MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
This is the complete list of members for ParallelIoBase< Backend >, including all inherited members.
calcOffset(size_type localCount, size_type *offset, size_type *totalCount, const MPI_Comm &mpiComm, size_type *noChunks=nullptr) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | static |
defineArray(maiabd_type type, const MString &name, size_type totalCount) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
defineArray(maiabd_type type, const MString &name, size_type noDims, size_type *totalCount) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
defineArray(maiabd_type type, const std::vector< MString > &name, size_type totalCount) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
defineArray(maiabd_type type, const MString &datasetName, const MString &name, size_type noDims, size_type *totalCount) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
defineScalar(maiabd_type type, const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
deleteFile(const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | static |
derived() | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | inlineprivate |
derived() const | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | inlineprivate |
fileExists(const MString &name, const MPI_Comm &mpiComm) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | static |
fileExt() | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | static |
getArrayDims(const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getArraySize(const MString &name, const size_type dimensionId=0) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getArraySize(const MString &name, const MString &path, size_type *datasetSize) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getAttribute(T *value, const MString &name, const MString &datasetName="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getAttribute(T *value, const MString &name, const size_type totalCount, const MString &datasetName="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getAttributeCount(const MString &name, size_type *totalCount, const MString &datasetName="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getAttributeType(const MString &name, const MString &datasetName="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getDatasetNames(const size_type dimensions=-1) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getDatasetNames(const MString &path) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getDatasetNoDims(const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getDatasetNoDims(const MString &name, const MString &path) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getDatasetType(const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
getGroupNames(const MString &path) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
hasAttribute(const MString &name, const MString &path="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
hasDataset(const MString &name, MInt dimension) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
hasDataset(const MString &name, const MString &path) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
hasDataset(const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
hasObject(const MString &path) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
isParallelIoFile(const MString &name, const MPI_Comm &mpiComm) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | static |
m_creationTime | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_domainId | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_fileMode | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_fileName | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_isHeaderSaved | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_localCount | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_mpiComm | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_mpiInfo | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_noChunks | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_noDomains | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_offset | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_offsetsAreSet | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_readArrays | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_readScalars | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_unwrittenArrays | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_unwrittenScalars | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_writtenArrays | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
m_writtenScalars | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
maiabd_type typedef | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
ParallelIoBase(MString fileName, MInt fileMode, const MPI_Comm &mpiComm) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
readArray(T *array, const MString &name, size_type memoryStride=-1, size_type diskStride=-1) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
readArray(std::vector< T > &array, const MString &name, size_type memoryStride=-1, size_type diskStride=-1) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | inline |
readArray(T *array, const std::vector< MString > &names, size_type memoryStride=-1, size_type diskStride=-1) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
readArray(T *array, const MString &datasetName, const MString &name, const size_type noDims, const size_type *offset, const size_type *localCount) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
readArray(T *array, const MString &datasetName, const MString &name, const size_type noDims, const size_type *localCount) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
readScalar(T *scalar, const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
s_maxChunkSize | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protectedstatic |
s_mpiSizeType | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protectedstatic |
setAttribute(const T &value, const MString &name, const MString &datasetName="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
setAttribute(const MChar *value, const MString &name, const MString &datasetName="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
setAttributes(const T *value, const MString &name, size_type totalCount, const MString &datasetName="") | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
setOffset(const size_type localCount, const size_type offset, const size_type noDims, const size_type noChunks) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
setOffset(const size_type localCount, const size_type offset, const size_type noDims) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
setOffset(size_type localCount, size_type offset) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
size_type typedef | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
validateType(const maiabd_type type) const | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protected |
writeArray(const T *array, const MString &name, size_type memoryStride=-1, size_type diskStride=-1) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
writeArray(const T *array, const std::vector< MString > &names, size_type memoryStride=-1, size_type diskStride=-1) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
writeArray(const T *array, const MString &path, const MString &name, const size_type noDims, size_type *offset, size_type *localCount) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
writeArray(const T *array, const MString &path, const MString &name, const size_type noDims, size_type *offset, size_type *localCount, size_type *ghost) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
writeScalar(T scalar, const MString &name) | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | |
~ParallelIoBase() | ParallelIoBase< Backend > | protectedvirtual |