MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
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Rigid bodies (RB)

The rigid bodies (RB) solver is used to track finite sized bodies for the simulation of fully-resolved particle laden problems. Typically, this solver is coupled with a flow solver of your choice to simulate fluid particle interaction. Here, the particles are tracked in a Lagrangian frame of reference. Despite the Lagrangian nature of this solver, it is based on an Cartesian grid for the following reasons:

  • Spatial partitioning of the particles
  • Efficient coupling with other Eulerian solvers
  • Parallelization

The solver offers a number of different shapes as rigid bodies. For the solver itself, shape and size only matter for the parallelization, as the solution itself only describes the center-of-mass values of each body. To couple the solver to any flow solver, the actual surface of each body can be provided by this solver.

Running a simulation

To enable this solver, you must define a solver with the type

solverType = "MAIA_RIGID_BODIES"

For a single settling particle an example configuration looks like this:

initialBodyCenters = [2.8, 0.0, 0.0] # Position x,y,z in STL units
bodyRadius = 0.5 # Radius in STL units
bodyDensityRatio = 1.167 # Adapt if Re is changed
uRef = 1.053 # Adapt if Re is changed
integrateRotation = false
forcedMotion = false # Integrate motion equation OR use prescribed motion
gravity = [9.81, 0.0, 0.0] # Gravity vector
noEmbeddedBodies = 1 # Number of bodies used

Body initialization

If multiple bodies are used, their initial position can be given by

initialBodyCenters = [x_b1, y_b1, z_b1, ..., x_bn, y_bn, z_bn]

Alternatively, a box seeding can be used to spawn multiple bodies in an equidistant manner. The following configuration snippet spawns a total of 3x3x3=27 bodies.

bodyCenterInitMethod = "BOX_SEED"
seedBoxMin = [-3.0, -3.0, -3.0]
seedBoxMax = [3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
bodiesPerEdge = 3
maxNoBodies = 30