MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
No Matches
KDtree< DIM > Member List

This is the complete list of members for KDtree< DIM >, including all inherited members.

BIGKDtree< DIM >static
boxesKDtree< DIM >
disti(MInt jpt, MInt kpt)KDtree< DIM >
KDtree(std::vector< Point< DIM > > &pts)KDtree< DIM >
locate(Point< DIM > pt)KDtree< DIM >
locate(MInt jpt)KDtree< DIM >
locatenear(Point< DIM > pt, MFloat r, MInt *list, MInt nmax, MBool returnCellId=true)KDtree< DIM >
locatenearest(Point< DIM > pt, MFloat r, MInt *list, MFloat *dn, MInt nmax, MBool &overflow)KDtree< DIM >
nboxesKDtree< DIM >
nearest(Point< DIM > pt, MFloat &dist)KDtree< DIM >
nnearest(MInt jpt, MInt *nn, MFloat *dn, MInt n)KDtree< DIM >
nptsKDtree< DIM >
ptindxKDtree< DIM >
ptssKDtree< DIM >
rptindxKDtree< DIM >
sift_down(MFloat *heap, MInt *ndx, MInt nn)KDtree< DIM >static
~KDtree()KDtree< DIM >inline