MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
#include <fvcartesiansolverxd.h>
Classes | |
class | FvGapCell |
struct | MV |
Public Types | |
using | Cell = typename maia::grid::tree::Tree< nDim >::Cell |
using | FvSurfaceCollector = maia::fv::surface_collector::FvSurfaceCollector< nDim > |
using | SolverCell = FvCell |
using | CartesianSolver = typename maia::CartesianSolver< nDim, FvCartesianSolverXD > |
using | Grid = typename CartesianSolver::Grid |
using | GridProxy = typename CartesianSolver::GridProxy |
using | Geom = Geometry< nDim > |
using | PrimitiveVariables = typename SysEqn::PrimitiveVariables |
![]() | |
using | Grid = CartesianGrid< nDim > |
using | GridProxy = typename maia::grid::Proxy< nDim > |
using | Geom = Geometry< nDim > |
using | TreeProxy = maia::grid::tree::TreeProxy< nDim > |
using | Cell = maia::grid::tree::Cell |
Public Member Functions | |
FvCartesianSolverXD ()=delete | |
FvCartesianSolverXD (MInt, MInt, const MBool *, maia::grid::Proxy< nDim_ > &gridProxy_, Geometry< nDim_ > &geometry_, const MPI_Comm comm) | |
~FvCartesianSolverXD () | |
SysEqn | sysEqn () const |
SysEqn & | sysEqn () |
MInt | a_noCells () const |
Returns the number of cells. More... | |
MInt | noInternalCells () const override |
Return the number of internal cells within this solver. More... | |
MBool | a_isGapCell (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns isGapCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isGapCell (const MInt cellId) |
Returns isGapCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_wasGapCell (const MInt cellId) |
Returns wasGapCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isHalo (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns IsHalo of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isHalo (const MInt cellId) |
Returns IsHalo of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isWindow (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns IsWindow of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isWindow (const MInt cellId) |
Returns IsWindow of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isPeriodic (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns IsPeriodic of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isPeriodic (const MInt cellId) |
Returns IsPeriodic of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isBndryCell (const MInt cellId) const override |
Returns isBndryCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isInterface (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns isInterface of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isInterface (const MInt cellId) |
Returns isInterface of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isBndryGhostCell (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns isBndryGhostCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isBndryGhostCell (const MInt cellId) |
Returns isBndryGhostCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isWMImgCell (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns isWMImgCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isWMImgCell (const MInt cellId) |
Returns isWMImgCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isSandpaperTripCell (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns isWMImgCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_isSandpaperTripCell (const MInt cellId) |
Returns isWMImgCell of the cell cellId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType & | a_properties (const MInt cellId) |
Returns properties of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_spongeFactor (const MInt cellId) |
Returns the spongeFactor of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | a_spongeFactor (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the spongeFactor of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_coordinate (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) |
Returns the coordinate of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId for dimension dir . More... | |
MFloat | a_coordinate (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the coordinate of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId for dimension dir . More... | |
MInt & | a_level (const MInt cellId) |
Returns the level of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId . More... | |
MInt | a_level (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the level of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_cellVolume (const MInt cellId) |
Returns the cell volume of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId . More... | |
MFloat | a_cellVolume (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the cell volume of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_FcellVolume (const MInt cellId) override |
Returns the inverse cell volume of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId . More... | |
MFloat | a_FcellVolume (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the inverse cell volume of the cell from the fvcellcollector cellId . More... | |
MInt | a_cutCellLevel (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the level for cutCells, this can either be the maxRefinementLevel or the level of the current cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_isInactive (const MInt cellId) const |
MBool | a_isActive (const MInt cellId) const |
MBool | a_isSplitCell (const MInt cellId) const |
MInt | a_noSplitCells () const |
MInt | a_noSplitChilds (const MInt sc) const |
MInt | a_splitChildId (const MInt sc, const MInt ssc) |
MInt | a_splitCellId (const MInt sc) const |
void | assertValidGridCellId (const MInt cellId) const |
Cecks wether the cell cellId is an actual grid-cell. More... | |
void | assertValidGridCellId (const MInt NotUsed(cellId)) const |
void | assertDeleteNeighbor (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
Checks wether the cell cellId has a valid neighbor in direction dir . More... | |
MBool | checkNeighborActive (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
Cecks wether the cell cellId has a valid neighbor in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat | c_coordinate (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the coordinate of the cell from the grid().tree() cellId for dimension dir . More... | |
MBool | c_isLeafCell (const MInt cellId) const |
MInt | c_level (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the grid level of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt | c_noChildren (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the number of children of the cell cellId . More... | |
MLong | c_parentId (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the grid parent id of the cell cellId . More... | |
MLong | c_globalId (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the global grid id of the grid cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | c_weight (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the weight of the cell cellId . More... | |
MLong | c_childId (const MInt cellId, const MInt pos) const |
Returns the grid child id of the grid cell cellId at position pos . More... | |
MLong | c_neighborId (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir, const MBool assertNeighborState=true) const |
Returns the grid neighbor id of the grid cell cellId dir . More... | |
MFloat | c_cellLengthAtCell (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the length of the cell for level . More... | |
MFloat | c_cellLengthAtLevel (const MInt level) const |
Returns the length of the cell for level . More... | |
MFloat | c_cellVolumeAtLevel (const MInt level) const |
Returns the grid Volume of the cell for level . More... | |
MBool | a_hasProperty (const MInt cellId, const Cell p) const |
Returns grid cell property p of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | c_isToDelete (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the delete of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt | a_hasNeighbor (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir, const MBool assertNeighborState=true) const |
Returns noNeighborIds of the cell CellId for direction dir . More... | |
MFloat & | a_variable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns conservative variable v of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_variable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns conservative variable v of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_pvariable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns primitive variable v of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_pvariable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns primitive variable v of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_avariable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns additional variable v of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_avariable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns additional variable v of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
maia::fv::cell::BitsetType::reference | a_hasProperty (const MInt cellId, const SolverCell p) |
Returns solver cell property p of the cell cellId . More... | |
MBool | a_hasProperty (const MInt cellId, const SolverCell p) const |
Returns solver cell property p of the cell cellId . More... | |
void | a_resetPropertiesSolver (const MInt cellId) |
Returns property p of the cell cellId . More... | |
void | a_copyPropertiesSolver (const MInt fromCellId, const MInt toCellId) |
Returns property p of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt & | a_reconstructionNeighborId (const MInt cellId, const MInt nghbrNo) |
Returns reconstruction neighbor n of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt | a_reconstructionNeighborId (const MInt cellId, const MInt nghbrNo) const |
Returns reconstruction neighbor n of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt & | a_reconstructionData (const MInt cellId) |
Returns reconstruction data offset i of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt | a_reconstructionNeighborId (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns reconstruction data offset i of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt & | a_spongeBndryId (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) |
Returns the spongeBndryId of the cell cellId for direction dir . More... | |
MInt | a_spongeBndryId (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the spongeBndryId of the cell cellId for direction dir . More... | |
MFloat & | a_spongeFactorStart (const MInt cellId) |
Returns the spongeFactorStart of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | a_spongeFactorStart (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the spongeFactorStart of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt & | a_bndryId (const MInt cellId) |
Returns the bndryId of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt | a_bndryId (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the bndryId of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt & | a_noReconstructionNeighbors (const MInt cellId) |
Returns the noRcnstrctnNghbrIds of the cell cellId . More... | |
MInt | a_noReconstructionNeighbors (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the noRcnstrctnNghbrIds of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_tau (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns the tau of the cell cellId for variable varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_tau (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns the tau of the cell cellId for variable varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_restrictedRHS (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns the restrictedRHS of the cell cellId for variable varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_restrictedRHS (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns the restrictedRHS of the cell cellId for variable varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_restrictedVar (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns restricted variables of cell cellId for variable varId on level level . More... | |
MFloat | a_restrictedVar (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns restricted variables of cell cellId for variable varId on level level . More... | |
MFloat & | a_reactionRate (const MInt cellId, const MInt reactionId) |
Returns the reactionRate of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_reactionRate (const MInt cellId, const MInt reactionId) const |
Returns the reactionRate of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_reactionRateBackup (const MInt cellId, const MInt reactionId) |
Returns the reactionRateBackup of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_reactionRateBackup (const MInt cellId, const MInt reactionId) const |
Returns the reactionRateBackup of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_psi (const MInt cellId) |
Returns psi of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_psi (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns psi of the cell cellId for variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_speciesReactionRate (const MInt cellId, const MInt speciesIndex) |
MFloat | a_speciesReactionRate (const MInt cellId, const MInt speciesIndex) const |
MFloat & | a_implicitCoefficient (const MInt cellId, const MInt coefId) |
Returns the implicitCoefficient of cell cellId for coefficient coefId . More... | |
MFloat | a_implicitCoefficient (const MInt cellId, const MInt coefId) const |
Returns the implicitCoefficient of cell cellId for coefficient coefId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_dt1Variable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns dt1Variables of the cell CellId variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_dt1Variable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns dt1Variables of the cell CellId variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_dt2Variable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns dt2Variables of the cell CellId variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_dt2Variable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns dt2Variables of the cell CellId variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_oldVariable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) |
Returns oldVariablesv of the cell cellId variables varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_oldVariable (const MInt cellId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns oldVariables v of the cell cellId variables varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_slope (const MInt cellId, MInt const varId, const MInt dir) override |
Returns the slope of the cell cellId for the variable varId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat | a_slope (const MInt cellId, MInt const varId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the slope of the cell cellId for the variable varId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat & | a_storedSlope (const MInt cellId, MInt const varId, const MInt dir) |
Returns the stored slope of the cell cellId for the variable varId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat | a_storedSlope (const MInt cellId, MInt const varId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the stored slope of the cell cellId for the variable varId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat & | a_rightHandSide (const MInt cellId, MInt const varId) |
Returns the right hand side of the cell cellId for the variable varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_rightHandSide (const MInt cellId, MInt const varId) const |
Returns the right hand side of the cell cellId for the variable varId . More... | |
MInt | a_noSurfaces () |
Returns the number of surfaces. More... | |
MInt & | a_surfaceBndryCndId (const MInt srfcId) |
Returns the boundary condition of surface srfcId . More... | |
MInt | a_surfaceBndryCndId (const MInt srfcId) const |
Returns the boundary condition of surface srfcId . More... | |
MInt & | a_surfaceOrientation (const MInt srfcId) |
Returns the orientation of surface srfcId . More... | |
MInt | a_surfaceOrientation (const MInt srfcId) const |
Returns the orientation of surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceArea (const MInt srfcId) |
Returns the area of surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceArea (const MInt srfcId) const |
Returns the area of surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceFactor (const MInt srfcId, const MInt varId) |
Returns the factor of surface srfcId for variable varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceFactor (const MInt srfcId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns the factor of surface srfcId for variable varId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceCoordinate (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dir) |
Returns the coordinate of surface srfcId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceCoordinate (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the coordinate of surface srfcId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceDeltaX (const MInt srfcId, const MInt varId) |
Returns the delta X of surface srfcId for variable varId . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceDeltaX (const MInt srfcId, const MInt varId) const |
Returns the delta X of surface srfcId for variable varId . More... | |
MInt & | a_surfaceNghbrCellId (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dir) |
Returns the neighbor cell id of surface srfcId in direction dir . More... | |
MInt | a_surfaceNghbrCellId (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the neighbor cell id of surface srfcId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceVariable (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dir, const MInt varId) |
Returns the variable varId of surface srfcId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceVariable (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dir, const MInt varId) const |
Returns the variable varId of surface srfcId in direction dir . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceUpwindCoefficient (const MInt srfcId) |
Returns the upwind coefficient of surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceUpwindCoefficient (const MInt srfcId) const |
Returns the upwind coefficient of surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceCoefficient (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dimCoefficient) |
Returns the coefficient dimCoefficient of surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceCoefficient (const MInt srfcId, const MInt dimCoefficient) const |
Returns the coefficient dimCoefficient of surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_surfaceFlux (const MInt srfcId, const MInt fVarId) |
Returns the flux fVarId for surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat | a_surfaceflux (const MInt srfcId, const MInt fVarId) const |
Returns the flux fVarId for surface srfcId . More... | |
MFloat & | a_Ma () |
Returns the Mach number of the solver. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_Ma () const |
Returns the Mach number of the solver. More... | |
MFloat & | a_cfl () |
Returns the cfl number of the solver. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_cfl () const |
MInt & | a_restartInterval () |
Returns the restart interval of the solver. More... | |
const MInt & | a_restartInterval () const |
Returns the restart interval of the solver. More... | |
MInt & | a_bndryCndId (MInt bndryId) |
Return BndryCndId. More... | |
const MInt & | a_bndryCndId (MInt bndryId) const |
Return BndryCndId. More... | |
MFloat & | a_bndryNormal (MInt bndryId, MInt dir) |
Return normal direction of bndry srfc. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_bndryNormal (MInt bndryId, MInt dir) const |
Return normal direction of bndry srfc. More... | |
MFloat & | a_bndryCutCoord (MInt bndryId, MInt i, MInt j) |
Return cut coordinates of bndry srfc. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_bndryCutCoord (MInt bndryId, MInt i, MInt j) const |
Return cut coordinates of bndry srfc. More... | |
const MInt & | a_bndryGhostCellId (const MInt bndryId, const MInt srfc) const |
MInt & | a_identNghbrId (MInt nghbrId) |
Return ident nghbr Id. More... | |
const MInt & | a_identNghbrId (MInt nghbrId) const |
Return ident nghbr Id. More... | |
MInt & | a_storeNghbrId (MInt nghbrId) |
Return store nghbr Id. More... | |
const MInt & | a_storeNghbrId (MInt nghbrId) const |
Return store nghbr Id. More... | |
MFloat & | a_VVInfinity (MInt dir) |
Return mean flow velocity. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_VVInfinity (MInt dir) const |
Return mean flow velocity. More... | |
MFloat & | a_rhoInfinity () |
Return rho infinity. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_rhoInfinity () const |
Return rho infinity. More... | |
MFloat & | a_PInfinity () |
Return p infinity. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_PInfinity () const |
Return p infinity. More... | |
MFloat & | a_TInfinity () |
Return T infinity. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_TInfinity () const |
Return T infinity. More... | |
MFloat & | a_timeRef () |
Return time reference value. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_timeRef () const |
Return time reference value. More... | |
MInt & | a_noPart (MInt cellId) |
Return no particles. More... | |
MFloat & | a_physicalTime () |
Return physical time. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_physicalTime () const |
Return physical time. More... | |
MFloat & | a_time () |
Return time. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_time () const |
Return time. More... | |
const MInt & | a_noPart (MInt cellId) const |
Return no particles. More... | |
MFloat & | a_externalSource (MInt cellId, MInt var) |
Return external source. More... | |
const MFloat & | a_externalSource (MInt cellId, MInt var) const |
Return external source. More... | |
MInt & | a_maxLevelWindowCells (MInt domain, MInt id) |
Return max level window cells. More... | |
const MInt & | a_maxLevelWindowCells (MInt domain, MInt id) const |
Return max level window cells. More... | |
MInt & | a_maxLevelHaloCells (MInt domain, MInt id) |
Return max level halo cells. More... | |
const MInt & | a_maxLevelHaloCells (MInt domain, MInt id) const |
Return max level halo cells. More... | |
MFloat & | a_localTimeStep (const MInt cellId) |
Returns the local time-step of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | a_localTimeStep (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the local time-step of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | a_dynViscosity (const MFloat T) const |
MFloat & | a_levelSetFunction (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) |
Returns the levelSet-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat | a_levelSetFunction (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) const |
Returns the levelSet-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat & | a_levelSetValuesMb (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) |
Returns the levelSetMb-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat | a_levelSetValuesMb (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) const |
Returns the levelSetMb-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat | a_alphaGas (const MInt cellId) const |
MFloat & | a_alphaGas (const MInt cellId) |
MFloat | a_uOtherPhase (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
MFloat & | a_uOtherPhase (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) |
MFloat | a_uOtherPhaseOld (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
MFloat & | a_uOtherPhaseOld (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) |
MFloat | a_gradUOtherPhase (const MInt cellId, const MInt uDir, const MInt gradDir) const |
MFloat & | a_gradUOtherPhase (const MInt cellId, const MInt uDir, const MInt gradDir) |
MFloat | a_vortOtherPhase (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
MFloat & | a_vortOtherPhase (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) |
MFloat | a_nuTOtherPhase (const MInt cellId) const |
MFloat & | a_nuTOtherPhase (const MInt cellId) |
MFloat | a_nuEffOtherPhase (const MInt cellId) const |
MFloat & | a_nuEffOtherPhase (const MInt cellId) |
MInt & | a_associatedBodyIds (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) |
Returns the associatedBodyIds for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MInt | a_associatedBodyIds (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) const |
Returns the associatedBodyIds for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat & | a_curvatureG (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) |
Returns the curvature-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat | a_curvatureG (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) const |
Returns the curvature-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat & | a_flameSpeed (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) |
Returns the flamespeed-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MFloat | a_flameSpeed (const MInt cellId, const MInt set) const |
Returns the flamespeed-value for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MInt & | a_noSets () |
Returns the noSets for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MInt | a_noSets () const |
Returns the noSets for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MInt & | a_noLevelSetFieldData () |
Returns the noSets for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
MInt | a_noLevelSetFieldData () const |
Returns the noSets for fv-CellId cellId and set . More... | |
const MInt & | getAssociatedInternalCell (const MInt &cellId) const |
Returns the Id of the split cell, if cellId is a split child. More... | |
virtual void | reIntAfterRestart (MBool) |
virtual void | resetRHS () |
virtual void | resetRHSCutOffCells () |
virtual void | initSolutionStep (MInt) |
Initializes the solver. More... | |
virtual void | applyInitialCondition () |
Initializes the entire flow field. More... | |
virtual void | Ausm () |
Dispatches the AUSM flux computation for different number of species. More... | |
virtual void | Muscl (MInt=-1) |
Reconstructs the flux on the surfaces. More... | |
virtual void | viscousFlux () |
virtual void | copyVarsToSmallCells () |
virtual void | computePV () |
virtual void | computePrimitiveVariables () |
Dispatches the computation of the primitive variables for different number of species. More... | |
virtual void | filterConservativeVariablesAtFineToCoarseGridInterfaces () |
virtual void | copyRHSIntoGhostCells () |
virtual void | LSReconstructCellCenter_Boundary () |
Computes the slopes at the cell centers of only the boundary cells. More... | |
virtual void | LSReconstructCellCenter () |
Dispatch the reconstruction computation to the appropiate loop. More... | |
virtual void | applyBoundaryCondition () |
handles the application of boundary conditions to the ghost cells More... | |
virtual void | cutOffBoundaryCondition () |
virtual void | computeConservativeVariables () |
Dispatches the computation of the conservative variables for different number of species. More... | |
virtual void | initNearBoundaryExchange (const MInt mode=0, const MInt offset=0) |
Setup the near-boundary communicator needed for the flux-redistribution method. More... | |
void | initAzimuthalNearBoundaryExchange (MIntScratchSpace &activeFlag) |
void | azimuthalNearBoundaryExchange () |
void | azimuthalNearBoundaryReverseExchange () |
void | setActiveFlag (MIntScratchSpace &, const MInt mode, const MInt offset) |
Set the flag for the cells needed for near bndry exchange. More... | |
virtual void | setAdditionalActiveFlag (MIntScratchSpace &) |
void | setInfinityState () |
Computes/defines the infinity values/state once and for all Ideally the infinity variables should not be updated outside of this function! More... | |
void | initAzimuthalCartesianHaloInterpolation () |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | computeSurfaceCoefficients () |
Dispatches the transport coefficients computation at each surfaces by calling the relevant function from the detChemSysEqn class. Distinction between "Multi" and "Mix" transport models! Author: Borja Pedro. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | computeSpeciesReactionRates () |
Dispatches the species reaction rate computation at each cell by calling the relevant method from the detChemSysEqn class. Author: Borja Pedro. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | computeMeanMolarWeights_PV () |
Dispatches the mean molar weight computation at the cell center from the primitive variables by calling the relevant function from the detChemSysEqn class. The mean molar weight is stored inside the additional variables array. Author: Borja Pedro. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | computeMeanMolarWeights_CV () |
Dispatches the mean molar weight computation at the cell center from the conservative variables by calling the relevant function from the detChemSysEqn class. The mean molar weight is stored inside the additional variables array. Author: Borja Pedro. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | setMeanMolarWeight_CV (MInt cellId) |
Computes the mean molar weight at the given cell ID from the primitive variables. The mean molar weight is stored inside the additional variables array. Author: Borja Pedro. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | setMeanMolarWeight_PV (MInt cellId) |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | computeGamma () |
Dispatches the gamma computation at each cell by calling the relevant function from the detChemSysEqn class. It is stored inside the additional variables array, and used to compute the time step. Author: Borja Pedro. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | computeDetailedChemistryVariables () |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | setAndAllocateDetailedChemistryProperties () |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | initCanteraObjects () |
Allocates the Cantera objects that define a thermodynamic phase, reaction kinetics and transport properties for a given reaction mechanism. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | correctMajorSpeciesMassFraction () |
Corrects the mass fraction of the predominant species to ensure conservation due to numerical or approximation erros For combustion with air: N2 is the major species Author: Borja Pedro. More... | |
void | compute1DFlameSolution () |
void | addSpeciesReactionRatesAndHeatRelease () |
void | initHeatReleaseDamp () |
void | computeAcousticSourceTermQe (MFloatScratchSpace &, MFloatScratchSpace &, MFloatScratchSpace &, MFloatScratchSpace &) |
void | computeVolumeForces () |
void | computeRotForces () |
virtual MInt | getAdjacentLeafCells_d0 (const MInt, const MInt, MIntScratchSpace &, MIntScratchSpace &) |
virtual MInt | getAdjacentLeafCells_d1 (const MInt, const MInt, MIntScratchSpace &, MIntScratchSpace &) |
virtual MInt | getAdjacentLeafCells_d2 (const MInt, const MInt, MIntScratchSpace &, MIntScratchSpace &) |
virtual MInt | getAdjacentLeafCells_d0_c (const MInt, const MInt, MIntScratchSpace &, MIntScratchSpace &) |
virtual MInt | getAdjacentLeafCells_d1_c (const MInt, const MInt, MIntScratchSpace &, MIntScratchSpace &) |
virtual MInt | getAdjacentLeafCells_d2_c (const MInt, const MInt, MIntScratchSpace &, MIntScratchSpace &) |
MFloat | computeRecConstSVD (const MInt cellId, const MInt offset, MFloatScratchSpace &tmpA, MFloatScratchSpace &tmpC, MFloatScratchSpace &weights, const MInt recDim, const MInt, const MInt, const std::array< MBool, nDim > dirs={}, const MBool relocateCenter=false) |
compute the reconstruction constants of the given cell by a weighted least-squares approach via singular value decomposition More... | |
void | extendStencil (const MInt) |
extend the reconstruction sencil towards all diagonal cells on the first layer More... | |
MInt | samplingInterval () |
void | checkGhostCellIntegrity () |
Checks whether cells' isGhost and the boundary Id coincede. Cells' isGhost is is used to tell the grid about ghost cells. In the solver sometimes boundaryId == -2 is used to check for ghost cells. More... | |
virtual void | initializeRungeKutta () |
Reads the Runge-Kutta properties and initializes the variables required for Runge Kutta time stepping. More... | |
virtual void | initializeMaxLevelExchange () |
parallel: Store all necessary data in send buffer More... | |
virtual void | computePrimitiveVariablesCoarseGrid () |
Computes the primitive variables: velocity, density, and pressure from the conservative variables and stores the primitive variables in a_pvariable( i , v ) More... | |
void | initAzimuthalMaxLevelExchange () |
void | finalizeMpiExchange () |
Finalize non-blocking MPI communication (cancel open requests, free all requests) More... | |
void | setUpwindCoefficient () |
void | cellSurfaceMapping () |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | interpolateSurfaceDiffusionFluxOnCellCenter (MFloat *const, MFloat *const) |
void | setNghbrInterface () |
void | calcLESAverage () |
void | saveLESAverage () |
void | loadLESAverage () |
void | finalizeLESAverage () |
MFloat | getAveragingFactor () |
void | saveSpongeData () |
void | loadSpongeData () |
void | initSTGSpongeExchange () |
void | setAndAllocateZonalProperties () |
void | readPreliminarySTGSpongeData () |
void | calcPeriodicSpongeAverage () |
void | exchangeZonalAverageCells () |
virtual void | initSTGSponge () |
Initializes zonal exchange arrays. More... | |
virtual void | resetZonalLESAverage () |
Initializes zonal exchange arrays. More... | |
virtual void | determineLESAverageCells () |
virtual void | resetZonalSolverData () |
virtual void | getBoundaryDistance (MFloatScratchSpace &) |
Get distance to boundary, currently bc 3003. Should be replaced by more precise distance using STL information. More... | |
virtual void | nonReflectingBCAfterTreatmentCutOff () |
virtual void | nonReflectingBCCutOff () |
virtual void | dqdtau () |
virtual bool | rungeKuttaStep () |
Dispatches the RungeKutta method for different number of species. More... | |
virtual void | applyExternalSource () |
Add external sources to the RHS. More... | |
virtual void | applyExternalOldSource () |
virtual void | advanceExternalSource () |
void | exchangeExternalSources () |
Exchange external sources. More... | |
void | resetExternalSources () |
Reset external sources. More... | |
MInt | setUpBndryInterpolationStencil (const MInt, MInt *, const MFloat *) |
void | deleteSrfcs () |
Deletes all surfaces existing. More... | |
virtual void | resetRHSNonInternalCells () |
virtual void | correctMasterCells () |
adds the right hand side of small cells to their corresponding master cells and sets the small cell RHS to zero More... | |
void | writeCellData (MInt) |
virtual void | convertPrimitiveRestartVariables () |
converts the primitive restart variables to a new Mach Number More... | |
void | initializeFvCartesianSolver (const MBool *propertiesGroups) |
FV Constructor: reads and allocate properties/variables: More... | |
void | copyGridProperties () |
void | allocateCommunicationMemory () |
Allocates and initializes send/receive buffers for multiSolver computations. More... | |
void | setTestcaseProperties () |
Reads and initializes properties associated with the physics of the simulation and allocates small arrays of these properties. More... | |
void | setSamplingProperties () |
Reads properties associated with variable sampling. More... | |
void | setInputOutputProperties () |
Reads properties and initializes variables associated with input/output. More... | |
void | setNumericalProperties () |
Reads and initializes properties associated with the numerical method. More... | |
void | setAndAllocateCombustionTFProperties () |
Reads and initializes properties associated with combustion simulations. More... | |
void | setAndAllocateSpongeLayerProperties () |
Reads and initializes properties associated with sponge boundary conditions. More... | |
void | allocateAndInitSolverMemory () |
Allocates the resources of the FV solver. Mostly arrays of size maxNoCells used in the main part of the FV code plus - if required - moving grid arrays. IMPORTANT: This method should be called at the end of the FvCartesianSolver-Constructor, since other properties might be used in here, or datastructures previosly allocated might be referenced! More... | |
void | setRungeKuttaProperties () |
This function reads the properties required for Runge Kutta time stepping. More... | |
void | setAndAllocateAdaptationProperties () |
This function reads the properties required for adaptive mesh refinement. More... | |
virtual void | exchange () |
template<typename T > | |
void | exchangeDataFV (T *data, const MInt blockSize=1, MBool cartesian=true, const std::vector< MInt > &rotIndex=std::vector< MInt >()) |
template<MBool exchangeAll_ = true> | |
void | exchangeFloatDataAzimuthal (MFloat *data, MInt noVars, const std::vector< MInt > &rotIndices) |
template<typename T > | |
void | exchangeDataAzimuthal (T *data, const MInt dataBlockSize=1) |
void | exchangeAzimuthalRemappedHaloCells () |
virtual void | exchangePeriodic () |
void | exchangePipe () |
void | startMpiExchange () |
Begin non-blocking communication by posting new send requests. More... | |
void | prepareMpiExchange () |
void | finishMpiExchange () |
Finish non-blocking communication by waiting for receive requests. More... | |
void | cancelMpiRequests () override |
Cancel open MPI (receive) requests. More... | |
template<MBool exchangeAll_> | |
void | gather () |
Gather data of all window cells for all neighbors in the send buffers. More... | |
void | receive (const MBool exchangeAll=false) |
Receive halo cell data from corresponding neighbors. More... | |
void | send (const MBool exchangeAll=false) |
Send window cell data to corresponding neighbors. More... | |
template<MBool exchangeAll_> | |
void | scatter () |
Scatter received data of all neighbors to the corresponding halo cells. More... | |
void | exchangeAll () |
virtual void | computeReconstructionConstants () |
virtual void | findNghbrIds () |
void | getPrimitiveVariables (MInt, MFloat *, MFloat *, MInt) |
void | rhs () |
void | rhsBnd () |
void | initSolver () override |
Initializes the fv-solver. More... | |
void | finalizeInitSolver () override |
Initializes the solver afer the initialRefinement! More... | |
void | preSolutionStep (MInt) override |
MBool | solutionStep () override |
Performs one Runge-Kutta step of the FV solver, returns true if the time step is completed. More... | |
MBool | postSolutionStep () override |
MBool | solverStep () |
void | postTimeStep () override |
: Performs the post time step More... | |
void | scalarLimiter () |
void | cleanUp () override |
void | lhsBndFinish () |
Finish the split MPI communication and perform the left out part from lhsBnd(). More... | |
void | lhsBnd () |
Apply lhsBnd. More... | |
virtual void | smallCellCorrection (const MInt timerId=-1) |
Flux-redistribution method Apply a stable correction to small-cells and redistribute the defective flux to neighboring cells to re-establish conservation For details see Schneiders,Hartmann,Meinke,Schröder, J.Comput.Phys. 235 (2013) For more details see the dissertation of Lennart Schneiders, "Particle-Resolved
Analysis of Turbulent Multiphase Flow by a Cut-Cell Method" Chapter 3.4. More... | |
virtual void | smallCellRHSCorrection (const MInt timerId=-1) |
virtual void | updateSplitParentVariables () |
virtual void | checkDiv () |
virtual void | updateMaterialNo () |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isEEGas< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | initSourceCells () |
void | revertTimestep () |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isEEGas< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | rhsEEGas () |
virtual void | resetImplicitCoefficients () |
MFloat | physicalTime () |
MFloat | computeDomainLength (MInt direction) |
const Geom & | geometry () const |
the references to CartesianGrid data members end here More... | |
MPI_Comm | globalMpiComm () const |
Return the global MPI communicator used by the grid. More... | |
void | createGridSlice (const MString &direction, const MFloat intercept, const MString &fileName, MInt *const sliceCellIds) |
MInt | noVariables () const override |
Return the number of primitive variables. More... | |
void | releaseMemory () |
constexpr MBool | isMultilevel () const |
Return true if solver is part of a multilevel computation. More... | |
constexpr MBool | isMultilevelPrimary () const |
Return true if solver is primary solver in multilevel computation. More... | |
constexpr MBool | isMultilevelLowestSecondary () const |
void | setMultilevelPrimary (const MBool state=true) |
Designates solver as primary solver in multilevel computation. More... | |
void | setMultilevelSecondary (const MBool state=true) |
constexpr MBool | isZonal () const |
void | loadSampleVariables (MInt timeStep) |
load variables for the specified timeStep More... | |
void | getSampleVariables (MInt cellId, const MFloat *&vars) |
read only access to primitive variables of a single cell More... | |
void | getSampleVariables (MInt const cellId, std::vector< MFloat > &vars) |
void | getSampleVariableNames (std::vector< MString > &varNames) override |
Return the sample variable names (primitive variables) More... | |
virtual void | getSampleVarsDerivatives (const MInt cellId, const MFloat *&vars) |
Access derivatives of primitive variables of a given cell. More... | |
MBool | getSampleVarsDerivatives (const MInt cellId, std::vector< MFloat > &vars) |
void | calculateHeatRelease () |
calculates heatRelease, currently used for postprocessing (average_in) More... | |
void | getHeatRelease (MFloat *&heatRelease) |
returns More... | |
virtual void | getVorticity (MFloat *const vorticity) |
wrapper for vorticity computation More... | |
virtual void | getVorticityT (MFloat *const vorticity) |
wrapper for vorticity computation (transposed version) More... | |
void | oldPressure (MFloat *const p) |
This function computes the pressure from the oldVariables. More... | |
virtual MFloat & | vorticityAtCell (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) |
virtual MFloat | getBoundaryHeatFlux (const MInt cellId) const |
calculates heat flux of boundary cells More... | |
MFloat | time () const override |
returns the time More... | |
virtual void | getDimensionalizationParams (std::vector< std::pair< MFloat, MString > > &dimParams) const |
get dimensionalization parameters More... | |
MInt | getCellIdByIndex (const MInt index) |
Required for sampling, for FV the index is already the cell id. More... | |
MInt | getIdAtPoint (const MFloat *point, MBool NotUsed(globalUnique=false)) |
Return the leaf cell id containing the given point. More... | |
virtual void | getSolverSamplingProperties (std::vector< MInt > &samplingVars, std::vector< MInt > &noSamplingVars, std::vector< std::vector< MString > > &samplingVarNames, const MString featureName="") override |
Read sampling related properties. More... | |
virtual void | initSolverSamplingVariables (const std::vector< MInt > &varIds, const std::vector< MInt > &noSamplingVars) override |
Initialize sampling variables/allocate memory. More... | |
virtual void | calcSamplingVariables (const std::vector< MInt > &varIds, const MBool exchange) override |
Calculate sampling variables. More... | |
virtual void | initInterpolationForCell (const MInt cellId) |
Init the interpolation for points inside a given cell (based on interpolateVariables()) More... | |
virtual void | calcSamplingVarAtPoint (const MFloat *point, const MInt id, const MInt sampleVarId, MFloat *state, const MBool interpolate=false) override |
Calculate the sampling variables at a given point in a cell. More... | |
MInt | getCurrentTimeStep () const override |
Return the current time step. More... | |
MBool | hasRestartTimeStep () const override |
MInt | determineRestartTimeStep () const override |
Determine the restart time step from the restart file (for useNonSpecifiedRestartFile = true) More... | |
virtual void | finalizeInitEnthalpySolver () |
virtual void | initMatDat () |
virtual void | writeVtkXmlFiles (const MString, const MString, MBool, MBool) |
MBool | calcSlopesAfterStep () |
Return if slopes should be calculated at after each step (not before) More... | |
void | applyCoarseLevelCorrection () |
Apply coarse-level correction to RHS. More... | |
void | setAndAllocateCombustionGequPvProperties () |
reads in the combustion properties More... | |
void | setAndAllocateSpongeBoundaryProperties () |
reads in the sponge properties for specific boundaries More... | |
MFloat | setAndAllocateSpongeDomainProperties (MFloat) |
reads in the sponge properties for the domain boundaries More... | |
void | setCombustionGequPvVariables () |
reads in the combustion properties More... | |
MInt | noSolverTimers (const MBool allTimings) override |
void | getSolverTimings (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MFloat > > &solverTimings, const MBool allTimings) override |
Get solver timings. More... | |
void | limitWeights (MFloat *) override |
Limit Weight types to avoid large memory disbalance between ranks for DLB. More... | |
MInt | noCellDataDlb () const override |
Methods to inquire solver data information. More... | |
MInt | cellDataTypeDlb (const MInt dataId) const override |
MInt | cellDataSizeDlb (const MInt dataId, const MInt gridCellId) override |
Return data size to be communicated during DLB for a grid cell and given data id. More... | |
void | getCellDataDlb (const MInt dataId, const MInt oldNoCells, const MInt *const bufferIdToCellId, MFloat *const data) override |
Return solver data for DLB. More... | |
void | setCellDataDlb (const MInt dataId, const MFloat *const data) override |
Set solver data for DLB. More... | |
void | getGlobalSolverVars (std::vector< MFloat > &globalFloatVars, std::vector< MInt > &globalIdVars) override |
Get/set global solver variables during DLB. More... | |
void | setGlobalSolverVars (std::vector< MFloat > &globalFloatVars, std::vector< MInt > &globalIdVars) override |
Set global solver variables (see getGlobalSolverVars()) More... | |
MBool | hasSplitBalancing () const override |
Return if load balancing for solver is split into multiple methods or implemented in balance() More... | |
virtual MBool | adaptationTrigger () |
MBool | forceAdaptation () override |
template<class _ , std::enable_if_t< isDetChem< SysEqn >, _ * > > | |
void | interpolateSurfaceDiffusionFluxOnCellCenter (MFloat *const NotUsed(JA), MFloat *const dtdn) |
![]() | |
CartesianSolver (const MInt solverId, GridProxy &gridProxy_, const MPI_Comm comm, const MBool checkActive=false) | |
MInt | minLevel () const |
Read-only accessors for grid data. More... | |
MInt | maxLevel () const |
MInt | maxNoGridCells () const |
MInt | maxRefinementLevel () const |
MInt | maxUniformRefinementLevel () const |
MInt | noNeighborDomains () const |
MInt | neighborDomain (const MInt id) const |
MLong | domainOffset (const MInt id) const |
MInt | noHaloLayers () const |
MInt | noHaloCells (const MInt domainId) const |
MInt | haloCellId (const MInt domainId, const MInt cellId) const |
MInt | noWindowCells (const MInt domainId) const |
MInt | windowCellId (const MInt domainId, const MInt cellId) const |
MString | gridInputFileName () const |
MFloat | reductionFactor () const |
MFloat | centerOfGravity (const MInt dir) const |
MInt | neighborList (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
const MLong & | localPartitionCellGlobalIds (const MInt cellId) const |
MLong | localPartitionCellOffsets (const MInt index) const |
MInt | noMinCells () const |
MInt | minCell (const MInt id) const |
const MInt & | haloCell (const MInt domainId, const MInt cellId) const |
const MInt & | windowCell (const MInt domainId, const MInt cellId) const |
MBool | isActive () const override |
constexpr GridProxy & | grid () const |
GridProxy & | grid () |
virtual void | sensorDerivative (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorDivergence (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorTotalPressure (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorEntropyGrad (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorEntropyQuot (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorVorticity (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorInterface (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
void | sensorLimit (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt, std::function< MFloat(MInt)>, const MFloat, const MInt *, const MBool, const MBool allowCoarsening=true) |
simple sensor to apply a limit for a value More... | |
void | sensorSmooth (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
sensor to smooth level jumps NOTE: only refines additional cells to ensure a smooth level transition this requires that all other sensors are frozen i.e. no refine/coarse sensors set! More... | |
void | sensorBand (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
This sensor generates a max refinement band around the cells with max refinement level. In order for it to work, the property addedAdaptationSteps has to be equal to /maxRefinementLevel() - minLevel()/. This sensor also ensures a smooth transition between levels. Do not use together with sensorSmooth. More... | |
virtual void | sensorMeanStress (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorParticle (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorSpecies (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | sensorPatch (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensor, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) |
virtual void | sensorCutOff (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
void | saveSensorData (const std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, const MInt &level, const MString &gridFileName, const MInt *const recalcIds) override |
Saves all sensor values for debug/tunig purposes. More... | |
void | assertValidGridCellId (const MInt) const |
MLong | c_parentId (const MInt cellId) const |
Returns the grid parent id of the cell cellId . More... | |
MLong | c_neighborId (const MInt cellId, const MInt dir) const |
Returns the grid neighbor id of the grid cell cellId dir . More... | |
MInt | c_noCells () const |
MInt | c_level (const MInt cellId) const |
MLong | c_globalGridId (const MInt cellId) |
void | exchangeData (T *data, const MInt dataBlockSize=1) |
Exchange memory in 'data' assuming a solver size of 'dataBlockSize' per cell. More... | |
void | exchangeLeafData (std::function< T &(MInt, MInt)> data, const MInt noDat=1) |
Blocking exchange memory in 'data' assuming a solver size of 'dataBlockSize' per cell NOTE: exchange is only performed on leaf-cells and leaf-NeighborDomains Assumes, that updateLeafCellExchange has been called in the proxy previously! More... | |
void | exchangeSparseLeafValues (G getData, S setData, const MInt dataSize, M cellMapping) |
Exchange of sparse data structures on max Level. More... | |
void | exchangeAzimuthalPer (T *data, MInt dataBlockSize=1, MInt firstBlock=0) |
Exchange of sparse data structures on max Level. More... | |
void | collectVariables (T *variablesIn, ScratchSpace< T > &variablesOut, const std::vector< MString > &variablesNameIn, std::vector< MString > &variablesNameOut, const MInt noVars, const MInt noCells, const MBool reverseOrder=false) |
generalised helper function for writing restart files! This is necessary for example if the minLevel shall be raised at the new restart! More... | |
void | collectVariables (T **variablesIn, ScratchSpace< T > &variablesOut, const std::vector< MString > &variablesNameIn, std::vector< MString > &variablesNameOut, const MInt noVars, const MInt noCells) |
generalised helper function for writing restart files! This is necessary for example if the minLevel shall be raised at the new restart! More... | |
void | saveGridFlowVars (const MChar *fileName, const MChar *gridFileName, const MInt noTotalCells, const MInt noInternal, MFloatScratchSpace &dbVariables, std::vector< MString > &dbVariablesName, MInt noDbVars, MIntScratchSpace &idVariables, std::vector< MString > &idVariablesName, MInt noIdVars, MFloatScratchSpace &dbParameters, std::vector< MString > &dbParametersName, MIntScratchSpace &idParameters, std::vector< MString > &idParametersName, MInt *recalcIds, MFloat time) |
This function writes the parallel Netcdf cartesian grid cell based solution/restart file currently used in PostData, LPT and LS solvers! More... | |
void | collectParameters (T, ScratchSpace< T > &, const MChar *, std::vector< MString > &) |
This function collects a single parameters for the massivley parallel IO functions. More... | |
void | calcRecalcCellIdsSolver (const MInt *const recalcIdsTree, MInt &noCells, MInt &noInternalCellIds, std::vector< MInt > &recalcCellIdsSolver, std::vector< MInt > &reorderedCellIds) |
Derive recalc cell ids of the solver and reordered cell ids. More... | |
![]() | |
MString | getIdentifier (const MBool useSolverId=false, const MString preString="", const MString postString="_") |
virtual | ~Solver ()=default |
virtual MInt | noInternalCells () const =0 |
Return the number of internal cells within this solver. More... | |
virtual MFloat | time () const =0 |
Return the time. More... | |
virtual MInt | noVariables () const |
Return the number of variables. More... | |
virtual void | getDimensionalizationParams (std::vector< std::pair< MFloat, MString > > &) const |
Return the dimensionalization parameters of this solver. More... | |
void | updateDomainInfo (const MInt domainId, const MInt noDomains, const MPI_Comm mpiComm, const MString &loc) |
Set new domain information. More... | |
virtual MFloat & | a_slope (const MInt, MInt const, const MInt) |
virtual MBool | a_isBndryCell (const MInt) const |
virtual MFloat & | a_FcellVolume (MInt) |
virtual MInt | getCurrentTimeStep () const |
virtual void | accessSampleVariables (MInt, MFloat *&) |
virtual void | getSampleVariableNames (std::vector< MString > &NotUsed(varNames)) |
virtual MBool | a_isBndryGhostCell (MInt) const |
virtual void | saveCoarseSolution () |
virtual void | getSolverSamplingProperties (std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(samplingVarIds), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(noSamplingVars), std::vector< std::vector< MString > > &NotUsed(samplingVarNames), const MString NotUsed(featureName)="") |
virtual void | initSolverSamplingVariables (const std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(varIds), const std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(noSamplingVars)) |
virtual void | calcSamplingVariables (const std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(varIds), const MBool NotUsed(exchange)) |
virtual void | calcSamplingVarAtPoint (const MFloat *NotUsed(point), const MInt NotUsed(id), const MInt NotUsed(sampleVarId), MFloat *NotUsed(state), const MBool NotUsed(interpolate)=false) |
virtual void | balance (const MInt *const NotUsed(noCellsToReceiveByDomain), const MInt *const NotUsed(noCellsToSendByDomain), const MInt *const NotUsed(targetDomainsByCell), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells)) |
Perform load balancing. More... | |
virtual MBool | hasSplitBalancing () const |
Return if load balancing for solver is split into multiple methods or implemented in balance() More... | |
virtual void | balancePre () |
virtual void | balancePost () |
virtual void | finalizeBalance () |
virtual void | resetSolver () |
Reset the solver/solver for load balancing. More... | |
virtual void | cancelMpiRequests () |
Cancel open mpi (receive) requests in the solver (e.g. due to interleaved execution) More... | |
virtual void | setCellWeights (MFloat *) |
Set cell weights. More... | |
virtual MInt | noLoadTypes () const |
virtual void | getDefaultWeights (MFloat *NotUsed(weights), std::vector< MString > &NotUsed(names)) const |
virtual void | getLoadQuantities (MInt *const NotUsed(loadQuantities)) const |
virtual MFloat | getCellLoad (const MInt NotUsed(cellId), const MFloat *const NotUsed(weights)) const |
virtual void | limitWeights (MFloat *NotUsed(weights)) |
virtual void | localToGlobalIds () |
virtual void | globalToLocalIds () |
virtual MInt | noCellDataDlb () const |
Methods to inquire solver data information. More... | |
virtual MInt | cellDataTypeDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId)) const |
virtual MInt | cellDataSizeDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(cellId)) |
virtual void | getCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MInt *const NotUsed(data)) |
virtual void | getCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MLong *const NotUsed(data)) |
virtual void | getCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt NotUsed(oldNoCells), const MInt *const NotUsed(bufferIdToCellId), MFloat *const NotUsed(data)) |
virtual void | setCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MInt *const NotUsed(data)) |
virtual void | setCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MLong *const NotUsed(data)) |
virtual void | setCellDataDlb (const MInt NotUsed(dataId), const MFloat *const NotUsed(data)) |
virtual void | getGlobalSolverVars (std::vector< MFloat > &NotUsed(globalFloatVars), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(globalIntVars)) |
virtual void | setGlobalSolverVars (std::vector< MFloat > &NotUsed(globalFloatVars), std::vector< MInt > &NotUsed(globalIdVars)) |
void | enableDlbTimers () |
void | reEnableDlbTimers () |
void | disableDlbTimers () |
MBool | dlbTimersEnabled () |
void | startLoadTimer (const MString name) |
void | stopLoadTimer (const MString &name) |
void | stopIdleTimer (const MString &name) |
void | startIdleTimer (const MString &name) |
MBool | isLoadTimerRunning () |
virtual MInt | noSolverTimers (const MBool NotUsed(allTimings)) |
virtual void | getSolverTimings (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MFloat > > &NotUsed(solverTimings), const MBool NotUsed(allTimings)) |
virtual void | getDomainDecompositionInformation (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MInt > > &NotUsed(domainInfo)) |
void | setDlbTimer (const MInt timerId) |
virtual void | prepareAdaptation (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MInt > &) |
virtual void | reinitAfterAdaptation () |
virtual void | prepareAdaptation () |
prepare adaptation for split adaptation before the adaptation loop More... | |
virtual void | setSensors (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MInt > &) |
set solver sensors for split adaptation within the adaptation loop More... | |
virtual void | saveSensorData (const std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, const MInt &, const MString &, const MInt *const) |
virtual void | postAdaptation () |
post adaptation for split adaptation within the adaptation loop More... | |
virtual void | finalizeAdaptation () |
finalize adaptation for split sadptation after the adaptation loop More... | |
virtual void | refineCell (const MInt) |
Refine the given cell. More... | |
virtual void | removeChilds (const MInt) |
Coarsen the given cell. More... | |
virtual void | removeCell (const MInt) |
Remove the given cell. More... | |
virtual void | swapCells (const MInt, const MInt) |
Swap the given cells. More... | |
virtual void | swapProxy (const MInt, const MInt) |
Swap the given cells. More... | |
virtual MInt | cellOutside (const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt) |
Check whether cell is outside the fluid domain. More... | |
virtual void | resizeGridMap () |
Swap the given cells. More... | |
virtual MBool | prepareRestart (MBool, MBool &) |
Prepare the solvers for a grid-restart. More... | |
virtual void | reIntAfterRestart (MBool) |
MPI_Comm | mpiComm () const |
Return the MPI communicator used by this solver. More... | |
virtual MInt | domainId () const |
Return the domainId (rank) More... | |
virtual MInt | noDomains () const |
virtual MBool | isActive () const |
void | setSolverStatus (const MBool status) |
MBool | getSolverStatus () |
Get the solver status indicating if the solver is currently active in the execution recipe. More... | |
MString | testcaseDir () const |
Return the testcase directory. More... | |
MString | outputDir () const |
Return the directory for output files. More... | |
MString | restartDir () const |
Return the directory for restart files. More... | |
MString | solverMethod () const |
Return the solverMethod of this solver. More... | |
MString | solverType () const |
Return the solverType of this solver. More... | |
MInt | restartInterval () const |
Return the restart interval of this solver. More... | |
MInt | restartTimeStep () const |
Return the restart interval of this solver. More... | |
MInt | solverId () const |
Return the solverId. More... | |
MBool | restartFile () |
MInt | readSolverSamplingVarNames (std::vector< MString > &varNames, const MString featureName="") const |
Read sampling variables names, store in vector and return the number of sampling variables. More... | |
virtual MBool | hasRestartTimeStep () const |
virtual MBool | forceAdaptation () |
virtual void | preTimeStep ()=0 |
virtual void | postTimeStep ()=0 |
virtual void | initSolver ()=0 |
virtual void | finalizeInitSolver ()=0 |
virtual void | saveSolverSolution (const MBool NotUsed(forceOutput)=false, const MBool NotUsed(finalTimeStep)=false)=0 |
virtual void | cleanUp ()=0 |
virtual MBool | solutionStep () |
virtual void | preSolutionStep (MInt) |
virtual MBool | postSolutionStep () |
virtual MBool | solverConverged () |
virtual void | getInterpolatedVariables (MInt, const MFloat *, MFloat *) |
virtual void | loadRestartFile () |
virtual MInt | determineRestartTimeStep () const |
virtual void | writeRestartFile (MBool) |
virtual void | writeRestartFile (const MBool, const MBool, const MString, MInt *) |
virtual void | setTimeStep () |
virtual void | implicitTimeStep () |
virtual void | prepareNextTimeStep () |
Static Public Attributes | |
static constexpr MInt | nDim = nDim_ |
static constexpr const MInt | m_noDirs = 2 * nDim |
static constexpr const MInt | m_noEdges = nDim == 3 ? 12 : 4 |
static constexpr const MInt | m_noCorners = nDim == 3 ? 8 : 4 |
static constexpr MFloat | m_volumeThreshold = nDim == 3 ? 1e-16 : 1e-14 |
static constexpr MInt | s_maxNoSamplingVariables = 3 |
static constexpr MBool | hasAV = SysEqn::hasAV |
static constexpr MBool | hasSC = SysEqn::hasSC |
Protected Types | |
using | Timers = maia::fv::Timers_ |
![]() | |
using | fun = void(CartesianSolver< nDim, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >::*)(std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &, std::vector< MFloat > &, MInt, MInt) |
Protected Member Functions | |
Geom & | geometry () |
Access the solver's geometry (non-const version) More... | |
FvSurfaceCollector & | m_surfaceCollector () |
void | computeWallNormalPointCoords () |
void | findWallNormalCellIds () |
MFloat | interpolateWallNormalPointVars (MInt var, MFloat coords[], MInt localId, std::vector< MInt > neighborList) |
std::vector< MInt > | findWallNormalNeighbors (MInt pointId) |
void | getWallNormalPointVars () |
void | initSpanAvgSrfcProbes () |
void | writeSpanAvgSrfcProbes () |
MFloat | computeWMViscositySpalding (MInt) |
MFloat | computeWMViscositySpalding3D (MInt) |
void | initWMSurfaceProbes () |
void | writeWMSurfaceProbes () |
void | writeWMTimersASCII () |
void | initWMExchange () |
void | exchangeWMVars () |
void | gatherWMVars () |
void | receiveWMVars () |
void | sendWMVars () |
void | scatterWMVars () |
void | readWallModelProperties () |
void | restartWMSurfaces () |
void | initChannelForce () |
void | applyChannelForce () |
virtual void | viscousFlux_Gequ_Pv () |
Computes the viscous flux using a central difference scheme. More... | |
virtual void | viscousFlux_Gequ_Pv_Plenum () |
Computes the viscous flux using a central difference scheme, modified version for flame plenum computations. More... | |
virtual void | updateJet () |
jet volume forcing jet volume forcing with vortex rings. Velocity profile and forcing ref: "Effects of Inflow Conditions and Forcing on Subsonic Jet Flows
and Noise" Bogey and Bailly. More... | |
virtual void | writeListOfActiveFlowCells () |
MFloat | reduceData (const MInt cellId, MFloat *data, const MInt dataBlockSize=1, const MBool average=true) |
determines the value of 'data' in the given cell by recusively volumetric averaging among all its offsprings More... | |
void | sensorEntropyGrad (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
void | sensorEntropyQuot (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
void | sensorVorticity (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
void | sensorDerivative (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
computes the sensor values for a derivative sensor More... | |
void | sensorSpecies (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
void | sensorParticle (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
virtual void | setCellProperties () |
void | initSpongeLayer () |
void | determineStructuredCells () |
void | tagCellsNeededForSurfaceFlux () |
void | writeCutCellsToGridFile () |
Writes cut cell information to an existing grid file in order to visualize it in ParaView. More... | |
virtual MBool | gridPointIsInside (MInt, MInt) |
void | saveGridFlowVarsPar (const MChar *fileName, MInt noTotalCells, MLong noInternalCells, MFloatScratchSpace &variables, std::vector< MString > &dbVariablesName, MInt, MIntScratchSpace &idVariables, std::vector< MString > &idVariablesName, MInt, MFloatScratchSpace &dbParameters, std::vector< MString > &dbParametersName, MIntScratchSpace &idParameters, std::vector< MString > &idParametersName, const MInt *recalcIds) |
This function stores the massivley parallel flow information of the cells. More... | |
void | computeVorticity3D (MFloat *const vorticity) |
void | computeVorticity2D (MFloat *const vorticity) |
void | computeVorticity3DT (MFloat *const vorticity) |
Compute vorticity and store in vorticity pointer (transposed version) More... | |
void | computeQCriterion (MFloatScratchSpace &qCriterion) |
void | loadRestartTime (const MChar *fileName, MInt &globalTimeStepInput, MFloat &timeInput, MFloat &physicalTimeInput) |
This function loads the flow information of the cells such as variables and attributes like u_velocity,density,etc.,. More... | |
virtual void | loadOldVariables (const MString &fileName) |
This function loads oldVariable data from a restartFile-type file. More... | |
virtual void | loadGridFlowVarsPar (const MChar *fileName) |
This function loads the flow information of the cells such as variables and attributes like u_velocity,density,etc.,. More... | |
virtual void | loadRestartMaterial () |
virtual void | initCellMaterialNo () |
virtual MFloat | entropy (MInt cellId) |
void | setAndAllocateJetProperties () |
reads in the jet properties More... | |
void | initializeTimers () |
Initializes the communication timers. More... | |
![]() | |
void | identifyBoundaryCells (MBool *const isInterface, const std::vector< MInt > &bndCndIds=std::vector< MInt >()) |
void | identifyBoundaryCells () |
MBool | cellIsOnGeometry (MInt cellId, Geometry< nDim > *geom) |
checks whether a cell lies on a certain geometry copied the essential part from identifyBoundaryCells More... | |
void | setBoundaryDistance (const MBool *const interfaceCell, const MFloat *const outerBandWidth, MFloatScratchSpace &distance) |
transverses over all neighboring cells for a specified length More... | |
void | markSurrndCells (MIntScratchSpace &inList, const MInt bandWidth, const MInt level, const MBool refineDiagonals=true) |
void | receiveWindowTriangles () |
Receives triangles from neighbors contained in their window cells and inserts them locally. More... | |
void | compactCells () |
Removes all holes in the cell collector and moves halo cells to the back of the collector. More... | |
MInt | createCellId (const MInt gridCellId) |
void | removeCellId (const MInt cellId) |
MInt | inCell (const MInt cellId, MFloat *point, MFloat fac=F1) |
MInt | setUpInterpolationStencil (const MInt cellId, MInt *, const MFloat *, std::function< MBool(MInt, MInt)>, MBool allowIncompleteStencil) |
MFloat | interpolateFieldData (MInt *, MFloat *, MInt varId, std::function< MFloat(MInt, MInt)> scalarField, std::function< MFloat(MInt, MInt)> coordinate) |
MFloat | leastSquaresInterpolation (MInt *, MFloat *, MInt varId, std::function< MFloat(MInt, MInt)> scalarField, std::function< MFloat(MInt, MInt)> coordinate) |
void | checkNoHaloLayers () |
check that each solver has the required number of haloLayers for leaf cells!!! TODO labels:toenhance under production, needs to be cleaned up! More... | |
void | mapInterpolationCells (std::map< MInt, MInt > &cellMap) |
void | setHaloCellsOnInactiveRanks () |
void | patchRefinement (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) |
void | reOrderCellIds (std::vector< MInt > &reOrderedCells) |
reOrder cellIds before writing the restart file! This is necessary for example if the minLevel shall be raised at the new restart! More... | |
void | recomputeGlobalIds (std::vector< MInt > &, std::vector< MLong > &) |
reOrder cellIds before writing the restart file! This is necessary for example if the minLevel shall be raised at the new restart! More... | |
void | extractPointIdsFromGrid (Collector< PointBasedCell< nDim > > *&, Collector< CartesianGridPoint< nDim > > *&, const MBool, const std::map< MInt, MInt > &, MInt levelThreshold=999999, MFloat *bBox=nullptr, MBool levelSetMb=false) const |
Creates a list of unique corner points for all cells using a hash map levelThreshold optionally specifies the maximum cell level to be extracted bBox optionally specifies a bounding to box to which the extracted domain shall be truncated. More... | |
![]() | |
Solver (const MInt solverId, const MPI_Comm comm, const MBool isActive=true) | |
MFloat | returnLoadRecord () const |
MFloat | returnIdleRecord () const |
Private Types | |
using | Self = FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn > |
Private Attributes | |
MBool | m_timeStepConverged = false |
Convergence status of the current time step. More... | |
MBool | m_trackMovingBndry {} |
MInt | m_trackMbStart {} |
MInt | m_trackMbEnd {} |
MBool | m_forceAdaptation = false |
MInt | m_lastAdapTS = 0 |
Friends | |
template<class SolverType > | |
class | AccessorUnstructured |
template<MInt nDim, SolverType SolverTypeR, SolverType SolverTypeL> | |
class | MSTG |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | FvBndryCndXD |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | CouplerFvMultilevel |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | LsFvMb |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | CouplingLsFv |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | CouplingFvMb |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | LsFvCombustion |
template<MInt nDim, MInt nDist, class SysEqnLb_ , class SysEqnFv_ > | |
class | CouplerLbFv |
template<MInt nDim, MInt nDist, class SysEqnLb_ , class SysEqnFv_ > | |
class | CouplerLbFvEEMultiphase |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | CouplerFvParticle |
template<MInt nDim, class ppType > | |
class | PostProcessing |
template<MInt nDim, class SysEqn_ > | |
class | PostProcessingFv |
class | maia::CartesianSolver< nDim, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn > > |
class | LsFvCombustion< nDim, SysEqn > |
class | CouplingLsFv< nDim, SysEqn > |
Time-stepping | |
Method to compute the time-step in a cell. | |
static constexpr MInt | s_maxNoSpongeZones = 10 |
static constexpr MInt | s_maxNoEmbeddedBodies = 20 |
MBool | m_sensorBandRefinement |
MInt | m_sensorBandRefinementAdditionalLayers |
MFloat * | const |
void(FvCartesianSolverXD::* | m_reconstructSurfaceData )(MInt) |
void(FvCartesianSolverXD::* | m_computeViscousFlux )() |
void(FvCartesianSolverXD::* | m_computeViscousFluxMultiSpecies )(MInt) |
MFloat | m_meanCoord [3] {} |
MInt | m_adaptationLevel |
MBool | m_wasAdapted = false |
MBool | m_wasBalancedZonal = false |
MBool | m_firstUseUpdateSpongeLayerCase51 = true |
MPI_Comm | comm_sponge {} |
MInt | m_noSpongeZonesIn {} |
MInt | m_noSpongeZonesOut {} |
MInt | m_spongeDirectionsIn [s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
MInt | m_spongeDirectionsOut [s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
MInt | m_secondSpongeDirectionsIn [s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
MInt | m_secondSpongeDirectionsOut [s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
MInt | m_spongeAveragingIn [s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
MInt | m_spongeAveragingOut [s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
MBool | m_hasCellsInSpongeLayer {} |
MFloat | m_timeOfMaxPdiff {} |
MFloat * | m_coordSpongeIn {} |
MFloat * | m_secondCoordSpongeIn {} |
MFloat * | m_coordSpongeOut {} |
MFloat * | m_secondCoordSpongeOut {} |
MFloat * | m_uNormal_r {} |
std::map< MInt, std::vector< MInt > > | m_cellToNghbrHood |
MFloat | m_maxLsValue = -99 |
MBool | m_linerLvlJump = false |
MInt | m_tripNoTrips |
MInt | m_tripNoModes |
MInt | m_tripTotalNoCells |
MInt | m_tripSeed |
MBool | m_tripUseRestart |
MFloat | m_tripDomainWidth |
MBool | m_tripAirfoil |
MFloat | m_tripAirfoilChordLength |
MFloat | m_tripAirfoilAOA |
MFloat * | m_tripAirfoilNosePos = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripAirfoilChordPos = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripAirfoilForceDir = nullptr |
MInt * | m_tripAirfoilOrientation = nullptr |
MInt * | m_tripAirfoilBndryId = nullptr |
MInt * | m_tripAirfoilSide = nullptr |
std::vector< MInt > | m_tripCellIds |
std::vector< MFloat > | m_tripCoords |
MInt * | m_tripTimeStep = nullptr |
MInt * | m_tripNoCells = nullptr |
MInt * | m_tripCellOffset = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripDelta1 = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripXOrigin = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripXLength = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripYOrigin = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripYHeight = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripCutoffZ = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripMaxAmpSteady = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripMaxAmpFluc = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripDeltaTime = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripG = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripH1 = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripH2 = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripModesG = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripModesH1 = nullptr |
MFloat * | m_tripModesH2 = nullptr |
MBool | m_useMpiStartall = true |
MBool | m_onlyMaxLvlMpiRequests = true |
MInt | m_noMaxLvlMpiSendNeighbors = -1 |
MInt | m_noMaxLvlMpiRecvNeighbors = -1 |
std::vector< MInt > | m_maxLvlMpiSendNeighbor {} |
std::vector< MInt > | m_maxLvlMpiRecvNeighbor {} |
class | LsFvCombustion< nDim_, SysEqn > |
class | CouplerFvMultilevel< nDim_, SysEqn > |
class | LsFvMb< nDim_, SysEqn > |
class | FvZonal< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_SA_DV > > > |
class | FvZonal< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_FS > > > |
class | FvZonalRTV< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_SA_DV > > > |
class | FvZonalRTV< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_FS > > > |
class | FvZonalSTG< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_SA_DV > > > |
class | FvZonalSTG< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_FS > > > |
class | FvCartesianInterpolation< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_SA_DV > >, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_SA_DV > > > |
class | FvCartesianInterpolation< nDim_, FvSysEqnRANS< nDim, RANSModelConstants< RANS_SA_DV > >, FvSysEqnNS< nDim > > |
class | VtkIo< nDim_, SysEqn > |
MBool | m_firstUseWriteVtuOutputParallelQout = true |
MBool | m_firstUseWriteVtuOutputParallelGeom = true |
MBool | m_firstUseInitializeVtkXmlOutput = true |
MFloat | m_static_crankAngle_Strouhal = -99 |
MFloat | m_static_crankAngle_initialCad = -99 |
MInt * | m_particleWidth = nullptr |
MInt | m_timeStepMethod = -1 |
MBool | m_timeStepVolumeWeighted = false |
Should the time-step in the boundary cells be weighted by their volume? More... | |
MFloat | m_timeStep = -1.0 |
MBool | m_timeStepNonBlocking = false |
Reduce the timeStep using non-blocking communication;. More... | |
MPI_Request | m_timeStepReq |
Request for reducing the time-step using non-blocking comm. More... | |
MBool | m_timeStepAvailable = true |
Has the non-blocking reduction of the time-step finished? More... | |
MBool | m_timeStepUpdated = true |
time-step has been updated More... | |
MFloat | m_timeStepFixedValue = -1.0 |
Forces the time-step to be set to a fixed value: More... | |
MInt | m_timeStepComputationInterval = -1 |
How often should the time-step be recomputed? More... | |
MFloat | m_restartFileOutputTimeStep = -1. |
MBool | m_static_logCell_firstRun = true |
MBool | m_static_smallCellCorrection_first = true |
MInt | m_static_smallCellCorrection_slipDirection |
MFloat | m_static_smallCellCorrection_slipCoordinate |
MBool | m_static_computeSurfaceValuesLimitedSlopesMan_checkedBndryCndIds = false |
MBool | m_static_computeSurfaceValuesLimitedSlopesMan_correctWallBndryFluxes = false |
MFloat | m_static_getDistanceSplitSphere_h = 0 |
MBool | m_static_getDistanceSplitSphere_first = true |
MBool | m_static_constructGFieldPredictor_firstRun = true |
MBool | m_static_constructGFieldPredictor_adaptiveGravity = false |
MFloat | m_static_advanceSolution_meanDragCoeff = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_advanceSolution_meanDrag = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_advanceSolution_dragCnt = F0 |
MBool | m_static_advanceSolution_firstRun = true |
MBool | m_static_updateBodyProperties_c453_firstRun = true |
MBool | m_static_updateBodyProperties_c455_firstRun = true |
MBool | m_static_updateBodyProperties_firstTime = true |
MBool | m_static_redistributeMass_firstRun = true |
MBool | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_firstRun = true |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_ERhoL1 = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_ERhoL2 = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_ERhoLoo = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_EVelL1 = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_EVelL2 = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_EVelLoo = F0 |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_refMass |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_oldMass |
MFloat | m_static_applyBoundaryCondition_oldVol2 |
MBool | m_static_updateSpongeLayer_mbSpongeLayer = false |
MBool | m_static_updateSpongeLayer_first = true |
MBool | m_static_logData_firstRun4 = true |
MBool | m_static_logData_ic45299_first = true |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45299_amplitude [s_logData_ic45299_maxNoEmbeddedBodies] |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45299_freqFactor [s_logData_ic45299_maxNoEmbeddedBodies] |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45299_maxF |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45299_maxA |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45299_cutOffAngle |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45299_xCutOff |
MBool | m_static_logData_ic45301_first = true |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45301_Strouhal |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45301_freqFactor [s_logData_ic45301_maxNoEmbeddedBodies] |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45301_maxF |
MFloat | m_static_logData_ic45301_pressurePoints [s_logData_ic45301_maxNoPressurePoints *nDim] |
MInt | m_static_logData_ic45301_noPressurePoints = 0 |
MInt | m_static_logData_ic45301_containingCellIds [s_logData_ic45301_maxNoPressurePoints] |
MBool | m_static_saveSolverSolutionxd_firstRun = true |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_thetaDensityAverage [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples *s_computeFlowStatistics_thetaSize *s_computeFlowStatistics_noDat] |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_thetaDensityAverage2 [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples *s_computeFlowStatistics_thetaSize *s_computeFlowStatistics_noDat] |
MInt | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_currentIndex = 0 |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_pdfAverage [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples2 *s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfs *s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfPoints] |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_pdfAverage2 [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples2 *s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfs *s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfPoints] |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_jointPdfAverage [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples2 *s_computeFlowStatistics_noJointPdfs *s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfPoints *s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfPoints] |
MInt | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_currentIndex2 = 0 |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_sdatAverage [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples *s_computeFlowStatistics_noAngles *s_computeFlowStatistics_noAngleDat] |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_sdatAverage2 [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples *s_computeFlowStatistics_noAngles *s_computeFlowStatistics_noAngleDat] |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_sdatSum [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples *s_computeFlowStatistics_noAngles] |
MInt | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_currentIndex3 = 0 |
MInt | m_maxNearestBodies = 20 |
MInt | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_currentIndex4 = 0 |
MInt | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_currentCnt = 0 |
MFloat | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_bodyCntAvg [s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples *s_computeFlowStatistics_noReClasses] |
MBool | m_static_computeFlowStatistics_firstBD = true |
MBool | m_static_writeVtkXmlFiles_firstCall = true |
MBool | m_static_writeVtkXmlFiles_firstCall2 = true |
MBool | m_static_logCellxd_firstRun = true |
std::vector< MInt > | m_cellInterpolationIndex {} |
std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > | m_cellInterpolationMatrix {} |
std::vector< std::vector< MInt > > | m_cellInterpolationIds {} |
static constexpr MInt | s_logData_ic45299_maxNoEmbeddedBodies = 20 |
static constexpr MInt | s_logData_ic45301_maxNoEmbeddedBodies = 20 |
static constexpr MInt | s_logData_ic45301_maxNoPressurePoints = 20 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples = 1 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_thetaSize = 100 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noDat = 76 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfPoints = 100 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noPdfs = 42 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noJointPdfs = 6 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples2 = 1 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples3 = 1 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noAngles = 20 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noAngleDat = 8 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noReClasses = 6 |
static constexpr MInt | s_computeFlowStatistics_noSamples4 = 1 |
void | forceTimeStep (const MFloat dt) |
Force time step externally. More... | |
MInt | a_timeStepComputationInterval () |
void | preTimeStep () override |
void | computeVolumeForcesRANS () |
void | exchangeGapInfo () |
exchanges the Gap-Information with the solver-own communicators! More... | |
void | resetCutOffCells () |
resets all Cut-Off Information should only be called before the adaptation and balance! More... | |
void | resetSponge () |
reset sponge properties More... | |
void | exchangeProperties () |
exchanges isInactive and isOnCurrentMGLevel More... | |
void | computeUTau (MFloat *data, MInt cellId) |
void | computeDomainAndSpongeDimensions () |
Extracts the minimum and maximum coordinates of all cells in the grid. More... | |
virtual void | updateSpongeLayer () |
computes the additional rhs of all cells lying inside the sponge layer to dissipate outgoing waves. More... | |
std::array< MFloat, 6 > | computeTargetValues () |
std::array< MFloat, nDim_+2 > | computeSpongeDeltas (MInt cellId, std::array< MFloat, 6 >) |
void | updateSpongeLayerRhs (MInt, std::array< MFloat, nDim_+2 >) |
void | checkCells () |
void | checkForSrfcsMGC () |
Check all existing cells if surfaces have to be created member function with the task to check all existing cells for the creation of surfaces. If a surface has to be created, another member function is called. More... | |
void | checkForSrfcsMGC_2 () |
void | checkForSrfcsMGC_2_ () |
Check all existing cells if surfaces have to be created member function with the task to check all existing cells for the creation of surfaces. If a surface has to be created, another member function is called. More... | |
void | computeSrfcs (MInt, MInt, MInt, MInt) |
virtual void | correctBoundarySurfaces () |
virtual void | correctBoundarySurfaces_ () |
void | checkCellSurfaces () |
checks if the surfaces for a cell are correct and balanced The accumulated cell surfaces in +x direction must be balanced by the accumulated cell surfaces in -x direction and so on. If the surfaces are not balanced, the cell is loggd to the debug output method is not yet extended to moving boundary computations More... | |
void | computeCellSurfaceDistanceVectors () |
void | computeReconstructionConstantsSVD () |
Compute the reconstruction constants using a weighted least squares approached solved via singular value decomposition. More... | |
void | setConservativeVarsOnAzimuthalRecCells () |
void | initAzimuthalReconstruction () |
virtual void | computeAzimuthalReconstructionConstants (MInt mode=0) |
void | rebuildAzimuthalReconstructionConstants (MInt cellId, MInt offset, MFloat *recCoord, MInt mode=0) |
void | interpolateAzimuthalData (MFloat *data, MInt offset, MInt noVars, const MFloat *vars) |
void | fillExcBufferAzimuthal (MInt cellId, MInt offset, MFloat *dataDest, MFloat *dataSrc, MInt noData, const std::vector< MInt > &rotIndex=std::vector< MInt >()) |
void | rotateVectorAzimuthal (MInt side, MFloat *data, MInt noData, const std::vector< MInt > &indices) |
void | interpolateAzimuthalDataReverse (MFloat *data, MInt offset, MInt noVars, const MFloat *vars) |
void | checkAzimuthalRecNghbrConsistency (MInt cellId) |
void | buildLeastSquaresStencilSimple () |
Determine the least squares stencil. More... | |
void | initViscousFluxComputation () |
void | computeRecConstPeriodic () |
void | computeRecConstPeriodic_ () |
void | identPeriodicCells () |
void | identPeriodicCells_ () |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE, ATTRIBUTE_HOT) inline void LSReconstructCellCenter_(const MUint noSpecies) | |
void | LSReconstructCellCenterCons (const MUint noSpecies) |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_HOT, ATTRIBUTE_FLATTEN) virtual void computeSurfaceValues(MInt timerId | |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE, ATTRIBUTE_HOT) inline void computeSurfaceValues_(const MUint) | |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_HOT, ATTRIBUTE_FLATTEN) virtual void computeSurfaceValuesLimited(MInt timerId | |
virtual void | computeSurfaceValuesLOCD (MInt timerId=-1) |
virtual void | computeLimitedSurfaceValues (MInt timerId=-1) |
virtual void | computeSurfaceValuesLimitedSlopes (MInt timerId=-1) |
virtual void | computeSurfaceValuesLimitedSlopesMan (MInt timerId=-1) |
aaplies the slope limiter to the slopes before calling computeSurfaceValues_ More... | |
virtual void | initComputeSurfaceValuesLimitedSlopesMan1 () |
initializes the limiter at cells, that are in the vicinity of a given stl-geometry More... | |
virtual void | initComputeSurfaceValuesLimitedSlopesMan2 () |
can be used to apply the slope limiter at certain positions such as refinement interfaces, cut off boundaries(sponge) etc. ... More... | |
void | computeGridCellCoordinates (MFloat *) |
computes the coordinates of the grid cell centers and stores them into a one-dimensional array More... | |
void | findNghbrIdsMGC () |
void | findDirectNghbrs (MInt cellId, std::vector< MInt > &nghbrList) |
Obtain list of direct neighbors of given cell. More... | |
void | findNeighborHood (MInt cellId, MInt layer, std::vector< MInt > &nghbrList) |
Obtain list of neighbors for the given extend. More... | |
void | refineCell (const MInt) override |
void | removeChilds (const MInt) override |
void | removeCell (const MInt) override |
Remove the given cell. More... | |
void | swapCells (const MInt, const MInt) override |
void | resizeGridMap () override |
Swap the given cells. More... | |
void | swapProxy (const MInt, const MInt) override |
MBool | cellOutside (const MInt) |
MInt | cellOutside (const MFloat *, const MInt, const MInt) override |
virtual void | resetSurfaces () |
virtual void | resetBoundaryCells (const MInt offset=0) |
void | reInitActiveCellIdsMemory () |
Allocate memory to arrays according to the current number of cells. More... | |
void | reInitSmallCellIdsMemory () |
Reallocate memory to small and master cell id arrays according to the current number of cells. More... | |
void | prepareAdaptation () override |
void | setSensors (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MInt > &sensorSolverId) override |
set the sensors for the adaptation (i.e. which cell should be refined/removed?) More... | |
void | postAdaptation () override |
void | finalizeAdaptation () override |
void | sensorInterface (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
void | sensorInterfaceDelta (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) |
void | sensorInterfaceLsMb (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) |
void | sensorInterfaceLs (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) |
void | sensorCutOff (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) |
void | sensorPatch (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, std::vector< MFloat > &sensorWeight, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen) override |
void | bandRefinementSensorDerivative (std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > &sensors, std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > &sensorCellFlag, MInt sensorOffset, MInt sen, const std::vector< MFloat > &tau, const MFloat sensorThreshold) |
virtual void | updateMultiSolverInformation (MBool fullReset=false) |
void | resetSolver () override |
Reset the solver prior to load balancing. More... | |
virtual void | resetSolverFull () |
void | setCellWeights (MFloat *) override |
void | balance (const MInt *const noCellsToReceiveByDomain, const MInt *const noCellsToSendByDomain, const MInt *const targetDomainsByCell, const MInt oldNoCells) override |
Balance the solver. More... | |
void | balancePre () override |
Reinitialize solver for DLB prior to setting solution data. More... | |
void | balancePost () override |
Reinitialize solver after setting solution data in DLB. More... | |
void | finalizeBalance () override |
Reinitialize solver after all data structures have been recreated. More... | |
MInt | noLoadTypes () const override |
void | getDefaultWeights (MFloat *weights, std::vector< MString > &names) const |
Return the default weights for all load quantities. More... | |
void | getLoadQuantities (MInt *const loadQuantities) const override |
Return the cumulative load quantities on this domain. More... | |
MFloat | getCellLoad (const MInt cellId, const MFloat *const weights) const override |
Return the load of a single cell (given computational weights). More... | |
void | getDomainDecompositionInformation (std::vector< std::pair< MString, MInt > > &domainInfo) override |
Return decomposition information, i.e. number of local elements,... More... | |
void | saveSolverSolution (const MBool forceOutput=false, const MBool finalTimeStep=false) override |
Manages solver-specific output. More... | |
void | writeRestartFile (const MBool, const MBool, const MString, MInt *) override |
void | writeRestartFile (MBool) override |
MBool | prepareRestart (MBool, MBool &) override |
Prepare the solvers for a grid-restart. More... | |
void | saveSampleFiles () |
virtual void | saveRestartFile (const MBool) |
void | saveDebugRestartFile () |
Saves the solver restart file and the grid restartFile NOTE: for debugging purposes only! for regular output use the saveRestartFile above! More... | |
void | loadRestartFile () override |
void | computeConservativeVariablesCoarseGrid () |
Computes the primitive variables: velocity, density, and pressure from the conservative variables and stores the primitive variables in a_pvariable( i , v ) More... | |
void | computePrimitiveVariablesCoarseGrid (MInt) |
Computes the primitive variables: velocity, density, and pressure from the conservative variables and stores the primitive variables in a_pvariable( i , v ) More... | |
void | writeCenterLineVel () |
void | computeForceCoefficients (MFloat *) |
void | checkInfinityVarsConsistency () |
Check that all infinity (or other global) variables are equal on all ranks. More... | |
void | computeInitialPressureLossForChannelFlow () |
Computes pressure loss for the initial condition of channel flow testcases as \( \Delta_p =
\frac{(\mathit{M} \mathit{Re}_{\tau} \sqrt{T_{\infty}})^{2}}{\mathit{Re}}
\frac{\rho_{\infty}}{ L_{\infty} } \). Requires property ReTau to be set in the property file. More... | |
template<MInt stencil, class F > | |
void | Ausm_ (F &fluxFct) |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_HOT, ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE) inline void computePrimitiveVariables_() | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isEEGas< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_HOT, ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE) inline MBool uDLimiter(const MFloat *const | |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_HOT, ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE) inline void computeConservativeVariables_() | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isEEGas< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | bubblePathDispersion () |
template<MInt stencil, class F > | |
void | viscousFlux_ (F &viscousFluxFct) |
Computes the viscous flux using a central difference scheme to approximate the slopes at the surface centroids (5-point stencil). More... | |
template<MInt stencil, class F > | |
void | viscousFluxCompact_ (F &viscousFluxFct) |
Computes the viscous fluxes using a compact stencil with increased stability for flows with dominating viscous effects. Uses a 3-point centered-differences stencil for the normal derivative and distance-weighted averaging of the cell slopes for the tangential derivatives (i.e., a variant of the method described by Berger et al. in AIAA 2012-1301) More... | |
template<MInt noSpecies> | |
void | viscousFluxMultiSpecies_ () |
void | computeConservativeVariablesMultiSpecies_ (const MUint) |
void | computePrimitiveVariablesMultiSpecies_ (const MUint) |
virtual void | distributeFluxToCells () |
Distributes the surface fluxes to the cell RHS. More... | |
void | implicitTimeStep () override |
virtual MBool | maxResidual (MInt mode=0) |
Computes the global root-mean-square residual. The residual is defined as time derivative of conservative variables, RHS/cellVolume. This gives a residual independent of the time step. Similarly, the volume-weighting/volume-integrated RMS value results in a residual independent from the number of cells, thus smooth in time for dynamic mesh adaptation. mode 0 (default) : also write residual file mode 1 : pure debugging of the residual. More... | |
void | computeCellVolumes () |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t<!isEEGas< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
ATTRIBUTES2 (ATTRIBUTE_HOT, ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE) inline MBool rungeKuttaStep_(const MUint) | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isEEGas< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | computeSamplingTimeStep () |
void | computeSamplingTimeStep_ () |
computes the time step according to the sample variables More... | |
void | computeCoarseGridCorrection (MInt) |
void | linearInterpolation (MInt, MInt, MInt *) |
void | bilinearInterpolation (MInt, MInt, MInt *) |
void | bilinearInterpolationAtBnd (MInt, MInt, MInt *) |
void | initCutOffBoundaryCondition () |
virtual void | setConservativeVariables (MInt cellId) |
computes conservative from primitive variables for given cell id More... | |
void | setPrimitiveVariables (MInt cellId) |
computes primitive from primitive variables for given cell id. This is the version for all SysEqn. More... | |
template<class _ = void, std::enable_if_t< isEEGas< SysEqn >, _ * > = nullptr> | |
void | initDepthCorrection () |
void | divCheck (MInt) |
template<MInt diag, MBool recorrectBndryCellCoords = false> | |
MInt | getAdjacentLeafCells (const MInt, const MInt, MIntScratchSpace &, MIntScratchSpace &) |
retrieves the first 'noLayers' layers of direct and(or diagonal neighbors to the given cell More... | |
template<MBool recorrectBndryCellCoords = false> | |
MInt | getNghbrLeafCells (const MInt cellId, MInt refCell, MInt layer, MInt *nghbrs, MInt dir, MInt dir1=-1, MInt dir2=-1) const |
returns the neighbor leaf cells in the specified direction 'dir' (dir1 and dir2 are used to identify only neighboring children beeing adjacent to the root cell) More... | |
void | reduceVariables () |
Check whether any of the extracted cells lie below the halo cell level and interpolate their variables in that case. More... | |
void | computeSlopesByCentralDifferences () |
void | generateBndryCells () |
void | createBoundaryCells () |
identifies bndry cells (Sets a_isInterface for the solver!) More... | |
void | getInterpolatedVariables (const MInt cellId, const MFloat *position, MFloat *vars) override |
calculates interpolated variables for a given position in a given cell More... | |
template<MInt noSpecies> | |
void | getInterpolatedVariables (const MInt cellId, const MFloat *position, MFloat *vars) |
void | getInterpolatedVariablesInCell (const MInt cellId, const MFloat *position, MFloat *vars) |
calculates interpolated variables for a given position in a given cell More... | |
template<MInt a, MInt b, MBool old = false> | |
void | interpolateVariables (const MInt cellId, const MFloat *position, MFloat *result) |
calculates interpolated variables (in the range a, b) for a given position in a given cell More... | |
template<MInt a, MInt b> | |
void | interpolateVariablesInCell (const MInt cellId, const MFloat *position, std::function< MFloat(MInt, MInt)> variables, MFloat *result) |
Interpolate the given variable field inside a cell at a given position (based on interpolateVariables() but uses the stored interpolation information for a cell). More... | |
MFloat | crankAngle (const MFloat, const MInt) |
help-function for engine calculations which returns the crank-angle for a given time mode = 0: return CAD in range of (0-720) mode = 1: return accumulated crankAnge in radian More... | |
MFloat | cv_p (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
Returns the pressure computed from the conservative variables of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | cv_T (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
Returns the temperature computed from the conservative variables of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | cv_a (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
Returns the speed-of-sound computed from the conservative variables of the cell cellId . More... | |
void | setTimeStep () |
void | initSandpaperTrip () |
void | applySandpaperTrip () |
void | saveSandpaperTripVars () |
void | tripForceCoefficients (MFloat *, MFloat *, MFloat *, MInt, MInt) |
void | tripFourierCoefficients (MFloat *, MInt, MFloat, MFloat) |
void | dumpCellData (const MString name) |
Dump cell data of each rank to a separate file for debugging purposes. More... | |
MFloat | timeStep (MBool canSolver=false) noexcept |
MBool | useTimeStepFromRestartFile () const |
Returns true if the time-step from a restart file should be reused. More... | |
MBool | requiresTimeStepUpdate () const |
Returns true if the time-step should be updated on this step. More... | |
void | setRestartFileOutputTimeStep () |
void | computeSourceTerms () |
MFloat | computeTimeStep (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
MFloat | computeTimeStepMethod (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
Computes the time-step of the cell cellId . More... | |
MFloat | computeTimeStepEulerDirectional (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
MFloat | computeTimeStepApeDirectional (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
MBool | cellParticipatesInTimeStep (MInt cellId) const noexcept |
Does the cell cellId participate in the time-step computation? More... | |
MFloat | computeTimeStepDiffusionNS (MFloat density, MFloat temperature, MFloat Re, MFloat C, MFloat dx) const noexcept |
void | computeAndSetTimeStep () |
Definition at line 197 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::CartesianSolver = typename maia::CartesianSolver<nDim, FvCartesianSolverXD> |
Definition at line 253 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::Cell = typename maia::grid::tree::Tree<nDim>::Cell |
Definition at line 250 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::FvSurfaceCollector = maia::fv::surface_collector::FvSurfaceCollector<nDim> |
Definition at line 251 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::Geom = Geometry<nDim> |
Definition at line 1379 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::Grid = typename CartesianSolver::Grid |
Definition at line 254 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::GridProxy = typename CartesianSolver::GridProxy |
Definition at line 255 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::PrimitiveVariables = typename SysEqn::PrimitiveVariables |
Definition at line 2076 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 243 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
using FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::SolverCell = FvCell |
Definition at line 252 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 246 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
delete |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::FvCartesianSolverXD | ( | MInt | , |
MInt | , | ||
const MBool * | , | ||
maia::grid::Proxy< nDim_ > & | gridProxy_, | ||
Geometry< nDim_ > & | geometry_, | ||
const MPI_Comm | comm | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 320 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1014 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1012 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1045 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1048 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 622 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 625 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 879 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 882 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 893 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 898 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 903 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 672 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 675 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 885 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 888 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 437 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 440 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 867 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 870 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 425 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 428 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 639 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1053 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1056 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 450 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 747 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 750 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 753 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 756 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 995 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 968 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 971 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 446 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
Definition at line 1059 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1062 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1028 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1024 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 601 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 588 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 628 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 633 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 908 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 911 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 735 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 740 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 459 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 381 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 395 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlinevirtual |
inline |
Definition at line 354 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 352 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 364 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 362 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 458 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 387 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 384 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 376 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 374 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 411 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 407 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 460 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 370 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 368 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 402 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 400 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 431 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 434 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 999 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1002 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1005 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1008 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 986 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 991 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 861 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 864 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 980 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 983 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 974 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 977 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 336 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1071 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1074 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 950 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 965 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 678 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 681 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1065 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1068 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 462 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 463 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 793 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1042 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1040 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1038 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1036 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 759 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 762 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 953 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 956 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 932 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 935 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 416 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 720 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 723 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 616 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 619 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 702 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 705 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 710 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 715 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 654 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 657 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 644 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 649 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 636 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 873 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 876 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 690 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 693 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 696 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 699 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 926 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 929 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 785 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 788 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 770 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 765 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 726 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 730 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 465 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 464 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 660 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 663 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 419 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 422 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 666 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 669 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 775 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 780 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 914 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 917 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 806 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 808 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 796 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 798 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 845 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 849 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 816 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 818 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 821 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 823 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 811 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 813 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 854 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 856 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 826 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 828 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 801 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 803 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 840 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 842 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 831 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 835 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 684 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 687 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 959 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 962 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 944 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 947 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 2549 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 938 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 941 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1018 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1016 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1022 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1020 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 610 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 613 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1034 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1032 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 920 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 923 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 358 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 2406 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::addSpeciesReactionRatesAndHeatRelease |
Definition at line 477 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 1254 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::allocateAndInitSolverMemory | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::allocateCommunicationMemory |
Definition at line 914 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
If multiple ghost cells are used with ghost cells located normal to the boundary surfaces from the surface centroids, image point variables are set. If the image point variables should be set coupled to the flow field, they are updated iteratively.
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 13984 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 34210 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::applyCoarseLevelCorrection |
Definition at line 10528 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 1253 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 9686 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::applySandpaperTrip |
Definition at line 34044 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 496 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 472 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 488 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE | , |
) | const |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE | , |
) | const |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_HOT | , |
) | const |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_HOT | , |
) |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_HOT | , |
) | const |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_HOT | , |
) |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_HOT | , |
) |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_HOT | , |
) |
FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::ATTRIBUTES2 | ( | ATTRIBUTE_HOT | , |
) |
virtual |
The objective is to encourage the compiler to generate different optimized version depending on the value of m_noSpecies.
Reimplemented in FvApeSolver2D.
Definition at line 19244 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 19258 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::azimuthalNearBoundaryExchange | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::azimuthalNearBoundaryReverseExchange | ( | ) |
override |
Definition at line 24412 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 24686 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 24619 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::bandRefinementSensorDerivative | ( | std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > & | sensors, |
std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > & | sensorCellFlag, | ||
MInt | sensorOffset, | ||
MInt | sen, | ||
const std::vector< MFloat > & | tau, | ||
const MFloat | sensorThreshold | ||
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::bilinearInterpolation | ( | MInt | child, |
MInt | cellId, | ||
MInt * | stencilCellIds | ||
) |
interpolates all variables to child using the stencil support of four cells: cellId, stencilCellIds[ 0 ], stencilCellIds[ 1 ], stencilCellIds[ 2 ]
Definition at line 22202 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::bilinearInterpolationAtBnd | ( | MInt | child, |
MInt | cellId, | ||
MInt * | stencilCellIds | ||
) |
interpolates all variables to child using the stencil support of four cells: cellId, stencilCellIds[ 0 ], stencilCellIds[ 1 ], stencilCellIds[ 2 ]
Definition at line 21989 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::bubblePathDispersion | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::buildLeastSquaresStencilSimple |
Definition at line 14033 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 577 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 582 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 585 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 564 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 520 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 552 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 525 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 595 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 528 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 570 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 540 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 546 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 558 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::calcLESAverage |
Definition at line 37654 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::calcPeriodicSpongeAverage |
Definition at line 38163 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 21269 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Calculate all additional sampling variables that can be evaluated by the sampling data features via calcSamplingVarAtPoint().
Definition at line 10670 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2161 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::calculateHeatRelease |
param[out] heatRelease
Definition at line 8826 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Cancel opened receive request that do not have a matching send initiated yet. Note: canceling send requests might cause MPI errors depending on the MPI implementation.
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 6540 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 10495 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverride |
Definition at line 2386 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 22981 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::cellOutside | ( | const MInt | cellId | ) |
Definition at line 22969 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectednoexcept |
Definition at line 21524 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::cellSurfaceMapping |
Definition at line 7187 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::checkAzimuthalRecNghbrConsistency | ( | MInt | cellId | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::checkCells |
Definition at line 32367 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::checkCellSurfaces |
Definition at line 12577 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 1337 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::checkForSrfcsMGC |
corrected some inconsistencies which occur for complex geometries could also be used with the original method without multiple ghost cells
Definition at line 30782 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::checkForSrfcsMGC_2 |
Definition at line 31008 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
corrected some inconsistencies which occur for complex geometries could also be used with the original method without multiple ghost cells adapted to split cells
Definition at line 31029 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::checkGhostCellIntegrity |
Definition at line 8144 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::checkInfinityVarsConsistency |
Definition at line 30235 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 509 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Implements Solver.
Definition at line 1326 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::compute1DFlameSolution | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeAcousticSourceTermQe | ( | MFloatScratchSpace & | QeI, |
MFloatScratchSpace & | QeIII, | ||
MFloatScratchSpace & | cSquared, | ||
MFloatScratchSpace & | drhodt | ||
) |
Definition at line 420 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Computes and sets the time-step:
Definition at line 21578 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeCellSurfaceDistanceVectors |
Definition at line 14301 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeCellVolumes |
Definition at line 14386 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeCoarseGridCorrection | ( | MInt | ) |
performs the correction of an existing solution on the fine grid
computes the difference between the new coarse grid solution and the stored restricted fine grid solution interpolates this difference to children of the fine grid level increase maximum level of refinement by 1
Definition at line 22387 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
The objective is to encourage the compiler to generate different optimized version depending on the value of m_noSpecies.
Definition at line 20232 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeConservativeVariablesCoarseGrid |
NOTE: this is an inner-most loop of MAIA Don't modify it unless you REALLY know what you are doing.
Definition at line 20180 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeConservativeVariablesMultiSpecies_ | ( | const | MUint | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeDetailedChemistryVariables |
Definition at line 783 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeDomainAndSpongeDimensions |
Definition at line 16194 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeDomainLength | ( | MInt | direction | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeForceCoefficients | ( | MFloat * | forceCoefficients | ) |
Definition at line 17213 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeGamma |
Definition at line 797 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeGridCellCoordinates | ( | MFloat * | gccCoordinates | ) |
Definition at line 14341 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeInitialPressureLossForChannelFlow | ( | ) |
WARNING: m_deltaP is set only when m_restart == false! (see initial conditions)
virtual |
Definition at line 25077 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeMeanMolarWeights_CV |
Definition at line 824 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeMeanMolarWeights_PV |
Definition at line 850 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
The objective is to encourage the compiler to generate different optimized version depending on the value of m_noSpecies.
Definition at line 19976 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
NOTE: this is an inner-most loop of MAIA Don't modify it unless you REALLY know what you are doing.
Definition at line 20162 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computePrimitiveVariablesCoarseGrid | ( | MInt | noCells | ) |
NOTE: this is an inner-most loop of MAIA Don't modify it unless you REALLY know what you are doing.
Definition at line 20100 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computePrimitiveVariablesMultiSpecies_ | ( | const | MUint | ) |
virtual |
Definition at line 6141 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 8353 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeRecConstPeriodic |
Definition at line 31571 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
\computes reconstruction constants for LS recinstruction (azimuthal periodicity concept)
Definition at line 31583 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeRecConstSVD | ( | const MInt | cellId, |
const MInt | offset, | ||
MFloatScratchSpace & | tmpA, | ||
MFloatScratchSpace & | tmpC, | ||
MFloatScratchSpace & | weights, | ||
const MInt | recDim, | ||
const MInt | weightMode, | ||
const MInt | fallBackMode, | ||
const std::array< MBool, nDim > | dirs = {} , |
const MBool | relocateCenter = false |
) |
weightMode 0 : only use distance weights weightMode 1 : only use distance weights and set weight = 0 for diagonal neighbors weightMode 2 : use distance and cellFraction weights for all neighbors weightMode 3 : special treatment at rfn-interface weightMode 4 : special treatment at rfn-interface, away from bndries weights are such that stencil is 2nd order accurate; m_relocateCenter==true: slopes of bndry cells are determined by a simultanous least-square in all directions; if stencil of non-bndry cell has a bndry cell in its stencil, the cell center of that cell is relocated by means of the temporarily determined least-square slopes
fallBackMode -1 : no fall-back, print error message if the computation fails fallBackMode 1 : stencilCheck, based on direct neighbor distance and stencil extension if the computation fails
Definition at line 9018 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 25303 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeReconstructionConstantsSVD |
Definition at line 14152 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeRotForces |
\compute centrifugal and coriolis forces (for computations in a rotating frame of reference)
Definition at line 6161 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeSamplingTimeStep |
Definition at line 32458 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
< Re = D / (Pr * lf *(s_u/Ma)) : Reynolds number based on the flame properties, should be the same as chosen for Re in your property
Definition at line 32472 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeSlopesByCentralDifferences |
Definition at line 17562 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
brief important correction of jump condition (implemented like presented in Dissertation D. Hartmann)
Definition at line 11440 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeSpeciesReactionRates |
Definition at line 737 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
std::array< MFloat, nDim_+2 > FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeSpongeDeltas | ( | MInt | cellId, |
std::array< MFloat, 6 > | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 15476 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeSrfcs | ( | MInt | , |
MInt | , | ||
MInt | , | ||
MInt | |||
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeSurfaceCoefficients |
Definition at line 706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
limits the pressure slopes according to Venkatakrishnan, AIAA paper 93-0880 before calling computeSurfaceValues_(noSpecies), modified for cartesian cells by
Definition at line 18948 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 19194 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 25219 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
std::array< MFloat, 6 > FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeTargetValues | ( | ) |
protectednoexcept |
Definition at line 21512 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectednoexcept |
Computes the time-step from the CFL condition for the APEs and the LAE testcase
Taken from scheme no. 1 in "Report: maximum_CFLs" by Rodrigo/Michael
Definition at line 21441 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectednoexcept |
Computes the time-step from the stability condition for the Diffusion Eqt.
dt = C * dx^2 / diffusion_coefficient where C = (0, 1/4]
Definition at line 21461 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectednoexcept |
Computes the time-step from the CFL condition for the Euler-eqts as follows:
dt = min C * dx / (|u_i| + a) i = 0..d
Definition at line 21411 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectednoexcept |
Computes the time-step from the stability condition for the Diffusion Eqt.
dt = C * dx^2 / diffusion_coefficient where C = (0, 1/4]
Definition at line 21477 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeUTau | ( | MFloat * | data, |
MInt | cellId | ||
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeVolumeForces |
Definition at line 6205 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::computeVolumeForcesRANS |
Definition at line 19593 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 8322 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 8310 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
[out] | vorticity | Pointer to enough storage for vorticity |
Vorticity w for cells 0, 1, 2 is stored as follows: wx_0, wy_0, wz_0, wx_1, wy_1, wz_1, wx_2, wy_2, wz_2
Definition at line 8341 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 34442 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 11743 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 11859 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 9623 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::copyGridProperties |
Definition at line 994 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 22406 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 12637 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 31479 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 31487 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::correctMajorSpeciesMassFraction |
Definition at line 896 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 16281 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::crankAngle | ( | const MFloat | elapsedTime, |
const MInt | mode | ||
) |
Definition at line 32440 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::createBoundaryCells |
hull method for cartesiangrid createBoundaryCells(),
Definition at line 22423 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1406 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Definition at line 14262 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
noexcept |
Computes the speed of sound in the cell cellId
from the conservative variables.
Definition at line 21400 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
noexcept |
Computes pressure in the cell cellId
from the conservative variables.
Definition at line 21382 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
noexcept |
Computes temperature in the cell cellId
from the conservative variables.
Definition at line 21394 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::deleteSrfcs |
Definition at line 7646 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 38271 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Load the restart time step from the restart file (useNonSpecifiedRestartFile enabled)
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 8538 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 7993 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
NOTE: this is an inner-most loop of MAIA Don't modify it unless you REALLY know what you are doing.
Definition at line 19938 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::divCheck | ( | MInt | x | ) |
Definition at line 12890 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Computes additional RHS from the physical time derivative (dual time stepping)
Definition at line 21348 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::dumpCellData | ( | const MString | name | ) |
Definition at line 35560 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2214 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Definition at line 6368 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeAll |
Definition at line 6344 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeAzimuthalRemappedHaloCells | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeDataAzimuthal | ( | T * | data, |
const MInt | dataBlockSize = 1 |
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeDataFV | ( | T * | data, |
const MInt | blockSize = 1 , |
MBool | cartesian = true , |
const std::vector< MInt > & | rotIndex = std::vector< MInt >() |
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeExternalSources |
Definition at line 9663 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeFloatDataAzimuthal | ( | MFloat * | data, |
MInt | noVars, | ||
const std::vector< MInt > & | rotIndices | ||
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeGapInfo |
Definition at line 25010 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
\exchanges PV at periodic bc (azimuthal periodicity concept)
Definition at line 6612 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangePipe |
\exchanges PV for periodic pipe with volume forcing
Definition at line 6760 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeProperties |
Definition at line 25033 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 12020 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::exchangeZonalAverageCells |
Definition at line 38467 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::extendStencil | ( | const MInt | cellId | ) |
Definition at line 9591 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::fillExcBufferAzimuthal | ( | MInt | cellId, |
MInt | offset, | ||
MFloat * | dataDest, | ||
MFloat * | dataSrc, | ||
MInt | noData, | ||
const std::vector< MInt > & | rotIndex = std::vector< MInt >() |
) |
virtual |
Definition at line 33182 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 23820 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 24795 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 2156 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
overridevirtual |
nDim |
Implements Solver.
Definition at line 10001 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::finalizeLESAverage |
Definition at line 37601 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::finalizeMpiExchange |
Definition at line 6571 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::findDirectNghbrs | ( | MInt | cellId, |
std::vector< MInt > & | nghbrList | ||
) |
[in] | cellId | id of the cell for which all neighbors should be obtained |
[out] | nghbrList | list of neighboring cells |
Gather all neighbouring cells and Diagonal neighbor(s) in the xy-plane (in total 10 additional cells (3D)):
In the 3D case look for additional diagonal and tridiagonal neighbors in the z-directions (in total 16 additional cells (3D)):
Definition at line 26143 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::findNeighborHood | ( | MInt | cellId, |
MInt | layer, | ||
std::vector< MInt > & | nghbrList | ||
) |
[in] | cellId | id of the cell for which all neighbors should be obtained |
[in] | layer | maximum extend of neighborhood in number of cells |
[out] | nghbrList | list of neighboring cells |
Definition at line 26219 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
identify and store all direct neighbors function sweeps over all cells except for ghost cells and cells with children and determines all of their direct neighbors neighbor data is stored into two scratch arrays that are allocated by the calling method and transferred
Definition at line 25536 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
identify and store all direct neighbors which are connected in the fluid function sweeps over all cells except for ghost cells and cells with children and determines all of their direct neighbors neighbor data is stored into two scratch arrays that are allocated by the calling method and transferred
requires -1 children! split faces and split cells can only be treated if the neighboring cells are on the same refinement level!
Definition at line 25812 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 34544 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 34816 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::finishMpiExchange |
Afterwards, new receive requests are posted.
Definition at line 6455 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 2408 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 2547 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gather |
exchangeAll_ | gather all window cell data and not just the data of the max-level window cells |
Definition at line 7095 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 12058 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::generateBndryCells |
Definition at line 25510 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 1413 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getAdjacentLeafCells | ( | const MInt | cellId, |
const MInt | noLayers, | ||
MIntScratchSpace & | adjacentCells, | ||
MIntScratchSpace & | layerId | ||
) |
Templeate parameters:
[in] | cellId | the cell id to consider |
[in] | noLayers | the distance of cell units to consider |
[in] | adjacentCells | will contain the ids of the neighboring cells |
[in] | layerId | the distance in cell units of a given neighbor |
Definition at line 13761 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 13935 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 13953 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 13941 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 13959 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 13947 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 13965 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1081 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1233 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 11052 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
[in] | cellId | |
[out] | heat | flux |
Definition at line 8867 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
Store the solver data for a given data id ordered in the given buffer for DLB.
Definition at line 3079 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 2123 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
override |
[in] | cellId | Requested grid cell id. |
[in] | weights | Computational weights for different simulation components. |
Definition at line 24158 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getDefaultWeights | ( | MFloat * | weights, |
std::vector< MString > & | names | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 23986 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
[out] | dimParams | dimensionalization parameters (values and names) |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 8981 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 24910 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
Return global solver variables that should be equal on all domains.
Definition at line 10385 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getHeatRelease | ( | MFloat *& | heatRelease | ) |
inline |
Definition at line 2126 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
overridevirtual |
calculates interpolated variables for a given position in a given cell while allowing for multiple species
[in] | cellId | of the cell used for interpolation |
[in] | position | interpolation point |
[out] | vars | array containing the interpolated variables |
[in] | cellId | id of the cell used for interpolation |
[in] | position | interpolation point |
[out] | vars | array containing the interpolated variables |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 20275 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getInterpolatedVariablesInCell | ( | const MInt | cellId, |
const MFloat * | position, | ||
MFloat * | vars | ||
) |
[in] | cellId | of the cell used for interpolation |
[in] | position | interpolation point |
[out] | vars | array containing the interpolated variables |
Definition at line 20252 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
[out] | loadQuantities | Storage for load quantities. |
Definition at line 24045 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getNghbrLeafCells | ( | const MInt | cellId, |
MInt | refCell, | ||
MInt | layer, | ||
MInt * | nghbrs, | ||
MInt | dir, | ||
MInt | dir1 = -1 , |
MInt | dir2 = -1 |
) | const |
Definition at line 13859 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getPrimitiveVariables | ( | MInt | cellId, |
MFloat * | Xp, | ||
MFloat * | vars, | ||
MInt | order | ||
) |
Definition at line 9714 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 8792 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getSampleVariables | ( | MInt | cellId, |
const MFloat *& | vars | ||
) |
get cell variables of a single cell
[in] | cellId | cell that is accessed |
[in,out] | vars | pointer to the variables |
Definition at line 8777 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::getSampleVariables | ( | MInt const | cellId, |
std::vector< MFloat > & | vars | ||
) |
Definition at line 8782 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
[in] | cellId | Requested cell. \parma[out] vars Pointer to the derivatives of the primitive variables. |
Definition at line 8807 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Return sampling properties for the FV solver.
Definition at line 10543 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 10415 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
[out] | vorticity | collector for computed vorticity |
Vorticity w for cells 0, 1, 2 is stored as follows: wx_0, wx_1, wx_2, wy_0, wy_1, wy_2, wz_0, wz_1, wz_2
Definition at line 8907 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
[out] | vorticity | collector for computed vorticity |
Vorticity w for cells 0, 1, 2 is stored as follows: wx_0, wy_0, wz_0, wx_1, wy_1, wz_1, wx_2, wy_2, wz_2
Definition at line 8956 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 35230 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1403 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 8159 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Return if the restart time step can be determined from the restart file (for useNonSpecifiedRestartFile = true)
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 2151 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 2404 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::identPeriodicCells |
Definition at line 31821 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
\identifies periodic cells to copy PV from (azimuthal periodicity concept)
Definition at line 31833 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Updates old solutions for the physical time derivative (dual time stepping)
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 21329 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initAzimuthalCartesianHaloInterpolation | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initAzimuthalMaxLevelExchange | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initAzimuthalNearBoundaryExchange | ( | MIntScratchSpace & | activeFlag | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initAzimuthalReconstruction | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initCanteraObjects |
Definition at line 689 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2212 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 34200 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
virtual |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initCutOffBoundaryCondition |
Definition at line 14270 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initDepthCorrection | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initHeatReleaseDamp |
Definition at line 499 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initializeFvCartesianSolver | ( | const MBool * | propertiesGroups | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 6238 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 8739 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 8615 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
2b. build the least square matrix LSMatrix...
Definition at line 20812 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 2157 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Definition at line 12688 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initSandpaperTrip |
Definition at line 33767 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 33357 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
nDim |
Implements Solver.
Definition at line 9953 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Initialize sampling variables, i.e., allocate additional memory for sampling quantities.
Definition at line 10642 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initSourceCells | ( | ) |
protected |
Definition at line 34221 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 7844 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 37881 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initSTGSpongeExchange |
Definition at line 37904 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initViscousFluxComputation |
computes the interpolation constants for the viscous flux computation
Definition at line 22455 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 12156 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 12395 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::interpolateAzimuthalData | ( | MFloat * | data, |
MInt | offset, | ||
MInt | noVars, | ||
const MFloat * | vars | ||
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::interpolateAzimuthalDataReverse | ( | MFloat * | data, |
MInt | offset, | ||
MInt | noVars, | ||
const MFloat * | vars | ||
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::interpolateSurfaceDiffusionFluxOnCellCenter | ( | MFloat *const | NotUsedJA, |
MFloat *const | dtdn | ||
) |
Definition at line 7214 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::interpolateSurfaceDiffusionFluxOnCellCenter | ( | MFloat * const | , |
MFloat * const | |||
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::interpolateVariables | ( | const MInt | cellId, |
const MFloat * | position, | ||
MFloat * | interpolatedVar | ||
) |
[in] | cellId | id of the cell used for interpolation |
[in] | position | interpolation point |
[out] | interpolatedVar | array containing the interpolated variables |
2a. if only a low number of neighbors is found use distance weighted averaging
2b. build the least square matrix LSMatrix...
Definition at line 20319 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::interpolateVariablesInCell | ( | const MInt | cellId, |
const MFloat * | position, | ||
std::function< MFloat(MInt, MInt)> | variables, | ||
MFloat * | result | ||
) |
Definition at line 21122 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 35067 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 2095 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 2100 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 2098 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 2105 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
nDim |
lhsBndTimerId |
Definition at line 10257 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 10178 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 23939 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::linearInterpolation | ( | MInt | child, |
MInt | cellId, | ||
MInt * | stencilCellIds | ||
) |
interpolates all variables to child using the stencil support of three cells: cellId, stencilCellIds[ 0 ], stencilCellIds[ 1 ]
Definition at line 22336 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 18246 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::loadLESAverage |
Definition at line 37695 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 18466 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Loads the restart files
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 18132 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2211 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 8565 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::loadSampleVariables | ( | MInt | timeStep | ) |
loads the variables from a restartFile for a given timeStep
[in] | timeStep | timestep of restartfile |
Definition at line 8758 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::loadSpongeData |
Definition at line 38393 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
NOTE: m_noSpecies is a run-time variable. The point of the if case is to encourage the compiler to produce optimized loops for the special cases.
Definition at line 18743 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
needed if boundary condition has to be applied iteratively to reduce the computational overhead
Definition at line 25455 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::LSReconstructCellCenterCons | ( | const MUint | noSpecies | ) |
Determine gradients of conservative variables at cell centers and store in a_storedSlope.
Copied from/based on src/fvsolverxd.h::FvCartesianSolverXD::LSReconstructCellCenter(...)
Definition at line 18763 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 1418 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >, and FvApeSolver2D.
Definition at line 21719 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
MUSCL stands for Monotone Upstream-centered Schemes for Conservation Laws and is a method for reconstructing the fluxes on the cell surfaces. For this, the fluxes from the left and right of the surface are obtained by extrapolating the conservative variables (and not the fluxes) from the cell centers to the surface.
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 21940 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 2385 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 23954 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 14290 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 14279 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverride |
Definition at line 2369 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::oldPressure | ( | MFloat *const | p | ) |
Definition at line 8920 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1347 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 23715 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 1322 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
overridevirtual |
Implements Solver.
Definition at line 11175 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 23532 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::prepareMpiExchange |
Definition at line 6301 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 17065 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inlineoverridevirtual |
Implements Solver.
Definition at line 2551 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::readPreliminarySTGSpongeData |
Definition at line 38107 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 11971 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::rebuildAzimuthalReconstructionConstants | ( | MInt | cellId, |
MInt | offset, | ||
MFloat * | recCoord, | ||
MInt | mode = 0 |
) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::receive | ( | const MBool | exchangeAll = false | ) |
exchangeAll | receive all halo cell data and not just the data of the max-level halo cells |
Definition at line 7157 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 12111 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 11084 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::reduceVariables |
Definition at line 17590 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 22502 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::reInitActiveCellIdsMemory |
Definition at line 23511 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::reInitSmallCellIdsMemory |
Definition at line 23520 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 17107 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::releaseMemory | ( | ) |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 22839 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 22703 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Does the time-step need to be recomputed on this step?
Definition at line 9742 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::resetCutOffCells |
Definition at line 25062 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::resetExternalSources |
Definition at line 9701 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 11238 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 6120 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 12532 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 7623 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 24264 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::resetSponge |
Definition at line 24290 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 23000 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 38256 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 38337 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 22957 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 18549 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::revertTimestep |
Definition at line 11230 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::rhs |
Compute right-hand side.
nDim |
Definition at line 9772 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::rhsBnd |
Apply boundary condition
nDim |
Definition at line 9873 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::rhsEEGas |
Definition at line 11254 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::rotateVectorAzimuthal | ( | MInt | side, |
MFloat * | data, | ||
MInt | noData, | ||
const std::vector< MInt > & | indices | ||
) |
virtual |
The objective is to encourage the compiler to generate different optimized version depending on the value of m_noSpecies.
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 19813 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::samplingInterval |
Definition at line 6227 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::saveDebugRestartFile |
Definition at line 18113 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
possible variables: doubles, integers collected by this->collectVariables() possible parameters: doubles, integers collected by this->collectParameters()
Definition at line 8403 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::saveLESAverage |
Definition at line 37784 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Saves the restart file as triggerd in the grid controller (this includes a separate grid call to check if a restarGrid file needs to be written)
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 17645 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::saveSampleFiles |
Definition at line 17120 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::saveSandpaperTripVars |
Definition at line 34110 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
override |
last changes: VTU format included (cut cell output in 2D)
outputs are only given for the zeroth level-set function (set = 0)
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::saveSpongeData |
Definition at line 38354 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::scalarLimiter |
brief: limits scalar variables to [0,1]
Definition at line 11210 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::scatter |
exchangeAll_ | scatter all halo cell data and not just the data of the max-level halo cells |
Definition at line 7118 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 12131 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::send | ( | const MBool | exchangeAll = false | ) |
exchangeAll | send all window cell data and not just the data of the max-level window cells |
Definition at line 7138 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 12096 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 23389 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Function is called by a function pointer in the array of function pointer (m_sensorFnPtr). The function runs over all cells and computes the derivatives by a simple finite difference stencil.
[in] | sensors | vector of vector of sensor values |
[in] | sensonWeight | weighting of each sensor |
[in] | sensorCellFlag | indicates if a cell is suited for adaptation |
[in] | sensorOffset | the present sensor offset |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 10883 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 10725 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 10773 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 23204 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::sensorInterfaceDelta | ( | std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > & | sensors, |
std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > & | sensorCellFlag, | ||
std::vector< MFloat > & | sensorWeight, | ||
MInt | sensorOffset, | ||
MInt | sen | ||
) |
Definition at line 23303 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::sensorInterfaceLs | ( | std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > & | sensors, |
std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > & | sensorCellFlag, | ||
std::vector< MFloat > & | sensorWeight, | ||
MInt | sensorOffset, | ||
MInt | sen | ||
) |
Definition at line 23336 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::sensorInterfaceLsMb | ( | std::vector< std::vector< MFloat > > & | sensors, |
std::vector< std::bitset< 64 > > & | sensorCellFlag, | ||
std::vector< MFloat > & | sensorWeight, | ||
MInt | sensorOffset, | ||
MInt | sen | ||
) |
Definition at line 23220 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 11014 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 23500 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from maia::CartesianSolver< nDim_, FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn > >.
Definition at line 10816 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setActiveFlag | ( | MIntScratchSpace & | activeFlag, |
const MInt | mode, | ||
const MInt | offset | ||
) |
Definition at line 12848 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 1137 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateAdaptationProperties | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateCombustionGequPvProperties | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateCombustionTFProperties | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateDetailedChemistryProperties |
Definition at line 573 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateSpongeBoundaryProperties | ( | ) |
double FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateSpongeDomainProperties | ( | MFloat | allocatedBytes | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateSpongeLayerProperties | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setAndAllocateZonalProperties | ( | ) |
override |
Set the solver cell data after DLB.
Definition at line 3112 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 7696 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 23911 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setCombustionGequPvVariables |
< Diffusion time (D) equals convection time (lambda) (mu=lambda)
Definition at line 5849 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 12652 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setConservativeVarsOnAzimuthalRecCells | ( | ) |
override |
Definition at line 10399 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setInfinityState | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setInputOutputProperties | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setMeanMolarWeight_CV | ( | MInt | cellId | ) |
Definition at line 875 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setMeanMolarWeight_PV | ( | MInt | cellId | ) |
Definition at line 884 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2103 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 2104 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setNghbrInterface |
Definition at line 7547 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setNumericalProperties | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setPrimitiveVariables | ( | MInt | cellId | ) |
Definition at line 20043 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 9760 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setRungeKuttaProperties | ( | ) |
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setSamplingProperties | ( | ) |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 23604 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setTestcaseProperties | ( | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 21677 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setUpBndryInterpolationStencil | ( | const MInt | cellId, |
MInt * | interpolationCells, | ||
const MFloat * | point | ||
) |
Definition at line 22059 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::setUpwindCoefficient |
Definition at line 7290 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
virtual |
overridevirtual |
Time-integration (perform one Runge-Kutta step)
RHS computation:
RHS Boundary Condition:
LHS computation:
LHS Boundary Condition:
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 11118 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::solverStep |
Perform solution step
nDim |
Definition at line 9903 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::startMpiExchange |
First, waits for previous send requests to finish.
Definition at line 6411 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 22857 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 22945 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 332 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
inline |
Definition at line 331 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 8091 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
[out] | time |
Implements Solver.
Definition at line 8891 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotectednoexcept |
Returns the current time-step.
Definition at line 2503 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::tripForceCoefficients | ( | MFloat * | modes, |
MFloat * | forceCoef, | ||
MFloat * | coords, | ||
MInt | noCells, | ||
MInt | noModes | ||
) |
Definition at line 34149 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::tripFourierCoefficients | ( | MFloat * | modes, |
MInt | noModes, | ||
MFloat | maxWaveLength, | ||
MFloat | minWaveLength | ||
) |
Definition at line 34181 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 30394 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 1338 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 23135 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 1336 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
virtual |
\cartesiansolver Sponge
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 14449 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::updateSpongeLayerRhs | ( | MInt | cellId, |
std::array< MFloat, nDim_+2 > | dPV | ||
) |
Definition at line 16162 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Should the time step from the restart file be used?
Definition at line 9729 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 19334 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::viscousFlux_ | ( | F & | viscousFluxFct | ) |
TODO labels:FV,toenhance we should switch to a 3-point stencil in the future (the 5-point stencil is unstable).
NOTE: this is an inner-most loop of MAIA (20% of the computation time is spent here) Don't modify it unless you REALLY know what you are doing.
Turned into template function for usage with function pointers, Lennart
Definition at line 19362 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
last change: using muInfinity gives solution independent from rhoInfinity, which could changes for DL instability computations (TInfinity is kept constant)
Definition at line 32923 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 33076 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::viscousFluxCompact_ | ( | F & | viscousFluxFct | ) |
Definition at line 19476 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::viscousFluxMultiSpecies_ | ( | ) |
virtual |
Definition at line 8967 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::writeCellData | ( | MInt | c | ) |
Definition at line 8588 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
void FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::writeCenterLineVel |
Definition at line 26264 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 8181 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 7656 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Solver.
Definition at line 17035 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
protected |
Definition at line 34281 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in FvMbCartesianSolverXD< nDim, SysEqn >.
Definition at line 2158 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 12451 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 34394 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.cpp.
friend |
Definition at line 213 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 220 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 235 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 230 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 233 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 226 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 224 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 239 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 218 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 228 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 239 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
Definition at line 222 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 239 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
Definition at line 216 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 237 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
friend |
Definition at line 239 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::alphaIn |
Definition at line 1757 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::alphaInf |
Definition at line 1756 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
SysEqn::AdditionalVariables* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::AV {} |
Definition at line 2082 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::bubbleDiameter |
Definition at line 1742 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::bubblePathDispersion |
Definition at line 1753 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::CD |
Definition at line 1743 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::CL |
Definition at line 1744 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MPI_Comm FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::comm_sponge {} |
Definition at line 2989 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::const |
Definition at line 2886 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
SysEqn::ConservativeVariables* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::CV {} |
Definition at line 2079 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::depthCorrection |
Definition at line 1761 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MFloat> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::depthCorrectionCoefficients |
Definition at line 1764 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::dragModel |
Definition at line 1745 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::Eo0 |
Definition at line 1741 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::eps |
Definition at line 1747 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
SysEqn::FluxVariables* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::FV {} |
Definition at line 2080 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gasSource |
Definition at line 1748 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MFloat> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gasSourceBox |
Definition at line 1752 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MInt> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gasSourceCells |
Definition at line 1750 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gasSourceMassFlow |
Definition at line 1749 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gradUOtherPhase = nullptr |
Definition at line 1737 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MFloat> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gravity |
Definition at line 1762 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MFloat> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::gravityRefCoords |
Definition at line 1763 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 2086 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::hasChemicalReaction |
Definition at line 1777 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 2087 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::infPhi |
Definition at line 1771 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::infPressure |
Definition at line 1770 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::infSpeciesMassFraction |
Definition at line 1773 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MString* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::infSpeciesName |
Definition at line 1772 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::infTemperature |
Definition at line 1769 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::infVelocity |
Definition at line 1774 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::initialAlpha |
Definition at line 1755 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::interpolationFactor |
Definition at line 1765 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::laminarFlameSpeedFactor |
Definition at line 1775 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::liquidDensity |
Definition at line 1746 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1979 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1840 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1842 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1839 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1841 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1462 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1622 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1443 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2073 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1724 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_adaptationLevel |
Definition at line 2981 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1637 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1638 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2319 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1692 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2338 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1725 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1496 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1627 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2315 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1463 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1464 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1809 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1808 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1810 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2070 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1815 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2068 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1491 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1485 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1486 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1488 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1472 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1473 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1487 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1479 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1489 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1483 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1478 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1484 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1474 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1476 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1477 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1475 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1822 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2314 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1693 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1704 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bndryLevelJumps = false |
Definition at line 1373 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1440 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1441 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1694 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyAcceleration = nullptr |
Definition at line 2252 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyAngularAcceleration = nullptr |
Definition at line 2254 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyAngularVelocity = nullptr |
Definition at line 2253 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyCenter = nullptr |
Definition at line 2248 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyHeatFlux = nullptr |
Definition at line 2257 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1660 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyTemperature = nullptr |
Definition at line 2255 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyTemperatureDt1 = nullptr |
Definition at line 2256 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyVelocity = nullptr |
Definition at line 2249 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyVelocityDt1 = nullptr |
Definition at line 2250 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_bodyVelocityDt2 = nullptr |
Definition at line 2251 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1514 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1515 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1516 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1570 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1813 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2054 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::shared_ptr<Cantera::Kinetics> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_canteraKinetics |
Definition at line 1175 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::shared_ptr<Cantera::Solution> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_canteraSolution |
Definition at line 1173 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::shared_ptr<Cantera::ThermoPhase> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_canteraThermo |
Definition at line 1174 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::shared_ptr<Cantera::Transport> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_canteraTransport |
Definition at line 1176 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2977 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2975 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2976 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1421 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1446 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2032 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::map<MInt, std::vector<MInt> > FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_cellToNghbrHood |
Definition at line 3005 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1695 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1980 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1981 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2000 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1968 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1688 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1551 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1974 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_closeGaps = false |
Definition at line 2283 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1619 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1885 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2323 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void(FvCartesianSolverXD::* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_computeViscousFlux) () |
Definition at line 2939 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void(FvCartesianSolverXD::* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_computeViscousFluxMultiSpecies) (MInt) |
Definition at line 2941 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2327 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1690 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1689 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2332 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_constructGField {} |
Definition at line 1366 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1982 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_coordSpongeIn {} |
Definition at line 3001 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat * FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_coordSpongeOut {} |
Definition at line 3001 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1696 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2012 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1636 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1630 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1459 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2335 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1505 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1587 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1588 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2221 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_deleteNeighbour = false |
Definition at line 1367 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1983 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1984 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1600 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1601 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1536 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
struct { ... } FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_detChem |
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_detChemExtendedOutput |
Definition at line 1188 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2467 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2330 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1612 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1663 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1697 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2463 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1702 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
struct { ... } FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_EEGas |
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_engineSetup = false |
Definition at line 1384 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2320 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_eps |
Definition at line 206 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1703 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2048 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2049 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
Collector<PointBasedCell<nDim> >* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_extractedCells = nullptr |
[Splitt] The following is part of a first step to splitt CartesianGrid from the inheritance hierarchy:
in order to avoid renaming a lot of access to CartesianGrid data members, references are introduced:
Definition at line 1394 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2328 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2329 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 2591 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_firstUseUpdateSpongeLayerCase51 = true |
Definition at line 2988 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 2590 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 2589 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1584 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1603 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2333 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1631 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2348 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_fMolarMass |
Definition at line 1184 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1518 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1640 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 1359 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1535 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1720 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1639 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2356 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2357 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1520 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
FvBndryCndXD<nDim_, SysEqn>* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_fvBndryCnd |
Definition at line 313 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1985 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MInt> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_gapCellId |
Definition at line 2286 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<FvGapCell> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_gapCells |
Definition at line 2287 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_gapInitMethod = 2 |
Definition at line 2284 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1509 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
Geometry<nDim>* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_geometry |
Definition at line 205 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1859 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1855 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1854 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1861 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1986 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1641 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1642 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
Collector<CartesianGridPoint<nDim> >* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_gridPoints = nullptr |
Definition at line 1395 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_hasCellsInSpongeLayer {} |
Definition at line 2999 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2051 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1502 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1644 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1512 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1508 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1785 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1987 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1705 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1595 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1585 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1552 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1583 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1607 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1608 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1699 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1700 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_internalBodyId = nullptr |
Definition at line 2262 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1928 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1929 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1662 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1732 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_isInitSamplingVars = false |
Definition at line 1191 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Stores whether this solver is the lowest secondart solver (i.e., is has the coarsest mesh) of a multilevel computation
Definition at line 2061 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2058 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1525 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1531 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1530 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1534 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1540 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1526 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1527 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1532 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1529 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1542 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1541 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1528 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1539 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1548 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2465 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1865 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1988 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2072 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2360 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1571 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 1360 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1806 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1807 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1844 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1801 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1804 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1805 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1615 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_levelSetAdaptationScheme = 0 |
Definition at line 2263 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1616 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1661 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1618 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1625 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1626 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2322 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2426 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1504 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_linerLvlJump = false |
Definition at line 3008 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2420 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2042 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_localTS = false |
Definition at line 1198 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_lsCutCellBaseLevel |
Definition at line 1374 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1617 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1621 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1431 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1538 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1575 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1424 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1555 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1563 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2362 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2363 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2365 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1423 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1989 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2324 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1449 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1712 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2064 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1452 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1450 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_maxLsValue = -99 |
Definition at line 3007 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MInt> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_maxLvlMpiRecvNeighbor {} |
Definition at line 3072 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MInt> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_maxLvlMpiSendNeighbor {} |
Definition at line 3071 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2693 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1480 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1708 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1707 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1573 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1990 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_meanCoord[3] {} |
Definition at line 2980 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1991 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2341 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2342 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1992 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1646 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1545 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1519 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_molarMass |
Definition at line 1183 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1517 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1547 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2069 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2228 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2226 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2227 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1897 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1895 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1896 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2230 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2231 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2056 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1664 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1927 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2349 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1444 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1445 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1482 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1447 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 202 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 200 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 201 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noEmbeddedBodies |
Definition at line 2260 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2355 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noGapRegions |
Definition at line 2285 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1709 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1533 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1799 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1629 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1628 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2321 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1453 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1451 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noMaxLvlMpiRecvNeighbors = -1 |
Definition at line 3070 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noMaxLvlMpiSendNeighbors = -1 |
Definition at line 3069 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2015 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2222 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noOuterBndryCells = 0 |
Definition at line 1375 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2050 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noPerCellsToReceive = nullptr |
Definition at line 2294 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noPerCellsToSend = nullptr |
Definition at line 2293 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noPeriodicCellData |
Definition at line 2298 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noPeriodicCellsDom = nullptr |
Definition at line 2295 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noPeriodicData |
Definition at line 2297 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noPeriodicGhostBodies |
Definition at line 2261 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1792 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1798 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2336 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1710 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1911 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1907 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1908 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1910 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1909 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1915 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1916 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1554 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1711 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2353 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1632 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noSpecies |
Definition at line 207 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2014 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1853 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2013 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noSpongeZonesIn {} |
Definition at line 2990 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_noSpongeZonesOut {} |
Definition at line 2991 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1834 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1719 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1918 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1889 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1888 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1557 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1560 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1558 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1561 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1565 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1566 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1564 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1567 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1606 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2464 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2038 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2039 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2040 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_oldPressure_Gradient |
Definition at line 2300 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_oldTimeStep |
Definition at line 2303 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_oldUbulk |
Definition at line 2301 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2466 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1866 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::unique_ptr<OneDFlame> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_oneDimFlame |
Definition at line 1179 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_onlyMaxLvlMpiRequests = true |
Definition at line 3068 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1713 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2344 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1553 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1691 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2361 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2028 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 3015 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1436 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_periodicCellDataDom = nullptr |
Definition at line 2296 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_periodicCells |
Definition at line 2290 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_periodicDataToReceive = nullptr |
Definition at line 2292 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_periodicDataToSend = nullptr |
Definition at line 2291 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2358 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2359 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1429 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1993 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1994 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2461 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_pipeRadius = -1 |
Definition at line 2259 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1481 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2326 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2325 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2477 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2476 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1995 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1837 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1581 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2340 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2339 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1825 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1827 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1826 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1582 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1999 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1543 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1670 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1593 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1594 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1591 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2345 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1590 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2034 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1791 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1794 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1800 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1507 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1589 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2220 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2224 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1633 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1468 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1467 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1470 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1465 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1466 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1469 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
void(FvCartesianSolverXD::* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_reconstructSurfaceData) (MInt) |
Definition at line 2938 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1976 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1647 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1651 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1648 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1649 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1652 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1978 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1521 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1511 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1998 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_referenceTemperature |
Definition at line 2306 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_refineDiagonals = true |
Definition at line 1377 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1977 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1790 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1714 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1715 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2539 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1814 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1658 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1659 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1716 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1580 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1437 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2473 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1578 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1430 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2474 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2470 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1579 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2471 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2475 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2472 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1499 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1726 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1717 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1819 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1501 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1493 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1492 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1996 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1997 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1718 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2002 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2354 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2350 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2351 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2352 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2003 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2004 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::array<MFloat**, s_maxNoSamplingVariables> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_samplingVariables {nullptr} |
Definition at line 1194 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::array<MInt, 2 * s_maxNoSamplingVariables> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_samplingVariablesStatus {} |
Definition at line 1196 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1938 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1946 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1942 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1943 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1939 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1947 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1941 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1944 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1940 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1667 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1605 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1544 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1522 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1498 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat * FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_secondCoordSpongeIn {} |
Definition at line 3001 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat * FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_secondCoordSpongeOut {} |
Definition at line 3001 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_secondSpongeDirectionsIn[s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
Definition at line 2995 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_secondSpongeDirectionsOut[s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
Definition at line 2996 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2219 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2223 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sensorBandRefinement |
Definition at line 2838 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sensorBandRefinementAdditionalLayers |
Definition at line 2839 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_setToBodiesTable = nullptr |
Definition at line 2247 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1604 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1537 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2017 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2006 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2016 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2007 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2468 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2071 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1454 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1448 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
List<MInt>* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sortedPeriodicCells = nullptr |
Definition at line 1363 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2331 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MString> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_speciesName |
Definition at line 1181 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1457 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1458 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2316 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2232 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1456 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1856 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_spongeAveragingIn[s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
Definition at line 2997 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_spongeAveragingOut[s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
Definition at line 2998 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2026 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2019 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1857 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1849 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1850 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1613 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2018 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_spongeDirectionsIn[s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
Definition at line 2993 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_spongeDirectionsOut[s_maxNoSpongeZones] {} |
Definition at line 2994 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2021 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2009 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1611 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2010 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2005 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1848 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1858 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1851 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2008 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1838 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2020 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2023 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2022 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1828 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2025 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_standardHeatFormation |
Definition at line 1185 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2615 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2616 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2614 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2613 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2625 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2626 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2627 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2628 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2629 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2630 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2624 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2632 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2633 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2631 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2699 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2698 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2669 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2682 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2692 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2697 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2701 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2678 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2674 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2676 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2686 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2688 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2691 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2663 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2666 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2602 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2603 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2611 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2610 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 3013 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 3012 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2608 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2607 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2596 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2706 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2638 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2642 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2645 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2640 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2643 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2644 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2644 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2646 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2656 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2648 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2652 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2653 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2655 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2654 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2651 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2622 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2658 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2598 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2600 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2599 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2618 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2619 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2620 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2636 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2635 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2703 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2704 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2067 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1829 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1824 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1835 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1843 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1833 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1832 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1823 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1784 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2346 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2347 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1653 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1721 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1572 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1416 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1497 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2317 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1455 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1655 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1654 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sutherlandConstant = NAN |
Definition at line 2308 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sutherlandConstantThermal |
Definition at line 2309 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sutherlandPlusOne = NAN |
Definition at line 2310 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sutherlandPlusOneThermal |
Definition at line 2311 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1442 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sweptVolume = nullptr |
Definition at line 1381 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sweptVolumeBal = nullptr |
Definition at line 1382 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
SysEqn FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_sysEqn |
Definition at line 209 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_target_Ubulk |
Definition at line 2302 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2027 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1546 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1432 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2446 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1513 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1576 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2045 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2447 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2457 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2451 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2448 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2449 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2445 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1602 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1425 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1623 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1510 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2029 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_timeOfMaxPdiff {} |
Definition at line 3000 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2030 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2441 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2443 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Current time-step used to advance the solution
instead. Definition at line 2490 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2496 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2526 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 1353 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2046 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2524 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2482 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2492 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2494 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2498 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2484 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2462 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1864 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1643 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2031 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_totalnoghostcells = 0 |
Definition at line 1365 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_totalnosplitchilds = 0 |
Definition at line 1364 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 1357 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 1356 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
private |
Definition at line 1355 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2453 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2456 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2455 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoil |
Definition at line 3035 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilAOA |
Definition at line 3037 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilBndryId = nullptr |
Definition at line 3042 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilChordLength |
Definition at line 3036 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilChordPos = nullptr |
Definition at line 3039 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilForceDir = nullptr |
Definition at line 3040 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilNosePos = nullptr |
Definition at line 3038 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilOrientation = nullptr |
Definition at line 3041 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripAirfoilSide = nullptr |
Definition at line 3043 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MInt> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripCellIds |
Definition at line 3045 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripCellOffset = nullptr |
Definition at line 3050 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::vector<MFloat> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripCoords |
Definition at line 3046 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripCutoffZ = nullptr |
Definition at line 3056 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripDelta1 = nullptr |
Definition at line 3051 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripDeltaTime = nullptr |
Definition at line 3059 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripDomainWidth |
Definition at line 3033 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripG = nullptr |
Definition at line 3060 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripH1 = nullptr |
Definition at line 3061 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripH2 = nullptr |
Definition at line 3062 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripMaxAmpFluc = nullptr |
Definition at line 3058 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripMaxAmpSteady = nullptr |
Definition at line 3057 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripModesG = nullptr |
Definition at line 3063 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripModesH1 = nullptr |
Definition at line 3064 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripModesH2 = nullptr |
Definition at line 3065 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripNoCells = nullptr |
Definition at line 3049 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripNoModes |
Definition at line 3028 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripNoTrips |
Definition at line 3027 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripSeed |
Definition at line 3030 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripTimeStep = nullptr |
Definition at line 3048 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripTotalNoCells |
Definition at line 3029 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripUseRestart |
Definition at line 3032 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripXLength = nullptr |
Definition at line 3053 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripXOrigin = nullptr |
Definition at line 3052 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripYHeight = nullptr |
Definition at line 3055 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_tripYOrigin = nullptr |
Definition at line 3054 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2454 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2450 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2452 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2343 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2334 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1793 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1586 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1433 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1426 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2458 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat * FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_uNormal_r {} |
Definition at line 3001 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1975 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2035 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1967 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1645 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2001 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_useMpiStartall = true |
Definition at line 3067 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1966 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1913 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1845 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1847 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1846 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2052 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1665 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1434 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1577 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2337 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2024 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1427 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2459 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2318 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1500 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_volumeForcingDir = -1 |
Definition at line 2258 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 203 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2041 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1666 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1668 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1669 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1650 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1687 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1674 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1678 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1677 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1675 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1684 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1676 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1681 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1679 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1686 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1680 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1685 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1683 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1682 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1672 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1673 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1671 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2469 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1912 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1926 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1919 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1925 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1920 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1922 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1923 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_wasAdapted = false |
Definition at line 2982 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_wasBalancedZonal = false |
Definition at line 2984 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1435 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2432 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2430 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2423 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2433 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2421 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2422 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2424 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2431 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2427 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2435 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2434 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2425 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2428 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1428 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2460 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1881 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1875 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1874 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1899 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1901 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1892 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1890 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1891 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1900 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1883 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1877 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1887 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1876 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1878 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1894 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1893 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1903 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1873 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1904 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1871 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1879 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1880 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1657 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1656 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1596 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1597 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::m_YInfinity |
Definition at line 1186 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1598 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1599 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1592 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 2364 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1788 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1795 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1789 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1796 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::massSource |
Definition at line 1754 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 199 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MInt FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::noGasSourceBoxes |
Definition at line 1751 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::nuEffOtherPhase = nullptr |
Definition at line 1740 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::nuTOtherPhase = nullptr |
Definition at line 1739 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MString FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::phaseName |
Definition at line 1779 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
SysEqn::PrimitiveVariables* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::PV {} |
Definition at line 2078 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MString FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::reactionMechanism |
Definition at line 1778 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::RKSemiImplicitFactor |
Definition at line 1734 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2685 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2684 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2662 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2672 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2670 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2671 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2695 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2660 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2673 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2683 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2696 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2661 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2641 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2649 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexprprotected |
Definition at line 2650 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 3004 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 1192 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 2992 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
SysEqn::SurfaceCoefficients* FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::SC {} |
Definition at line 2084 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::schmidtNumber |
Definition at line 1758 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::soretEffect |
Definition at line 1781 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
std::map<std::string, MInt> FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::speciesMap |
Definition at line 1182 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MString FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::transportModel |
Definition at line 1780 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::UbulkDiff |
Definition at line 2304 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::uDLim |
Definition at line 1760 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MBool FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::uDLimiter |
Definition at line 1759 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::uOtherPhase = nullptr |
Definition at line 1735 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::uOtherPhaseOld = nullptr |
Definition at line 1736 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.
MFloat** FvCartesianSolverXD< nDim_, SysEqn >::vortOtherPhase = nullptr |
Definition at line 1738 of file fvcartesiansolverxd.h.