_adaptationInterval = 0

Definition at line 214 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_adaptationStart

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_adaptationStart = -1

Definition at line 215 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_adaptationStop

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_adaptationStop = -1

Definition at line 216 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_balance

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_balance = false

Definition at line 225 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_balanceAdaptationInterval

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_balanceAdaptationInterval = 1

Definition at line 324 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_balanceAfterAdaptation

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_balanceAfterAdaptation = false

Definition at line 323 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_cellOutside

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::function<MInt(const MFloat*, const MInt, const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_cellOutside

Definition at line 206 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_couplers

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Coupling> >* maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_couplers

Definition at line 210 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_currentGridFileName

template<MInt nDim>
MString maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_currentGridFileName

Definition at line 390 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_debugBalance

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_debugBalance = false

Definition at line 231 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbIdleTimeAll

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MFloat> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbIdleTimeAll

Definition at line 300 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbImbalanceThreshold

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbImbalanceThreshold = 0.05

Definition at line 266 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbLastResetTimeStep

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbLastResetTimeStep = 0

Definition at line 263 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbLastWeights

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat* maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbLastWeights = nullptr

Definition at line 328 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbMaxWorkloadLimit

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbMaxWorkloadLimit = 1.5

Definition at line 286 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbNoFinalLocalShifts

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbNoFinalLocalShifts = 0

Definition at line 284 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbNoLocalShifts

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbNoLocalShifts = 0

Definition at line 281 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbPartitionMethod

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbPartitionMethod = DLB_PARTITION_DEFAULT

Definition at line 270 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbPreviousLocalIdleTime

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbPreviousLocalIdleTime = 0.0

Definition at line 290 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbPreviousLocalRunTime

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbPreviousLocalRunTime = 0.0

Definition at line 289 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbRestartWeights

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbRestartWeights = false

Definition at line 327 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbRunTimeAll

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MFloat> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbRunTimeAll

Definition at line 299 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbSmoothGlobalShifts

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbSmoothGlobalShifts = true

Definition at line 279 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbStaticWeightMode

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbStaticWeightMode = -1

Definition at line 330 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbStaticWeights

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat* maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbStaticWeights = nullptr

Definition at line 329 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbStep

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbStep = 0

Definition at line 258 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbTimeStepsAll

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MInt> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbTimeStepsAll

Definition at line 298 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbTimings

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MFloat> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbTimings

Definition at line 293 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_dlbUpdatePartitionCells

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_dlbUpdatePartitionCells = false

Definition at line 274 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_domainWeights

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MFloat> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_domainWeights

Definition at line 308 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_forceBalance

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_forceBalance = 0

Definition at line 227 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_forceLoadBalancing

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_forceLoadBalancing = false

Definition at line 244 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_grid

template<MInt nDim>
Grid* maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_grid

Definition at line 200 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_imbalance

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_imbalance = std::numeric_limits<MFloat>::max()

Definition at line 320 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_lastAdaptationTimeStep

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_lastAdaptationTimeStep = 0

Definition at line 217 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_lastLoadBalancingTimeStep

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_lastLoadBalancingTimeStep = 0

Definition at line 260 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_lastOffsetShiftDirection

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MInt> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_lastOffsetShiftDirection {}

Definition at line 313 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_loadBalancingInterval

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_loadBalancingInterval = -1

Definition at line 239 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_loadBalancingMode

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_loadBalancingMode = -1

Definition at line 234 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_loadBalancingOffset

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_loadBalancingOffset = 0

Definition at line 240 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_loadBalancingStartTimeStep

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_loadBalancingStartTimeStep = 0

Definition at line 241 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_loadBalancingStopTimeStep

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_loadBalancingStopTimeStep = -1

Definition at line 242 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_loadBalancingTimerMode

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_loadBalancingTimerMode = 0

Definition at line 236 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_loadBalancingTimerStartOffset

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_loadBalancingTimerStartOffset = 0

Definition at line 243 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_maxPerformanceVarThreshold

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_maxPerformanceVarThreshold = 0.15

Definition at line 268 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_nAdaptationsSinceBalance

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_nAdaptationsSinceBalance = 9999999

Definition at line 252 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_noAdaptations

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_noAdaptations = 0

Definition at line 218 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_noMaxAdaptations

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_noMaxAdaptations = -1

Definition at line 219 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_noSensors

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_noSensors {}

Definition at line 222 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_optPartitionCellOffsetTotal

template<MInt nDim>
MLong maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_optPartitionCellOffsetTotal = -1

Definition at line 319 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_outputDir

template<MInt nDim>
MString maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_outputDir

Definition at line 392 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_outputDlbTimings

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_outputDlbTimings = false

Definition at line 296 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_performanceOutput

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_performanceOutput = false

Definition at line 229 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_previousLoadBins

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MInt> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_previousLoadBins {}

Definition at line 303 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_previousLoadInfo

template<MInt nDim>
std::array<MFloat, 5> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_previousLoadInfo {}

Definition at line 304 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_previousLoadInfoStep

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_previousLoadInfoStep = -1

Definition at line 305 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_recalcIds

template<MInt nDim>
MInt* maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_recalcIds

Definition at line 393 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_refineCellSolver

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_refineCellSolver

Definition at line 203 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_removeCellSolver

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_removeCellSolver

Definition at line 208 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_removeChildsSolver

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_removeChildsSolver

Definition at line 204 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_resizeGridMapSolver

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::function<void()> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_resizeGridMapSolver

Definition at line 207 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_saveGridNewPartitionCells

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_saveGridNewPartitionCells = false

Definition at line 276 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_solvers

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Solver> >* maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_solvers

Definition at line 202 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_solverTimerGroups

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<MInt> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_solverTimerGroups {}

Definition at line 340 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_solverTimers

template<MInt nDim>
std::vector<std::array<MInt, SolverTimers::_count> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_solverTimers {}

Definition at line 342 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_swapProxySolver

template<MInt nDim>
const std::vector<std::function<void(const MInt, const MInt)> > maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_swapProxySolver

Definition at line 205 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_syncTimerSteps

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_syncTimerSteps = true

Definition at line 255 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_syncTimeSteps

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_syncTimeSteps = false

Definition at line 254 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_testDynamicLoadBalancing

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_testDynamicLoadBalancing = false

Definition at line 245 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_testUpdatePartCellsOffspringThreshold

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_testUpdatePartCellsOffspringThreshold = 10

Definition at line 249 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_testUpdatePartCellsWorkloadThreshold

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_testUpdatePartCellsWorkloadThreshold = 100.0

Definition at line 250 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_testUpdatePartitionCells

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_testUpdatePartitionCells = false

Definition at line 247 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_timePerStepTotal

template<MInt nDim>
MFloat maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_timePerStepTotal = std::numeric_limits<MFloat>::max()

Definition at line 318 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_timerGroup

template<MInt nDim>
MInt maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_timerGroup = -1

Definition at line 336 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_timers

template<MInt nDim>
std::array<MInt, Timers::_count> maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_timers {}

Definition at line 338 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_timersInitialized

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_timersInitialized = false

Definition at line 334 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_useDomainFactor

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_useDomainFactor = false

Definition at line 310 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

◆ m_useNonSpecifiedRestartFile

template<MInt nDim>
MBool maia::grid::Controller< nDim >::m_useNonSpecifiedRestartFile = false

Definition at line 391 of file cartesiangridcontroller.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: