List of all available initialCondition
in DgSysEqnAcousticPerturb<nDim>::calcInitialCondition():
- 0: zero
- 1: constant
- 5: convergence test
- This convergence test uses the following initial condition:
\( \omega = 2 \pi \dfrac{\text{frequency}}{\text{length}} \)
\( \text{init} = c + A \sin[\omega (-a t + x_1 + x_2 + x_3)] \)
\( u, v, w = \text{init} \)
\( p = \text{init}*\text{init}\)
- 22: ...
- Set freestream quantities based on given Mach number (meanVelocity = M_inf)
- 100: First CAA Workshop Category 3 Problem 1
- \( p = \exp \left[ - \dfrac{\log 2}{9} \left( x_1^2 + x_2^2 \right) \right] \)
\( u, v = 0 \)
- 101: Gauss pulse for sponge test
- \( p = 2.0 - \exp \left[ -4.0 \left( x_1^2 + x_2^2 \right) \right] \)
\( u, v = 0 \)
- 102: Gauss pulse for sponge test modified
- \( p = 2.0 - \exp \left[ -4.0 \left( { \left( x_1 + 7.5 \right) }^{2} + x_2^2 \right) \right] \)
\( u, v = 0 \)
- 105: First CAA Workshop Category 3 Problem 1 in 3D
- \( p = 2.0 - \exp \left[ -4.0 \left( x_1^2 + x_2^2 \right) \right] \)
\( {uu}_i = 0, \quad i=0..\text{ndim} \)
- 106: Gauss pulse in 3D
- \( p = \exp \left[ -0.5 \left( x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 \right) \right] \)
\( {uu}_i = 0, \quad i=0..\text{ndim} \)
- 107: First CAA Workshop Category 3 Problem 1 in 3D modified
- \( p = 2.0 - \exp \left[ -0.5 \left( { \left( x_1 + 7.5 \right) }^{2} + x_2^2 + x_3^2 \right) \right] \)
\( {uu}_i = 0, \quad i=0..\text{ndim} \)
- 115: Spherical pressure pulse
- \( r = { x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \left( x_3 + 45.0 \right) }^{2} \)
\( p = \exp \left[ 1.0 + 0.28 \exp \left( \dfrac{-r}{2.5} \right) \right] - \exp [1.0] \)
\( {uu}_i = 0, \quad i=0..\text{ndim} \)
- 201: Spherical pressure pulse for wall reflection
- \( p= \exp \left[ - \dfrac{\log 2.0}{25} \left( {x_1^2+ \left( x_2-25.0 \right) }^{2} \right) \right] \)
\( {uu}_i = 0, \quad i=0..\text{ndim} \)
- 202: 1D sine wave
- \( p = \sin (\pi x_0) \)
\( u = \sin (\pi x_0) \)
\( v = 0 \)
- 790: ...
- Spinning vortices and other coupled simulations with zero initial condition
- 1661: ...
- test condition for extension of nodevars feature, setting nodevars inside a box, tanh profile U0
- 1662: ...
- test condition for extension of nodevars feature, set nodevars for x>0.5, tanh profile for U0