MAIA bb96820c
Multiphysics at AIA
This is the complete list of members for GeometryContext, including all inherited members.
addProperty(GeometryProperty *) | GeometryContext | |
clear() | GeometryContext | |
GeometryContext(const MPI_Comm comm) | GeometryContext | inline |
getBodies() | GeometryContext | |
getNoSegments() const | GeometryContext | inline |
getProperty(const MString &name, MInt segment) | GeometryContext | |
init() | GeometryContext | |
m_bodyMap | GeometryContext | private |
m_geometryAssembly | GeometryContext | private |
m_geometryIOBase | GeometryContext | private |
m_geometryPropertyMap | GeometryContext | private |
m_mpiComm | GeometryContext | private |
m_name | GeometryContext | private |
m_noBodies | GeometryContext | private |
m_noSegments | GeometryContext | private |
m_pair | GeometryContext | private |
mpiComm() const | GeometryContext | inline |
noPropertySegments(const MString &name) | GeometryContext | inline |
propertyExists(MString name, MInt solver) | GeometryContext | |
readPropertyFile(FileType, const MChar *fileName) | GeometryContext | |
writeProperties(MChar *fileName) | GeometryContext | |
~GeometryContext() | GeometryContext |