Class containing the special methods of the detailed chemistry formulation. Inherits from the Navier-Stokes equation class.
| FvSysEqnDetChem (const MInt solverId, const MInt noSpecies) |
| Construct a new FvSysEqnDetChem<nDim>::FvSysEqnDetChem object. More...
template<MInt stencil = AUSM> |
void | Ausm (const MInt orientation, const MFloat upwindCoefficient, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const leftVars, const MFloat *const rightVars, const MFloat *const srfcCoeff, MFloat *const flux) |
void | AusmBndryCorrection (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const leftVars, const MFloat *const rightVars, MFloat *const flux) |
template<MInt stencil> |
void | viscousFlux (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat *const srfcCoeff, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux) |
template<MInt stencil> |
void | viscousFlux (const MInt, const MFloat, const MBool, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat *const, const MFloat, const MFloat, MFloat *const) |
void | viscousFluxFivePoint (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat *const srfcCoeff, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux) |
void | getSpeciesDiffusionMassFluxes (const MInt orientation, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat *const srfcCoeff, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, std::vector< MFloat > &J, std::vector< MFloat > &dXdn, MFloat &dTdn, const MBool soretEffect) |
void | computeSurfaceCoefficients (const MInt RKStep, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, MFloat *const srfcCoeff, std::shared_ptr< Cantera::ThermoPhase > gas, std::shared_ptr< Cantera::Transport > trans) |
| Computes the transport coefficients at the surface. These are then used in the computation of the surface diffusion fluxes. More...
void | computeSpeciesReactionRates (const MFloat &m_timeStep, const MFloat &cellVolume, const MFloat *const pvarsCell, const MFloat *const avarsCell, MFloat *const reactionRatesCell, Cantera::IdealGasReactor *zeroD_reactor, Cantera::ReactorNet *zeroD_reactorNet, std::shared_ptr< Cantera::Solution > sol, std::shared_ptr< Cantera::ThermoPhase > gas) |
| Computes the species reaction rates. A reactor is constructed at each cell, with equal thermodynamic state. The reactor content is then integrated in time and advanced by the same amount as the flow simulation. From the initial and final concentrations of species, a time averaged species reaction rate is computed, which can then be used in the species equations in the flow solver. More...
void | computePrimitiveVariables (const MFloat *const cvarsCell, MFloat *const pvarsCell, const MFloat *const avarsCell) |
void | computeConservativeVariables (const MFloat *const pvarsCell, MFloat *const cvarsCell, const MFloat *const avarsCell) |
void | evaluateSensibleEnergy (MFloat &sensibleEnergy, const MFloat *const pvarsCell, const MFloat &meanMolarMass) |
| Computes the sensible energy. Species sensible energy is computed as: e_s = Int(cv(T)dT) - R*T_ref/W_mean. More...
void | iterateTemperature (MFloat &T, const MFloat *const cvarsCell, const MFloat *const pvarsCell, const MFloat *const avarsCell, const MFloat &velPOW2) |
| Iterates the temperature from the sensible energy. Iteration is necessary, since the heat capacities are a function of temperature. The iteration is performed with a Newton iterative Method. More...
void | computeMeanMolarWeight_PV (const MFloat *const pvarsCell, MFloat *const avarsCell) |
| Computes the mean molar weight from the primitive variables at the cell. More...
void | computeMeanMolarWeight_CV (const MFloat *const pvarsCell, MFloat *const avarsCell) |
| Computes the mean molar weight from the conservative variables at the cell. More...
void | computeGamma (const MFloat *const pvarsCell, MFloat *const avarsCell, std::shared_ptr< Cantera::ThermoPhase > gas) |
| Computes gamma at the cell. Used for the computation of the time step. More...
MFloat | computePhi (const MFloat *const Y) |
std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > | conservativeSlopes (const MFloat *const pvarsCell, const MFloat *const cvarsCell, const MFloat *const avarsCell, const MFloat *const slopesCell) |
| Reconstructs the conservative slopes from the primitive variables and primitive slopes at the cell. Used in the interpolation of the conservative variables unto the newly created leaf cells during the grid refinement step. More...
| FvSysEqnDetChem (const MInt solverId, const MInt noSpecies) |
void | evaluateSensibleEnergy (MFloat &, const MFloat *const, const MFloat &) |
void | computeMeanMolarWeight_PV (const MFloat *const, MFloat *const) |
void | computeMeanMolarWeight_CV (const MFloat *const, MFloat *const) |
| FvSysEqnNS (const MInt solverId, const MInt noSpecies) |
template<MInt scheme = AUSM> |
void | Ausm (const MInt orientation, const MFloat upwindCoefficient, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const leftVars, const MFloat *const rightVars, const MFloat *const srfcCoeff, MFloat *const flux) |
void | Ausm_ (const MInt orientation, const MFloat upwindCoefficient, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const leftVars, const MFloat *const rightVars, const MFloat *const NotUsed(srfcCoeff), MFloat *const flux) |
void | AusmPlus_ (const MInt orientation, const MFloat upwindCoefficient, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const leftVars, const MFloat *const rightVars, const MFloat *const NotUsed(srfcCoeff), MFloat *const flux) |
void | Slau_ (const MInt orientation, const MFloat NotUsed(upwindCoefficient), const MFloat A, const MFloat *const leftVars, const MFloat *const rightVars, const MFloat *const NotUsed(srfcCoeff), MFloat *const flux) |
void | AusmBndryCorrection (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const leftVars, const MFloat *const rightVars, MFloat *const flux) |
void | AusmALECorrection (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, MFloat *const flux, MFloat *const surfVars, const MFloat *const bndrySurfVars) |
template<MInt centralizeScheme> |
void | centralizeSurfaceVariables (MFloat *const varL, MFloat *const varR, const MInt orientation, const MFloat levelFac) |
template<MInt stencil> |
void | viscousFlux (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat *const srfcCoeff, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux) |
template<MInt stencil> |
void | viscousFlux (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MBool isBndry, const MFloat *const surfaceCoords, const MFloat *const coord0, const MFloat *const coord1, const MFloat *const cellVars0, const MFloat *const cellVars1, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux) |
void | viscousFluxFivePoint (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat *const NotUsed(srfcCoeff), const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux) |
void | viscousFluxThreePoint (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MBool isBndry, const MFloat *const surfaceCoords, const MFloat *const coord0, const MFloat *const coord1, const MFloat *const cellVars0, const MFloat *const cellVars1, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux) |
void | viscousFluxStabilized (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MBool isBndry, const MFloat *const surfaceCoords, const MFloat *const coord0, const MFloat *const coord1, const MFloat *const cellVars0, const MFloat *const cellVars1, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux) |
| Computes the viscous fluxes using a five-point stencil (less dissipative) blended with a compact stencil (increased stability). Short: (1-enhanceThreePointViscFluxFactor)*FIVE_POINT + enhanceThreePointViscFluxFactor*THREE_POINT Default for centralizeViscousFlux is 0.1 if not defined in property file. More...
template<MInt stencil> |
void | wmViscousFluxCorrection (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux, MFloat const mue_wm) |
void | wmViscousFluxCorrectionFivePoint (const MInt orientation, const MFloat A, const MFloat *const vars0, const MFloat *const vars1, const MFloat *const slope0, const MFloat *const slope1, const MFloat f0, const MFloat f1, MFloat *const flux, MFloat const mue_wm) |
void | computePrimitiveVariables (const MFloat *const cvarsCell, MFloat *const pvarsCell, const MFloat *const NotUsed(avarsCell)) |
void | computeConservativeVariables (const MFloat *const pvarsCell, MFloat *const cvarsCell, const MFloat *const NotUsed(avarsCell)) |
std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > | conservativeSlopes (const MFloat *const pvarsCell, const MFloat *const cvarsCell, const MFloat *const avarsCell, const MFloat *const slopesCell) |
void | computeVolumeForces (const MInt, MFloat *, MFloat *, const MFloat, const MFloat *const, const MInt, const MInt *const, const MFloat *const, const MInt, MFloat) |
constexpr MFloat | speedOfSound (const MFloat density, const MFloat pressure) |
| Speed of sound: a = sqrt(gamma * pressure / density) More...
constexpr MFloat | speedOfSoundSquared (const MFloat density, const MFloat pressure) |
| speed of sound squared a^2 = gamma * pressure / density More...
constexpr MFloat | speedOfSound (const MFloat temperature) |
| Speed of sound: a = sqrt(T) More...
constexpr MFloat | temperature_ES (const MFloat density, const MFloat pressure) |
| Temperature: T = gamma * pressure / density (equation of state - ideal gas law) More...
constexpr MFloat | pressure_ES (const MFloat temperture, const MFloat density) |
| pressure: p = rho * T / gamma (equation of state - ideal gas law) More...
constexpr MFloat | density_ES (const MFloat pressure, const MFloat temperature) |
| density: rho = gamma * p / T (equation of state - ideal gas law) More...
constexpr MFloat | temperature_IR (const MFloat Ma) |
| Temperature: T = 1 / (1 + (gamma - 1)/2 * Ma^2) (isentropic relationship) More...
constexpr MFloat | pressure_IR (const MFloat temperature) |
constexpr MFloat | pressure_IRit (const MFloat pressure, const MFloat massFlux) |
constexpr MFloat | density_IR (const MFloat temperature) |
| density: rho = T^(1/(gamma -1 )) (isentropic relationship) More...
constexpr MFloat | density_IR_P (const MFloat pressure) |
| density: rho = (p * gamma)^(1/gamma) (isentropic relationship) More...
constexpr MFloat | pressure (const MFloat density, const MFloat momentumDensitySquared, const MFloat energyDensity) |
constexpr MFloat | internalEnergy (const MFloat pressure, const MFloat density, const MFloat velocitySquared) |
constexpr MFloat | pressureEnergy (const MFloat pressure) |
constexpr MFloat | enthalpy (const MFloat pressure, const MFloat density) |
| enthalpy from primitive variables More...
constexpr MFloat | entropy (const MFloat pressure, const MFloat density) |
| entropy from primitive variables More...
constexpr MFloat | CroccoBusemann (const MFloat Ma, const MFloat x) |
| Crocco-Busemann relation. More...
constexpr MFloat | vanDriest (const MFloat Ma) |
| van-Driest Transformation (correspods to R*H) More...
constexpr MFloat | sutherlandLaw (const MFloat T) |
MFloat | computeTimeStepEulerMagnitude (const MFloat rho, const std::array< MFloat, nDim > u, const MFloat p, const MFloat C, const MFloat dx) |
constexpr MFloat | gamma_Ref () |
constexpr MFloat | cp_Ref () |
constexpr MFloat | cv_Ref () |
constexpr MFloat | p_Ref () |
constexpr MFloat | computeTimeStepDiffusion (const MFloat diffusion_coefficient, const MFloat C, const MFloat dx) |